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dogs on board


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Before jet travel the ship would did crossings as a regular schedule.

All PAX ship allowed animal and had regular kennels.

The dog were let out in the front deck thats why its called the Poop deck...

If you had put a smiley after this I would not have responded. However...


The term poop deck precedes cruise ships or even regular trans-ocean crossings. Poop deck comes from Roman days and merely refers to the aft deck of a ship (click here - scroll down a few words).

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OK, where does the dog pee and poop? :mad:

On our Panama Canal trip we had three blind passengers who had two seeing eye dogs assisting them (one blind couple shared a dog). We saw them all over the ship and on our land tours. These were very well trained dogs, and were "on duty" at all times.


That question (where do they go) came up in some discussion, and we found out the dogs were taken up forward (in the closed area) where the anchor chains are hoisted to relieve themselves. Crew members then clean up after the dogs....:)

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This is where the Cruise Lines need to draw the line. Either allows pet or do not allow pets, including service dogs. It won't be long, and it sounds like it may have already happened, until someone "says" their 'pet' is a 'service dog', and it is really just an excuse because "I can't stand to be without Fluffy while I'm out having a good time." I vote NO DOGS, PERIOD.

well I vote no on people who dont like service dogs.


sorry but you can not out law service dogs. Its just against the law, and if some one tried to do that the well lets just say the courts have spoken on this in the past.

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If you had put a smiley after this I would not have responded. However...


The term poop deck precedes cruise ships or even regular trans-ocean crossings. Poop deck comes from Roman days and merely refers to the aft deck of a ship (click here - scroll down a few words).


Poop Deck: The aft-most, raised weather deck on a ship. ..............To be pooped incidentally, meant to have a wave break over the ship's stern.


So dogs can poop on the poop deck and when the wave pooped the poop on poop deck..........problem over......:)

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Bottom line: A service dog IS NOT a pet. Service dogs are usually very well loved and are, by nature, extremely close to their owners. That's not the same thing as being a family pet. Service animals (dogs aren't the only kind) perform a necessary function for those who need them. I think that the cruise ships should require proof of an animal being a true service animal. Then there would be no issue of whether the animal "belongs" onboard.



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You know what is much stranger than a dog aboard a ship? It is someone who spends a weeks abord Mariner and has nothing else to write about when they get back. I spent a week aboard that ship and had all kinds of things about her that I wanted to share on this board. This dog must have really traumatized the OP.;)

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Bottom line: A service dog IS NOT a pet. Service dogs are usually very well loved and are, by nature, extremely close to their owners. That's not the same thing as being a family pet. Service animals (dogs aren't the only kind) perform a necessary function for those who need them. I think that the cruise ships should require proof of an animal being a true service animal. Then there would be no issue of whether the animal "belongs" onboard.




Well said, beachchick! I completely agree with you. Obviously, this lady's dog was more of a pet that that of a service dog. Come on! Dressed up with necklaces on? Pictures taken on formal nights? That's absurd.


In the DC area, I have seen those little "dressed up" dogs in Home Depot, a fast food restaurant and a grocery store. Enough already. A little advice to all the Paris Hilton wannabes: Leave your dog at home!!!! Even if it makes you feel sad. Sorry, but it had to be said.

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I find that the current state of the world (poverty, hunger, war, etc.)makes me very depressed. When I get home each night and I see my cat I always feel better. I guess that my cat now qualifies as a service animal so I will be bringing her with me the next time I cruise....:rolleyes:

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The abuse of people passing off their pets as service animals will only make it harder for people who really need these animals.


If someone has a REAL service animal then they have every right to have it with them and I support them all the way, BUT a cruise is not the place for your pets.



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This dog being brought on board to cure depression is a joke. I can understand if it is a legitimate work dog but this is ridicules. If being on a cruise is not good enough to cure depression, what the heck is a dog going to do. This is an abuse. Maybe I should find a corrupt psychiatrist to say I am depressed and I need my dog with me wherever I go.


Maybe you shouldn't take mental illness so lightly. A service dog is a service dog.

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Just when I thought I'd read it all.....lol... Unbelieveable.... A dog needed to cure depression?? Give me a break.... If she can't be without the dog for one week then don't go on the cruise... Some people are allergic to dogs.... Just when you think you can go on a cruise without that worry..... ugh...... And to do what she's doing to the dog?? Dressing it up and such.... Poor dog.......


Some people are allergic to perfume. So I guess perfume wearers should be banned from cruise ships as well. Makes as much sense as your statement about dog allergies.

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Some people are allergic to perfume. So I guess perfume wearers should be banned from cruise ships as well. Makes as much sense as your statement about dog allergies.



I don´t think so. Everybody knows there will be perfume onboard every cruise ship, while animals of any kind are not likely to be found on a cruise ship. At least so far.

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You know what is much stranger than a dog aboard a ship? It is someone who spends a weeks abord Mariner and has nothing else to write about when they get back. I spent a week aboard that ship and had all kinds of things about her that I wanted to share on this board. This dog must have really traumatized the OP.;)


actually it didn't traumatize me at all. I just get disguisted when I see pets in places they shouldn't be. I work in retail, and I have to kick people out of the store when they bring their pets in. We don't need dog hair and fleas getting on our merchandise. Just a few weeks ago, I saw a lady in the mall pushing her dog in a stroller.


Don't get me wrong, the dog was cute. I love chihuahuas. But a pet does not belong on a cruise ship. You don't carry a service dog around like a doll and dress it all cutesy, and let strangers pet it and "ooh" and "ahhh" all over it. It distracts the dog from doing what it is trained to do. Had it really been a service dog, she would tell people not to pet it, as it distracts it.


I have a friend whose mother has CP, and is in a wheelchair. She has the cutest chi-poo (chihuahua/poodle mix) who is her service dog. People and children always want to pet her, but she has to tell them not to, because she's working.


Maybe I'll bring my cat next time, and say she cures my fear of pets posing as service animals. ;)

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I LOVE dogs and ALWAYS miss my dog terribly when I am away, but can't say I am DEPRESSED, for heaven sake I am on a cruise....I would love to take my 'dog baby' with me, but somehow I don't think the other passengers would appreciate my 100 pound chocolate lab (Moose) cruising with them. One thing for sure, no food would go to waste on a cruise with HIM on board...


Anyway, while it would cheer me up to see a true working service dog on a cruise, I would be irritated to see someone who has managed to get a small dog onboard with the pretense of being a 'working dog for depression'.

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I LOVE dogs and ALWAYS miss my dog terribly when I am away, but can't say I am DEPRESSED, for heaven sake I am on a cruise....I would love to take my 'dog baby' with me, but somehow I don't think the other passengers would appreciate my 100 pound chocolate lab (Moose) cruising with them. One thing for sure, no food would go to waste on a cruise with HIM on board...


Anyway, while it would cheer me up to see a true working service dog on a cruise, I would be extremely irritated to see someone who has managed to get a small dog onboard with the pretense of being a 'working dog for depression'.

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As I read through this, I kept waiting to get to the part where the dog actually did something to detract from other passengers' enjoyment of the cruise. So far, I've come up with wearing fancy jewelry and attracting affection and attention from other passengers. Yowsers.


We can only speculate to the legitimacy of the "service" nature of this dog, but in the end we will never know. Since this dog's greatest offense was attracting "oohs and ahhs," I'm not sure what the problem is. RCCL obviously knew the dog was onboard (as they must have been distracted by its shiny collar) and were ok with it. If it concerns you that much, I'd suggest contacting RCCL about their dog policy and make sure you are ok with it before cruising with them again.


And chill out. You're supposed to be on vacation.

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Oh so she should have be nasty and treated the dog bdly and that would it have made it OK? A close friend trains seeing eye dogs. When she (the dog) is not in her training mode, she is affectionate and is well loved. There is nothing wrong with loving an animal that brings such help and joy. Shame on you for thinking you have the right to judge. And what if the woman did not want to advertise that she has a depression problem? Personally if the dog did nothing to harm you, then it really is none of your or anyone else's business. Life is to short to worry and fuss about such silly things.

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BTW, QM2 and QE2 have kennels on board, so be sure to stay away from those ships.


Cunard told me that they were eliminating the kennels from their ship. I was excited about bringing our dog on the cruise (was looking at the 38-day LA to New York) but they told me it would be removed before the cruise.

In California, you have to have the animal licensed to be a service animal. There are several commands that the animal must obey and a certificate is issued, and the animal must wear an indentifier that it is a service animal. Now, it may very well be that people abuse this issue. I have heard of people getting the animal licensed as a service animal so they could bring it to work. However, just because some people abuse the system doesn't mean that the animals don't perform a valuable function. Do I care about seeing a dog on my cruise? Why should I care unless it is causing me some trouble? If the dog didn't create any health hazzard or other safety issue, or if it didn't bark and keep me up during the day or night when I wanted to sleep or relax, then it doesn't concern me. Too many of you are acting as the Police for a victimless crime, even if there is a crime.

Leave them alone, and if they cause a problem, report it. Enjoy your cruise the way you want, and let someone else enjoy theirs, as long as your competing interestes don't interfere with the other.

Now, if I saw the dog in the pool or in the sauna, then that might be an issue.......:eek:

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As I read through this, I kept waiting to get to the part where the dog actually did something to detract from other passengers' enjoyment of the cruise. So far, I've come up with wearing fancy jewelry and attracting affection and attention from other passengers. Yowsers.



I hate to speak for others but I think maybe the OP's concern is the door that this opens, not so much this particular dog's behavior. I have a small dog who is rather rambunctious. If I were to bring him on board, I can promise it would detract from YOUR experience (and mine too). I love animals. But, I agree with many here that this is a door that shouldn't be opened and once it is opened, its very difficult to tell some people that the dog they are bringing on for depression is upsetting other people while another dog is just fine onboard.


Basically, I think most people agree that service animals are a needed part of society to help the handicapped but lets face it, if you are so handicapped by depression that you can't enjoy a cruise without your dog (who happens to be dressed up like a goofball) then you really should stay home and seek some serious therapy. I work in a children's hospital and have no doubt that animals are therapeutic. In fact, we have a whole staff of therapy dogs but a cruise ship is not the place for this to occur. This is just one example of how people take serious advantage.



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So when the little ****zu bites me standing in the omelet line on deck.. who do i sue? (only kidding) (just remembering Rusty throwing his hat off the Eifel Tower in European Vacation):rolleyes: . Seriously if there's a need, an honest need for the pet, it should be ok... now on the other hand... what about the person on the oxygen tank by poolside that keeps trying to lite that cigarette.. :p


your pal

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I think that the cruise ships should require proof of an animal being a true service animal


Actually they do. On my last cruise, one person in my group, had her service dog. She had to send all his paperwork to the cruiseline in advance, in addition of presenting it upon arrival, and wait at each port for clearance to get off the ship, since each port had to approve all the paper work. The day before the cruise, when she arrived here, she realized she had walked out and forgot his health certificate, we had to find an open vet, on a Saturday afternoon, to get a replacement, after about 4 hrs of checking various vet offices and waiting we finally had it in hand. Her dog has had to not only be trained and certified as a service dog, he is registered with homeland security. It is not easy to bring an animal on board.


Yes she had him dressed cute and everyone oooh'd and aww'd over him but he has also saved her life more than once. He is a trained diabetic dog. He has woke up her in the middle of the night when her blood sugar had dropped so low that if he had not been there she could possibly have gone into a coma in her sleep. He alerts her when it gets too high too.


I have allergies to cigars but people still smoke them, I just avoid them. It is their right. I have allergies to some perfumes, but I dont make an issue over folks wearing that kind, it is their right.


If someone has a service animal on board, then believe me, they have more than just a note from the doc saying they have to have their dog, they have gone thru a lot of work to get the dog trained and certified and have provided a lot of paperwork to get the animal on a ship. The ship provides them with a location for the animal to do it's business, and if they are trained to be a service animal they have been trained with enough control to know to wait till they get to that location to do their thing and not to just poop and tinkle all over the ship.

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I personally am fed up with the dogs are people too. I love my dog and she has free reign of my HOME but..... These people who take dogs to stores, malls, grocery , restaurants etc are rude. Some people especially children are terrified of animals. I dont appreciate shopping for a dress and having a strange dog under my feet . Your dog jumping on me is not "cute" Neither is your dog sticking its head out of a purse while I am eating . Your dog barking while I am shopping or sleeping in the room next door is not pleasant. I took my dog to the vet on a 40 degree day, i could not get gas and use the restroom without a lecture on leaving my dog in the car but they could keep their kid in the car to get gas use the restroom & lecture me.


I'll make the face to me for you :mad:


But I have to agree other than legit service animals , NO DOGS ALLOWED.

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