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My First (and hopefully not last) Paul Gauguin Cruise


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Wow those tour boats look pretty packed! I already know that I want organized tours at each place, no way could we handle taking our own boat or want to worry about getting a flat tire and missing the ship. But it is really great to read how you guys did everything and I feel sure it can help others. I have added up the excursions I would want to do at each place, and it is over $1k! That is alot on top of an already very expensive vacation.


I have another question if you wouldn't mind answering. Did you feel like you got to see alot, and spent enough time at each place? I am struggling with getting to see all of the islands for a little time on the cruise, versus picking 2 or 3 islands, and spending more time at them on land.


This is a tough one for me to answer because we really enjoy cruising as a way to see several different places in one trip. We also sometimes vacation at a resort for a week (usually in Mexico), but we just stay in one place because I like that I don't have to pack and unpack several times. I felt we were able to see a lot on each island and we could have seen even more, but our style is to not have any obligations and just go with what we feel like doing in the moment. There is nothing about the cruise that I look back on and regret or feel I missed (except maybe our post-cruise stay, but more on that later).


I read a lot of reviews before we left and there were only a few negative ones - mostly about their expectations of luxury not being met on the cruise (like the one guy who didn't like seeing the trash bags on the private motu :o). I don't remember reading any reviews where someone said that the cruise wasn't a good way to see French Polynesia.


Several times throughout the cruise, Scott and I commented to each other that we were so glad we went on the cruise as we couldn't see ourselves just hanging out at a hotel the entire time. But again, that is our preference. During my research, I found a few blogs written by people who went to FP and just stayed on one or two islands and they loved their time there, so it really just depends on how you like to travel. I really don't see how you could go wrong with either way you choose to visit beautiful French Polynesia!



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We love cruising but we also love land vacations--I think that is why this one is so tough. I've done drafts of both itineraries and actually the cruise almost seems more tiring as I would want to do something at every port, other than the Motu Mahana day and the PG beach on Bora Bora one day. Whereas the land vacation would be more like one excursion day, one resort day, etc. Oh well, it's a great problem to have I guess! :) Really enjoying your review and am taking notes!

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Wow those tour boats look pretty packed! I already know that I want organized tours at each place, no way could we handle taking our own boat or want to worry about getting a flat tire and missing the ship. But it is really great to read how you guys did everything and I feel sure it can help others. I have added up the excursions I would want to do at each place, and it is over $1k! That is alot on top of an already very expensive vacation.


I have another question if you wouldn't mind answering. Did you feel like you got to see alot, and spent enough time at each place? I am struggling with getting to see all of the islands for a little time on the cruise, versus picking 2 or 3 islands, and spending more time at them on land.


Remember you viewed pictures that had lots of people in them. Most excursions are smaller groups, only a few would be a larger group. Even if there are 35 people that want to take lets say the lagoon tour on Bora Bora with BBQ there will be 3 different outriggers all going to different locations within the lagoon and then trading off, this makes the experience much more pleasant .... then you all come together for the BBQ. On the motus/islands there is always a place to get away from the group and find your own slice of heaven. It is easy to find your space on a PG cruise. This is not true with the large vessels that come through now and then, they make an impact when they arrive at a small island with less locals than the tourist on-board, that is one of the nice things about going on the PG. Remember the company who owns the ship is one of the most environmentally friendly companies in FP, another reason to go on the PG.

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Lovely review, thanks for sharing. Every time I read a review from someone who is new it reminds me of my first trips to FP :)


I suppose we'll see more reviews in the future as you now has the famous Tahitian Flu ...


Thank you - I definitely have the flu! And thank you so much for all the wonderful pictures and information you have posted on this forum; it was instrumental in us being able to do so much on our own.



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I can’t remember what time we had to vacate our room on the last morning (maybe 8:30?), so we went to La Veranda for one last meal and waited in La Palette with some friends until 10:30a when it was time to leave the ship.


My thoughts on the food onboard the PG: I thought it was as good as the food we’ve had on other luxury cruises, with some things being just okay to some real standouts, like the moonfish. I also really liked the scrambled eggs; I switched it up one morning and ordered eggs benedict, but preferred the scrambled eggs. The fresh-squeezed orange juice was also one of my favorites in the morning. I also had a couple of Thai dishes during the week that were excellent. My favorite dessert was the crème brulee at La Veranda. One thing I really loved was the cheese selection. I ate cheese with bread with local jam every breakfast, and had tried an assortment of different cheeses every day at lunch. I saw the cheese trolley in the dining room at dinner, but it never made it to me – which was probably a good thing since I had cheese for breakfast and lunch, did I really need more after dinner? I also liked the bread and pastry selections, but was disappointed in the pizza. At dinner, if I saw a pasta dish that looked good, but didn’t want it as my main course, I would ask to have an appetizer portion, and they were always accommodating. Another way that the staff went above and beyond was with Scott’s martinis. He asked for blue cheese olives in them and I noticed on the last night that the bartender was hand-stuffing the olives!


When we exited the ship, they scanned our key cards one last time and then took them from us. This is the only time I’ve ever had to surrender my cruise card when disembarking. I’ve kept all my previous cards dating back to my first cruise in 1995 on the Viking Serenade. In hindsight, I wish I would have asked if I could keep it, but I didn’t - oh well, not a big deal.


Our Air France flight back to LAX was leaving the morning after our cruise, so we had one final day in French Polynesia. We knew that we were going to be leaving the ship in the morning and not checking into our hotel until the afternoon, so we decided to rent a car for the day. I booked a car online through Avis with a pickup that morning at their port location and dropoff the next morning at the airport. When we received a reminder email about our rental, it showed both the pickup and dropoff at the airport, so we thought that maybe Avis had changed our pickup as they possibly didn’t allow pickup and dropoff at different locations.


After collecting our luggage, a PG representative asked us if we needed transportation and we told her that we were wanting to go to Avis at the airport. She said that there was an Avis shuttle van picking up another couple and we could join them. The other couple was going to the downtown location so we also got out there to ask if we could get our car there and then return it the next day at the airport. They said we could absolutely do it that way, so we patiently waited our turn and finally had a car about an hour later. I’m really not sure why it took so long for them to do the paperwork and bring over the car (there was only one person in line in front of us), but we are on vacation island time, so no worries.


We had reserved an intermediate car, but it was really small; I wonder what the compacts look like? We had to fold down the back seat in order to fit all our luggage, so our first stop was at our hotel to have them hold our bags for us until we could come back for check-in.


We then headed to the Hotel Sarah Nui to pick up some of our new cruise friends who were staying there. They also couldn’t check-in to their room yet, but they had walked over there from the pier to drop their luggage.


Our friends had rented a car and drove around the island when they arrived in Tahiti on the first day, so they became our tour guides. I also had picked up a map at Avis which highlighted some of the major stops.


Our first stop was the Municipal Market where we bought some necklaces for our girls, some vanilla for my mom, and a pareo for myself. We could have easily gotten these same things during our various stops on our cruise and that is probably what I would do next time.


Our next stop was the Grotto de Marae. There was a parking area, a souvenir table, and some restrooms. Scott and I were talking outside the restrooms and a passerby said, “You speak English!” It turns out that he lives about an hour away from us in Utah. He and his wife were taking two of their grandchildren on the Windstar cruise the following day. What a special trip!


We walked around for a bit and then headed off to our next stop – the Arahoho Blowhole. We walked around and took a few pictures, but soon decided to continue the circle back to downtown Papeete. There were many other places we could have stopped along the way and this could easily be a half or full-day trip around the island (and the other island, Tahiti iti), but we were pretty tired and didn’t feel like stopping often. However, we felt it was a good way to explore Tahiti and use our time waiting for the hotel check-in.


We dropped our friends back off at their hotel and then checked into ours, the Tahiti Nui. It was 4:30p by the time we settled in our room and we were ready for some food. The hotel’s restaurant menu looked pretty good, but it didn’t open until 7:00p, so we walked a few blocks to find an open restaurant and ended up at Les 3 Brasseurs. Scott had the fish n chips, I had a three cheese pizza, and both were excellent.


When deciding which hotel to book for our one-night post-cruise stay, we had narrowed it down to the Tahiti Nui Hotel and the InterContinental. The IC would be double the cost of the Tahiti Nui and since our flight was early the next morning, we felt it wouldn’t be worth the cost. Well, now I feel differently. One of my only regrets about the whole trip is choosing the Tahiti Nui over the IC. The Tahiti Nui wasn’t a bad hotel; the room was actually large and rather nice, but it was noisy! Our room was facing a busy street and I slept maybe two hours the entire night. Also, the tv had only one English channel, CNN, and it was frozen on a picture of Bill Cosby. Since I couldn't sleep, I was able to at least listen to the news - I just couldn't watch it. :rolleyes: After staying at the Hilton Moorea, followed by the fabulous Paul Gauguin, the Tahiti Nui Hotel ended our trip on a bit of a low note. But we had such an amazing time that there are really only three things about the entire trip that I would do differently:


1- Save up our SkyMiles so we could fly business class instead of economy on the red-eye LAX-PPT.

2- Learn how to use my underwater camera and take more pictures.

3- Stay at the InterContinental instead of the Tahiti Nui.


The next morning, we loaded our bags into our rental car and headed off to the airport. When dropping the car off at Avis, there was no one in the lot to check the car like there usually is when we rent a car, so we just left it in one of the spots and went inside to the counter. The agent then went out to the lot to inspect the car - good thing, because she found Scott’s prescription sunglasses inside. While she was inspecting the car, she told us to go ahead and check our bags in for the flight, so as soon as we were done at Avis, we were able to head directly to security.


Because of Scott’s Delta status, we were given a pass to the Business Class lounge where we had some juice and used the free wi-fi. When it got close to boarding time, we headed downstairs and were soon on the plane back to LAX. We had chosen the same two seats for our flight back and we spent our time eating, drinking and watching movies. A day-time flight is so much better than a red-eye and I felt that the flight went by quickly.


Now for our final connecting flight home, I wouldn’t recommend that anyone book their flights the way we did, but I’m going to share what we chose to do and how it all turned out. :hearteyes: We had purchased our LAX-PPT-LAX tickets a couple of months before we used SkyMiles to add the SLC-LAX-SLC portion.Our PPT-LAX flight on Air France was scheduled to arrive in LAX at 6:35p, which left only one option for getting home to SLC that night, but it left at 8:15p, not leaving much room for error if anything was to go wrong.The minimum connection time for international to domestic connections at LAX is two hours and we would obviously be under that.We discussed spending the night in Los Angeles and then flying home first thing the next morning, but Scott and I decided that we would risk it in order to get home that night.Again, I would never recommend this tight of a connection, but we felt we had a good chance of making it and were prepared to pay the consequence and stay in Los Angeles overnight if we didn’t.


When Scott called Delta to link the two reservations, they said it wasn’t necessary and to just have our bags checked all the way through when we checked in for our flights. This worked well for us in SLC the day we left for PPT, but coming home, we were only able to check our bags to LAX in PPT, so we knew we would have to go to the Delta counter rather than use the connecting flight option once we retrieved our bags.


My biggest concern with this was that we were sitting at the back of the plane on our Air France flight so we would be one of the last to deplane. There could also be several international flights arriving at the same time, creating a long line for passport control. On the last day of the cruise we were discussing our concerns with our friends and they told us about the mobile passport app - the official U.S. Customs and Border Protection app designed for use at most major US airports and cruise ports.


The Tahiti Nui Hotel had free wifi in their lobby, so I downloaded the app, imported mine and Scott’s passport into the app, and took our photos. I then created my trip, but before hitting submit it said that I would only have four hours from the time it was submitted to clearing customs, so I planned to hit submit once we landed at LAX.


Just as I had expected, we were at the end of a very long line once we deplaned at LAX and it didn’t look good to make our connecting flight home. I asked one of the employees directing passengers where the mobile passport line was and she sent us to an empty line where we were cleared immediately! This app was the only thing that gave us any type of chance to make our flight; without it, we may not have even made a two hour connection.


Once we claimed our bags, we got in another line for customs and although there was a sign for mobile passport, they were directing everyone to the same line. It didn’t take us long to get through and once outside, we immediately looked for directions to the Delta terminal. There is a shuttle that we could take to get there, but we felt it would be faster for us to just speed walk over there.


In addition to the mobile passport app, there were two other things that were working to our advantage to help us make our flight. The first is that we had been upgraded to first class on our LAX-SLC flight, so we could use the premium line to check-in and check our bags. The other was our decision last year to pay for tsa precheck, so we were able to breeze through security. Although it was a bit stressful making such a tight connection, many things worked in our favor, and we even ended up with about 20 extra minutes before boarding began. Wow, I am feeling a little tense now just writing about that experience, but the flight home was comfortable, short, and uneventful. And best of all, we were able to wake up in the morning to our two adorable little girls jumping on the bed to welcome us home!


At the Grotto de Marae:


At the Arahoho Blowhole:


Home Sweet Home:


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Oh what a sweet note from your girls! Ugh, I am sad this trip is over I enjoyed reading it so much! I have already decided we will stay at the IC on Tahiti so thanks for the confirmation that's the right choice. I might have missed this but did you do your flights and your Tahiti hotel yourself or did you go through PG? And did you have any trouble adjusting on the first day even though you landed in the early morning and didn't sleep on the plane? It seemed like you did so much and never mentioned a nap! :) Thanks for the great review, I enjoyed it so much!

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Oh what a sweet note from your girls! Ugh, I am sad this trip is over I enjoyed reading it so much! I have already decided we will stay at the IC on Tahiti so thanks for the confirmation that's the right choice. I might have missed this but did you do your flights and your Tahiti hotel yourself or did you go through PG? And did you have any trouble adjusting on the first day even though you landed in the early morning and didn't sleep on the plane? It seemed like you did so much and never mentioned a nap! :) Thanks for the great review, I enjoyed it so much!


We did all of our flights and hotels on our own. Our original plan was to use skymiles for our flights (we didn't have enough for business class, but could get two economy tickets), but there wasn't availability for miles tickets on Air France. We could have gotten Air Tahiti Nui tickets with our miles, but I read a lot of reviews and didn't want to fly in economy with them. We ended up just buying economy tickets on Air France for the international flights and then used miles for our domestic portion.


It did take us a couple of days to adjust to the timezone after not sleeping on the flight over. I really wasn't tired that first day because I think I was just excited to be there! Our room at the Hilton was ready as soon as we got there (I think around noon), but we chose not to nap in order to adjust more quickly; however, we ended up going to bed pretty early. Even though we did and saw a lot and didn't take naps, we did do a lot of relaxing - mostly at the beach and at the pool. One of the things I really liked about this cruise was the balance of doing things plus being able to relax. I never felt like we were rushed to go see things (like some of our Med cruises), but we were never bored either.


I considered doing the post-cruise stay at the IC through PG, but when I looked for it online, there wasn't anything listed in the post-cruise section. This could be because we didn't start looking at post-cruise options until about two weeks before sailing. I could have called my TA to see if she could book anything through PG for us, but we decided to just book something on our own. Some friends we made on the cruise did the post stay at the IC through PG and the pictures they posted on facebook really made me wish we had stayed there.


I'll be looking forward to your review when you get back :D



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Thank you for your amazing recap of your trip! It was nice to hear from someone who didn’t book a ton of excursions and went to public beaches when you could. It gave a little different perspective than a lot of the reviews. Just one question about the time that you used a snorkel vest. Did you bring your own or did PG supply the vests. Thanks so much!

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Thank you for your amazing recap of your trip! It was nice to hear from someone who didn’t book a ton of excursions and went to public beaches when you could. It gave a little different perspective than a lot of the reviews. Just one question about the time that you used a snorkel vest. Did you bring your own or did PG supply the vests. Thanks so much!




I can't remember when we went if they had vests. I order one from Amazon and love it. They don't weight much at all. I can spend all day with my vest on. Highly recommend using them.



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Thank you for the review and taking the time to share your trip information. Love the photo from our children welcoming you home.

Thanks for the info about the app for re-entry into US.

We did the global entry a couple of years ago as soon as it was available and we have found it to be wonderful.



Again, thank you!


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Thank you for your amazing recap of your trip! It was nice to hear from someone who didn’t book a ton of excursions and went to public beaches when you could. It gave a little different perspective than a lot of the reviews. Just one question about the time that you used a snorkel vest. Did you bring your own or did PG supply the vests. Thanks so much!


We never used snorkel vests, but saw people using them on the PG motu day. Like others said, I believe they were provided by the ship.



Edited by yourSLCwoman
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Thank you for the review and taking the time to share your trip information. Love the photo from our children welcoming you home.

Thanks for the info about the app for re-entry into US.

We did the global entry a couple of years ago as soon as it was available and we have found it to be wonderful.



Again, thank you!



You're welcome! Since most of our traveling is domestic we chose to just get precheck, but I've heard that global entry is definitely worth it.



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You're welcome! Since most of our traveling is domestic we chose to just get precheck, but I've heard that global entry is definitely worth it.








Thank you Laura for a wonderful review. My husband and I are doing the PG cruise on May 26th and it will be our first time in FP. I am so excited to be going! Quick question about evening wear - is it acceptable to wear 3/4 length pants and a dress top? Or do you have to wear full length pants only?

Laurie :)



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Thank you Laura for a wonderful review. My husband and I are doing the PG cruise on May 26th and it will be our first time in FP. I am so excited to be going! Quick question about evening wear - is it acceptable to wear 3/4 length pants and a dress top? Or do you have to wear full length pants only?

Laurie :)



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Yes you may wear the 3/4 pants with a dressy top. It no problem. Enjoy your cruise.



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Thank you Laura for a wonderful review. My husband and I are doing the PG cruise on May 26th and it will be our first time in FP. I am so excited to be going! Quick question about evening wear - is it acceptable to wear 3/4 length pants and a dress top? Or do you have to wear full length pants only?

Laurie :)



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Yes, I wore 3/4 pants a couple of nights.


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What a refreshing review, Laura. We like to take in the ambience of a place and don't feel that we have to fill up our days with excursions, but I was beginning to feel a bit out of step with everyone who was booking loads if excursions in advance.


One of the things I want to do is enjoy the ship and hang out with Les Gauguines from time to time. I like to spend some time chilling out.


Were there plenty of taxis meeting the ferry from Tahiti to Moorea? I'd understood we had to arrange transport in advance.

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What a refreshing review, Laura. We like to take in the ambience of a place and don't feel that we have to fill up our days with excursions, but I was beginning to feel a bit out of step with everyone who was booking loads if excursions in advance.


One of the things I want to do is enjoy the ship and hang out with Les Gauguines from time to time. I like to spend some time chilling out.


Were there plenty of taxis meeting the ferry from Tahiti to Moorea? I'd understood we had to arrange transport in advance.


When we arrived on Moorea from the ferry, we ended up taking the bus to the Hilton, but there were plenty of taxis available.


One of my favorite days on the cruise was the afternoon we just hung out at the pool with about two dozen other passengers while everyone else was off on excursions. Enjoy your time chilling out!



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If your not going out on an excursion while visiting Moorea, and if you really want to rub shoulders with the locals ... I would suggest going to lunch at Snack Mahana. This is a locals hangout for lunch. Less than one mile from the tender drop off location in Opunohu Bay. Some of the very best Poisson Cru in all of French Polynesia ;)



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When we arrived on Moorea from the ferry, we ended up taking the bus to the Hilton, but there were plenty of taxis available.


One of my favorite days on the cruise was the afternoon we just hung out at the pool with about two dozen other passengers while everyone else was off on excursions. Enjoy your time chilling out!




We're arriving on a Sunday, early morning, so I've managed to book a shuttle via Albert's tours.


We love going on local buses but our cruise is part of a longer trip so we'll have a fair bit of luggage. I decided I'd go with the security of being met.

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  • 2 weeks later...
PG CRUISE – DAY 2 (Huahine)


Our first morning onboard the PG, we still hadn’t adjusted to the time zone, so we woke up fairly early. I did some reading, followed by my in-room workout and then we got ready and went up to Le Grill for breakfast. We stopped by the excursion desk for port facts and a map of Huahine. A list of onboard activities, dining hours, the tender schedule, etc for the following day was delivered every night, but information on the individual ports was only available at the excursion desk.


After gathering some water, our snorkeling gear, and the towels that had been left in our room for us to take ashore, we took the tender to Huahine.


Our opinion on shore excursions: This was my twelfth cruise and between all of them, I’ve done exactly one cruise ship sponsored excursion. We’ve pre-booked a handful of private shore excursions for some destinations, but our preferred way of seeing a port is doing some research before we get there and then deciding what we want to do once we actually arrive there. I know this doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for us.


I had read online that there was a decent public beach on Huahine at Fare and then I read about it again on the backside of the map we got at the excursion desk. So once we arrived on shore, we climbed on the complimentary Le Truck for the interesting ride to Fare. At Fare, we walked down the road a few blocks to a grocery store and bought some French candy to take home to our daughters (they are in a French immersion program at school and appreciate all things related to the French language and culture; and they are little kids, so they really appreciate candy). We then walked back towards where we were dropped off and continued walking along the waterfront until we reached the public beach.


Once there, I spread out the fabric shower curtain liner I had brought from home – bought at TJ Maxx for $5 – which was another tip I got from reading reviews online, and then put our towels and other things on top of the liner so they (and us) weren’t sitting directly on the sand. I used this liner again at the private beach on Bora Bora and would have used it again on Moorea since we went to a public beach there, but as you’ll see, we ended up not hanging out on the beach there. I definitely plan on packing it again for our Christmas Caribbean cruise this December.


We snorkeled for about an hour and then decided to make our way back – first on the shuttle “Le Truck” and then on the tender. After conveniently dropping our things off in our cabin, we went up on deck to get an afternoon snack at Le Grill and a “drink of the day” at the Pool Bar. We chatted with several of our fellow passengers and we met many fun and interesting people this cruise, which really added to our experience. We finished our afternoon by attending the “Children of Huahine” show in the Grand Salon, followed by the Moonfish presentation back up at Le Grill.


After getting ready for the evening, we noticed that there was jazz music at La Palette, so we decided to go have a pre-dinner drink there. This ended up not being our kind of thing. The room was set up so all the chairs were facing the stage making it more of a “show” than a lounge area to relax and have drinks and conversation. We noticed some passengers wearing matching buttons so I’m quite certain there was a group onboard. The evening jazz music was listed as available and open to all passengers, but we didn’t find the button wearing group to be welcoming towards the rest of us. As soon as we could, we ducked out of there and went down to the Piano Bar where the bartenders remembered us and asked if we wanted the same drinks as we had the previous evening; “Yes, please!”


We had dinner for two at L’Etoile and we both agreed that the moonfish was the best fish dish we have ever had. We decided to go to bed right after dinner again, but at least we were adjusting to a little later bedtime each night.




Public Beach at Fare on Huahine:



"I had read online that there was a decent public beach on Huahine at Fare and then I read about it again on the backside of the map we got at the excursion desk. So once we arrived on shore, we climbed on the complimentary Le Truck for the interesting ride to Fare. At Fare, we walked ...towards where we were dropped off and continued walking along the waterfront until we reached the public beach."

Hi Laura,


DH and I are on the PG cruise for the first time this July and are just trying to decide about the activities at each location...We love to snorkel and often snorkel from the beaches in Hawaii....How was the quality of the snorkeling at the beach you went to in Fare?


There is a private excursion (Marc's Motu Picnic) on Huahine that is 5-6 hours long and has snorkeling but we are not sure that we want to spend that amount of time away from the ship on the first day; we do want to snorkel, if the conditions are good.

Thanks in advance for your feedback and for putting this report together, it is very helpful!


:) Lisa

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