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Oh no! DW NEEDS a table for two!


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We leave Saturday on the Glory. I requested 2-top when I made the reservation, but I realize that's only a request. I plan to check as soon as we board and hit up the Maitre D' if we didn't get it. I'm guessing 50/50 chance.


But DW, who is VERY shy, just said she would be very nervous about going to the dining room unless we get a 2-top. We have always been lucky before, but....


I really like dining in the dining room but, if we can't get the 2-top, we'll dine elsewhere. I don't want her to be uncomfortable.


We'll try the specialty restaurant once or twice, but really can't afford to do it every night.


The only thing I can think of is to advise MD we'll take any available seating time in either dining room.

(I presume greasing his palm would be inappropriate.)


Does anyone have suggestions to improve our chances (that don't include the phrase "tell your wife ..." or "why doesn't she ..." ;) ) ?

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Roboat, hopefully you'll get what you requested. If not, I agree with you that probably the best thing is to tell the Maitre d' that y'all will accept any assignment as long as it's a two top.


Nobody here should give you any flak about that - it's your wife that matters, and I say good for you for trying to make her more at ease.


And no, I also agree that a little 'incentive' would not be necessary, but maybe at the end of the cruise....?

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I remember seeing in Capers I think that the Maitre D' would not accept tips the first day. Now whether he REALLY doesn't accept them the first day or not I don't know.


I do know the only time we saw our Maitre D' the whole cruise was when he had his hand out on the last night.


Have a great cruise - it may not be as big of a problem as you thinkg to get that 2 person table.

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We were on the Glory last month and saw the Maitre 'D as soon as we got on the ship. We were originally given a large table but wanted a table for two. We had no problem getting that and we even kept our late seating time in the Platlinum restaurant. In fact, after the first day almost all of the two tops behind us were empty the rest of the week. We did not tip in advance but did give an envelope to the Maitre 'D on the last night especially since we're going back on the Glory in December and want another table for two. Good Luck!

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I should add - On one cruise I found I needed to change my dining assignment. I saw the Maitre d' the first day, and requested a change. He wrote it down and said I would know before dinner. I thanked him, tried to give him $10, and he smiled and said "No, that's not necessary." (I found a card in my cabin an hour later than my request had been honored.) I did tip him on the last evening. Other than that, I've never tipped a Maitre d'.:)

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Good luck with your request. My wife and I also always request a table for 2. We just prefer dining alone. So far, we have always been accommadated. From what I remember, the Glory seems to have more tables for 2 than most ships, so you shouldn't have too much difficulty. Have a great cruise.

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I would explain to the Maitre' d that your wife is extremely shy and will not eat in the dining room unless you can have a table for two. I'm sure if he has one available he will let you have it.

*biting my tongue on giving advice on ways to overcome shyness*

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Thank for your encouraging words.


...*biting my tongue on giving advice on ways to overcome shyness*


Much appreciated! ;)


I don't know that "shy" is the right word. When she is occasionally placed in a situation where she must make smalltalk, she is gracious, interesting, funny, etc. So she can do it, but she does not enjoy it.


I should have mentioned that we are 60. I have learned that logically explaining to DW why she needs to change is "ill advised." (read: dangerous, foolhardy, sheer lunacy, etc.) :)

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We leave Saturday on the Glory. I requested 2-top when I made the reservation, but I realize that's only a request. I plan to check as soon as we board and hit up the Maitre D' if we didn't get it. I'm guessing 50/50 chance.


But DW, who is VERY shy, just said she would be very nervous about going to the dining room unless we get a 2-top. We have always been lucky before, but....


I really like dining in the dining room but, if we can't get the 2-top, we'll dine elsewhere. I don't want her to be uncomfortable.


We'll try the specialty restaurant once or twice, but really can't afford to do it every night.


The only thing I can think of is to advise MD we'll take any available seating time in either dining room.

(I presume greasing his palm would be inappropriate.)


Does anyone have suggestions to improve our chances (that don't include the phrase "tell your wife ..." or "why doesn't she ..." ;) ) ?


I know exactly how you wife feels, I want a table for just my family of 4. I am not shy around poeple usually but the thought of dinner with strangers makes me sweat. No drug would help. IT is just the way some people are! Nothing wrong with it either, it is totally normal.

Good luck on getting your table for 2!!

happy cruising.

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Just a thought......

Maybe if your shy wife were to eat with another couple, that are there for the exact same reason you are, she might find she likes to have conversation with other people and will come out of her shell a little.

There are lots of things to talk about - what you did during the day - how you liked the shows, etc. She wouldn't have to talk about herself.

This could bring her a long way to becoming more self confident and broaden her circle of friends and acquaintances.

Just a thought.......


you know that sounds great and all, but there are some of us that no matter how hard we try it just doesnt work....I honestly want to talk to my husband and not a stranger, and being around other people would only put more stress into the situation, even though you think little by little helps, some of the main issues lie with others. Some people are nice and friendly others are not, so if you do not get someone you are compatible with then it will really backfire. I think with this type of person (including myself) it is best to stick with what they are comfortable with and not ruin the cruise experience. :)

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you know that sounds great and all, but there are some of us that no matter how hard we try it just doesnt work....I honestly want to talk to my husband and not a stranger, and being around other people would only put more stress into the situation, even though you think little by little helps, some of the main issues lie with others. Some people are nice and friendly others are not, so if you do not get someone you are compatible with then it will really backfire. I think with this type of person (including myself) it is best to stick with what they are comfortable with and not ruin the cruise experience. :)


I am the same way...and there is nothing anyone can say to change my mind. First of all, DH and I got stuck at what we like to refer to as the "Table from he**" :eek: on one of our first cruises. Plus, I hate eating in front of others and trying to strike up conversations with strangers. I would much rather eat and discuss our day with just my family or DH. We have been lucky and received our own tables on the last few cruises and didn't have to request it. This time I am traveling with my mother...I'm hoping for a table for 2 too! The only thing I can say is that we always request late (8-ish) seating..seems as though it is not as popular and more open tables. Just a thought...

Enjoy your trip and we will hope for the best for you!:)

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personally I prefer to eat with just my b/f because we are away for a romantic getaway, not a party with a bunch of strangers. I'm sure if we aren't able to get a table for two we'll only be in the dining room for formal night (we didn't get prom together so we might as well have this). It's just not appropriate to talk mushy lovy stuff in front of complete strangers. More for their sake than ours LOL

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I am the same way...and there is nothing anyone can say to change my mind. First of all, DH and I got stuck at what we like to refer to as the "Table from he**" :eek: on one of our first cruises. Plus, I hate eating in front of others and trying to strike up conversations with strangers. I would much rather eat and discuss our day with just my family or DH. We have been lucky and received our own tables on the last few cruises and didn't have to request it. This time I am traveling with my mother...I'm hoping for a table for 2 too! The only thing I can say is that we always request late (8-ish) seating..seems as though it is not as popular and more open tables. Just a thought...

Enjoy your trip and we will hope for the best for you!:)

To the OP, good luck. Sounds like the odds are that it will work out in your favor. Actually, if I had to eat with a certain "regular" poster on these boards, I'd probably just order room service instead! ;)

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Actually, if I had to eat with a certain "regular" poster on these boards, I'd probably just order room service instead! ;)


since I see you (for some reason) quoted my post..what exactlly are you saying? I don't even know you...:confused:

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I certainly understand your DW's feelings - I feel pretty much the same and prefer a table with just my traveling family. That way I can be myself - eat as much or as little as I want, eat as fast or slow as I want and not have to worry about what others at the table are thinking or holding them up if they finish their meal before me and are very polite about leaving before everyone is done! :o

The other posters have made great suggestions about working with the maitre'd on seating which suits your DW's preferences.

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Like I said twice in my post.... it was just a thought.


I guess we have been extremely lucky in our 18 cruises. We have met some of the greatest people not only from the US, but around the world by requesting a large table for dinner. Some we still stay in touch with and have met again on additional cruises and are now life long friends even though we live in different states. Others we have not stayed in touch with, but not because they weren't nice and we didn't enjoy their company.


If you enjoy and want to dine with only each other.... go for it. There are plenty of tables for 2 in every dining room I have been in. We have been on the Glory and there are plenty on the upper level.

I have been eating (and enjoying) dinner alone with my husband for 26 years, it's kind of nice to meet new people for 7 days.


I got the impression (incorrectly so and I stand corrected) from the OP that dining with other people wasn't an option for his "VERY shy" wife and they "NEEDED", not would like or would prefer, but "NEEDED" a table for 2. otherwise they would have to find another alternative for dinner.

If that was the case, then I'm sorry - you are both probably very nice people and your fellow cruise mates are missing out on getting to know you, even for just 7 days.


It has pleasantly surprised me how meeting other couples on a cruise can change your life for the better by having new life long friends.


I hope you enjoy your cruise and hope you get your table for 2.

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Well I feel the same way and originally we asked for a table for 4 (we're three people sailing). Then I got to thinking it might be more fun for dh and ds if we were with another family so tough as that was for me, I requested to be switched to a table for 6. Our TA has done this.


Perhaps I'm making more of it than it needs to be, and obsessing a bit where I don't really need to, but sometimes it just does feel awkward to eat with strangers. I can never really relax throughout my meal if others that I don't know are there.


My question is........if this doesn't work out can we then go back to the maitre d' and ask for a switch to a table for 4 after the first night? Or will we be relagated to buffet and/or room service?



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Thank for your encouraging words.




Much appreciated! ;)


I don't know that "shy" is the right word. When she is occasionally placed in a situation where she must make smalltalk, she is gracious, interesting, funny, etc. So she can do it, but she does not enjoy it.


I should have mentioned that we are 60. I have learned that logically explaining to DW why she needs to change is "ill advised." (read: dangerous, foolhardy, sheer lunacy, etc.) :)

My DH is the same way around crowds. (it's hard to get him on a cruise in the first place!). We're on the Paradise tomorrow & I hope we get a table alone as they do not have 2 tops. We were on it in May & did get table alone. To us it makes or breaks dining(& cruise experience). We simple prefer to be alone.

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My question is........if this doesn't work out can we then go back to the maitre d' and ask for a switch to a table for 4 after the first night? Or will we be relagated to buffet and/or room service?




Absolutely, Kim. You can request a change in tables anytime during the cruise. There are many requests for changes after the first night. It is not uncommon for tablemates to find out that they would prefer to eat with other (or with just their group) and to request a move. The maitre'd will work to accomodate all the request...just get yours in early (like as you're leaving the dining room the first night).

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Some of us just like to dine alone.......my husband and I have been married going on 40 years and we ALWAYS want a table for two because we know that the dining experience will be perfect. We don't want to share that time with strangers and have to make small talk. We both do that every day at work, make small talk with strangers. Why chance it?


We are friendly, outgoing people. We meet others on every cruise but just not at dinner. This is our vacation, so we want to spend time together, just us, and don't need or want to take the chance of dinner becoming work.


We aren't shy, don't have a problem, don't need therapy, just want to dine at a table for two. If we don't get it we will do the specialty every night--small price to pay.


Another viewpoint.



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Good Luck in obtaining your private table. On our cruise last year we booked with a travel agent who put us with a group that they had going in order to get us group pricing. We knew no one in the group. Our dinner reservations were linked with the group and we were seated at an 8 top table. The only other ones that ever showed up was an elderly couple on their honeymoon which we had nothing in common with. We are 40 and have a 12 year old daughter. She wouldn't eat in the dining room but once.

I would have been much more comfortable with people closer to our age or if we had the table to ourselves. Our cruise in just over 2 weeks is a family cruise with DH's family. (I might wish we had our own table then.:o :p )

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OH you all would hate me then. I chat with everybody. I'll chat with people while I'm waiting in line. I chat with all my patients at the bedside. I'm your worst enemy YIKES :eek:


Not at all. Actually, we would LOVE to have you in line with us. I am more of a chatter than DW, but we both enjoy listening to other folks.


Thanks again for all the supportive and encouraging replies.


Hey, I just thought of another plan if we get placed with a large group: the first evening, I'll ask everyone to stand for a 20 minute prayer, which includes blessings for Bush, Hillary, Osama, the KKK, the ACLU, NORML, country music, Dixie Chicks, NRA, rap music, North Korea, Dick Cheney, Michael Moore, Pauly Shore movies, and the oil companies.


That should pretty well clear the table for the rest of the week. :)

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Not at all. Actually, we would LOVE to have you in line with us. I am more of a chatter than DW, but we both enjoy listening to other folks.


Thanks again for all the supportive and encouraging replies.


Hey, I just thought of another plan if we get placed with a large group: the first evening, I'll ask everyone to stand for a 20 minute prayer, which includes blessings for Bush, Hillary, Osama, the KKK, the ACLU, NORML, country music, Dixie Chicks, NRA, rap music, North Korea, Dick Cheney, Michael Moore, Pauly Shore movies, and the oil companies.


That should pretty well clear the table for the rest of the week. :)


ROFL!!! :D

Have a great cruise!

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