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Crown Princess Incident


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Just so you know they may not have been paid for their photographs. The travel channel used 3 of my daughter's photos from the Star Princess 3/19 sailing on their special and we received nothing, didn't even think to ask for it. We did receive a special thanks at the end in the credits and my daughter loves photography so it was a thrill for her. We did have to sign a release that they could use the photos anywhere in the universe forever!


You signed a release and you still question why you didnt receive any compensation?? I am confused.

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To those who were on the last voyage..

Obviously there was broken glass, etc.. But did you notice any structural damage inside? Damaged walls or doors, dented furntiure, unusual rattles or vibrations.. Basically, do you think anyone after this would ever notice that anything major happened? The stress on the ship's frame must have been exhaustive. It seem that with flying furniture there could be dents and reminders everywhere.. What about lighting fixtures and columns. Any observations would be most appreciated as we are supposed to go on the July 29th sailing.


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1. How do you know that the photographer was paid for her photos, FC Corp? Or was that a supposition on your part?


I don't know which is why it was submitted in the form of a question.


2. Is there some reason if she was paid that she should NOT have been paid? Or if her photos were to win a journalism award, should she decline it, simply because she was there?


Most of us were helping those in need, not snapping photos for the possibilty of selling or winning a future award. Not saying she or others had this in mind but when they end up in the hands of the press, one does have to wonder. If she and others are to financially gain on the pain and suffering of others, then so be it. They were not on the ship to await this incident and report it, they were there for pleasure. That being the case, it would be nice if any proceeds were donated to a charity of their choice. Where I come from it's regarded as doing the right thing.


As a journalist, it is a contribution to document an important event. I didn't see anything grotesque or sensational in her photos. If she were to photograph blood and gore in a really sensational way, I could understand a distaste about it. But I didn't see that at all.


Or was it perhaps because the "blood and gore" were not within view? I can't comment further.


Photographing an incident to document it is pretty helpful. Often times investigators use photos taken by passers by or non professionals to reconstruct an event. Like the "C" curve wake behind the Grand, showing the hard heel.


So I guess the question could be asked. Were the photographs made available to investigators first? I think we all know the answer to that question.


How about the journalists who documented the Vietnam war...there were some very horrible events that were photographed. Right or wrong, when the public actually could see what was happening, it changed public opionion. Should CNN stop broadcasting news reports?


You want me to comment on the integrity of CNN or even other news sources? I think we all have questioned their actions many times in the past.


I don't want to bash or flame anyone. I really don't get why you are so vehemently angry at this one persons photos, and hope that perhaps you can help me understand.


I am not angry, just expressing my views which obviously makes others angry.


Thanks for your post, it was a good one.


Just to clear the air, may be assume that you are a trust fund baby with no need to earn any income from any type of position. Because if you do have a job of any type, I can come up with some reason why you should be donating 100 percent of your earnings to some cause because it is ethically better for you do that rather than keep the income.


Even Mother Tereasa allowed herself to accept funds needed to feed and cloth and house her self. She did not give it all away.


Sometimes one can carry the "do good /feel good" routine too far.

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It's such a shame that some have gotten so ugly on this thread when overall it is so informative with such an upbeat attitude.


My internet was down all day yesterday so I only just now got a little caught up reading and was so excited to see your awesome interview, Nancy:) ! You were so calm, cool and at ease ... and you look terrific! Fun to read and fun to see.


Have to say I was a little surprised the Crown is headed straight out on another cruise so soon ... I thought they'd want to take a really good look at the ship before packing passengers on again, but what do I know???:D


I want to thank all of you again for your accounts of your experience. It was so great to read first hand.

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I am not angry, just expressing my views which obviously makes others angry.


Thanks for your post, it was a good one.


Just to clear the air, may be assume that you are a trust fund baby with no need to earn any income from any type of position. Because if you do have a job of any type, I can come up with some reason why you should be donating 100 percent of your earnings to some cause because it is ethically better for you do that rather than keep the income.


Even Mother Tereasa allowed herself to accept funds needed to feed and cloth and house her self. She did not give it all away.


Sometimes one can carry the "do good /feel good" routine too far.

Without commenting on the content of ANYONE'S posts, I can assure you that FC Corp is VERY much a self-made man.
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Narragon, glad to hear from you. I thought about you and your family as well and I'm happy that all are home and safe. Tristan actually captured Lauren on videotape along with some other friends as a good memento of the trip. Please feel free to stay in touch at dahampton at verizon dot net.


I just keep thinking about the fact that William and I originally planned to stay in the pool all day. We were going to go back to the Lotus Pool but wound up taking a nap and woke up shortly before everything happened. I shudder to think what could have happened if we had still been in the pool, especially since I don't swim. Being in the elevator was bad enough.


I am so sorry to hear what happened to your son and I am so glad that everyone is okay. Please keep in touch.


While my father is willing to cruise again, his wife has vowed that this is it for her. Hopefully time will adjust her feelings. My dad keeps saying that this was a birthday he will never forget!


Hamptod aka Deborah

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To those who were on the last voyage..

Obviously there was broken glass, etc.. But did you notice any structural damage inside? Damaged walls or doors, dented furntiure, unusual rattles or vibrations.. Basically, do you think anyone after this would ever notice that anything major happened? The stress on the ship's frame must have been exhaustive. It seem that with flying furniture there could be dents and reminders everywhere.. What about lighting fixtures and columns. Any observations would be most appreciated as we are supposed to go on the July 29th sailing.



We weren't on the Crown, but we were on the Grand about a month after that ship listed during a sharp turn in February. The only way we knew there had been a problem was because we had read about it. There was no evidence whatsoever of any damage.

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Without commenting on the content of ANYONE'S posts, I can assure you that FC Corp is VERY much a self-made man.


Then one wonders why he has not donated 100% of his income to the less fortunate. After all that is what he is telling others to do. Rather stingy of him don't you think?

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Without commenting on the content of ANYONE'S posts, I can assure you that FC Corp is VERY much a self-made man.


I know I am not the only one, but form reading his posts this person sounds extremly self absorbed and has alienated a large group of people. Every since his post of his owners suite room after his trip he sounded to me IMHO a littler holier than thou. Im just basing this off of perception being reality and I could be 100% wrong and I really hope I am.


The idea of this post should be glad that everyone is OK and home safe.


Not the ethics of what one does with their personal vacation pictures.

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Sunandsand- thanks for the helpful hints- I will be cruising on Caribbean Princess next week and I will take your advice to heart. When flying I always listen to the flight attendants' emergency spiel and it seems I am the only one listening sometimes,and you are right- I doubt that everyone just shows up calmly to their muster stations and waits for instructions....

Gonna pack my flashlight now,and I'll certainly be more observant of what is around our cabin in the way of emergency exits/stairs etc.


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Just to clear the air, may be assume that you are a trust fund baby with no need to earn any income from any type of position. Because if you do have a job of any type, I can come up with some reason why you should be donating 100 percent of your earnings to some cause because it is ethically better for you do that rather than keep the income.


Oh, now I see where most of you are going with this. No, sorry, not a "trust fund baby" but if I were, what's wrong with the fact that parents work hard their lives to ensure their children have a better life then they had? I know I do... I work very hard to ensure my son won't have to endure the many hardships incurred throughout the year. Any "good" parent would. Then again, we all know there are a lot of bad parents out there, now aren't there... As for having a job, no, I have a very successful business that was started with my own two hands. I earn every dollar I make and have no problem helping those in need.


Money comes and money goes. Those who come into it without learning how to earn it lose it very fast creating a mountain of debt on the way. As for giving to charities, I assure you there are tons of silent donors who give from their heart and do not seek recognition for their actions.

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Then one wonders why he has not donated 100% of his income to the less fortunate. After all that is what he is telling others to do. Rather stingy of him don't you think?


Show me where I asked anyone on this thread to donate 100% of their income to the less fortunate. Where did I say this? By stating that I would presume that selling such photos and videos to the media served as their only source of income. If that is the case, of course I wouldn’t have made such a comment.

I was stating that income received from the photos and videos could be regarded as a windfall. You know, money received unexpectedly. Given those circumstances it would be nice to see the money passed on to a favorite charity. I guess just because I would do it, doesn't mean that others would as well.

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I know I am not the only one, but form reading his posts this person sounds extremly self absorbed and has alienated a large group of people. Every since his post of his owners suite room after his trip he sounded to me IMHO a littler holier than thou. Im just basing this off of perception being reality and I could be 100% wrong and I really hope I am.


The idea of this post should be glad that everyone is OK and home safe.


Not the ethics of what one does with their personal vacation pictures.


Well if you ever got to know me you would realize I could care less what others think of my opinions. I speak what I feel and do not supress my feelings in an attempt to fit into a certain "click." Just because I feel a certain way about certain things does not make me callous.


As for the owners suite, my door was always open to whomever, whenever. We all like certain things in life and if someone can do or have the things they like, great, more power to them. If I can help them accomplish their goals, you can bet I will do all I can. Don't look down on a person because of their accomplishments or what they have.

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You can get *paid* for interviews? Dang, no one offered me any money. Can't put my kids through college now. :)


You know Nancy, you handled the situation with poise and grace. I assure you that there are great things awaiting you and your family.

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I've just spent quite awhile reading thru this thread.

It began as a revealing news flash.

It has evolved into tit for tat.

Everybody is forgetting about the incident itself and how the cruiseline is investigating the list. Apparently, they will be moving forward with another scheduled cruise while the investigation is ongoing without a definative answer.

It is logical that they believe that the ship itself is fine and is capable and ocean worthy.

Based on all the facts I have heard it seems to me that the so called rudder/ steering problem was an oops. It is my belief that in effect...the wrong button was pushed and that this was caused by human error. The earliest reports indicated the list and an arcing wake. To give an analogy...if you were in a canoe paddling along at your full speed and you dipped and oar in the water you would get a dip to the side the oar went in and an arcing wake behind you.

Again...I believe that this incident revealed a glitch in the propulsion software that did not cut power when a single stabilizer deployed.

This of course is all my speculation but logic says if there was something wrong, the ship would not be sailing a commercial sailing right away.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

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There is no organization when a real incident happens.

Your post was excellent. There is no organization and the incident made me (as well as others) sit down and think things through like how I would react if it were to happen again. We all panicked in our own ways and in the end, the best thing to do (as the captain quickly announced), stay where you are and sit down. We do know that if the boat were to capsize, the life boats would be rendered useless. The casino manager told me that in the event the boat went over on its side, inflatable rafts would automatically be deployed. Not sure from where or how that would work. I think during muster drills they should educate the passengers on what to do in the event of a list. I don't recall this ever being discussed. Even go into such detail as to how much tilt the boat can endure just so we have the mental capacity to understand some limits during an incident. Of course we had no idea the tilting would stop. It felt as though it would keep going over. Parental instinct has us thinking of nothing but finding our children, which I guess could put us in danger.

Frankly after this experience, I learned that if the boat did go over, the only way out would be to climb your way out working against gravity. Could it be done, hopefully nobody will ever have to know.

Living in NYC I try to walk around as prepared as I can. As I showed some of the CC members while visiting one day, my briefcase has a flashlight, potassium iodide pills and two NBC escape hoods. If ever in the subway, if the masks really work, it could be the difference between survival or death. Call me paranoid but while on the train I always watch the actions of others. The first sign of breathing difficulties, the mask goes on. I may turn out looking like a complete goober but who cares.

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Its none of your business even if I did get paid or not...

I am a professional photographer and its a passion of mine to document life events.. I am acutally a wedding photographer and a art teacher.. I teach photography.. I have freakin morals.. Real a**hole photojournalists would have been in your face.. did I do that? No, I was as unobtrusive as possible....

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Its none of your business even if I did get paid or not...

I am a professional photographer and its a passion of mine to document life events.. I am acutally a wedding photographer and a art teacher.. I teach photography.. I have freakin morals.. Real a**hole photojournalists would have been in your face.. did I do that? No, I was as unobtrusive as possible....

Whoa! Settle down! I think FC Corps was merely expressing his opinion and was not being mean-spirited in any way. No need to attack him! I send my best wishes to everyone that was onboard and agree that you definately have the right to do what you like with your photos. It is for you and only you to decide what should be paid if anything in exchange for the photos. While I disagree with FC Corps I think he has shown alot of class with his responses!:) Plus at the end of the day the only was we have to answer to is ourselves! Now.........Lets get this thread back on track!





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Sorry for my reaction.. .. I just got upset.... Its like I thought I was helping the world see what was going on.. .. thats all..


No problem. I reread my post and I didn't really mean to jump on you either. :o Sorry for that. I just didn't think that JC Corps was being mean-spirited is all. Good luck and best wishes to you.


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