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Anyone on Atkins?


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My dh and I buy the egg beaters from costco in bulk. You can make a really fast omelet or scrambled eggs with them. They have 30 cal and 1 carb per 1/4 cup. You just shake up the carton and pour it into the pan, very fast and easy. On Sundays we hard boil a carton of eighteen eggs and keep them in the fridge for quick snacks during the week, if I'm running late I just grab one and eat it at work.


A similar habit:

Rather than cooking bacon as eaten, I cook 1 to 2 packages at one time then freeze the pieces. At breakfast I simply pull a couple of pieces from the freezer, zap them in the microwave for 15 seconds as I cook a couple of eggs then I'm good to go.

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hello all,


I have been doing the atkins diet since Jan 20th I have lost around 18lbs feel much better blood pressure down. I am going on a cruise this May I was 244 now i am at 226lbs I am 5-9 my Target weight would be under 200lbs would be great..I need some help for quick breakfast ideas.

I would to hear about any other recipies that anyone has to offer..thanks



I second the hard boiled eggs. I always boil them by the dozen so they're ready to go. The other thing I always have on hand is string cheese. They are probably my two staples as far as quick and easy.

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Hannah, Gramma & New Daddy!

Hannah & Daddy






I was checking to see how everyone is doing. I too was doing great until doc put me on a luquid diet pre-op and I gained 2 pounds in 3 days. The diet is waaaay to high in carbs. Can't wait to get back on Atkins after surgery.


Since May I had lost 20 pounds and that included making it thru the Holidays and a 10 day cruise.


Those are great ideas for fast breakfast.

Edited by PINEVIEW01
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Having never been insdie a Big Lots store, I stopped at one the other day out of curiosity.


Looking in the food section I stumbled across a very affordable and Atkins-friendly treat/reward. They had several boxes of South Beach Chocolate Mint bars. These things are incredibly tasty and I only allow myself to have one after I have lost a pound.


Sweetened with sugar alcohol, they have not stalled me at all. The net carbs are 6 per bar. The Big Lots price on this occasional treat...... $2 for a box of 6 bars. Again, only an occasional treat.

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Monday? It's already Monday? Did your weekend fly by as fast as mine did?

Friday night DH and I decided that since we had been very good all week, we'd venture out for dinner and a movie. Dinner...shoot..I can't even remember where we went - but we did splurge on a small popcorn to split and a Diet Coke to share too. Movie was fun - we saw 'New in Town'. If you do any scrapbooking...ya gotta see this...a laugh out loud movie for me....and that's rare!

Saturday ... Valentine dinner plans went out the window... we helped the kids almost all day. DH & DS and friends helped move a tuff shed across town and into DS back yard. I helpd DIL with house cleaning for Hannah's open house the next day, and both girls needed serious nap time...so I did house chores while GB was sleeping and then took care of her when she was awake while her Momma was napping....yeah...it was great! But by the time we got home - wheww we were both pretty tired, new the resturants were having lines and needed groceries - so we headed to the store and decided to just get something for the grill. He found some steaks and I went to the sea food counter - found for more then 1/2 price some snow crab legs... 2 big claws for 4.99 total! We got home and just grilled for dinner - yum! Sunday came fast - the open house was fun - but last night I just zonked out by 9:00! :eek: So that's my weekend....would love to hear what you all did !

deckguy....hmmmm there's a Big Lots right around the corner from my work! I love to have a reason to 'just have to' wander around in there. I'll go look and see if there are any of the South Beach treats there too..... what a great option when all of the guys get their Girl Scout Cookies Delivered! :eek:

Eggs - Such a great food. I guess I've had quite a few...I usually make the ones I need for just a quick snack - deviled eggs. That snappy flavor helps me not to get to burned out on them. And Egg Beaters are so helpful too!

Pineview - How long are you on the liquid diet? I really hope it goes very well for you - and you get the results that you want!

Cruise Kittly - So great that your DH is eating the same as you!

There are some posters MIA!! Come out to Play!

And Pink...are you back from your Cruise - yet?

Ok...catch ya all later!

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I enjoy having some sharp cheddar grated on a salad or simple a few cubes as a snack. It tastes good and satisfies my hunger.


I find that it, uh...slows me down in terms of regularity. Do any of you find that to be the case? I'm drinking plenty of water but I notice that cause-and-effect when it comes to cheese.


Your thoughts?

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Hello everyone!! Been coming to CC since last year and never noticed this thread!!:o I have a cruise booked for 5/9 (81 days)and have a goal to reach 165. I've lost 7 so far, need to lose 35 more. Lost beautifully for my 1st cruise in '06 doing Atkins..so back on the bandwagon :rolleyes:. Looking forward to getting to know everyone...


BTW: Recognize SFSheila from LCF..you're an Atkins icon :).

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I enjoy having some sharp cheddar grated on a salad or simple a few cubes as a snack. It tastes good and satisfies my hunger.


I find that it, uh...slows me down in terms of regularity. Do any of you find that to be the case? I'm drinking plenty of water but I notice that cause-and-effect when it comes to cheese.


Your thoughts?


Hi Deckguy..I use Magnesium/Calcium tabs at night and this helps a lot with moving things along daily. Gotta have my cheese...:p

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Hi Deckguy..I use Magnesium/Calcium tabs at night and this helps a lot with moving things along daily. Gotta have my cheese...:p


I take the citrucel tablets (4 a day) They are easier for me than the mix fiber, and they really seem to help. You have to swallow them with plenty of water, but that's not a problem for me, I drink 80oz of green tea every day. I noticed that when I skip the fiber, the scale tends not to move as much.

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Hi all! I think I am back in the land of the living...Whatever I had, cold, flu or both really knocked me out all week...not in bed kinda sick, just yucky and lethargic...tired..no appetite, tho I did eat anyway...you know, instead of live to eat, I guess I was just eating to live:p...I forgot to weigh this morning, so I don't know if it made any difference.


All I know is the meds I took are yucky too...(Nyquil, Dayquil, Alkaseltzer Cold, yada yada) Now I have this weird taste in my mouth - sweet/salty-makes even my toothpaste taste off....I have kept up with my water intake, so I don't think that is it...hmmmm...anyhoo, sick is no fun! Back to work today, tho.


BTW, Jean...sooo adorable little pink bundle - thanks for the pics - we can never have too many pics (nor too few carbs!)


Hey new ones, glad you jumped in...let's all be determined not to be ones who have great success on Atkins, then jump off the wagon when life challenges us! Okay-one for all, all for one!! :p

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Hello everyone!! Been coming to CC since last year and never noticed this thread!!:o I have a cruise booked for 5/9 (81 days)and have a goal to reach 165. I've lost 7 so far, need to lose 35 more. Lost beautifully for my 1st cruise in '06 doing Atkins..so back on the bandwagon :rolleyes:. Looking forward to getting to know everyone...


BTW: Recognize SFSheila from LCF..you're an Atkins icon :).


oops, just noticed I said this wrong...want to lose 20 more not 35..that's more doable :D


Cerabella~like your attitude!!

Edited by shari08
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Movie was fun - we saw 'New in Town'. If you do any scrapbooking...ya gotta see this...a laugh out loud movie for me....and that's rare!


Jean, I'm so happy to hear that! I got an email from the wife of one of the screenwriters that it was coming out. He wants feedback from people who don't know him so it's less biased.;) I'll pass on that you loved it! I still haven't seen it yet. The baby is so beautiful!! And so are Grandma & Daddy...


Valentine's came & went with no cheats & lots of dancing at a party at my house to boot! I didn't even have to plan it...I just had to show up.:D


Weight loss has been slow...I'm at 2 pounds...but I have lost 8+ pounds of fat. I take my body fat% every week, and it's gone from 33+% to 29.3%. My goal is around 20-22%. It was 19% when I did the triathlon in 2003. I can really see a difference in my profile...my tummy was rounded at the top of my abdomen, and that's gone. I've lost over 1.5 inches in my waist & over an inch in the bust, which hopefully means it's coming off my back.:p


Everyone's doing so great! Keep it up!!:)

Edited by Rocknsoul
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Busy day...so quick post! You All are so Great!! Has someone told you that today? If not...It's coming from me....Ya'all are just great!

Hi Shari - Welcome!

Deckguy - some good recommendations from others!

Lisa - Valentines and no cheats - and you have kiddos! - You Rawk!

Cerabella - So Glad your feeling better!! Hang on to your hat...we have 50 mi winds today...it's coming your way! ;)

Cruise Kitty - 80 oz!:eek: How do you do that!?!? ... I know..you said you drink it..but I wouldn't get anything done that wasn't very far from a bathroom! :p

.....and the green tea for appetite? hmmm and I thought that was a myth?:o

CC's, Pineview - how ya doing?????? Inquiring minds want to know! he he

and where is Annie, Jocelyn, Pink....hmmmmm? Ya'all are such a tease.....hehe

Catch ya's later!

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Cruise Kitty - 80 oz!:eek: How do you do that!?!? ... I know..you said you drink it..but I wouldn't get anything done that wasn't very far from a bathroom! :p

.....and the green tea for appetite? hmmm and I thought that was a myth?:o



I've been doing it for about 9 months now, at first I was in the restroom every 30 min, but now it's just about an hour and a half (sorry to be so personal) I buy plain loose green tea and brew it at home, i keep the 80 oz jug at my desk and just drink it all day. I don't think it helps with appetite, but it has anti oxidents and supposedly it helps you burn about an extra 100 cal a day. Plus my doc says it's good for the kidneys.


sw 200 :mad:

cw 132 :)

gw 120 :D

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Some stats:


I'm a 50 year old male at 5' 9"

On January 6th my weight was 193

Today, my weekly weigh day, I tipped the scales at 173.

20 down and 8 to go.


On 1/6 I gave up diet sodas cold turkey. I'm absolutely convinced that the artificial sweeteners then fueled my insatiable sweet tooth...overall snacking really.


Anyway, after starting Atkins and actively seeking a variety of Atkins-friendly foods, to get away from simply the bacon, eggs, cheese...... I became very comfortable with my choices.


Oh, and exercise. I don't miss a day, not one. At the gym I do one hour of treadmill at 3.7 mph with a TV and earplugs. The time goes by fast. After that (depending on the day) I then either lift weights for about 25 minutes (day "A") or I do about 25 minutes of ab exercises (day "B") To finish off I treat myself to steambath. I imagine I'm in a steamroom on a cruise ship winding down for the day as we approach the dinner hour.


I'm not there yet but I feel much better, I'm wearing pants and belts that I haven't worn in years (but they're still in style) and I have all of you to thank for your encouragement and words of advice through this forum.

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DH made shrimp scampi last nite & I was just going to pick out the shrimp, but something just came over me &...anyhoo....:(


Hey LisaRock! How are you measuring your body fat? One of those scales that reads all that info? I think I am the only one that uses the old fashioned dial scale. Every so often I have to calibrate it w/ my ten lb weights because that thing can lie, lie lie...but I have to keep proving I am smarter...:p


I think I will finally feel good enough to pick back up on my exercising this week...whew, I have been reading thru the workout thread...boy am I tired...;)


Hope to make better choices, want to feel better & be healthier~don't we all!!



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Hey LisaRock! How are you measuring your body fat? One of those scales that reads all that info? I think I am the only one that uses the old fashioned dial scale. Every so often I have to calibrate it w/ my ten lb weights because that thing can lie, lie lie...but I have to keep proving I am smarter...:p


I use a hand-held body fat monitor (you can get it for under $30.00 at Costco.com. It's not as accurate as the immersion method, but it is consistent, and it's way more accurate than a body fat scale. I guess the hands are better conductors than the feet.


Deckguy ~ while I am SO happy for you (really! I think your success is awesome & well-deserved:)), it just drives me crazy how easy it is for men to lose quickly. I'm a little taller than you are & started at a little lower weight, but 20 pounds? I've lost 2 in the same time period (although I have lost 8 lbs. of fat). I know it's just chemistry, and there's a reason women hold on to weight more stubbornly than men do, but it just drives me nuts.:p I'll feel better in about 4 months when I weigh less than you do.;) I have to--my DH & I are doing a contest & you better believe I'm going to win!!:D


Hello to everyone else! Have a happy hump day!:)

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From the State of lots of red and green chili - - this is for you --Losers!!

Great Job!!




Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw another number on the scale this morning that I haven't seen since November!!!!!!!! Woo hoo....

And Deckguy - last night on the treadmill I kept saying " How does deckguy do 3.7 on the treadmill and not ...run!?!?!".....so I ran...but had to bump it up to 4.0 for the pace...and not very long or far...but a little bit! A good fast walk for mine is a 3.0!


Lisa - I agree....the guys do lose it faster then us! :mad: Are you and DH losing the same amount of weight - - like 10 lbs - - or are you on %'s??


Pineview - Hang in here with us....so we know how your doing!;)


Cerabella - It is so hard to get back to exercise after being sick! But you can do it! It's getting warmer outside, days are getting longer....C'mon girl! Get Going!


Cruise Kitty - Ok, yeah...I went home to find a container that holds 80 oz...That's a Lot of Green Tea! HeHe!! Biking 8 miles! Do you live in the city - lots of bike trails? Maybe Kansas....very flat? ;) I love riding my bike..and I have it here in the office to take out for errands...but my shoulder & neck tell me that those long rides are in the past for me.


Catch ya all later!!

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Hey Everyone!

It's supposed to be pretty nice today......what are your plans for the weekend?:cool:

Note to self:

Self: Keep drinking your water! Work out after work! (doesn't that look funny) :p Think about how to make that chicken that your planning for dinner...grill maybe? Yummm !

Hope your all having a low carb great day! :)

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Pineview - Hang in here with us....so we know how your doing!;)

I'm hanging here! Had pre-admit yesterday and found out I had three major health issues I wasn't even aware of. He also changed my meds to ones that make me gain weight. I'm staying here even if I can't get back to my WOE for a month or so.

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T G I F ! Everyone!!

So so glad it's Friday and the temps are going to be great with little breezes! Yea!

deckguy - Went to Big Lots...the only South Beach thing they had was granola .... and the carbs were pretty high...so I passed. But thanks for the heads up!

WOE has been pretty consistant! I'm surprised...LOL...jk!! :p WOEX - even better this week! :eek::D I've got yard work for this weekend...so if my allergies behave it should be nice!

Keep it Low Carb Everyone! Have a great weekend!:D:)

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Cerabella; everyone has stumble moments, I actually plan mine ahead of tme every 3 weeks I have a treat day... I pick my one favorite thing and have it, no guilt! I think it helps me not feel deprived.


Deck guy congrats! There's something something about hitting a milestone that just seems to motivate and help you kick it into high gear. I do know that those last few pounds are tough to drop. Stick with it!


SW 200:mad:

CW 131:)

GW 120:D

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I plan to check Big Lots from time to time for the right (low carb) products. Depending on what they are purchasing for resale, it can be sort of hit-or-miss.


Love those Chocolate Mint bars. Glad I bought 10 boxes at $2 each. As ,I only have them occasionally, it will be a while before I make my next purchase.

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