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Cheated, poisoned, insulted & ignored.


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Wow. On what basis do you make your accusations?


Do you have a statistically signficant study that shows "doctors do not become baffled"? How can you know possibly know wether or not I fainted, and how can you make such irresponsible and mean comments without any basis other than your intuition?


Comparing a distraught 42 year old mother having to deal with insulting, immature Noordam staff to your five year old daughter's hissy fits. Do you know my wife? Do you know her character? How is it you make this claim? And btw, my children do not have hissy fits. They know better.


Reducing the most miserable time in my life, when I could not sleep for days because painful ithching drove me crazy, going to the bathroom was painful, and breathing while lying down hurt my lungs... to an "over-reaction". Wow. Wow. I am truly beyond words.


My wife was correct. I would find no satisfaction here. Just people that try to cut you down so they can feel better about themselves. You are not a perceptive genius that sees through others as you no doubt assume. You are just a nasty, uncaring person that amuses himself by assaulting others.

Got to agree with you here. I think we've now heard from all the HAL flag-wavers. You got to smile about it though. Maybe this guy hasn't seen enough doctors in his life. I've seen more than enough to last a lifetime. Yes....sometimes they DO become "baffled". We too were on this cruise and would have offered to help in whatever way possible.....but were unaware. Nothing excuses bad service when you are in the service industry. Don't let the "bullies" run you off......hearing how wonderful HAL is every day can get boring.....especially when some of us don't agree!

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Excuse me, what exactly are you trying to say :confused:


There was a general discussion of banning (I thought) and I was referring to they types of banning there is on this website. I have no idea who the posters are you were specifically talking about, not sure why you seem to be a little bothered by what I wrote. I was making a general comment about what can happen when one is banned. It was not directed towards anyone. I don't know if you thought I was somehow taking about you but I wasn't it was a general comment about the levels of banning not just on this website but on many message boards.


That is why I stay away from angry posts but I wanted to warn the op which he learned on his own. Happy travels to all, I am leaving now and on to more productive subjects. I don't have the energy to bicker all day, it goes nowhere.:)

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To the OP,

Sorry you had such a terrible and frightening experience. From the treatment the doctor gave you and your symptoms it sound like at least part of your problem was a very severe allergic reaction. If you doctor is 'baffled' as to what may have happened to you then you need to get youself to another doctor ASAP. You need to see an allergy specialist to find out what it was that caused this reaction. If this was an allergic reaction, without an epi-pen another exposure could kill you before help can arrive.


As for 'poison', did the doctor say what type of poison it could be. SOmething like food poison would effect lots of people. If you are the only one who was effected by a 'poison' maybe you better be nicer to your wife.

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Toxin might have been a better choice of language. A toxin is however, a poison. It depends on an individual's tolerence to the toxin, whether it becomes a poison.


I sincerely hope the OP pursues his reaction further, before consuming any more food coming from the sea.

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To everyone: words are important. Their meaning - both denotation and connotation - colors our perceptions of incidents and thew people talking about them.


The OP chose to use the title " Cheated, poisoned, insulted & ignored." Now we know he wasn't "cheated" (the computer pricing glitch has been discussed long and loud here. There may have been a problem with customer service, but no one was "cheated".) We don't believe the customer was "poisoned" (usually a deliberate act), but - at worst - suffered an allergic reaction. So the cheating and poisoning terms were wild hyperbole at best, and deliberate misuses to curry sympathy at worst.


Given that, why should we believe that the OP was also "insulted and ignored"?


Many people come here and report less than ideal situations, calmly and rationally. They're given a good hearing, remedies may be suggested and sympathy extended.


So choose your words wisely, especially when making one-sided claims which appear to contradict all of the good experiences other people have,


Remember that while you have a right to your feelings and opinions I retain the right to question them and either agree or disagree - those are MY feelings and opinions.

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To everyone: words are important. Their meaning - both denotation and connotation - colors our perceptions of incidents and thew people talking about them.


The OP chose to use the title " Cheated, poisoned, insulted & ignored." Now we know he wasn't "cheated" (the computer pricing glitch has been discussed long and loud here. There may have been a problem with customer service, but no one was "cheated".) We don't believe the customer was "poisoned" (usually a deliberate act), but - at worst - suffered an allergic reaction. So the cheating and poisoning terms were wild hyperbole at best, and deliberate misuses to curry sympathy at worst.


Given that, why should we believe that the OP was also "insulted and ignored"?


Many people come here and report less than ideal situations, calmly and rationally. They're given a good hearing, remedies may be suggested and sympathy extended.


So choose your words wisely, especially when making one-sided claims which appear to contradict all of the good experiences other people have,


Remember that while you have a right to your feelings and opinions I retain the right to question them and either agree or disagree - those are MY feelings and opinions.


I agree with what you say but I am so sick of thread titles such as:


I Have a Question

Never Cruised Before

Dress Code Question

Westerdam Review (long)

Will I Be Bored On HAL?

Travel Irons?



That kind o' thing.


So this thread title was eye catching, and hey- the OP was upset, frustrated, indignant and disillusioned. He was peeved enough to write that post and I think that the title fit the post pretty well.

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I'm sorry that you had what is obviously a traumatic experience, but you were NOT, under any circumstances, poisoned. You had an allergic reaction. And they're scary and unpleasant - I've had one where I was ill for almost three weeks. But to say you were poisoned is taking things a little far. If someone slipped bleach into your meal, THEN you were poisoned.


I think you'll find the only thing that is stopping some people from being more sympathetic is your wording. Wording is everything. I do, however, hope you are able to resolve the issues you had to your satisfaction.

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I agree with Dave. The words we use here are really important and the title of this thread was created solely to catch everyone's eye and to incite debate. He knew when he posted the thread what would transpire and of course it has.:)


My twelve year old son wants to you know that he was terrified when my wife could not revive me for several minutes and he cannot understand how you can find this all so amusing, or why you doubt something he saw with his own eyes.




Why are you even involving your 12 year old son in this thread? You have to know it would upset him. Not my business, but it just makes no sense to me.


Good luck YNOTTONY. I wouldn't respond to this thread anymore either. You will only be inundated with more responses telling you that you've made all of this up, weren't really sick, etc. Try a friendlier message board where bullies don't control a rational discussion.


I'd really like to know where you think you can find a "friendlier" message board than this one. I've been glancing around at some boards (about other subjects) and I cannot believe the anger and venom that gets posted and is allowed!!!!:( IMHO, there isn't a friendlier board out there.


I'm not going to comment on this story. It seems extreme when clearly the OP wasn't "poisoned" or "cheated" (as Dave pointed out). It reminds me a little of an "Enquirer" headline with "story on page 28". But he may well have felt ignored and very possibly insulted and there's no question that's very unpleasant.


Whatever it is you were allergic to, YNotTony, I hope you find out what it was so you don't eat it again. That would be the priority in all of this if it were me.

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Well Heather, I just wanted you to know that I agree with you on this one :)


That was my exact thought. Why was an adult showing these threads and involving his 12 year old?


I still am curious about Insurance because unfortunately it could cloud someones decision if he would have to pay a $20,000 medivac bill.

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IMHO, the OP is a very needy person in general. Why anyone would involve their 12 year old and have him know what response he got here and then have him respond to us is beyond my understanding.


Kids shouldn't have to defend their parents or vouch for their integrity. If the OP posted it the way it really happened, that should be enough for him, regardless of how people here responded. We're not the judge and jury.

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I still am curious about Insurance because unfortunately it could cloud someones decision if he would have to pay a $20,000 medivac bill.


If his condition was serious enough for medivac, insurance or not, I don't know if he would have a choice. If I was the cruise doctor I would not want to take a chance with a serious condition that could be life threatening. Get him off the boat to a facility that is better equipped for handle it that the boat. I find it had to believe that the ship's doctor was willing to take responsibility for someone who (as the OP wrote) was unconsciousness and non-responsive, large painful welts (HIVES?), exhaustion, difficulty breathing (which in itself could cause exhaustion), etc. While I am sure the ship's doctor is quite capable of giving excellent care in an emergency, I doubt the ship has a lab that could perform the testing necessary. I am surprised the doctor let him stay aboard with those symptoms

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Jade.....If someone has to have a medical evacuation off a ship at sea, they'd be delighted if the bill was only $20,000. Think MUCH higher than that.



Do you have to pay for the medevac??? Does insurance cover it? I've never thought about it... Doesn't the Coast Guard do it, and if so, don't our taxes pay for it?

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Because I think the original poster is a scam, why on earth were my posts removed :confused:


Email the hosts directly. Once, one of mine was removed by accident. They put it back when I asked why it'd been removed.

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Do you have to pay for the medevac??? Does insurance cover it? I've never thought about it... Doesn't the Coast Guard do it, and if so, don't our taxes pay for it?


Most travel insurance policies cover it but to a limit. Some to about $100,000. Another thing you have to look at carefully when choosing which policy to purchase. Most of the popular policies that people use for cruises include medical evacuation.


The evacuation would not necessarily be conducted anywhere near U.S. waters. Obviously if you are cruising in Caribbean, Europe, Asia etc If, indeed, it is off the U.S. coast, I think it is coast guard that does the evacuation but (a) I'm not sure and (b) have no clue if taxpayers pick up the tab but I seriously doubt it.


We have friends (he a physician) who were recently vacationing in Mexico. He became seriously ill there. They were most unpleased with the care he was getting and they contacted their insurance company who had them evacuated to the hospital of his choice.......the one where he practices near our home. They flew him by private jet with nurse/technicians and his wife. All bills were paid by the insurance company.

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The insurance coverage for medivac is interesting even though it has nothing to do with the thread since it would not be up to the OP to decide whether or not he needed to be medically evacuated off the ship. That would be up to the medics involved.


Still, it does raise an interesting question since I'm looking at several for our next cruise and most cover $100,000, but CSA covers $250,000 and up to $1 million!!! (depending on which policy you choose). Something to think about now that it's come up!


I do think it would be rare that we would be within U.S. waters when talking about a Caribbean cruise ... might be different for Alaska or a New England cruise. Interesting question, but since there's no guarantee you'd be in U.S. waters, if you're going to buy insurance you're not going to gamble that one issue.

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Sail7Seas, I was thinking of costs when I posted and trying not to go over the top by saying $100,000. Guess I made some type of rationalization that if he was a day or so out of NY or the Caribbean, the nearest hospital would only by $20K away.


But you're right, it's probably $10K or more for three nights at Mass General, so who knows what medivac would be.

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You can all call me a cynic if you would like , but when I see titles of threads like this that look more like headlines for the New York Post than cruise topics:) I begin to get a good whiff of Eau de Rat *LOL*


I have been a 9-1-1 dispatcher for 23 years. I have learned more about the beneficial properties of Dramatic Effect better than any 3rd year acting student of the Stanislawski Method.


We get calls from people who are very well versed in taking a low priority call or even a non emergency call whatsoever and turning it into a real barnburner. Just with some well placed choked back sobs, and some real imaginative scenarios. They have something as simple as a toothache or a stopped up toilet, but they know the buzz words to get someone coming lights and sirens.


Like Dave said "poisoned" ,"cheated" all very effective to get a rise.


I am not saying that the OP did not go through a terrible ordeal and certainly didn't deserve to be treated rudely by the staff.

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You can all call me a cynic if you would like , but when I see titles of threads like this that look more like headlines for the New York Post than cruise topics:) I begin to get a good whiff of Eau de Rat *LOL*


I have been a 9-1-1 dispatcher for 23 years. I have learned more about the beneficial properties of Dramatic Effect better than any 3rd year acting student of the Stanislawski Method.


We get calls from people who are very well versed in taking a low priority call or even a non emergency call whatsoever and turning it into a real barnburner. Just with some well placed choked back sobs, and some real imaginative scenarios. They have something as simple as a toothache or a stopped up toilet, but they know the buzz words to get someone coming lights and sirens.


Like Dave said "poisoned" ,"cheated" all very effective to get a rise.


I am not saying that the OP did not go through a terrible ordeal and certainly didn't deserve to be treated rudely by the staff.

you said it all except I don't know about the NY Post part? LOL

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