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Summit - 10-4 (good buddy) & Live(ish)


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Hi DCPIV, we are neighbors on the ship. We're in a royal suite but we have Glenn and Kseniia looking after us so I think we are on opposite sides of the ship. Anyway, thank you for doing this report. I wanted to do one but I am having problems with my tablet and it  can't get my portable keyboard set up.


This is our first post covid cruise but we have experienced the same enthusiastic friendliness from the crew as the repeat cruisers.


It's amazing sailing with so few passengers. Our only wait was for lunch at Luminae on the first day because we showed up along with most of the suite passengers at 12:45. The staff did a great job of scrambling to accommodate all of us. I was worried that would be a continual problem but it hasn't. 


One note about vaccine cards...this was the first time we had to use ours so we hadn't examined them closely. On DHs card, the person who did his second shot put the lot number and their initials but did not put the date. This caused a 15 -20 anxious wait in the terminal while they found a supervisor to give him the "go ahead" to board. Everyone was very pleasant and apologetic, we understood their need to be cautious, but the bad adrenaline rush was not how I envisioned starting my cruise. On the other hand, the applause from the crew as we boarded brought unexpected tears to my eyes.


I just came from the solarium where I had the whole pool to myself. I savored the experience because I don't think it will happen again.

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12 hours ago, canderson said:

Those aboard seem to be loving the 3:1 ratio, but saying the low pax count does make the ship feel a little weird


Yes, it is a little weird, but it's hardly bad. Service is excellent, and it's very nice that the crew have time to chat. I know it's rough on them, though.

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3 hours ago, jg51 said:


Dear "DCPIV,"

May we ask a favor of you?


Could you please display photos of the "activities" page of two of your "Celebrity Today" issues (for example, October 4 and 5 (or October 5 and 6)?  We're referring to the page that gives detailed times and topics, possibly with all the musical performances summarized in the lower right-hand corner?  [We don't need to see any of the other pages.]


Thanks, in advance!


I will do my best to remember when I'm back in the room. 

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13 minutes ago, Cdresser said:

Hi DCPIV, we are neighbors on the ship.


I look forward to meeting you in person! I was in Luminae when you arrived (and, yes, they did have to scramble a bit!)

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So, last night was another lovely one aboard. I actually passed on dinner at Tuscan Grill. Dining alone in a dark, nearly empty restaurant just isn't appealing. The more bustling Luminae is far more enjoyable. 


Before dinner was a reception at the Retreat Lounge with some officers present. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but I world only stay in there for a few moments at a time

The evening was absolutely perfect, so I kept going outside to enjoy it. 




I mean, come on. How can I stay in a room where the only view is three TVs when that's just on the other side of the door? 😀


A few other passengers were nice enough to invite me to join them at their table for dinner. I had a truly magnificent time with them and look forward to seeing them more over the next few days. 


Today is Cozumel. We're docked right next to Edge. I did have an excursion but I cancelled it this morning. This is more than y'all want to know, but I received some bad news from home last night. A friend passed away suddenly from a stroke. The shock from that led to a pretty awful night's sleep. When the alarm went off at 7, I may have had 2 or 3 hours of sleep, and that just ain't gonna cut it. So, I just called down to let them know I wouldn't be there and went back to bed for a few more hours. This is the first and only time this trip that I've not been okay with travelling alone. I'd very much like to be with some folks, chatting a bit about the friend we just lost. 


The phone rang right after I got back up. It was Connie, one of the Retreat Concierges. She was calling to check on me and see if I was feeling well. I expect that's part of ship safety protocol, but I also greatly appreciated the gesture. 


Other than espresso and a croissant, that's pretty much been my day. It may not be my best day, but there's no such thing as a bad day aboard a cruise ship. 


There's another helipad sailaway this evening, but I'll miss it because I have a massage that conflicts. 


Did I mention that there's no such thing as a bad day aboard a cruise ship? 


Off to lunch, now. 

Edited by DCPIV
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15 minutes ago, vickykay said:

So sorry to hear your sad news.  We lost a good friend suddenly also a few months ago and was also a difficult time.  I hope you can enjoy the rest of your cruise.


Thank you very much. 


I will enjoy the cruise. In fact, my friend would insist that I do. 

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4 hours ago, jg51 said:


Dear "DCPIV,"

May we ask a favor of you?


Could you please display photos of the "activities" page of two of your "Celebrity Today" issues (for example, October 4 and 5 (or October 5 and 6)?  We're referring to the page that gives detailed times and topics, possibly with all the musical performances summarized in the lower right-hand corner?  [We don't need to see any of the other pages.]


Thanks, in advance!


Is this what you were looking for? 



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On 10/4/2021 at 4:50 PM, Laurab23 said:

I would love pictures of you cabin and balcony. I love seeing them all. I hope to some day book a Royal Suite.




Here are those bathroom photos I owe you. 




The bathroom is one of my least favorite parts of the RS. The layout is tricky, especially that tight squeeze between the toilet and the shower. There also is no good place to put your stuff. The counter space is very limited, and the raised sinks make it awkward. There's no real shelving to speak of (what little does exist is full of other stuff and behind the door when it's open). There's a little bit of storage underneath the sinks, but it's tight and requires crouching down to access it. 


There are few other complaints I have with the room, such as there are only two US plugs in the whole suite, and neither are near the bed. There's also no mirror long enough or adequately placed to as one's full body (although there is good space for one).


However, it's mighty nice overall! I have no qualms staying in here at all, and I recommend it. Just know it's limits and quirks.

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Thanks, everyone, for your kind words and thoughts. I came back to the room for some badly needed rest after lunch, and that nap did worlds of good for my disposition and well being. I expect that the massage I have scheduled in a little while will do even more. 


Also, I received a phone call from the Shore Excursions desk. They refunded the cost of the tour I cancelled this morning. I never expected that or even asked for it. Pleasant surprise! 

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I keep forgetting to post this. 




Nikola has a delightful sense of humor. He did this and wanted me to send a photo of it to DW in order to make her think I might've met a new "someone special" on board. 🤣


It actually was a nice comfort this morning (albeit a slightly strange one 🤣).

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4 hours ago, DCPIV said:


Is this what you were looking for? 




Yes, exactly.  Those photos were very helpful.


Thanks so much for your effort, despite the trying times through which you are going.  Please accept our condolences.

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I tell you what, folks. There's nothing like a Swedish massage to get you back on track. It's a different world than it was a couple hours ago. 


Pro tip: Schedule your massage during sailaway. The vibrating table is a bonus! 

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Just wanted you to know how much we are enjoying your thread AND your company at dinner.  We’ve had some fun and lively discussions, haven’t we!  I definitely agree with you about the crew.  They are the best and friendliest we have encountered on all our cruises.  


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4 hours ago, gkm said:

Just wanted you to know how much we are enjoying your thread AND your company at dinner.  We’ve had some fun and lively discussions, haven’t we!  I definitely agree with you about the crew.  They are the best and friendliest we have encountered on all our cruises.  



Thank you, Garry! The pleasure has been mine! 

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So, it's been aa very nice time on board (and on shore) since the last report.


After the massage, I stopped in the Retreat Lounge in the hopes Connie would be there so that I could thank her for her very kind phone call yesterday morning (checking on me since I cancelled my tour at the last minute).  She was, and we had a nice conversation.  She was very clear and sincere that I should let them know if I needed anything at all.  We also had some laughs (mostly about the vibrating massage table).


After that, I popped over to the Martini Bar to see those guys.  My plan was to have a few sips and then take my drink up to the room to change.  However, I ended up finishing the drink there while talking with a lovely couple of honeymooners who are on their first cruise.


I've been amazed at the number of passengers that are on their first cruise right now.  I hope they still are fine with it when the numbers go back up!


Back up to the room for a quick change and then back down to Luminae.  Apparently, I arrived just as my previous night's companions had sat down (one of whom just chimed in above).  They extended me another invitation, and we once again had a great time.  Lots of good food and conversation (I recommend passing on the tuna in favor of the short ribs, by the way).  We all learned a few things from each other, but the best fact of the evening was that a B-52 could steer its landing gear!  Wow!


I was just going to go back to the room, wind down, and hit the sack.  However, I stopped halfway to have a nightcap at Cellar Masters.  Eugene and I chatted for a while, and it occurred to us both that Summit likely has not had 2000+ passengers, all added up, since the last time I was on.  Now, a lot of that is due to the few weeks they had to have zero guests on board while transitioning from St. Maarten to Miami, but it still was a staggering and humbling revelation.


A couple that I chatted with the night before also came through and had a drink.  They're fun and good company, and I was glad to see them.


After that, it was up to the room to crash and enjoy a much better night's sleep than the day before.


This morning, we woke up in Costa Maya.  I went down for a quick breakfast in Luminae and then off to the Chacchoben ruins.  I'll see about getting some photos up off this wonderful site later on (they all are on my phone at the moment).  Our tour guide, Pablo (Pablito, really, as Pablo was in the van ahead of us), was greatly enthusiastic and equally as knowledgeable and personable.  The wildest part about it was that there might have been about a dozen tourists at the site.  It was only two small groups, and we both were from Summit (the only ship in port today--also wild).  It was like having the site ro ourselves because--well--we had the site to ourselves.  That was something of a thrill, but a bitter one of course.  Still, it was an excellent tour, and we all enjoyed eacfh others' company for the time.


It was also sad and eerie to see the port complex so devoid of people.  A number of the bars, restaurants, and shops were open but with no one or almost no one in them.  Again, it was just the roughly 270 of us from Summit.  There was one woman in the pool and one man also there (he was taking lots of pictures of her, so I presume they were together).  No one was at the beach club thing.  No one was in bars.  Just surreal.  


Upon returning to the ship and rinsing off, I hit up Sushi on 5 for a late lunch.  They are so nice in there (just like the rest of the crew).  A bit of sashimi and a glas off sake, and I was off to an incredibly relaxing facial at the spa (gotta burn this OBC somehow!).  Actually, I took two minutes to have a quick ristretto at Cafe al Bacio, but even that caffeine shot didn't keep me from falling asleep under Mache's touch.


The plans for tonight include the cocktail class at Martini Bar and the Bourbon tasting at Cellar Masters.  Then, it's lobster night.  My apologies in advance to my dining partners should I arrive rather "pre-lubed."


Tomorrow is the last full day and at sea.  Time to live it up!

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Good day! 


I should be a lunch, but I had to get one more espresso and croissant at Café al Bacio. I love the croissants here. They are a nice size, crispy, and buttery. I don't know why the ones in Luminae are huge, glazed, sticky, and sweet. That ain't right. 


The cocktail class at Martini Bar didn't happen. I was the only one there at 4. I know they would've done it for me, but I was happy to just hang out for a little bit. After all, I had the bourbon tasting at 5.


For a moment, I was going to be the only one at that tasting, too, but a couple other gents showed up spontaneously. It was a decent tasting but not exactly anything staggering. The bourbon were Evan Williams, Buffalo Trace, Maker's Mark, Bulleit, and Woodford Reserve--real meat and potatoes stuff. Still, we had a good time, and Igor was a good host. I stayed in Cellar Masters after the tasting to chat and listen to Gemini. 


Dinner was wonderful again. I've enjoyed my dining companions immensely! They were good enough to bear with me after my extensive "pre-lubing" and also with damn near ordering the entire menu. I hated skipping out on them for dessert, but I wanted to catch the show. 


And I'm glad I went to the show. She had a terrific voice! I didn't stay for the entire show because I sometimes get a travelling jones at night on board (especially towards the end. I want to do everything, and I'm running out of time!).


I went over to Rendezvous to see what was happening there and came across some cruise friends and an unexpected, entertaining show. Sue (the Cruise Director) also was in there, so I got to chat with her a bit. I stayed for a little while, but the travelling jones kicked in again, and I just went over to the Martini Bar where I came across the singer I had just enjoyed in the theater. 


I talked to her for a little while until the jones kicked in again and took me over to the casino. It was dead in there, so they were closing. I was a little bit perturbed at that since I was in a rare mood to gamble, but I understand the situation. 


Remarkably and beyond all understanding, I was getting hungry, so I grabbed something at Oceanview and went back to the room to enjoy my balcony and, eventually, go to bed. I love the balcony while we're underway at night. It's one of the reasons I cruise. 


I slept in this morning (go figure), got a little packing done, and enjoyed my balcony some more.


Now, let's see about that lunch. This afternoon is a wine tasting and one more massage, so I'll need my energy. 

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On 10/6/2021 at 4:38 PM, DCPIV said:


Here are those bathroom photos I owe you. 




The bathroom is one of my least favorite parts of the RS. The layout is tricky, especially that tight squeeze between the toilet and the shower. There also is no good place to put your stuff. The counter space is very limited, and the raised sinks make it awkward. There's no real shelving to speak of (what little does exist is full of other stuff and behind the door when it's open). There's a little bit of storage underneath the sinks, but it's tight and requires crouching down to access it. 



If the shelves behind the door are full of HoppenCrap, make them remove it.  I've found that area to be very useful.

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19 hours ago, Happy Cruiser 6143 said:


If the shelves behind the door are full of HoppenCrap, make them remove it.  I've found that area to be very useful.


🤣 Yes, that is one way to do it, but you still have to close the door to get to the shelves.  It's nitpicking, but it's also a lack of consideration for the customer.  My dining companions and I all talked a good deal about how the "revolutionized" design is a lot of form over function.  Celebrity chose to go with something that photographs well rather than something that is comfortable and convenient for the customer.


19 hours ago, lhsail said:

DH thought the croissants in the Oceanview were fantastic.  


I'm glad to know the good ones are there, too.  The Retreat Lounge also has the good croissants.  I think the only place with the sticky, glazed ones is Luminae.

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I'm sorry to say that I'm now reporting from Miami International Airport, having left Summit about an hour ago.  Before I go any further, let me just say again how wonderful the Summit crew are.  I would sail on nastiest rustbucket ever known to mankind if that crew were aboard (although I certainly hope they never have to endure that)! In fact, I might've only been half joking when I told Connie and Noemi (Retreat Concierges) that I would scrub the deck to stay on board.  After all, they did say there might be an opening for that position!


That's not to say that Summit is a rustbucket, now.  Far from it!  Even with the convenience issues I've mentioned, she's a fantastic ship, and I do hope to return soon.


Back to the report . . . .  


Lunch was wonderful.  I dined alone and finally got around to trying the world-famous Luminae Burger.  Oh, baby!  Where have you been all my life?!?  I get the hype, now.  That was a great burger!  Anyone who enjoys a good burger needs to try it when given the chance.  I look forward to my next one almost as much as my next cruise!


After lunch, it was back to the room to pretty much finish packing. I had intended to get a little more quality balcony time when the phone rang.  It was Darwin, the Cellar Master on aboard.  In fact, he was calling from Cellar Masters because the World Wine Tasting was starting, and I wasn't there.  With the time change over the previous night, my calendar was off by an hour.  I really do appreciate him calling (and I was glad I was in the room to get the call), or I would have missed a very enjoyable event.  It's not often you get to try a dozen wines from different regions while often getting to discuss them with a few very skilled and knowledgeable sommeliers and the Cellar Master, all of whom also are wonderful folks and fun to talk to.


After the tasting was over, a few of us hung around just to talk for a little while, and then I was off to my Himalayan salt massage.  It sounded a little hokey (and expensive) when it was first pitched to me, but I gotta to do something with that OBC.  Once again, I was very glad I did.  That was a fantastic massage!  That could have gone on for hours without me complaining.  It was both relaxing and restorative.  I'd be back in there for another one if I were still on board.  After all, there's nothing like a good massage after a long day of scrubbing decks.


All refreshed, I had to yo-yo back down to Cellar Masters for the Macallan tasting.  Unfortunately, they require 4 guests to sign up for that, and I was the only taker, so it didn't make.  That was something of a blessing, really, as I wasn't really in the mood for a bunch of whisky at that time.  The bartender still insisted on pouring me a bit of the Macallan Lumina, and I'm not one to pass that up.  Very tasty stuff, even if I didn't finish the drink!


Back up to the room to make sure everything was squared away except for the clothes I needed for dinner and travel and my toiletries and then change for dinner before kicking off a brief "gratuities" tour around the ship to make sure I caught everyone that I wouldn't see at dinner.  Daniel in the Retreat Lounge wanted to make me one more negroni (how could I refuse?) which I took back to the Rendezvous Lounge. 


I enjoyed the music there until they went on break and then scooted just over to the Martini Bar for the show.  Those guys are some of the craziest, most entertaining bar crew I've ever seen.  If they can't get a smile on your face, you may as well just hang it up.  Another treat was getting to see the singer from the previous night, who happened to be over there setting up for a set she would do later that night.  She's a lot of fun to talk to.  Between her sense of humor, the wackiness of the bartenders, and the jovial dispositions of everyone else around, the amount of laughter we packed in that small area for the roughly half-hour I was there was downright staggering.


Then it was back to Rendezvous lounge to enjoy a before-dinner cocktail with my dining companions.  We enjoyed the Ray Charles set for a little while and then into Luminae for one last dinner that was at least as wonderful as the others.  I had asked the Luminae crew the night before if there was something special we could do, and Danilo said he would work on it.  The something special turned out to be Grand Marnier souffles for three of us (unfortunately, one of my companions cannot have gluten).  Those were a treat!


Something I don't think I mentioned before is that, at the beginning of the cruise, they also had made a special batch of lemon sorbet so that we could enjoy it every night.  Man, that stuff is good.  One of my companions discovered that they were keeping it up in Oceanview with the other ice creams and what-nots.  Apparently, other guests also had been raving about it.  I hope the ship listens and keeps it around all the time.  Folks love it!


I did have to have one more nightcap with Eugene in Cellar Masters.  I mean, it's on the way to the room, so how can I pass that up?  Likewise, I spent another good half-hour or so on the balcony enjoying the magical night before double-checking my alarm, putting my bag outside the door, and heading to bed.


Getting off the ship was as smooth as could be (especially with so few on board).  I swung by Luminae one last time for some more thanks and farewells.  I arrived at the Retreat Lounge having just missed those that were walking off with their luggage.  I was sorry to hear that because that meant that I missed the chance to give me good wishes to some of those whose company I've enjoyed over the cruise. Perhaps we'll meet again and pick up where we left off.


The last thing that happened before I hit the gangway was that Sue (Cruise Director) again expressed her sympathies for me losing my friend while aboard.  I cannot express how deeply that touched me, and it is perfect evidence of the quality of this crew.  They are the best.

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6 minutes ago, DCPIV said:

I'm sorry to say that I'm now reporting from Miami International Airport, having left Summit about an hour ago.  Before I go any further, let me just say again how wonderful the Summit crew are.  I would sail on nastiest rustbucket ever known to mankind if that crew were aboard (although I certainly hope they never have to endure that)! In fact, I might've only been half joking when I told Connie and Noemi (Retreat Concierges) that I would scrub the deck to stay on board.  After all, they did say there might be an opening for that position!


That's not to say that Summit is a rustbucket, now.  Far from it!  Even with the convenience issues I've mentioned, she's a fantastic ship, and I do hope to return soon.


Back to the report . . . .  


Lunch was wonderful.  I dined alone and finally got around to trying the world-famous Luminae Burger.  Oh, baby!  Where have you been all my life?!?  I get the hype, now.  That was a great burger!  Anyone who enjoys a good burger needs to try it when given the chance.  I look forward to my next one almost as much as my next cruise!


After lunch, it was back to the room to pretty much finish packing. I had intended to get a little more quality balcony time when the phone rang.  It was Darwin, the Cellar Master on aboard.  In fact, he was calling from Cellar Masters because the World Wine Tasting was starting, and I wasn't there.  With the time change over the previous night, my calendar was off by an hour.  I really do appreciate him calling (and I was glad I was in the room to get the call), or I would have missed a very enjoyable event.  It's not often you get to try a dozen wines from different regions while often getting to discuss them with a few very skilled and knowledgeable sommeliers and the Cellar Master, all of whom also are wonderful folks and fun to talk to.


After the tasting was over, a few of us hung around just to talk for a little while, and then I was off to my Himalayan salt massage.  It sounded a little hokey (and expensive) when it was first pitched to me, but I gotta to do something with that OBC.  Once again, I was very glad I did.  That was a fantastic massage!  That could have gone on for hours without me complaining.  It was both relaxing and restorative.  I'd be back in there for another one if I were still on board.  After all, there's nothing like a good massage after a long day of scrubbing decks.


All refreshed, I had to yo-yo back down to Cellar Masters for the Macallan tasting.  Unfortunately, they require 4 guests to sign up for that, and I was the only taker, so it didn't make.  That was something of a blessing, really, as I wasn't really in the mood for a bunch of whisky at that time.  The bartender still insisted on pouring me a bit of the Macallan Lumina, and I'm not one to pass that up.  Very tasty stuff, even if I didn't finish the drink!


Back up to the room to make sure everything was squared away except for the clothes I needed for dinner and travel and my toiletries and then change for dinner before kicking off a brief "gratuities" tour around the ship to make sure I caught everyone that I wouldn't see at dinner.  Daniel in the Retreat Lounge wanted to make me one more negroni (how could I refuse?) which I took back to the Rendezvous Lounge. 


I enjoyed the music there until they went on break and then scooted just over to the Martini Bar for the show.  Those guys are some of the craziest, most entertaining bar crew I've ever seen.  If they can't get a smile on your face, you may as well just hang it up.  Another treat was getting to see the singer from the previous night, who happened to be over there setting up for a set she would do later that night.  She's a lot of fun to talk to.  Between her sense of humor, the wackiness of the bartenders, and the jovial dispositions of everyone else around, the amount of laughter we packed in that small area for the roughly half-hour I was there was downright staggering.


Then it was back to Rendezvous lounge to enjoy a before-dinner cocktail with my dining companions.  We enjoyed the Ray Charles set for a little while and then into Luminae for one last dinner that was at least as wonderful as the others.  I had asked the Luminae crew the night before if there was something special we could do, and Danilo said he would work on it.  The something special turned out to be Grand Marnier souffles for three of us (unfortunately, one of my companions cannot have gluten).  Those were a treat!


Something I don't think I mentioned before is that, at the beginning of the cruise, they also had made a special batch of lemon sorbet so that we could enjoy it every night.  Man, that stuff is good.  One of my companions discovered that they were keeping it up in Oceanview with the other ice creams and what-nots.  Apparently, other guests also had been raving about it.  I hope the ship listens and keeps it around all the time.  Folks love it!


I did have to have one more nightcap with Eugene in Cellar Masters.  I mean, it's on the way to the room, so how can I pass that up?  Likewise, I spent another good half-hour or so on the balcony enjoying the magical night before double-checking my alarm, putting my bag outside the door, and heading to bed.


Getting off the ship was as smooth as could be (especially with so few on board).  I swung by Luminae one last time for some more thanks and farewells.  I arrived at the Retreat Lounge having just missed those that were walking off with their luggage.  I was sorry to hear that because that meant that I missed the chance to give me good wishes to some of those whose company I've enjoyed over the cruise. Perhaps we'll meet again and pick up where we left off.


The last thing that happened before I hit the gangway was that Sue (Cruise Director) again expressed her sympathies for me losing my friend while aboard.  I cannot express how deeply that touched me, and it is perfect evidence of the quality of this crew.  They are the best.

Always sad to leave. I’m not at all surprised by Sue’s gesture. She had me in tears just saying goodbye when we got off. The last few days the crew joked with my husband about the various jobs they could give him so we could stay on for the trip to Miami, but Captain Matt said it would require a six month contract. 😉

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On 10/6/2021 at 12:59 PM, DCPIV said:

So, last night was another lovely one aboard. I actually passed on dinner at Tuscan Grill. Dining alone in a dark, nearly empty restaurant just isn't appealing. The more bustling Luminae is far more enjoyable. 


Before dinner was a reception at the Retreat Lounge with some officers present. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but I world only stay in there for a few moments at a time

The evening was absolutely perfect, so I kept going outside to enjoy it. 




I mean, come on. How can I stay in a room where the only view is three TVs when that's just on the other side of the door? 😀


A few other passengers were nice enough to invite me to join them at their table for dinner. I had a truly magnificent time with them and look forward to seeing them more over the next few days. 


Today is Cozumel. We're docked right next to Edge. I did have an excursion but I cancelled it this morning. This is more than y'all want to know, but I received some bad news from home last night. A friend passed away suddenly from a stroke. The shock from that led to a pretty awful night's sleep. When the alarm went off at 7, I may have had 2 or 3 hours of sleep, and that just ain't gonna cut it. So, I just called down to let them know I wouldn't be there and went back to bed for a few more hours. This is the first and only time this trip that I've not been okay with travelling alone. I'd very much like to be with some folks, chatting a bit about the friend we just lost. 


The phone rang right after I got back up. It was Connie, one of the Retreat Concierges. She was calling to check on me and see if I was feeling well. I expect that's part of ship safety protocol, but I also greatly appreciated the gesture. 


Other than espresso and a croissant, that's pretty much been my day. It may not be my best day, but there's no such thing as a bad day aboard a cruise ship. 


There's another helipad sailaway this evening, but I'll miss it because I have a massage that conflicts. 


Did I mention that there's no such thing as a bad day aboard a cruise ship? 


Off to lunch, now. 

Your blog has been so delightful!  I also want to express my condolences on the passing of your friend.  

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