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Celebrity reflection 10 night ultimate caribbean cruise - march 23, 2018

Marvy Mare

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Keep em coming. It's bringing it all back to me after being home for over 2 weeks.


I know. It seems like longer than two weeks ago. We have had winter since we got back. We have about 4” of snow on the ground still.

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I know. It seems like longer than two weeks ago. We have had winter since we got back. We have about 4” of snow on the ground still.

It's been awful here in GB too. No snow but rainy and cold. Today was our first warm day with sunshine :)

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Day 4 Antigua Continued


Our Tour Guide was very informative and had a great sense of humour. What a memory these guides must have as they do various tours. I think her name was Qutie (pronounced Cutie and short for something else).


On our way to Shirley Heights (named after Governor Shirley) a man, not a woman of course, we passed the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium. I'm including the photo here because it's the only photo I was able to successfully take from a moving vehicle. I'm going to have to take my camera on road trips and practice. I know my current camera doesn't have a sports mode. I am just learning to use it. I have a lot more reading to do. I think C mode corresponds to Sport mode. I will get it figured out.




Our first stop was at Shirley Heights, world renowned for the amazing view. It is a restored military lookout and gun battery. I took a few photos here and I'm not sure which reflect the true colours. I metered differently for each photo and the colour appears slightly different in each. We had a short time there and there was quite a crowd taking photos. I waited for a break in the crowd and purchased a really cute, probably overpriced doll from a vendor who had set up at the site. Qutie showed us the little dolls earlier in the van. Two outfits when you turned the doll. One was madras which I love. Apparently a lot of the school uniforms include madras.



The crowds have thinned.


I can't decide which photo I like best or which is the truest colour, so I'll post 3 of my favourites.







My internet seems to be on 'dial up' this morning so I think I'll quit for now. One of the disadvantages of living in rural Ontario.



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... Our second mistake involves the t-shirt Ken was wearing. He has t-shirts from all our travels and this was one of his favourites. The jury is still out on whether it was offensive or not but we were feeling a little uneasy about it, so decided to head back to the Refection to change the shirt & get away from the tour offerers. This gave me an opportunity to get photos of the boat....


You don't provide a description or picture of the questionably offensive t-shirt. Curiosity is killing this cat.

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You don't provide a description or picture of the questionably offensive t-shirt. Curiosity is killing this cat.


Hey Joe - You were the first to ask. Pepsi36 asked too. I'm not sure how to answer two people at once, so I'll answer here.

The story behind the t shirt. As I've stated, Ken collects t-shirts from many of the places that we go to. A few years ago - I think it was 2014 we took our first driving trip to Florida. We like to take our time when we go anywhere and make stops along the way. I studied the Along the I75 book religiously before we went. Something we read about that sounded interesting was BBQ. Since then a few BBQ places have opened in our area, but at this time it was a novelty to us.

Our second night on the road, we stopped at Lexington, KY. What a beautiful area. The motel we stayed at was reasonable, bug free and almost empty. At the desk, we asked about a local BBQ place and the clerk gave us directions and ended by saying. It doesn't look like much and it's right in front of a motel that looks like the Bates Motel.

We found it fairly easily. It was a great experience . We had a really cute waitress with an accent you could cut with a knife. She explained all the dishes to us - meat, meat and more meat & my favourite deep fried dill pickles. Part way through the meal a pickup truck pulled up outside and she said -There's my boyfriend and rushed out to see him. It felt like a movie set.


Ken bought his red Red State Barbecue t shirt here and it's one of his favourites.

He was wearing it that day we were harassed by the tour guides. I noticed another reviewer said that they were really bothered by store owners trying to get them in to buy. Anyway, a few of the locals made comments and one of the 'tour operators' said to Ken 'So you're the guy wearing the Red State t-shirt.' as if word got around. Another person (presumably someone off our ship) gave Ken thumbs up and said 'Like your t-shirt!' Maybe he was just a BBQ fan but he didn't give off that vibe.

So is there a meaning of Red State that we don't know about or were we imagining things. Anyway, he changed the shirt to Killbear Marina and we went on our way with no more issues.


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Hi Maris,


The reactions your DH encountered while wearing his Red State BBQ t-shirt could be related to US politics. Red states being predominantly Republican and Blue states being predominantly Democratic. Hope this helps.




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Hi Maris,


The reactions your DH encountered while wearing his Red State BBQ t-shirt could be related to US politics. Red states being predominantly Republican and Blue states being predominantly Democratic. Hope this helps.





Michelle. That’s kind of what I thought. No big deal. Maybe we were reading something that wasn’t there.


:D Maris

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Michelle. That’s kind of what I thought. No big deal. Maybe we were reading something that wasn’t there.


:D Maris


Did I miss a photo of the BBQ shirt? I saw the Killbear Marina shirt.


BTW your photos are quite beautiful. You really do have an eye for composition. Thanks for sharing them with us:)

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Hi Grant


Back in Adelaide? You guys made the party bus. Best tour of our whole trip. What happens in Da Party Bus, stays in Da Party Bus. clear.png?emoji-wink-1685 I do have a great picture (I'll get to it later in my review) of one of your group in the waves at Moho Beach.


Thanks for letting me know that the Bus was back in action.




Hi Maris

back for about a week and a half - but loving your review.

It is taking me back to each day on the boat/islands as you post

look forward to the rest of your photos & review


Was only 35 degrees Celsius the day we arrived back into good old Adelaide.




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Hi Maris

back for about a week and a half - but loving your review.

It is taking me back to each day on the boat/islands as you post

look forward to the rest of your photos & review


Was only 35 degrees Celsius the day we arrived back into good old Adelaide.





Hi Grant


I don't think it's reached 35F here since we got home. I've been telling people about how fun Da Party Bus was. It wouldn't have been 1/2 as fun without the Aussie's. The Californians were having a great time too.

Ken had to hold me back from joining in the dancing. Just kidding. I'm rather introverted but doesn't mean I don't enjoy da party.



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ANTIGUA - again


This is taking me a long time. As I've stated before, my mind works best in the morning. I can remember more of the trip, so can put words to the pictures. I should have taken better notes.


We had only a very short time at Shirley Heights. Just a few quick photos. Actually, I guess only 3 worth saving. That's Ken in the white t-shirt - it says Killbear Park Marina on the front - and the blue ball cap.




If you are following on a desktop, you might be able to read this. My daughter reads novels on her iPhone. Oh for young eyes. When I did road trips with my family as a child my mother had us stop at every road side historical sign. At least it felt like every sign to me.




Next stop, Nelson's Dockyard. This tour did all the touristy stops but as I mentioned before; I've never been to Antigua and may never go again so if you've been here, done that these photos will be quite redundant. Skip this section. I took lots of photos. I didn't listen to the guide here either as I was looking for the washroom. I have another vacation story about looking for a 'washroom' (Canadian for bathroom) in the southern US. Another time.:D


What I did read later is that Nelson's Dockyard is a UNESCO world heritage site. It was built in 1725. Nelson lived there from 1784-1787. Not a very long time to have the site named after him. And Nelson didn't enjoy his time in paradise.





Guess who? You probably won't remember me, but maybe you remember the coverup. I encouraged Ken to take a few photos of me so I can show people that I was there. In almost every one I'm wearing 'the dress' and I don't travel light.There's a newbie cruiser story behind 'the dress' too. Maybe if I run out of things to write later, I'll tell it.

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Another sign to read. This boat and the post about it were kind of hidden away in a shelter. Tiny rowed this boat somewhere. I think across the ocean. Good thing I'm not a tour guide. I thought that this little typed note explained the trip but on closer inspection it just tells about the daily schedule. I think I'd rather be on the Refection.



Here's Tiny's boat, or maybe the boat is called Tiny and the man rowing it has a real name. I'll have to go back some day and find out.




I do wish there had been time to explore this museum, but we spent the rest of our short time at Nelson's dockyard, exploring the docks. Being stuck inside in Canada during this very long cold dark winter you crave being outside in the warmth and sunshine.


Ken has told me very little about his 3 months spent in Antigua back in the mid 70s. A lot of time spent on beaches and snorkelling. He did say that as far as he can recall, it didn't seem that things had changed that much. Antigua was still under British rule at the time. Ken said that he remembers that there was possibly some political unrest, but that wasn't of too much interest to a young Canadian living on a tropical island. The American military still had a Naval Airstation in Antigua. Ken and Steve met a couple of the pilots at Jabawock Beach which was usually deserted. This was probably against regulations, but at a prearranged time the pilots would buzz the beach. Ken said that it felt like you could almost touch the planes. A St Maarten experience in Antigua.

The Naval Airstation is no longer there.

If any of you are old enough to remember The Carol Burnett Show (late 60s to 70s) you might recall Vicki Lawrence - Carol's side kick. One day when our young Canadians were at Jabawock beach a Moke pulled up. There were two guides with a young woman. The guides stayed with the the vehicle and the young woman, who turned out to be Vicki came over to talk to Ken & Steve. She asked them about the snorkelling. The next day they took her snorkelling with them.

To thank them Ms. Lawrence treated them to dinner at a nice restaurant. Ken thinks that this was the place.





Ken enjoyed seafood (crab) for the last time here. He was sick with food poisoning for 3 days afterwards. They didn't see Vicki again, other than on TV.

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Hi Grant


I don't think it's reached 35F here since we got home. I've been telling people about how fun Da Party Bus was. It wouldn't have been 1/2 as fun without the Aussie's. The Californians were having a great time too.

Ken had to hold me back from joining in the dancing. Just kidding. I'm rather introverted but doesn't mean I don't enjoy da party.



Thank Maris

The aussies are fun after the rum kicked in



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Antigua is home to Sailing Week, one of the top regattas in the world. It is held in late April or early May. We have owned and sailed a few small craft (nothing like these:')) and our middle son has a 36' Niagara (again nothing like these) that he keeps in Georgian Bay. A gorgeous place to sail, but the season is short.










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I have to echo what many others have said - your photographs are absolutely beautiful. [emoji4]



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Thank you so much. I think it’s tough not to take a beautiful photo in the Caribbean. With our endless winter in Ontario, Canada I was getting really tired of of trying to make grey skies & snow look attractive.



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I’ve never been to Antigua, but your photos make me feel as if I have (and your writing is equally beautiful). Thank you!



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Antigua was beautiful, St Lucia very beautiful & we liked St Maarten the best of all. I think the lighting in Antigua on the day we were there was spectacular. I’ve dreamed of writing. I love to read. The most writing I have done before this was report cards. You don’t get much chance to be creative with those:')


Thanks for your kind comments.



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Thank you so much. I think it’s tough not to take a beautiful photo in the Caribbean. With our endless winter in Ontario, Canada I was getting really tired of of trying to make grey skies & snow look attractive.




Maris, I agree regarding your spectacular photographs!

I haven't been to Antigua yet but hope to visit someday. Pushy vendors is a turn off though and reminds me of the most beautiful island of Grenada which I saw in the early 1990's- but I was just pestered, particularly on the gorgeous beach where I wanted to relax but had to banter with someone wanting to sell me a conch shell from 20 feet away. That was just one "vendor" of perhaps a dozen trooping by. No nap for me!

I can't go to your Flickr album by clicking on the picture so I guess you still have it set on Private. When you mention your winter photos I immediately wanted to see some. Living in a similar climate it is nice to have that contrast from the grey and white winter to the blue skies and sunlight of the Caribbean. Each is beautiful to me.


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Maris, I agree regarding your spectacular photographs!

I haven't been to Antigua yet but hope to visit someday. Pushy vendors is a turn off though and reminds me of the most beautiful island of Grenada which I saw in the early 1990's- but I was just pestered, particularly on the gorgeous beach where I wanted to relax but had to banter with someone wanting to sell me a conch shell from 20 feet away. That was just one "vendor" of perhaps a dozen trooping by. No nap for me!

I can't go to your Flickr album by clicking on the picture so I guess you still have it set on Private. When you mention your winter photos I immediately wanted to see some. Living in a similar climate it is nice to have that contrast from the grey and white winter to the blue skies and sunlight of the Caribbean. Each is beautiful to me.



Hi Norris - I notice that in your reviews, if I click on a photo I see all the ones from your current post enlarged. I think I managed to make all my Cruise photos public on Flickr. These are the settings that I am using (see below). Should I change the license settings? I don't load all my photos on Flickr. Especially not winter ones. Maybe I should make a winter album. Like you, my photography is improving. I read a review that you did - your first Celebrity Cruise when you rented a full frame and were so thrilled with the photos that you bought the camera.

I bought a new camera at Christmas - not a full frame, but am thrilled with the camera. When I look back on photos that I thought were amazing, I think meh. Always learning & always improving. Great hobby. There is soooo much info out there. It's so fun sharing here on Cruise Critic. People are so nice & actually interested in vacation photos.




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ANTIGUA - again


I have a few more photos to share of Antigua. I was checking the notes I made to jog my memory. Great small coaches, crazy roads, 3 stops, Bay, fort , beach, back at 3:30, sailed at 4, dinner Tuscan. sunset, Monserrat

That's it. I'll have to do better next time.The photos help and even come with time and date.



Another beautifully restored building at Nelson's Dockyard.



Another beautiful yacht.


Our final stop was at a beach. Checked back to those extensive notes and I didn't name the beach. It's one of 365. Antigua's claim to fame is that it has a beach for every day of the year. I think we saw 3 of them as the Reflection sailed away. Some are not much bigger than a postage stamp, but sand + water = beach.

I checked my photos and there was a restaurant there too. Ken & I each had a Carib, a sandwich and I had fries. Beach fries are always the best. I can still remember those fries from my childhood days at the beach in Vancouver - fries, salt & sand in those little cardboard containers. These fries were almost as good.






The beach was almost deserted. The only other group there were the 'bikers'. Ken remembered that. There was an organized bike group on the ship. I do have some photos later in my review, though I wish I'd taken more. They must have had a great time. Free to take their own tours. I think they were mostly from the States and Canada, but maybe from Europe as well. Their bikes were first off the trip and it seemed that they had local guides at each stop. I did read something about the 'bikers' on our Roll Call, so if anyone reading this was part of the group, I'd like to hear more about it or how to find a link somewhere.


The sun is up now. Heading to the park for our dog walk. Later


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Hi Norris - I notice that in your reviews, if I click on a photo I see all the ones from your current post enlarged. I think I managed to make all my Cruise photos public on Flickr. These are the settings that I am using (see below). Should I change the license settings? I don't load all my photos on Flickr. Especially not winter ones. Maybe I should make a winter album. Like you, my photography is improving. I read a review that you did - your first Celebrity Cruise when you rented a full frame and were so thrilled with the photos that you bought the camera.

I bought a new camera at Christmas - not a full frame, but am thrilled with the camera. When I look back on photos that I thought were amazing, I think meh. Always learning & always improving. Great hobby. There is soooo much info out there. It's so fun sharing here on Cruise Critic. People are so nice & actually interested in vacation photos.





Maris, I have never seen that screen you showed above and went looking for it on Flickr last night. Still not seen in my accounts at least.

The reason I like to be able to click on the pic and see the original on Flickr is that there I can see the EXIF data which tells me everything I need to know about the photo -camera settings, time it was taken, whether Lightroom was involved. Also I can greatly magnify the photo and look at details-that has come in handy for seeing the names of ships in the distance. On Flickr there is also an option to Follow the photographer and see the rest of their photos. You can also see who has Faved your photo and go check out their work too. You can also join Groups with niche interests -I am in one that is devoted to ship pics but there ( I wouldn't be surprised) is maybe one devoted to Winter pics, sports pics, animal pics etc.

In the meantime I am enjoying sailing with you, to places I have yet to visit!

Great review!


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Maris, I have never seen that screen you showed above and went looking for it on Flickr last night. Still not seen in my accounts at least.

The reason I like to be able to click on the pic and see the original on Flickr is that there I can see the EXIF data which tells me everything I need to know about the photo -camera settings, time it was taken, whether Lightroom was involved. Also I can greatly magnify the photo and look at details-that has come in handy for seeing the names of ships in the distance. On Flickr there is also an option to Follow the photographer and see the rest of their photos. You can also see who has Faved your photo and go check out their work too. You can also join Groups with niche interests -I am in one that is devoted to ship pics but there ( I wouldn't be surprised) is maybe one devoted to Winter pics, sports pics, animal pics etc.

In the meantime I am enjoying sailing with you, to places I have yet to visit!

Great review!



Hi Norris


I’m not too sure what is going on. Do you have the paid Flickr account? I don’t. I use it sporadically but I think I’ll get back to it.

Was never a math wiz at school (maybe that’s why I loved teaching it) & almost failed Statistics in university but I love all that data & info. My name is Maris Lubbock, so maybe you can access the Flickr data that way.

Clicking on your photos (ABC review) while on my iPad, I’m not getting the info. I read reviews while treadmilling. Great way to pass the time & dream. I’ll have to check your review when back on the desktop.



Thanks for your input and all those great reviews & photos. As I said to one reader, you’re my Cruise Critic idol. If I could have only convinced Ken to take copious notes like Carol does. I also asked Ken if he wanted me to use a cruise name for him - like a masculine version of The Deck Chair Queen. He said ‘No, call me Ken😎



Marvy Mare😀

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In my short notes on Antigua, I mentioned the crazy roads. I was surprised when I look back at that. The roads had nothing on the roads in St. Lucia. That was an experience. The roads in Antigua were rough, the vehicle drove on the wrong side of the road and passed in some questionable places but in retrospect, that was nothing.


We were back to the port by 3:30 and walked back down a quiet street. All the guides were gone. We didn't get harassed at all. The boat left at exactly 4pm. I didn't see anyone running after us, so I guess everyone was on.


A couple of final shots of Antigua.






Waving good bye to the pilot boat.


We had out first dinner ever at a Celebrity specialty restaurant that evening; the Tuscan Grill. We had reservations for 6:00pm at my brother's suggestion. It was quite quiet and the tables were well spaced, unlike the Opus. Though because of the close seating arrangements at the main dining room (the Opus), we were able to talk to our neighbours, if they were willing to talk to us. We met some really nice people that way. On our first cruise, we met two couples in the main dining room that we socialized with on a few other occasions and made a point of dining together on the last night of the cruise. One couple, we have kept in touch with but unfortunately didn't exchange contact info with the other couple.

Back to the Tuscan Grill. A neighbour was kind enough to give me some On Board Credit for my 'significant' birthday and suggested that we use it at the Tuscan Grill. We were seated at a table for two right by the huge windows. I regret that I didn't bring my camera as sunset was at 6:19. We just enjoyed the view. The meal was great. I think I had Sea Bass? and Ken had something that wasn't fish again. It was all good; the food and the service were excellent.


After dinner we just returned to our room and sat on our deck enjoying the view. We were traveling past islands. It was really cool to see them at night. I tried a few photos but there wasn't enough light to get a good shot. I brought a travel tripod that I thought I could set on a table and use, but it still wouldn't reach above the railing. It's actually a tripod (Gorilla) that can wrap around things. I didn't risk wrapping it around our veranda railing. I'll put the least blurry photo up. I think it was Monserrat. We didn't have access to the internet other than when on an island, so I didn't look up where we were until after we returned home.


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