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Live from Radiance Cruise Tour #15-- June 16-July 1

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I'm escorting a group on RCI's Radiance of the Seas- Cruise Tour #15.


I will be posting daily reports and will follow up with a full review when I return.


This tour starts off with 6 nights land, follwed by a 7 night Southbound Cruise from Seward to Vancouver.


I booked the entire trip thru RCI, including flights and post cruise hotel in Vancouver.


I left San Diego this morning on Alaska Airlines with a change in Seattle. While the Alaska Air crew was very nice, their aircraft left a lot to be desired. The plane (MD-80) was very old and dirty. We landed into Fairbanks an hour late, but other than that I was the usual day of travel.


Another person in my group is coming in from England via Northwest/KLM and the other 18 are arriving later tonight from Tampa.


Upon arrival into Fairbanks, we were met by RCI Reps, who directed us to a waiting area. They pulled all of our luggage off the bag belt and loaded them directly onto the bus-- very nice!


RCI operates the nicest busses in Alaska. Our bus was one of the new European designed coaches with large window, plenty of legroom, TV monitors and was spotless, not to mention very smooth riding and quiet.

I saw the busses from HAL and Princess and they were your basic old greyhound busses covered in soot from the exhaust.


We were shuttled to the Sophie Station hotel, 8 mins away and were then met by our Tour Director who will be with us for the week. After a brief orientation, we went to our rooms where our luggage was already waiting inside the room.


Sophie Station is not luxury hotel, however it is very clean, has nice amenities and a friendly staff. Each room is a suite with a full kitchen, living room, separate bedroom and bath. Plenty comfortable for our 2 night stay here.


Tonight since the last part of the group won't arrive until after 9pm, we're just going to stay in the hotel, have a bite to eat and a few drinks and call it a night.


Tomorrow we have to be ready to leave at 8am for a full day of touring so stay tuned....

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Dave- we board the ship on 6/22, so hopefully Capt. Rune will be with us. I've sailed with him before and it would be fantastic if he was back for our cruise- I'll let you know.


The rest of the group arrived without incident and we all enjoyed dinner and drinks in the hotel restaurant and bar. It's now 2am and the sun has just set, although it's still "dusk" outside. Sunrise will be at 315am-- if I lived here in the summer I think I'd go crazy! :)


The food at the hotel is decent and served it purpose for the evening. Service was friendly and efficient.


There's a Fred Meyer store across the street which sells everything-- very convenient for picking up a few bottles of wine and some snacks. They have tons of clothes etc, which came in handy for those who's luggage did not arrive.


Well, I think that's all for tonight--- we have to get up in 3 hrs to get ready for our first day of touring.

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We completed our first full day of touring in Fairbanks. Our day began with an 8am departure from the hotel for the short drive to the Discovery Paddlewheel boat cruise down the Chena River. Once onboard, they provided us with complimentary coffee and donuts. There was also a small snack bar onboard for anyone wanting to purchase additional snacks. The boat ride lasted about 4 hours and was fully narrated. We saw demonstrations of a float plane landing along side of us on the river as well as a demo of a local bush pilot who flew overhead. We also made a stop at the home and dog kennel of the late Iditarod winner, Susan Butcher and were given a demo on dog mushing and training. Following that we stopped at an Athabascan Indian Village for an informative and interactive presentation of how these people live(d). After the boat trip we were driven to downtown Fairbanks where we had 2 hours on our own for lunch and exploring.


Immediately after lunch we went to the El Dorado Gold Mine, where we took the train into the mine shaft for a brief demonstration of how gold was mined and prospected. We also saw the way they actually panned for gold and each of us was given a sack of dirt to pan for gold. Everyone walked away with some gold which was then weighed and you were told the value-- our group had flakes worth $3.00 - $19.00. Not a strike it rich day but fun and informative.


We got back to the hotel around 6pm for dinner on our own. Most of the group opted for dinner in the hotel while a few ventured out to the Salmon Bake.


The weather today was mostly sunny and a warm 78 degrees. While at the gold mine it did pour for quite a while, but our guide furnished everyone with ponco raincoats.


Speaking of our guide- we are very fortunate to have a great guide, Cole-- she and her boyfriend, Spiff who incidentially is our bus driver are extremely knowledgable and very laid back. You can tell they make a great couple and work very well together. Everyone else on our bus is friendly and respectful of the group in making sure they're on time.


Well, that's all for now. We have to have our bags out at 6am tomorrow as we depart for the train station at 730am for the train to Denali.


So far, I'm very impressed with the job RCI does on the land portion, but if I don't get some sleep I'm going to be a basket case in the morning.

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I have to agree with DiamondPlusCruiser when it comes to how well RCI handles the land portion of their cruisetours. We cruised northbound last June with a post cruise landtour and were amazed at how efficient and smooth everything was. Busses and trains were clean and the service was excellent.

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When you actually get onboard the Radiance can you check to see who are the gym instructors? I am looking for a good looking tall guy named Andre G..... (can't remember or spell his last name) who was the instructor last time we were on the Radiance (Sept. 06) and would like to know if he is still there





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I have to agree with DiamondPlusCruiser when it comes to how well RCI handles the land portion of their cruisetours. We cruised northbound last June with a post cruise landtour and were amazed at how efficient and smooth everything was. Busses and trains were clean and the service was excellent.


We did the Candian Rockies cruise tour with Princess last year and it was awesome. The cruise lines know how to do a good tour.

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Hi Everyone... yes, I'm still alive! Sorry for not posting at the end of yesterday, but from the time we checked out of the hotel in Fairbanks until the time we arrived at our hotel in Denali it was an 18 hour day!!


We had to have our bags out in Fairbanks at 6am for a departure from the hotel at 730am for the train ride to Denali. Let me tell you, RCI operates the nicest rail cars and busses in Alaska!! The rail car was spotless, very comfortable leather seats that could be turned to face each other in groupings of 4 and with the walls and dome of glass there wasn't a bad seat in the house. Each car had full bar service and a restaurant. The food for breakfast was excellent- all cooked to order and very reasonable. For $9.00 I had a 3 egg omlet, stuffed with anything you could possibly want, potatoes, a biscuit, reindeer sausage and coffee. The blueberry pancakes were also to die for. Service was efficient and friendly and the 4 hour journey went by in a flash.


Upon arrival in Denali, we had about 2 hrs for lunch, to explore the Visitor Center etc before we headed out on the supposed 7 hour Denali Tundra Wilderness Tour. I say supposed because our 7 hour tour turned into a 12 hour one due to heavy rain and hail causing a mudslide that blocked the road back to the park entrance. More later in this post. Yes, in Denali you have to travel in school busses but it wasn't as bad as I expected. The day started off sunny and warm as we made our way into the park-- we saw Dall Sheep, Carabou, Moose, birds and Grizzly Bears with their cubs. About half way through the park we got caught in a huge thunderstorm with pea size hail and it turned very cold. We continued the tour and the rain stopped as we went along. Once we got to the end of the road to turn back, the sky opened up again and half way back to the park entrance, our driver was notified that there was a land slide and we would have to wait until a crew could clear the path. Our Naturalist guide was excellent and kept us amused to pass the time.

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Sorry folks, I didn't mean to leave you hanging, but I had to rush out to get my group off on their excursions. Anyway, during our delay with the landslide in Denali, our RCI guide who was waiting for us at the hotel, was advised of our dilemia and knowing we would be arriving back at the hotel until after midnight (well after the hotel restaurant and bars closed) had arranged for the hotel so set up a coplimentary buffet for us so we could have something to eat and drink-- very well done!!


The following day, we had the morning in Denali at our leisure to sleep in, have a bite to each or to venture off on a variety of available optional excursions. I opted for the White Water Rafting excursion and had a great time-- due to all the rain the night before, the river was very choppy which made for a wild ride. We were outfitted with full dry suits and apart from our faces and head, we didn't get a drop of the 36 degree water on us. After the excursion we had time to have lunch at the hotel before our bus journey to Talkeetna.


The bus ride to Talkeeta was about 3 hrs of beautiful scenery. As luck would have it our driver had just recorded a CD which they played for us while we relaxed and took in the scenery. As luck would have it Mt. McKinley was "out" today, and we made a stop along they way where we had about 30 mins to get off the bus and take pictures. The view from this vantage point was excellent and we all got very good shots of the mountain. Following this brief stop, we continued on to our hotel for the night, the Talkeetna Alaska Lodge-- an amazing hotel, with the best view of Mt. McKinnley. Fortunately for us the mountain remained "out" for the rest of the day, all night and the following day which is rare as it's only viewable 30% of the time. After a great night's sleep we had the entire day today to venture on our own into the tiny town of Talkeetna or take an optional excursion. We opted for the Mt. McKinley flight with glacier landing. This was one of the best experiences of my life. Due to the good visibility we were flown over and around the mountain. We passed over the base camp and saw climbers making their way up to the summit.

We landed directly on one of the mountain's glaciers and had about 30 mins to hike around and take photos. I couldn't belive I was actually on Mt. McKinley!!


After the tour we walked around Talkeetna before going back to the hotel to meet our RCI guide for the transfer to the train station and our dinner train to Anchorage where I'm now typing this review. The train to Anchorage was again great-- we had dinner onboard and was as nice a meal as our breakfast train earlier in the week. Upon arrival in Anchorage we were met by our bus for the short ride to the Anchorage Marriott. RCI gave us our hotel keys during the ride to the hotel so we mearly walked off the bus and directly into the hotel elevators-- our luggage had been trucked down earlier in the day and was waiting for us in our room when we arrived. Included in our key packets was a coupon for $2.00 off the hotels breakfast buffet-- again a very nice touch on the part of RCI. The buffet is only $14.95 pp so the coupon is quite a nice "gift".


Tomorrow we're leaving the hotel at 9am for a city tour and the Alaska Native Heritage Center, followed by lunch on our own before we bus to Ayleska for a night at the Alyeska Prince Hotel.


Now that I'm caught up with the day by day. I want to take a few mins and say how exceptional this trip has been in every way. We were truely treated like kings and queens. RCI has though of every detail and all of the activites ran like clockwork (with the exception of the delay in Denali, but a landslide could not be predicted-- LOL).


All of the hotels were top notch for this area. We were given rooms with the best views, including the coveted Mt. McKinley view rooms in Talkeetna!! The hotels had nice facilities, restaurants with decent food and reasonable prices, although service isn't a real priority at most of the hotels. If you exercise a little (sometimes, a lot) of patience you'll be fine though. RCI had us pre-checked in at every hotel allowing us to walk off the bus and go directly to our rooms. Luggage, if not already waiting in your room was delivered within minutes. The tour guides were always available during our stays to arrange any excursions or answer questions, and like the shipboard personnel were always friendly and accommodating.


RCI operates the nicest "hardware" in Alaska-- from the busses to the rail cars it was first class all the way. Food and bar service on the trains was excellent and not pricey at all. RCI had every opportunity to price gouge you since they have a captive audience and they didn't take advantage of this at all!!


On one of the days, we met a couple at our hotel who was on a Princess cruise tour and they were not at all pleased. Actually Princess operated their own hotels and lodges in Alaska and this couple actually wound up coming to our hotel just to dine in our restaurant as they said the food at the Princess hotels was inedible and very pricey. They also complained about the service (or lack of) the prices they were being charged for things and also that the Princess hotels were located way off the beaten path and the only way to go off property for a decent meal or shopping was to take a taxi or the cruise line shuttle at a cost. They asked us about our experiences and were shocked at how well RCI has taken care of us compared to what they were getting from Princess. They also complained about the Princess hotels saying they were very dirty and they had to wait at each hotel for the staff to check them in at each stop. They were so unhappy with Princess, they weren't even looking forward to the cruise-- how sad is that?


Well, that's all for now.. I finally got caught up with my review. I just wish I was as caught up with my sleep. I've only had about 12 hours of sleep in 5 days but it's been worth every minute.


One last note-- the weather has been HOT!! We're all wearing shorts, t-shirts etc and most of us have tans/sunburn. Beautiful sunny, clear skies, with a little rain at night. It almost feels like the caribbean more than Alaska but again, we're not complaining. :)

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If the bartender at the Champagne bar is named Dennis make sure he does one of his martini clinics. They are to die for. For $10 you get a RC martini glass, get to taste all the martinis he makes and get to make your own favorite martini. We left there and took a nap. It was a lot of fun.



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Thanks for writing in detail about your Alaskan Cruise/Tour. We did the same one last year and were so pleasantly surprised by the EXCELLENT service by our tour guide and bus driver. They were the BEST. We cruised RCI before, but did not know how the land portion would be. We enjoyed all the places we stayed as well. We only saw Mt. Mckinley for about 10 minutes just the top peak. PLEASE when you get home please send some of your pics to Treacher1@aol.com. This would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your trip - and keep posting - gives us great memories of last year. Thanks -and smooth sailing. You will LOVE the Radiance of the Seas.

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Wow, sounds like I need to take one of these cruise tours. Can't wait for the live report from the actual cruise portion of your adventure!


Have a great time, which you always do! :)


BTW...we had a FANTASTIC 9-days on Explorer. Will tell you all about it when you get back.


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I'm loving it!


Carol, FYI, I am on the Sept 14th Radiance of the Seas Ultimate Alaska cruise and I remember you writing a while ago that there are NEVER Penn residency discounts. Well, guess, what??? There is for this trip! Check it out.You should join us. Oh, yeah, I forgot that school thing happens then, doesn't it??? :D

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DPC,, We have been considering doing this cruise with some friends,, But you have now sealed the deal,:D , Loved your descriptions,, Looking for more.:)

Merion Mom,, Carol it's a small world,,Wonder if you remember us Cherie and Larry friends of Bobbie & Rick at the Double tree Hotel San Pedro.. Wish we could of made the cruise with y'all but we are planning this trip for 09 so maybe we can get together again. :D

Happy Trails ........ Larry

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