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Am I being snookered by my TA? Claims of illegal doings....


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We have a dilema that I know you guys can help with:


I have a cruise booked with RCCL for March 2008, I just found a cheaper rate online. However, my current TA said that I am NOT allowed to cancel with her and rebook with another TA. She claims RCCL will RED FLAG my name and not allow me to book this cruise again, at all. OR charge me a huge fee to do so?

She also tried to tell me that this other TA was doing something illegal to give me this lower rate? When I asked what was illegal, she said she would rather not say.

This is all over a $150 difference.

So, in the end My current TA would not match nor give any OBC to us either and I am afraid to cancel with her now.

But I am sure she is very unhappy with me at this moment.


Please let me know if she is right? Am I going to be unable to cancel with this TA and move to another? She has not been very nice nor easy to work with.:confused:


Thanks for any advice!

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RC doesn't care who you book with. They won't red flag you (that is a laugh) just because you change TA's. Now your current TA may charge you a cancellation fee to drop the cruise with them............and RC will not charge you a huge fee to rebook...........you are getting very wrong information from your current TA.

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You absolutely can change TAs and get rid of the old one...............I would suggest ASAP,cause your TA is telling some lies.............No red flagging by RCCL..........RIDICULOUS!


Not sure if the company you're working with will charge you a small penalty,but it would be so worth it...........

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You can move your reservation where you want to, but you better check your paperwork to see if your current TA has a cancellation charge which could negate any savings you might be getting.



Frankly I have never heard anything like your TA is saying I think she is making it up so you don't change. If there is no cancellation fee I would run away from your current one as you sound like you will have nothing but problems.


Also online TA or regular TA's are not allowed to discount RCCL cruises so you better make sure that the discounted price has everything like port taxes,etc included in it before you change so you know that you are comparing apples to apples.



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You can move your reservation where you want to, but you better check your paperwork to see if your current TA has a cancellation charge which could negate any savings you might be getting.



Frankly I have never heard anything like your TA is saying I think she is making it up so you don't change. If there is no cancellation fee I would run away from your current one as you sound like you will have nothing but problems.


Also online TA or regular TA's are not allowed to discount RCCL cruises so you better make sure that the discounted price has everything like port taxes,etc included in it before you change so you know that you are comparing apples to apples.




Please explain what you mean by they are not allowed to discount? How could they be quoting me a cheaper rate and telling me it includes all fees, no hidden charges, but be doing it illegally? I am confused? Does this mean I might get charged more if the new TA is doing something not allowed?

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As a former TA, I hate to read stuff like this. Here's this newbie's 2c :wink:


I agree, you're being taken by your current TA. I'd find out what her cancellation policy is, and even if she has a fee that would negate the $150 savings, I'd do it anyway. There is no way would I do business with her. You are more than a year out and she's giving you a story about this? What if there were some real issue, who knows how she'd handle it.


Read the backs of all of your paperwork and everything she has given to you. She may try to attatch a penalty to you that isn't in her paperwork. Don't let her do it.


Good luck!

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As a former TA, I hate to read stuff like this. Here's this newbie's 2c :wink:


I agree, you're being taken by your current TA. I'd find out what her cancellation policy is, and even if she has a fee that would negate the $150 savings, I'd do it anyway. There is no way would I do business with her. You are more than a year out and she's giving you a story about this? What if there were some real issue, who knows how she'd handle it.


Read the backs of all of your paperwork and everything she has given to you. She may try to attatch a penalty to you that isn't in her paperwork. Don't let her do it.


Good luck!


I forgot to add we have another cruise for June booked with this TA...at a good price and there are no other rooms left in our catagory. Am I able to transfer this to RCCL for the same price TA gave us? If so, do I contact RCCL? or will I have to deal with my TA again?

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Why not just book directly with RCI? I've always found it to be the easiest and least complicated way to go.


because we always get such a better rate elsewhere, dont know how they do it, but it is alway 100 - 200 dollar difference. :rolleyes:

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Did you check the RCI website to see if it is actually a discounted rate they are offering you or perhaps the price as just dropped. If they price has dropped, your TA should credit you the difference. I would check with RCI to see their current price of this cruise.

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Did you check the RCI website to see if it is actually a discounted rate they are offering you or perhaps the price as just dropped. If they price has dropped, your TA should credit you the difference. I would check with RCI to see their current price of this cruise.


the price didnt drop it is just this new TA offered a lower price for same catagory. Not sure how now.

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because we always get such a better rate elsewhere, dont know how they do it, but it is alway 100 - 200 dollar difference. :rolleyes:


What's your secret to finding these cheaper prices??? I always thought that TA's were not allowed to offer discounts on RCCL cruises??? Am I looking in the wrong places???

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There are a few reason:


1. The other T/A may have group space blocked.


2. The other T/A may be rebating commission. Which is what your T/A may be referring to as Illegal.


3. The price may have dropped.


Please explain what you mean by number 2? What is this?

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What's your secret to finding these cheaper prices??? I always thought that TA's were not allowed to offer discounts on RCCL cruises??? Am I looking in the wrong places???


not sure the policy on posting websites, there is a place you can go and put in a bid and you are sent what I will call offers from TA's, prices offered vary greatly on same exact catagory....

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I agree that you should cancel the cruise and rebook where you want. I would just make sure that you can book at the price quoted and that it really does include everything. I have been a TA for almost 10 years and what your TA told you is rediculous. Instead of threatening you, your TA should be looking into how another agency is getting a lower price instead of assuming that the agency is illegally discounting. If it is a discount for new bookings only, then your agent should be more than happy to find out and cancel and rebook you herself. These types of stories really irritate me! Agents like this give us all a bad name.


Again see if the new TA can at least hold a cabin for you so that you can see that the price is real and then cancel the old one. That way you don't loose out by cancelling and then finding out the other price was not right. I would just have the new agent hold the cabin without a deposit so that you can cancel and find out if the old agent is gonna charge you for cancelling.

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Being a TA - here is my 2cents worth.....


1) I wouldn't work with someone that told you such nonsense. It's insulting to agents everywhere.


2) The new TA could have group space on the sailing and therefore could have a lower rate than what is offered for individual bookings. As her -- and make sure all fees are included (port charges, taxes).


3) If RCI is having a promotion - it may read "new bookings only". Sometimes in the small print - it does say that passengers already booked cannot cancel and re-book to get the lower rate. So - double check this too.


4) However - you can change your booking to any TA or to RCI directly - whenever you want. You may have to put it in writing. And, as others have said - your current TA may have a cancellation fee for losing your booking. I would say that it would still be worth the fee - even if it negates your savings. The current TA doesn't seem to be reliable -- I'd hate to work with her if a real problem comes up.


Good Luck!

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Please explain what you mean by they are not allowed to discount? How could they be quoting me a cheaper rate and telling me it includes all fees, no hidden charges, but be doing it illegally? I am confused? Does this mean I might get charged more if the new TA is doing something not allowed?



RCCL made a change to their policy ( not sure how long ago) that basically says that any TA that sells their cruises can not sell them lower than what RCCL themselves sell them for.


Now the new TA could have a group of rooms blocked and in this case on a group booking every I believe 8th berth (not cabin) is free. One berth is basically one person. So let's say they have a group of 12 two person cabins booked which would be 24 people then 3 of those fares are free. If that discount is added up in one lump sum and then divided between the total group of 24 then you have a discount to each person.


Hopefully my explanation makes sense.




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Please explain what you mean by number 2? What is this?


I was a T/A for a very large agency in the 90's. We would get 5 to 10 percent commission over ride from the normal commission. We would rebate the difference back to the customer.


This is Illegal in some states. I can assure you that the state I worked in this practice was frowned upon, however, not illegal.


The agency banked on volume. I can also tell you that the agency is still in business and does not practice this policy any longer.

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I forgot to add we have another cruise for June booked with this TA...at a good price and there are no other rooms left in our catagory. Am I able to transfer this to RCCL for the same price TA gave us? If so, do I contact RCCL? or will I have to deal with my TA again?


Oh, that's kind of sticky :( and I don't know the current policy RCI has for protecting it's TA's from people moving their bookings, but from a customer service stand point, I'm sure they want their cruisers happy.


I'd call RCI and ask them about moving the two bookings. I'd let the RCI agent know your situation and that you are not 100% comfortable using the TA you are booked with. I'd ask RCI about the other agency's discount too, maybe they can tell you if it's legit or just a sucker price to get you in the door, maybe they won't tell you anything, but it never hurts to ask.


The thing about the June booking is that you haven't had an issue with your current TA until this price issue over your 3/08 cruise, correct? If that is true, then she has done the work on it, and I'm not sure about taking that June booking away from her.


You have recieved some great advise about finding out exactly why the other agency can offer the discount. I didn't know about the pricing policy of RCI (I don't believe it was like that when I left the business). I still think your agent isn't being the best business person she can be, but maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to say you should dump her.


Good luck :)

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What RCCL did in the 90's has no bearing on their guidelines today. Yes I agree the agent was totally off base by saying that RCCL will red flag you...that being said, if this is a promotion for new bookings only, and you cancel and rebook, RCCL will not honor the new booking rate , they will see the cancel and rebook..this is maybe what she was talking about (not in the right way however). RCCL has very strict guidelines as to what their cruises can be sold for. You should be seeing ALL RCCL cruises priced the same. Agencies found to be rebating will not be booking RCCL for long.The only exemption to this would be a group..however, prices on groups are not that much different anymore, since RCCL pulls thier inventory on groups from agencies much quicker than they used too.

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There are a few reason:


1. The other T/A may have group space blocked.


2. The other T/A may be rebating commission. Which is what your T/A may be referring to as Illegal.


3. The price may have dropped.


That is what happened for us for our up coming cruise, she was able to block off 10 cabins and we all got great deals, after she added in the port tax etc, the price was just over what RCCL was offering at base price.


It is good to ask why the price is lower, and make sure it does include all taxes before you do any changing.

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I use to be a travel agent and this is probadly what is going on. The other travel agent that is offering a lower rate is either selling you part of their group inventory, or they are quoting you a reginal promotion or a senior rate or discounting their commission.


As far as the group rate goes, the travel agencies have to finalize their group space about 90 days before sailing. THey have to either pay for the cabins they held in advance,in full, or return the cabin space back to RCCL so they have time to sell it on their own. However, seeing that you are probadly within the 90 days, this is probadly not what is happening to you.


The other possible thing, quoting you a reginal promotion. The cruiselines sometimes offer lower fares to people that are comming out of specific geografical areas. If you are booking the air with RCCL, then RCCL would know if you were comming out of the area with the lower rate. Because your current TA cannot get the same rate for you leads me to believe that the new TA is quoting you a rate that you are not suppose to have. I use to do this because at the pier when you check in, the pier personel does not have access to the information about the kind of promotion you were booked under. They just want to confirm who you are and get you on the ship. However, there have been stories where passangers were asked to pay the increased amount that they were not suppose to have. Buyer beware.


The same goes for the senior discount. Or it just could be a TA who is so desparate for a sale that they are discounting their commision to get your bussines. If this is the case, stay away. What motivation do they have to help you when they have given up the farm to make a sale? NONE!


ps pardon the spelling, no spellcheck

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Agencies are not allowed to give OBC's, refunds of commission in any form or fashion, cannot book you for a senior or residental rate you are not entitled to. They do know now what rate you are booked on and when you check in, if you are not eligible for that rate, then you can be charged the fare as of the date of sailing, in other words if your cabin sold for 500 per person and is now 2000 per person, you might pay that difference.


Any agency caught rebating or giving rebates in the form of OBC can have their commission drastically reduced or even be put on a no book list by the cruise line, unable to ever book with them again. It is up to the cruiseline to make that determination.

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