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Zuiderdam comments 7/3 - 7/10 cruise


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Something to bear in mind is that doing a Caribbean trip on the Z in the summer- or for that matter any of the mainstream cruiselines (Princess, RCi, X) Chances are very high that the weather is going to be very hot(heck I found it very hot in March !) very humid and packed to the gills with families, kids, teens, etc.This changes the onboard dynamic fairly drastically.

I agree with the poster that said having realistic expectations makes the likelihood of an enjoyable cruise that much greater. All the mainstream cruiselines rank themselves as *premium* which just sets one up for dissapointment. All this talk about being treated famously on X or having the world revolve around you on Princess leads some to believe the ads ! When they find out that they are on of 2600 on a packed ship and cant get a seat by the pool or in the showroom reality sets in...


But getiing back to the original review, which was very fairminded. I can definately see where having a such a large group onboard could really affect the experience.

I also agree that the Vista class ships ar not for everyone. But you will see the same dichotomy on other cruiseboards- some like the Sun class on Princess and feel the Grand class is to large-- and so on.

Its great that there are so many choices out there.

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Well, said, thanks. We cruised the Western Caribbean in August (again-our choice) not really expecting the heat & humidity to be so severe. It did detract from the experience a bit - we are not used to it all... I just learned a valuable lesson - I won't book the Caribbean in the summer again. Now I know why it was such a steal! :D

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I just saw the sentence "So please don't take these boards to heart" - which is fine, but my belief is the whole point of the boards is to share our experiences - good, bad or otherwise. When gammaf says not to take these boards to heart, does that mean the good too? I don't think so - but that's just me.


I like to read about other peoples' experiences and opinions, regardless of them being positive or negative. However, after reading a bunch of negative comments about a ship or a cruise, and after seeing several people jump, screaming (metaphorically), overboard, I tend to begin to believe that what I am going to experience is going to be negative, too. I expect it NOT because of what I have experienced in the past, but because of what others have told me to expect because "that's the way it is now." After ten cruises I know that I shouldn't expect my experience to be the same as another's, but after a while the negative drum-beat gets to be so loud that it becomes hard to discount it sufficiently to be able to go and hope for a good time.


For eample, after 911 there were some people here who were spinning the "doom and gloom" message big-time. Everything on HAL had gone to pot, the service was awful and the food was horrible: all HAL ships were ratty garbage scows where inside-cabin passengers were forced to row for their gruel. :D That kind of thing. Anyway, after several weeks of this kind of thing I actually began to believe it. I was new on this board, and didn't realize that some people are prone to hyperbole. As a result, the three months prior to my cruise in January 02 were reduced to a period of fretting and worrying about whether or not I would enjoy the trip. Indeed, I was nearly convinced, just prior to the penalty date, to cancel my cruise due to this fear!!! But, I didn't ... and then I suffered for those last two and a half months, afraid that I had made a big mistake. I went on the Volendam in Jan 02 expecting to find my cruise experience ruined, and was pleasantly surprised to find that everything was fine. Sure, there had been a few cutbacks, but it was still the same HAL I had known for 8 years. She ship was not a garbage scow, and I didn't have to row. :D


To put this simply, I shouldn't have "taken to heart" the drum-beat of "doom and gloom and agony on thee." Sure, one should be aware of the poor experiences of others, but at the same time one should discount the blanket hyperbole and emotionalism and go, eyes-wide-open, aware of the potential for change and decline while not worrying about or anticipating the worst. That is how I understood gammaf.


I love the Noordam - I am a minority in that regard on this board - that's ok by me.


I'm part of your minority. My first HAL ship was the Nieuw Amsterdam. I loved that ship!

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I just meant that they are so many negative things said about the new Vista Class ships, the Zuiderdam, etc, that each one of us should just go and have a good time and form opinions then. I read all the posts before we went and I was scared to death to go. But when we got on, I was immediately put at ease. It is all in what you make it. Just go and have a great time! We loved the Zuiderdam and would sail her again. She is worth it.

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Thank you RevNeal:


I was not suggesting that people do not share their experiences. I was mearly suggesting that one try to be optimistic so others are not scared off and do not have the chance to form their own opinion. We loved the Zuiderdam and will sail her again, but I will tell you, I was upset and torn by what was said about her on the boards and wondered if I should cancel our trip. I was glad that I did not listen. So whomever is going, go and have a great time!!

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I just meant that they are so many negative things said about the new Vista Class ships, the Zuiderdam, etc, that each one of us should just go and have a good time and form opinions then. I read all the posts before we went and I was scared to death to go. But when we got on, I was immediately put at ease. It is all in what you make it. Just go and have a great time! We loved the Zuiderdam and would sail her again. She is worth it.


Gammaf - Thanks , I agree with you somewhat here


I was mearly suggesting that one try to be optimistic so others are not scared off and do not have the chance to form their own opinion


This is the area where we disagree. I guess I would rather have everyone be realistic (instead of solely optomistic or pessimistic). that way I can draw my own conclusions.


I have read good and bad about the Z - and it didn't scare me off (I leave in a few weeks). But it did help prepare me. I realize everything won't be perfect - and I also realize I am going to be on vacation and enjoy myself no matter what. But I guess I just prefer hearing in advance the good and the bad so I can properly set my expectations.


Anyway - thanks for the clarification

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I was mearly suggesting that one try to be optimistic so others are not scared off and do not have the chance to form their own opinion.


I agree. It is possible to share one's opinion and experience, being truthful in sharing the good, the fair, the not-so-good, and the bad, and yet still be positive and express a hope that someone else will find it different or more to their liking.


Frankly, I find it sad when I read someone writing: "Oh, the X-dam is just a horrible ship ... you'll hate it." How does that person know that someone else will hate a ship, or find it horrible, just because they (and some others) did? Sure, they might have a similar experience ... but not necessarily. I know a lot of people who didn't like the old N-class ship, but I loved the twins. Likewise, there are people who love the Vista class, yet based upon many of the highly negative reviews I've read of the Zui I'm not so sure I will. Eventually, I'll find out for myself; but I'm afraid I'll fret about the cruise and worry about it for many weeks prior.

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I have never met a cruise I did not like, over 70 under belt and weight shows it at least that is what I tell my dr. blame it on the cruise line not me..


your good time is what you make it, the people are wonderfu,crew also. I do not have to make the bed or do the dishes and now with the cat. S I don't even have to do the laundry. What more could you ask..vjb

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I have been on 14 cruises and have enjoyed them all. But some cruises were absolutely fantastic. How can you say that nothing that happens onboard a ship hampers your cruise experience? Your cruise experience is the sum total of everything that happens on board the ship and every negative item reduces that experience just a little.




I guess that's where I'm different than you... there are things that happen that I may not like - but overall we try & turn those things around into something positive, keeping in mind many things are truly beyond our control. If it's too hot in the dining room one night, or the service is exceedingly slow - does it detract from my cruise experience? Not at all! When I said nothing, I suppose I should have clarified, but we still enjoy the fact that we are on a ship & on a vacation. The small things tend to loose some significance, but I am still able to factually report them when reviewing or discussing the cruise.

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Repeat after me:


Alaska, New England, or Europe in the Summer

Caribbean, Mexico, or Hawaii in the Winter




Revneal -


It took awhile, but it's starting to sink in!


Also, thanks for your kind words in the above post - I understand about the negativity on the boards - I try to be pretty careful to be factual and state "it's only my opinion" and I certainly don't want to put a damper on anyone's upcoming voyage... anticipating a cruise is one of life's finer pleasures! :D

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I came to the HAL thread because we just cruised Caribbean Princess and while it lovely and HUGE, the food wasn't as good as Celebrity.

I want to plan another cruise for next year and am considering HAL, only the Z seems to be the only Caribbean itinerary that will work w/school schedules.

This post kinda is scaring me away.



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Why let it scare you away? People like different things for different reasons... there are many folks out there who love the Zui - more so than those who don't. It is my kids favorite ship! Hopefully, you have read the positive reviews of the ship - not just the comments on this thread...

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Why let it scare you away? People like different things for different reasons... there are many folks out there who love the Zui - more so than those who don't. It is my kids favorite ship! Hopefully, you have read the positive reviews of the ship - not just the comments on this thread...

What did you kids like about this ship? (I am interested because we are going with 12 years old)

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My kids loved the layout of the ship. They also thought the Club HAL program to be fantastic. Even my 15 yr. old (14 at the time of the cruise) participated in the teen program. There were many kids on board and they all seemed to get along really well. The kids made friends they still are in touch with by email.


They liked the newer decor, the Lido buffet, the fact that there were younger people, louder music and many activities for them.


We had a Suite and had to put an end to the tours of the cabin, though. A couple times we came back to the room and had a balcony full of teens (we didn't mind - just thought it'd be better if they visited when an adult was present).


Our kids never went into the Neptune Lounge except to rent and return movies - I read another post about kids taking over the Neptune, our kids avoided it like the plague (they thought it was kind of like a library - too quiet) and hung out by the pool and at the Lido.


We bought some awesome photos of our daughter (11) that I've never seen done on any other ship - they posed her on a white canvas backdrop (one with her hair spread out all around her) and the finished photo looked like she was suspended in air... very cool & different.


If you have any other questions, I will be happy to help answer them! :)

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Thank you ekker19! :)


We won't have problems with other kids filling our Suite. We have inside cabin.;)


It will make me very happy if my son will have a great time. He loved it on Celebrity last year...He didn't participate in many activities of the kids club but loved pizza party (on both formal nights) and he met lots of new friends...(Even had a romance I think :D).

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Thank you ekker19! :)


We won't have problems with other kids filling our Suite. We have inside cabin.;)


It will make me very happy if my son will have a great time. He loved it on Celebrity last year...He didn't participate in many activities of the kids club but loved pizza party (on both formal nights) and he met lots of new friends...(Even had a romance I think :D).




Our son had a shipboard romance too! It was his first real romance (according to him!) they are still in touch by email - emailing weekly. They plan to meet again on another cruise sometime in the future. I think it's pretty neat they've kept in touch this long.

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This is Mike: http://community.webshots.com/photo/87890932/87891350xFPINE


This was "romance" place , I guess. (near the disco)



Sorry about quality. These pictures were taken with the reagular camera and then scanned to post. ;)

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Yes, once again, the Zuiderdam has become the cause of much divisiveness. As I have previously stated, my wife and I thought that there were too many negatives with the Zuiderdam for us to reccomend her to HAL devotees. There are so many ships of similar size that have done much better jobs with space than HAL has with the Vista Class ships ( the thought of dining on the mid-top floor of the Zuiderdam would be enough for me to skip eating there entirely).


What I do think, however, is that there are some cruisers that like some of the attributes of the S and R class ships that had hoped that HAL would "contemporize" herself for the younger demographics. These folks love the Zuiderdam and her "big shipness". However, many of us loved the HAL S and R ships because they were quiet, comfortable, quaint, classy and spacious. While HAL has claimed that there is more space on the Zuiderdam than on her other ships, I must say that I have never felt so cramped on a ship before (And this includes RCI ships, Carnival ships and the mega-Princess Grand Class). I mean, when the dining staff has to move to the Explorer lounge to serve flambe because the dining room is too cramped, you know there is a design problem.


The biggest dissapointment is the feeling that HAL is becoming just like every other contemporary WLCL line. I guess I will have to just start cruising Celebrity or saving my money for Crystal and Raddisson.



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This is an interesting and very whorthwhile thread. It seems that the Zuiderdam has become the most debated ship in the fleet. This has been true almost since she was launched. The feelings about her seem to run higher than with any of the others. Perhaps it is because she is one of the new Vista class and she is such a dramatic depature from what we have all come to expect from HAL. DFD1


(28 cruises on 22 different ships since 1966)

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I can give you a specific reason why the Zui gives me BIG moments of pause. It's one word: Children. :)


I enjoy cruises where the number of children is kept to a minimum. It's not that I don't like children ... it's just that I would rather not have swarms of them aboard ship. I have to deal with kids in large numbers on Sundays at church. For some reason the youth and children of my congregation really like me. I can't imagine why ... I've tried being sour, and it doesn't work. They like me, and so I have to like them back. And that's ok. It's part of being the pastor of a Church with families. But ... when I get away on a cruise I want peace and quiet. Children are, sadly, generally antithetical to peace and quiet.

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Well, back to at least one of the questions....the air conditioning on the Zuiderdam seems to be inconsistent. It is a very large ship and perhaps complicated by folks leaving their balcony doors propped open. Our cabin was too cold with the air on its original setting, but just right after we adjusted it to our liking. We noticed the steward always pulled our curtains closed so they must try to keep the ship cool that way. The hallways near our rooms seemed warm, although we were never there long! The larger rooms like the Queen's lounge and Vista lounge were too cold for me and I needed a sweater if I was staying there long. The dining room seemed ok to me (we were on the main floor) but we noticed the ceiling covered with saran wrap! When we asked why, our steward explaned that on earlier cruises people in the corners on the lower floors were too cold, so they blocked some of the vents this way. I assume they will continue to work on this. The only public area that seemed overly warm was the Lido (and it was tolerable) and I attributed that to the fact that there are large doors at both ends leading to the pool areas which were constantly opening or propped open. As others have said, go with an open mind and have fun. Sometimes I think that when people enjoy something frequently (whether that be frequent cruisers, annual passholders at Disney etc) they become overly critical. Not that they mean to be, just that they are somewhat accustomed to the usual things and pick up on things that to others would be minor. So, no worries.

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Its great to hear the the negatives and the positives about the "Z". Many on this thread are correct by saying they never heard so much controverasy about a ship before. This is very true.


Last year when we went on our Zui cruise (Sept.25th 2003) the comments were worse. I too had seconds thoughts about going on this ship and this is coming from a person that prefers HAL over others. Mind you we have been on NCL, and Celebrity and other HAL ships in the past and we are not "newbies" when it comes to sailings.


Once we got onboard, I was more critical about the Zui then others I have taken in the past. What I found was that many who speak about the Zui give mis-information and over tell the reality of the ship. Everything that I read about the Zui prior to my sailing (Sept. 25th 2003) was not true.


We found that we had a great time. We are from South Florida and love A/C and we did not find a problem with A/C throughout the ship. The food is very good, some service was great and some okay in some area's of the ship,but nothing compared to what was said in these threads.


We enjoyed the Zui so much that we are going back in September of this year and we can't wait. Am I concerned about going back and letting the negative threads deter my opinion? Nope! This time I will not be critical and I will not let negative threads sway my decision and make me as critical about the Zui. One of my favorite sayings that I picked up on this board is a bad day on land is a great day at sea.

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What I found was that many who speak about the Zui give mis-information and over tell the reality of the ship.


In addition to your experience of the Zui's food, service, and AC, what other areas/subjects suffered from what you believe to be misinformation? I'm particularly interested in the swarming packs of rabid, noisey, messy, wild, inconsiderate sub-humans that people sometimes like to call "children.


Also ... perhaps it might be a bit more charitable to say that your experience didn't match with the experience others? :) One person's experience may appear to another person to be "mis-information," and yet both are being honest and truthful in expressing their experiences.

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