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Anyone got a "sucker" story


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We arrange our own shore tours with local cab drivers. Before going out, I always get the price settled, make sure they will take us to the sights we want to visit, check out the vehicle to see if it appears in good mechanical condition and has a working a/c, and ascertain their command of the English language. If in doubt, I ask them how much snow they had last year. Having done this in Guadaloupe, price settled, vehicle looking good and a/c cranking out air, itinerary settled, he settles us in the van and then instead of getting in the driver's seat, he beckons to his friend who hopped in the driver's seat and took off. His English was not so great. However, he really did try hard and we ended up having a good time. Got a little nervous once when he slammed on the brakes, bailed out of the vehicle in the middle of nowhere, hopped a fence and came back with a plant he was "peeling" with a knife. Turned out it was sugar cane he wanted us to taste. Another time he stopped, got out and came back with some "bark" off a tree. It was cinnamon tasting.


Fast forward to a port on the Mexican Riviera (can't remember which one). Same pre-hire exercise only now we have added "you will be driving the vehicle?" He shook his head he was. However, he tipped his hand when he wanted part of the money up front as he was leading us to where the taxi's were allowed to wait. Right then I figured he was going to pull the old switcheroo and told him he would be paid in full when the tour was completed. He turned on his heels and went back to the ship but got us close enough to where we could see the taxi stand so we negotiated there. Was cheaper because the driver didn't have to pay off the shill. Once, shame on me. Twice, shame on them.




Tucker in Texas

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We arrange our own shore tours with local cab drivers. Before going out, I always get the price settled, make sure they will take us to the sights we want to visit, check out the vehicle to see if it appears in good mechanical condition and has a working a/c, and ascertain their command of the English language. If in doubt, I ask them how much snow they had last year.


Tucker in Texas


So, how many of the tropical islands have been snowed out in the past? :confused:

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I'll add one more to the list. We were in Nha Trang, Vietnam and decided to visit the local open-air market. My DH had been looking for this very specific type of spoon/ladle and foudn one. When he aksed the price, the lady responded with $5. He said too much and walked away. She then proceed to pursue him through this tent, trying to work him up to her price. She offered it for $3, she offered 2 for $5. Finally, furious that he wouldn't change him mind, she sold it to him for $1. Such a bargain!


Until, of course, we got home and used it the first time and the handle fell off. We still love to tell the "One dolla" story even if we did end up with a useless spoon. I'm just delighted we didn't spend $5 for it!



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This isn't my story, but my mom's. I don't remember for sure where they were (I'm thinking St Martin, or St Thomas :confused: ) but her and her friends had seen these beautiful hand painted steel drums everywhere. But they were $20 and they thought that was too much. They stumbled upon this man who was selling the exact same drums for $5. My mom and each of her 3 friends handed over the money immediately and picked up the drums. As they were picking up the drums, a woman came running over screaming and the guy took off running. Turns out it was the woman's things, and the man had just decided to sell the stuff and take the money. So my mom and her friends left without their drums and now without their $5. They still wonder to this day if it was all one big scam. If the man and lady were working together.

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This isn't my story, but my mom's. I don't remember for sure where they were (I'm thinking St Martin, or St Thomas :confused: ) but her and her friends had seen these beautiful hand painted steel drums everywhere. But they were $20 and they thought that was too much. They stumbled upon this man who was selling the exact same drums for $5. My mom and each of her 3 friends handed over the money immediately and picked up the drums. As they were picking up the drums, a woman came running over screaming and the guy took off running. Turns out it was the woman's things, and the man had just decided to sell the stuff and take the money. So my mom and her friends left without their drums and now without their $5. They still wonder to this day if it was all one big scam. If the man and lady were working together.


One shop in st. marten had supossably Coach bags for $50-the shop girl insisted they were real but I was not that stupid! (unless they were stolen also!)

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Last time we were in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, a cab driver at the pier offered to drive us, for $5.00, to a nice shopping area where we wouldn't be hassled. We agreed and he drove us around for about 5 minutes, dropping us off at the front of a very nice shopping area (Island Village).


We were very surprised when we got to the other end of Island Village, there was our ship about a three minute walk away :o .


Lesson: read the shopping guide and look at the map!

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I picked up a cute handbag from a street vendor, as a present for my daughter. I was pretty sure it wasn't the highest quality (I repeat, it was from a street vendor :D), but it was cheap and she likes to rotate her purses frequently anyway.


What I did NOT expect was the handful of cigarette butts among the paper used to hold its shape. :eek: We are non-smokers and the smell of stale smoke nauseates me -- it took several days and lots of Febreeze to get the smell out . :(

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I had worse done to me. I was trying to keep from falling climbing that stupid Dunns river Falls and this idiot guy throws a bead necklace over my head and says it is "free". I said "no thanks!" I had already had too much of those folks by that time. My stomach was giving me problems and I had been to the batrhroom three times and each time I had to pay a $1 for the use of the facillities there! I have no desire WHATSOEVER to ever go back to Jamaica-even though it was a beautiful island.


I missed it; what made you a sucker? What was the sleight of hand?

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Many years ago we were in Mexico and I was going to buy a bag for my DD#2 when my DD#1 says to me Mom don't but it because the clerks had just said they were glad to get double the price from me than what they would normally charge. The clerks didn't realize me DD#1 was fluent in Spanish:D It came in very handy on that cruise.



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I missed it; what made you a sucker? What was the sleight of hand?


No I was not a sucker only because I had been forewarned that this could happen-as far as the necklace-although I did not appreciate him almost knocking me down as I was struggling upstream! I guess he saw me as a potential sucker! -but the meds I was on made me need to use the bathroom frequently and I felt I was "took" when I had to pay a $1 every time I used the bathroom! (three times while we were there)


BTW-I took that necklace OFF and handed it back to him!

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When we got off the ship in Cabo, there were dozens of women and children trying to get us to buy silver bracelets for $10. I didn't like them and knew the price was high,we said "No Gracias" over and over.


When we went to get back onto the ships tender, these same bracelets were $1 :rolleyes: . I still didn't buy any (I knew I'd turn green in minutes from the "silver") but I did wonder how many people were kicking themselves for paying a higher price in the morning.


Hey! I think I bought one of those for $10 LOL (and I never wear it)

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In Costa Maya a girl came along the beach selling small fabric purses that she had "made" herself for $4. I unzipped the purse, looked at the machine stitching and the "made in Guatamala" tag and said, "Nice sewing."

She said, "Lady, give me a break." I bought the purse because it was going to make a great cruise story. It still makes me smile.

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I had worse done to me. I was trying to keep from falling climbing that stupid Dunns river Falls and this idiot guy throws a bead necklace over my head and says it is "free". I said "no thanks!" I had already had too much of those folks by that time. My stomach was giving me problems and I had been to the batrhroom three times and each time I had to pay a $1 for the use of the facillities there! I have no desire WHATSOEVER to ever go back to Jamaica-even though it was a beautiful island.



I agree 100%--great island--annoying people at the falls,I almost got into a fight with a guy when he grabbed my wife's arm to sell her something.He started carving her name in something and said we had to buy it, he didn't say anything else when I squared off on him for putting his hands on her--it's shame that it had to come to that--but it was unreal how pushy they were, we will NEVER go back to the falls.

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Let me start by saying that I really like Royal Carib., but has anyone ever fell for the "coupon books" they sell right when the cruise starts? DH & I were on our first RC cruise to Alaska & I just HAD to attend the presentation of these coupon books that had hundreds of dollars in free stuff. You just give the participating stores in port your coupon & they give you something from their store....for FREE! What a deal! My first store I proudly walked in & gave my coupon. I received a plastic ring that turned color when in sunlight. Hummmmm....was a little put off by that, but thought, the next store is going to give me those diamond earrings they promised at the presentation.... I got earrings alright...if you hold them juuuusst right in the light, you can kinda see something that sparkles. My 3rd shop told me to pick one post card out of the rack. DH just laughed. Showed him....drug him around to all of the stores that day & got my $20 worth in junk:D Who's the sucker now!? HAHA;)


9/1/2007- Voyager of the Seas (RCCL) – Western Med.

2005- Radiance of the Seas (RCCL) – Panama Canal

2004- Vision of the Seas (RCCL) – Alaska

1994 – Festival (Carnival) – Caribbean

1993 – Celebration (Carnival) – Caribbean

1987 – Mardi Gras (Carnival) – Bahamas

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I agree 100%--great island--annoying people at the falls,I almost got into a fight with a guy when he grabbed my wife's arm to sell her something.He started carving her name in something and said we had to buy it, he didn't say anything else when I squared off on him for putting his hands on her--it's shame that it had to come to that--but it was unreal how pushy they were, we will NEVER go back to the falls.


My thinking was this jerk saw a woman in her fifities struggling up those stupid falls (I wished I had just viewed them instead of climbing them!) and he thought "this gal is a little long in the tooth, I can get a few bucks off of her!"-he really made me MAD and there was no way I would have bought that necklace or given a "donation" or "contribution" for it.


Now when we went to Dominica, the people were really poor there also, but not pushy, just hopeful, that you would buy something and there I bought quite a few things I did not want! so maybe I was a sucker there! but still, two poor islands, with people who acted towards you entirely differant, in Dominica I did not mind buying things because I did not feel forced.

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We were at the Paris flea market many years ago when we happened upon a 3 card monte game. Now believe me when I say that I am a gambler and a student of gambling and know all the dodges. Even so, I got caught up in the moment and was enjoying watching. They pulled the classic "bent corner dodge" and did it so well...need I say more? I jumped in with another watcher (partner-in-crime) for 100 Francs (about $18 then) and of course somehow the card was not the Queen (it's magic!). My wife and I laugh about it to this day.

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We had a car and stopped at the Blowhole in Hawaii (Oahu). As I stepped out of the car, two guys with macaws came up, put them on my shoulders and asked for my camera which I had in my hand. I was a little nervous as I said to my wife that I was worried about him running off with my $600 camera. She said "What are you worried about, you have his $1500 macaws". Then I found out the gig.


After taking my picture with my camera, he said that will be $10. I said.... no way.... that was never mentioned up front. I just walked off......

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I got home yesterday with all my $300 of junk that I bought. I bought a nice brown tee shirt in Cozumel and found out NEXT time I should have opened it and held it up. It has a white line across the breast area, well not white, but much lighter in color in a "odd" place it hits.


Some of the hand made jewelry we bought in Progresso fell apart in the cabin, even before we got home. Guess it was a waste of about $15.


Hopefully some of the rings I got are what they said they were this last trip.


Im a sucker :)

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I got home yesterday with all my $300 of junk that I bought. I bought a nice brown tee shirt in Cozumel and found out NEXT time I should have opened it and held it up. It has a white line across the breast area, well not white, but much lighter in color in a "odd" place it hits.


Some of the hand made jewelry we bought in Progresso fell apart in the cabin, even before we got home. Guess it was a waste of about $15.


Hopefully some of the rings I got are what they said they were this last trip.


Im a sucker :)


well ya know, firefly, you would have been donating that stuff to the thrift store within a couple of years anyway! I always do!

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Let me start by saying that I really like Royal Carib., but has anyone ever fell for the "coupon books" they sell right when the cruise starts? DH & I were on our first RC cruise to Alaska & I just HAD to attend the presentation of these coupon books that had port your coupon & they give you something from their store....for FREE! What plastic ring that turned color when in sunlight. Hummmmm....was a little put off by that, but thought, the next store is going to give me those diamond earrings they promised at the presentation.... I got earrings alright...if you hold them juuuusst right in the light, you can kinda see something that sparkles. My 3rd shop told me to pick one post card out of the rack. DH just laughed. Showed him....drug him around to all of the stores that day & got my $20 worth in junk:D Who's the sucker now!? HAHA;)


Yes, I did this on my last Disney cruise in 2006. I went alone, my DH stayed on the ship with our boys. I chalked the whole thing up to a scavenger hunt. I still have it all in a bag some where in my closet. Will I ever get that emerald or ruby set:confused: Not.:p




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