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I Got BANNED from RCCL!!!!!!

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It is very interesting to see how long this thread is in absence of any real information about what is going on.


Some things to remember.


RCI is not required to tell anyone why they do the things the do. We all like to think they are, but they are not. It may be a good practice in customer service, but it may also land them in legal trouble if they share certain types of information. If the issue is related to any type of RCI employee complaint or RCI internal security practices, revealing the information to Hoop may create new legal challenges for the line.


Like it or not, it is actually sound business practice in today's climate where everyone wants to sue, to require a legal document before the release of details or other information. Otherwise the line may be dealing with employment or privacy issues or it may be dealing with issues regarding security practices.


We all want to know (myself included or I would not have read through 24 pages of posts) but there really isn't any requirement for RCI to reveal the information.


Moreover, encouraging people to cancel crusies that causes a loss of revenue to the cruise line may actually allow the cruise line to take legal action (although they are held to a higher standard than a private citizen), especially if any of the information that is shared is proven to be incorrect.


Keep it to the facts and lets not bash the cruise line before we know more about the reasons.


Hey ... it could be some security practice that actually makes us safer on the ship and Hoop here just ended up fitting that profile.

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It is very interesting to see how long this thread is in absence of any real information about what is going on.


Some things to remember.


RCI is not required to tell anyone why they do the things the do. We all like to think they are, but they are not. It may be a good practice in customer service, but it may also land them in legal trouble if they share certain types of information. If the issue is related to any type of RCI employee complaint or RCI internal security practices, revealing the information to Hoop may create new legal challenges for the line.


Like it or not, it is actually sound business practice in today's climate where everyone wants to sue, to require a legal document before the release of details or other information. Otherwise the line may be dealing with employment or privacy issues or it may be dealing with issues regarding security practices.


We all want to know (myself included or I would not have read through 24 pages of posts) but there really isn't any requirement for RCI to reveal the information.


Moreover, encouraging people to cancel crusies that causes a loss of revenue to the cruise line may actually allow the cruise line to take legal action (although they are held to a higher standard than a private citizen), especially if any of the information that is shared is proven to be incorrect.


Keep it to the facts and lets not bash the cruise line before we know more about the reasons.


Hey ... it could be some security practice that actually makes us safer on the ship and Hoop here just ended up fitting that profile.


I went to RCCL's website and typed in "denied boarding" in the search box and it is pretty clear, that RCCL can do whatever they want whenever they want. :rolleyes: I suppose it's to protect themselves but it is hard to think that they can just blacklist you with no explanation. :mad:


I feel they have the right to do it but I feel that they should at least provide an explanation as well.

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Hey ... it could be some security practice that actually makes us safer on the ship and Hoop here just ended up fitting that profile.


Oh, let's not head down the "profiling" road.


I look forward to Hoop getting more info and think that it is ridiculous that they can do this to him.


I do know that I WAS told to lower my voice when talking to a non-responsive pursers desk agent on my last cruise so now I am wondering if I am going to be banned. I do, however, have an apology from RCI for how they acted towards us on that cruise and Future Certificates from them so I think that may help out should they try to ban me.


But as more info comes out, it seems that he has somehow raised a red flag somewhere by his own actions or those of someone else on his behalf but off of the cruise not while on it.


As a shareholder, I would want to know why my company has chosen to not accept his money and also why they have chosen to allow this to drag on so long after having been notified about the bad press they are getting. I understand that they may not feel the need to respond to individual shareholders on this but their decision and inaction are costing me money in the form of earnings and goodwill.


Looking forward to hearing back from Hoop in the morning.

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Yes. (to clarify, if this is a mistake, then I would consider that a "bad reason")[/i]


My feeling is that RCCL should supply an explanation without having to be subpoenaed.


how about stock holders? Do they have the right to know? Being a past guest and future guest, I have a right to know why they ban fellow passengers.



If it was a mistake I'm sure that RCI will make it right. Again time will tell.


I would also like to see RCI give an explanation without having to go through a subpoena but again their company and their rules. Anyone that does not agree with it does not have to cruise with any RCCL lines.


RCI lists the reasons why they can ban folks and it is printed on their website. Regardless of being a stock holder or not no one other than the OP has a right to know why he was banned.

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This thread was growing faster than I could read it.


I feel for OP, having booked the inaugural cruise so far in advance only to find out so close to sailing that you aren't going. Makes me wonder if this happened to other people that aren't familiar with CC. There are a LOT of open cabins on the May 19 sailing of Liberty when I didn't remember seeing any a week ago.


Hope Scott has a safe, uneventful shift and has some more information for everyone tomorrow afternoon.

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I agree with what most of the above people are saying. Although RCCL has every right to conduct business as they wish, I feel like as a consumer, I should have a right to at least know WHY they are denying me from going on a cruise with them.


Additionally, I'd say that until we know the real answer to all this, it has me a little more cautious. If being a complainer or being a frequent cruiser in my 20s, etc., can cause you to be on the naughty list, than that is a little scary. Naturally, it could be something completely different, but as of now, we don't know.

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WOW!!! I simply cannot believe this.:confused: I feel so bad for the OP and what he must be going through...not knowing the outcome. What's even scarier is if it is an identity situation who knows what else could happen :eek: . I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot wait to read the outcome hopefully very soon for his sake!!!

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Wow. First, I would like to say that this thread is unbelievably busy - it has taken 3 tries just to get to this page!


To the OP - I hope you get this issue resolved. Being new to cruising, and RCCL, this has definitely made me rethink ever cruising with them in the future.


You sound like a very responsible young man and you certainly deserve better than that. I wish you the best and hope everything works out in your favor.

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I suspect this tread is going to stir some serious emotions. If this can happen to Hoop, can it happen to us? That's a scary thought.


I suspect it's not the background check. I've had three extensive checks. One for a foster license and two for our adoptions. This was when we were cruising a lot. These days people are getting background checked all the time. This board is littered with teachers, police and firefighters. People who get a lot of background checks. This is the first we've heard of it.


I also think the number of cruises probably has little to do with it. No company wants to shoot themselves in the foot that way.


I'm pulling for you Hoop. Just hope this gets resolved, fast and in your favor!

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Please stay on topic.


Regarding the speculation regarding eventual removal of this thread. I have never, ever had a cruise line call me and ask that we remove an entire thread from the forums. Ever.


What will get this thread removed is continually posting off topic and/or harassment/flaming, which is totally driven byyou, our members.



Hi Laura. I just wanted to clarify that when I posted saying that was too funny, I meant to inclued the post from Reallyitsmema who wrote about getting her housework done. I'm still figuring out how to do thing's on this site. Sorry!

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email me your details I have a meeting with RCCL this weekend, I have never heard of this before, I know Airlines make comments on passengers to warn other crew etc, but I would of thought they would of had to explain the situation?:confused:

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I too have been glued to this thread, and am very anxious to see how it play's out. I truly hope it turns out to just be a big mis-understanding. I can't help but think that for whatever reason, if it is a mistake of identity, that maybe it's good that the OP find out now rather than later. We live in very scary times, and I try thinking that everything happens for a reason.

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Hey Everyone,


I don't know how to do it but some of you computer wiz types should be able to handle this. Start an email to Royal Caribbean (get the e-mail address from the RCCL website) demanding that they at least tell Scott why he is banned, and have everyone here add their name and Crown & Anchor status. We leave for the Serenade to Alaska in 2 days and that will make us diamond. I am not afraid of Royal Caribbean. Whether you did something or not to deserve this treatment, you at least have the right to know what it is you are accused of doing. This is still the United States of America, isn't it????????????


If enough of us sign our names, that should get their attention!



PS I haven't read the latest posts, I need to pack for my cruise! So sorry if someone already suggested this. Oh and have the Moderators weighed in yet? If not, why not?

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Wow. First, I would like to say that this thread is unbelievably busy - it has taken 3 tries just to get to this page!


To the OP - I hope you get this issue resolved. Being new to cruising, and RCCL, this has definitely made me rethink ever cruising with them in the future.


You sound like a very responsible young man and you certainly deserve better than that. I wish you the best and hope everything works out in your favor.


We understand your reaction, but we all need to wait for all the facts to surface before anyone decides to boycott RCCL. We are sure the cruise line didn't make a decision of this magnitude without having what they considered to be solid evidence to support their action. They are, after all, tasked with the safety of all their passengers.


Scott certainly appears to be a responsible nice young man but for all we know his last name could be Bin Ladin and if that would be the case we would owe the cruise line a debt of gratitude.


For Scott's sake we sincerely hope the reason for the ban was founded on erroneous information and everything will eventually be straighten out. The outcome we all desire is to have Scott end up in a nice suite for his free cruise

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I feel like i'm watching the the Seinfeld episode were Elaine has the doctors putting stuff in her permanent file and she is not aloud to look at it or is it the one where Kramer is banned from the fruit store:eek:


This is the most bizzare thing I have ever heard of. You are banned from a cruiseline with no explanation, I thought we had a bill of rights that prevented stuff like this from happening. This is strange I sure hope we find something out.

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This is the most bizzare thing I have ever heard of. You are banned from a cruiseline with no explanation, I thought we had a bill of rights that prevented stuff like this from happening.


Not since the Patriot Act. If it is security related, then the government says you can't discuss the reasons for it with the person affected.

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Scott checked in a few hours ago - is he able to post from work or something? Maybe this leaves us some hope that we'll have more information before tomorrow morning?


I really wonder if anything will become of this or if it'll just be pushed under the rug and never resolved.

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I can't believe I made it to the end and only drank one pot of coffee. As one that sails with both RCCI and Princess I will definatly stick with Princess for my next cruise.


Scott I hope you get this resolved! And RCCI - for shame . . .

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I can't believe I made it to the end and only drank one pot of coffee. As one that sails with both RCCI and Princess I will definatly stick with Princess for my next cruise.


Scott I hope you get this resolved! And RCCI - for shame . . .




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This is really scarey folks. I have yet to sail on my first RCC cruise until this summer. Who's to say this couldn't happen to me. I hope that Scott is being sincere with all of us. I always give folks the benefit of the doubt. I too find it quite disturbing that it has taken them 4 months to bring this to surface and yet they let him book another cruise just 4 days ago?


I would get myself the best damn lawyer I could find and get this resolved. If RCC wants to play games with it so be it but I would find a legal way to get to the bottom of it. It could be an identity thing, it happens all the time. I have folks walk into the ER and give false information on a weekly basis just so they won't receive a bill. Thieves will try anything if they think they can get away with it.


I do believe the OP when he states that he wouldn't do anything that would jeopardize his job. I work with medics, firefighters, etc and I know that one screw up and you can be terminated. I truly believe this young man sounds sincere where his job is concerned.


I would think if he was accused of something on his last cruise, that it would have been addressed ON his last cruise, not 4 months later? This totally makes no sense.


Just know we are all pulling for you to get this resolved, and wish you the best. I would get those records subpeoned ASAP and find some very good legal help.


Please keep us posted,


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I do know that I WAS told to lower my voice when talking to a non-responsive pursers desk agent on my last cruise so now I am wondering if I am going to be banned. I do, however, have an apology from RCI for how they acted towards us on that cruise and Future Certificates from them so I think that may help out should they try to ban me.


But as more info comes out, it seems that he has somehow raised a red flag somewhere by his own actions or those of someone else on his behalf but off of the cruise not while on it.


As a shareholder, I would want to know why my company has chosen to not accept his money and also why they have chosen to allow this to drag on so long after having been notified about the bad press they are getting. I understand that they may not feel the need to respond to individual shareholders on this but their decision and inaction are costing me money in the form of earnings and goodwill.


Looking forward to hearing back from Hoop in the morning.


I wouldn't worry that you would be banned for that reason. Scott updated earlier and said someone from RCI clarified that it was NOT an incident that occurred on his Brilliance TA in Jan, just that he was identified as a "risk" ...whatever that means. Now if you had a reserved suite some VIP wanted on a fully booked sailing, that might be another story...;)


I doubt very much it had anything to do with his employment background check either. My husband had top level security clearance when he was in the military, and has had several very thorough background investigations done for his current job in law enforcement. I have had a few FBI and DOJ checks of my own, as a potential foster home, and for my current profession as well. We both travel frequently, and have never apparently had any flags raised (that we know of anyway:p ).


The most disturbing thing about this, is-- if it can happen to a loyal Diamond (or plus?) with no explanation, it can happen to any one of us. Their rules indeed. Good luck to the OP.

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