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YVRteacher’s dad is on a cruise! Live from the Jewel Aug 19- Sept 2, 2024

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It felt like a long walk in the rain from the shuttle drop off to Gold Creek.  


I think I made the walk longer by stopping at every rose hip bush. These remind me of my childhood summers in Parksville.



Me: “we are almost there. You are doing great!”


Dad: “I know”


The salmon were not plentiful in Gold Creek but it was a nice long walk and we both enjoyed it.



Gold Creek is next to Foodland/IGA.  How have we not been here before? This is a beautiful grocery store!






I took some photos of products and prices.










If you find yourself needing the good stuff, Foodland/IGA has your back!



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In my pre-trip research I discovered Devil’s Club Brewing. What a place! Check out their website and Instagram. 








A photographer, Christopher Grau, has an exhibit at Devil’s Club Brewing. I recently started following him on Instagram and was thrilled to see his work in person. I tried to buy two of his prints but I couldn’t get Venmo to work. I took the prints and today, days later and with working wifi now that I am home, I emailed the artist and asked how I could pay him. Please check out his website and socials.


Please note that of course I have transferred the funds. 



The person at the brewery counter was not at all helpful when I was trying to help dad select a beer and he got overwhelmed and ended up with something he didn’t like. It is very, very rare for my dad not to like a beer. 


My cider was crisp and delicious and I think very, very potent. 


Me: “I’m drunk.”


Dad: “no you’re not. You’re not even falling down.”


We both ordered the grilled cheese with beer cheese dip.






Yes, this was as ooey gooey delicious as it looks! Posting this, I am drooling.



The person next to us shared their popcorn and I am already looking forward to my next Alaskan cruise and popcorn, cider and grilled cheese from Devil’s Club Brewing!




I really wanted a hoodie but I never wear hoodies.


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Look what has reopened! My favourite soap place! Why yes, I did pay too much for one bar of soap today.  It’s a yearly treat,



this bar of soap from Glacier Silt Soap.



























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I remembered shop dog Dottie from the custom t-shirt shop and went in to find her. She wasn’t out on the floor but her owner called her. She didn’t exactly come running: it was more of an amble then a flop.  



That was a good dog cuddle session. The owner told me that the same ship crew members come in every week to cuddle her because they miss their own dogs at home. She could be a therapy dog. Actually, she already is.

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Next stop?

Alaskan Fudge Company



I told dad we needed to do these stairs before getting truffles. He made something like a pfffffft sound but with more disgust.




They were making chocolate fudge and the store smelled like you would expect: heavenly chocolate fudge. 

Me: I’d like a box of all huckleberry truffles please


Truffle guy: Don’t I know you? I’ve had this order before.


Me: yes. Actually two boxes of huckleberry truffles please.


I took pictures of all the truffles in case you haven’t been to the Alaskan Fudge Company.






































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As we were walking back to catch the shuttle more shop dog cuddles happened. So soft! So potato shaped!






People had to step over this dog to get in and out of the store. 

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If you miss Jellyfish in Ketchikan, you can now get them in Juneau. Next summer they will be available in Skagway too.








We were still full from grilled cheese with beer cheese dip so didn’t get doughnuts in Juneau.

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My favourite parts of the day in Juneau were the walk, the grocery store, lunch, the soap place, the truffle place, the flowers and the shop dog cuddles. That is pretty much everything we did and saw so essentially everything was my favourite! Dad had a great day too. 


Back on board Dad and I went to O’Sheehan’s

I ordered a Painkiller


Got this 



I said “that is not a painkiller.”


Another bartender, Archard, stepped in and said “I’ll make it.”


The next one was the same as the first. It was gritty and heavy on the orange juice and did not appeal to me.



These are both Painkillers ordered from O’Sheehan’s on this cruise. On the left is correct, on the right is what I was served today.


The bartender, Archard, is arguing with me and telling me how to make a Painkiller. If you had a customer who didn’t like their drink, wouldn’t you just offer them something different instead of lecturing them in a mean tone of voice with anger?


I have said nothing. I’m sitting here ready to cry because he is being so awful.



I had to take some deep breaths. Then I ordered a Mai Tai.


One of the other bartenders was trying to impress a guest so he made this. The shot tipped into the beer before it was ready. The bartender, who had been clearing away everyone’s dirty glasses, reached into the beer and fished out the shot glass with his fingers. He then gave this to a passenger.


See that salad in the above photo? This man tried three times to order it and every time it was wrong. He was aiming for a Cobb Salad. Got a club sandwich. Then he got a Caesar salad. He was so clear when ordering his Cobb salad. Two plates of food were wasted because a bartender didn’t listen the first two times.


Now I have a mini Guinness shot. It’s just Kahlua with Bailey’s but it helps. I’m not a fan of mean, angry bartenders.  Yes, I reported him.



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We had arranged with Tahani to have dinner with her tonight in the Palace at 5:00pm. Dad got changed into his formal shirt and dress pants and dress shoes. I wore a dress. 


As we were walking to dinner our concierge turned a corner and said hello. I said hello then told her the breakfast information page said open until 9:30am today but it was all closed and shut down at 9:05. The concierge immediately blamed her assistant for what she called a typo. I am so sick of her passing the buck I called her out and said the document came from her and she needed to be the one who took responsibility. She is 100% in the wrong job.


Arriving at the Palace I mentioned we needed a table for 4 since Tahani would be joining us. You can guess where this is going.


My water glass was cracked. Do they not hire people with eyeballs? 


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36 minutes ago, YVRteacher said:

Next stop?

Alaskan Fudge Company



I told dad we needed to do these stairs before getting truffles. He made something like a pfffffft sound but with more disgust.




They were making chocolate fudge and the store smelled like you would expect: heavenly chocolate fudge. 

Me: I’d like a box of all huckleberry truffles please


Truffle guy: Don’t I know you? I’ve had this order before.


Me: yes. Actually two boxes of huckleberry truffles please.


I took pictures of all the truffles in case you haven’t been to the Alaskan Fudge Company.






































Oh my. Rich would do raspberry. Mine would be cherry.

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I had prearranged a vegetarian meal through Kevon, the maître d in the Palace. I did not order an appetizer since the last time he did this the meal was both large and spectacular. 


The waiter came and placed a big plate of deep fried eggplant parmigiana in front of me which I did not order. I did not want any fried food.


Kevon saw this and told me he suggested to the waiter that I might want this. I said the waiter didn’t even ask me if I wanted it. 


My “special” food was so bad and so disappointing. It looked very nice, though.



It was polenta, plantain, cauliflower and broccoli. Zero protein. It was all dry as that desert back in Carcross. The cauliflower was from the buffet and I saw later it was cauliflower with chili pepper sauce. I hate spicy food and that cauliflower was so marinated in red pepper flakes it was ready to enter the Miss Scoville Scale competition.


The plate was hot, the broccoli was cold and so undercooked I couldn’t cut it with a knife. There was zero protein. This dinner was an absolute letdown and just confirms to me that NCL can no longer accommodate a vegetarian diet in a healthy way. The only protein I have had on board for 12 days is eggs, cheese and a couple spoonfuls of bean salad. My cholesterol is going to be higher than Frank Del Rio’s salary.

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Since my food was causing a drought in my mouth I asked the waiter for some sauce. 

He said soya sauce.
I said some sauce.

He said gravy.

I said not gravy.

I had already told him I am a vegetarian. 


This was dad’s food



Two little pieces of shrimp in his shrimp fettuccini Alfredo. Look at that broken sauce.

His dinner was served cold. He told me it was cold so I stuck my finger all the way into the middle. Cold.





At no time did the waiter check in on us


The words for dinner tonight? Disappointing and sad. The service was the worst ever. We just sat there for an hour with uneaten food in front of us. My dad wanted dessert. I wanted to leave. I needed protein. 


Tahini never came. I was so embarrassed. She could have called and left a message to say she couldn’t make it.


We were seated at 5:00pm.

At 6:05pm we walked away and went to the Garden Cafe where dad had pumpkin soup and Jell-O and I tried to find some protein. There was a dish called spinach tofu stir fry but there wasn’t any tofu in it.


There are now zero restaurants on this ship where we want to eat. Zero.


A few hours after writing this I did some more reflecting. If I went to a land-based restaurant and kept receiving such atrocious, bordering on unprofessional, service and such bad food (not every meal, but often) would I return to this restaurant? No. I would not. So why do I keep giving NCL my business when the food and service are not up to par?


I want so much to love NCL the way I used to. Instead, it’s just disappointment after disappointment. 

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Thank goodness I always do a dad bathing suit check before we go to the spa. Today he had on his undies. I was like “oh no! You can’t go to the spa in your underwear.”


Dad said he tried but his brain didn’t work right. I said it wasn’t his fault but he did need to put his bathing suit on.


Shortly after we settled into the hot ceramic loungers a spa lady brought two passengers into the thermal suite, sat them in the upholstered chairs and proceeded to begin what she described as a 5 step facial with a full demonstration and application info on the products used in each step. 


I was in the lounger next to the chairs.

Turning to her, I reminded her the spa was a silent area for the comfort and enjoyment of thermal spa users.


She said “no ma’am. We are supposed to do this here.”


I firmly suggested that she conduct the seminar in a treatment room. 


She moved the ladies out and into a treatment room.


What the heck?? Again, this reconfirms that NCL is more concerned with making a buck than with customer satisfaction and comfort.


Dad went to bed at 8:09pm. I asked him not to wake me up tomorrow morning. I said “so no banging on the door.”


Dad repeated, “no banging” and we laughed.


Then he told me he couldn’t remember our cabin number.

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Week 1 is so different from Week 2, I keep wanting someone to come and apologize for all of this. I  feel so bad for you and your dad. However,  I love the relationship you and your dad have and wish I had been able to have the same with my mom.  Thank you for taking us along on your journey. 

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You’re welcome. I love to write and I think it helps to ground me and helps to process the day. It also brings me so much joy.


Yes, the second week was much worse than the first. I have some pretty awful stories to share.


I suppose  this is a spoiler alert: things get worse from here on out. We were treated horribly. If you don’t like reviews that showcase NCL in a bad light look away.

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4 hours ago, YVRteacher said:

You’re welcome. I love to write and I think it helps to ground me and helps to process the day. It also brings me so much joy.


Yes, the second week was much worse than the first. I have some pretty awful stories to share.


I suppose  this is a spoiler alert: things get worse from here on out. We were treated horribly. If you don’t like reviews that showcase NCL in a bad light look away.

I’m so sorry. I have to tell you though a friend of ours planned a group cruise on the Jewel. Luckily for us I have shared your horror stories.That cruise is cancelled. He still has another booked which I hope he cancels too for his sake. He is willing to try MSC yacht club with us.I think that will convince him that NCL has gone way down hill. I think you’d love the yacht club too!

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Oh wow!! Just reading through this thread now! So sorry your cruise is a bust!! Totally different review from your Live from land of Princess review!


I was on a short Jade cruise this month and service and food have declined big time! This is actually the first time I’ve cruised and didn’t buy any cruise next certificates because between their current pricing, decline in service and cancellation of ports Willy nilly im not at all eager to book another cruise with them.

I’m leaning towards trying Princess

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14 hours ago, YVRteacher said:


These are both Painkillers ordered from O’Sheehan’s on this cruise. On the left is correct, on the right is what I was served today.


The bartender, Archard, is arguing with me and telling me how to make a Painkiller. If you had a customer who didn’t like their drink, wouldn’t you just offer them something different instead of lecturing them in a mean tone of voice with anger?


I bet Archard is the very same bartender that argued with us over margaritas that were orange because the main ingredient was orange juice.  

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8 hours ago, YVRteacher said:


I suppose  this is a spoiler alert: things get worse from here on out. We were treated horribly. If you don’t like reviews that showcase NCL in a bad light look away.

Wow...I'm afraid to read any further or we might end up canceling our Escape cruise next week. They should have had a seminar "How NOT to Run a Cruise Ship"...

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8 hours ago, YVRteacher said:

You’re welcome. I love to write and I think it helps to ground me and helps to process the day. It also brings me so much joy.


Yes, the second week was much worse than the first. I have some pretty awful stories to share.


I suppose  this is a spoiler alert: things get worse from here on out. We were treated horribly. If you don’t like reviews that showcase NCL in a bad light look away.

I welcome all reports, good and bad.


I LOVE your reviews.  They are upbeat and bring back lots of fond memories of places I've also visited.


But, this 2nd leg of your trip is inexcusable on NCL's part.  Again, this is a total failure of the ship's upper management.  From the toilet, to the service to the condition of your cabin, totally unacceptable.


I sometimes read posts by folks who whine about things and I just shake my head wondering if they're 12 years old or adults.


This?  This experience is just a failure by NCL....all the way around!  


As an ongoing and frequent guest of NCL, this really ticks me off!!!!

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