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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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I've decided to jump on the Alli Ship!


Back in January I went on a diet before our March cruise and lost 15lbs very easily, but then of course put it all back on, as I didn't stick with it. But, now I'm completely ready to get rid of all the weight I've put on in the past 4 years!! I am sick of feeling like a blob and fighting to get into my clothes.


I've been reading the posts here for about a month and you all are doing so great and it makes me want to do well also! I was skeptical about Alli though, I read I think every page on the Alli website and put a lot of thought into it. I was really worried about the diet I guess. About 4 days ago I signed up for the free trial of the Alli Plan and checked everything out there. I got the meal plan section and I was sold! I said "I can so do that!" 90% of the food that was listed on my 10 day free plan was stuff that I LOVE.


I am still preping...will probably start Alli in about a week. But, I am so excited! I want to loose about 43lbs. I'm flexible with that, as long as I feel good and more healthy in the end.

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Hi! To clarify, I have to take Clomid 5 consecutive days each month. So I'm thinking I won't take alli with it, just to be safe. My DHs birthday is next week too, and we're going to our favorite restaraunt with friends. We have only been there 3 times in our lives, so I am going to splurge on that dinner. But there's another day I won't be taking pills!! Ggrrrr


On a good note, I've been eating low-fat for 1 week now, and had 1 day of alli, and I'm down 3 lbs. So that is awesome! Can't wait to see what next week brings! Of course my DH is down 6....I hate that he loses weight faster than me!



Men always seem to lose faster than woman..have you ever seen the commercial where they are dieting and he ends up skinny as a rail and all she does is lose her boobs..lol!

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I've decided to jump on the Alli Ship!


Back in January I went on a diet before our March cruise and lost 15lbs very easily, but then of course put it all back on, as I didn't stick with it. But, now I'm completely ready to get rid of all the weight I've put on in the past 4 years!! I am sick of feeling like a blob and fighting to get into my clothes.


I've been reading the posts here for about a month and you all are doing so great and it makes me want to do well also! I was skeptical about Alli though, I read I think every page on the Alli website and put a lot of thought into it. I was really worried about the diet I guess. About 4 days ago I signed up for the free trial of the Alli Plan and checked everything out there. I got the meal plan section and I was sold! I said "I can so do that!" 90% of the food that was listed on my 10 day free plan was stuff that I LOVE.


I am still preping...will probably start Alli in about a week. But, I am so excited! I want to loose about 43lbs. I'm flexible with that, as long as I feel good and more healthy in the end.

Congrats on making a decision to "get healthy"..I think that is what it is all about for most of us! I have lost a total of 42 pounds using Alli with a good diet and exercise. I still have another 27 to go but I know I can do it!


Please feel free to ask ANYTHING..if its too personal, you can always reach me at cbirdsong@casham.com and I would be glad to help!!

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Hi! To clarify, I have to take Clomid 5 consecutive days each month. So I'm thinking I won't take alli with it, just to be safe. My DHs birthday is next week too, and we're going to our favorite restaraunt with friends. We have only been there 3 times in our lives, so I am going to splurge on that dinner. But there's another day I won't be taking pills!! Ggrrrr


On a good note, I've been eating low-fat for 1 week now, and had 1 day of alli, and I'm down 3 lbs. So that is awesome! Can't wait to see what next week brings! Of course my DH is down 6....I hate that he loses weight faster than me!





I hope you have good results with your Clomid! I think you are wise to hold off on using the Alli. You need your nutrients including some fat in your diet to be ready for a healthy pregnancy. I wouldn't take anything without your Dr's approval !

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I have another doctor's appt next week, so I'll bring it up then. I'm actually so happy with the low-fat diet that I'm not feeling too rushed to start alli. I want to make sure I do all this right. I just never realized how much fat was in some of the food I was eating!! No wonder I gained so much weight these past few years!!

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I have another doctor's appt next week, so I'll bring it up then. I'm actually so happy with the low-fat diet that I'm not feeling too rushed to start alli. I want to make sure I do all this right. I just never realized how much fat was in some of the food I was eating!! No wonder I gained so much weight these past few years!!


I know! Once I started changing my diet I realized how bad my eating habits were. That's one reason I like Weight watchers because when I look at what I used to order in a restaurant it's shocking! Things like fried chicken tender salads. Up to 30 grams of fat and more with dressing! Knowledge is power! I could never bring myself to eat one of those again.

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I have another doctor's appt next week, so I'll bring it up then. I'm actually so happy with the low-fat diet that I'm not feeling too rushed to start alli. I want to make sure I do all this right. I just never realized how much fat was in some of the food I was eating!! No wonder I gained so much weight these past few years!!

If your already doing low fat, sometimes Alli is not beneficial (just my thought)..I don't usually take my Alli if I eat a meal with less than 5 grams of fat..I've almost gotten to the point where I only take it at night, since my dinner is usually higher than anything else during the day.


If you haven't done so already, check out Sparkpeople.com..it is a FREE website and is loaded with information, diet, exercises, etc..I think it beats the WW Website that you have to pay for (not knocking WW..I've done it before and I know it works)!

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I know on a lot of diets they say coffee is the devil.....well I'm a coffee addict. I always use fat-free half and half and splenda though. Has anyone had any bad experiences drinking coffee while on Alli?

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I know on a lot of diets they say coffee is the devil.....well I'm a coffee addict. I always use fat-free half and half and splenda though. Has anyone had any bad experiences drinking coffee while on Alli?

I don't drink coffee but do drink tea all day and nothing has happened?

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I am so happy I found this topic. I have been taking Alli since April. So far lost 18.5#:) . I actually find that when I take one with a meal it curbs my appetite. Anyone else see this too? Most importantly after 18.5#:) I do choose to eat better. My shorts that I bought in May are falling off of me. I LOVE IT!!! I am a 7-time WW drop out, so I love this stuff!!!

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I am so happy I found this topic. I have been taking Alli since April. So far lost 18.5#:) . I actually find that when I take one with a meal it curbs my appetite. Anyone else see this too? Most importantly after 18.5#:) I do choose to eat better. My shorts that I bought in May are falling off of me. I LOVE IT!!! I am a 7-time WW drop out, so I love this stuff!!!

Welcome! Glad to hear of your AMAZING weight loss!!!


Doesn't curb mine, but I think it helps mentally, knowing you might have TE's if you "stray"..lol


I too have tried WW 5-6 times..don't get me wrong..it worked, but for some reason I find this easier and I don't have to take the time to sit through an hour of talk!

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I've lost 14 pounds in 6 weeks and haven't had any treatment effects at all. My diet buddy had to stop the alli because she does not have a gallbladder and the treatment effects were terrible for her.

The hardest part for me is that I love chocolate and cannot seem to go a day without it. The fat free/no added sugar Dilly fudge bars from Dairy Queen are not great by not awful either. Makes a nice dessert here in the desert.

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I've lost 14 pounds in 6 weeks and haven't had any treatment effects at all. My diet buddy had to stop the alli because she does not have a gallbladder and the treatment effects were terrible for her.

The hardest part for me is that I love chocolate and cannot seem to go a day without it. The fat free/no added sugar Dilly fudge bars from Dairy Queen are not great by not awful either. Makes a nice dessert here in the desert.

Really..I had my gall bladder out 20 years ago and don't have any problems..I guess every body is different!!


When I have a chocolate attack, I try to eat a piece of Dove Dark Chocolate. They say dark chocolate is actually good for you and can help you lose weight..hmmm..not sure how true that is, but it sure is good! I try to let it melt in my mouth (without biting it) to make it last as long as possible. By the time it melts, my craving is usually over.

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Hi everyone, I just started Alli today. After reading through all your post I thought I'd give it a try. I've been using sparkspeople to keep up with my caloires and fat for awhile and for the most part I'm eating low-fat anyway just want the extra push. I need to lose about 40 pounds. I'm hoping for about 5 pounds a month, anymore and that would be great. I don't want to set my goal for the month to high. Keep losing everybody. Pam

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Hi everyone, I just started Alli today. After reading through all your post I thought I'd give it a try. I've been using sparkspeople to keep up with my caloires and fat for awhile and for the most part I'm eating low-fat anyway just want the extra push. I need to lose about 40 pounds. I'm hoping for about 5 pounds a month, anymore and that would be great. I don't want to set my goal for the month to high. Keep losing everybody. Pam

Please feel free to ask any questions about the Alli..most of us have gone through all the dreaded TE's or experienced some questions..we would be happy to help and good luck!!!

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I've been taking Alli since Friday night, no problems yet, but I've been following your advice. I only eat up to 15 fat grams. I don't think I'm even eating that many. So far I like it, I didn't want to take anything that was going to mess with my sleep. I had a crazy dream last night, I going in the store to buy a candy bar, but then I remembered I was taking Alli and had to look for something low -fat so I wouldn't get a TE!!! That's bad when your dreaming about eating right.


Dolphinfan- the only question I have right now is, when I stop taking Alli the weight won't come back fast will it? I did the low carb and I put it back on faster than I took it off. :eek: :eek: Pam

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I've been taking Alli since Friday night, no problems yet, but I've been following your advice. I only eat up to 15 fat grams. I don't think I'm even eating that many. So far I like it, I didn't want to take anything that was going to mess with my sleep. I had a crazy dream last night, I going in the store to buy a candy bar, but then I remembered I was taking Alli and had to look for something low -fat so I wouldn't get a TE!!! That's bad when your dreaming about eating right.


Dolphinfan- the only question I have right now is, when I stop taking Alli the weight won't come back fast will it? I did the low carb and I put it back on faster than I took it off. :eek: :eek: Pam

I think if you keep to a low fat diet after quitting the Alli, you should be fine. I stopped taking it after my cruise last year and gained 20 pounds back, but that was because I didn't keep to a good diet or exercise!


BTW..you need to make sure you get ENOUGH fat..I think you can easily go up to 18 grams a day and be safe (or no more than 8 grams per meal). If you don't get enough fat, you will have the opposite effect as TE's and will end up taking something "to make you go". Even on the Alli, I still have to take Milk of Magensia every night before going to bed. Between eating low fat and the Alli, I have the opposite problem and the only time I've ever had TE's was after eating a whole bag of popcorn from Target!

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OK - I'm ready to go now! I bought my Alli, read all of the handy info that came with it, and as soon as Norwegian Calls me back I'm off to the grocery store to shop so I can officially start my three day pre-pill diet tomorrow.


I was going to put it off because I'm SUPER stressed out right now....I left work early ther other day (on stress) and honestly don't plan on going back...looking for a new job...etc, it's horrible but I know I'll be much happier working some place else and DH supports me 100% -- that's all that matters to me. ANYWAY, I said I can't keep putting this off because of this reason or that reason or I'll never stop making reasons to keep putting it off. So tonight I'm going to have a tearful goodbye with the box of ice cream that always inhabits my freezer (I'm an addict). And on to bigger and better things tomorrow!! :-D

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Doing good so far, no Te's yet. I am a member of Tops and tonight is my weigh in, by my scales I have lost 4 pounds which is good for me because I've been dieting for most of my life!!!!


DolphinFan- I think I'm getting around 8 grams of fat at lunch, 12 grams at dinner. I have just been eating fruit at breakfast so I don't take a pill then. So far so good. For some reason after I've been so good for about 3 weeks I have always messed it up and start being bad!!!! I hope with Alli it will help me remember I can't be bad or I'll be paying for it!!!!!!


laycj18- I'm glad yor joining in, I can't help you much, I've only been taking alli for a week now, but so far I haven't had any problems, but I've been watching my fat grams very cafefully. Pam

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OK - I'm ready to go now! I bought my Alli, read all of the handy info that came with it, and as soon as Norwegian Calls me back I'm off to the grocery store to shop so I can officially start my three day pre-pill diet tomorrow.


I was going to put it off because I'm SUPER stressed out right now....I left work early ther other day (on stress) and honestly don't plan on going back...looking for a new job...etc, it's horrible but I know I'll be much happier working some place else and DH supports me 100% -- that's all that matters to me. ANYWAY, I said I can't keep putting this off because of this reason or that reason or I'll never stop making reasons to keep putting it off. So tonight I'm going to have a tearful goodbye with the box of ice cream that always inhabits my freezer (I'm an addict). And on to bigger and better things tomorrow!! :-D

You can still have ice cream..just go for the low fat..Breyers makes an assume Low Fat Ice cream or better yet yogurt..my favorite is with chocolate & rasberry..yumm

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OK' date=' what am I doing wrong? I keep losing and gaining the same 2#! Do I need fewer carbs? More fat? Do I need to take two pills together instead of one? HELP![/quote']

I was stuck on a platau like that for almost 2 weeks! I finally went off the pills for a few days..ate more calories than normal (and even had a piece of cheesecake!) and then went back to my regular diet. It seemed to kick start my weight loss back and I lost 4 pounds in a week.


I think sometimes our bodies just get used to the fewer calories and you eith have to eat less (which is not good for you) or kick your metabolism in the butt! lol

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I was stuck on a platau like that for almost 2 weeks! I finally went off the pills for a few days..ate more calories than normal (and even had a piece of cheesecake!) and then went back to my regular diet. It seemed to kick start my weight loss back and I lost 4 pounds in a week.


I think sometimes our bodies just get used to the fewer calories and you eith have to eat less (which is not good for you) or kick your metabolism in the butt! lol


Hi....I have been taking xenical for about 1 1/2 years. But I only take about 1-2 xenicals once a week. So far my weight loss since 4/17/07 until now is 38 pounds. Yes, it is slow, but I feel so much better doing it that way. My weight loss didnt show until maybe the latter part of February. I have lost 21 pounds since January of this year. I look so much better. But I really am afraid of them because one of the risk factors is breast cancer.


Four years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I was taking them at that time too, but only sporadically. In the back of my mind I wonder if they caused the breast cancer.


You must be thinking...she is crazy to take them again, but I am taking my chances. But they do work.


Your thoughts and opinions are appreciated.

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