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First day of Weight Watchers


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Hello Everyone. I'd like to join you all. I've beend doing weight watchers for a while. I've lost 32 pounds and still going. I'm hoping to lose another 20 pounds by the time of my first cruise which is this October 6th..I just can't wait to go.


I love weight watchers..it's the best plan out there. I weigh in tomorrow morning..wish me luck!

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Hello Everyone. I'd like to join you all. I've beend doing weight watchers for a while. I've lost 32 pounds and still going. I'm hoping to lose another 20 pounds by the time of my first cruise which is this October 6th..I just can't wait to go.


I love weight watchers..it's the best plan out there. I weigh in tomorrow morning..wish me luck!


Congrats on your weight loss! Stick to your plan and drink all the recommended water, it helps more than we realize! Good luck !

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Thanks for thr welcome.;) There is no secret, really. I jusy try my best ot stay on plan each day. There's times I mess up but I get RIGHT back on, I don't "stay" off track for any length of time or I won't ever get back on it !! To tell you the truth, the getting started was the hardest part of all. Once I made up my mind that I was worth it, it was on! I get a little discouraged from time to time, but I've come so far, and had such good results from mt efforts that it's become my way of life. I just feel so much better there isn't enough words to describe it! Before WW I was in a wheelchair if I went anywhere that required much walking, that included vacations! Now I'm all over that ship !!!

I think one of the best tips I would share would be to keep your menu variable, don't get stuck in a rut eating the same things all the time. When I did that i wasn't losing as much and I wasn't feeling content in the lifestyle, I needed more choices, variations, etc................would have been real easy to sabotage myself like that. Water, water, water, is the other thing that has really been beneficial for me too.

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Hello Everyone!


Welcome to the Weekend!!!

Hope that everyone is having a great week and not slipping toooooo much!!


WELCOME to HappyCruisingGirl!!! we are glad that you have joined us! We love having newcomers to our great group! I certainly hope that you will share some of your secrets that have helped you loose your 32 lbs! That is great! Keep up the good work and keep us encouraged!! Let's loose your next 20 together! I would LOVE to loose that much by October! Is it possible???


Dianne....what a crazy 4th! You are not suppose to be having to work! You were suppose to be enjoying your day! But, sounds like you got your husband back in working order so I'm sure that your day was well spent...and much better than eating!!! I'm sure that your husband was glad you were there to help! 50 computers!!! That would have been overwhelming for me!!! Oh, the tuna...we did it and it was fabulous!!!! Take blackening seasoning....put it on both sides of the tuna and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Take a frying pan and place on your hot grill...grill on each side 4-6 minutes until flaky! It was SO GREAT! I can't tell you how good it was! With a huge toss salad! I was a happy girl....and FULL!!!


I have a question for all of you but especially for nalady98. When you first started loosing...where did you notice your weight lost first??

I've lost 14 lbs in 9 weeks and I only SEEM to be loosing in my legs and butt....I need to loose in my tummy as well! Did you seem to loose all over or just in certain areas at first? Dianne, you may know the answer to this or anyone that has lost!

I'm a typical woman...I want it all at one time! Even in weight loss! sorry...don't mean that to be sexest; that is the way we women are in our family! We want it all NOW..or yesterday to be honest!!


also, anyone have a good recipe for chicken? I have just bought 25 lbs of boneless/skinless chicken breast!! It was such a GREAT price; like .59 per lb!!! So....I would hate to get tired of it! The one way that we like it is to marinade it in a bottle of Low Fat Zesty Itallian and a bottle of Low Fat French! It is great that way but ....25 lbs of it that way??????


Thanks for your answers and suggestions!!


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

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Hey Belle, And a happy weekend to you. You made my mouth water with that Tuna recipe I think that should happen at my house this week end. Sorry I have nothing to exciting for Chicken, maybe Kabob's?


No secrets about where the weight comes off either, mine has been the butt and back fat thank goodness. From other postings it looks like our tummy's will be the last to go. I did loose some off my waist but still have way to much tummy.:(



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Hello everyone! I weighed in this morning and lost 1/2 a pound. I'll take it!


For me losing came when I sticked to plan to the T..then added exercise. I'm a Turbo Jam girl. I just love these workouts. Even if you gain or maintain don't throw in the towel keep going and you will see the resutls.


As for chicken I love grilled chicken BBQ style also you can get some up for salads and wraps. I love to make my own wraps with the flat out bread.


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congrats happycruisingirl. I way in on wednesdays, so a few more days.The weekends are the hardest for me.I dont have any great ideas for chicken as i do the same marinade in fat free italian,so also looking for ideas.oh just came to me i cook chicken breast in the crock pot in chicken broth and red hot,after it is done i shredd them and put on salad with fat free blue cheese.Buffalo chicken salad. Have a great weekend everyone.

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Welcome to the Weekend!


HappyCruisinGirl....WAY TO GO and that weigh-in included our July 4th holiday! If I could loose that and not gain this past week I will be a happy woman! Keep it up! I will take any loss that I can get!


Thanks for the Buffalo Chicken idea! That might make it to my table tomorrow! Not sure how my hubby will like it but we will sure try it! Thanks for the suggestion! Good luck on your weigh-in on Wednesay...I go on Tuesday!!


Dianne...I can't get my waist to change...NOT an inch!! Now, it needs to come off everyplace but it would be nice if it would drop at the waist to make everything fit about the same!!!


Have a good day!

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Good Morning everyone I went to WW last night and lost a pound but before you give me the congrats it's one I have lost a couple of times before. Now I'm where I was 3 weeks ago.:rolleyes: I can only figure it's the extra exercise over the 4th.


HappyCruisinGirl Good job on your loss as we know every little bit helps. Your right about adding the exercise it's the only way it comes off me now.


Belle I did get a little waist definition by doing the old straight back side bends. I hold a broom behind my head to help keep me straight. Be careful not to arch too much and go slow don't want to hurt your back. Doesn't help the tummy but pulls on the sides. I think it's just a matter of us really tightening those tummy muscles. (situps???? I hate situps!!!)



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Hi guys...

Looking to join WW online as well to lose before we cruise. I've joined twice before with great results.(did the reg. meetings before)

Do they send the stuff in the mail if you do it online instead of going to the meetings? Or is it all online for you to look at and print out?

What all is included with doing it online?



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Hello Everyone!


Welcome to the Weekend!!!

Hope that everyone is having a great week and not slipping toooooo much!!


WELCOME to HappyCruisingGirl!!! we are glad that you have joined us! We love having newcomers to our great group! I certainly hope that you will share some of your secrets that have helped you loose your 32 lbs! That is great! Keep up the good work and keep us encouraged!! Let's loose your next 20 together! I would LOVE to loose that much by October! Is it possible???


Dianne....what a crazy 4th! You are not suppose to be having to work! You were suppose to be enjoying your day! But, sounds like you got your husband back in working order so I'm sure that your day was well spent...and much better than eating!!! I'm sure that your husband was glad you were there to help! 50 computers!!! That would have been overwhelming for me!!! Oh, the tuna...we did it and it was fabulous!!!! Take blackening seasoning....put it on both sides of the tuna and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Take a frying pan and place on your hot grill...grill on each side 4-6 minutes until flaky! It was SO GREAT! I can't tell you how good it was! With a huge toss salad! I was a happy girl....and FULL!!!


I have a question for all of you but especially for nalady98. When you first started loosing...where did you notice your weight lost first??

I've lost 14 lbs in 9 weeks and I only SEEM to be loosing in my legs and butt....I need to loose in my tummy as well! Did you seem to loose all over or just in certain areas at first? Dianne, you may know the answer to this or anyone that has lost!

I'm a typical woman...I want it all at one time! Even in weight loss! sorry...don't mean that to be sexest; that is the way we women are in our family! We want it all NOW..or yesterday to be honest!!


also, anyone have a good recipe for chicken? I have just bought 25 lbs of boneless/skinless chicken breast!! It was such a GREAT price; like .59 per lb!!! So....I would hate to get tired of it! The one way that we like it is to marinade it in a bottle of Low Fat Zesty Itallian and a bottle of Low Fat French! It is great that way but ....25 lbs of it that way??????


Thanks for your answers and suggestions!!


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!


Hi belldebb~

I think I first noticed it from the top portion of my body, like my face,shoulders, chest. I remember when I noticed I dodn't look like a chipmonk in the face anymore, lol!!!!!

I got a great cookbook called "Fix it and go Lightly". It's all nothing but really good crock pot stuff, alot of chicken recipies. All of them have really low points, "Weight Watcher" points that is. I love the idea of coming home from work and it's done, toss a salad and walaa! I think I got that book at Sam's club.

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HI all! I just joined weight watchers online, I'm doing the points plan. I have a six month old and need to lose this baby weight before my cruise! :) Good luck to everyone.


I'm a great believer in WW, and I know if I can lose, anyone can do it !!! It really does work if you stay in your point range and drink that water!

Best of luck to you.

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Going to start WW online. Did this twice before with great results. The last time I did it, lost all my weight and got pregnant right after that. :( Oh well, it was planned. Looked good for a while. :D


I like to weigh myself on Monday's...helps me not to be "bad" on the weekend. Most challenging thing for me is the excercise and drinking the water....but want to get those lbs. off before our September cruise! I have 67 days til we fly out. I THINK I have about 15 lbs to lose. Forgot to weigh myself this am...will do that tomorrow am..

It might as well be 100 for me, cuz since I hit 40, it seems impossible to take this extra weight off!!

So I'm here for the support...and determined to do it. WAnt to look good in a bathing suit for myself and hubby.


Ok...here I go! :D

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Bigsky you can do it! Just stay focused. I went back to the gym last night and took my Chisel class (weight lifting) it's a one hour class and I'm a little sore today but it's a good sore. Found other classes I want to take on Wednesday nights also. Looks like I have a workout schedule now...YAY!!!

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Hello again, everyone! :D I went on vacation at the end of May and lost track of this thread! I've scanned the posts and all of you are doing very well. My hats off to you! ;)


I was a bad, bad girl on my vacation. I was gone for two weeks to Scotland and England. Let's just say, I ate way too much of everything...especially my daily visit to Starbucks. I gained 9 lbs on the trip! I could kick myself in the rear!!


I joined a gym last month and have been doing weights and cardio. I've lost a few inches, but no weight. My trainer wants to put me on a weight training diet, but I have to eat too much food! I think that's why I'm not losing weight. I'm sticking with WW because it is a sensible plan and I can eat what I want within reason. I'm eating more fruits and veggies now and that's a good thing! I'm not big on fruits and veggies. Give me meat and potatoes any day! ;)


I leave for my cruise in 3 weeks (almost) and it ain't looking good. I was in a size 8, but now up back up to a size 10. I'm working on it though!! This is going to be a life-long struggle and I'm committed to it.


Glad to be back!! Thanks for "listening!"

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Hey Everyone!


WeirdEyes...you didn't do bad! You just enjoyed your vacation! Now, you are back home and you can get back on track! That is the good thing about WW...you can get off and get right back on and catch up! Don't worry..you will drop that extra 9 lbs in no time at all!


HappyCruisnGirl...you are really doing great! I wish that we had a gym that I could attend. We live in such a small town (18,000) there is not a gym that offers classes! You are lucky and doing great!!!


Hi BigSky....one of the professors that I work with started WW online! I was going to the meetings at the same time. We are/were about the same size. She lost and did much better than I (my first time around). She stuck with it where I got "tired" of going and weighing-in on a weekly basis. She has kept her weight off and still looks great after 4 years! So, it really does work as I saw her loose!!! So, if you stick with it you will certainly hit your goal weight. I personally can't do it that way as there is no one for me to answer to except myself and I'm a very forgiving person!. Isn't that sad? I have to be accountable to someone to get done what I need to do? That is just SAD!


So, I have to go and be accountable TONIGHT! Wish me luck! Last week (July 4th) our local ww was closed as we have one meeting time a week and that fell on the 4th...so....I have gone two weeks today without weighing in...remember what I said about having to be accountable.....I could be in trouble as I enjoyed my "free" week!

think of me around 6:00!


Have a good day and let's all do this as a team!!!

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Going to start WW online. Did this twice before with great results. The last time I did it, lost all my weight and got pregnant right after that. :( Oh well, it was planned. Looked good for a while. :D


I like to weigh myself on Monday's...helps me not to be "bad" on the weekend. Most challenging thing for me is the excercise and drinking the water....but want to get those lbs. off before our September cruise! I have 67 days til we fly out. I THINK I have about 15 lbs to lose. Forgot to weigh myself this am...will do that tomorrow am..

It might as well be 100 for me, cuz since I hit 40, it seems impossible to take this extra weight off!!

So I'm here for the support...and determined to do it. WAnt to look good in a bathing suit for myself and hubby.


Ok...here I go! :D


bigsky - What cruise are you going on? I saw you're flying in 67 days and wondered if you were going to be on the same cruise as me. I'm on the Conquest on Sept. 17th.

I also weigh in on Mondays for the very same reason, it's worked for me well so far! Best of luck to you!

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