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Why did HAL change?


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Princess just initiated (Crown Princess) a place near the spa where you pay extra for a lounge chair, waiter service and peace and quiet so there must be some demand for such places.

Now there's an idea for the bean counters! Pipe that God-awful music all over most public areas---at a far too loud volume, too---then charge extra for a quiet place. :rolleyes:

Then watch the profits soar. :eek:

Jane, I'm not certain that the stewards working the various areas don't like the music. I remember one cruise where it was fairly unobtusive in the Lido in the morning, but by afternoon the station had changed and the volume was up, up, up.

The station choice and volume can be controlled in different areas. Many's the time that it's been on (and loud-ish) in the Ocean Bar as we gathered for Trivia. The crew staff running the game would arrive and turn it off/down. I've had my request for channel changes by the Lido pool accommodated.

I think what Nanette is meaning to convey was the fact that she's happy HAL is disappointing it's loyal customer base ...for whom she has expressed distaste of her own.


but I don't think Nanette has cruised on HAL yet.

That is what she has posted.

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I think what Nanette is meaning to convey was the fact that she's happy HAL is disappointing it's loyal customer base ...for whom she has expressed distaste of her own.


I just got home to find these replies to my earlier post in answer to NoNoNanette. I hadn't read it that way- just never thought she was serious. Silly me. Well, I apologize to all and to Nanette too. If she was serious, it would appear I was belittling her opinion. I wouldn't intentionally do that any more than I would understand anyone doing the same to me. I will try to read future entries from more than my angle in the future.


Say a prayer today for all of those having to relive their families tragedies of 5 years ago on 9/11. God Bless!

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Now there's an idea for the bean counters! Pipe that God-awful music all over most public areas---at a far too loud volume, too---then charge extra for a quiet place. :rolleyes:

Then watch the profits soar. :eek:



May I offer you some ear plugs if they decide to do that?

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I like music, but I certainly don't like it in areas where I am trying to have a conversation. Background music should be just that.....unobtrusive and not obvious. My take on this is that if you are aware that the music is playing, it's probably too loud. It's also a nightmare for people with hearing problems (not me) creating a din that makes it difficult to hear what people are saying.


I guess I don't understand why this has become such a problem. It sounds like it is the responsibility of the onboard staff, and perhaps they need a little "help" determining when, where, what kind, and how much music should be played.


If the onboard system has a number of music choices available, it really shouldn't be so hard to match it to the onboard demographics. If it's a Vista class ship during a family vacation with lots of younger families onboard, play more rock. If it's a longer voyage with a 50+ crowd, tone it down to more standards, etc. How difficult is that? If it's a mixed group, play a variety of types of music. Keep it appropriate....keep it low....and shut it off from time to time. Some people actually like silence.


If I'm working in a lounge or public area and people keep coming up asking me to turn down the music, I think I could figure out that the music is too loud! Maybe we're all just going to have to speak up when our ears are assaulted. Apparently HAL thinks that if we don't say anything then we like it.

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I agree!!!!! with everyone who has posted no music at all except live musicians. Having been a musician all my life playing in symphony orchestras, jazz, country, R & R, and just easy listening, I know that to create a relaxing atmosphere you need an "oldies but goodies" approach. If you want hyper activity, fast turn over in spaces, or loud heavy drinking type activities, you turn it up and keep it fast. If HAL is marketing a "relaxed sophisticated" cruise experience, then the folks in charge have got it wrong. My experience in selling music grups to entertain, is the "younger" crowd will say they want the loud fast music but in reality they are really appreciative of a good mix of all types. If there is some way to educate HAL on this issue, I'm for it.

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Curiouser and curiouser......


On our Zaandam cruise to Alaska last month, I can't recall any pre-recorded music being played anywhere at all. It was either the live bands/musicians or silence. I just asked my 17-year-old daughter if she remembers any such music, and she can't remember hearing anything either. Maybe the sound system was broken, or we tended to frequent the parts of the ship where no muzak was being broadcast, or the captain and cruise director decided to do away with the extra noise, or we belong to the generations that just tune out ambient sound, or....? Hmmmm....



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Something very strange just happened. I posted to this thread, it shows up down below in the "Topic Review", and also my post is listed right now on the main HAL page. But the actual post itself isn't currently showing up on the actual thread. Maybe if I post this addendum, my original post will show up?


Now that is curiouser and curiouser.....




ps aaaaahh! It worked! There's my original post. Very strange....

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The most likely place for loud music on most ships is the outdoor central pool area but on Holland America the main pool area has a retractable roof which is often closed. This makes any recorded music even more intrusive if the roof is not open.


As Carnival has gobbled up more and more cruise lines, the company continually states that all the lines will be run independently. In this case I think it is true. Cunard and Seabourn (and I think Windstar) have no recorded music over loudspeakers. So it must be the management of HAL that, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to make these changes. If anyone challenges their judgment they will almost surely try to defend their decision and change will be slow in coming since someone would have to admit they were wrong. The question is to whom should we write at Holland America to make our protest most effective. It seems that the Entertainment Department certainly is not the place.

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Hey Guys.


Yes, the pool areas are where the music is the loudest. Both the domed pool area and especially the aft pool where the music was the loudest. No peace to be found in this area. We went back to the aft pool one night around 8:30pm as we left Juneau and the music was unbelivably loud. We wanted to use the hot tubs. We looked for someone to turn down the music and found a bartender who said that he had no control over the music and that it was controlled by the CD.


I wrote HAL but haven't heard anything back yet, btw.

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The most likely place for loud music on most ships is the outdoor central pool area but on Holland America the main pool area has a retractable roof which is often closed. This makes any recorded music even more intrusive if the roof is not open.


As Carnival has gobbled up more and more cruise lines, the company continually states that all the lines will be run independently. In this case I think it is true. Cunard and Seabourn (and I think Windstar) have no recorded music over loudspeakers. So it must be the management of HAL that, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to make these changes. If anyone challenges their judgment they will almost surely try to defend their decision and change will be slow in coming since someone would have to admit they were wrong. The question is to whom should we write at Holland America to make our protest most effective. It seems that the Entertainment Department certainly is not the place.


Greetings Amusea:


I don't believe that the Upper Management of HAL is fully aware of the current on board situation with the choice of music being broadcast ship-wide. Then again, if they weren't aware, they are now. However, it is still suspect if they will choose to do anything about the issue.


I'm in full agreement with Host Doug on this issue. If people have specific music tastes they can easily use their IPods. Host Doug: would it be possible to start a poll on this topic? We could make the choices-


What musical ambiance played throughout the public areas and pools would you prefer on your next Holland America Line cruise?:


a. None. Peace and Quiet. Only live bands in designated areas.

b. Soft Classical music

c. Golden Oldies of Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgeral etc.

d. Non-vocal selections from artist such as Tim Janis, Yanni, Bill Brown

e. Pop Rock

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Hi, I would pick a if I had only the choice as you put it and I would be very happy.


That said. The HAL execute that may want to do something about this has a a more complicated equation; I would imagine. He will need to decide by area and time or day what is appropriate. and I am sure he is looking at cost, live music costs more, and many channels of music will mean more cost/royalities to play.


I think that no music in the indoor public areas would drive alot of people nuts. None by the main pool during the day would be the same.


I would guess the way it's always been on my HAL cruises is a good compromise. I remember soft music of different varieties indoors and by the pools. No music on the promenade deck. And I think at night usually there is only the live music in various locations, until the band takes a break.


So I vote for a if given your question, the way it was phrased. But really I just want them to leave it the way I remember. I hope you can make progress and it will definitely be on my comment cards each cruise, good or bad (and if bad I will followup with lots of compliants like I did in the early days of Celebrity).

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Silence is Golden, especially without lyrics and soundtrack.... let the waves do the talking.

Let the guest determine. "XX" music is played in this lounge/area at this time... The rest should be quiet.

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Greetings Amusea:



a. None. Peace and Quiet. Only live bands in designated areas.



I think your idea of a poll is great, but might I suggest that this option read:


a. None. Peace and Quiet. Only live music in designated areas.


(That way, an assortment of piano, string groups, vocalists and bands could provide a variety of options in different places)

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Just arrived back in Tampa from two weeks aboard the Oosterdam. No changes in the music - impossible to escape.


I do want to chime in on the above review from the Carnival Cruiser for the Sept. 9th sailing: I have no idea what she is referring to in terms of rough seas. We had some swells on the second day (nothing out of the ordinary) but we had perfect (blue skies even in Ketchikan) weather and seas for the rest of the cruise.


Some of her comments about the "rats maze" of low ceilings and narrow hallways have my agreement. I also don't understand the lumpy bumpy carpet and floors on the Lower Promenade and Promenade decks.


Anyway, no updates or replies as of yet. I really pray that those in control positions will make some changes in the "canned music" that plays throughout the ship. The only areas of escape are my cabin and the Greenhouse Spa.

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I do want to chime in on the above review from the Carnival Cruiser for the Sept. 9th sailing: I have no idea what she is referring to in terms of rough seas. We had some swells on the second day (nothing out of the ordinary) but we had perfect (blue skies even in Ketchikan) weather and seas for the rest of the cruise.


Rough sea is a lot like food....it all depends. I assumed that OP was more sensitive to it and if it caused duress, it had the potential to put a damper on the entire experience.

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I've been following this thread for a while. I want to chime in with the perspective of a somewhat younger person, possibly in the demographic which some of you are referring.


My husband and I are both 32 and we have a 1 year old daughter. As you can see, we live in NYC. We are looking to book another cruise in the next year. We usually sail with Celebrity, but are looking at similar options.


I like ALL kinds of music: classical, oldies, big band, swing, jazz, easy listening, country, bluegrass, rock, pop, alternative, metal, techno, hip-hop, rap, etc. There are very, very few things that I won't listen to and enjoy. I have been to clubs and concerts to hear music that some of you would insist gave you a headache. It sometimes gives me a headache! I've been to concerts that I have enjoyed recently ranging from heavy metal to Celtic folk music to chanting Tibetan monks. My favorites are alternative rock, some heavy metal and Celtic folk music.


That being said... my husband and I cruise on lines like Celebrity and possibly HAL in the near future because when we are on a cruise we like to relax and listen to the ocean. We typically find out of the way places to sit, read, talk and relax. Loud, recorded rock music is not what we expect to find on a cruise. As I said, I like loud rock music, just not on a cruise.


My opinion is that there should be a place for live music of various types in some venues on the ship. I don't even mind bands I have heard on some ships that play Caribbean music near the pool on occasion. I don't want to listen to them all day, but for an hour here or there is fine. There should also be places on the ship where there is little or no recorded music.

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You said what I wish I had said and so much better!:)


Yup. my hubby and I are in our thirties and had chosen HA in the past because it was a relaxing, quiet vacation. Yeah, I don't mind live bands that play appropriate, like you said, caribbean music in the pool areas or at night when its time to put on the dance shoes! My problem is when the rock goes 24/7 no matter where you go! Just don't understand what HA is thinking here. Now, on the other hand, it was kind of weird having a band play caribbean music as we sailed past snow capped mountains in Alaska. That was out of place. Maybe they could bring in those great mirimba (pardon my spelling) bands from the streets of Victoria??? that would be awesome and authentic to the area we were cruising.


Has uncialman or anyone heard anything from HA yet? If so, what is there plan or did they just make a mistake?

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This was touched on earlier but I'm afraid it was lost in that lengthy post:


Panera Bread, Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware are all upscale retail outlets that pride themselves on being upscale hip.


They don't play the Dixie Chicks.


In fact they actually sell CD's featuring the music legends that you heard played in the background of their stores!


How's that for hip appeal to the younger set?

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  • 1 month later...

We returned from the Volendam on Tuesday and the music is there. Tried to read in the Explorers lounge and it was there. It's in the buffet, pool areas, just about anywhere you care to go. Several of us ladies were in the midship pool and the music was quite loud. We asked that it either be turned way down or off and we were accomodated. If you can't talk over it, it's too loud. I wrote comments on the comment card regarding the ever present music. When I'm outside or by the pool, I want to hear the ocean, not Frank. The one place outside that I was able to have quiet was on the Lower Promenade deck. That was one place we really enjoyed for napping, reading, or conversation.

Seattle, are you reading?

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We returned from the Volendam on Tuesday and the music is there. Tried to read in the Explorers lounge and it was there. It's in the buffet, pool areas, just about anywhere you care to go. Several of us ladies were in the midship pool and the music was quite loud. We asked that it either be turned way down or off and we were accomodated. If you can't talk over it, it's too loud. I wrote comments on the comment card regarding the ever present music. When I'm outside or by the pool, I want to hear the ocean, not Frank. The one place outside that I was able to have quiet was on the Lower Promenade deck. That was one place we really enjoyed for napping, reading, or conversation.

Seattle, are you reading?

That is very discouraging. I was hoping the rock music was an experiment, perhaps just on the Vista ships. Now I can only hope that HAL feels that only the Caribbean is the appropriate venue for this intrusion. From what you are reporting, one must go outside to escape the music. I guess I have to pray for consistently fair, warm weather:confused:.

I thought that HAL has tried to distinguish itself from other lines by implementing new upgrades which they have accomplished after considerable expense. Why would they now try to compete with RCI and NCL? Wouldn't it be better to try to emulate more upscale lines that have either no piped music or at least BACKROUND music at low volume?

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We also just got off the Volendam and would have to disagree in the music volume and locations. We spent a couple of day in the aft pool area with absolutely no music for the hours we were there. Also the music in the midship area was usually around some activities scheduled that being noon.


The crow nest was always nice and quiet until the evening hours of 8:00pm to midnight. Also the Explorers lounge was also nice and quiet. You might get a very slight overflow in the evenings from the Classical group.


Personally I think there was a nice balance.

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We also just got off the Volendam and would have to disagree in the music volume and locations. We spent a couple of day in the aft pool area with absolutely no music for the hours we were there. Also the music in the midship area was usually around some activities scheduled that being noon.


The crow nest was always nice and quiet until the evening hours of 8:00pm to midnight. Also the Explorers lounge was also nice and quiet. You might get a very slight overflow in the evenings from the Classical group.


Personally I think there was a nice balance.


Now see :D ......that's why we have horseraces :D . When we were at the aft pool, not only was Frank being played but someone decided that calypso would be nice.......at the same time........we got them both coming at us........I did manage to get some quiet at the aft pool on one occasion.

Anyway, it appears that the music was not always consistant. I guess I was just 'lucky' in that i 'got' to enjoy the music. :( I feel as though I need to put in a disclaimer......I love music.....almost all music (except rap) but when I'm on a cruise what DH and I enjoy is the quiet and the sound of the ocean. If we choose to listen to music then we go to a lounge.

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