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Saga Rose Greenland Voyager August 2007

Saga Ruby

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[quote name='Kapricorn']Hi! I got home last night from two great sun-filled weeks on [I]Vision of the Seas[/I]. While aboard, I decided to make this back-to-back a yearly event, but an announcement was made that this would be [I]Vision's[/I] last season on the Mexican Riviera before being sent to the Caribbean. The 78,000-ton ship will be replaced by the 137,000-ton [I]Mariner of the Seas[/I]. Oh! Oh! Scratch RCI off my list for future Mexican Riviera cruises.

During the first week on [I]Vision[/I], a Mr Sexy Legs competition was held beside the outdoor pool. I intended to merely observe the proceedings for my amusement, but despite my protests my friends pushed me into it. There were 12 or 13 competitors, and I was the oldest. I ended in Top 5 with the award of Mr Smoothest Legs. Donald.[/quote]

Gee, what a disappointment that you had such a fine cruise then found out that [I]Mariner[/I] will be subbed into that itinerary. As you say, if it ain't an apartment barge, it ain't gonna be around for much longer. Fortunately I am aging out of the cruise world and will sail into the sunset before the worst happens - when people consider the QM2 to be "small." [heavy sigh]

About your Mr Sexy Legs award - see? All that biking pays off! And how were your flights to and fro?

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[quote name='Saga Ruby']And how were your flights to and fro?[/quote]

To my pleasant surprise, both flights were on time and were nice experiences. On the flight back home, there were only 3 of us in the 6-seat Business Class, so we received plenty of attention from the attendants.

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QE2 ran aground at "the Brambles" in the Solent, and was pulled off the sandbar by 4 tugs!

[url]www.maritimematters.com[/url] reports that it is a Tiger Moth that will be dropping the poppies, and confirms that a Harrier will hover and bow to QE2 when she departs.
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[url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/hampshire/7720966.stm]Here[/url] is the BBC link to the flyover which released a million red poppies over QE2 earlier today. I've been watching her final hours in Southampton on her [url=http://www.cunard.com/bridgecam/qe2_cam1.asp]webcam[/url] this morning. Suddenly her loss seems much more real.

Welcome home Donald. I'm glad you and your legs had a good time. Edited by Conte Di Savoia
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BBC, using the link above provided by Donald, says it was a DeHavilland Beaver that dropped the poppies.

The video does show a prop plane doing the deed, not a Harrier jump jet. There is a still photo of the Harrier close by QE2's bow, doing its curtsy.
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[quote name='Druke I']BBC, using the link above provided by Donald, says it was a DeHavilland Beaver that dropped the poppies.

The video does show a prop plane doing the deed, not a Harrier jump jet. There is a still photo of the Harrier close by QE2's bow, doing its curtsy.[/quote]

It was Conte who provided the link.

You certainly are knowledgeable about aircraft. I would not have discerned any difference in that video.

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Sorry about the confusing Kapricorn & Conte.

Reference the aircraft, I could try to astound you (read that as baffle you with BS) and tell you about my days in the Anti-Aircraft Artillery, C Battery of the 63rd AAA Reg (120mm), 97th AAA Group, but that was a different era.

First clue was shape of fuselage, then position and sweep of wings, and finally the sound of a radial piston engine.

As SagaRuby will attest, I am a trained observer! Edited by Druke I
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[quote name='Druke I']As SagaRuby will attest, I am a trained observer![/quote]

Yea, verily, Michael is indeed a keen observer. Once upon a time, he mentioned that my nose crinkles when I laugh and I silently thought that he had gone bonkers but later, as I was laughing at something, I realized he was right. Who knew? After all, I've been wearing that nose for - oh, never mind!

I saw the ABCNews London coverage of the QE2 in S'hampton and was struck by the comment of a senior pilot in those waters. He said that the QE2 was "a beautiful, graceful ship" and I realized that the days of the svelte, elegant ships are coming to an end. I am thinking specifically of Fran who knows the lissome [I]Marco Polo[/I] of yore and is now looking at a "free" cruise onboard an NCL apartment barge. Her free cruise may result in a severe case of cultural whiplash.

I keep thinking of a comment made by Peter Boyd-Smith onboard [I]Saga Rose[/I] saying that he liked the QM2 because "at least she has a proper stern."

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[QUOTE]I am thinking specifically of Fran who knows the lissome [I]Marco Polo[/I] of yore and is now looking at a "free" cruise onboard an NCL apartment barge. Her free cruise may result in a severe case of cultural whiplash.

Gee! I am holding on for dear life expecting that my experience may be less traumatic. I am curious to see if conversation on board is as centred around accommodation as it is on these boards. I really wonder why it is my business why anyone chose a mini-suite over a balcony and why in heaven's name do we need a concierge when the people do not even know what they do or how to tip them.

I don't want the upsell fairy to ring my phone. Inside is OK for me. This cruise will also be a test run to see if I can share a cabin on a future cruise or will I just go bonkers. This is my best friend and we both hope that the experience will not leave an indelible mark on the relationship.

Many years ago a friend left her gerbils, supposedly two of the same sex, with us for the summer. Apparently her ability to tell the difference was not as acute as previously thought. By about the fourth set of babies the cage was too small and cannibalism set in. I don't know what sort of impact sharing a cabin will have. Wish me luck.
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I've never booked a mini-suite, and doubt that I would.

On two occasions, we were upgraded to a mini-suite or equivalent.

First time was on Sea Princess, nee Kungsholm, way back in May 89. It was a very nice and spacious cabin, nicely wood paneled.

The second time was on Sun Princess, May 04, and it was fantastic. Extremely roomy, with both a bathtub and separate stall shower. It is said that the mini-suite on the Sun class are equivalent of suites on many other ships.

Both were very nice - but Virginia and I are very happy in a well sited ocean-view cabin. We do like the ability to see out. We are not convinced that we have to have a balcony, but admit they can be nice.
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[quote name='Druke I']BBC, using the link above provided by Donald, says it was a DeHavilland Beaver that dropped the poppies.

The video does show a prop plane doing the deed, not a Harrier jump jet. There is a still photo of the Harrier close by QE2's bow, doing its curtsy.[/quote]

Yes you are quite right. It all depended on which news site one read first. Oh well .....she has now gone. I watched the full news coverage on the internet and it was a moving and spectacular ceremony. I choked up though when the Captain read out his address to the people of Southampton and said that for over 39 years this had been her home port, she had sailed in and out nearly 800 times but this time she would not be coming home :(

As you say Ruby - soon we will not have a choice as to what size of ship we sail on. As for cabins - I am quite happy in a standard cabin - outside preferably, but I will book inside ones too, especially if it means an extra cruise :)
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[quote name='Druke I']QE2 ran aground at "the Brambles" in the Solent, and was pulled off the sandbar by 4 tugs!

We all thought it was her last bid to stay in the UK, or else the Captain had a good try to keep her here :rolleyes: Didn't work unfortunately.
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On both my cruises on [I]Vision of the Seas[/I] in 2007 and 2008, there were no Baked Alaska parades in the dining room. Hooray! However, diners were interrupted on one night by a parade of the chefs, and on another night by a parade of the 74 waiters and 64 assistant waiters (waving napkins while singing [I]O Sole Mio[/I]). While it is nice to acknowledge their services, this sort of thing is not done in restaurants on land. Am I in the minority regarding these disruptions?

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I am in complete agreement - I find singing waiters, chefs' parades, and/or baked alaska shindig to be very disruptive.

I go to the dining room to eat, not to be entertained (poorly).

Bah humbug!!!! Edited by Druke I
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[QUOTE]I am in complete agreement - I find singing waiters, chefs' parades, and/or baked alaska shindig to be very disruptive.
I go to the dining room to eat, not to be entertained (poorly).
Bah humbug!!!! [/QUOTE]

In my opinion these things are being paraded in front of us to place the thought in our minds that all of these people are working for you. Think of them when you tip your waiters and their assistants because all of the others share in the pool.
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I may be in the minority but I feel it is good to see and be reminded of all the back room workers who make our meals so enjoyable.

Saga Ruby - have you seen the plans and new brochure of Saga Pearl II. She is much smaller than Saga Rose and doesn't even have a proper promenade deck. She also has open seating at dinner so I don't think I will even be considering her.
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Cabin attendants, deck crew, and engine room crew also work hard to ensure that the cruise runs smoothly for the enjoyment of passengers. However, they don't parade in groups through the lounges or cabin corridors, singing and waving towels, serving trays or oil rags.

I guess that some of us can agree to disagree.

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In my misspent youth I worked for tips. It is an experience which leaves one always remembering those who work for tips. In my experience it is those people who are the biggest tippers.

I agree with Donald and certainly treat people alike no matter how they earn their living. I guess that I resent having the subject stuffed in my face by the same company that does not pay them a living wage.
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[quote name='ships cat']Saga Ruby - have you seen the plans and new brochure of Saga Pearl II. She is much smaller than Saga Rose and doesn't even have a proper promenade deck. She also has open seating at dinner so I don't think I will even be considering her.[/quote]

I'm lost at sea (nyuck, nyuck) about [I]Saga Pearl II[/I]. Didn't know anything about her, don't care to sail on her. Saga Holidays presents a fine product with their cruises so I assume Pearl will be fine but, as you say, not to my liking. I'll pass.

[quote name='franu']In my misspent youth I worked for tips. It is an experience which leaves one always remembering those who work for tips. In my experience it is those people who are the biggest tippers.

I agree with Donald and certainly treat people alike no matter how they earn their living. I guess that I resent having the subject stuffed in my face by the same company that does not pay them a living wage. Fran[/quote]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]I struggle with the same thoughts presented here. I strive to avoid situations, itineraries, or too much of a party atmosphere onboard my ships due to the civility and peace that I seek. Because of the artificial jollity on the mass markets, I find that I have to travel farther out of the US than I would like to find an environment to my liking . However, I do think that a certain percentage of passengers on most ships treat staff like they are cardboard cut-outs, to be beckoned and sometimes verbally abused for no reason at all. It saddens me when I see it happen or hear passengers bragging at table about dressing down their cabin attendant or cheating them of their tips.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Ross has recently returned from his cruise on [I]Jewel of the Seas[/I] which is an annual event for him and his friends and family. A new addition to the group of Royal Jewels this year was his Uncle Bobby and wife who live in the UK. Uncle Bobby was with the US Navy for years, retired, and is now 85. This [I]Jewel[/I] cruise was his first-ever vacation cruise. He and his wife fell delightedly into the glories of shipboard travel and immediately booked their second cruise while onboard [I]Jewel[/I]. For days during the cruise, Uncle Bobby kept using the word "spectacular." Uncle Bobby feels that he has sailed over the rainbow and found the exciting, colourful world of Oz and [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]doesn’t have an opinion about Baked Alaska parades, dining room interruptions, or chair hogs. [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Everything is a treat, everything is spectacular, and more power to him. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]After five decades on the high seas, I find myself being much more specific about my own shipboard experience. [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]When I book a cruise, I can tell by length and itinerary what will be standard entertainments, programs, and events. As more experienced cruiser passengers, we know what to expect, we have wants and wishes beyond the standard-profile cruise passenger. In the coming year(s) of empty cabins and ships, I believe that whatever is emphasized positively on the debarking passenger comment cards will be given higher consideration by the cruise line’s corporate offices. I just hope the skew is in my favour. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[/SIZE][/FONT] Edited by Saga Ruby
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Very well put Ruby. I think it can become very easy to take what we all love doing, for granted, and it is refreshing to hear about the magic of the first timers experience.

I know they read the post cruise questionaires and take note. I had cause to comment about our unusually bad service from one of our waiters on Artemis. The next morning I had a cabin phone call from the Food and Beverage Manager asking me for more details. We had the head waiter from then till the last day. Others on board didn't like having a show before the late sitting dinner rather than after, and the Cruise Director was dismissed. I try and be fair and constructive on them so as you say, Saga may well take note.

I am obviously in a minority of 1 regarding the dinner parade at the end of the cruise. My companions I took with me on QE2 had never seen a Baked Alaska Parade with sparklers, as they have abandoned them on the only lines they have travelled with, and they loved it.
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Well said Ruby!!!

I think Uncle Bobby's experience was enhanced by the fact that he and Pat had a guide to prod them along...LOL. It just goes to show all us jaded cynics that you can still have a great first time experience on a mega liner.

I have come to the reality that if you choose wisely and avoid the school holidays...you can still have a great time on a mega liner. Sure I have had to make accommodations and give up a lot of the niceties of years past...but I love the sea and am happier on it than on land. I guess I have bitten the bullet, so to speak, and learned to make the best of things.

I have to say...that being in the Concierge Club was really like the old days...being with a convivial band of cruisers who loved to socialize. We were fairly oblivious to the happenings around the ship before dinner.

I have some friends who are booked on Azamara this January. I will await their comments...to see if this small ship experience is worthwhile. The comments so far have been encouraging.
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My wife and I enjoy the small ship experience very much. We haven't been on Azamara, but have been on Pacific Princess, Oceania's Nautica, and Oceania's Regatta (twice). They are all sister ships of the Azamara ships.

We were scheduled to be on Nautica again in Jan '09, New Zealand/Australia, but cancelled our booking. Not up to the long flights at the moment.

SagaRuby was also on Nautica - we all did Istanbul to Singapore via the Suez Nov 06.

We have had a good time on a behemoth - Golden Princess, Aug 02, but I prefer something smaller.
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My friend, who is a regular cruiser on Celebrity's [I]Mercury[/I] and [I]Galaxy[/I], told me that she enjoyed a cruise on [I]Solstice[/I] over the past weekend. In fact, she plans to sail on her again in the future. Well, maybe we should never judge a ship by its exterior ...

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Yes, I was seriously flamed on the Celebrity board for saying that the rear end of Solstice reminded me of a platypus. I still think she is not a good looking ship.

Is your regular Celebrity cruiser friend Lois R. by any chance? She is a true supporter of Mercury. Met her back in Mar 04 when we tried Mercury down to the Mexican Riviera.

[url]www.cruisenewsdaily.com[/url] is reporting a new website for ship (and railroad) buffs. It is [url]www.cruisingthepast.com[/url]. I've only just glanced at it so far, but it does look promising. Edited by Druke I
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