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LIVE from the Monarch....a cruise in progress

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First time on RCI and when I saw the Diet Pepsi note I became overjoyed but wait....can we bring soda and water on board in "plain view"? Thanks for the review, what fun you had! I would have sang along with my off- key voice :D


Linda, I hoisted a 24-pack of CFDC (caffeine free diet coke) onto my shoulder and marched on in San Pedro - no problems.


I didn't even drink half of it, but I need my diet soda in the caffeine free version, and finding diet sprite on board is a very hit-or-miss proposition.

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Sheesh, I just realized that I had left out the Ensenada day.


If anyone in the future uses this thread to find out about the Monarch 4-day, s/he is going to be mighty confused! :)


First order of business was getting my butt out of bed to be off the ship at 8:30-ish. Managed to do that.


The winery tour:


Lupita was our bus guide. She was a very kind and lovely woman, who, I am sure, had much wisdom and information to impart. Unfortunately, the sound system on the bus wasn't the best and it was VERY difficult to understand her. On the way back, she came back and talked to us in our seats, and I learned a lot more. :)


The other problem was that the windows were all discolored and fogged (not with moisture but with cloudiness) and I could barely see out, so I also missed the scenery and the places of interest that Lupita was pointing out along the way.


First stop: L.A.Cetto winery. Very beautifully landscaped. Terraces, patios, beautiful flowers, and a (???) bull ring. Also, olive groves. (they grow olives as a cash crop, but they also act as a windbreak for the vines) The winery tour is pretty rudimentary. If you have done this sort of thing in California or France, you won't be impressed. Double ditto on that for the wine itself.


They poured generously in the tasting room, but I really didn't want to drink much of the stuff. I wouldn't go so far as to say "yuck", but I certainly didn't say "yum". Most people did not understand that the offered bread is for clearing the palate between wines, NOT for stuffing as much into your face as possible as a snack. :rolleyes:


Second stop: Casa Pedro Domecq winery. Very cursory tour of wine-making process, via video screens in a cellar. Guide kept talking to a friend during the videos. Incredibly rude.


Tasting: Ok, these were actually "yuck". Brandy wasn't bad, though. ;)


As we were getting ready to leave Domecq, Lupita got on the PA and asked if anyone minded if a local security guy from the winery hitched a ride back with us.


Now, there were only two empty seats on the bus. One was about three rows in front of me, on the other side, and one was next to me. As the handsome young man came down the bus aisle, he started to swing himself into that first empty seat. I called out, "No, back here." And (a bit startled) he came and sat next to me. Lovely bus ride back to Ensenada. :D


Met up with first Rick, Bobbie, Dru and Rita, having lunch. Then Evie and Tony breezed by, and we went into a bar where they ordered something to eat (I was still full from our Gala dinner the night before!) and we all drank.


Then we found a dirt cheap internet cafe (I was on for at least twenty minutes, and printed two pages of my boarding passes, and it was $1.40!!). Then we wandered around the shops for a bit, and they bought gifts for their kids. Jewelry salesmen tried to entice me, but I resisted. We took a shuttle bus back to the ship for $1 each.

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Final night on board: Had to fit packing in between dinner and Quest. Bad timing for Quest, if you ask me. (which no one did :))


Dinner - we played musical chairs. No one seemed to care. (if they did, I didn't notice it) Three of us brought our remaining champagne bottles, and we poured it all round. It never even occurred to me that something different might happen, but the waiters just happily took the bottles and served. Not a syllable about corkage fees or where the wine had come from.


Waiter: Muhammed. A cutie from the Philippines.

Assistant waiter: Norman from Hungary. A sweetheart.


They no longer say "waiter" or "assistant waiter" on their nametags. Under their name it just says "Restaurants", then country under that.


Head waiter: Abdullah.


All three took good care of us. We were happy. We were funny. We were loud. Tough luck for all the rest of the dining room. :cool:


Misty was our team captain for Quest. We were Number 26. We didn't even place, but we had a blast.


We missed out on the foreign currency because NEITHER of our Canadians (Carol and Annie) had any CA cash with them!!!


When Gavin asked for two pairs of men's pants, we couldn't get them. John happily jumped out of his, but both Tony and Nate refused.


Now, I ask you, ladies, do you find this acceptable? Is this a reasonable excuse?


They refused because they were going "commando" - so what, I ask. Your shirt is long enough!


How suspicious does this sound?


Team #3 came in ........................... 3rd.


Team #2 came in ........................... 2nd.


Team #1 came in............................ 1st.


Casino (brief stop) sucked for me - Celia hit big.


Dueling Pianos. Very small bunch at first - people were packing, there was a late night comedian in the Circuit Lounge. The crowd got bigger later, but still wasn't full. Dirtgirl had some more misadventures there. :D


A little more drinking and tearful goodbyes then off to bed.

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Dirtgirl had some more misadventures there. :D




Ah yes, I was trying to help the extremely drunk girl crying at the bar. She had performed a rather 'lewd' show on the floor, trying to get one of the DP player's attention. She was upset about having embarrassed herself, and I was making progress, until she told me I was beautiful and to kiss her on the lips.:eek: Ick! NOOOOOOOOOO, I was not about to do that, so she said, 'f*** you', and then pushed me.


This cruise is certainly one for the memory books!:rolleyes: :D


Fantastic review, Carol! I agree about Quest - bad to have it on the last night with all that needed to be done. Now, were they REALLY going commando, or did they just not want to take off their pants? Hmmmmmm....:rolleyes:

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Ah yes, I was trying to help the extremely drunk girl crying at the bar. She had performed a rather 'lewd' show on the floor, trying to get one of the DP player's attention. She was upset about having embarrassed herself, and I was making progress, until she told me I was beautiful and to kiss her on the lips.:eek: Ick! NOOOOOOOOOO, I was not about to do that, so she said, 'f*** you', and then pushed me.


This cruise is certainly one for the memory books!:rolleyes: :D


Fantastic review, Carol! I agree about Quest - bad to have it on the last night with all that needed to be done. Now, were they REALLY going commando, or did they just not want to take off their pants? Hmmmmmm....:rolleyes:


I guess I need to go on more cruises. I've heard the strangest stories about certain people and their behavior. I've never witnessed anything odd. But this story is really good. I wouldn't mind some unplanned over the top entertainment.


As for the men on the team. Someone should have insisted they prove it. One guy going that way I can understand. But two on one team - I don't believe it. :rolleyes:



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Linda, we're in Fair Oaks. Which cruise are you taking? ~ Lorna

We are right "up the road in Citrus Heights" :D The DH and I took a 3 day with the DD and DSIL for our anniversary in 2005 on Carnival and loved the short get away. I am hoping for the same relaxation vacation of doing nothing.

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As for the men on the team. Someone should have insisted they prove it. One guy going that way I can understand. But two on one team - I don't believe it. :rolleyes:




Gina, both Nate and I had sailed before and knew ALL about Quest, so YES, we both ended up going Commando. And if I remember right, I think Carol (MM) actually checked on me. :D

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Gina, both Nate and I had sailed before and knew ALL about Quest, so YES, we both ended up going Commando. And if I remember right, I think Carol (MM) actually checked on me. :D


OK then. If Marion Mom checked, I believe it. What a way you picked to get out of losing your pants. :D



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Hello, from what appears to be, the last to reach home!


I just want to thank everyone on our CC Cruise for such a wonderful time. There were so many opportunities to meet, face-to-face, those that have been considered CruiseCritic friends for a very long time. If anyone in the group didn't have a good time, it was certainly no fault of anyone but themselves. What a great time!


First, thank you Carol for leading the singing in Catalina! You ask why we didn't follow suit? Could it be the choice of songs? Singing "Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round" or "The Barney Song" is just NOT up my alley! LOL!


Quest: Although I missed the "first group" Quest, our group from the "2nd cruise" won second place! Thanks go out to the fun and lively group we hooked up with in the Circuit! Jen, you were terrific! Again, my bra was the hit of parade!


Tony, again, thank you for your generosity in taking care of us while we were in line for the Catalina "turtle" tender. What a gentleman!


Lorna and Bill, you are the best and can't wait to see you both again!


Carol (MM): The BEST in every way! You were simply hilarious and kept me laughing from beginning to end.


Carol (DG): You are, without a doubt, the party girl of the century! Wish I was about 20 years younger so I could keep up with you.


Jen: Any time you want to play Quest, it would be an honor to join your team!


Rick and Bobbie: What can I say? You two were terrific in every way. Thanks for sharing your cabin, balcony, liquor, and kind friendship! Your generosity in helping to provide each of us with a fabulous cruise experience was over the top! Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Dennis and Barbara: Great cruising with you two again.


Jean (critterchick): You are one special lady. We really enjoyed your enthusiasm and laughter! I think I pulled a muscle laughing so hard!


Nate and Misty: You two are so much fun and it will be a pleasure to see you on another cruise with us in the future.


For any of those I missed, it is just that I am so tired and ready to take a nap...:eek: Just be aware that each of you made a lasting impression! :D

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Well, I'm just up from my post-cruise nap and I'm suffering mightily from "my pleasure madame" withdrawal! We had a wonderful time on the 3-night cruise, but we were rank amateurs in the noise-making department - there were several bachelor/bachelorette groups on board and then just a lot of 20-somethings, so it was quite boisterous in the dining room!


Carol, for the record, it's Beautiful Croatian Man who served us at that Captain's dinner. You know how careful I am about such things!;) I saw him again on the 3-nighter and he looks just as yummy when I'm bleary-eyed in the morning!


Eric in the Schooner Bar is simply amazing. He can play intricate music perfectly while carrying on a conversation with us! He only plays one 8-week contract a year, so I'm really happy that we got to see him!


The DP are indeed going, going gone. Steve disembarked today, and Kevin follows on Friday. Steve announced at the show last night that RCI cancelled the contract. They didn't draw much of a crowd this weekend, as the younger ones preferred the Circuit, which was a madhouse!


I'm going to do a comparative review ofthe 3 & 4 nighters (have already titled it "From the Sublime to the Ridiculous", which isn't totally fair to the 3-nighter as we had our usual great time) as soon as I finish slogging through emails and such.

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Oh, and for those of you who sail Monarch frequently and are sick to death of Fast Forward, I have excellent news: it will be gone in June!! When Gavin stopped by at the Platinum/Diamond reception yesterday (was it only yesterday??) I asked him when Monarch would get a new show (ok, the truth is that I knelt in front of him, wrapped my arms around his legs and begged for a new show). He was the CD 2 years ago, and said that he was astonished that FF was still the production number, so he got in touch with Miami and something new will be unveiled next month (he told me the name of the show, but I was so excited :rolleyes: that I forgot).

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I agree about Quest - bad to have it on the last night with all that needed to be done. Now, were they REALLY going commando, or did they just not want to take off their pants? Hmmmmmm....:rolleyes:
Carol, how well did you get to know ;) Nate and Tony?


As for the men on the team. Someone should have insisted they prove it. One guy going that way I can understand. But two on one team - I don't believe it. :rolleyes:



They weren't lyin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:D :D

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Just wanted to say hi to Carol (MM). I think I've become one of your most devoted groupies and the only relief I can get is to one day take a cruise with you and experience all the fun you always seem to have. Besides, I can belt out row row row your boat ad nauseum if need be! It isn't the ship, the food or even the itinerary although they help. It's the people that make it a lasting memory. I can't wait for your next one!! I sure wish I was on this one with all of you. What a happy, nutty, bunch you all seem to be. Commando, huh???

Happy sails to all of you.

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When Gavin asked for two pairs of men's pants, we couldn't get them. John happily jumped out of his, but both Tony and Nate refused.


Now, I ask you, ladies, do you find this acceptable? Is this a reasonable excuse?


They refused because they were going "commando" - so what, I ask. Your shirt is long enough!


And if they had asked for tighty whities (in this case black), I was ready to give it my all . . .

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Oh, and for those of you who sail Monarch frequently and are sick to death of Fast Forward, I have excellent news: it will be gone in June!! When Gavin stopped by at the Platinum/Diamond reception yesterday (was it only yesterday??) I asked him when Monarch would get a new show (ok, the truth is that I knelt in front of him, wrapped my arms around his legs and begged for a new show). He was the CD 2 years ago, and said that he was astonished that FF was still the production number, so he got in touch with Miami and something new will be unveiled next month (he told me the name of the show, but I was so excited :rolleyes: that I forgot).


This is GREAT news!!! I just booked the Monarch 4-day cruise today and when I read that "Fast Forward" was the show I nearly gagged :eek: ! I've seen that show three times already onboard another ship! It was good, but I don't think I could watch it one more time! I don't sail on Monarch till next summer (2008), so "Fast Forward" should be ancient history by then!!! :D What is the second production show on Monarch? Or do they even have 2 major shows?

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Jean.I got an interesting piece of news tonight re: Monarch staff and our CC party.


Then please email me/all of us and SHARE! ;)


Is your Alaska April 2008 cruise set in stone? See Roll Call thread.

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Jean.I got an interesting piece of news tonight re: Monarch staff and our CC party.


Rick! News? Please share! Email at bottom of this post!


Hope you and Bobbie had a great time. We sure did and want to extend our thanks to both of you. :D

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heck thats where I would have been...I'm not one to pass up on someone's kind hospitality...especially if alcohol is involved:D


Bryce, the wonderful news is that the staff and crew of Monarch are so superlative that they didn't care if you said, "MMM, that was good........how about another?" ;)

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