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Ugh! Another rough evening. We went to a chinese buffet. I had 3 pieces (small chunks) of fried chicken in general tso's sauce and the centers of a few crab rangoons but most of the rest of the stuff was steamed or stirfried. It was very salty though and I'm completely dry. I'm guessing the scale will be up tomorrow just from the salt. :rolleyes:

Tomorrow is my last day to be 37! I can't believe I'm catching up to 40 so darned fast. I've been thinking about the things I want to do for my 40th and be thin enough to do them is at the top of my list!

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Tami: I wanted to jump out of an airplane when I turned 40, but I was afraid I was too heavy and would hurt myself. Maybe at 50! :) Have a great day!

I found it easy to choose at the resteraunt we went to tonight: Texas Roadhouse. It is a steakhouse. There are buckets of peanuts in shells on the tables, so I easily skipped the bread and munched on them while the boys (husband and 2 sons, 15 and 17) devoured the yummy fresh buns. I had unsweetened iced tea, salad (no croutons - gave those to my son) steak (filet) and steamed fresh veggies. I also had about 5 of their fabulous ribs. I did sneak a sip of my hubbies margarita. And they gave me my meal free with a $20 off coupon because I asked for my steak medium and it came well done. Plus they gave me a new steak. (still well done though, must be a new cook). I could have done better if I hadn't had the ribs, but still and all, not a bad meal.

I have been getting up and walking the dogs in the morning now that it is a bit cooler. I'm a fair weather walker though and it is raining, so we will see what happens tomorrow morning!

I have hung some prevous cruise formal photos in my dining room to remind me why I am trying to lose weight before the next one. Quite an incentive! I really don't like the way I look in them. I look like one of those middle aged fat women. I have always been 10 to 20 lbs overweight, but now I am 60 to 70lb overweight. Thats like carrying a couple of sacks of dog food around with me all the time!

Why do people on this board weigh in on Thursdays? I am going to try to limit weighing myself no more than once (or twice ;) ) a week. I get too frustrated watching the daily bouncing.

Time to crash. Good nite all!
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Hi, Everybody,

I was so glad to see more newbies like me joining this thread. What a great support group we've found. It sounds like everybody is doing so well. Tami, thanks for sharing the website. I found several great recipes to try. I wanted to get home to watch George's show this afternoon, but didn't make it on time. I should have set the VCR.

I hadn't known when I started SBD that a common benefit was relief of insomnia. My husband pointed out to me during my first week that I wasn't having any of my usual difficulty falling and staying asleep. And I wake up feeling so much more refreshed. A good reason to stay on SBD even after the extra pounds are gone. Tomorrow's my 14th day of Phase 1 so I'll weigh in then.

My husband was traveling last night and called from a place that was serving FREE beer all evening as long as it was a certain brand (which had been one of his favorites.) He said he was drinking a diet soft drink instead because the beer no longer tempted him enough to drop SBD for the evening. He did also say that he won the trivia game they play there because he was "the only sober one there."

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I discovered this forum accidentally but I'm so glad I did. DH and I just completed Phase 1. We were very good and I only cheated once. We each lost 10 pounds during this phase. . . .but here is the clinker! :D DH is insulin dependent. . .4 shots per day plus oral meds. One week into the diet and he had already had 4 significant low blood sugar episodes. It finally hit me that he was probably taking too much insulin. So we experimented. . .the first night he skipped his nighttime shot and the next morning monitored his blood and it was normal! So he skipped his breakfast shot, monitored a few hours later and glucose levels were normal again! The rest is history! He saw his doctor yesterday and Dr. C said to continue to monitor and stop taking the insulin unless the levels start to rise again. Continue to take the oral meds. This outcome was such a surprise and I can't say enough about the positive effects of SB. I don't advocate anyone going off their insulin without a doctors visit, always check with your doctor.

Has anyone else had this experience!

The only negative aspect to this diet is that he did experience depression that lasted about two days, this started on day three of the diet. My daughter had the same reaction. On day three she cried all day. :( But now is doing quite well.
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Well, it is pouring rain, so no dog walk this morning. I will use my treadmill after work.

I appreciate Tami's posting here daily menus from time to time, to give me ideas, so I am going to post mine for today since I decided I couldn't handle another egg today for breakfast. I am on day 4 of phase 1 (again).

two deli slices of turkey wrapped around lf cheddar cheese
2 sliced tomatos drizzled with a cesear/garlic vinigarette
1 c Slender Soy milk, vanilla

veggies and garlic hummos
left over grilled bonless chicken breast, sliced

Snacks: cherry tomatos and roasted soy nuts

pork chop
cauliflour "mashed potatos"
green beans
sf jello

What a bad hurricane season it has been. Have any of you been affected, either at home or on a cruise?
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Good morning, everyone! This thread sure has picked up now that we've added so many people. That is soooo great! I love hearing all of your stories. :D

Tami, stay AWAY from the Chinese buffet. ;) DH was off on Friday and when I got home, he wanted to go eat Chinese. I said, NO!!! I knew that I would be cheating a little the next day due to us going to an out-of-town football game.

How did everyone do on the weigh-in today? I've only started weighing in on Thursdays as I was going nuts weighing every day. I am officially now on Phase 2, but plan on exercising more. I ordered another Leslie Sansone DVD yesterday, You Can Do It - Abs. It shows you the correct way to work your abs using a stability ball and it is suppose to be back-friendly. I can't wait to start it!
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[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=darkorchid]Shelia....I did not do so good on the weigh in. I can't seem to keep myself motivated enough to lose the 6 lbs. that I gained cruising. I am starting back on phase one in hopes that I can really jump-start the weight loss.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#9932cc][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#9932cc]On the bright side, my son seems to be doing well in boot camp. I don't hear from him very often, but when I do, he says that things are going well. He is homesick and misses his family. I miss him so much, I can't wait to see him in October. He only has a pass for a few hours, but it will still be great to see him.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#9932cc][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#9932cc]My biggest problem is that I can't get past what will happen to him when he finishes his training. My fear is that he will go to Iraq and that is all I think about every day.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#9932cc][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#9932cc]Enough of that....everyone has their own problems these days. I hope that our Florida friends are doing okay. They don't seem to be catching a break these days.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#9932cc][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#9932cc]Rose[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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Hi all,

Well, my chinese binge cost me a pound but I'm so dry mouthed today that it's probably the salt. We have a festival to go to tonight and I promised myself one "bad" treat for my birthday. But if they don't have fried milky ways I probably won't have anything off norm. Luckily it's a pork festival and the whole thing is centered around these fabulous pork chops they smoke. I'll take my own veggies so I can avoid the slaw and potato salad.


am- low carb bar
noon- low carb asian chicken salad
snack- sf yogurt
dinner- smoked pork chop and veggie sticks
snack- something bad
walk at least 12,000 steps

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Rose, I went back on Phase 1 and it started my weight loss again. Plus, it got rid of all of those bad cravings. I was only on it for a week and it seemed to have worked. I only lost 1/2 lb this week, but I haven't been exercising. I usually lose a lot more when I exercise. I'm sorry you miss your son so much, but am glad to hear he's doing okay at boot camp. I'll pray that he doesn't get sent to Iraq. Keep your chin up and just look forward to that day in Oct. when you can see him. Take care!
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Hi Everyone:

This is such a great forum. I enjoy reading about everyone's experiences -- it's so nice to have a support group!

I reported yesterday that I was doing well on Phase 1 but was feeling a little blah because of the rain. Well as the day wore on I felt worse. By late afternoon I was exhausted and dizzy (even though I had eaten snacks and lunch). I caved and had a half serving of whole wheat pasta with just a little bit of Smart Balance and felt like myself in no time flat.

I think I'm going to have to modify Phase 1 in order to stick with it -- I guess I'll do a "Phase 1 1/2" or something. Have any of you felt tired or sick on Phase 1? I followed the advice in the book and ate plenty of the allowed foods, but maybe I did something wrong? No idea. I feel much better today, I had a half serving of low sugar cereal (Cheerios) with skim milk for breakfast. I have energy and don't even feel like I need a snack yet. Maybe I can get away with having a breakfast like this and stick to Phase 1 the rest of the day -- and hopefully still lose.

I really want this to work. Any advice you might have will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks and have a great day!

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Hi Elly,

DH and I both had strong "carb withdrawl" issues on Phase I. We both felt overly tired - no energy at all until about 1 1/2 weeks in (we were having body aches - kinda like we were coming down with something). After that we felt better but still didn't have a lot of energy. We stayed on Phase I for another week because we were losing so much weight, but finally decided that we needed the carbs for the energy. We've been pretty happy with just 1 carb serving a day - seems to keep us from feeling tired. Good luck!
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Elly and Jenny<

Maybe you are slightly hyperglycemic? I think that is what it is called if your body reacts to insufficient blood sugar. You don't have to be diabetic to react this way. My nephew is and will pass out if he forgets to eat something with carbs for a while. sounds like you do ok with some carbs. I suspect you will still lose weight if they are the "right" carbs as the book says.

I find I actually have more energy without the extra carbs. If I ate a "typical" meal before I aways wanted a nap after lunch or a big meal. I don't find that now.

I didn't weigh in today. I will tomorrow and see how I am doing.
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Hi. Weighed in this morning (day 14 of Phase 1): down a total of 7 1/2 pounds if you include the 3 lbs I lost the week before starting SBD. I was shooting for a 10 lb. weight loss, but since I haven't lost much in my face or bust I'll go for 12 and then maybe 15. Fifteen would have been my ideal weight in my younger days, but I found as I got older it showed too much in my face if I lost that much. SBD seems to be taking it off in better places for me. Hooray.

Jenny and Elly,
My aches and pains disappeared after I started on SBD, except for my back pain, which unfortunately, is a whole different thing. I was so hoping the sciatica would improve with some weight loss, one of my primary reasons for wanting to shed 10 pounds. I did experience some mild nausea the first few days on SBD and a couple of times felt just a little light headed, but that did go away for me without adding any carbs. I found that having a little protein snack helped, or if I wasn't where I could do that easily and quickly just eating a piece of sugarless gum helped a bit.

Have you tried adding magnesium and/or flax seed oil or fish oil to your diet? I added the magnesium and increased my flax oil since both usually help with hot flashes. (Mine are just about gone now.) I've read that these supplements can also help reduce carb cravings, especially in women.

Sheila, I've been using a stability ball for the past 3 weeks. I found it has really helped me. With it I can do crunches, leg exercises, butt lifts and a wider range of arm exercises than I could before without adding any strain to my back. As I mentioned, the sciatica isn't any better, but at least exercising with the ball hasn't made it hurt more.

Who's next cruise is the closest? Mine's in 38 days.
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Jenny and Ellie,

I also had some serious carb withdrawal the first time I started on phase 1 (Induction - I was doing atkins.) In the atkins ranks they call that the Atkins flu. It does go away pretty quickly usually.

Now I get the opposite reaction. I had some rangoons last night at the chinese restaurant (maybe actually 6 bites of the wonton wrapper) and today I'm zonked. There wasn't even any sugar in it! :confused:

I think I'll go take a nap.
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Good evening all!

Thanks for all your suggestions everyone -- I love this board, after yesterday I might have just thrown in the towel but the more I read your posts the more I realize that it's great to have a group like this!

I've done much better today since I had some cereal for breakfast. I've stuck to Phase 1 the rest of the day and I feel very good. Not like I'm ready to run a marathon, but WAY better than yesterday!

I guess I'm not cut out for total carb deprivation! I was just worried about the getting dizzy part, I drive my two children to and from school every day so I need to have my wits when I'm behind the wheel.

Take care everyone and have a great evening.

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During phase one, the low blood sugar blues was counteracted with tomatoes, the little ones and V8 juice.

Now, if I want to be good on phase 2, I drink 4 ounces of v8 for breakfast, at 0600 hours and at 0900 hours, I will have some ham with mustard.

Adoptmom, I just love your menus. They are diversified and interesting. macademia and mascarpone on celery sounds different and wonderful.

Weirdeyes, I gave up on the hormones. I am at the end of this doggone menopause, though and have suffered like you are so I can relate. I wore patches for a long time, which helped. The watermelon shaped ball is the best one for those abs because you don't want to fall of of the ball like the round one. I hope that is what you have.

Jenny, you are doing so well, keep it up. You and I can talk about our love for good wine.

Now I forgot, who is having a birthday today??? Hope it was a happy one. My roll call buddy, met on the tread for the Ecstasy 12/4 roll call is also having a birthday, today. She is on Atkins. She and I are sisters, now. Cannot wait to meet her.

Rick, where are you?

To our newcomers, welcome. Sorry I cannot spend the amout of time I would like to on this board. It would really help me to check it out and write a preset diary like Adoptmom is doing. Later, j.
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My husband and I started phase I again, he never did it right, so I restarted on phase I to provide support him, we started Tuesday 9/7 (I think) so far I'm down 4 lbs and few good, of course day 3 is the hardest but reading this thread and seeing all the success has helped.
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Its good to see this thread humming along and the hard work of all the South Beachers. Safeway in Canada sells its own brand of Vegetable coctail that has absolutely no carbs added...V8 does have sugar in its ingredients.

I am so excited as my cruise is in 15 days and I have lost 7 of the 10 lbs that I hoped to lose before the cruise. With any luck I will drop at least 2 more. That will leave me with only 13 lbs to goal...whoopeee. Of course I may gain a few on the cruise:D
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Tami, I hope you have a great birthday!!! Mine is next month and I'll be 40...oh excuse me, 39 and holding. ;)

[QUOTE] Sheila, I've been using a stability ball for the past 3 weeks. I found it has really helped me. With it I can do crunches, leg exercises, butt lifts and a wider range of arm exercises than I could before without adding any strain to my back. As I mentioned, the sciatica isn't any better, but at least exercising with the ball hasn't made it hurt more. [/QUOTE]Shae, my weight loss has not helped my back either. I went from a size 18W-20W to a size 12...still working on getting into an 8 or 10. ;) I went to physical therapy and they stressed that using the stability ball is the best exercise for those of us with back problems. I'm glad to hear that your sciatica isn't hurting any worse. My sciatica bothers me a lot so I have to be careful.

Fighterone, I'm not giving up on the hormones yet as I'm only 39. I had a hysterectomy a little over 5 years ago and that is why I'm on hormones. I can't handle the hot flashes and mood swings. Yuck! :eek:
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Morning everyone! I went to the festival and had my birthday meal last night: Tenderloin sandwich, a few hash browns, and fried snickers. It was good and the snickers was better than any birthday cake I've ever had. (Of course a side effect of decorating alot of cakes is that I'm pretty much over cake. :rolleyes: )

I didn't get on the scale. I didn't want to know! :eek: I did walk over 15,000 steps yesterday. Camping will add lots of steps over then next several days too. It's a hike to the bathrooms.

Today's menu:

am-shredded wheat
lunch-peanut butter on celery
snack- yogurt
supper- all beef hotdog, veggie sticks
snack- low carb brownies (made with soy and almond flour)
Exercise- taking lots of steps

Frankly that's probably my menu for Saturday too. :D I'm taking the kids without DH because he has to work this weekend soI'm making everything very simple for myself. The kids will think it's a rare treat to have hotdogs 2 days in a row. Oh well, at least they're organic and kosher so there's no fillers and nitrites.

I'll post Sunday after I get back. Have a great weekend!

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Tahiti was our first cruise as well. 30th wedding anniversary, I surprised my husband at our anniversary party and we left for the airport that night. Needless to say we both had an awesome time and now we are hooked on cruiseing. We used to motor home it and had never flown together. So we are on to a new chapter travel. Both kids are now in 20s..so we can now leave them home and not worry. I still worry about my little dog though. He seems to know when the suitcases are constantly being opened and things checked and added that something is up.

I have been craving sweets the last couple of days and actually ate a whole chocolate bar.(large size). Don't seem to crave bread or pasta or potatos though.

I also eat weiners with melted cheese as a quick meal. I need to shop ad try some new foods to motivate me some more.

The results have been good though all the weight seems to be coming off in the middle, which usually never happens.

Good luck with the weekend all...
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Hate to be OT but do you know how they get those hormones you are taking?
Go to acfnewsource.org It's reading you should see if you take hormones.

And have you tried antidepressants for the hotflashes and mood swings? I have a friend who had a hysto and she was having the same problems but she opted to come off the hormones when she found out how they are produced. Her dr then put her on the antidepressant and she has had no problems at all, plus she had the added perk of some appetite suppression for the first couple of months

I took the antidepressants at the start of menopause and have had no symtoms what so ever.
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