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Odd annoying behavior


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With only a few exceptions, this has been a fun thread. My biggest problem is unfortunately with rude people on walkies or cell phones...and now it seems many phones are operating at sea. I hate it most when you are seated at a dinning table having a small conversation with some of the other guests and one of the parties starts a conversation on one of these things...their voice always gets a few octaves louder, and their conversation seems to crawl into my head and I can no longer hear the people I was speaking with clearly. I try to ignore the phone conversation, but I just can't seem to. Usually I end up excusing myself and leaving the table. When did the world get so self absorbed? It boggles my mind!




Be very very careful...I do agree with you 100% but on another thread I said the same thing about a lady who kept up a high-pitched loud screeching in constant laughing-fits (continuously) each and every night at dinner, and MerionMom (Carol) told me to "Get a Life". I think I hit a nerve with her, but yes, you are so correct. We all do have a right to at least hear what our tablemates are talking about.

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Hubby always grabs the first small table he can find in the Windjammer so we are generally very close to the door. Another favorite spot is on the Voyager ships that have a wide "table-rail" with tall chairs where you sit facing those who enter the Windjammer.


Now why do people do this...many who walk past these seats look right into our plates as if they are making a minute examination of what we are eating. I don't eat a lot, because my formula is to allow space on the plate between each little gob of food, so they can't be thinking I have too much food. But they stare and stare. Why don't they just walk on and look at the buffet selections just a few feet away? What can they possibly learn from staring into someone's plate?


Somehow it seems rude to me to stare into a stranger's plate to see what they are eating. It seems invasive. It annoys me, but I might just be turning into a fuddy duddy. I sure as heck don't stare into other folks's plates, though.

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I told this story on another board but thought you guys might enjoy it.


On our last cruise we shared a table for lunch in the diningroom. One couple had been on several cruises and the woman began telling us about all the great deals they got at Diamonds International :rolleyes: ...she suddenly spotted the very modest emerald ring I wear on my right hand. Dh bought it for me when we were dating and it is not a very valuable piece, but I like it.


She suddenly grabbed my wrist and began talking excitedly to my husband while pointing at my ring. "You can take this to Diamonds International and for $500 they will put a nice stone in this setting."


Oh my....I slipped my hand free and put it on my lap. I assured her I was fine with the ring the way it was. She kept on for a few minutes while the rest of the table had shicked looks on their faces. Thankfully, DH did not mind at all. My left hand sports a rather nice engagement ring and diamond wedding band. He knows how to take care of me. :D

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Hubby always grabs the first small table he can find in the Windjammer so we are generally very close to the door. Another favorite spot is on the Voyager ships that have a wide "table-rail" with tall chairs where you sit facing those who enter the Windjammer.


Now why do people do this...many who walk past these seats look right into our plates as if they are making a minute examination of what we are eating. I don't eat a lot, because my formula is to allow space on the plate between each little gob of food, so they can't be thinking I have too much food. But they stare and stare. Why don't they just walk on and look at the buffet selections just a few feet away? What can they possibly learn from staring into someone's plate?


Somehow it seems rude to me to stare into a stranger's plate to see what they are eating. It seems invasive. It annoys me, but I might just be turning into a fuddy duddy. I sure as heck don't stare into other folks's plates, though.


Yes, it is rude. I bet they aren't really even thinking about what they are doing. Or maybe they ARE looking at your food in order to get ideas of what they may want on thier own plates.




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I told this story on another board but thought you guys might enjoy it.


On our last cruise we shared a table for lunch in the diningroom. One couple had been on several cruises and the woman began telling us about all the great deals they got at Diamonds International :rolleyes: ...she suddenly spotted the very modest emerald ring I wear on my right hand. Dh bought it for me when we were dating and it is not a very valuable piece, but I like it.


She suddenly grabbed my wrist and began talking excitedly to my husband while pointing at my ring. "You can take this to Diamonds International and for $500 they will put a nice stone in this setting."


Oh my....I slipped my hand free and put it on my lap. I assured her I was fine with the ring the way it was. She kept on for a few minutes while the rest of the table had shicked looks on their faces. Thankfully, DH did not mind at all. My left hand sports a rather nice engagement ring and diamond wedding band. He knows how to take care of me. :D



some folks just have no manners!! BTW jennew, I'm working on the moviemaker!!!!! thanks for the tips.

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That one bothers me more than anything else.


I actually only use stairs for that reason... That way I can walk off the calories and keep in shape and do not have to fight for elevators...


My heart goes to those who NEED to use elevators though...

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I agree with so many of the posts.....chair hogs, cutting lines, Johnny come lately to dinner every night, pushing every button in the elevator....no need to repeat every one.


Here are two of mine that drive me crazy.....


You know the family of 12 that blocks the entire photo gallery looking for their pictures! :eek:


People that munch away at the food on their plates while they are still going through the buffet lines or Windjammer....YUCK!


I don't mind people that go one deck in the elevator, I'm sure they have a good reason. Hey, I'm even guilty of that one myself!! :D


Farting in the elevator......move over ladies, I'm married to the fart king!! And have 40 years of testament......and yes I too have farted in the elevator...ONCE! I was alone and the ship was deserted on a port day. Otherwise I would of died a thousand deaths!!!! :o :o



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I told this story on another board but thought you guys might enjoy it.


On our last cruise we shared a table for lunch in the diningroom. One couple had been on several cruises and the woman began telling us about all the great deals they got at Diamonds International :rolleyes: ...she suddenly spotted the very modest emerald ring I wear on my right hand. Dh bought it for me when we were dating and it is not a very valuable piece, but I like it.


She suddenly grabbed my wrist and began talking excitedly to my husband while pointing at my ring. "You can take this to Diamonds International and for $500 they will put a nice stone in this setting."


Oh my....I slipped my hand free and put it on my lap. I assured her I was fine with the ring the way it was. She kept on for a few minutes while the rest of the table had shicked looks on their faces. Thankfully, DH did not mind at all. My left hand sports a rather nice engagement ring and diamond wedding band. He knows how to take care of me. :D



Being expensive isn't everything! I have many items, including jewelry, that aren't worth much to others but the sentimental value is priceless!!

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Being expensive isn't everything! I have many items, including jewelry, that aren't worth much to others but the sentimental value is priceless!!


To jennew & samtig, I wear an ankle bracelet that DH gave to me when I was 15 & he was 17. (We're now 63 & 65). A cruisemate once noticed it and said she thought older people shouldn't wear ankle bracelets. I considered the source of the sarcastic remark, and just joked..."Yes, but if you notice that, then it sure takes the focus away from my old legs". :D

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To jennew & samtig, I wear an ankle bracelet that DH gave to me when I was 15 & he was 17. (We're now 63 & 65). A cruisemate once noticed it and said she thought older people shouldn't wear ankle bracelets. I considered the source of the sarcastic remark, and just joked..."Yes, but if you notice that, then it sure takes the focus away from my old legs". :D

aw, sea-cruise, you should have turned it around on her!


You should have said, "I agree, and when I become old, I'll stop wearing it!" ;)

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my favorite is the guy who has to heckle or otherwise prolong the muster drill... ever have one of those??


You know the guy... He's making Gilligan's Island jokes or maybe he's the one that is REFUSING to put on his life jacket or get to the muster area...


I always seem to encounter that fella'... it makes it hard on the staff (my other pet peeve) and the rest of us just want to get through muster so we can get on with the cruise...


I kind of like the muster drill anyway... it's like the opening ceremony for the cruise:)

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Now why do people do this...many who walk past these seats look right into our plates as if they are making a minute examination of what we are eating.


Well, I'm guilty of this one, especially in the main dining room or restaurants, sorry! I'm not judging people by what's on their plate, I'm looking to see if what they selected/ordered looks good :D



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Farting in the elevator......move over ladies, I'm married to the fart king!! And have 40 years of testament......and yes I too have farted in the elevator...ONCE! I was alone and the ship was deserted on a port day. Otherwise I would of died a thousand deaths!!!! :o :o




I'll telling on you ;)


By the way, we were talking to a couple while on the Jewel and they said they were on a SKI cruise? I said what??? The man said a SKI cruise, spending our kids inheritance :D I laughed and immediately thought of you!



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What about the two "ladies" and I will use that word loosely who took their tops off at the pool numerous times as the kiddos in our group, ages 5 and under had to have their attention diverted...security had to be called. This happened on our October 2006 Rhapsody cruise. Yes, the kids used a hot tub but the bubbler part of it was broken and there were no adults using it. For their age they were pretty well-behaved and it was difficult to explain why an adult stepped in front of them when they were waiting for an elevator, going down the stairs, waiting to enter a room, etc. We would sit them at a table in the buffet while parents took turns to get food. We taught them to be patient when the elevator stopped and lost the elevator because of the "pusher" and "shovers." Believe me, I wished I had a stroller to have those "opps, sorry" moments when I rammed the stroller into the "pusher" and "shovers" or use it as a wall between the elevetor as people got off. I could go on and on how I observed the treatment of parents with children...

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Women wearing strong perfume, particularily in the theaters where everyone sits so close.

maybe it is because they are hevy smokers. I know many who are heavy smokers and spritz on a flavor od purfume to cover up the smoke smell.. which would you rather have: the purfume smell or the reaking cig smoke smell next to you ??:eek:

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I apologize if it offends some people that I'm out sipping a Bud Lite at a bar, walking back to my room, or riding an empty or near empty elevator from Deck 3 up to some activity on Deck 11...


Well, thank you for that, because I must say I find it extremely offensive to see anyone enjoying a Bud Lite - I mean if you're going to drink a beer, make it full strength!!! :p JK!!


BTW Congrats to the OP - I've found this thread extremely entertaining and rather affirming! I always find it amusing on these boards the way some ppl seem to get so hot under the collar so quickly when others are simply expressing their opinion. I agree with some of the opinions in this thread, and disagree with others and am probably guilty of committing some of the "crimes" discussed above but I was brought up to respect the opinions of others even if it differs from mine. After all, if everyone agreed with me what a boring world we would live in! Okay I'm off the soapbox now - carry on ;)


Oh and just to put my other 2 cents worth in - my pet peeve are those who seem to have forgotten that they are supposed to be on holiday and have to rush everywhere and everyone around them seemingly as though they're on some kind of deadline! :confused:

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maybe it is because they are hevy smokers. I know many who are heavy smokers and spritz on a flavor od purfume to cover up the smoke smell.. which would you rather have: the purfume smell or the reaking cig smoke smell next to you ??:eek:


The way I understand it is it is very similar in regards to ppl with bad body odour - they actually can't smell it themselves as their sense of smell has adjusted to the odour. It may not always be the case but it certainly was for my friend, an offensive perfume user, who used to actually carry a bottle of perfume in her bag and spray it on herself throughout the day. One day I'd had enough of gagging every time she walked past that I finally asked her (she was a very good friend BTW) why she insisted on reapplying her perfume so often throughout the day and she asked what on earth I meant, that the scent of the fragrance had worn off. I explained to her that ever since I had known her I had the impression she bathed in her perfume because the scent was so damn strong. She was extremely embarassed to realise what she had been doing - getting used to the smell and after a few hours honestly thinking that the scent had worn off, and then spraying herself again!!! :o

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Oh and just to put my other 2 cents worth in - my pet peeve are those who seem to have forgotten that they are supposed to be on holiday and have to rush everywhere and everyone around them seemingly as though they're on some kind of deadline! :confused:


:confused: But we are!!! Just HAVE to get to the excursions first (even if they don't call us), just HAVE to get to the show first for the best seats (and you better not sit in the seats I've chosen!!!), just HAVE to get to the dining room first (although it doesn't mean we eat sooner), just HAVE to get first in line int he Windjammer (so we can get the choicest pieces of everything before all the rest of you), just HAVE to get on the elevator first, just HAVE to get on the first tender in and out. Seriously, don't you know that?????:eek::eek::D


Fran in Toronto

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I'll telling on you ;)


By the way, we were talking to a couple while on the Jewel and they said they were on a SKI cruise? I said what??? The man said a SKI cruise, spending our kids inheritance :D I laughed and immediately thought of you!





See, it's catching on! Since we can't take it with us, we're spending it...and may as well spend it something we love, cruising!



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This was a good read! :) For the jewlry topic, I have a funny. My Aunt is slightly austentatios when it comes to her jewels. She has thousands, I'm sure invested in them. I however, don't wish to spend money on jewelry. Hubby gave me a few nice peices and that's all I want. Although, I have gotten several peices of Diamonique (good quality fake diamonds) from QVC, and love to wear it on cruises. I get more compliments on my jewelry from people it isn't even funny! My husband and I just laugh, and my Aunt can't believe how little I've spent, and yet get such compliments when she's all bling'd out!


The other comment I have is similar to some here. You're on vacation! Relax! Drink it in! We enjoy our vacation's so much. We are like a couple of kids. I can't even recall having been upset about anything on a cruise, because I'm so happy to be there. We have commented to each other how people seem so stressed out and yelling at each other on that I can't imagine what everyday life must be like at home?


Rude people really do annoy me, but I move along and try not to let it bother me.

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I agree with all the posts about not letting a few rude people or people dressed what we might consider inappropriate keep me from enjoying my holiday. My concern with the children last summer was that they were not just a nuisance they were dangerous with their behavior and could have hurt someone.


But even those kids didn't keep us from thoroughly enjoying the cruise.

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