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When are the capacity levels on Iona and Arvia likely to be the lowest.


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I cruised on Iona to the Canaries in February 2022 and I had nice cabin 11626, the ship was not at full capacity and I enjoyed the cruise. The only problem I had with queuing was when the ship was several hours late docking and everybody elected to self disembark. It took me over an hour of queuing to get off the ship.


I cruised on Arvia TA January 2023, I had possibly the worst cabin on the ship 8123, the ship was full and the experience was queue, queue and queue again. There is no way around the fact that venues are undersized for the passenger capacity. But it’s a nice ship.


Looking at some recent posts it seems it that it would be best to avoid Arvia summer Mediterranean cruises like the plague, just too many people onboard.


I have decided I would like to cruise every year in the Caribbean and my next cruise is on Britannia.


Arvia and Britannia have different itineraries, Britannia the ABC islands and Arvia the Dominican Republic. I figure it’s going to get a bit boring if I do the same itinerary every year on Britannia so it might be nice to alternate with Arvia. But can I take the chance? When is Arvia likely to have its lowest occupancy, the least number of people onboard.


I am also considering the possibility other non Caribbean Arvia/Iona itineraries with the least number of possible passengers, when/what destinations are likely to have the lowest occupancy, least full ships?


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We were on the TA cruise in January and a white shirt told me that they had just shy of 4400 onboard, so only about 80% full. I get what you mean about the queues though, but that was more to do I think with the staff getting used to it and the knock on from early diners.

We were on again in April, just after most kids had gone back to school, and although there were about 1200 more folk onboard, the actually ship didn't feel any busier. The queues though we're still there.

I would expect the quieter times to be when all kids are at school, when it doesn't straddle any holidays, what with different authorities having different term breaks.

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ICF cruised Arvia February and thought it was a great time to travel Arvia, very few kids I believe so less problems.  His way of booking well in advance and using Quays and buffet together with speciality restaurants is what made it easier I feel. 


I took everything that he and others said and booked everything in the minutest detail and thankfully for me it's worked.  Others haven't been so lucky due to the app.crash but thing have improved. There are definitely a lot of queues for some.


I thought travelling either side of bank holidays and school.breaks I'd have it okay but there are loads of families on here.  I think June may well be better or the beginning of September.


Sadly the days of lower capacity don't seem to be there anymore and parents are quite happy to be fined for the cheaper periods it seems.


The Caribbean itineraries are selling well.for Arvia due to the different islands being offered.  I've just been to try to book for Britannia next February/March and already flight.options seem to be shrinking.  The queue here is very long with Iona seeming to be the go to ship from people I've been speaking to.

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Just avoid school hols in February as well on Arvia in the caribbean


We are 5,317 on Iona  I've not seen any queues at all of any concern yet


Where did you face queues? Ie what part of the  ship?


Thought I had a problem at the quays today when I walked in and saw at least 10 people queuing at each servery


But then realised It was 2 minutes to 12pm and they hadnt started serving yet


By 12.05pm the queues had gone


I had fish and chips followed by 3 creme brulees for lunch. They are so good! Better than Rick Steins !


Theres pictures below of the fish and chips and first 2 brulees



Edited by Interestedcruisefan
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2 hours ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

Just avoid school hols in February as well on Arvia in the caribbean


We are 5,317 on Iona  I've not seen any queues at all of any concern yet


Where did you face queues? Ie what part of the  ship?


Thought I had a problem at the quays today when I walked in and saw at least 10 people queuing at each servery


But then realised It was 2 minutes to 12pm and they hadnt started serving yet


By 12.05pm the queues had gone


I had fish and chips followed by 3 creme brulees for lunch. They are so good! Better than Rick Steins !



Where did you face queues?


Crumbs, you have got to be joking.


On that January TA  Arvia cruise!!!


Everywhere. MDR for dinner always, I used the app to book in before being called, usually 2 queues one for the pre-bookers one for the just turn up people. It really didn't make much difference whether you had booked or not. 


Theatre, my preference is for the 8:30 show, I usually turn up just before they open the doors, on Arvia there were about 15 or more people queuing there already before 8:00. Once, because the service in the MDR was slow I turned up at 8:10 and the queue was all the way back through the casino, after 15 minutes I gave up, cancelled my booking, went back to my cabin for an hours nap and returned for the late show. This happened a few times.


Arvia only has 3 cinema rooms, I usually tried to turn up 30 minutes before the start of the film to get a seat. On the really popular firms the queue would already be spilling out onto the corridor, and again I would give up.


Not quite a queue but, I get up early, about 6:30, and go for a walk around the decks while it is quiet. Almost always there were people up there placing towels on sunbeds then later the decks were heaving.


However  I agree The Quays was a nice experience, just turn up and grab fish and chips or whatever. 


OK my P&O cruising experience may be limited, I have only travelled on Ventura, Acadia, Britannia, Iona and Arvia, but the Arvia cruise has certainly been the worst for queueing.



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Maybe I am a bit too critical of my Arvia cruise after all it was only its second cruise and its first transatlantic.


The crew would have been brand new to Arvia. However since other ships just do it better I would have thought P&O management could have pre-empted some of these problems. Hopefully if I cruise on Arvia again the bugs will have been sorted out through experience.


Britannia has 2 queues for the MDR, pre booked via app on the port side and turn up diners on the starboard. I had the same dining time patterns on Britannia as Arvia yet on Britannia there never seemed to be more than 20 people ahead of me in the queue, I never had to queue very long for the theatre ether. Likewise on Arcadia the app queue on Port side, turn up diners on the Starboard.

On Arcadia you got a cinema ticket from the library or reception so never any queuing, why can't Iona/Arvia do the same with the app.



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1 hour ago, GOQ said:

Where did you face queues?


Crumbs, you have got to be joking.


On that January TA  Arvia cruise!!!


Everywhere. MDR for dinner always, I used the app to book in before being called, usually 2 queues one for the pre-bookers one for the just turn up people. It really didn't make much difference whether you had booked or not. 


Theatre, my preference is for the 8:30 show, I usually turn up just before they open the doors, on Arvia there were about 15 or more people queuing there already before 8:00. Once, because the service in the MDR was slow I turned up at 8:10 and the queue was all the way back through the casino, after 15 minutes I gave up, cancelled my booking, went back to my cabin for an hours nap and returned for the late show. This happened a few times.


Arvia only has 3 cinema rooms, I usually tried to turn up 30 minutes before the start of the film to get a seat. On the really popular firms the queue would already be spilling out onto the corridor, and again I would give up.


Not quite a queue but, I get up early, about 6:30, and go for a walk around the decks while it is quiet. Almost always there were people up there placing towels on sunbeds then later the decks were heaving.


However  I agree The Quays was a nice experience, just turn up and grab fish and chips or whatever. 


OK my P&O cruising experience may be limited, I have only travelled on Ventura, Acadia, Britannia, Iona and Arvia, but the Arvia cruise has certainly been the worst for queueing.



Unfortunately my experience is that they haven't sorted many of these queues you mention.  I too go to 8.30.show and the queue starts at 8.00pm with those booked.  I'm not quite sure what the answer to that one is.  The checking off of your cabin.number seems for some reason to eat up time. I thought it would get better as people got accustomed to saying their number but it hasn't.  Interestingly I arrived only 8 minutes before the show tonight having been to Epicurean and delayed - there was a mass dolphin sighting literally hundreds causing people from all over to rush to deck 8 - and despite my reservation showing on the app they were reluctant to let me in as they had admitted some standby queue people.  I just squeezed in after insisting they check my cabin again.


The app is very basic. I have experienced on some US sailings and theme parks an interactive code which is on your wristband. You tap this at the venue on arrival and there is seamless entry if you're booked which means a continuous flow.  The use of two individuals with tablets who appear half an hour before the show is inefficient when literally everyone is being checked in.


Also Horizon states very clearly events have a queue system operating from 30 minutes before doors open.  Last night's Limelight queue.got caught up and mixed with an art gallery event and as a result the corridor became very congested.


Organise the timings better and sort the app to have full.functionality and this might.improve things.

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44 minutes ago, GOQ said:

Maybe I am a bit too critical of my Arvia cruise after all it was only its second cruise and its first transatlantic.


The crew would have been brand new to Arvia. However since other ships just do it better I would have thought P&O management could have pre-empted some of these problems. Hopefully if I cruise on Arvia again the bugs will have been sorted out through experience.


Britannia has 2 queues for the MDR, pre booked via app on the port side and turn up diners on the starboard. I had the same dining time patterns on Britannia as Arvia yet on Britannia there never seemed to be more than 20 people ahead of me in the queue, I never had to queue very long for the theatre ether. Likewise on Arcadia the app queue on Port side, turn up diners on the Starboard.

On Arcadia you got a cinema ticket from the library or reception so never any queuing, why can't Iona/Arvia do the same with the app.



I thought you were being a bit hard as well being only the 2nd cruise. Iona seem to have sorted the queues or had done on our 2 cruises, one being the Easter holidays and being full of children. the longest queue we saw was on formal night for the photographer. Oh and when people queued to get good seats for Gary Barlow. 

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2 hours ago, Megabear2 said:

Unfortunately my experience is that they haven't sorted many of these queues you mention.  I too go to 8.30.show and the queue starts at 8.00pm with those booked.  I'm not quite sure what the answer to that one is.  The checking off of your cabin.number seems for some reason to eat up time. I thought it would get better as people got accustomed to saying their number but it hasn't.  Interestingly I arrived only 8 minutes before the show tonight having been to Epicurean and delayed - there was a mass dolphin sighting literally hundreds causing people from all over to rush to deck 8 - and despite my reservation showing on the app they were reluctant to let me in as they had admitted some standby queue people.  I just squeezed in after insisting they check my cabin again.


The app is very basic. I have experienced on some US sailings and theme parks an interactive code which is on your wristband. You tap this at the venue on arrival and there is seamless entry if you're booked which means a continuous flow.  The use of two individuals with tablets who appear half an hour before the show is inefficient when literally everyone is being checked in.


Also Horizon states very clearly events have a queue system operating from 30 minutes before doors open.  Last night's Limelight queue.got caught up and mixed with an art gallery event and as a result the corridor became very congested.


Organise the timings better and sort the app to have full.functionality and this might.improve things.

Never noticed that Horizon stated about a queuing system in operation when we were on board last month.  This now explains why we also saw many queues during our cruise.  Not going to go into detail here, as others have previously done so.  We did think though that Arvia seemed to be all about queuing!  Maybe its a British thing 😇


Let us know what the queue is/was like for collecting duty free bottles at the end of your cruise.

On ours it was horrendous.  First day of collecting the queue was so long there was no way I was going to join that one.  Second day, when I saw that the queue was significantly shorter than the previous day I gave it a go.  About 10 people in front, so I thought 15-20 minutes.  Wrong.  About an hour.  ☹️  And the queue had increased by the time I picked our stuff up.

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Why on earth are people still arriving at the theatre before 8pm for it to open the doors for a theatre show  that doesnt start  til 8.30pm ?


If they are - I have absolutely zero time for anybody saying this is anything other than their choice and if there's a queue to actually do that then more fool them


I've arrived on Iona 6 minutes before the show and 9 minutes before the show so far. Ive faced a queue of 1 person and zero people doing so


The reason they are queuing at 8pm is because they CHOOSE to get their early to get a favourite seat?  When all the seats are good anyway?? 


More fool them. It's a habit us Brits have to get places earlier than they  need to on cruise ships and in life in general.


Unless they need a wheelchair seat (which is an entirely different debate of course) and I think something should be done about that and have said so before


Queuing for the Limelight  Club - again the  only reason it's potentially clashing with another queue is people choosing to get there early to queue for the best seats. 


If you don't want to queue then you have a reserved booking and there's no need to arrive early at Limelight. They won't be giving your tickets to someone else


Just arrive at 7.40pm ish rather than 7.15pm. Just something you learn from experience. Ive learnt that now. It's not til 9pm the main show starts. Everyone is dining as and when they arrive. The courses aren't served en masse to everyone


If you want to queue for better seats then it's not something to complain about when  you then have to stand in the queue. Not everyone can have front row seats


We changed plans last night because we enjoyed MDR so much and decided to switch a theatre booking til tomorrow so we could do MDR again last night


The first night VIRTUAL queue for MDR lasted 3 minutes. We joined a virtual queue at 7.40pm and were called at 7.43pm. 


Last night I joined the queue at 7.37pm and we were called at 7.51pm - once again ZERO people in either MDR queue when we arrived. And straight in.


It's so easy ?  People look for problems the vast majority of the time IMO


Once people have used the app it's actually so simple to use and get the hang of. It's a learning curve. But a very

easy learning curve.


I accept that the first time you get on a cruise people might need help to figure it out. The help is available. Go to a restaurant manager early or to guest services.


Despite the app - the very fact the MDRs still have 2 queues. One for people who can't or don't want to use the app and one for people who do shows that the ship actually do care about those who won't use tech to their advantage and have an answer for them and want to help them 


My first night on this cruise a woman was complaining outside the spa to my wife about having to book things on the app and she had never had to use an app on previous cruises - so I politely  asked her if she needed any help using it


Her reply was - no its ok I've sorted it all now!


Can't have been that bad after all. But shes a Brit and wanted something to natter about


We are just a nation of complainers in general. It's what we do.


Now genuine problems like unacceptable queues for shuttles or queues for Xmas day lunch or queues because the  app has failed I get and totally understand.


And improvement is needed.


But I've honestly not faced those issues myself yet on P and O.


And even on those cruises impacted. It's not every day.


Bad weather forcing everyone inside when they would rather be outside of course spoils every holiday everywhere in the world. Cruises and Hotels. Nothing we can really do when it happens. Makes us all miserable at times. Being stuck inside a hotel or a cruise ship when the weather is bad outside is plain miserable. But what can we do except grin and bear it? And wish for the sun.


I understand correctly the day I boarded people were complaining about delays in embarkation that I never remotely saw when I arrived. But even if they happened before I arrived weren't they caused by Motorway problems anyway?


There isn't a boarding problem at Southampton itself. They  have that system nailed. But let's not forget they've had to offer a special queue for early arrival Brits - who then have the nerve to complain about queuing ! Lol. Thats what we do. We arrive early. 


On my children's lives I can tell you I've cruised 3 times on P and O with the app in operation and it's never once been down that I'm aware of. And I look at it at least 2 or 3 times a day. Making plans and reminding me of plans.


Britannia, Arvia and Iona. Not once has the app failed for me. Not once. Ive racked my brain trying to think of problems I've faced with the app other than my own mistakes??


I read about the app failing elsewhere? I just must be lucky it's never happened on my cruises. But when it fails is it every day or occasionally? But that's all we hear about for that holiday?


I've never faced a queue of more than 30 seconds at Headliners theatre. Normally it's 10 seconds or zero seconds. Ive never not easily got a seat less than 10 minutes before the show started. Ive never seen the theatre entirely full. Since the app. Before the app I faced many issues and stresses getting to the theatre on a time and rushing meals and drinks I didnt want to rush. The app spreads the demand out so well. 


Always been at least a smattering of seats left near the front at the very start of the shows as well now for really late arrivals


That system works for Headliners simple as that.


Yesterday I spotted previously unheard of queues in The Quays as I said only to realise it's us Brits arriving before the Quays opened to queue for it to open!! Lol. It's what we do. Nothing had failed at The Quays. And the staff quickly cleared the queues when they opened.


I've spotted queues and been in one at the Limelight on the last cruise and now realise I have a choice to get there before it opens to queue for the best tables or arrive after the rest and sit at the back tables.


So I've now learnt I don't have to queue there again if I dont want to. But Britt being Brits even once they know they don't have to queue. Will choose to queue for the best seats. Simple as that. But that's a personal choice. 


I do need to pre-book early though because it's a great night with great food and sells out. I sat near to two elderly ladies in MDR last night raving about how good Gareth Gates was and the meal in Limelight was the best fillet steak they  have eaten in their entire lives and how it literally  melted in their mouths


Sunbeds I've been there, seen it, done it in the Caribbean. And all round the world. If you want prime sunbeds in prime spaces then yes get there early to get them or dont get them. Simple as that


If you don't get  prime then there are more sunbeds waiting in none prime places


That's the same pretty much everywhere in the world on and off cruise ships


You don't have to get up early though. Depends what your priorities are. For sunbeds my wife and I CHOOSE to get up early. We can't complain if we choose to do that. It's just the sunbed rule around the world


People pay significantly extra to reserve sunbeds at the Retreat and STILL choose to arrive early and queue to get the best ones in The Retreat - fact. Some CHOOSE to arrive and queue before it opens to get their favourite sunbeds even in The Retreat. 


People choose to book cruises early and then complain when last minute cruisers taking risks they won't get exactly the dates or flights or cabins they want get better deals than them


Again it's a choice people make. But it's a moan or complaint we make when we do


Tere's always something to complain about somewhere and there's always a physical queue you can put yourself into somewhere should you choose to on cruises, in hotels and everywhere in life tbh


This 7 night holiday on Iona with 5,317 passengers on board


The longest queue I've seen (apart from embarkation day  which was 35 mins start to finish)  is the queue to get on and off the ship each day at Port 


Maybe 60 to 90 seconds both ways ? 


People also wait for lifts. We are physically capable so we choose to use the stairs


Arvia 14 nights - only queue was Limelight on one night for 15 minutes. And my inexperienced mistake for being involved in it. Now I know better. 


Queues are a part of life. 95 per cent of the time you can choose to avoid them on P and O. Virtual queues on ships don't count IMO and are a brilliant way to allow you to avoid physical queues.  


Ps - if I bought duty free on ships (which I don't) I would somehow work out how to avoid queues to collect it. And if that was impossible (as it appears to be)  would re-assess if the reward was worth the queue to collect it in the future.














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8 hours ago, daiB said:

I thought you were being a bit hard as well being only the 2nd cruise. Iona seem to have sorted the queues or had done on our 2 cruises, one being the Easter holidays and being full of children. the longest queue we saw was on formal night for the photographer. Oh and when people queued to get good seats for Gary Barlow. 

So true about the length of queues for the photographer lol


But again people choose to join those queues



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ICF I've just read this tirade and for someone who I normally find having very valid points I'm quite disappointed.


Obviously every cruise is different, every piece of IT may work a different way accordingly.  Regarding THIS voyage no other (I've not been on them so can't comment) due to a major IT outage on day 2 a very large.number of people lost in their entirety every reservation and booking they had made be it at home or on-board.  As a result queues are occurring at venues because people have to try to sort out the situation.  This has resulted in people arriving to be told they haven't got bookings when they know they had - quite a few carrying print outs around with them but often to no avail.


Entering something with booking required as a result can be a lengthy and time consuming process as there are generally two people, one port one starboard, checking everyone's credentials before allowing them in.  The queues at 8.00pm are not to choose a seat but to ensure you get in and to facilitate the staff being able to.hold people to one side if their reservation doesn't appear on their screen.  As I said I arrived 8 minutes before the show last night and as walk one were then being admitted struggled to get a seat, any seat not a favourite seat.


I've no idea whether the other people on other voyages had the same IT issues but of they say they had queues and problems I wouldn't dream of stating it's because Brits like queuing.  Unfortunately these issues have/are occurring for people.


I too have had absolutely no problems with the app or my reservations that doesn't mean I'm thinking those I speak to who are upset don't count as having a genuine reason for being upset.


As for the weather, well as you say we can't change it.  Even the Captain is getting nervous about announcing it! It's unfortunate but This cruise is full of people who booked a warm weather cruise on an advertised "sunshine" trip. Not the ship or P&O's fault but the difficulty with seating etc on.miserable seadays is something future travellers may appreciate to know of so they are prepared.  For instance as an inside cabin chooser if you are on a 14 night cruise with only 6 ports like this one has, you.might want to think twice about how you would deal with 8 days at sea in a fairly confined space if getting somewhere to sit during the day is going to be a challenge.  It's not something everyone can do.


Shuttles  well.least said really! Even Captain Camby turned his daily 6.00pm into a joke about none required in Cadiz as he can drive the ship straight into town.




Edited by Megabear2
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I think my points are valid Megabear


If you've had no problems yourself with the app working same as me then it suggests on both ships it is people just complaining they  don't like apps or can't use them properly


That bit I understand


And from my experience that's what it is. Once you know how to get best use from the app it's a godsend imo


Hence I would offer to help or tell them to ask for help


Yes poor weather on your cruise would put me off that itinerary that time of year 


I've totally sympathised with that and accept any cruise ship with bad weather and everybody  inside isn't a great thought at all


Even though it's an incredible price for that itinerary it does need at  least ok weather

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Why on earth are people still arriving at the theatre before 8pm for it to open the doors for a theatre show  that doesnt start  til 8.30pm ?


If they are - I have absolutely zero time for anybody saying this is anything other than their choice and if there's a queue to actually do that then more fool them


The reason they are queuing at 8pm is because they CHOOSE to get their early to get a favourite seat?  When all the seats are good anyway?? 


Unless they need a wheelchair seat (which is an entirely different debate of course) and I think something should be done about that and have said so before


I have a bit of a disability, but I don’t need a wheelchair, it’s rather narrow minded of you to think if you don’t need a wheelchair you are fit and healthy. I used a wheelchair seat once and got dirty looks.


I can’t queue for very long and there aren't any chairs on which to sit while queuing, so by turning up as soon as the doors open I only have to queue is only a few minutes.

Once I was a bit late arriving at the theatre at 8:10 only to find the queue extended through the casino, after 15 minutes queuing I had to give up and re-book for a later show. THAT is why I arrive at the theatre as soon as the doors open at 8pm.


I can’t look up onto the stage I have to look downwards so I have to carefully select my seating position. I have trouble with my balance and try to get a seat before the crowd arrives so I don’t trip or fall. I would rather sit in the theatre for half an hour read a book or play a game on my phone. So from my point of view ALL the seats are NOT good anyway.


Despite the app - the very fact the MDRs still have 2 queues. One for people who can't or don't want to use the app and one for people who do shows that the ship actually do care about those who won't use tech to their advantage and have an answer for them and want to help them.”


On my Arvia cruise, yes there were 2 queues as you have written, however there was often only one person processing both queues, sort of defeats the object of having 2 queues. On Britannia, Acadia etc the 2 queues are separate and on opposite sides of the ship.


On the theatre door there would be one person per door with a laptop checking your room number, if they could have 2 people checking room numbers it might half the wait times.


People also wait for lifts. We are physically capable so we choose to use the stairs


No I am not capable of using the stairs, I cannot climb much over 1 flight.


Oh ICF you seem to have been very lucky with your queuing experiences, I have not.












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5 minutes ago, GOQ said:

Why on earth are people still arriving at the theatre before 8pm for it to open the doors for a theatre show  that doesnt start  til 8.30pm ?


If they are - I have absolutely zero time for anybody saying this is anything other than their choice and if there's a queue to actually do that then more fool them


The reason they are queuing at 8pm is because they CHOOSE to get their early to get a favourite seat?  When all the seats are good anyway?? 


Unless they need a wheelchair seat (which is an entirely different debate of course) and I think something should be done about that and have said so before


I have a bit of a disability, but I don’t need a wheelchair, it’s rather narrow minded of you to think if you don’t need a wheelchair you are fit and healthy. I used a wheelchair seat once and got dirty looks.


I can’t queue for very long and there aren't any chairs on which to sit while queuing, so by turning up as soon as the doors open I only have to queue is only a few minutes.

Once I was a bit late arriving at the theatre at 8:10 only to find the queue extended through the casino, after 15 minutes queuing I had to give up and re-book for a later show. THAT is why I arrive at the theatre as soon as the doors open at 8pm.


I can’t look up onto the stage I have to look downwards so I have to carefully select my seating position. I have trouble with my balance and try to get a seat before the crowd arrives so I don’t trip or fall. I would rather sit in the theatre for half an hour read a book or play a game on my phone. So from my point of view ALL the seats are NOT good anyway.


Despite the app - the very fact the MDRs still have 2 queues. One for people who can't or don't want to use the app and one for people who do shows that the ship actually do care about those who won't use tech to their advantage and have an answer for them and want to help them.”


On my Arvia cruise, yes there were 2 queues as you have written, however there was often only one person processing both queues, sort of defeats the object of having 2 queues. On Britannia, Acadia etc the 2 queues are separate and on opposite sides of the ship.


On the theatre door there would be one person per door with a laptop checking your room number, if they could have 2 people checking room numbers it might half the wait times.


People also wait for lifts. We are physically capable so we choose to use the stairs


No I am not capable of using the stairs, I cannot climb much over 1 flight.


Oh ICF you seem to have been very lucky with your queuing experiences, I have not.












I think they should have more allocated seats for guests like yourself in the theatre who need accessibility so you don't have to arrive so early


I think they should have seats for you by the lifts


And you shouldn't have to queue standing up for MDRs


They've had 2 people on Iona MDR receptions at Coral despite no queues at all


The majority of the guests who queue for the theatre to open from 8pm don't need to


I sympathise with people like yourself who do and these are things that should be improved for you


In my opinion

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20 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

I think my points are valid Megabear


If you've had no problems yourself with the app working same as me then it suggests on both ships it is people just complaining they  don't like apps or can't use them properly


That bit I understand


And from my experience that's what it is. Once you know how to get best use from the app it's a godsend imo


Hence I would offer to help or tell them to ask for help


Yes poor weather on your cruise would put me off that itinerary that time of year 


I've totally sympathised with that and accept any cruise ship with bad weather and everybody  inside isn't a great thought at all


Even though it's an incredible price for that itinerary it does need at  least ok weather

On Iona in January and Arvia in april the 'app' failed. Once on Iona for over a day and they had to write down the drinks orders in Brodies. On Arvia it failed twice.  First time it just kept repeating the log on messages, they fixed that in a couple of hours but did not tell anyone of the problem until just before it was fixed. The second time the app was broken for 2 days.


IMO it is not yet fit for purpose so I will avoid using it if possible.

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I only asked when might be the best times with the lowest occupancy to cruise the Caribbean (and possibly the Med) might be on Arvia.


Thanks for the suggestions, February but avoid the school holidays. How about the Mediterranean on Arvia, any suggestions.


For the Caribbean  I have already booked Britannia for January 2024, I might just book Arvia for February 2025 and if I still does not suit me alternate my Britannia cruises with Marella or MSC or someone else.


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Regarding Arvia in the Caribbean we were on her in January. Apart from sometimes struggling to find a sunbed it didn't seem too busy.

We booked what we could on the app and it worked fine.

We joined the virtual queue on our balcony with a g&t and the longest we waited for a table was 20 minutes.


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4 hours ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

I think my points are valid Megabear


If you've had no problems yourself with the app working same as me then it suggests on both ships it is people just complaining they  don't like apps or can't use them properly


That bit I understand


And from my experience that's what it is. Once you know how to get best use from the app it's a godsend imo


Hence I would offer to help or tell them to ask for help


Yes poor weather on your cruise would put me off that itinerary that time of year 


I've totally sympathised with that and accept any cruise ship with bad weather and everybody  inside isn't a great thought at all


Even though it's an incredible price for that itinerary it does need at  least ok weather

ICF I have lots of comments on the app but am not going into them now.  I will say however I.note you've been able to change bookings, that's not been possible on here because absolutely everything is shown as fully booked every day.  This includes Altitude and the escape room.  If you've got a booking you work round it by taking dining or whatever accordingly.  I note you have a set agenda every day to some extent which is good because if you were here you'd need it.


It seems that because I actually have great sympathy and care about my fellow guests who aren't having the best time I'm looking at things the wrong way. I have reinstalled the app.four times for one couple it just doesn't stay there. Of course I offer help, it's what anyone will do.


My point is just because I'm okay and you're okay we can't judge why it's not okay for all because it certainly should be.

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4 hours ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

I think my points are valid Megabear


If you've had no problems yourself with the app working same as me then it suggests on both ships it is people just complaining they  don't like apps or can't use them properly


That bit I understand


And from my experience that's what it is. Once you know how to get best use from the app it's a godsend imo


Hence I would offer to help or tell them to ask for help


Yes poor weather on your cruise would put me off that itinerary that time of year 


I've totally sympathised with that and accept any cruise ship with bad weather and everybody  inside isn't a great thought at all


Even though it's an incredible price for that itinerary it does need at  least ok weather

The app went down on Iona in Feb for well over 24 hrs and it caused no end of problems. Luckily, I had a print out of all our bookings made before leaving home, but others didn’t have a clue what they had booked. The Captain made an announcement and apologised. When we went to our Olive Grove booking, we were told that the IT problem was impacting the kitchen and that the meal would be significantly delayed. I was quite pleased that they informed us upfront because we decided to cancel the booking and went to the Quays. So these things DO happen, not that it really bothered us. 

We normally go the 10.30 show but changed things around on Britannia last month and booked the 8.30 a few nights. We quite like sitting in the theatre for 30 minutes before the show - we both have our Kindles. We’re not bar/cocktail people. Or else, we chat with people around us. Nothing wrong with that. I posted a few photos at the time showing the theatre pretty full at 8.10 with just single seats dotted around available for later arrivals. 

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5 hours ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

Even though it's an incredible price for that itinerary it does need at  least ok weather

For the last time of saying it that incredible price didn't apply to 75% of the people on here.  I'm banging my head against a wall here on that one.  Can you not accept that a lot here booked a long time ago? The couple I dined with last night in Epicurean were covid victims on Britannia last year - sounds like Yorkypete's cruise actually.  They were quarantined for 10 days and this is their replacement cruise using their £6,000 FCC travelling on a once in a lifetime posh cabin they booked for their 60th wedding anniversary last year. He was celebrating his 83rd birthday last night as well. The only meal they have managed in a dining room was last night's because it came in a gift package their granddaughter booked for them and although fully booked the restaurant manager got them in.


Again they have the app, it falls over and doesn't stick. I had exactly the same problem in December on Britannia, lots of others here have told you it crashed on their cruises.  It is a problemfor many.  Please accept it's not people not knowing how to use it.  I book breakfast on it every day, it's quick and works for me is agree if it works for an individual great.

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Dear Admin - can you start a separate new thread about the App and queuing, so that every existing thread doesn't deteriorate into discussions of those two (linked) subjects?  This was a useful and informative thread in its own right, but has now dived down the App / queuing rabbit hole and I suspect will not return unless you force it!  Thanks

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