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OT - New Cat


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I know this is off topic but the folks on this board are so nice so I thought I could share:


A couple of weeks ago my DD came home from work crying with this half starved half frozen cat. The shelters were closed due to the cold weather (made no sense to me). Anyway, we agreed to let the cat stay for a couple of days until we could get it to the shelter.


Needless to say the cat is still here and my dd took it to the vet. Apparently we are about to become cat people because this half starved cat is pregnant and will deliver in about 4 weeks.:eek:


I guess thats what I get for being so kind hearted when my dd turns on the tears.


This would not be so bad my our other cat hates the new stray and they fuss at each other constantly.

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I know this is off topic but the folks on this board are so nice so I thought I could share:


A couple of weeks ago my DD came home from work crying with this half starved half frozen cat. The shelters were closed due to the cold weather (made no sense to me). Anyway, we agreed to let the cat stay for a couple of days until we could get it to the shelter.


Needless to say the cat is still here and my dd took it to the vet. Apparently we are about to become cat people because this half starved cat is pregnant and will deliver in about 4 weeks.:eek:


I guess thats what I get for being so kind hearted when my dd turns on the tears.


This would not be so bad my our other cat hates the new stray and they fuss at each other constantly.


Aww how sweet.. I am a cat person myself.. and your other cats will get used to the new one is a week or two.. I have 3 myself and the latest addition was not well accepted by one of my cats.. now she loves him to pieces.. :)


With the new one being pregnant that could also have something to do with it.. you may have to wait until after the kitties are born.. for them to really take a liking to each other.

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Congrats on the new kitty. I hope you can find homes for the babies. All my cats have have been homeless ones - I just don't believe in buying specific cats from breeders when there are so many loving homeless ones around.


I agree that the pregnancy might have something to do with the two not getting along. Give it time and hopefully the two will become pals.


Have you given a name to the new stray yet? My two are Molly and Simon and DH and I just love them to pieces!



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Jane and Irishnewfie,


We have named the new cat CRYBABY. She does not seem to know how to meow but she sure can cry and all the time.


I really hope the that she and Fatcat (15 pounds +) start getting along soon.


We are in the process of cleaning out a closet and making a home for crybaby and the future kittens.


Just did not plan on having a housefold full of cats. One was just perfect.

Oh well, the best laid plans of mice and men......

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I so needed to hear a good cat story! Soon, you won't be able to imagine not have all those kitties around. And I agree that time and the pregnancy will play into the relationship with the long-time Fatcat. We had a kittie with us temporarily 2 years ago and he and my Mackey didn't get along - by the time the new kittie moved out with my brother 3 months later, poor Mackey was hunting all over the house to find him!


Also OT, but on the cat topic: My kittie, Mackey, got into something outside (he's indoor/outdoor - was a barn cat and they are really hard to make 100% indoor) right before we left on our cruise 2 weeks ago. We found him hiding under a bush and refusing to move. He had some wounds on his abdomen and ended up in emergency surgery early in the morning the day before our trip. We had to board him at our vet's office while away (he's never been away from home for more than 1 night) so I went on vacation in a very worried state of mind. Everyone in the vet's office fell in love with him and showered him with attention, so I think he was actually happier there! :rolleyes: The emergency vet found a lot of other problems with him that our regular vet never found (asthma, hyperthyroidism, heart murmur...:eek: and we are fully prepared to do whatever we can to keep him around for a long time. Mackey is about the sweetest kittie around, loves attention, and follows us around the house like a puppy dog - but when my last kittie ran off 10 years ago, I was unsure about this 'replacement' - and now I can't imagine not coming home to him. He's doing much better now, but I just had to share.


Good luck with your new family members!

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We started out with two kitties that are brothers (Quincy and Bobby) from a stray mother and then we found Annie in our garage after being gone 4 days over the New Years holiday two years ago. It took my two male cats awhile to get use to the cute little female but they all get along pretty well now. We love kitties and I'm so glad that your daughter found the cat before it was too late.

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All of my children are also shelter adoptees. It will take them a couple of weeks to a month to start getting along. It has to do with the individual cat's 'smell'. Anyway, my vet told me that cats only fight for mating rights so if they hiss at each other, it's okay; they are communicating.


Bless you for your recent adoption! Mine have me trained so well!

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My parents have two female cats (both spayed) that still don't get along after 3 years. They basically have the house divided - half for Caribe and half for Makaya. If one gets in the other's space, she gets chased back to her side.


I've had several cats at the same time (4 at the most). I don't know why two cats won't get along. I had 3 neutered males at one time. Slimey got along well with the other two, but Diablo and Loki hated each other. It was almost funny to see Diablo (Siamese/tabby mix) fight with Loki (Russian blue mix) since Loki outweighted him 2:1. Diablo always came out on top, but with a mouthful of hair (Russian blues have extremely thick hair!). Slimey died of liver cancer in '96, and Loki ran outside one day and never came back in '99. (Apparently even 100% house cats need collars and tags!!!) Now I still have Diablo, but I also have two long-hair, spayed females, Valkyrie and Rebel. All three cats get along fairly well but they hiss at each other occasionally.

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We have a houseful of felines, too - 6 right now (and no more on the way)! The first four all got along, but after we lost Chablis, Boris & Natasha came in & took over in a very mean way. Natasha's nickname is Momma Meanie (she's Boris' mother). Boris & Harley have marking wars - one time I caught them on oppositie sides of the bathroom counter spraying the walls!:eek: And yes, they are neutered.


Our latest arrival, Cashmere hates everybody - the other cats, me (I comb out her mats) and the dogs. She seems to tolerate DH, but only just barely.


Our pets (rescued strays all) are microchipped in addition to having collars that could come loose if they escape. Unfortunately, there are 3 or more chips on the market, and the readers aren't compatible, so if you chip your pet, make sure you get the same chip that Animal Control will scan the animal with. Otherwise, you've wasted $40.

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. Boris & Harley have marking wars - one time I caught them on oppositie sides of the bathroom counter spraying the walls!:eek: And yes, they are neutered.


Our pets (rescued strays all) are microchipped in addition to having collars that could come loose if they escape. Unfortunately, there are 3 or more chips on the market, and the readers aren't compatible, so if you chip your pet, make sure you get the same chip that Animal Control will scan the animal with. Otherwise, you've wasted $40.


My male neutered cat also started spraying and my vet put the cat on valium and it cleared that little problem right up. He got 1/4 of a 5 milligram valium every morning it they are much cheaper at the vet than from your local pharmacy and the exact same kind. I think they were around $10 for a month's supply.


Warning; it gives them the munchies in the beginning.


Thanks for the microchip tip.

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We've tried Valium, Buspar, Feliway and are now using Rescue Remedy, none of which seem to work on the little $$*#($s. They're lucky they're cute. The only "good" thing about it is that when they had bladder infections we caught them early because there was blood in the urine that showed up on the white tile of the bathroom. We're going to have some serious home repair to do when those boys go to the Rainbow Bridge. No point in doing it any sooner!

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We've tried Valium, Buspar, Feliway and are now using Rescue Remedy, none of which seem to work on the little $$*#($s. They're lucky they're cute. The only "good" thing about it is that when they had bladder infections we caught them early because there was blood in the urine that showed up on the white tile of the bathroom. We're going to have some serious home repair to do when those boys go to the Rainbow Bridge. No point in doing it any sooner!


Did y'all try hormones? My girlfriend's mom's cats (six) were spraying like crazy and this is what worked for them. Only certain vets can prescribe hormones but it will make the spraying stop. Good luck and Febreeze works like a charm!

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Did y'all try hormones? My girlfriend's mom's cats (six) were spraying like crazy and this is what worked for them. Only certain vets can prescribe hormones but it will make the spraying stop. Good luck and Febreeze works like a charm!


Well, I'm taking hormones, LOL! Yes, I love that Febreze - I stock up on it every time it goes on sale! Works wonders on doggy stink, too!

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The discussion of cats reminds me of when I got my first furkid and was trying to learn everything I could about her. When I was a child, we always had dogs, but cats were a whole new game. I tried to find out online about grooming a longhair cat, and came across the following site:




The site does discuss fashion, so I guess I can post it here!


BTW - I'm up to three cats and a dog now. I don't try to wash the cats anymore.



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We are the parents of four cats -- One long-haired calico named Munchkin and three tabbies named Dixie, Gremlin, and Molly. All are rescued strays. Munchkin arrived when Dixie and Gremlin were about 7 years old -- 8 years ago -- and THEY STILL DON'T GET ALONG with each other. Munchkin will not tolerate any other cat near her (we've tried a couple of others over the years, and it just doesn't work). We're not talking just hissing, but Munchkin screams at the other cats and attacks us -- claws and teeth and all -- I guess she thinks we're responsible if we let anyone near her. She of course doesn't get along with Molly, who arrived later, either. So Munchkin stays in one end of the house, and the others stay in the other end; and twice a day I switch them around for a change of scenery for them. But they're all a joy!

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So good to hear other cat stories. Crybaby has taken to sleeping with my husband and Fatcat sleeps with my youngest so at least the sleeping arrangements are working out. Now if they will just start getting along when there not asleep. :cool:

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When I brought Annie (tortoiseshell) and Casey (Maine Coon mix) home from the shelter they immediately began fighting and Casey, being the larger cat, established his dominance right off the bat. He would chase Annie and pounce on her while she was trying to eat, use the litter box, etc.


Now it's been about two years. He's approaching 20 lbs. and she's still only around 10, and I have been really keeping my eye on them. Well, a few days ago I found myself separating them (once again) because Casey was "beating up" on his smaller housemate. To my surprise, several minutes later, I witnessed Annie antagonizing him and then running off as if to incite him into a game of cat-and-mouse (if you'll excuse the pun)!


All this time I thought she was the victim and here she was having a blast! They were playing. I was hearing noises that sounded like protest, but I guess they're just kitty play noises.


I watched for a while and when Annie got tired of "play" she swatted Casey hard across the muzzle and got up and left. He got the hint and left her alone. It's taken me two years, but I've finally learned that my kitties have learned to sort things out for themselves. LOL!



This is not to say that things will necessarily work themselves out for you OP, but I sure hope they do. And I wish you the best of luck with your new additions! Kitties make homes happy!



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We are cat people and I have to say that our newest addition was not accepted by the "pack" well either... at first. They are just like people... sometimes it takes a while to "warm" up to each other. :) Good luck with your new kitty family. Happy Holidays to you and your brood. :)

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I too have all rescues. We are the proud parents of Booger, Ozzie and Mattie. Warnig to all those with teenagers; when they tell you they will take their pets with them when they move out, IT's A BIG LIE!:D


We used to have a Booger...he's in kitty heaven now:(.... We are a home with a Yorkshire Terrier "Merrill Lynch" (my DH says he's an investment!LOL:p), and a 16 pound tabby male named Tootles, and a grey mixed named Misty. We also have 3 outside animals: a black lab Buck, eskimo spitz Aspen, and black and brown tabby cat Marley.


As you can tell we are MAJOR animal people here. Aspen, Tootles, and Marley were all rescued from a girl moving off to college (her parents wouldn't keep her), the side of the road, and from around the dumpsters (each story to the animal in its order).


I am a cat person, but we got the Yorkie to help our DD get over her fear of dogs. It worked.


I also wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and every other holiday that is celebrated at this time of year.:)



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I love this post! I have a cat named Nemo and two mini-dachsund named Zoey and Rocko. Anyways Nemo is a long haired kitten we got from my mom when she started feeding this stray(his mom) that a family just left when they moved. Well she found out it was pregnant and convinced us our apartment needed a cat. My DH can't stand his long hair on everything and decide to give him a bath. He loves it! he know takes him to go get shaved and groomed (agianst everything i believe in although it is quite humorous once he gets home) and the lady talks about how much he purrs and loves it when he is getting washed. so i'm glad the name fits at least!:D

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Nemo- A cat that likes baths! I've heard everything now. I've never tried it! I value my life too much!


well, I guess I will add my cat stories... and tie it to cruising.

About 4 or 5 years ago, just when we were leaving on vacation, a feral female with 4 kittens shows up on our doorstep, searching for food for her babies. We live out in the woods. Well, we fed the babies, who were mostly weaned but still suckling also. Stupid ignorant us, kept trying to feed the babies and not let mama take the "lion's" share- Dummy us- She needed to eat to feed her babies! Well, We had a neighbor coming over to put out food while we were gone. When we got back, Mama had disappeared. She was pretty scrawny- Maybe fox, hawk got her- We don't know, But we found ourselves with 4 wild kittens! We trapped them one at a time and brought them to the TEAM van (a low cost traveling van that will neiuter and spay ferals, brought in a have-a-heart trap) We had a perfect grey tiger- Tige, of course, Fluffernutter, a white longhair with just a tiny patch of peanut butter colored skin on his forehead- Not visible at all when his fur grows out, Patch, a female white shorthair except for a grey fork on her forehead, and Claudia- the most beautiful (and haughty!) multi-colored longhair- gorgeous rich deep colors! Fluffer practically begged to be taken- He'd go in the trap again and again! He went first, of course. Then Patch, who turned mean. Eventually she disappeared. I think she needed her own territory. We'd see her occasionally. Tige was the most timid. We couldn't catch him, and he finally disappeared. We're pretty sure he met with an untimely end. Claudia was impossible. She was pretty wily! Well, she got pregnant before we could catch her. She had the kittens outside. We found where she hid them and tried to get them used to human contact. of course, she just moved them to where we couldn't find them. Still, we fed everyone and tried to hold them when we had the chance. They had HORRIBLE names Sooty nose, - gee, I can't remember the others. Eventually, they all disappeared one at a time- I think we caught a few of them and got them fixed. The next winter rolled around and we managed to get Claudia in the house- The snow was really deep! Well, before he appointment came up with the van, she was in heat. We couldn't take her while she was in heat- too dangerous I guess. So we had to wait. Well, Marc, not knowing how determined a queen will be when she is in heat (I hear it is painful for them if they do not mate, and will go into heat again in about another 2 weeks and will continue this cycle until they either are successuflly mated or spayed.) Well, Marc accidentally let her out. There was nothing we could do. Old Gramps, who we think impregnated half the neighborhood, got her- in a path in the snow. We tried throwing things at them- There was nothing we could do to stop them. Marc felt sorry for them, and figured let her have her babies, then we'll get her spayed. Well, we managed to get her in the house (snow again) and she had the babies in our basement. 3 jet black kittens and one still born (defective) Okay- We'll get them weaned, fixed, and adopted! Well, here we are three or four years later and they drive us nuts! They're totally indoor kitties. I will not let them out. Fluffer still lives in a little house made out of a large rubbermade tub (upside down) with a door cut out and a sheepskin bed inside. Two others, Cynthia and Little Bit showed up- We trapped them both- She was pregnant and about to break her water when we took her- If the water broke, they couldn't have aborted them. But we got them both fixed, and now they both have homes on our deck. And mooch off everyone else in the neighborhoodwe found out! One neighbor paints in his studio he has built in the barn. We found out Little bit spends all afternoon over there mooching. He wont

' let us pick him up (though we did all the time when he was a kittnen) but he sits on Tommy's lap while he paints! Other neighbors put food out on the deck for them all! We didn't know! As I said, we are out in the woods, and houses aren't close together! We finally caught Gramps and had him fixed and he is living a happy life of leisure in a horse barn up the road!


How do I bring it back to cruising? BT (he had a bent tail when he was born) Bugaboo and Miss Susie Q used to cost us an arm and a leg for boarding when we went on cruises. Well, after finding four MORE abandoned kittens in the woods-two were double-pawed (Marc claims they followed him home!!!) which we also gave vet care to and found homes for with promises they would get them fixed when old enough, one of the waitresses in our favorite eating and watering hole (owned by a former Matire D on Costa) took one, and told us about her managerie (She also lives out in a large unsettled area- mostly fields) We never wanted to have anyone come to our home- as it is always so messy! But she was personable and warm, and her home also has that "lived in" look, so ever since, she has been coming to feed our little brood for us while we are gone. Marc called her today. She is coming over Saturday to get everything set for our leaving tuesday for NYC and the QM2~

Oh, BTW, Claudia disappeared once she was spayed and the kittens taken care of. There are occasional sightings by some, though I have never seen her. I hope she is okay! And her name? the first time we coaxed her in the house as a kitten, Marc said WATCH OUT! You'll get CLAWED! I replied- Anyone can see she's a female! So I can't get Claude! She's CLAUDIA!


Sorry to be so long!


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Katy and Ruth allow us to live with them. We've had them since May, when they were 8 weeks old. How did we ever have a life without them? Our daughter decided we were long enough without a cat, and she has consented to take them when we travel. They love it at her house; her cats aren't happy, tho! They're both black, Ruth with white whiskers, and one has no tail while the other has been blessed with more than enough tail!!! They have to be wherever we are in the house. If I'm at the computer, Katy crawls behind a chair while Ruth curls up in it. When they "need" something, my toe will get bitten!!!



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