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Class A uniform or suit for DH?


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Hi all!

I need some opinions about what DH should wear for formal night. After lurking (and learning!) a lot from everyone's posts, I know that this topic generates a lot of different opinions (and that is what I hoping for!)


You see, my husband is a firefighter. He has several sport jackets and suits, but he does not have a dark suit for formal night, other than a navy sport/suit jacket paired with different navy pants. I sent him out to do some window shopping for a black suit, and when he came home, he told me that the salesman had suggested that he wear his Class A uniform for the formal nights on our cruise. The salesman had not personally experienced that on any cruise, but he told DH that he had heard of guys from the military and also police and fire departments wearing their dress uniforms on formal night in lieu of a tux or dark suit. DH's fire department's Class A uniform is sharp, as is any uniform (IMO.) The jacket, pants, tie, and "hat" (I don't know what else to call it!) are navy, with a white dress shirt and black shoes.


Any thoughts? I want this to be a memorable cruise, as this will be DH's first cruise and my second (we'll be celebrating our tenth anniversary!) :D However, it's not practical that we buy a tux right now, as we have little ones at home, so who knows when we'll get around to another cruise! :rolleyes: And if he were to put out the money for tux rental, maybe he should put that money instead towards buying a new dark suit. What do you think?


I'm not trying to be cheap or tacky by considering his Class A uniform (remember I sent him out to shop for a new suit!), but it IS just hanging in the closet, and (as all folks look in uniform, IMO) he looks very nice in it. TIA.



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I think his Class A Uniform would be fine but want to mention that I, personally, have only seen a few gentlemen wearing their dress uniforms for formal night.....and they looked GREAT.


One was a handsome young Marine on a Holiday Cruise traveling with an extended family group of about 12 people. When he walked into the dining room, he turned heads.


I have seen a few other Military Men wearing their dress uniforms.


I do not recall seeing a police officer or firefighter but there is no reason for him to not wear his uniform if he wishes. Just want you to know it isn't very common and I am sure we have to have sailed with a great many firefighters/police offiers through the years.


I see no reason he cannot wear the navy jacket he has. He'll be neat and clean and with a tie and pressed shirt, he'll be fine.


Thanks to him for the work he does to keep us safe.......and thanks to you for your support for him.


Have a great cruise and a Very Happy Anniversary.


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All that HAL requires for formal nught is a jacket and tie. If hubby would feel uncomfortable in a uniform, that will be ok.

If you want to make it more of an "occasion", the uniform is more than appropriate.


You're probably aware that most of the comments you'll see here regarding military refer to mess dress, not class As. Class A, however, will be fine and more upscale than what many civilians will wear.


HAL's dress code for formal nite:

On festive formal evenings, women usually wear cocktail dresses or gowns and men usually wear business suits or tuxedos. There are approximately two formal nights per week. (Gentlemen: Although business suits or tuxedos are suggested attire for formal evenings, they are certainly not required. You are welcome to wear a jacket and tie on formal nights.) Formalwear for ladies and gentlemen can be pre-ordered for your use for the duration of your cruise. Just call Cruise Line Formalwear at 800-551-5091 to reserve and it will be ready in your stateroom when you board.


In order to complement your fellow guests, Holland America asks that you observe the suggested dress code throughout the entire evening.

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There were some Royal Canadian Mounted Police on one of our cruises a few years back who wore their uniforms on formal night. They looked great! I think other cruisers would appreciate seeing your DH in his formal uniform. I assume he is proud of his profession and wouldn't mind the extra attention it may bring!

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Thanks, S7S for your kind words! It took DH five years before his application was accepted with a department, but I am so glad that he is able fulfill his childhood hopes of being a ff.


BTW, my question about the dress uniform is not intended to equate those who serve our country with those who publicly serve us in a local area. I think very highly of those who serve(d) our country, and if DH were in the military, I'd have him wear his uniform, no questions asked. Yes, those who serve the local public also have an important (and potentially dangerous job), but then again, I don't have to worry about him having to leave us for a year or so because of a military assignment. Our soldiers (and their families!) have given a lot up for us....I just thought I'd ask this question about DH's uniform because of what the salesman told him.



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You're probably aware that most of the comments you'll see here regarding military refer to mess dress, not class As. Class A, however, will be fine and more upscale than what many civilians will wear.


Hmmm, mess dress...is this the formal dress uniform that the military sometimes wear in public? Just wanting to make sure I understood what you were referring to....I'm clueless about what military uniforms are called!



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Amy, your husband would meet the letter of HAL's code with a sport coat/tie. He will also meet the spirit of the code by dressing in his uniform.

Unless there is some regulation in his position that specifies when he cannot wear his uniform, and unless this is one of those times, I think he would look smashing.

Go for it!

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Hmmm, mess dress...is this the formal dress uniform that the military sometimes wear in public? Just wanting to make sure I understood what you were referring to....I'm clueless about what military uniforms are called!



Amy, "Mess Dress" is a very formal uniform [swords even!] My son served as a Chief Master Sargeant in the air Force and when assigned to the Secretary of the Air Force as "Command" Master Sargeant he quite often wore "Mess Dress" at official functions....Personally, I feel your husband would be very "Proper" in his uniform....I would be proud to dine formally with him so clothed.....
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Amy, your husband will look great in his dress uniform, and he won't look out of place in a sports coat and tie. If he is comfortable with the dress uniform, I'd say go for it (always fun to show off one's achieving their childhood dream!). Just be aware -- that uniform will be one heck of a conversation starter, and if is the quiet, shy type (I haven't met too many firefighters who were, but...), then he might find himself with more attention than he wanted!


Happy Anniversary (make sure you volunteer for the newly/not-so-newly wed game)!


Keep Smiling!!!

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Hi Amy,


There have not been any negative posts here regarding your husband wearing his Class A (or Dress Uniform) and I hope there won't be. I only mention it because I have seen some negative, and truly uncalled for, posts other times the subject of wearing uniforms has come up.


By all means your husband should wear his uniform if he wishes to do so. I don't think that there is one of us here who does not truly appreciate the work your husband and his cohorts do. Let me just say that firefighters are my heroes - they do a job that I would not do even if I were starving.


Also, I have to say that your husband's occupation is every bit as valuable as that of "those who serve our country". I say this as a Navy wife. My husband was a Naval officer for 29 years and had quite a few deployments during those years so our family spent many special occasions without "the man in our life". (My husband did not wear his dress uniform for formal nights aboard ship but I think the main reason was that the cummerbund was a little tighter than he would have liked it to be.;) )


If your husband would feel more comfortable in the navy jacket then tell him to go ahead and wear it, it will be just fine. Personally, I would be proud to sit at dinner with you and your husband if he were wearing his Class A uniform - just don't wear the hat indoors, but I'm sure he knows that without an idiot like me having to tell him :D.


As AWED23 says: in the Air Force "fancy dress" is referred to as Mess Dress. In the Navy it is known as Dress Blues (or in the summer it's Dress Whites and oh boy do they hate those -what with the high collar and the starch, all in the height of a sweat inducing heat - yuck:eek: ). Now, the Marines (I believe they also refer to their "fancy dress" as Dress Blues), oh boy, do they look sharp - as much as I love the RCMP the U.S. Marines have them beat by a mile when it comes to dress uniforms.


Have a wonderful cruise and please thank your husband from me for doing the valuable job he does, I truly do appreciate it. I live in San Diego and our area of San Diego was the hardest hit by the raging fires a couple of years ago. I still have my home thanks to the firefighters, despite the fact that the fire came within a couple of hundred yards or so from my house, and I am eternally greatful to all of them for risking their lives. They probably saw it as just doing their job, but I saw it as someone going the extra mile to help people they didn't even know. God bless them all.




Oh, I forgot to mention that swords are also part of the Naval Officer Dress Uniform, but that's only for the ceremonial stuff - they certainly have enough couth to divest themselves of the swords before they sit down for dinner - LOL.

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As a Navy Wife, Marine Mom and someone that has worked closely with Fire Departments for over 15 years, I say


Go For It!!


Make sure you get a formal portrait of the two of you.


Happy Anniversary and a big Thank You to your husband for protecting his neighbors.

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I totally agree...Please wear the uniform. My father was a firefighter when I was growing up and I remember him in his uniform...very dignified.


I am trying to talk my brothers into wearing their dress uniforms (army) for formal night. Have one talked into it for the first formal night, but the second one is the night of their wedding, so that will be the tuxedo night. My other brother seems a little hesitant. Still working on him. At this moment I have 3 children in the Army, one just back from deployment in Iraq, and 2 in basic. I hope in a few years I can get them all together and do a cruise and would love for them to do dinner in their dress uniforms...I assume the women have dress uniforms too and that would be okay for formal dinner.



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Positively let him go with the uniform! He will be totally in place and will look stunning!


(BUT -- you had better hold on to him very tight -- he will probably have every female on the ship eyeing him!!!)




And don't miss the chance for that wonderful formal portrait!

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Thank you all for your responses! I will have DH read these posts when he gets home tomorrow morning. As for those of you who have family serving in the military, I applaud them and also you for your support of them. When DH was deployed to Biloxi, MS for a week and a half after Katrina, I developed a better appreciation of military families who are left behind when their loved ones go on a military deployment. You're doing something I don't think I could do...

Thank you for the descriptions of the formal dress uniform for the different military branches. I bet (when appropriate) the swords are an incredible finishing touch!


I live in San Diego and our area of San Diego was the hardest hit by the raging fires a couple of years ago. I still have my home thanks to the firefighters, despite the fact that the fire came within a couple of hundred yards or so from my house, and I am eternally greatful to all of them for risking their lives. They probably saw it as just doing their job, but I saw it as someone going the extra mile to help people they didn't even know.
Valerie, I'm so glad your house was spared. I can't imagine what it would be like to have fire coming at your home. Those firefighters who are specially trained to fight those huge wild fires are especially brave. I wouldn't want to dig a trench while surrounded by fire (especially if the wind should shift ever so slightly!) :eek: Also, thanks for the heads up about posts made in the past. Although everyone is different and is entitled to their opinion, I certainly have seen some ruthless and (IMO) inappropriate posts in the past few months.



Just be aware -- that uniform will be one heck of a conversation starter, and if is the quiet, shy type (I haven't met too many firefighters who were, but...), then he might find himself with more attention than he wanted!
Timethief, this made me LOL. You are so right! A lot of the firefighters that I know are outgoing, if not sometimes boisterous!



There were some Royal Canadian Mounted Police on one of our cruises a few years back who wore their uniforms on formal night.
Orlandocruiser, are kilts part of the uniform for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?




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No,kilts are not part of the uniform - but I have seem men on formal night dressed in full Scottish kit! very impressive. What I do remember about the mounties uniform was first noticing the boots. We were in the Crow's Nest and those low chairs put the legs at eye level. I went from thinking "what in the world does that guy have on" to "wow he is in uniform, neat!":)

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I think DH will look smashing in his Class A. I love seeing men/women in their formal uniform dress. DF (father) is a WWII vet and career AF pilot - I still love seeing pictures of him in his Dress Blues - too bad it doesn't fit any longer.


I have to tell you this - as a mom of an Eagle Scout when i saw Class A - Boy Scouts was the first thing I thought of. I know DS would not be caught dead wearing his BSA Class A on formal night - but I would be proud as could be. Tearing up.....


I'm sure if DH wears his class A he will be the hit of formal night!!!!!

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The biggest problem, as I see it, is the number of people who will want to stop and chat with him - and tell them every thing they know about firefighters (well, except for the ones who confuse him with a policeman. Or the yum-yum man :rolleyes:).


If fawning attention is something your husband doesn't really, really like then I'd suggest renting a tuxedo. This also saves lots of packing room as it magically appears in your cabin closet and gets taken away by the steward. More room for souvenirs!

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As the daughter of a career Air Force man, sister to 2 AF brothers, and mom of an Army son, I say --- wear the class A uniform! He may not be military, but he provides a needed service and deserves the recognition for what he does. I'd be proud to have him at my table!!

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I agree that his Fireman's Class A would be fine. On our first cruise my huisband wore his military mess dress. Now he owns his own tuxedo (white dinner jacket and black) since we cruise fairly often.

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The biggest problem, as I see it, is the number of people who will want to stop and chat with him - and tell them every thing they know about firefighters (well, except for the ones who confuse him with a policeman. Or the yum-yum man :rolleyes!


Are you serious? How drunk does one have to be to confuse a firefighter or cop in uniform with a yum-yum man, who wears a uniform similar to that of the long-ago Philip Morris Man?


You were joking, right?



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The only thing I would be sure to check would be department rules. some departments only allow the wearing of the uniform when you are officially representing the department. Being on a cruise could be stretching it. If the department allows your DH to use his own discretion as to when to wear the Class A uniform, and he is comfortable with it, then go for it.

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I agree that his Fireman's Class A would be fine. On our first cruise my huisband wore his military mess dress. Now he owns his own tuxedo (white dinner jacket and black) since we cruise fairly often.



Ashuma, does your husband wear his medals on his civilian attire? My Dress Mess uniform is long gone.... so I will be wearing a tux....

Thanks in advance for the reply...

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As a "working" police officer, I say "go for it". I know of IPA meetings that have been held on cruise ships where all the officers (including many foreign ones) have worn their class A's on at least one formal night. If he does decide to wear it, make sure he takes the creases out of the pants from too much sitting in those comfortable "lazy boy" chairs those hosedraggers all over the country have in their stations!;) Have a great cruise!!!

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Are you serious? How drunk does one have to be to confuse a firefighter or cop in uniform with a yum-yum man, who wears a uniform similar to that of the long-ago Philip Morris Man?


You were joking, right?




Only half.

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