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A positive comment to all the negatives about X


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Just read another negative about X and would like to comment more generally to all the negative attitudes out there:


I am quite sure that IF your negatives were the "standard" X-perience, Clelebrity would have gone out of buisiness a long time ago.


Also, do keep in mind when you leave for a cruise, that from time to time things goes wrong. A cruise ship is an extremely complex entity, and when things start to go wrong, an avalanche effect is easily created. I am quite sure that rude passengers (and crew for that matter) can add to the negative spiral and create a bad experience for everybody, while a smile and a little patience may help the crew in getting on top of the situation, and make everybody on board happier.


To all those concerned future X cruisers I would say that from a statistical point of view, a few negative posts are meaningless, compared with the number of people cruising with X. If that was supposed to have any meaning there would literally have to be several thousands of negatives, so please remember the positives as well.


By the way, we will be cruising on Infinity in September, and I am not the least bit concerned.



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Here here,


Things go wrong on many cruises. None of us can claim to be surprised if we book a cruise on an 'M' class ship and the ship ends up having pod problems. We all know about it, and know it could happen to us.


If approached correctly I am positive that crew members will always be polite and pleasant. If approached with aggression (which I assume they must be at times judging by the way people speak on here) I can understand if some of the attitudes from crew are not to nice. I have witnessed so many times on Celebrity cruises passengers shouting commands to crew members, with no please or thankyou. Thats down right rude, and immediately starts things off on a bad footing.


I have had the best cruises ever on Celebrity, and plan on doing many more in the future. I found this years cruises to be better than ever.


Ian :D

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This board is for everyone and therefore you will always see lots of varying opinions about every possible topic. It's just always important to keep an open mind and to realize that everyone has different expectations. Personally, I have never had a complaint about anything on an M class ship or on any ship for that matter. Sure I have seen some things better than others depending on what ship and what line I am on, but I have always been pleased. I agree with Daneviking in that if it were all that bad the line would have gone out of business a long time ago.

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What makes me suspicious is that often the "bad reports" come from people that never posted before....

Suddenly after having complains there is the 1st posting........


What is for real, how bad it really was etc., difficult to judge.


We had very good cruises on Celebrity and other lines.

Of course nothing is perfect, things can go wrong, but seldom it is that bad...


Have a look around at the board, some loved the cruise that other complained about.

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I Agree. I think as with all things in life, Negatives seem to get all the coverage. I know myself, I rarely talk about things unless something unusual happens. Let's face it How many postings would we read if they all read "had a nice trip no problems" I think it is the nature of these forums that encourages the reporting of things that happen that are out of the ordinary both good and bad. consider that Celebrity has 7 ships and probably at least 8000 people at sea on an average day. Only a very small percentage of those people are posting on these boards!

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I have been on 15 cruises, and although we have had some things go wrong..I can't say we have ever had anything that has totally ruined our cruise. I go into them with the philosophy that in real life "stuff" happens, and although we hope it doesn't happen on our vacation, we have to be aware that it can.


I read the reports, but just like I am informed about a student before I get them, I wait and come up with my own conclusion. I do feel that there are certain facts that are important for us to know. A ship that has repeatedly gotten the NorVirus does make me uneasy.. although we have never gotten sick. The mold that I dealt with could be important for fellow asthma sufferers.


I was just reading the Princess Board about the new Crown Princess. This is a brand new ship and you should see all the issues. I still plan on sailing on her next Easter. We have had ports cancelled due to weather, we have had not so great room stewards, or waiters, we have had a shore excursion where I am still needing follow-up care back from April, we have met rude staff and rude passengers, we have seen fist fights almost erupt over saved chairs, we have seen lack of communication, disorganization...But the bottom line is those comments cover several cruise lines...and yet we keep booking year after year.. And so do millions of other people, so we can't all be wrong :)

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The thing I find amazing is you will get the negative threads, but notice how many people here tend to back Celebrity. There are far more people that love X than have problems. As they say, you can't make all the people happy all the time. X does their best, but there are always those who will have a chip on their shoulder.


One of the best I've heard while onboard, was my first night at dinner on the Mercury, the woman sitting with us out of the blue says "I hate X". I asked why. Her reason, "They don't give you bottles of shampoo and lotion. They keep it in dispensers." She's been on the ship not more that 4 hours of a 10 night cruise and has already decided she hates it.


It's safe to say, we changed tables the very next day. There were other things that were said, that forced me to bite my lip. As we walked away from dinner that night, I told my wife if I had to go back, I wouldn't eat in the dinning room the rest of the cruise. We switched tables and sat with 2 couples in their 70, we're in our 30s. It was the best tablemates we've ever had.


There just seem to be people that are far to critical for a mass market line. Not everything it going to be perfect. Make the best of your time there.


My wife and I always say, if you have a bad time on a cruise you have no one to blame but yourself. There are 2000 people on the ship there to have a good time and 1000 people who will do what they can to ensure you have a good time.


I've had bad cruises, but as I look back, I had no one to blame but myself for being too critical.

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Sounds like you work for celebrity in their PR dept. People are entitled to their opinions and when something isn't right it isn't automatically "attitude".



When posts are clearly intended to provoke controversy and not to be constructive or informative, this is the definition of "attitude".


Unfortunately, there are far too many people around who feel that they have a responsibility to bash Celebrity ( I'm sure this is true of the other Cruise Lines also) at any opportunity because of something that happened on a cruise that they took. As the OP pointed out, things do happen, and there is a point at which "Get Over It" becomes the thought of the day......

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I appreciate life more because of them!!


Can you imagine the misery that woman who had a problem with the soap dispenser puts her family, neighbors and friends through on a daily basis at home?


The joy I find in knowing I do not live near that woman is overwhelming!!!

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Sounds like you work for celebrity in their PR dept. People are entitled to their opinions and when something isn't right it isn't automatically "attitude".


Why is it when someone disagrees with something they are accused of working for X:confused: ?


Complaining about soap in dispensers (which I see as an environmentally concious move on the cruise line's part, BTW) as a reason to hate a cruise line seems to be a bit extreme, doesn't it? There's constructive criticism and then there's just being...petty.

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When posts are clearly intended to provoke controversy and not to be constructive or informative, this is the definition of "attitude".


Unfortunately, there are far too many people around who feel that they have a responsibility to bash Celebrity ( I'm sure this is true of the other Cruise Lines also) at any opportunity because of something that happened on a cruise that they took. As the OP pointed out, things do happen, and there is a point at which "Get Over It" becomes the thought of the day......


Well said Ed. It is always good to hear your voice of reason :)


I agree what most have said here. I think they are good commentary. I also agree, that there ARE going to be some Cruises where many things go wrong. While that totally stinks, I do feel that in most Cases, the Cruise lines try their best to make it right. However, "making it right", does not necessarily make each party happy.


I also feel strongly, that IF Celebrity was truly doing a bad job, they would have been out of business a long time ago. With all the thousands of passengers they serve each week, clearly they are doing many more things good than bad.


While not every moment of each of our Celebrity cruises have been perfect, (and yes, we always try to keep a positive attitude when there are problems) Celebrity has delivered a great Cruise Vacation for us, the great majority of the time. As long as they continue to do so, they will have our loyalty.

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Point of view from someone planning their FIRST cruise:

Well, all I can say is "I know going in" what the problems can be. Our first cruise is next year - and I am fully aware of what problems we might face - but we're sticking with it - from all the photos I've seen of the ship and the food !!! what's to complain about ?? I don't believe in being overly critical or having too high expectations (this message board has made me much more realistic than the company brochures though ! ) - but I can also appreciate how heartbreaking it must be to have your first - and maybe only - cruise messed up when you've worked hard and saved so long for it.

I will keep a positive attitude - and pray that for our cruise next year all the planets are aligned - or the stars are in formation - or the cruise gods are shining on us !! whatever it takes - I just hope it goes more or less !!! according to plan.

and I hope the Inifinity gets away today and the pax can enjoy the rest of their cruise - how do they decide which port to skip - I'm sure they'll have to skip one ? fingers crossed no more problems !

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Well, I am a "glass half empty" type person. After I have booked and paid approx $3000 pp for a cruise, you can bet I would be very upset if I didn't go where I was planning to go. I have posted on these boards before, but it bears repeating. Cruiselines cover their butts with their "Cruise Contract" that "...they can change itinerary for weather, mechanical problems or for any reason whatsoever...". I'm not willing to fork over my hard earned cash and vacation time for a maybe. I'm booked on Constellation "M-Class" ship to do Canada/New England. Summit had pod problems I think in May and now Infinity is having pod problems even after a dry dock in April? I just pray Constellation pods stay healthy. Other posters say you know the risk when you book, but I didn't. I didn't find Cruise Critic until after I had booked the cruises. Then I have a Cruisetour to Alaska booked next year. But after that, I think I'm done cruising. Everything is in the cruise lines favor with the passenger having no recourse, and I just don't like those odds. As you can see from my signature, I have had many land vacations, that the airplane took me exactly where I purchased my ticket to go! While nothing in life is absolutely fool proof, and anything can and does happen, I'm not willing to continue to support an industry that is more concerned with their profit than their passengers. By having the language they have in the "Cruise Contract" it clearly shows me they are planning on something happening. I book a cruise because I want to see the ports/itinerary, not just be on a ship sailing anywhere. For them to not provide the cruise/cabin I booked and paid for just doesn't make good sense for the passengers. I realize this is just my opinion, but things would change if more cruisers stopped paying to cruise. The cruise lines would be forced to make changes. But as long as there are thousands of people who continue to cruise despite the missed ports, being bumped, and mechanical problems that the cruiselines know are there, nothing will change, it doesn't have to. If you are happy to just be on vacation on a cruise ship going anywhere, then by all means continue to cruise. I choose not to!:eek:

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I've been on cruises where ports have revoked their invitations to the cruiseline. I've been on cruises where mechanical problems have changed itineraries. I've been on cruises where weather has affected the cruise. And in all cases, I've had great cruises. It may not have been what I expected, but I rolled with the punches and had a blast.

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It's a choice that one has to make. Nothing in life is guaranteed. I really don't think the cruiselines conspire against their customers, it's just a fact that when you are dealing with a mode of transportation as well as accommodation, there will be problems.


I've had a lot of land based vacations too. Does the airplane always get you there on time? Is the hotel always what you expected? Is the weather always good? Do you always find the perfect restaurant? I could go on but you probably know what I mean.


All I can say is that in 30+ years of cruising, the problems have been few and far between and even when there have been changes in itinerary, I can honestly say I've managed to enjoy myself. I'm sure if it is a once in a lifetime trip for someone, it's very disappointing. I would just say that the same can hold true on land. The only way to guarantee you will never have a problem on a vacation is to stay home.

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I agree 100 % Ma Bell. It is always what one makes of a situation. If I would be on the Infinity right now, I would try to make the best of it and enjoying the beautyfull ship- which she is. Better a day on board and getting spoiled with the X -´Service, than working at home.LOL.



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Like others have said there are no guarantees in life! Things can go wrong on land vacations as well as on cruises. I would love to be on the Infinity this morning as she sits docked in the harbour. She is reported to sail at 4 PM and it is a beautiful day here in Vancouver. The sailaway may be later than the formerly reported midnight, but everyone will get a chance to see the beautiful scenery. I think the compensation is more than generous too. We have not been able to cruise since 99, but we are now booked on the down under sailing of the Mercury and we are really looking forward to this. We once missed a port on Princess and while everyone was disappointed, we got on with enjoying ourselves and there was no compensation either. Celebrity is a great company with a lot to offer.

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Host Andy, I really appreciate your giving greeneg a pat on the back with a compliment. He/she was active in posting on the very contentious combined thread [now locked], and his posts were always, reasonable, balanced and exhibited that old but sadly lacking today trait of "common sense".


We have had five cruises on X, and they have all been wonderful experiences. However, not always perfect - but, our reviews have usually been 90% positive, with just a few negatives. We still smile when we recount our cruise experiences.


chessbriar - you did absolutely the right thing! Why let a sourpuss spoil your dining experience as well as your cruise experience. Our first night on Century, the maitre'd talked us into a table for eight, even though we do have priority because we always book a Royal Suite. We arrived and grandmother was seated with her two teen age grandsons who appeared to be totally exhausted. She demanded they remain through the dinner. We were fortunate to have a delightful older couple at the table, and we were just getting to know them, when two women, mother and daughter arrived and literally yelled at the older couple that they were in their seats. The older gentleman has vision problems and I looked at his dining assignment card and he was one digit off. The two women sat down, and commenced to complain about every thing that had happened to them for the past day, as well as express their displeasure with Century.


I said I was going out to get a cigarette, and instead cornered the maitre'd and politely requested a change for the rest of the cruise. The result was a really good table for two. Did this "table from hell" spoil our cruise - not at all, because we like you made the appropriate adjustment.

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Sounds like you work for celebrity in their PR dept. People are entitled to their opinions and when something isn't right it isn't automatically "attitude".


No, I don't work for Celebrity.


Yes, people are entitled to their opinions. The reason why I express mine.


My point was that you can add to the experience for everybody on board by being positive. After all we spend at lot of money and I cannot see why I shouldn't try to make the most out of it for myself and my fellow passengers, also when things go wrong. It has worked for us in the past.


I realize that from time to time things goes just too wrong, but my belief is that at those rare occations the cruise line will generally compensate people. Whether they will compensate you properly, is a different issue and probably someting that could be discussed at length here at the board. I will leave that discussion to somebody else.



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My progression towards being a happy Celebrity cruiser and supporter has come from cruising on many different cruise lines and finally on Celebrity. My husband and I and even my children have noticed the difference.


This doesn't mean we will never cruise a different line, and in fact, we quite like Royal Caribbean also, but when comparing the WHOLE of a Princess, NCL, Carnival, etc cruise with the WHOLE of a Celebrity cruise, Celebrity comes out on top every time.


There are a few things I wish Celebrity had that other other lines have that we enjoyed, but without a doubt ALL that Celebrity does have outweighs those few things tremendously.


My sister and parents are booked on a Carnival cruise in the Spring and I just can't bring myself to book it. I will probably end up going, but I know if I do go it's because I want to be with my family and it won't be because I want to be on a Carnival cruise.


If people think that Celebrity customer service is bad, I hope you never have to deal with Princess. Our experience with their broken ship engine, which was ongoing for months and promised to us that it would be repaired before our cruise, was a nightmare. To top it off the ship was fresh out of dry dock and was a mess......the crew acted like we had interrupted their vacation and the ship itself was in horrible condition. We got $100 shipboard credit for missing 3 ports and having 3 ports shortened....so I will gladly take my chances with a Celebrity M-class pod problem any day over any problem that Princess is responsible for.


We have 2 booked Celebrity cruises, and hopefully we will squeeze in another one in the middle of the two we have booked. I have seen the worst and the best of cruising, and for my money, Celebrity is the best.

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I agree with you, DV.

We cruised the Baltic last month on Constellation. We got to enjoy the company of our daughter and son-in-law, meet a whole bunch of great people, see 7 lovely Scandanavian ports and have the visit of a lifetime to St. Petersburg.

We enjoyed excellent food, impeccable service and our stateroom was kept spotless. I spent hours watching the traffic on the sea lanes and the ever changing water vistas.

Now after all this am I supposed to be unhappy because our assistant waiter forgot our bread sticks one night, or our balcony overlooked the lifeboat deck?

Oh yes and a couple of times the ship's satellite feed wasn't operating and I missed part of a World Cup football match. Pity.

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It's a choice that one has to make. Nothing in life is guaranteed. I really don't think the cruiselines conspire against their customers, it's just a fact that when you are dealing with a mode of transportation as well as accommodation, there will be problems.


I've had a lot of land based vacations too. Does the airplane always get you there on time? Is the hotel always what you expected? Is the weather always good? Do you always find the perfect restaurant? I could go on but you probably know what I mean.


All I can say is that in 30+ years of cruising, the problems have been few and far between and even when there have been changes in itinerary, I can honestly say I've managed to enjoy myself. I'm sure if it is a once in a lifetime trip for someone, it's very disappointing. I would just say that the same can hold true on land. The only way to guarantee you will never have a problem on a vacation is to stay home.


Ma Bell, as a matter of fact I was an hour late into Vienna once, but I did arrive in Vienna. And I had a flight from Hawaii home cancelled. Hawaiian Airlines gave us vouchers for $20 for a meal in the airport and got us put on other flights home and told us if they couldn't get us flights home, they would pay for a hotel. 2 out of approx. 28 air flights isn't a bad record. By the same token, the cruises I have booked (Caribbean, Alaska, Pacific Northwest, Mexico) all went where I wanted to go. But I never realized the cruiselines were so biased in their "Cruise Contract". I would think that they would have to provide what is purchased, but since finding that isn't the case, I choose not to take the chance spending my money for something I don't want to see. I'm not into the cruise ship just for the ships sake, I book because of itinerary. My upcoming New England/Canada cruise would be very difficult (if at all possible) to do in 11 days driving in a car. That is the only reason I booked a cruise. The same with Alaska (you can't get to Ketchikan, Juneau, Sitka) any other way. Well You could fly, but that would be terribly cost prohibitive. And St. Martin, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Puerto Rico is really best done on a cruise also. If the destination is better reached by flying in then that's what I would prefer to do. While some prefer to be cruising anywhere/or nowhere, that isn't

for me.:p

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I appreciate your feelings. As long as a land trip is well planned it's great.


I hate tours because you spend half your time waiting for other people and packing your bags to go from place to place. I love to go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning somewhere else without ever having to pack a bag. You also don't have to spend time figuring out where to go eat. The way I look at it your time is more quality time on a cruise.


We are doing an 8 day land trip to Italy in September before getting on Millennium for a Med cruise. There are 14 of us and I did the planning of where we are going and arranged all the accommodations, private tours and transportation. The best thing is we are all friends and if someone doesn't want to come along for the day it's OK. I'm sure it will be great fun, but I know the cruise will be a lot more relaxing.

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I agree with all that is being said here. Most people will only respond if they are unhappy with what their preconceived idea of what their curise experience should be.


I work in the auto industry and know all to well what trivial things people will find wrong with their experience at the dealership. "I waited five minuets too long for you to replace my transmission, The dealer didn't have hazelnut coffee in the waiting area, The mechanic had dirty hands when he changed the oil in my car." These are honest complaints that are filled out on surveys returned to the factory that act as a report card of their dealership.


Some people are impossible to please reguardless of what is offered to them. On a transatlantic cruise we couldn't make our only port of call in Italy due to rough seas. The main reason for the cruise was to go to Italy and see Florence. I know that we will get back again in the future. Although heartbroken at the time, we sill looked foward to the rest of our ports of call and were not disappointed in the least. You just have to take it as it comes and pray for the best vacation possible. I have found that with =X= on many wonderful cruises. and we will continue to cruise with them.

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