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From Cool Alaska to the Balmy South Pacific, Sail with Bill & Mary Ann on the Volendam 9-6-23 to11-22-23 77 days


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Aloha. We too have been blessed to be “Golden” Shellbacks but always enjoy the ceremony and on most of our voyages the Captain has taken the plunge. We also enjoy the “exclusive”  events although perhaps coming from New York everything is exclusive.  How do you handle being aways from the kids and grandkids for extended periods of time? We find after a few weeks we miss them terribly so we shuttle between NY and Honolulu. Enjoy Pago Pago. We love it!

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Report #44  Wednesday  October 18, 2023  Sea Day Enroute To Pago, Pago Samoa   Sunny And Hot 85 Degrees Sea State Calm Little Wind   Part #1 Of 1.......64  Pictures-----Casual Dress


Another day at sea brought with it slightly warmer temperatures and what felt like higher humidity.   At times, there was little wind and it almost felt like we were “swimming” instead of walking the promenade deck.  Even as early as 9am, the heat had risen for the day.  If there was breeze at all, it was a following one.  We had to laugh, remembering how chilly it was while sailing in Alaska, which really was just weeks ago.  


We had another lazy day relaxing at the Seaview Pool for an hour or so.  After high noon, the Captain always comes on with his daily updates, and has been ending his log with some interesting questions given to him in a box by the front desk.  Some of the queries are legitimate while some are actually funny.  One simple question was the average age of the guests onboard this cruise.  The answer was 70 years old, but that’s due to the fact we have two very young children belonging to the hotel manager.  Dropped the average for sure.  Another question was why is the tissue box in the bathroom located so close to the toilet?  Hmm, never gave that a second thought truthfully.  The Captain’s answer was, “I have no idea…it is above my pay grade”, drawing chuckles from the crowd around us.  Today the Captain had a Q&A session in the World Stage and took on many questions, so by the time he came to his noon talk, he admitted he was questioned- out.  We have been used to Captain Mercer (now retired) giving his idioms on the Grand World Voyage, so hearing current questions is a nice twist. 


It was so warm today that there were few people even in the Lido Pool area.  Ordering some lunch in the Dive-In took less than 5 minutes.   We have given up ordering the naked fries there since they always come in a greasy clump.  Maybe they are doing us a favor. 


Going out on deck six forward was a good spot to watch the sun go down.  We finally had a breeze up there, as well as a few other folks that discovered this spot.  Today there were fewer clouds and the sky was mostly blue.  And because of that, the sunset was not spectacular.  We all agreed that the best ones have been in Hawaii.  But we do have some time going forward to capture many more sunsets.  An added bonus was seeing two little birds flying around the bow of the ship.  About the size of swallows, they do not appear to be seabirds.  But that would mean they jumped onboard around Fanning Island.  It would not be the first time we have seen such stowaways.  One time a pair of pigeons stayed with us from Europe to Florida.  Hope they liked living in the USA.


This evening was different as far as dinner was concerned.  We had been given an invitation to an exclusive party for President’s Club members with Pinnacle and Neptune suite guests as well.  We felt the time of 8:15pm was a bit odd, so we decided to have Caesar chicken salads for dinner (excellent combination), leave the dining room early, and hoped the food served there would be in the dessert department.  Well, we were wrong.  The gathering was held in the Atrium on deck three outside the offices of the head managers.   We were greeted with trays of champagne and wine, which we really do not drink often, and more trays of nice hors d’oeuvres, but no desserts.  Oh well, we ordered after dinner drinks of Kalua and crème de cacao, which came half wrong.  The Kalua was a Bailey’s Irish crème, which I would have taken but the waiter disappeared.  On the other hand, we did get to talk to nice officers such as Russel, the beverage manager, and the new food and beverage manager who boarded in Hawaii.  We also questioned the internet manager, who we met last week, about tomorrow’s message in the newsletter concerning the connectivity of the internet.  This note explained that the speed may be slower and the connection lost due to our geological location.  Strangely enough, he knew nothing about this message and was surprised because we have the new Starlink system running now.  Well, time will tell on this story too. Captain Paul joined us and we chatted for some time, mostly about people we all know.  We also touched base with Arnold, the Mariner rep onboard.  We had a question regarding the President’s Club Mariner benefits that may have changed recently.  Again, he knew nothing about any changes, but wants to see our emailed flyer on the computer tomorrow.  We shall be happy to show him what we received.  We were about to call it a night when we spotted friends Bill and Leta, who we figured did not make it to the party.  We visited for 20 minutes, then it got so warm in the atrium area, we said goodnight to all. And an added bonus was one hour back on the clocks tonight.  We always like that.


One more sea day will have us in Pago Pago, American Samoa.


Bill & Mary Ann




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Report #45  Thursday  October 19, 2023     Sea Day Enroute To Pago, Pago Samoa    Sunny With Some Clouds 84 Degrees Calm Seas 6 Foot Swell   Part #1 Of 2........62 Pictures-----Casual Dress


Well, today is finally the last sea day we will have as we approach the island of American Samoa.  It has been a seven- day run without the stop in the middle at Fanning Island.  We did experience a fine morning while circling the atoll, but now we are all ready to step foot on solid ground again. 


After breakfast, we took our usual walk out on the promenade deck.  We found the seas to be quite unusual with a silky satin look about the swells.  This does happen occasionally when there is little wind with no noticeable swell.  There wasn’t a wave breaking except where the ship cut through the water.   It remained this way until later in the afternoon when we picked up the wind and began to have some rocking and rolling, or should we say pitching.  Although the temperatures were in the mid-eighties,  the humidity was up to 72%.  To say it was “sticky” was an understatement.  With the wind speed at 3.2 mph coupled with broken clouds, the day remained plenty hot and muggy. 


When we had to go to the library to send emails, we noticed that there were few places to sit.  We came to the conclusion that when it gets this hot outside, the folks stay in the air-conditioned areas of the ship.  Can’t say we blame them.  The library area was full of people, mostly ladies, playing board games or cards.  The puzzle tables had ladies sitting around them, chatting away 100 miles a minute.  A few gals were reading, while some pretended to read, but were really asleep.  This sort of gave us a glimpse of what life must be like in a retirement home.  On the other hand, there were folks lined up to get beginners bridge instructions in the Hudson Room.   And a cooking demo was hosted by the executive chef, Javier, in the World Stage.  He was grilling shrimp. 


There has been a dance sessions to learn different moves every sea day, and a ballroom dance hour in the Ocean Bar at 5pm.  Afternoon tea is still served in the upper dining room at 3pm, but that is right after our lunchtime, so we have yet to attend.  It is difficult to keep lunch light, but as long as we stay out of the dining room and Lido, we are good.


There’s a first time for everything, and today was no exception.  At 2pm, there was the usual port highlight talk delivered by travel director Kimberly.  Shortly before that, she announced that no more people would be allowed in the World Stage because it was filled to capacity.  Those people who were sitting on the stairs had to leave since it was against the safety rules.  So in order to accommodate everyone interested, she was going to repeat her lecture at 3pm as well.  The talk was all about Pago Pago and Apia…both in Samoa and American Samoa.  To be perfectly honest, these islands are interesting, but they are not considered over-the-top ports like Singapore or Hong Kong for instance.  We believe the only reason for the overflow was due to the excessive heat outside.   The World Stage is a cool place out of the heat.


Being that the clocks were turned back one hour, the sunset was shortly after 6pm.   Back outside deck six forward, we waited until the bitter end to see what there was of another South Pacific sunset.   It was less inspiring than last night, but pretty just the same.  And there was a strong breeze which we liked for an hour or so. 


Dinner was in the Pinnacle Grill, however we forgot to tell our dining room waiters last night that we would not be there tonight.  About 7:45pm, the maître ‘d, Johny, strolled into the restaurant and came over saying that’s where you both are.  We guess they were waiting, like they have started to do, with a loud greeting from all four head waiters.  It’s rather amusing, but also a bit embarrassing as they announce our entrance every night.  We are trying to figure out how to sneak in without detection.   The only option is to enter with several other folks at the same time.  But the problem with that is most everyone eats early these days. 


Anyway, our meal was wonderful as always with our wedge salads, savory bacon, filets with baked potatoes….the smallest they can find.  Dessert was more complicated than we expected.  One of us ordered the crème Brule, and the other sorbet.  We waited and waited, and finally Anton the manager came over and said all of the sorbet was melted and not suitable to serve.   I did say that’s fine, I can live without it, but he insisted they would find some frozen sorbet within a few minutes.  Finally it arrived, and it was watermelon sorbet and pretty frozen.  They would not accept no as an answer.  Like we said, they have spoiled us in here.


Looking forward to seeing Pago Pago again.  It’s a nice place to take a hike and go out to lunch.


Bill & Mary Ann    




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Report #46   Friday  October 20, 2023  Pago, Pago American Samoa  Docked Port Side To Pier   Cloudy With Rain Showers 80 Degrees  Part #1 Of 4.......77 Pictures-----Local Greeters & Performance On The Pier----Casual Dress


The Volendam arrived to American Samoa early this morning under heavy clouds and slightly rough seas.  It was still warm and muggy, but not as oppressive as it has been the last two or three days.  There was a large group of locals waiting on the commercial dock to greet us.  They were dressed in native clothing of lavalavas or sarongs for the fellows, and white shirts and red pants for the ladies.  They performed Samoan singing and dancing for at least an hour.   Sure is nice to see such a welcome, as these greetings do not happen often anymore. 


Here are a few fast facts about American Samoa.  There are five volcanic islands and two atolls that make up American Samoa.  The total land area is 76 square miles, but adding the marine waters, it is the size of Oregon or the country of New Zealand.  Now that is impressive.   Temperatures average in the 80’s and the water temps are about the same.  It is tropical, so expect a lot of rain, like today for instance.  There is a reason it is a rain forest.  The national park here is the only US park in the South Pacific.  The people here are regarded as the largest full-blooded Polynesian race left in the Pacific. 


We stayed onboard until the majority of folks had left the ship.  Some of the tours included myths and legends for 3 hours and $110.  An ava (kava) ceremony for 3 hours was $120.  A taste of Samoa was $140 for 3 hours, while an east side and beach tour was $90 for 3 hours.  Probably not the best day for the beach, but that is something you never know before you book these tours.  The weather can be unpredictable in this part of the woods.


There was a crew drill on the ship at 9:30am, but it was done by 10am.  We thought that by then the passing showers might clear away, and it might be nice.  However, the showers became heavier and finally turned to driving rain.  It came in spurts, but really never let up for long.  From here on out, we will bring our umbrellas like we did today.  Sure helped having them. 


The Volendam shared the commercial port with containers being moved and dispersed all day.  It was quite noisy sitting on the veranda.  The only plus was that the rain never got the balcony wet except on the starboard side.  All of the souvenir stands have been removed from inside the port gate to elsewhere along the shoreline.  Guess it is a security rule. 


We left the ship around 10:30am and headed towards downtown.  The first big stop was at the produce market and the souvenir shops inside the building.  We did a quick stroll through the market where we did not need anything.  Continuing down the street, we noticed many new buildings going up.  Mostly government buildings it appeared.  Tax dollars at work – USA tax dollars to be exact.  We are sure this island was affected by Covid with no tourists coming here.  Hopefully, the ships are back and the people are getting back on their feet. 


Passing many shops and businesses, we stopped briefly to sit under a traditional fale or palapa.  It was raining steadily now and appeared it was not going to let up.  Many buses passed by, but not the traditional kind.  These are small colorful shuttles that hold maybe 20 people with no windows.  They are island-style air-conditioned.  These old vehicles are what they use for the tours.  There were a number of taxi drivers who beeped at us, offering rides.  No one walks in the rain here…..except some of us.


Anyway, we continued around the end of the harbor, and headed towards the tuna factory.  In fact there are two well-known ones located here – Starkist and Chicken of the Sea.  We think they employ many of the locals and between the fishing vessels and the factories, there must be many jobs.  Some trees along this side of the harbor house fruit bats.  They can be seen hanging upside down either curled up tight or fanning their big wings.  They are nocturnal, and rarely fly during the heat of the day. 


We did spot a restaurant on the hillside called Paradise.  It used to be a pizza place, but since it was still early, we decided to wait until we got back to town.  Taking our time, we turned around before the aroma of cooking tuna hit us.  Took over an hour to get back.  Passing the ship, we continued for a mile or so to Goat Island Café located at Sadie’s by the Sea Hotel.  We found a good table outside which was out of the driving rain.  We ordered Corona beers, since they did not have local draft beer.  Lunch was a shared appetizer of chicken/cheese nachos.  It came missing the sides of guacamole, salsa, and sour cream.  We asked, and our waitress apologized and brought us the sides.  We finished our fun meal with a slice of chocolate cake, mainly because they were out of the Key lime pie. 


It rained all the way back to the ship where we arrived by 3pm.  Despite it all, we still managed to get some good photos.  Took the rest of the afternoon to process them and write today’s log.  Once again, our veranda stayed dry, and it was fun watching the car traffic and pedestrian traffic the rest of the afternoon.  All aboard was 5:30pm, and the ship pulled away from the pier before 6pm.  Miss Samoa had returned with some of her friends to say farewell to us.  Was a nice way to end our stay here, even though it was a very wet one.


Dinner was back in the dining room where we ordered very tasty chicken and veggie spring rolls.  So good, we doubled the order.  A Caesar salad for one of us and a tomato/mozzarella cheese tower for the other.   Mains were one oxtail plate with mashed potatoes, and the other was a vegetarian Asian noodle dish with lots of sauteed veggies.  Nice for a change.  Desserts were the sticky date pudding, which looked nothing like it sounded.  One of us had sliced bananas and strawberries.  Risman offered a small scoop of vanilla ice cream, and we said OK.  When he said one scoop, he meant a tiny scoop, which made us laugh when he brought the glasses.  Noticing other folks that ordered ice cream, they had at least 4 scoops in the glass.  The trick is knowing how to order it.  We finished early, which was perfect.  It had been a long day, and we were ready to call it a night.  And there was only a movie in the World Stage.  It was Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.  Bet we already saw it.


Bill & Mary Ann





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Report #47  Sunday  October 22, 2023  Apia, Samoa  8am-5pm  Docked Starboard Side To Pier    Rain, Rain And More Rain  77 Degrees  Part #1 Of 4......74 Pictures---Casual Dress


Some days you wake up and you think you are in “bizarro-land”, like when strange things take place out of the ordinary.  Today was one of those.  To begin, we crossed the International Dateline and Saturday disappeared.  How did we know it was Sunday?  Well, of course, the elevator carpet said it was Sunday…duh.  


Then during breakfast, Kimberly our cruise director came on with a special warning that we all needed to wear masks onshore today.  What???  They would be handed out at the gangway as well as at the front desk.  Now either the locals are all sick, or they think we are contaminated.  No one was happy about that.  And even though this was not printed in the newsletter, the local authorities were willing to stamp people’s passports if they chose to do it.  There was a line at the front desk.  We have been advised never to do that, because some countries consider the passports violated and will not accept them.  Even worn edges on the pages can cancel the document.  And these days, many countries no longer stamp them as they are electronic.  We wanted to say – don’t do it, but it is none of our business.   


After breakfast, we always go to deck three to walk.  This morning we could hear a brass band playing on the dock, but when we started to go out the double doors, we were stopped by security guys.  Someone had just fallen on the soaking wet deck and were being rolled to the medical center on a gurney.  These teak decks are very slippery when wet, especially the handicap ramps.  As he was wheeled away, the band played on…..and they were good.


We did notice that none of the locals on the pier were wearing masks.  And why not?  Later back in our room, Captain Paul came on the speakers to say a mistake had been made, and masks were no longer required, but optional.  Now the crazy thing about our visit was that today was a Sunday, and not much was opened.  In addition to that, there were no shore excursions.  Glad to hear we did not have to wear masks because it was ridiculously hot and muggy out.  And raining, even more than yesterday. 


We hung around the ship until after 10am.  We still need to go to the library to get better internet, so that takes time.  Now is when the fun started, or not.  When we got out of the elevator on deck A, the lobby was jammed full of people waiting to go ashore.  We all wondered what was up with that?  There was a problem with the stability of the gangway, due to excessive turbulence while alongside.  The security people were trying to fix it, so people could re-board the ship.   Now if there was a place to possibly get Covid, this would be it.  We could not even get close enough to an elevator to leave the lobby.  


Standing in the line, we could not help but notice a single elderly lady in front of us with a backpack filled with a snorkel mask, fins and beach towel.  Where in heaven’s name would she consider snorkeling here?  Someone had written a name of a beach, which she claimed was a 5 minute walk from the port gate.  She asked the security girl on the ship if she knew where it was.  She had no clue and suggested she ask a taxi driver.  As far as we know, the only safe place to swim or snorkel is over an hour or more ride to a resort out of town.  Another foreign couple were also packing snorkel gear and were racing towards downtown looking for a beach.  Hello…..there are no beaches here and the waters are muddy from the river that flows into this bay.  And that’s not mentioning the garbage that floats in this harbor.  Who knows…maybe they knew something we did not.


Passing the Sheraton’s Aggie Grey’s Hotel, confirmed the fact that they are still closed for renovations.  Too bad as that was the best place for a good lunch on past visits here.  Services were in full swing at two churches nearby.  But we know that being dressed correctly is important on a Sunday.  Once mass was over, we would feel OK seeing the interiors of the churches.  We continued walking on the seawall which with the driving rain and surf, it kept us rather damp. Umbrellas did help.  It did let up around noon.


With most everything closed, the streets were deserted, except for some persistent taxi drivers offering cheap rides to anywhere.  Even the Info center was closed for the day.  Passing the central clocktower, government building, and a main bank, we strolled to the very closed fish market.  We recall the days when everyone did their food shopping on Saturday, so Sunday was a day to rest and a day for church.  It has remained that way in this part of the world.   Back to the main street, we found the only place opened for business was McDonalds, and a nice one at that.  It was full of mostly cruise ship guests doing internet or using the restrooms. 


Way up the street, we found a local veggie/produce market opened with a few local customers shopping.  Everyone we passed said ”hi” to us. Further down the next street, we found the main arts and crafts market totally vacant….eerily so.  We spotted one guard watching over the complex.  Guess there will be no lunch out today.  We went back to the ship, but not before stopping at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral.  The morning mass had ended long ago, and we did get to see the beautiful interior without interrupting anyone. 


Walking past the series of vendors under a long tent, we decided to check out some trinkets.  A portable Western Union trailer had been brought into the port area to sell local currency, as we were led to believe the vendors would not accept US dollars.  We have always used US dollars here, so this was a test.  Finding a pair of coconut earrings, we paid $4 in US cash with no problem.  And there were signs in all of the shops and even McDonalds that they took all credit cards.  Not sure where the folks got that information.  Maybe it was the same source that said we needed to wear masks?


Working on photos, we decided to try room service once again for lunch.  This would be the third try since the beginning of September.  The last two deliveries were incorrect, but we did not say anything.  Today, we ordered one quesadilla and two large Cobb salads.  The salads were fine, but the quesadilla was a bowl of Chicken noodle soup.  What?  We stopped the delivery waiter outside in the hallway, and said we got the wrong order.  He showed us the slip which said soup, not quesadilla.  We’re not crazy, we never ordered soup and the waiter taking the order repeated quesadilla.  Go figure.  The waiter’s answer was to call room service again, and order what we needed.  So we did, and were put on hold.  They never answered our call.  So one of us ran up to the Dive-In Grill and got two burgers to go.  And it did not take 40 minutes like our room service order, it took less than 10 minutes. Guess we will need to tell someone that cares that the service here has not be the best.


Captain Paul said that by using the side thrusters all day to stabilize the ship, they damaged three of the ships lines.  We never remember having such problems docking here, but the river did look like it was over its banks.  The Volendam left the harbor before 5pm, and we sailed across the top of the north island, and southwest between another island.  We watched  for another sunset from deck six forward, but were disappointed as it was not that great.  We did happen to meet some nice folks that have sailed on some world cruises the same time we did.  Also nice to hear that some of our little hints have been read and helped out with setting up their room. 


Time for dinner, we ordered soup, salad, and one turkey dinner and a chicken meatball entree with rigatoni.  Both were quite tasty.  With two simple desserts we were on our way home.  The entertainment this evening was Shades of Buble, with a trio of singers.  We heard through the grapevine that there has been problems with the sound equipment personnel onboard.  Hate to admit it, we seldom attend the shows.


Good news was that the clocks went back one more hour this evening.  Fine with us.


Bill & Mary Ann




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On the 2018 Grand Asia, the swells at the dock in Apia grew so strong that they broke some of the ship's lines within 30 minutes of docking. Officers quickly herded all the passengers on the pier back on board and we pulled away, to sit a short but safe distance from the dock for a few hours, as the call went out throughout the island to guides and drivers to return their passengers back to the ship. Last fall I finally made it ashore in Apia and had a wonderful visit to Robert Louis Stevenson's villa there.


I enjoy following your journey!

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Report #48   Monday  October 23,2023  Sea Day Enroute To Suva, Fiji  Cloudy And Cooler With A Constant Breeze 72 Degrees  Sea State 5-7 Foot Swell   Part #1 Of 1........38  Pictures-----Dressy Night


There wasn’t much of a sunrise this morning, and the day would end with the same scenario…….a partially hidden sunset due to rain clouds.  Guess we have to have days that are not terrific to appreciate the ones that are. 


The weather today surprised us.  Gone were the steamy hot temps we have been experiencing.  Replacing that was a nice breeze and a comfortable mostly sunny morning and afternoon.  The Volendam has dropped further south and away from the Equator, so perhaps that is the reason for tolerable temperatures.  We hope it lasts. 


For a change, the dress suggestion was “dressy”, although it was not reflected in the menu choices.  It seems that we have begun to run low on some food items such as fresh produce.  Only the strawberries are left for breakfast but the bananas are still holding up.   No more blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries.  We understand that there will be a shipment for the Volendam in Suva, Fiji, tomorrow’s port.  And Captain Paul mentioned in his noon talk that we are in need of bunkering fuel.  Now we understand why our scheduled departure time from Suva is 11pm.   In fact, the Captain added that if the bunkering is a slower than normal process, we may be leaving later than 11pm.  Not a problem since we are close to the next stop at Dravuni Island, a tender port that is basically a short beach day.


Once again, Kimberly, the cruise and travel director, had to have two sessions for the Unlocking Fiji lecture in the World Stage.  She only has today to cover four upcoming ports in Fiji, so they expected a full house for the guests to learn all about this area.  Usually the explorations team give a snippet of info on every tour offered in these ports, but we did not see it listed today.


We spent the late morning visiting with friends at the Seaview Pool, while enjoying the nice breeze for a change.  We noticed that unless you flag down one of the bar staff crew, they do not come around and offer beverages.  The few that are working at this pool seem to congregate near the bar and out of the sun.  And if you happen to be sitting under the overhang where smoking is allowed, then you get service.


Retreating to our room for ice cold sodas, we decided to try for a room service lunch again.  But this time after placing the order over the phone, we added that yesterday’s quesadilla turned out to be chicken soup.  It was good, but was not ordered.  The waiter thanked us for pointing that out, and promised it not to occur again.  On most ships that we have ordered room service, after it is delivered, we receive a call from them confirming that everything is OK.  They do not do that here.  Following the deliverer’s advice yesterday by calling the order again, got us nowhere, since they never answered the call.


Dinner was not really special considering the dress code.  It appeared to us that the majority of folks dine early, because the lower dining room is almost empty by 8pm.  Of course tonight, there was an event in the casino called “Casino Royale” which began at 8pm.  Besides games and music, they offered a free slot tournament and lessons in blackjack and roulette.  If it wasn’t the casino event, then maybe it was the performance of Annie Gong playing her instruments in the show lounge that drew the guests out of the dining room.


Back to dinner, we ordered the tomato bisque, and a Las Vegas-style Cobb salad.  OK, we said what exactly does Las Vegas salad mean?  Turned out to be slices of marinated rare steak slices over the top of salad fixings.  No lettuce was involved.  That was a creative way to hide the fact there is little of the lettuce left.  Anyway, it was good for a change.  We both ordered the BBQ pork ribs which were not as good as the baby back ribs they had over a week ago.  These were mostly bone and little meat, although tasty, we were a bit disappointed.  Finally the dessert arrived, but late.  One of us ordered two scoops of chocolate chip ice cream…not a complicated item.   Turned out they could not find any that was still frozen, leading us to think that there is a problem with the freezer on the ship.  None of the ice creams or frozen yogurts have been coming to the table frozen.  So the best thing we can do is not order it anymore.  It has been the same scenario in the Pinnacle Grill for dinner as well.  There are other choices and also the choice of no dessert at all.  Fewer calories to burn off.


We checked the weather in Suva, Fiji tomorrow on the TV.  It showed N/A….wonder why?  Going online, we found the possibility of rain.  Bring out the umbrellas……


Bill & Mary Ann



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2 hours ago, WCB said:

On most ships that we have ordered room service, after it is delivered, we receive a call from them confirming that everything is OK.  They do not do that here. 


Gee, I got a call every time after room service delivery last fall on both the Nieuw Amsterdam and Rotterdam.  Excellent service then.


It sounds like the Food and Beverage department needs to get their act together better on the Volendam at the moment!  Have you spoken to the manager about the issues?  


Continue having a good time at sea Mary Ann and Bill! 





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Report #49   Tuesday  October 24, 2023  Suva, Fiji  8am-11pm    Docked Starboard Side To The Pier Bunkering Fuel All Day   Cloudy With Rain Showers   75 Degrees   Part #1 Of 4.......64  Pictures----Casual Dress


Today’s port of call was our first one in Fiji…..Suva, the capital.  The magic word for the day was “bula”, because just about everyone you see will greet you with their favorite hello.  Even the little kids.  The locals are very friendly, and smile when we say “bula” in return.


By the time we got outside on deck three by 8:30am, the police band had already played for the guests and were gone.   Darn, it really is a kick to see the brass band with the fellows dressed in their lavalava skirts.  The tour groups were filing off of the gangway, filling several coaches that were waiting right there a few feet away.  There were seven excursions today starting with a longboat ride for 4 hours and $70.  An eco-trek was $90 for 3 ½ hours while the museum and Thurston Gardens was $60 for 3 hours.   We did that for free by walking there from the pier.  The jewels of Fiji tour was $180 for 6 hours and a day at the South Pacific Resort was $150 for 7 hours.  Finally a zipline was $140 for 2 ½ hours.  A village tour that included a kava ceremony was $90 for 3 ½ hours.


We have visited Suva several times and find it is an easy place to navigate.  Downtown is steps away from the pier and it includes the Suva Municipal Market, which has everything you might be looking for in the way of produce, some souvenirs, and clothing.  We always take a walk through there for the colorful photos.  Then on the way back, we always stop outside to purchase the tropical bouquets of flowers for our room. 


Directly up the street from this massive market is the fish market with several varieties of locally-caught fish.  From there you can find modern malls and shops.  The two most well-known fast food chains are here – Burger King and McDonalds.  Obviously they are favorites of many locals.  Tourists too who always go there for the wifi. 


We headed past many banks and stores, stopping at one of them which happened to be a fabric store.   There must have been 100 bolts of the prettiest floral tropical fabrics, so we asked if they took US dollars.  The answer was yes, although we are not sure she heard us correctly.  We said we would be back.


Our first stop was at Thurston Gardens for a stroll through their landscaped park.  There are certain trees planted there that house the large fruit bats, and they were there in large numbers today.  A few were flying around, but most all of them were hanging around – upside down as they like to do.  Occasionally, they open their wings to cool down.  Continuing up the seaside road, we came across the palace with a guard at the gate.  He has a lonely job there standing at attention, until a load of tourists stop to take his photo.  Just like the British guards in London, they do not engage anyone in conversation….just stand at attention. 


We always stroll the seawall here watching the locals and some of the birds that will dive for fish.  Today we saw terns, and maybe two blue herons, some shore birds, and a bunch of common mynah birds.  We made it as far as the Chinese Embassy then turned back since the road was under construction and closed.  There were a few guys casting gill nets in the shallow reef waters without a boat.  We could see the fish jumping right off of the shore, so they must be easily caught.  Truthfully, there are several outlets for water drainage, and we suspect they are old sewer water pipes.   The sea water here appears to be quite murky and no one swims in it.  There was a nice breeze blowing, and even though the skies were foreboding with dark rain clouds, it never did rain. 


Taking our time, we were ready for lunch by 1pm, and went to the Grand Pacific Hotel, a blast from the British past.  It is really the nicest hotel in town, and they serve a wonderful lunch.  And if you visit there around 3pm, they serve a high tea in the lobby.  Quite proper in fact.


We went right to the patio and pool area and were lucky to find a table for two.  To say you are not rushed here is an understatement.  Eventually a waitress arrived and handed us menus.  She took our drink order which was two local Fiji Gold Drafts.  Ice cold.  Then we ordered a 10- inch BBQ chicken pizza to share, which took a while to arrive.  No rush, we ordered another round of beer and relaxed while watching a young boy enjoy the swimming pool all by himself until his dad joined him.  After splitting delicious the pizza, we ordered a slice of pumpkin cheesecake with a side of pistachio ice cream.  Refreshing, it was the perfect end to the meal.  Leaving by 3pm, the lobby and bar were getting busy with new guests arriving. 


On the way back, we did stop at the fabric store, where the saleslady said the owner might not take US dollars.  There was a floral print that stood out among the rest, so after asking the owner, he said yes to the money, and then measured 2 ½ meters for a mere $7 USD.  Good deal.  There are some things that are hard to resist and that has to be unique t-shirts and fabrics from various countries.  Then we did stop at the market to pick up two bunches of tropical flowers, which were tied with ribbons by the vendors before they handed them to us.  Another $10 USD well-spent, although we do know they will come with a few ants.  There are rules that we are not allowed to take off food or plants, but we can bring back just about anything we wish in the way of food stuff and flowers.  We boarded the ship around 4pm after passing the many vendors at the gate offering cheap massages and hair-braiding.  No thanks, and “bula” was exchanged by all including us. 


Relaxing on the veranda was good for one of us, while the other worked away with photos of the day.  We had the best seats for a sunset, but it ever developed….way too many clouds on the horizon.  Still no rain.  Dinner was interesting with several Indian seasoned appetizers and mains.  One was an empanada, which was actually very good….not too spicy.  Caesar salads for both of us, and one main of Club Orange leg of lamb (excellent) and another with the roasted chicken with the pasta on the side.  Funny thing….they forgot the penne pasta, and only put the sauce over the chicken.  Go figure….  And ordering Lea & Perrins for the lamb did not happen as they have substituted Frenchs instead.  Not the same by a mile, we said no thanks.  Desserts were one chocolate tart and a small rum cake totally drenched in good rum for a change.  Really tasty.


As we are still composing this, the ship has not left the port and it is 11:30pm.  Guess the bunkering of fuel took longer than expected.


Looking forward to Dravuni Island tomorrow although we heard some talk about rough seas due to a passing hurricane somewhere.  Hope it isn’t true.


Bill & Mary Ann



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Report #50     Wednesday  October 25,2023    Dravuni Island,  Fiji    At Anchor 8am-5pm   Cloudy With Lots Of Sun  78 Degrees   Sea State Choppy With Strong Wind  Part #1 Of 4......80 Pictures---Casual Dress


Dravuni Island, Fiji, is a tiny dot of an island belonging to the Kadavu Group.  Less than 1 square mile, it has a small village with white sands, tall palms, and azure waters.  There are no vehicles or roads as we know them on this island.  But there is a long stretch of beach where the guests can sunbathe and snorkel, although we have not seen a lot of tropical fish there.  You can do some hiking, visit with the friendly locals, or simply relax within steps of the tender pier. 


The weather looked promising but the wind was acting up, leaving us to wonder if tendering might be problematic.  That was the case last year when we visited this island.  The swells were too great for safe tendering and the port had to be cancelled.  Guess it was a “go” today, because tender-ticketed folks were summoned down to deck one around 8:15am.  They were calling two groups at a time.  This was still in effect at 10:30am when we went off of the ship.  We are not sure how the walker/wheelchair guests would get down the outside stairs to the waiting boat.  The wind was blowing hard as well, although the swells were moderate.  The ride took 15 minutes or so. 


At first glance, we noticed that there were many more buildings in the way of housing since the last time we were here in 2019.  Souvenir floral shirts and sarongs blew sideways on the numerous clothes lines strung between the palm trees.  Sure gave a lot of color to the scenery.  Several make-shift tented massage tables lined the beachfront.  Shoulder and neck massages were $10 while a full body massage was $20.  Hair-braiding was $20, but no one offered to do mine since it was already braided.  Many of the local ladies had tables set with various island jewelry made with seashells and carved wood. 


Passing the primary school house, we saw a lot of little kids running amuck, obviously out of school.  We did notice a few donation boxes here and there such as for school supplies.  Then we wondered why the donations that were meant for Fanning Island could not have been brought here?  Although this village is far smaller than Fanning, the needs must be the same.


We continued going right from the tender pier and found we were on our way towards the tallest peak there.  We remember passing by the pens where they confine their pigs when they have company.  Today there were at least seven adult hogs and three cute little babies.  These little pigs did not wander far from the mother, who was caged.  It seemed that every hut had chickens.  Someone had put down an opened coconut and a hen chicken was drinking the juice and eating the coconut meat.  They are smart little birds.


Following the path, we began the climb through the thick foliage and trees.  This is where it began to get steep in parts.  Only one of us went forward, while the other waited on a bluff where there was a cool breeze.  Looking down the side of the ridge, we noticed there was a planting area in the gully with bananas, coconuts, and possibly other crops.  Access to this side of the island is not easy, so the other pathway went to the top of the peak.  The locals have cut away the slippery pathway and created steps to use.   Many people who knew their abilities did not have a problem with the vigorous hike, but others did.  It’s not so bad going up, but going down can be hard on the knees and ankles.  And the worst time to find out is when you are halfway down.  Best to be cautious we always say.  


Back down to the beach area, we walked around the houses, which were basically empty.  Most all of the adults were selling something on the beachfront.  We had been told there was no snorkel gear to rent, but we did find a few vendors along the way with tons of them.  Judging by the number of cruise ship guests we saw in and around the water today, there will be a lot that will be sunburnt.  The temperature was a cool 77 degrees with a nice breeze blowing.  That can be deceiving and painful, so we did not plan on a day in the sand and water.  The sandy beaches looked good, but there was a lot of coral and volcanic rocks in the water.  Without aqua shoes, it might have been dangerous. 


Making our way to the opposite end of the island, we saw the new and the old cemetery.  Their tradition is to have a picnic on the gravesite.  The family will leave a blanket or beach towel to spread out on the concrete, and have a meal there.  The plates and silverware are left there for the next time.  Then the path continued to a very small but empty beach.  It was much cooler and obviously turbulent here.  These islands can hide an undertow, so swimming here may be dangerous. 


We headed back to the tender pier and got on the boat in minutes.  All aboard was 4:30pm, but we were ready to leave by 1:30pm.  We had taken a bottle of water, but by now, we needed a lot more than that.  Back by 2:30pm, we ordered a room service lunch.  Guess what?  Everything came as ordered.  We had Cobb salads (entrée-size) and a shared club sandwich.  Sitting on the veranda reading actually got cool enough to need a sweatshirt.  There was a coolness in the breeze.  At least we did not have any rain today, which was perfect.


There was no good sunset tonight, but there sure was a nice dinner in the Pinnacle Grill.  We think most of the guests had an exhausting day, because the restaurant was half full.  The sun, hiking, and swimming had done their job.  Anyway, we had our usual wedge salads with delectable bacon.  Mains were medium-cooked lamb chops with nothing else on the plate.  No bean smear or whatever they call it.  We teased manager Anton that we like our lamb chops “naked”.  He liked that.   We added the sides of fries and mushrooms to the plate, and now the dish was full.  We pondered over what we might have for dessert but got side-lined with a conversation with Anton.  Feeling the best idea was to pass on dessert, we ordered nothing.  


Tomorrow’s port will be Lautoka on the other large island of Fiji.  It will be another day for a nice walk.


Bill & Mary Ann



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Report #51  Thursday  October 26, 2023  Lautoka, Fiji  8am-5pm   Docked Starboard Side To Pier  Cloudy With Periods Of Sun 82 Degrees   Part #1 Of 4.......77 Pictures------Casual Dress


Lautoka, Fiji, on the island of Viti Levu, was our port of call for today.  It’s the second largest city in Fiji, and is the sugarcane king from the industry that put this place on the map.  If memory serves us right, it was the world’s desire for the sugar product that enticed people from India and China to come here for work in the plantations and factories.  Years later when the demand decreased, many of the descendants of the Indians and Chinese never left, and became an important part of the society.  From what we saw today, the Fujians are the minority, and the Indian and Chinese are half of the population.


There were some tours offered here today that included a day cruise on a catamaran to an island beach for $180 for 5½ hours.  Tivua Island and a zipline excursion were both $180 for 4½ to 5½ hours.   How about a thermal mudpool treatment?  That ran $150 for 3½ hours.   An essence and factory tour was $130 for 4 ½ hours, while a trip to Nadi was $90 for 3 ½ hours.  A shuttle ride to downtown Lautoka was $10 per person.  This shuttle used to be provided for free compliments of Jack’s Department Store.  No more.


The ship arrived early to the port of Lautoka, a very busy commercial port.  There are many factories here such as the Sugar Mill and a wood chip facility.  Big rig trucks were coming and going all day long.  We were cleared after 8am by the local authorities and reminded that no food, fruit, sandwiches, or animal products and flowers were not allowed off of the ship.  If anyone attempted to do so, there could be a significant fine.  There was no mention of beverages, so we brought a bottle of water.  No problem.


We left the ship by 10:30am when all of the tours had left.  Several souvenir tents were set up at the end of the long pier.  There was a wide array of island clothing and accessories – all good prices from what saw.  The vendors were more than happy to take US dollars.  In case you needed some small items in town, there was also a money changer on the pier.  And of course, there were the massage ladies offering their services.


The walk to downtown was one we have done many times.  Walking out of the busy port area, we followed the dusty sidewalk to the main drive.  The big trucks were parked along the way, and when they drove past us, they really kicked up the fine dust on the street.  Nice that we have complimentary laundry because our clothes would need to go there at the end of the day. 


We got to town within 30 minutes.  When the morning started, the skies were basically blue.  It was much hotter than yesterday.  However as the day advanced, the clouds began filling the sky, which helped keep the temperatures down.  This whole area looked very dry to us, and we suspected they were due for some rain.  It didn’t happen today, so we got lucky.


This city is quite different from Suva, which is more British than anything.  Here we felt like we had stepped back into the 1950’s.  The town was created to take care of the local workers so it is a mix of Fijian, Indian, and Chinese.  The Indian holiday of Diwali or the festival of lights was in full swing.  It also doubles as a reason for many sales.  Last year we saw the sidewalks decorated with flowers made with a type of chalk and lined with small luminary candles.  We did not see that today.   Probably too dangerous to have lit candles burning. 


We headed right for the marketplace which has a produce and fish market even bigger than we saw in Suva.  Everyone greeted us with “bula” and were happy that we took photos of their products.  We learned what jackfruit looks like, even when cut in half.  It is full of large white seeds, which the vendor was collecting in a dish.  Among the assortment of fruit and veggies, we saw other products like the coconut oil sold in small bottles.  They also sold different types of kava roots, which is like an alcoholic drink.  The basic roots are from a peppermint bush or tree, and in the past, were chewed by the natives to make a mash for fermentation.  Christian missionaries taught them how to use pestles and mortars to grind the sinuous roots….much more sanitary.  Having reluctantly participated in a few kava ceremonies, we recall the numbing effect the muddy-looking drink was on the lips.  Sharing the beverage served in one large container was not the best idea, but that was the custom.  For that reason, if a tour included this welcoming event, we passed on the tour as it is considered rude to say no thanks. 


On one side of this huge market was a separated fish market.  You went into a side door and the display was behind a glassed-in room.  The tiled counters had what was left of the day’s catch.  A large variety of fish were laid out for sale.  Among them were parrot fish, red snappers, barracuda, several others we did not recognize.  Of course there were flies, but the fellows kept them off with big handheld fans.  Before the day was over, all of the fish would be sold.


After getting lots of photos, we continued back to downtown and walked by numerous shops.  Many of them sold the Indian saris and all of the trinkets that go with the dress.  One store that most folks go to is Jack’s, which is a department store, but also a good place for authentic Fijian articles.  We purchased our first set of cannibal forks here.  Yes, it really did happen in the far distant past, but it is not a factor these days.  Or at least we think so.


There is a nice local park here by the name of Waterfront Park.   Today there were many tents set up with locals selling even more clothing and purses and such.  This is one place we feel the tourists can bargain for good deals.  At the bottom of this park is the seawall.  Located there is a hotel called Tanoa Waterfront.  We looked around the front of the hotel, and did notice a restaurant along the side.  But it appeared closed.  Perhaps it is only for dinner service.   We have never eaten lunch in this city.  The only place we recognized was a McDonalds.   Everything else was Indian and Chinese food with several bars in between the shops.


Staying on the waterfront, we cut back to the main road, avoiding the heavy traffic with the buses and trucks.  We were back to the ship before 2pm, just in time to order a room service lunch.  Everything came exactly as we ordered it, and the wait was only ½ hour.  All aboard was 4:30pm, and we set sail shortly after that.  By now it was really overcast and cloudy, so the sunset at 6:10pm was minimal.  We watched it from the veranda as we sailed around the island on the way to tomorrow’s port of Suvasuva.  It was a good time to open the chilled bottle of sparkling wine we have had since day one.  It was still quite warm outside, and the drink was most welcomed.


Dinner had a few favorites of breaded chicken tenders with a honey-mustard sauce.  So good.  The split pea soup was not anything like Dutch pea soup.  It was thin and almost yellow in color with shreds of celeriac, carrots, and chives with bits of sausage.  Traditional Dutch pea soup is way better we think.  But the mains of spaghetti with two meatballs was perfect.  A slice of garlic bread comes with it.  Dessert was a strawberry cheesecake which we planned to share.  Then Risman our waiter said he had brought a very frozen hot fudge sundae and would we like it.  Twisting our arms, we said OK.  He was right, it was much better tonight, so we ate them both.  


One more day of “bula” greetings and we will be gone from Fiji.


Bill & Mary Ann



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Aloha. Enjoyed your post today as it brought back nice memories. Of particular importance lol was your discussion of food. Yes Dutch Pea soup is certainly better than your other option. Also, as an Italian I am picky to some extent when it comes to preparation of certain dishes but I have a lot of leeway at times. As for meatballs I will eat any meatball! Frozen, canned, made with the finest ingredients or when I prepare them with veal, pork and beef. My mother and some of my relatives will never order spaghetti and meatballs in a restaurant but I will on the occasion try to sneak an order if I am dining alone.  In Manhattan, if I were to order same I would be cats as a tourist so that is prohibited and I would probably not be able to dine there again and certainly not in restaurants I frequent. That said I am now starving for spaghetti and meatballs!!! The Dutch Pea soup will have to wait. Thanks for making me smile and hungry 😋 All the best!

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Report #52    Friday   October 27, 2023   Savusavu, Fiji At Anchor Tendering To Shore  8am-6:30pm  Sea State -Calm Slight Breeze 82 Degrees Partly Cloudy With Sun   Part #1 Of 4........74 Pictures-----Casual Dress


Our final port of call in Fiji was the town of Suvasuva, located on the second largest island of Vanua Levu.  Also our last chance for “bula” greetings, although today there were fewer of those. Situated in a protected harbor, the Captain dropped anchor and we needed to use the tender boats.  We arrived early after 7am, and it looked like another promising day with some sun and warm, humid temps.  It also appeared to be low tide, so the ship had to anchor a bit further away from shore. 


There were a few excursions sold beginning with a siteseeing tour for $100 and 4 hours.  A visit to Fiji village for 3 hours was $80, and waterfall and rainforest strenuous hike and swim was $90 for 3½ hours.  A visit to a chocolate farm was 5 hours for $90, while snorkeling with Cousteau for 2 hours was $99.   Finally a garden walk for 1½ hours was $100. 


We waited like we always do for the majority of folks to tender over before leaving at 10:30am.  It should have been an easy transfer, but when 90% of the folks got off of the tender at the Copra Shed Marina, at least six of us remained, not being able to get off.  It seems that a hook broke off of the boat and they had to pull away and turn it around.  That took some time before we were tied up again and ready to get off.  Much to our surprise, there was already a long line of guests waiting to board the boat back to the ship.  Well, we shouldn’t have been surprised, since we have been here before, and recalled there wasn’t much to do or see. 


Once we walked through the small marina building, we came out to the main street where many tents were set up with tons of souvenirs.  There must have been double the number from a few years ago, or before Covid hit.  The people from the ship blocked the sidewalks with their over-stuffed backpacks looking over the table treasures.  There were many “pearls” to be bought, but all of it was costume jewelry.  We assume most of the seasoned guests knew that.  Instead of squeezing by, we just walked in the street and around the parked cars.


A little bit up this road was the produce market, a smaller version compared to Suva or Lautoka, but large enough to stroll through.  Once again many local ladies ran the show here.  There were some fruits and veggies we did not recognize, and we still don’t know what they were because we were told the Fijian name.  There was no fish or meat market here, so there were no pesty flies.  As we walked further past this crowd, we came across a public kiddie park.  Further up, the paved walkway that lined this harbor ended.   There were some young local guys hanging around, who tried to engage us.  We think they were high on something, so we left immediately.  Sometimes you just get that sudden feeling that things are not right, and we have learned to trust our instincts.  We went directly back to the main street and kept walking up the road until the sidewalk stopped.  This was a good place to turn around, since the road across the way went to the airport.  No need to go there. 


This time we stayed on the main drag to the center of town where several businesses were located.  There were many Indian and Chinese shops, a supermarket, bus station, health services and small businesses.  We saw few if any cafes or bars in town.  There were a some projects happening, one large one being funded by the Chinese.  And we saw one huge billboard reminding locals to get their typhoid vaccines.  Oh boy, never thought of that.  Of course, there were the Covid boosters advertised but that is everywhere we have gone so far. 


We continued on the opposite side of the road past more vendors and one police fellow with a stand and tent.  We learned later that he was there just for show as there were few police officers for this area.  Passing the Copra Shed Marina, we walked the seaside road passing a nicer part of town.  There were a few more cafes along the way, but all appeared to be closed.  A nicer supermarket was located here and more small shops.  It was low tide, and the exposed mud was not really nice to see.  There is no beachfront here at all.  To find that, you need to take a taxi elsewhere.  The was a park-like small island across from Suvasuva called Nawi Island.  You need to take a boat there. 


We made it as far as the Jetty, where folks can go out to fish in deeper water.  There was a very nice breeze there, although we did not see any tropical fish in the waters.  Following a tiny map the ship gave us, we could see a lodge up on the side of the hillside.  A 4 star hotel, we have no idea how to even access this place and no idea if it was opened to the public.  So we headed back the way we came, and happened to talk to a nice fellow from New Zealand.  Heaven help us, we originally thought he was Aussie, but he set us straight on that account, laughing the whole time.  Huge competition there we suspect.  Anyway, he said we might have a hard time finding a place for beer, since most all of the eating places had closed after Covid hit.  He went on about the current situation here where people have been out of work and there was crime everywhere.  Especially the young crowd that tends to turn to drugs.  As recent as last evening, he said an 83 year old local woman was raped and attacked by some guys.  He told us that he has been living on his boat for a few weeks, and in that short time he has been robbed repeatedly.  Last week he was out at night and got approached by a group of guys that demanded his money.  He said it was either give it up, or be beaten or worse.  Once he re-supplies his boat, he said he will be going back to New Zealand.  So our feeling earlier in the day with the strange guys on the waterfront was correct.  Upon saying goodbye, he said to watch our bags and wallets on our way back to the pier.  That was enough for us.  Since there was no good place for beers or lunch, we lined up with 50 or 60 people waiting for the next tender boat.  It was only 1:30pm.  No way would we stay until the last tender at 4:30pm.  While waiting, we did get some good pictures of some tropical fish under the gangway to the tender.


Back on the air-conditioned ship, we opted for Dive In burgers and hotdog.  At 2pm, there was a short wait for the food.   Around 4:30pm, the Captain came on the speakers for his sail away talk.  He mentioned that we were close to the next port of Nuku’alofa, Tonga, but we had two full days to get there.  Normally that is accomplished with one day at sea.  However, the itinerary made it so we would not land at Tonga on a Sunday when everything is totally closed.  By taking two slow days at sea, we will arrive on a Monday.  For that reason, instead of leaving at 5pm with some scenic cruising around some islands, we would leave later around 6:30pm in the dark.  And he added not to be surprised if we actually slow down and drift for some part of the night.  It will save on fuel we guess. 


Dinner in the dining room had some different choices.  We ordered Vietnamese spring rolls, served on a banana leaf with a chopped cucumber relish.  Very good.  We also had corn fritters, something new.  Mains were one swordfish dish and a wasabi-crusted tenderloin of beef.  Both were very tasty, moist and tender.  Then we were invited to share an anniversary cake with friends Leta and Bill at their table.  Can you believe they were celebrating their 67th anniversary?  That is incredible.  We all enjoyed the chocolate mousse cake with sides of vanilla ice cream.  Prio, their waiter was most patient with us since we stayed until the dining room emptied out.   We had a great visit as always.


Looking forward to two lazy days at sea before we hit Tonga.


Bill & Mary Ann




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Morimoto items became available every day in the dining room at the start of the Tales of the South Pacific.  It was not available on the Alaska trips.


Bill & Mary Ann

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15 hours ago, WCB said:



Morimoto items became available every day in the dining room at the start of the Tales of the South Pacific.  It was not available on the Alaska trips.


Bill & Mary Ann

Thank you for taking the time to respond....really enjoying your review and photos on the blog! 


We cruise Koningsdam to Hawaii from SD January 30 so was hoping to have Moimoto in place by then.

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On 10/27/2023 at 11:06 AM, Hogladyrider said:


Have you noticed any availability of the new Seafood program with Mori Moto available yet?

Aloha. Glad they have Morimoto popups on HAL. He worked for Nobu back in the day and now is popular in Honolulu and Maui. Nobu closed in Hawaii but we frequent his 57 street restaurant in Manhattan as I don’t particularly care for his downtown locations.  Oh…the shrimp 😋

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Report #53   Saturday  October 28, 2023  Day At Sea Enroute To Nuku'alofa, Tonga    Cloudy And Some Sun   7 Foot Swell  25 Knot Wind  Part #1 Of 1........51  Pictures---Dressy Night


A sea day is what we all needed to jump start the batteries so to speak.  We overheard several guests on the tender boat yesterday remarking that they were really tired, and were keeping the day simple and short in Savusavu.   Maybe that is why the line was so long to reboard the boat back to the ship.  We also learned today that the reason our sail away was delayed was due to a medical debark at the last minute.  Captain Paul added that the patient was doing OK, which is always good news. 


We all had one important job to do today and that was a muster station check-in between 2 and 3pm.  It is mandatory for those who are traveling on cruises longer than 30 days to repeat the drill in that span of time.  Of course, these days it is as easy as finding the location of your assigned station, and have a crew member scan your room key.  Then you have to watch the safety video on the stateroom TV, which gives you all of the emergency details.   When this video is done, the regular programing will come back to the TV.   As a matter of fact, the video was already on the TV at 6am this morning. 


The weather was surprisingly comfortable with temps in the low 80’s, less humidity, and a nice breeze.  Since we are so close to our next stop in Tonga, the Captain maintained a speed of 7 to 8 knots.  The seas were a bit choppy, but the movement of the ship was not too bad.  You tend to roll somewhat when the ship goes slower.  We did see a few birds but could not identify them.  They were flying way too far away, and not behaving like boobies that we are used to watching.  Will have to do some research on the birds in this area.


We’re not entirely sure if we have covered the subject of shipboard accounts.  Last week we received a notice saying that updated credit card processing rules and the length of this cruise dictates that any balance on the cards would be processed on October 25th.  We do not recall that ever happening on past cruises…even ones that exceeded 128 days.    That is one of the first requests we make at the front desk that our account will not be charged until the end of the voyage.  When we boarded on September 6th, we were told the card would not be processed until November 22nd.  This is how it has always been handled.  Well, we guess the rules have changed.  The only thing that kept us from being charged now was the fact we have considerable credit on our shipboard account.   We do not owe anything.  So for that reason, we were exempt from billing or having our credit refunded to the credit card.  Things can sure get complicated and you have to be prepared for every scenario.  And equally important is knowing what is refundable (cashable) and non- refundable (use-it-or-lose-it).    Like we said….complicated.  The notice ended by saying we had one day or 24 hours to ask questions or change your credit card they had on file. 


We spent some time at the Seaview Pool which was practically empty of guests.  Funny, because the weather was so darn nice, this was the place to be.  Of course, Captain Paul was having a session in the World Stage answering the dozens of questions he received in the box at the front desk.  We really wish these talks and lectures would be repeated on the TV in our rooms.  They used to be, but like many other things, they stopped doing it.  If it is a nice day outside, we will never be inside a crowded dark theater.  We used to look forward to listening to Barbara Haenni’s port lectures at night before we went to sleep.  Maybe that is a question we can ask someone in charge that can do something about it.  


Caesar salads with sliced chicken and a shared club sandwich was our lunch today at 2:30pm.  Everything came as ordered too.  By not going to the Lido, we are not tempted with grazing.  And we have successfully stayed away from the sweet desserts at lunchtime with the exception of one chocolate cookie each. 


Dinner was “dressy” and most of the folks did just that.  We are seeing fewer baseball hats and t-shirts in the dining room at dinner.  Starters were jumbo shrimp cocktails with American sauce. No escargots for us.  The salad was niçoise with ahi tuna slices, and was fine if you ignored the raw part of the fish.  Yes, we know that is how you eat it.  The savory balsamic dressing “cooked” it just enough to make it good.   One of us ordered the roasted lamb chops (very tasty) and the other a tenderloin (tender and good with grilled shrimp).  There was a different cake offered for dessert, but when we ordered one, they said they had run out and were making more.  That’s really unusual, but when we mentioned it to Bayu, our head waiter, he promised to have it for us tomorrow.  Or he would have it sent to our room like he did for another couple of folks.  Tomorrow is fine we said.  Risman substituted a hot fudge sundae and a frozen banana yogurt.  Fine and dandy with us.


Showtime was a group of three singers called The Knights.  They celebrated works of Elton John, Tom Jones, Rod Stewart, and Andrew Llyod Webber and many more.   However, one thing we never like is the fact we had to turn our clocks forward one hour.  We are beginning to head east now and the extra hours they gave us will slowly disappear.


Bill & Mary Ann



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Report #54  Sunday  October 29, 2023  Sea Day Enroute To Nuku'alofa, Tonga  Overcast With Some Sun  77 Degrees  Sea State-7-8 Foot 25mph Wind   Part #1 Of 1........31  Pictures----Casual Dress


Another day at sea found the weather quite co-operative with partly cloudy skies, some sun, and a nice breeze.  What more can we ask?  Still tropical, the oppressive heat and humidity seems to have taken a back seat.  Hope it lasts. 


Going out for a morning walk did not pan out because the forward deck was closed to foot traffic.  But it was a good spot to stop and watch the many flying fish we have begun to see now.  We were deep in conversation with a good friend, when Captain Paul happened to stop by.  He can be seen on many occasions checking the condition of the ship.  On past cruises, we always see the Captain walking the dock, sometimes with a camera, documenting any dents or scratches that may have happened along the way.  That is really common after transiting the Panama Canal.  Anyway, he chatted with the three of us for a while referring to his lecture yesterday with passenger’s questions.   We are happy to report that his talk has been put on the TV and we would be able to watch it sometime today.   Who knows?  Maybe all of the port talks have been televised and never advertised as such.  We shall check this out.  We did learn that there are 587 crew members onboard this South Pacific cruise, and of that number, 102 are officers.  Someone had asked what it cost the ship to dock for instance in San Diego.   The bill just came in and it was $4900 for dockage, but $21,000 for security.  And that was just a small number of charges for that day.  The question box will remain by the front desk, and the Captain will address more of them before the trip ends.  It’s really a great idea we think.


There has been chatter amongst some guests that a couple had lost their passports while in Savusavu.  Under what circumstances, we do not know.  However, it poses a huge problem for this couple, because they would not be allowed to stay onboard the ship without those passports.  That brought to mind a dear friend who had gone on an African safari with her sister and best friend several years ago.  Upon returning to the ship in Cape Town, she could not find her passport.  She was told she would have to stay behind and get a new one which was quite upsetting news. With the help of her sister, they finally found the document in a purse she had used while flying.  Saved by the bell, it taught us all the importance of that document.


Spending a few hours at the back pool was nice as the temperature did not exceed 77 degrees.  There were a lot of high clouds, but during his noon talk, the Captain mentioned that the sea temps were in the high 70’s.  That is an indication that the air temperature will cool off also.  The ship is doing about 7 to 8 knots, like barely creeping along.  During the night, the ship stopped and we drifted.  Being that we still have a lot of time to get to Nuku’alofa, we will maintain the slow speed and stop once again probably after midnight.  By the way, we do not think that the stabilizers can be used at that slow speed, so we are tending to roll somewhat. 


Some of the activities during the day involve Halloween such as a pumpkin patch game poolside, origami bats, mask making, creating door decorations, and a contest for the best door decorations.  The guests have begun to hang many things on their cabin doors now, which is fun, but at one time, all decorations had been banned due to fire regulations.  Guess that rule has gone ignored.  Sometimes the birthday/anniversary balloons are over-done, but in time, they deflate. 


The sunset was non-existent with low clouds on the horizon and none in the upper sky.  But the moon has remained bright as ever, as it is full, casting a most beautiful light on the nighttime  waters.  Due to the time change last night, the sunset was close to 7pm.  And in a few days, we will get that missing day back that we lost crossing the International Dateline.


Checking the daily dining room dinner menu on the TV, we saw an entrée of chicken Kiev with risi-bisi.  OK that is what we planned to order.  You ask what is risi-bisi?  We don’t have a clue, but we have to try it to find out.  Something tells us it might be a rice dish.  So we showed up for dinner, ordered the entrée and guess what?  They had taken risi-bisi off of the menu and substituted a cold potato salad with beets.   Darn.  We asked our waiter what happened to the risi-bisi, and they said they didn’t know.  So we asked what it was and they did not know either.  Oh we have the best time at dinner.  So starters were a fried swiss cheese pocket with sweet jam, a Caesar salad, and a bacon/cabbage soup, which looked more creamy than expected.  The chicken was good too.  Now last night we had missed the toffee cake since they had run out.  But we figured no one would remember we were promised a slice, and we ordered sliced pineapple and one chocolate mousse plate.  Well, along came Bayu with two slices of last night’s dessert.  Being polite, we ate most of it, finding the toffee part rather dense, like it had been cooked too long.  Tasty, but heavy.  Then the second set of desserts arrived along with a bowl of vanilla ice cream.  We were really bad tonight and ate the second desserts as well.   We will have to have a long walk in Nuku’alofa tomorrow to wear the sugar off.


Bill & Mary Ann



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I like that for now due to the time differences we get same day reports!


risi bisi is an Italian dish of rice and peas. It is a cross between a risotto and a soup-  not as brothy as a soup but looser than a risotto. Departure from the traditional pea version can be made with other vegetables like zucchini. 

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Well, thanks for that description of risi bisi.  It does sound a lot like a dish our parents made when we were young.  Perhaps it will be offered again.


Very soon we will be crossing the dateline again, and will be back to the normal day and date.


Bill & Mary Ann

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