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Top 10 Posters


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You need to understand that the boards were revamped a while ago and prior posts were deleted. The current post count only reflects the number of posts since the revamping. There were numerous people that were probably close to the 10,000 mark before their post count was reset to zero. The current post count would only reflect those people that have been the most active recently.


The last time the boards were overhauled and 'infopop' was dumped, those who had over a certain # were allowed to keep their running total ( that's if you were actively posting at the time and requested it). I'm not sure if it was 2,000 or 5,000. I had under 2,000 and hadn't posted in several months, and upon my return was told "too bad".

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The last time the boards were overhauled and 'infopop' was dumped, those who had over a certain # were allowed to keep their running total ( that's if you were actively posting at the time and requested it). I'm not sure if it was 2,000 or 5,000. I had under 2,000 and hadn't posted in several months, and upon my return was told "too bad".


I would beg to differ with you, I lost several thousand posts and started over with 1. I was very active on the boards at the time. Some of us also lost thousands of posts when the board went from AOL property to the internet. There are several of us who are still around from those times and we had a lot of posts which are not reflected in numbers of posts because I don't believe at the time they had the ability to count the posts. You must understand that there were so many posts at that time in the late 90s that it was almost like being on instant messenger but not quite. Before the last redoing of the boards there was at least one between the time they went off AOL and the one where all the posts were lost.

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inane dribble

??? :( That seems rather harsh. Some might consider the topics that are on cruising to be the same, as well, but good manners would prevent saying so.


Some see these boards as only for information, others see them for entertainment value. Others see them as a combination of the two.


I'm grateful for the boards as they are for the most part, so we'll have to agree to disagree.


Oh, and Bob, thanks for the chuckle. One more club I bleong to: the inane posters club.



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I do believe there should be a....


-1,000 award for those that DEFEND the indefensible with some cruise lines.


For example, one cruise line is currently experiencing problems with tendering at two port of call. People who HAVE NOT been on the ship or traveled it itinerary are defending the 3 to 4 hour delays to go ashore for a 6 hour port call.


I do believe there should be a bonus award for those that help new board members and new cruisers WITHOUT telling them to go on some 30 step search to find information.

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I would beg to differ with you, I lost several thousand posts and started over with 1. I was very active on the boards at the time. Some of us also lost thousands of posts when the board went from AOL property to the internet. There are several of us who are still around from those times and we had a lot of posts which are not reflected in numbers of posts because I don't believe at the time they had the ability to count the posts. You must understand that there were so many posts at that time in the late 90s that it was almost like being on instant messenger but not quite. Before the last redoing of the boards there was at least one between the time they went off AOL and the one where all the posts were lost.


I was referring to the last change... in 2003. I have no idea about any changes back with AOL. I Do know that in this past change in servers the hosts, along with Laura, worked to move those members with a certain amount of posts to carry them over ( and you had to ask)

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I was referring to the last change... in 2003. I have no idea about any changes back with AOL. I Do know that in this past change in servers the hosts, along with Laura, worked to move those members with a certain amount of posts to carry them over ( and you had to ask)


I was referring to the 2003 change also, lost several thousand posts when that changeover was made and nothing could be done about it. I have been a constant poster since 1995.

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I was referring to the 2003 change also, lost several thousand posts when that changeover was made and nothing could be done about it. I have been a constant poster since 1995.


I've been posting since 2001. Lost my posts, AND my date of membership. I think part of the problem was with boards/members that aren't as active. The CCL board is one of the most active boards, and those who asked, were answered.

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The last time the boards were overhauled and 'infopop' was dumped, those who had over a certain # were allowed to keep their running total ( that's if you were actively posting at the time and requested it). I'm not sure if it was 2,000 or 5,000. I had under 2,000 and hadn't posted in several months, and upon my return was told "too bad".


I don't think anyone was allowed to keep their post totals. I had over 5,000 posts. What I have now, next to my name is the following -


Charter Member - 5,000+ Club


I asked if I could keep the actual count and I was told no. Actually, everyone was reset to zero. When many people complained they came up with the scheme of merely identifying users such as myself that had over 5,000 posts as charter members.

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Hi Phil !


Any minus points for asking where the crew sleeps ? or for asking about the blue light in the bathroom ? :)


Happy Holidays to all our Friends here at Cruise Critic !

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I have found, for the most part, that the most prolific posters on cruise critic are either those who use message boards as a vehicle to chat with their online friends about relatively inane topics, or are very needy people who enjoy being the center of attention and are comparable to a disruptive class clown in elementary school. Ironically, the people who deserve to be recognized for consistently posting helpful information about cruising do not post nearly as often as the others.


And, your point is?

We shouldn't be members, we can't play because we don't post neverending topics and polls, we can't sail and have fun, sorry, I don't agree, there's room for everyone, it's a message board (as my favorite Host would say), It's not life and death!


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I agree that most cruise critic posters ask good questions and/or provide helpful information about cruising. Unfortunately, the majority of posts on this board are from the relatively few posters who spam it with inane dribble, and that makes it a cumbersome project for busy people to find the helpful cruise oriented posts. That is why cruise critic is now more of a cyber coffee clutch than a helpful resource for people who are planning a cruise, but it appears that its hosts have changed their focus and encourage it to be this way.


Ok and I will take this one....................are you serious? If so maybe you should take a look at all the help that is given to folks who post on other message boards within CC. I'll not bore you with those names as I realize you are so busy. There is more than enough room here for everyone and every type of response. Thank you very much and I too am sorry for not being p.c.

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  • Administrators

Since the information is available to anyone who's willing to spend the time looking, I'll share the most prolific posters on Cruise Critic:


Top Ten Posters:



Sue d. Miller: 28,130

judytata11: 18701

springtxbill: 18,466

GoinCruisin: 17,435

Krazy Kruizers: 17,059

Cookie B: 16,492

isujim: 16, 435

NitaBcruising: 16,424

Serene56: 14,061

johnql: 13,356


What does posting over 10,000 posts get you? A slightly different title, that's all. There isn't anything else to attain once you get over 10,000 (except maybe a few new friends, the urge to cruise and maybe a few sore fingers .


I'd like to clear up some misinformation from some of the above posts:


We started on AOL. At the time AOL did not tally posts.


We opened our web-based boards - both AOL and new boards are open at the same time. Members on web-based boards start at post #1 and are asked to register anew.


We eventually close AOL boards. No designation for former AOL users. We are using UBB software.


Eventually we switch software to Open Topic. All posts are brought over to the new format -- no one loses their post counts.


Again a switch of software, this time we bring over three month's worth of posts in June 2004. The magic date was April 1, 2004.


At the time of transfer, some member's posting counts may have been "grandfathered"...that is, they attained their status (3,000 posts) prior to our moving to our new message boards on June 2004. These members automatically received the title "Blue Ribbon Cruiser". However, their post counts did not reflect their prior posts...only posts made by them after April 1, 2004. No one had their number "tweaked". No one.


Those who have "Charter Member" in front of their club name are those who had attained 5,000 or 10,000 posts on the day that Cruise Critic moved to our new message board forums in June of 2004.


Currently, those who attain 3,000 posts receive the title "Blue Ribbon Cruiser". Those who attain 5,000+ posts on the forums will receive a title of "5,000+ Club". Ditto the 10,000+ level.

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OK, after a couple of Christmas beers, I came back and I lost count after calculating I was at -12893 and most of that was because I found our friend newt funny:D Please don't ask me to work out any more as I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew. It sounded a good idea at the time though.


Andy, not sure how many you score for the blue light. For the sheer gall of doing so perhaps +20 providing an upgrade results. What do you think? Sad to say I have already investigated where the crew sleeps a couple of days ago. Please see link below:




As for the definition of dribble, I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. SS Cruise Lady, what do you score? -5 or -10 points?;)


Love these boards and have gathered an awful lot of information from many, many posters.


Now, is it 10pm PST yet?:)



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Unfortunately, the majority of posts on this board are from the relatively few posters who spam it with inane dribble, and that makes it a cumbersome project for busy people to find the helpful cruise oriented posts. That is why cruise critic is now more of a cyber coffee clutch than a helpful resource for people who are planning a cruise, but it appears that its hosts have changed their focus and encourage it to be this way.


I think you've missed the whole point of Cruise Critic. The people here give (gladly) any and all information they have about their cruises, they do their best to help new cruisers, and they offer their friendship to each and every cruiser that type their first post. They are there to support them before and after their cruises, be it good or bad, and their advice is priceless. Friendships have been made and cruises have been planned to cruise together just on the basis of the chatter back and forth with theses fabulous cruisers.


It's really a shame that you're too busy or involved to see the special bonds that have formed on these boards.


Laura, you posted your very nice informative information as I was composing. Thank you for posting this.


Chuck, ditto.:D :D :D



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Since the information is available to anyone who's willing to spend the time looking, I'll share the most prolific posters on Cruise Critic:


Top Ten Posters:



Sue d. Miller: 28,130

judytata11: 18701

springtxbill: 18,466

GoinCruisin: 17,435

Krazy Kruizers: 17,059

Cookie B: 16,492

isujim: 16, 435

NitaBcruising: 16,424

Serene56: 14,061

johnql: 13,356


What does posting over 10,000 posts get you? A slightly different title, that's all. There isn't anything else to attain once you get over 10,000 (except maybe a few new friends, the urge to cruise and maybe a few sore fingers <G>.


I'd like to clear up some misinformation from some of the above posts:


We started on AOL. At the time AOL did not tally posts.


We opened our web-based boards - both AOL and new boards are open at the same time. Members on web-based boards start at post #1 and are asked to register anew.


We eventually close AOL boards. No designation for former AOL users. We are using UBB software.


Eventually we switch software to Open Topic. All posts are brought over to the new format -- no one loses their post counts.


Again a switch of software, this time we bring over three month's worth of posts in June 2004. The magic date was April 1, 2004.


At the time of transfer, some member's posting counts may have been "grandfathered"...that is, they attained their status (3,000 posts) prior to our moving to our new message boards on June 2004. These members automatically received the title "Blue Ribbon Cruiser". However, their post counts did not reflect their prior posts...only posts made by them after April 1, 2004. No one had their number "tweaked". No one.


Those who have "Charter Member" in front of their club name are those who had attained 5,000 or 10,000 posts on the day that Cruise Critic moved to our new message board forums in June of 2004.


Currently, those who attain 3,000 posts receive the title "Blue Ribbon Cruiser". Those who attain 5,000+ posts on the forums will receive a title of "5,000+ Club". Ditto the 10,000+ level.


I would have thought that maybe there should be a designation of Cruise Critic Charter members. Perhaps a little consideration for those who have been loyal to cruise critic for ten years.

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And, your point is?


My point is that most people lead very busy lives and don't have the time or inclination to read hundreds of off topic posts on a message board in order to find the few that will help them plan a cruise. At the same time, by being more of a chat room than a cruising resource, cruise critic appeals to more people in cyberspace and that has a positive affect on what they can charge their sponsers who advertise on this website. Therefore, I understand perfectly why cruise critic has changed its focus.

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My point is that most people lead very busy lives and don't have the time or inclination to read hundreds of off topic posts on a message board in order to find the few that will help them plan a cruise. At the same time, by being more of a chat room than a cruising resource, cruise critic appeals to more people in cyberspace and that has a positive affect on what they can charge their sponsers who advertise on this website. Therefore, I understand perfectly why cruise critic has changed its focus.


Aren't travel agents there to help those people that are too busy to take the time to explore an online community that offers a cruising resource? If all that they want is information that will help them plan a cruise, a travel agent is going to be in a much better position to help anyway.


We can only offer advice and opinions based on personal experience. Because that experience is so personal to each of us, and because we are not all professionals, this board is going to reflect our personalities as well as our knowledge. And that will make it more difficult to skim through it for a busy person in a hurry.


Fortunately, there are other options available to them.



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Aren't travel agents there to help those people that are too busy to take the time to explore an online community that offers a cruising resource? If all that they want is information that will help them plan a cruise, a travel agent is going to be in a much better position to help anyway.


We can only offer advice and opinions based on personal experience. Because that experience is so personal to each of us, and because we are not all professionals, this board is going to reflect our personalities as well as our knowledge. And that will make it more difficult to skim through it for a busy person in a hurry.


Fortunately, there are other options available to them.




Hello Susan :)


I agree with you and consider people's personal opinions about cruising, based on their own experiences, to be an invaluable resource for people who are planning a cruise. When I referred to inane chatty posts, I was thinking of all the posts about dogs, cats, personal boats, who called who to say hello, who couldn't sleep last night, etc. BTW, I don't have any problem with people who usually post helpful information about cruising, and also post a few chatty ones, as well. However, it doesn't really matter what I think because my opinions are clearly in the minority among people who post on this board.

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Inane, needy, pass the bib for my dribble, you have described me perfectly.:D


I also help when needed by answering questions, have gotten a ton of useful information during my very busy day and am able to laugh and make friends on this board.


I say Hosts keep this focus.


BTW there is a 10 post deduction for anyone who doesn't listen to the wisdom of Newt.

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Perhaps we could convert it into a point scoring affair. For each post it would score maybe like this:


-2 points for inane chats to friends on the boards

+1 point for asking a sensible question

-1 point for asking a silly question

-5 points if you ask a really silly question

-10 points for asking if you can take a barbecue on your balcony

-5 points for starting an inane poll

-10 points for starting a sensible poll

+5 points if you sensibly answer a sensible question

+10 points if you sensibly answer a silly question

+10 points if you realise that newt's comments are to be taken in jest

-10 points if you find one of his jokes funny:D




Phil, what is the credit or debit if you come from Ohio? :p :D Oh, hush my mouth!

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Phil, what is the credit or debit if you come from Ohio? :p :D Oh, hush my mouth!


Imagine the debit we have to give Danno because he's from Canada. He always gets shortchanged on his cruise prices. Maybe Newt can come up with a coupon.


Whats wrong with taking a barbecue on your balcony. I always bring my George Forman and small pool for the balcony.

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I have found, for the most part, that the most prolific posters on cruise critic are either those who use message boards as a vehicle to chat with their online friends about relatively inane topics, or are very needy people who enjoy being the center of attention and are comparable to a disruptive class clown in elementary school. Ironically, the people who deserve to be recognized for consistently posting helpful information about cruising do not post nearly as often as the others.

I wonder if you are really aware that your unkind remarks will most likely be read by ALL posters, including those that you refer to, luckily not by name. Sure some posters stray from topic, but it's up to the board monitors to make the decision when it may have gone too far. I think the OP has a nice idea and encourage him/her to go forward.

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