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Beware Intercontinental Miami


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Just wanted to give a head's up about this hotel. While we've never stayed at this hotel, we've heard great things about it. We've booked 3 rooms for our family for two nights for a precruise this coming March (government rate which requires ID, but not a problem as my husband is a government employee). I've had a printed confirmation for about 6 months that is guaranteed with my credit card. Well, the other day I got a phone call from IC. The lovely girl from reservations said she needed my fax number, because she had some info she had to send us. I asked what kind of info. She was very vague and said it had to do with some changes at the hotel. I said "what kind of changes, do you mean like renovations going on while we're there?" She said, "oh no, just some info about exciting new changes going on at the hotel." I said fine and received the info. Well, lo and behold, the "new and exciting changes" were that they changed my rate from $108/night per room to $157/night per room. When I checked my reservation online, it had then been changed from $157/night to $357/night. I called the hotel and got a real runaround. Finally, I told them that what they were doing is illegal (not sure if it really is or not, but I said it anyway). I reminded them that I had a written confirmation guaranteed with my credit card. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told there was no supervisor available. He said the rates had gone up and there was nothing that could be done. I told the gentleman I spoke with that if my rate wasn't changed back to the original rate by the end of the business day, I'd call their Corporate Guest Relation office in Charleston, S.C., and report them. Well, my rate was changed back.


Just a word of warning though. Be sure to check your reservations from time to time to make sure they don't pull a fast one on you. If I hadn't looked into this before arriving, I'm not sure what could have been done at that time.

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I just spoke with a very very nice woman at corporate guest relations and she said due to the drastic price increase they will investigate this and get back to me within 72 hours. I forwarded them my original confirmation emails as well as the vague rate change letter....I cxl'd my other reasonable reservation at the holidy inn to stay here and basically am stuck paying the price b/c there aren't any open reasonable rates 2-3 weeks out.


The hotel CS dept was useless dealing with this, it took me 4 times calling them to even get to speak with someone who could "help" me, and I use that term loosely b/c they were no help at all.

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Charmgirl, did you call their Corporate Guest Relations office in Charleston, S.C.? I was told my issue has been taken care of, and they did, in fact, send me new confirmations with the original price on them. However, I am still skeptical. I am worried that when I show up on March 31, I'm going to be told it's either pay $357/per room/night or bust. Then I'm not sure what I'll be able to do as it will be a weekend.

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i am not sure if it is illegal but it is highly unethical. you have, in writing, a reservation with a confirmed rate which you guaranteed to a CC.


i do believe that they are bound to honor that rate. i ALWAYS take my paper with me when i travel. i don't worry as much with marriott as i have fairly high status with them but if i am staying with another company, i keep a paper trail. we jersey girls gotta stick together.

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Yes, I spoke with Corporate in S.C., I just called up the hotel and asked for the number and they gave it to me. I honestly don't know where I put it or I'd post it here. Adrianna Ramirez was the woman at the Miami location that took me 10 years to get a hold of and then she told me there was nothing she could do. She also told me I wasn't eligible for the military/government rate b/c I was not traveling on official orders...I have never heard that before, and the woman in CS I originally spoke with told me that I could reserve 2 rooms b/c both DH and I have military IDs & I am a GS employee as well. Then she acted like she was doing me some big favor by letting us stay anyway and noting our files not to ask for orders. There are NO restrictions on the site whatsoever about traveling on official business only! I think she made it up or misunderstood the rate qualifications.


I am going to wait until Wednesday to see if I get a call or email b/c of the holiday. I forwarded them the dreaded "rate adjustment" letter as well as my original confirmations with the rates on them.


If I were you, I would just email them your confirmation and verify that everything is on the up and up with the reservation and give them a brief background of what they are most likely already aware of after researching this on my behalf.


I JUMPED on this rate b/c it was so good.....I guess too good to be true.

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Yes, I spoke with Corporate in S.C., I just called up the hotel and asked for the number and they gave it to me. I honestly don't know where I put it or I'd post it here. Adrianna Ramirez was the woman at the Miami location that took me 10 years to get a hold of and then she told me there was nothing she could do. She also told me I wasn't eligible for the military/government rate b/c I was not traveling on official orders...I have never heard that before, and the woman in CS I originally spoke with told me that I could reserve 2 rooms b/c both DH and I have military IDs & I am a GS employee as well. Then she acted like she was doing me some big favor by letting us stay anyway and noting our files not to ask for orders. There are NO restrictions on the site whatsoever about traveling on official business only! I think she made it up or misunderstood the rate qualifications.




I have a pretty long background in the hotel business and can tell you that a hotel absolutely will not honor a government reservation if you are not traveling on official government business. The difference is the way the hotel is taxed.


As for having a printed rate confirmation, it doesn't mean a thing and the hotel can change the rate on you for any reason. Because it is a lousy business practice is the reason it doesn't happen very often.


My suggestion to both of you would be to call the general manager of the hotel and keep calling until you get him or her. Going around the GM to the guest relations department will not accomplish a thing. Big hotel corporations don't like to get involved in guest disputes and usually will not if the hotel management hasn't been given a chance to work things out.


The hotel GM will eventually get back to you.


It sounds like the rate manager dropped the ball for Easter Week on the rates.

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I was told my issue has been taken care of, and they did, in fact, send me new confirmations with the original price on them. However, I am still skeptical. I am worried that when I show up on March 31, I'm going to be told it's either pay $357/per room/night or bust. Then I'm not sure what I'll be able to do as it will be a weekend.


I suggest contacting the person who confirmed your original price and tell them you want to prepay, right now. I think you'd be better off with a paid-in-full receipt than with a confirmation letter. Alternately, I'd be sure to book a backup hotel just in case. You're sure to get something closer and cheaper if you book it now rather than if you wait until after you get turned away. Just be sure to double check the cancellation policy and make sure you cancel before the deadline, if need be.

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It isn't a legal issue and most front desk/reservations staff don't quite understand the deal with government rates.


Government rates are set up by hotels in hopes of attracting government employees because they have a fixed per deim.


Say a NYC hotel has a normal rack rate of $300 during peak October season. Then say a teachers association books a huge conference at this hotel. Since teachers who are government employees have a fixed per diem unlike non-government employees and will not be reimbursed the $300 per night, the hotel has a set government rate.


In order to land this huge conference, the hotel must provide a government rate or risk losing a big chunk of money.


The hotel doesn't offer the government rate to the other guests attending the conference because they would lose too much money.


Also, in South Carolina, we are taxed differently on government rates and non government rates. Government rates are tax free so it is mandatory you provide documentation.


Does that clear things up at all or have I further muddied the waters?


Truly, call the General Manager of the hotel and keep calling until you speak with him or her and get his assurances your rate will be honored.

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I hope this is a simple misunderstanding and not a trend with the hotel. I've used military for leisure my entire career without incident. I've never had a company quote me a rate and not honor it. I booked at this same hotel for later next year and will pay attention to the outcome.

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Sorry about the copyrighted quote, please edit as you need to.


I called guest relations last night, the woman handling the incident was not available again. She's in Utah (Intercontinental has a separate CS dept they transferred me from SC) and I'm in Spain so I think we just keep missing each other. I then tried to call the woman back in Miami and let her know she was full of it because 1) She obviously CAN change the rate back, the gal in this thread is proof right there and 2) The rates ARE applicable for leisure travel and she just blew smoke on the phone with me for 15 minutes.


I was fed up enough dealing with these people and this isn't a way to make my vacation more relaxing. I can't imagine traveling for 12 hours to get to the states and worrying about this crap the whole time, it's not totally about the money, it's about principle. Truth be told, after the great reviews I most likely would have gladly booked this hotel at $157 a night and not batted an eye. But it's about them keeping their word and being kind to and valuing their customers and eating a mistake when they screw up. Even honoring it for 1 night, maybe not the entire stay, SOME kind of compromise and less "too bad so sad you're screwed." Or adding in a clause byline on the gov't rates saying they are subject to change in the new fiscal year as per diem rates change. Or educating their "management" staff on who is REALLY applicable for what rate.


So, I did some research and booked 2 rooms at the hyatt regency downtown on priceline for $80 a night plus tax, total of $98 a night. They can kiss any future business of mine goodbye....not like they care anyway, they've already demonstrated that. What a rotten name they are building for themselves here in a very public way.

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I was fed up enough dealing with these people and this isn't a way to make my vacation more relaxing. I can't imagine traveling for 12 hours to get to the states and worrying about this crap the whole time, it's not totally about the money, it's about principle. Truth be told, after the great reviews I most likely would have gladly booked this hotel at $157 a night and not batted an eye. But it's about them keeping their word and being kind to and valuing their customers and eating a mistake when they screw up. Even honoring it for 1 night, maybe not the entire stay, SOME kind of compromise and less "too bad so sad you're screwed." Or adding in a clause byline on the gov't rates saying they are subject to change in the new fiscal year as per diem rates change. Or educating their "management" staff on who is REALLY applicable for what rate.


So, I did some research and booked 2 rooms at the hyatt regency downtown on priceline for $80 a night plus tax, total of $98 a night. They can kiss any future business of mine goodbye....not like they care anyway, they've already demonstrated that. What a rotten name they are building for themselves here in a very public way.


Good for you! I would also take a few minutes and fire off an email to the General Manager of the Intercontinental letting him/her know you are taking your business elsewhere.


Also provide a link to this thread which is a travel message board which is perused by 100,000+ people.

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I received an email today from the very nice CS rep handling the case, but it's a little too late. She said that I would have to pay the full amount, mail off the invoice to the resolutions place and they would cut me a check for the difference. That's still a whole lot of trouble to be mailing off invoices and getting a check in the mail added on to this prolonged headache of a hotel reservation. This has been poor business practice and they are no longer worth dealing with at this point.

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800 views on this thread....


You know, I was thinking about this, even if they could not have honored the original rate due to taxes or whatnot (assuming that was true) complementary parking would have made up for half the difference right there. Or a coupon for free buffet breakfast. just SOMETHING, a kind gesture would have gone a long way. I wasn't looking for them to jump through the moon for me, just something that 1) wasn't a lie 2) showed even though their "hands were tied" they at least cared *a little* and tried, instead of blowing me off.

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I suggest contacting the person who confirmed your original price and tell them you want to prepay, right now. I think you'd be better off with a paid-in-full receipt than with a confirmation letter. Alternately, I'd be sure to book a backup hotel just in case. You're sure to get something closer and cheaper if you book it now rather than if you wait until after you get turned away. Just be sure to double check the cancellation policy and make sure you cancel before the deadline, if need be.


i was going to comment about the same thing. I have pre-paid, non-refundable reservations at the Intercontinental 3/2/07 I paid $214.00 for one night and there better not be any surprises at check in.:mad:

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Hey all,


Just stumbled upon these problems at the Intercontinetal. We are booked to stay there 2/17/07 with a military rate. I have the email in my computer, but did not print it out yet. I am getting worried now even though I didnt recieve anything saying my rate was changed. What advice do you who have dealt with this problem have for me? I am really worried now, and appreciate your warnings to beware.


My home printer is not working, but I copied and pasted the original emal with confirmation number, date of arrival, rate, etc. into my word processor and also forwarded the original email to my work email address, just in case something happens to my home computer.


again, thanks, and I hope everyone's problem is solved. Charmgirl, you are right in the fact that it should not be that much trouble for you to go through just so the rate you were quoted is actually what you are charged.

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I am on hold and they did change my rate to a higher rate. They claim that someone treid to call me on dec. 8th, and "could not get me on the phone". They did not leave a message on my machine, but gave me my correct phone number. I am on hold right now.

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Well, during the phone call, the girl sort-of-implied that nothing could be done, but then she passed me to some other girl. She passed me on to Guest relations at the coporate office. I spoke to a man named Daniel who apologized for my troubles, and said that the Intercon. Hotel was a great hotel, top of the line for.... He did promise to look into it and then have someone get back to me within the next 72 hours. He gave me a reference number to reference our conversatin, and then an 800- number to directly call and check on any progress / extra questions I might have. I did tell him that I knew to check out the price difference after having seen it on a message board and he said he appreciated me telling him that. Hopefully, the price difference will be resolved.

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Hey all,


Just stumbled upon these problems at the Intercontinetal. We are booked to stay there 2/17/07 with a military rate. .


Yikes! That is the Saturday night of the boat show. I'd become a huge PIA until someone gives you written confirmation.

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Yikes! That is the Saturday night of the boat show. I'd become a huge PIA until someone gives you written confirmation.



Thankfully, I do have the email they sent me from June 28th stating the confirmation number, date, price, etc. The guy I finally spoke to last night at the corporate office gave me a reference number from our conversation, and a direct number to call in case I wanted to check into things. I figure by later this afternoon, I will be ready to check into progress.


What really gets me about the Miami guest relations or whatever they are calling themselves, is that they said they tried once on December 8th to notify me of the price change and could not get me, and gave up notifying me. No email, second (or thrid) phone calls, or message left on my answering machine.


I did plan on calling and checking on my reservation during my school break, but had it not been for this thread, would have never thought to check price change, only if they reservation was still on for 2/17.

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