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Do people tip on P&O ?


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There is an ongoing thread on the Princess board about the auto-tips, and it seems that all the UK cruisers automaticly removes these tips. We Americans ( me included ) can not seem to understand how this could be done as it only hurts the people that can least afford it. Any thoughts?

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Hello there.

Yes, it's been an interesting subject hasn't it!

On P&O ships (up until last year at least) we would always pay our tips at the end of the cruise in a little envelope to whoever we wanted too. I understand on a couple of P&O ships now that they have introduced the automatic tipping - which a lot of people do not like and opt out of.

Ocean Village, another sister company of P&O include an automatic tipping policy which again one can opt out of.There are many of us who are hoping that the P&O fleet will not be making this change (there are other changes as welll that we could mention....like plated meals which is disgusting but that's another issue..or is it?? The P&O waiters are all Silver Service trained, and therefore have to do a lot more work at the table than a waiter who just brings a plated meal) - also we have seperate wine waiters.

I cannot comment on Cunard as I have not sailed on them as yet - but am pretty sure that there will be someone here who will tell us!

Hebridean Cruises is another cruise line based here in British Isles who do not have a tipping policy, but will leave it open if you so wish.


The staff on P&O ships have always, in the main, been recruited from Goa and India. Their jobs are always held in very high esteem and in the past were often handed down from Father to son etc. The staff and their families were always very well cared for both at home and at sea, and they would be held in very high esteem to be working for a British Cruise line such as P&O. Apart from the odd member of staff they are always the most charming individuals, and offer fabulous service, having been trained in 5* Bombay hotels and P&O training schools before joining the ship.

Gradually the staff recruitment policy is changing with P&O and there are some Filipino staff now particularly as cabin stewards and bar staff - not many yet in the restaurants. Certainly the last time I was on a ship last year, still no female waiting staff other than the Head Waiters!


I know this isn't something you asked...but we personally have found an enormous difference in the standard of service between American and British ships. We have been very lucky in taking over 25 cruises with P&O - all fabulous cruises with excellent service etc, always tipping whom we wish at the end of the cruise. Last year we decided to "try out" a couple of different cruise lines (RCI Ocean Village and Princess). Ocean Village came very near to what we like (although they don't service the cabin twice a day which is a shame) but were very disappointed with our RCI and Princess experience. :mad:


We felt that in particular with so many eastern european workers on the American ships, service seems to have dropped. So much so it has quite put us off of cruising!! However, we will be back, but in future sticking firmly to what we know and love!!!:)

Happy cruising!

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There is an ongoing thread on the Princess board about the auto-tips, and it seems that all the UK cruisers automaticly removes these tips. We Americans ( me included ) can not seem to understand how this could be done as it only hurts the people that can least afford it. Any thoughts?


Just spent an hour reading that thread and more time replying:D Thought I would see whats been happening on the threads I regularly visit and there it is again!! At least on here there is little chance of 6 more replies being added between starting to reply and posting, as happened on the other thread:D


We (the British) tend to be\have the reputation of being, uncomfortable with handing money over as a tip - not because we don't want to pay it, but because it feels (at least to me) to be somewhat patronising and to be saying 'I am better than you - here is some money' - now that is, as discussed, a cultural thing. Doesn't make it, or the US (speaking generally) view right or wrong (note how hard I try not to get flamed:D )


On P+O I did the envelope thing - wasn't comfortable, but did it.

On Caronia and QE2 its auto tips (though on QE2 some people also personally tipped -the subject of my reply on the other thread.) - I find auto tipping easier - its done without me having to consider it. In fact on Caronia, I prepaid auto tips, so it was all paid for before leaving (leaving all the more space on the credit card for other goodies).


One interesting point is that the P+O recommended tip is lower than any other line I have heard of (that suggest tips) - in 2004 it was £3.60 a day (about $7.50?), where as on QE2 its $11 (I think)


Have to say, I would prefer it to part of the fare, so it was mentally factored in as part of the cost of the cruise, not as part of the 'bar bill':D



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There is an ongoing thread on the Princess board about the auto-tips, and it seems that all the UK cruisers automaticly removes these tips. We Americans ( me included ) can not seem to understand how this could be done as it only hurts the people that can least afford it. Any thoughts?


P&O have always given you guidance on tipping and supplied you with envelops to put your tip into. you then tip at the end of the cruise. 18 month or so ago they introduced auto tipping onto Oceana as she went to open sitting in on of her dining rooms. As has been said people could 'opt out' and obtain envelops and pass them on as before.


Sometime late last year this practice was stopped and everyone went back to self tipping. It would appear that there was a great deal of resistance to the auto tipping.


The British have the general idea that tipping is done to reward good service and it is not common in the UK to tip.


You would not for example give the barman in a pub a tip for serving you at the bar, which I think is common in the States.


Most people tip the hairdresser, the taxi driver and the waiter/waitress in a restaurant. We do not live in a tipping society. so when we are told that we must tip and the money is taken away from us welllllllll.



:):)Happy Cruising:):)

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Just spent an hour reading that thread and more time replying Thought I would see whats been happening on the threads I regularly visit and there it is again!! At least on here there is little chance of 6 more replies being added between starting to reply and posting, as happened on the other thread


We (the British) tend to be\have the reputation of being, uncomfortable with handing money over as a tip - not because we don't want to pay it, but because it feels (at least to me) to be somewhat patronising and to be saying 'I am better than you - here is some money' - now that is, as discussed, a cultural thing. Doesn't make it, or the US (speaking generally) view right or wrong (note how hard I try not to get flamed )


On P+O I did the envelope thing - wasn't comfortable, but did it.

On Caronia and QE2 its auto tips (though on QE2 some people also personally tipped -the subject of my reply on the other thread.) - I find auto tipping easier - its done without me having to consider it. In fact on Caronia, I prepaid auto tips, so it was all paid for before leaving (leaving all the more space on the credit card for other goodies).


One interesting point is that the P+O recommended tip is lower than any other line I have heard of (that suggest tips) - in 2004 it was £3.60 a day (about $7.50?), where as on QE2 its $11 (I think)


Have to say, I would prefer it to part of the fare, so it was mentally factored in as part of the cost of the cruise, not as part of the 'bar bill':D





Karen you must have done a course in speed reading.



:):)Happy Cruising:):)

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Karen you must have done a course in speed reading.


Actually don't remember what time I started reading :D I logged on about 2.30 and visited other places, but I did spend a long time on that one. I did skim it, missing out a lot of the repetitive stuff. And based on the comments about the moderator, looks like I missed some of the 'good stuff' :D


Spent quite a long time composing a reply - didn't want to get flamed myself - I have a very fragile ego :)


I do know I was supposed to be decorating:eek: and for the n'th afternoon got slightly sidetracked



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I detest the whole subject of giving money to others for just doing their jobs.


We look at the cruise, check the price and itinerary and then if we can afford it we go.

Yes over the last decade cruise prices have dramatically dropped, this is due in part to the employment of labour from other Countries whose income falls far short of ours.

The initial reaction to the tales of poor wages is to leave a tip, now does this not lead to even poorer wages.

Off the subject slightly, we in the south of England have an influx of Polish plumbers, who do a wonderful job at half the price, however these are forcing English plumbers out of work. So we now have a catch 22 situation.


So lets take automatic amounts added to our accounts, this smacks of a ‘COMPLUSORY’ payment to which I will always rebel against, it certainly is not the amount but the idea of being asked for it, for to my mind something we as holiday makers are entitled to when we book a cruise, surely good service is part of what we expect on a cruise, it is the norm not the exception. From OV to Cunnard the service has always been outstanding but I would not always tip unless the waiter did something for us that were not given to other passengers.

I think tipping in the USA is slightly different, when touring over there we found that prices of most things were in part half the price of the UK, so to be honest we had no trouble in added a few ‘bucks’ to those who served us.


I guess what I am trying to say is I really think that we as English pay over the odds for most things and resent being made to fork out extra for something that should be standard.

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And when was this poll of ALL UK cruisers taken? :confused:

Seems they missed me out ;)

Don't believe everything you read and don't generalise!

It's like saying ALL American cruisers are loudmouths.

Anyway, what business is it of any one but the individual cruiser and the staff who serve him?

There have been so many threads regarding tipping and I’ve never bothered to reply on any of them but the original statement of this one really annoyed me.

Rant over. :D

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... it seems that all the UK cruisers automaticly removes these tips.
I don't think so. Rather unusually, I participated in that thread, but made it quite clear that:
  1. I hate tipping, full stop.
  2. I hate tipping on ships.
  3. I hate auto-tipping.
  4. But while the tipping and auto-tipping systems are there, I will leave the auto-tip on.

So definitely not "all" - and I don't think I was alone in taking that position.

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And when was this poll of ALL UK cruisers taken? :confused:

Seems they missed me out ;)

Don't believe everything you read and don't generalise!

It's like saying ALL American cruisers are loudmouths.

Anyway, what business is it of any one but the individual cruiser and the staff who serve him?

There have been so many threads regarding tipping and I’ve never bothered to reply on any of them but the original statement of this one really annoyed me.

Rant over. :D


I don't think so. Rather unusually, I participated in that thread, but made it quite clear that:

  1. I hate tipping, full stop.
  2. I hate tipping on ships.
  3. I hate auto-tipping.
  4. But while the tipping and auto-tipping systems are there, I will leave the auto-tip on.

So definitely not "all" - and I don't think I was alone in taking that position.

Did not mean to offend anyone with my bad choice of words, Please forgive me:o

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Hmm tipping..... I must say that i tend to go with the convention on this, in the Uk I will generally leave a small tip in a resteraunt, if I feel the service has been good, but would generally tip more in the USA, as I appreciate that servers rely on their tips for a living wage. I must admit that when I went on our first cruise on the QMII which had the auto tip ($10 pppd) it felt like a lot of money appearing on my on board statement after 11 days... But I can't fault the service we received, and i knew the cost before we went, so just factored it into the overall cost like the excursions or the bar bill (wish the bar bill had only been $220 ) First time I went on P&O it actaully felt more painful counting out cash into envelopes, but also more rewarding reserving the service. The one thing i had heard rumours about was that people woudl not turn up on the last night to avoid tipping the waiters, and didn;t think people could be that shallow, but on our last night, all out table for 6 turned up, but the other 3 tables being served by our waiters, were empty. Now maybe people had already made other arangements, but i must admit, I just assume that they didn;t want to tip, which is fine, but didn't have the courage to have dinner and look the waiters in the eye and not tip, but instead headed for the buffet and avoiding the issue. I'll see what it is like this friday when we are back on Acadia :) :)


Sorry rant over

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Tannersgramp[/left];9613369]There is an ongoing thread on the Princess board about the auto-tips, and it seems that all the UK cruisers


removes these tips. We Americans ( me included ) can not seem to understand how this could be done as it only hurts the people that can least afford it. Any thoughts?




There are two questions here


1 in the title:- Do people tip on P&O


Answer = Yes


2 in the text:- it seems that all the UK cruisers automatically removes these tips.


Answer = No Because P & O does not have this type of tipping. and so those who are not tipped must be getting there money elsewhere. From their pay?



Happy Cruising




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Did not mean to offend anyone with my bad choice of words, Please forgive me:o


Sorry Tannersgramp, neither did I.

This subject has been around the block so many times that I feel dizzy!

I've always resisted commenting on this in the past and will so in the future.

Happy cruising :cool:

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Rather unusually, I participated in that thread.


It was your fault I saw it at all :eek: - Back at the 'main list of boards' (wish I could sort out the nomenclature:) ), on the way back from 'Ask a Cruise Question' and not ready to disconnect yet - I saw your name attached to the most recent thread on a 'board grouping' and thought - I wonder what Globalisers up to, not heard much from him lately - 2 hours later I emerge with red eyes and a numb brain.:D


Almost got addicted to it - kept going back to see what was being said now - the best / most fun (but off topic) posts were from HappyScot with 'his' poetry.

I notice the threads been closed now :( - I guess the moderator got fed up of moderating it :)



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It was your fault I saw it at all :eek: - Back at the 'main list of boards' (wish I could sort out the nomenclature:) ), on the way back from 'Ask a Cruise Question' and not ready to disconnect yet - I saw your name attached to the most recent thread on a 'board grouping' and thought - I wonder what Globalisers up to, not heard much from him lately - 2 hours later I emerge with red eyes and a numb brain.:D


Almost got addicted to it - kept going back to see what was being said now - the best / most fun (but off topic) posts were from HappyScot with 'his' poetry.

I notice the threads been closed now :( - I guess the moderator got fed up of moderating it :)





It was fun though wasn't it?!! - Wonder when Happy Scot will pop up next? He can usually be relied upon to pop up at just the right moment - with just the right amount of humour!! - Just wish he would write a daily column in one of the papers!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

We have just completed world cruise number 3 on ORIANA and consider the tips to be part of the fare. The advised sums for two are about £6.00 per day which caters for both the cabin steward and restaurant staff.

Prior to leaving home we take this sum in cash seperate from our normal spending money and place it in the cabin safe. At the end of each 'leg'

the tips are handed over in the envelopes provided to the staff concerned. No embarassment involved.

Should we ever receive below standard service it would be considered that the tips would be reduced accordingly although this has yet to happen.

We are aware of the wages received by the P&O employees and they are certainly below what one would expect for the hard work they do.



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Just thought I'd mention ~ We do agree with tipping, always leave a good tip at least 10% in restaurants for good service.


On Ocean Village, tips are included in the cruise price. So you really don't have to tip at all. However, they do have boxes for tips on the last night in the restaurants and people did seem to use these. We also gave our cabin attendant a tip in an envelope.

On Legend last year we opted out of automatic tips and gave cash in envelopes. I must admit it was a worry working out how much to give everyone. It felt very uncomfortable.

I have heard of people leaving hardly anything for cruise staff which I think is awful.:(


Happy Sailing,



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And I will be taking the auto tipping off and will do my own tipping as i have heard that all the auto tipping goes into a pool and the higer you are in the company the more u get. So.... that tells me that the workers get not a lot and they are the ones that need it so.... I shall be tipping the workers...

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