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My week on the Getaway (March 25-April 1)


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Looks like many are enjoying your review and planning on sailing on the Getaway. My DD and I are returning to cruising together but now biennial rather than annual with our November 2019 cruise.


Plenty of time to enjoy the planning! :)

Our next one is April 2019. Seems so far away!!

I'm glad many find this review helpful, and as I just previously posted, I'll do my best to finish it up in the next day or two.

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I woke up to Day 7 around 8 am. I was happy and sad at the same time. I love Sea Days. Really, I could easily do a whole cruise of Sea Days each day. I love all the activities, plenty of time to eat and drink and and lots of opportunity to lay in the sun and veg. That said, Day 7 is always a sad day. You go through the day knowing this is your last lunch, last afternoon at the pool, last Howl at the Moon and last supper! The writing is on the wall - this cruise is almost over. But, I was determined to make the most out of Day 7 and go out in style.


The boys were excited to have a day to sleep in so we were just heading to breakfast on our own. The morning began with my daily coffee on the balcony followed by a quick look-see at the Freestyle Daily to confirm our plans and double check breakfast options. I couldn't remember what time they stopped serving there. I thought it was 10:00 am but didn't want to take a chance. It turns out Savor serves breakfast until 9:30 am and Taste until 10:00 am. We decided on Savor, and went on our way. We passed Rommel on our way out, he greeted us as always by name. I love that.


Breakfast was wonderful as always. I think back to other cruises and breakfast - and even lunch - often took time. It was slow. This could become a problem when there were places to go. I remember arriving late to a Meet and Greet once due to slow service. This cruise is the opposite - wonderful service each morning, and food coming out quick, hot and delicious. We ate in either Taste or Savor every morning other than that one morning we had room service. We were pleased each time - such friendly staff and timely service. This morning, I ordered one of the daily specials. It was Eggs Benedict on a rosemary biscuit. I thought it was very good and enjoyed it. I gave my husband a bite and he thought while good, the eggs benedict didn't go well on the biscuit, as the biscuit was too dry for that type of food. Of course, my answer was that was what the hollandaise sauce was for. I obviously had to order bacon (with my normal "crispy" request) as well. Today was the crispiest day and the bacon was perfect!! One thing we never did do was order a drink with breakfast. I always planned to order a Mimosa and just never did. I guess I stuck to an 11 am drinking time on this trip!


The Yummy Yummy girls showed up and started coming around but ran out of food before they made it to our section. We considered waiting for them to return, but who knows if they would. We had finished eating by this point and it wasn't like we were hungry. So, we finished up our coffee, took one last look out the window at the water and then headed out. Of course we were greeted by everyone as we left, either saying goodbye, thank you or have a good day.


We decided to go to the 10:00 am "Technical Talk with the Captain and Chief Engineer" in the Getaway Theater. We've never attended anything like that, and after watching them work on the bridge while out on our balcony, I thought that might be interesting. The session started with Pacquito showing a Power Point for the first half hour. It was interesting but not really any new information for us. He talked about the different classes of ships, and described specific ships and talked about NCL in general. At around 10:30 the Captain and Chief Engineer came out. They answered questions for about thirty minutes ranging from specific ship questions (such as "Where does the pool go" - I bet they get that question every week!) to asking both about their careers and how they worked their way up the chain to their current positions. They also talked about their backgrounds, education, etc. It was interesting and I did learn some things. The audience consisted of both adults and children asking the questions. As I mentioned previously in this review, the Captain definitely appeared very personable, approachable and seemed like a genuinely nice guy.


We finished with the Tech Talk around 11:00 and headed back to the cabin. We texted the boys to see who wanted to join us at the Ice Bar at noon. Once back at the cabin, we noted that Rommel had already made up our cabin for the day. How I love it when someone makes my bed - I really do miss Rommel and do wish I could have brought him home with me!! It turned out that 2 out of the 3 boys wanted to join us at the Ice Bar. I changed into my jeans and running shoes (this proved to be the only time I put those on this cruise - so much for working out!) and we headed to meet the boys at Sugarcane Mojito Bar which is just in front of the Ice Bar entrance. My youngest son showed up and told us he decided he didn't want to go in - so he headed off to meet up with his crew. That left just our middle son to join us. The oldest was in the bathroom causing our middle son to be late to meet us. He kept texting saying he was "coming soon". Noon came around and everyone who was invited to the bar started putting on the coats and gloves provided by NCL. My son was nowhere in sight. Finally, he showed up at 12:05. Most people had already gone in and the Ice Bar was full so we had to wait outside. The worker told us never fear, there are always a few people that leave quickly. True to his word, a few minutes later multiple people came out and we were ushered in.


Now, I dressed for the cold. I had jeans, shoes and socks and even a light long sleeve pullover. My son and husband both wore shorts, and Sperry type shoes without socks. Really? You're going into a 17 degree meat locker. There were other folks in shorts too, but I was glad I dressed for the "weather". We were probably in there about 10 minutes when my son was ready to leave. And my husband too. At that point, I had seen what I wanted to see, and already had one of the drinks, so I was ok to leave. While in there though, it was chilly. We joked that the waiter must have drawn the short straw, or is being punished! What an assignment! But, I loved the bar and tables made from ice and the decor. We did talk though that we expected more. Looking up and around you see metal. If feels a bit when looking around like you are in a walk-in freezer (yeah I know, you are) and we stated that wouldn't it be nice if they could figure out a way to make ice everywhere. It was fun - I'm glad we went in, but I am also very glad that I didn't have to pay the $20. Back in the day before UBP, you had to pay $20 but you got two drinks. I think that would make it very worthwhile without the plan. But, with UBP and not needing to buy drinks, I don't think it's something I would need to do again. That said - it is fun and definitely different, so give it a shot. If you go in with a fun crowd (we had a nice friendly group in there) it can be a good time!!

Edited by ljrfrm
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After the Ice Bar I went right back to my room to change. It is not a cruise if I'm not wearing flip flops. Jeans and running shoes don't cut it for the last Sea Day. I put my bathing suit and cover up on, and packed up my small beach bag (luckily the LL Bean enormous bag is only for excursion days) and announced to the family I was heading up to find the sun. At this point, it was around 1:30 pm. Will I be able to find a lounger? We'll soon see. Hubby and one of my son's decided to join me (will we be able to find 3 loungers together?) so off we went.


Between my two Escape cruises and this Getaway cruise, I still have never gone to Spice H2O during the day. I considered this, as I really wanted to give it a try. However, I thought we might have more lounger luck up on the higher sundecks. We headed to the elevator and went up to Deck 16. Then went out and up to the sundeck. We were easily able to grab 3 loungers together with the perfect view of the pool. As we don't see waiters up on this deck, we just quickly ran down to the Vibe bar for drinks. They had a delicious Sangria that I discovered that was perfect in the sun.




And this was the view the other way. Look at all the free loungers!! Score!!!




By overlooking the pool, we were able to enjoy the music of Groove International, watch Miss Norwegian Getaway and later people watch during the Pool Party with the DJ. But, we could enjoy it without the crowds. It worked out well for us. At one point they brought NCL staff out for the party and to dance. We had the best view.






Soon it started raining. Now, it only rained for about 30 seconds but we decided this was a sign that it was lunchtime. I didn't want to go to the buffet and we hadn't been to O'Sheehans to eat yet. So, I decided it was time for wings. Every cruise, I plan to eat late night wings and I never am able to. I just can't squeeze them in. So, if I am going to have wings on this trip, now is the time. I texted my oldest son to meet us and the four of us went for lunch.


We were immediately seated and soon ordered drinks. I ordered wings and Nachos. My plan was to share the Nachos with the family and then keep the wings for me. The Nachos were pretty small and although I shared a few, I pretty much scarfed them down myself. While they were ok - they couldn't compare to Margaritaville's Volcano Nachos. Curse you Margaritaville for taking away your a la carte prices. The wings were perfect - I love crunchy wings and they weren't too spicy for me. I was a happy girl. I can't remember what everyone else ordered - but everyone seemed happy with their food. Maybe not gourmet, but nevertheless hitting the spot and perfect for lunch.


Once we finished chowing down, we went back to find sun again. It was a bit later which was enough for the crowds to thin a bit and for other loungers to empty out. We ended up another deck lower directly looking over the pool. We had a perfect view of the stage for Bandaoke. There were some very good singers and it was very enjoyable. Until all of a sudden there was a very painful performance. And I mean painful. Now I know what I would sound like if I went up there on stage. Fortunately, it didn't last long and soon we were back to singing "Friends in Low Places" and of course finished up with "Sweet Caroline". Fun times at the pool. But the best part was I was never in that mess of people - and never had to be a chair hog. A waiter came by and I asked for a Pina Colada. He shortly returned with my drink - I do have to say on the whole cruise, this was the only bad drink. There was no flavor and it really just tasted like water. I ended up not drinking it and later ordering another which tasted fine.


The sun was hot though - there was a nice breeze and I wasn't too uncomfortable, but by 4 pm or so, we were cooked. I was enjoying myself and didn't feel like heading in - so we moved down to the pool deck into the shade. We easily found two loungers right near the stage but in the shade. After another 30 minutes listening to the music and people watching, it was then time to return to the cabin. We wanted to get ready for dinner early to go to Shanghai Noodle Bar. I spoke with the hostess the night before and she urged us to get there around 5:30 or there will be a wait. So, we quickly showered and got ready for dinner.

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We did this cruise with my sisters and their husbands in January 2017. You are bringing back a lot of great memories. Thanks!


I'm so glad - Cruise memories are the best! Then again, being on another cruise is even better!!! :)

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After having just spent an hour writing and proof reading the rest of day 7, I just lost it all. So, I'm going to do my best to cover it again, but forgive me if you see a few tears mixed in with this section of the review.


We had just returned to our cabin after a full day of fun. After quickly showering, I dressed for dinner. This would be the first time I wore shorts to dinner. I have to say, it was nice. Usually I wear a sundress or capris and a nice shirt. Everyone dresses however they want for dinner. This is what I love about NCL. I really don't notice who is wearing shorts, who has jeans on or who is dressed up. Maybe I notice when we're out and about passing people, but I never really look at individual tables. That said, I always wanted to at least look "presentable". Well, tonight I discovered that you can be presentable in shorts. I may do this more often!!!


Once showered and dressed, it was time to pack. This is something I had put off all day as I was in denial that the trip was ending. Now, packing to leave on vacation takes times although it is a lot more exciting than packing up at the end of a trip. This packing job literally took about five minutes. I basically just threw everything in my suitcase quickly and then shoved it back under my bed. I left out clothes for the next day, a few toiletries and my pj's. I planned to add my current clothes I was wearing later that night once the jammies were on.


We told our boys to meet us in our cabin at 5:30. I realized I should have told them 5:20. Waiting for the boys to arrive......this was the story of our cruise. Whether it was for breakfast, leaving on an excursion or dinner, they seemed to always be late. Now, I do understand why they were late. Three people sharing a bathroom. You have to plan ahead and think it through. Something they probably didn't do. And then there is my youngest son - who takes forever. So, it didn't surprise me when they didn't arrive at 5:30. They finally got to our cabin at 5:40 and we rushed down to Shanghai's. I was worried that it might be late to get a table but was still hopeful. When we arrived it looked pretty crowded. The hostess told us she could seat four of us - two in the back of the restaurant and two in the front. Obviously, that wouldn't work. There are five of us, and it is our last night, I'd like to eat together. So, we bagged the Noodle Bar and headed to our normal stomping ground - Tropicana.


We were seated right away and soon we soon all had our wine glasses full. They of course stayed full the whole time, I just love this UBP and the way they kept the wine flowing each night, even without asking. I think we had a Malbec with this dinner if I remember correctly.


Tonight was Prime Rib night, so just like the first night, I had to order it. This makes me 7 for 7 with Steak/Red Meat. I may have been in a rut but I did eat well each night. The Prime Rib was great and I ate it all. We each ordered a different dessert so between us all, we tried them all. I honestly can't remember what I ordered, but I do know that I loved it. We recognized most of the dancers out on the dance floor and enjoyed watching them one last night. Tonight the Velvet Duo was the band that performed. While I liked them when i saw them previously in the week and they were good, it seemed like the other band from the other nights may have had more dancers.


After dinner we went to the Atrium to watch the Ultimate Challenge Game Show. The winner from the first night that we watched earlier in the week faced the winner from the other night. While it was the most exciting of their shows, it was ok. I ordered a Cosmo and it was the best I had all week.




My son loves the show Mad Men and always wanted to try an Old Fashioned like Don Draper drank. He ordered one and seemed to like it better than the Manhatten the he tried a little earlier. The boy is branching out from beer it seems.


We decided to stay in the Atrium until the Perfect Couple Game Show later that night. This way we wouldn't lose our seats, and we can just relax and listen to "Easy Listening with James Morris". He quickly set up to sing and began his show. My sons didn't seem so thrilled for Easy Listening so they went up to the cabin to catch part of the first Final Four basketball game. The game was on at O'Sheehans just above the Atrium. The fans were loud. I can only imagine how difficult it was for him to sing while overhearing fans chanting, groaning, clapping and screaming. I love NCAA basketball but I didn't have a dog in the fight anymore (Thanks UVA, gulp!!). So, I had no desire to watch the game. That said, O'Sheehans sounded like it was the place to be and everyone was having a great time. It just wasn't the best timing for "Easy Listening".


Once he finished his set, the Perfect Couple show started. One of my sons returned down to watch the game also. This is another show we've seen too many times. We knew exactly what games they would play but still enjoyed every moment of it. There were some funny couples - and we were laughing a lot. We had no problem flagging down the waiter and our next round of drinks arrived quickly, despite the crowded Atrium.

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When the Perfect Couple Game Show ended it was 9:20. We had just enough time to race quickly to the Getaway Theater for the Farewell Show. My son went up to the cabin to watch the Villanova/Kansas game. He said that was more important than any farewell, LOL. We made it to the theater in time and it wasn't crowded at all. We went down to about the 4th row and just as we sat my son texted. He said that the game wasn't even close and he would come to the Farewell Show after all. We had several seats still available next to us so I texted him back to come quickly. He arrived right when the show started. Pacquito came out and quickly introduced Groove International who sang a few songs. We also saw Spencer James do a bit more comedy and the Burn the Floor cast danced several songs. This was nice to see as that was a show we decided not to see, but they were great. Soon it was time for all our favorite NCL staff to march down the aisles to the NCL song.




After everyone finished clapping and thanking the staff, Pacquito introduced all the officers. Every Farewell Show I've previously seen ended with the Captain coming on stage. The Captain must have been busy or at dinner because he was a no show. Pacquito thanked us all one last time and the show was over. On the way out, staff and officers were all at the exits shaking everyone hands and thanking us for coming. I thought about begging some of them to allow me to stay another week but in the end I didn't want to embarrass my family so didn't.


Anyone who knows me (or who has made it through this review) knows I probably wasn't ready to call it quits. That would mean the cruise is done. So awhile husband returned to the cabin, my son and I went to Howl at the Moon one last time. It was another fun time and the song selection was great. The drinks were flowing and the guests were singing. Tambourine Girl was in her usual spot doing her thing. We ordered our last drinks of the cruise (goodbye UBP) and stayed for about an hour. I tried to contain my singing, as I knew if I took it too far my son would say it was time to leave. By about 11:30 it was time, I went back to the cabin knowing there would be no towel animal and no Freestyle Daily waiting for me. How depressing.


My husband was there finishing packing up. I changed into my pajamas and put on my NCL robes to help my husband put the suitcases in the hallway. My husband had also packed his clothes so was modeling the robe as well. He offered to put the luggage out front for both of us. I took him up on it because I just knew I'd see someone if I went out there in my pj's and robe. He didn't seem to care! The few leftover items we had in the room (pajamas, toiletries and hair brush) could easily go my larger purse and his backpack. Once we get our luggage tomorrow, we can then shove it in the suitcase. I always find this so much easier than lugging my suitcase to breakfast and around the ship.


I climbed into bed and read a few chapters of my book, willing myself to not go to sleep. Sleep means waking up in the morning which then means going home. Without Rommel, without my UBP, without food, and without Howl at the Moon. Finally there was no choice, I turned the lights off, rolled over, and went to sleep. Morning will come too soon.

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I woke up the next morning at 7 am. Morning had come after all. I immediately put on my bathrobe and went out to the balcony knowing I would see Miami. We once again would "park" with the port side having great views.




I think somehow I had hoped the Captain would make a wrong turn somewhere and we'd still be out to sea. No such luck. I made my last cup of coffee and sat on the balcony for awhile, taking in all that I saw and all that had happened over the last week. So much of the cruise was fun, exciting and perfect. But, we also had some frustrations. A non-flushing toilet, traffic jams, balcony work, and an attack by ants. But somehow those seemed minimal compared to the memories we made as a family. I wasn't sure when I would see my two older boys again and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment with them.


Thinking about the cruise itself, the Getaway is a nice ship. I do like the Escape better, but that is mostly because I loved Food Republic and I know my husband missed the District Brew House. I had read some shaky reviews recently from the Getaway. Some felt that staff wasn't friendly, or service wasn't good. We didn't see that at all. That said, my husband did comment that he felt the Escape staff was more open and friendly overall. To me, I think the difference was there was nobody on the Getaway that stood out as amazing. There wasn't a Chocolate Cowboy or a Bong. Now, understand that is not taking away anything from the Getaway staff. We had such great service all week and hardly ever had to wait for drink or someone asking if we needed anything. And most everyone was definitely nice. I really have no complaints at all about service. It's just if I had to rank them, the Escape ranks higher. This was a spring break cruise, and it was crowded. And the Getaway staff still managed to treat us well, provide us with great service and show us a good time.


After awhile, I got dressed and ready for the day. I stored anything left in the cabin into my purse. I thought we had to be out of our cabin by 8:00 am so I had to rush a bit at the end. It turns out I was wrong and we could have stayed until 8:30. Oh well. We left our cabin and went to our boys room. They may be 25, 22 and 17 but I still felt like I had to go through their cabin and make sure they didn't forget anything. I had them all put their suitcase out the night before. Especially for the 17 year old, I knew there would be something left behind. Mama's intuition was right and I found a pair of boxers on the floor in the bathroom. Turns out they belongs to the 22 year old. Whoops. I urged them to get a move on it and soon we were out of both cabins and heading with our carry ons to Savor for breakfast. As we were walking out we heard "Code Alpha Deck 13". That's our deck, although I didn't see anything. It made me sad though that somebody's vacation ended this way.


Once at Savor, we asked to be seated by the window, which didn't provide us any nice view this time. That's sad. I ordered French Toast, Hash Browns and crispy bacon. And for the last time, I just had to order Muesli. We drank our coffee slowly and enjoyed our last meal together until it was soon 9:00 am. This was the time that I wanted to disembark.


As I've mentioned throughout the week, we were lucky enough to have a few perks here and there. On Thursday we received "tree mail" and in it was an invitation for VIP disembarkation and gold priority luggage tags. I saw quite a long line several times this morning to disembark and I was very thankful for the perk. I wasn't sure if there would still be a line at 9:00 am or not, but I was glad we didn't have to see for ourselves.


The letter told us to go to the Sunset Bar when we were ready to disembark. We walked through the ship one last time and up to the bar. We wanted to go up the middle stairs near Headliners from Deck 6 to Deck 8 but they were roped off. We ended up just walking around the rope and using them anyways. I'm not usually one to break rules, sorry. For some reason in my mind, I thought the letter told us to go to Sugarcane Mojito Bar (on a side note as I type this, I realize I forgot to mention the Coco Mojito that they serve that is awesome - we stopped by multiple times during the week so I could have another!!). I got to the Mojito Bar and it was deserted. There's no way this was where we were supposed to meet. I decided to walk over to La Cucina where someone was standing to ask where we were supposed to be. "Right here" she said, pointing in front of her to the Sunset Bar. Oh yeah. That was it! She told us to wait while she called someone to escort us down. In about 2 minutes someone arrive who ushered us through a back door, down a staff elevator and out to give our sail card for one last scan. There were multiple staff members waving goodbye and I almost threw myself at their feet begging for more time.

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Once our cards were scanned for the last time, we walked down the ramp and off the ship. There was a bit of a line and for a moment it didn't seem to be moving. Then it started and it didn't take us any time at all to get into the building where we claim our luggage. We looked for the gold Priority area and immediately found all our bags. I teased the boys who were a bit nervous to just leave their suitcases in the hallway. Passport control went quickly and we were soon out front. This is the hardest moment. Seeing all those passengers arriving and excited for their cruise. That was us last week. I would spent this whole first week after the cruise thinking "oh, now they're in Cozumel" or "A week ago at this moment I was blah, blah, blah".


Here's where our family would split up. My youngest son and I were traveling home to Virginia from Fort Lauderdale. My oldest (returning to Colorado), Middle (Boston) and husband (heading to Mexico for business) were all leaving out of Miami. I usually use Uber and had never taken Lyft before. I've been in Lyft quite a bit with my husband but he always used his phone to request it. So, I'm a Lyft newbie so I decided it was the perfect time to upload the app so I could get a new user discount. The discount was only $5, but hey, every dollar helps. I had uploaded the app and added my credit card information earlier that morning while at Savor, so I was set to go. I requested our ride, and within about 5 minutes Jose was loading our luggage into the car. My youngest and I hugged the others goodbye, as they were requesting their Lyft to Miami Airport. My husband later texted me that Miami Airport was a crazy mess and he wants to use Fort Lauderdale from now on too. My middle son was flying out at 12:30 pm that day but poor husband and oldest had to hang there until 3:00 pm. They had planned to spend the time in the United Lounge and I'm sure they were not happy when they found out that there wasn't one for them to use.


My son and I arrived at the Fort Lauderdale airport at 10:00 am. That's not bad, considering we left Savor at 9:00 am. It cost me $34 which isn't bad at all. The airport wasn't too busy at all by we were sitting at our gate by 10:30. Our Southwest flight wasn't until 12:40 so we had plenty of time. We took off on time for a quick ride to Orlando where we unfortunately had a 3 hour layover. The 3 hours actually went rather quickly, and we spent our time eating (even though I swore I wouldn't eat for a week after the cruise), reading and people watching. Our flight was once again on time, and we before we knew it, our 2 hour flight arrived. We were soon in 35 degree temperatures waiting for our ride. The best part of the day was going next door to pick up our dog - who was beyond excited that we were home.


A Sunday to Sunday cruise meant having to go to work the next morning. That was painful. Not nearly as painful as stepping on the scale to see a 10 pound weight gain. My suitcase is still mostly packed - other than I finally did my laundry. Summer clothes just haven't been needed since I returned, so there was no incentive to empty it out. Maybe I can just keep it packed until the next cruise!


I'm sure I'll think of things I forgot - but in the meantime, let me know if you have any questions. I'm now in the process of counting down for my next cruise - currently at 364 days......and counting. NCL Jade, here we come!!

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What a fabulous review - thanks for taking us along on your adventure. We are a group of 10 'Golf Bags' sailing on Getaway in October. I took lots of notes - thanks! Your Jade cruise will be here before you know it!!


Wishing you a great cruise!! Glad this review was able to help with your planning.

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Wonderful review! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I love your writing style. I hope you do a similar review of your Jade cruise. We'll be on her in Fall of 2019, so would love to hear about your experience.

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Wonderful review! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I love your writing style. I hope you do a similar review of your Jade cruise. We'll be on her in Fall of 2019, so would love to hear about your experience.


Thanks, I will definitely do a review after - so hold tight! :)

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Great review. We will be sailing on her on April 22nd. We are flying into Fort Lauderdale from Richmond VA.We are

from the Staunton area. We are waiting to see if Roatan's dock will be ready for us since the ship hit it this week. Thanks again for the great review and we have also sailed on the Escape and loved it.



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Great review. We will be sailing on her on April 22nd. We are flying into Fort Lauderdale from Richmond VA.We are

from the Staunton area. We are waiting to see if Roatan's dock will be ready for us since the ship hit it this week. Thanks again for the great review and we have also sailed on the Escape and loved it.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums


I was so sad to read about the dock and see the video. I know how much they count on the money the ships bring in. I'm hoping you - and all the ships - get there soon!!


We flew out of Dulles.

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Thanks so much for your informative and entertaining review. Bob Marley Tribute was day 5 at 9:30p. A do not miss if your a classic Reggae fan. Your review of day 7 was a bit soggy from all those tears. Hate loosing data. Nothin like comin home to the wagging of man's best friend! :D

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Thank you for the wonderful and detailed review. Just wanted to share how we handled getting a notice concerning work done on our balcony on port days. We put the do not disturb sign on the night before so we were not nervous that workmen would be coming by earlier than they said. We got ourselves together and were out of our room by the assigned time. I spoke with my room steward. He said that the ship just wanted the rooms available during those hours not that they would be in there the whole time. So when we got back from port we were one hour earlier than the latest time stated. We checked with our room steward and he said they had come and gone so feel free to use the room. Judging by the other people on our deck who had gotten the same notice I think we were the most cooperative. There were quite a few people that just left the do not disturb sign up because they couldn't be bothered. Don't know if they got a phone call and were asked to vacate or not. I always try to be cooperative but also see if our own plans can be minimally impacted.

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Thanks so much for your informative and entertaining review. Bob Marley Tribute was day 5 at 9:30p. A do not miss if your a classic Reggae fan. Your review of day 7 was a bit soggy from all those tears. Hate loosing data. Nothin like comin home to the wagging of man's best friend! :D


I love the different tribute sets - I missed the Bob Marley in the Dailies, but did see Eagles, Abba, Elton John, etc. We didn't make it to most of them as they were always at the same time as something else we wanted to do.


Thank you for the wonderful and detailed review. Just wanted to share how we handled getting a notice concerning work done on our balcony on port days. We put the do not disturb sign on the night before so we were not nervous that workmen would be coming by earlier than they said. We got ourselves together and were out of our room by the assigned time. I spoke with my room steward. He said that the ship just wanted the rooms available during those hours not that they would be in there the whole time. So when we got back from port we were one hour earlier than the latest time stated. We checked with our room steward and he said they had come and gone so feel free to use the room. Judging by the other people on our deck who had gotten the same notice I think we were the most cooperative. There were quite a few people that just left the do not disturb sign up because they couldn't be bothered. Don't know if they got a phone call and were asked to vacate or not. I always try to be cooperative but also see if our own plans can be minimally impacted.


Good advice. We thought about the Do Not Disturb but didn't know if they'd still knock. Honestly, it wasn't such a big deal other than I didn't like knowing when they would get there - but glad both days it was after we were gone. I can see how someone needed to be "bothered" as they were right - there's never a day off from passengers to do it. So, I wanted to cooperate as much as I could.

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