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Guess what RCI have said about alcohol now !

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I am doing the Doc dance Yeeha !

Finally sit down with a cup of coffee to drool over my precious Documents from RCI....bliss.....

I turn to page 2...SHOCK !!! HORROR !!!! what is this I see.....

"A word about Alcoholic Beverage Policy : Guests are not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages of any kind on board for consumption or any other use. RCI is not responsible for fines imposed or items confiscated by local authorities. Alcohilic beverages that are purchased duty free from shops onboard or at ports of call will be stored by us and delivered to your stateroom on the last day of your vaoyage "

Am I dreaming or has RCI changed their policy yet again...I was under the impression that I could bring a couple of bottles of wine on board (from our duty free allowance coming from the UK) and either pay corkage or drink it in our room.

Just thought I'd share this with you in the hope that someone else has been told different.


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I am doing the Doc dance Yeeha !

Finally sit down with a cup of coffee to drool over my precious Documents from RCI....bliss.....

I turn to page 2...SHOCK !!! HORROR !!!! what is this I see.....

"A word about Alcoholic Beverage Policy : Guests are not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages of any kind on board for consumption or any other use. RCI is not responsible for fines imposed or items confiscated by local authorities. Alcohilic beverages that are purchased duty free from shops onboard or at ports of call will be stored by us and delivered to your stateroom on the last day of your vaoyage "

Am I dreaming or has RCI changed their policy yet again...I was under the impression that I could bring a couple of bottles of wine on board (from our duty free allowance coming from the UK) and either pay corkage or drink it in our room.

Just thought I'd share this with you in the hope that someone else has been told different.



Nope. It was on both of my doc's, going back to last may. I just looked, and it's at the back of both of my books. And it seems they added the part about the liabilities/fines, although, I had read that before somewhere.

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The alcohol policy in the Royal Caribbean brochure says the same thing and there is no exception for wine to be used at dinner. You can try to slip it in your checked, locked luggage and see if it makes it through as it often does. Worst case scenerio is that the ship confiscates it, stores it and returns it to you on the last night.


As for fines, the cruise ship can't fine you so I think they may just be trying to scare you. Unlikely that Customs at your port of embarkation is going to fine you as long as you declare that you've got a bottle or two of alcohol. There could be some duty, but even that is often waived if you're over your duty free limit as long as you declare it.



next up:

Grandeur of the Seas (03/06)

Dawn Princess (05/06)

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Bummer, I just saw your post and read my docs. I guess I can forget bringing a couple of bottles of Asti spamaiti? I'm still going to get a twelve packs of caffine free pepsi and a twelve pack of ginger ale.


I hope they don't take them away from me!

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That has been the official stance of RCCL for a long time.


Reason!! THEY WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY OFF OF YOU WHEN YOU BUT ALCOHOL FROM THEM. Does this suprise anyone? It shouldn't. Your are in a very closed enviroment on a cruise ship. They do HAVE the right to x-ray your oncoming bags and also have the right to see what you bring back from each port.


With the cost of fuel getting higher and higher. RCCL has to recoop more money from you the passenger to make a profit. I know of two ways of doing this. 1. Charge more in cruise tickets or 2. make more from you while on ship.


Currently they are choosing to make more from you while on the ship.


The following is a direct quote from the Crusie Ticket contract in the online registration page, which you agree too. If you don't you don't go.


"Carrier reserves the right to refuse to permit any Passenger to take on board the Vessel or on any mode of Transport any item Carrier deems inappropriate."


So when you bought your ticket you agreed RCCL can do about anything they want. You should really read this contract. It actually says they are not liable for bad food, not a direct quopte a paraphrase.


Now do they look the other way from time to time?


Why sure they do. But if they don't want to they don't have too.



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Nothing has changed. That is their official policy on alcohol and it has been for quite a while. However, there IS an exception for wine, as people have posted recently. They don't say it either in the docs or on their website, but I have an e-mail message from them (from 2 weeks ago) telling me there is an exception and numerous people have posted about being on their ships recently and being permitted to bring wine.

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Bummer is right! I am still going to take my supply of wine for the week, and see what happens.....worst case scenario, they take it and hold it 'til we disemabrk. At least I hope that is the worst case scenario! If they didn't bump up the cost of wine so much, I would be happy to purchase it from them!


I cruised with NCL last summer.....their prices were not outrageous, and they give 1 bottle free after the purchase of 5....I can live with that, but not a 4-500% markup. That is out and out robbery!



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Think it has been a year or so since that policy started. Just got off Splendour and packed wine and vodka in our checked luggage no problem! Just dont' forget the cork screw! I asked the bartender at the pool bar for a bucket (the ones they use for buckets of beer) filled with ice, and took it back to our cabin for icing down the wine. Our cabin steward was so sweet and gave us fresh ice in our bucket each day if needed. I gave him an extra 10.00 for this! The in room ice buckets used to be large enough to ice down wine, but no more!

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They do HAVE the right to x-ray your oncoming bags...
Yep, they sure do. But unless the booze is transferred to metal containers an x-ray ain't gonna catch it. :p ;)


A physical search is another matter but I don't hear much about that on cruise ships. I'm sure it happens but it's never happened to me. But then I've only cruised twice. :o


Flying is another matter. I've started a collection of TSA inspection notices. Our bags always get searched when flying. The good thing is TSA doesn't confiscate your booze. (They never have ours anyway.) The bad thing is they don't pack stuff back very neatly. :rolleyes: Including formal wear! :mad:

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Yep, they sure do. But unless the booze is transferred to metal containers an x-ray ain't gonna catch it. :p ;)


A physical search is another matter but I don't hear much about that on cruise ships. I'm sure it happens but it's never happened to me. But then I've only cruised twice. :o


Flying is another matter. I've started a collection of TSA inspection notices. Our bags always get searched when flying. The good thing is TSA doesn't confiscate your booze. (They never have ours anyway.) The bad thing is they don't pack stuff back very neatly. :rolleyes: Including formal wear! :mad:

TSA probably searches your bags when you fly to see what is in the bottles . . . they do show up on the xray. All kinds of non-metal stuff shows up. That's how another line knows to slap the "alchohol/liquor" stickers on and not deliver the bag to you.

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TSA probably searches your bags when you fly to see what is in the bottles . . . they do show up on the xray. All kinds of non-metal stuff shows up. That's how another line knows to slap the "alchohol/liquor" stickers on and not deliver the bag to you.


Are you saying that a cruiseline confiscates your ENTIRE bag if you have a bottle in it? Which line?


I haven't smuggled anything in my luggage but we have brought some bottles back from port stops. They weren't confiscated, but that was last year.

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A followup to the previous question - would anyone that has DISCREETLY brought aboard booze in either carry-on or checked luggage (at the original embarkation) and gotten caught, please post with the circumstances.

Its my theory that the the policy is 99% bluff, and in the hurry to get embarkation accomplished, no one has much time to worry about alcohol.

Just wish they would go back to the old policy of selling on the ship for consumption, maybe even up the prices a bit, and everyone would be happy.


BTW, my personal method is to buy the 750ml size of gin, vodka that comes in a plastic "flask" (can't remember the brand). Advantage of being unbreakable, and then I pack it on it's side relative to the suitcase. Figure in this position it isn't very noticible to Xray.

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I have never seen a post by anyone on this subject who said their alcohol packed in checked luggage was confiscated. And, even if it happened, they would return it to you when leaving the ship. We use those grip lock plastic ties on our checked luggage. That way you at least know if your luggage has been searched. I believe the "threat" is really a bluff. Could you imagine the outrage if RCI searched all luggage that they suspected had liquor in them?? Would be horrible PR for them. And you thought the patriot act was a breach of privacy!! Plus, if it became obvious that luggage was being "searched", I'm sure the next issue they would have to deal with would be claims of stolen/missing items!!! I realize they have the right to search.

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Are you saying that a cruiseline confiscates your ENTIRE bag if you have a bottle in it? Which line?


I haven't smuggled anything in my luggage but we have brought some bottles back from port stops. They weren't confiscated, but that was last year.

No, they hold the bag and require you to report to a specified place and open the bag in front of security. They then take your booze, if you have any and let you go on your way with the rest of your stuff.

It's NCL.

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We just back from a cruise and had NO problem as long as you put it in your carry-on. If it is obvious - they will take it.


Agree. I've never had a problem bringing a little of my own in my carry on. Just use an empty bottle of water. Never even had my carry on searched.

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Are you saying that a cruiseline confiscates your ENTIRE bag if you have a bottle in it? Which line?


I haven't smuggled anything in my luggage but we have brought some bottles back from port stops. They weren't confiscated, but that was last year.


I can personally say it is NCL. Got the notice to go see Security in a certain room onboard ship after we sailed. Go down to the room and there is about 100 bags of luggage. Dig through and find mine. "Sir your luggage has been tagged as containing a possible bottle of alcohol would you please open it up" Open it up and there is some clothing, my shaving kit, and a nicely wrapped present. (It was my birthday that week)


"Would you mind opening the present" Opened it up and there is a bottle of champagne. Came up with some story that my buddy had given it to me as a bon voyage/birthday gift. The officer left the bottle in the box, put the lid on it and placed it back in my bag and told me to have a good day.


I am sure that had it been hard liquor it would have been confiscated.



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As for fines, the cruise ship can't fine you so I think they may just be trying to scare you.


It's not that the cruise line can fine you, nor are they trying to scare you. They are simply legally disavowing responsibility for your actions in the (VERY unlikely) event that your carrying alcohol results in a fine at some port. In that very unlikely scenario, they're simply saying you're gettin' the fine, we're not!


It would be sort of like reminding your friend that gets in the passenger seat of your car "Hey, if you don't wear your seatbelt and we get pulled over - you're getting the ticket, not me" (Assuming you're in a seat belt required jurisdiction).

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and fill with VODKA, are they tasting it? Then a large mouthwash bottle, rum goes nicely in it as will any you want. Be sure to put in a zip lock bag, just in case, if it leaks it can still be poured!


State liquor stores have the 750ml "flask" bottles that are rectagular and plastic bottles. I actually put a mouthwash sticker on one & carried it on in my carry on.........




Then a

No, they hold the bag and require you to report to a specified place and open the bag in front of security. They then take your booze, if you have any and let you go on your way with the rest of your stuff.

It's NCL.

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The driver of the car loses............. law states you will not proceed into drive til all are belted in car, including children in required child seats in the read seats. If you drive a front seat only truck, NO CHILDREN!


This includes visitors.



It's not that the cruise line can fine you, nor are they trying to scare you. They are simply legally disavowing responsibility for your actions in the (VERY unlikely) event that your carrying alcohol results in a fine at some port. In that very unlikely scenario, they're simply saying you're gettin' the fine, we're not!


It would be sort of like reminding your friend that gets in the passenger seat of your car "Hey, if you don't wear your seatbelt and we get pulled over - you're getting the ticket, not me" (Assuming you're in a seat belt required jurisdiction).

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The driver of the car loses............. law states you will not proceed into drive til all are belted in car, including children in required child seats in the read seats. If you drive a front seat only truck, NO CHILDREN!


This includes visitors.


Actually, most states with a seatbelt law (New Hampshire is the only state without one for adults) read like the "Oklahoma Mandatory Seatbelt Use Act" (I'm in Oklahoma) or the Washington seatbelt law -- Oklahoma's law provides that if the passenger is over the age of 17, they receive the ticket, and Washington's law provides that if the passenger is over the age of 15, they receive the ticket.


Can't find the specific text of Ohio's law, but did find an article in the "The Post", newspaper in Athens, OH that states that, in Athens, a passenger not wearing a seatbelt can be fined $60.


But I must admit, I love the suggestion for vodka in the water bottle!

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If you are embarking in Florida, exactly what law are you breaking. I doubt TSA could do anything to you if they see the alcohol. All they can do is examine the alcohol. It isn't illegal in Florida to be in the possession of alcohol. No fine there. And there is no way that RCCL could fine you. Worst case is RCCL takes your alcohol and gives it back that last night of the cruise.

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