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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz, We do not have either dogs name on them or their tags. But that doesn't stop people from calling "doggy" or whistling, making kissy noises. Or the ones I love are the ones who wait til John is almost past them and reachs out and touches the dog on the backend and of course he turns and pulls John. We have also had parents tell their kids the dog is working and they cannot touch and then the parent touches the dog!! :eek: We had a lady out in the hall last night, I opened the door and bith dogs walked out and stayed right by the doog. This lady was walking by and stopped. Then she stared at them :confused: When we got out the door, she says "they are staring at me". John says thats because you are staring at them!! DUH!!!! It's like people lose their minds when they see a dog.


As far as our cruise goes, I cannot find out anything about Grand Turk. I have written and called everyone and every number I could find. I told John we will just have to hope the health certificate will do, otherwise we will just have to stay on the boat.



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Yeah, our dogs don't need to be crossing their legs all week just waiting to see a speck of land on the horizon!! :D

One of my most favorite answers, when folks ask me, "where does she go to the bathroom?" is, "I make her hold it in for 7 days", immediately followed by the right answer.

I know they're curious and I don't wan them to think I'm just a smart _@_&_*!

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Yeah, our dogs don't need to be crossing their legs all week just waiting to see a speck of land on the horizon!! :D




One of my most favorite answers, when people ask me, "where does she go to the bathroom", is, "I make her hold it in for 7 days!"

I immediately follow-up with the correct answer so they don't think I'm a "smart _ _ _!

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Roz, We do not have either dogs name on them or their tags. But that doesn't stop people from calling "doggy" or whistling, making kissy noises. Or the ones I love are the ones who wait til John is almost past them and reachs out and touches the dog on the backend and of course he turns and pulls John. We have also had parents tell their kids the dog is working and they cannot touch and then the parent touches the dog!! :eek: We had a lady out in the hall last night, I opened the door and bith dogs walked out and stayed right by the doog. This lady was walking by and stopped. Then she stared at them :confused: When we got out the door, she says "they are staring at me". John says thats because you are staring at them!! DUH!!!! It's like people lose their minds when they see a dog.


As far as our cruise goes, I cannot find out anything about Grand Turk. I have written and called everyone and every number I could find. I told John we will just have to hope the health certificate will do, otherwise we will just have to stay on the boat.




Geeezzzz! Some people! They will never get it! People who literally stand there staring into the dogs eyes are so annoying.

I find myself saying, at least once a week, to people who are afraid of her, when I'm walking through a store, "if you're afraid, please, just walk on by and don't keep staring into her eyes!"

I'm sorry I don't know much about Grand Turk. Did you ask your Vet? But, the worst scenario is that you will have to do the land visit separately, one staying back with Wex.

I'm so excited for you guys. You will have such a good time!

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Roz, We do not have either dogs name on them or their tags. But that doesn't stop people from calling "doggy" or whistling, making kissy noises.


Don't you hate that?!


Or the ones I love are the ones who wait til John is almost past them and reachs out and touches the dog on the backend and of course he turns and pulls John.


You can train the dog not to do that - just have to desensitize him to it. Teach him that even if somebody touches him, he is to keep doing what he was doing and ignore the other ppl. Ppl will notice the training and back off, knowing they're not to do what they did.


We have also had parents tell their kids the dog is working and they cannot touch and then the parent touches the dog!! :eek:


Wow, that's pretty bad! Guess those are the "do as I say, not as I do" parents. :mad: I've never seen that, just seen parents tell their kid not to touch the doggy and even hold their kid back physically when the kid wants to disobey.


We had a lady out in the hall last night, I opened the door and bith dogs walked out and stayed right by the doog. This lady was walking by and stopped. Then she stared at them :confused: When we got out the door, she says "they are staring at me". John says thats because you are staring at them!! DUH!!!! It's like people lose their minds when they see a dog.


LOL!!! :D


As far as our cruise goes, I cannot find out anything about Grand Turk. I have written and called everyone and every number I could find. I told John we will just have to hope the health certificate will do, otherwise we will just have to stay on the boat.




I have called the Turks and Caicos Islands' U.S. Office of Tourism (earlier in the year, before I booked my cruise or about the same time I did it [but before I booked Early Saver]) and the lady said just a health certificate was needed.

Edited by Quampapetet
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One of my most favorite answers, when folks ask me, "where does she go to the bathroom?" is, "I make her hold it in for 7 days", immediately followed by the right answer.


I know they're curious and I don't wan them to think I'm just a smart _@_&_*!


Haha, I'd love to see the panic on their faces after you say the first answer! :p

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I still think I like the potty stories best and the ideas you guys all have are great. If I lived in a high rise apt I would think of trying some of them out.


I've had a very good friend visiting me this week, and aside from talking, talking, talking....we've been seeing some of the sites in my little town. Last night we did a "ghost tour" which involved a lot of walking around, some rougher terrain and by flashlight. One of the participants was a young man(maybe 30's?) in a wheelchair. He rolled that chair up and down and only needed some help on the steep inclines. I commented to him towards the end of the tour how impressed I was with his wheelchair finesse! He just said thanks, and his friend said most people don't talk to him much. That is so sad. I wanted to tell him to go get a SD, then people woud never stop talking to him.


Took my friend up to see the training facility and gave some attention to some of my pups. Next week, I'll have one of the golden doodle's home for a few days and I am going out on an outing with my foster pup and his trainer to see what the challenges are and what I can do to improve my handeling with the little guy.

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Mornin' all:

Roz: Boy did you stir up a hornet's nest on your question as to why 50 year olds would like Carnival! Why would you ask such a "stupid" question, as one polite poster responded! :eek: I had to sit on my hands and not respond because I would have been banned and sent to the corner. What a miserable person they must be. I wanted to ask them why they would even read the thread, and respond on it, more than once if it was so stupid. And, then the obvious point is that they MISSED the point! :p

Ok rant off, on to our furbabies. Jezzy Lou is growing up to be such a big girl. Only one accident in the house in over a week! And that was my fault, I just had to do that little extra chore before I let her out. Yea, I think we are house broken. It has been such nice weather here, she likes to go out and you know, vacuum the area. Picking up bugs, rocks and other treasures. I got her a "lovely" new collar at Dollar Tree. It is pink and has a 3" row of sparklies on top. I don't use the collar for leashes so wasn't concern about the quality. The only thing I use it for is to catch the little bugger, when I can!

Sunshine: Good luck with the little guy. Maybe he just needs some maturing. I am sure everything will work out.

Cindy: Isn't it frustrating when you have no control over something that is very important to you and you just can't get it taken care of? I have two situations on my plate, right now and it is taking a toll on me. I am making myself sick or something I can't control. I know I shouldn't but sometimes we just can't turn off the care button.

Cari and Denver: YOU GUYS ARE GETTING READY TO CRUISE. YEA FOR YOU! WE EXPECT A NEW PICTURE OF OUR HANDSOME GUY! I was yelling so Cari would hear me. I know she is very busy.:D

Everyone have a great weekend. Our weather is so beautiful this time of year, that is why we endure the hot summers.


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Hi all!


It's been forever since I've posted on this thread but I wanted to drop in because I know many of you followed the sad, sad story of Shogun and Saska and have a soft spot in your hearts for Mr. and Mrs. Shogun.


They're live on the Crown Princess (http://www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1079478) for their final cruise before getting their new puppy! He or she has been born (although, sadly, two puppies from the litter died shortly after birth) and they will take the new furbaby home a few weeks after returning from their cruise.


There is also a SD onboard their cruise. Flo is the "sister" and Seeing Eye Dog of long-time CC poster "Coral's" Mom. To solve the "potty problem," a CC member who lives in Quebec City (their embarkcation port) actually went and bought them some sod for the potty box. At this time of year, sod is pretty hard to come by and he was actually going to take it out of his own yard if necessary. What a very nice thing to do!


Best to all of you and the pups (working and otherwise)!


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Thanks Quam, I called the office of tourism a few times and no one answered.


No problem. Strange that nobody answered the phone! When I called it was back somewhere around February, March, or April of this year. I have no idea what time of day I called, but it didn't take long for them to answer. I don't recall where I found the number - somewhere on the Web.


Is this for your cruise that's on your ticker, the one happening in a little over two months? If so, you'll be there before I will be. Do report back how everything goes with the ports and your cruise! :)

Edited by Quampapetet
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I got her a "lovely" new collar at Dollar Tree. It is pink and has a 3" row of sparklies on top. I don't use the collar for leashes so wasn't concern about the quality. The only thing I use it for is to catch the little bugger, when I can!

Sounds like she's got some BLING! :D My girl is getting a collar with bling on it, too, for her birthday (shh!). I don't normally buy collars from Petco-type places, but they had a plain pink leather one that I picked up so that I could decorate it myself. I'm an artsy-craftsy person and I have a hot gun that applies pre-glued crystals and similar embellishments. They sell some that are plastic, some that are brass, some that are other things, and then they have the Swarovski Crystals. I have the latter. I made a nautical pattern so she can wear her new collar on the cruise and it also works for summer. I did yellow anchors, white with red life preservers, and blue ocean waves. It'll definitely work for the formal nights on the ship! ;)

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There is also a SD onboard their cruise. Flo is the "sister" and Seeing Eye Dog of long-time CC poster "Coral's" Mom. To solve the "potty problem," a CC member who lives in Quebec City (their embarkcation port) actually went and bought them some sod for the potty box. At this time of year, sod is pretty hard to come by and he was actually going to take it out of his own yard if necessary. What a very nice thing to do!


That was very nice of that member! Very cool. :cool:

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Sunshine, John felt the same way as that young man you met. He might have even mentioned it in that tv interview I sent you from CCI. It does make hp people more approachable. Tell that young man about John and how much a service dog has changed his life!


Nancy, It has been frustrating taking this dog on our cruise. But Thats why I come to this site all the time. Everyone is so helpful, I would have never done it without all of you.


I was looking for a nautical prong collar cover but Wex doesn't use his prong anymore. Maybe I will find a cute regular one on vacation. I did get Wex a halloween costume. Omg wait til you see a pic of him in it! I chose a skeleton because he's like 10 feet tall and skinny, figured it would be perfect. I can't wait to see the kids reaction.


Quam, We are going on our cruise in a few months. We just made our final payment and will be ready to go after the hectic holidays. We sent our Bahamas form back a few weeks ago, the other islands (St Thomas, Puerto Rico, Grand Turk) we will just hope the health certificate will do. We have already done this trip before, but I figured it would be an easy one for the first time with the dog. And we won't mind if we can't get off somewhere.



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Mornin' all:

Quam: We won't tell your girl about the surprise! She will be the best dressed furbaby on that formal night!

Latitude 20: Thank you for the update. I was just thinking about Mr. and Mrs. Shogun. How exciting, being on a cruise and then getting to pick-up a new furbaby. This furbaby will not take the place of Shogun or Saska, but will bring them a life time of new memories.

Cindy: Can't wait to see Sexy Wexy in his skeleton costume! Reno would not have stood still for a costume. He was pretty mellow about mom doing just about anything else, but no clothes for the boy.

Everyone have a great Sunday.


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Nancy, It has been frustrating taking this dog on our cruise. But Thats why I come to this site all the time. Everyone is so helpful, I would have never done it without all of you.


What has been frustrating about it? Potty stuff? Getting off the ship stuff? Or is the cruiseline being a pain?


I was looking for a nautical prong collar cover but Wex doesn't use his prong anymore. Maybe I will find a cute regular one on vacation. I did get Wex a halloween costume. Omg wait til you see a pic of him in it! I chose a skeleton because he's like 10 feet tall and skinny, figured it would be perfect. I can't wait to see the kids reaction.


I don't use covers on my girl's prong, but I know they make ones that are flat nylon (to make the collar look like a flat collar) - you or your son could decorate one of those (fabric paint or little iron-on patches would work better than sparkly rhinestones for a boy ;)). You could do the same with a regular flat collar (I'd think nylon, hemp, or fabric would work best for fabric paint and iron-on patches) if you're really not going to use the prong anymore. Or, you could just do a bandanna - that could be as easy as finding a nautical scrap of fabric, folding it into a triangle, and tying it on the dog. (You could also make your own collar from fabric if you're good at sewing or don't mind sewing.)


My girl will be an angel for Halloween (when we greet the trick-or-treaters at the door). It is a $2 costume - just a boa halo that floats above her head (there is a thin wire attached to it that is also attached to a scrunchie-type collar on her neck). I found it on clearance sale a couple months ago! :D


Quam, We are going on our cruise in a few months. We just made our final payment and will be ready to go after the hectic holidays. We sent our Bahamas form back a few weeks ago, the other islands (St Thomas, Puerto Rico, Grand Turk) we will just hope the health certificate will do. We have already done this trip before, but I figured it would be an easy one for the first time with the dog. And we won't mind if we can't get off somewhere.




You should be getting the Bahamas permit soon, at least if they are still as fast as they were a few months ago. The first year I went to the Bahamas it took them three months! But they have been better since then - this year it took just one month.


St. Thomas and Puerto Rico are part of the U.S.


Grand Turk ... like I said, the lady told me just a health certificate was needed and I did ask, "That's it?" and something else like, "No particular tests?" or, "No import permit?" or something along those lines. She assured me that all was needed was a health certificate. However, after I got off Cruise Critic last night, I went to research Grand Turk even though I am pretty certain I'll do just the beach there. This time I came across a part of the tourism site I'd never seen before that lists requirements for Grand Turk that are vastly different from what the tourism office told me! I have an e-mail into the address on the forms the site had and am hoping they will respond within a business day or two. (It is a confusing situation, so e-mail works better than trying to explain it over the phone.)


Basically, my issues with their requirements are the dog has had to be in the export country for six months prior to entry (I have the other cruise ports as well as another int'l trip in the way of fulfilling that requirement), a rabies titer test has to be done although there is no six-month wait like with Hawaii/England/Grand Cayman/etc. (that's an expensive blood draw at my vet's - the other year they told me $130+ and that's before the testing fee, though IAADP members get 1/2 price on that plus moved to the front of the line), the Lyme vaccine (the side-effects can be bad - worse than Lyme itself), and the whopping $50 import permit fee (for a few hours on an island?!). (So ya know, other requirements are the usual core vaccines plus the Leptospirosis vaccine [which is also needed for the Bahamas], treatment for external and internal buggies within fourteen days of your trip [flea-only meds as well as flea/tick collars and such do not count], negative heartworm test, dog must appear healthy, etc.)


So, I have an e-mail into the ppl these forms are from asking if service dogs coming on cruise ships to be in the country for less than half the day have different requirements. I will let you know what they say when I hear back. (If I don't hear by Wednesday or so, I will call to ask if they got my e-mail.)


So, that's a head's up for ya. If you're thinking of doing an excursion on Grand Turk, you may want to wait to book it or make sure you can get a full refund, just in case. I'm a bit miffed if that lady turns out to be that wrong about the requirements!! I was looking forward to the beach on Grand Turk. And maybe some shopping.

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Quam: We won't tell your girl about the surprise! She will be the best dressed furbaby on that formal night!


Thanks! :D I should take a photo of the collar and post it. I'll do that if I remember to get around to it....


Last cruise on the formal nights I put these cute hair clips in her hair that had fuzzy boa stuff and skinny feather things sticking up. The first formal night was the black and white one, but it blended too well with her coloring and nobody noticed it. The second formal night was the pink and yellow one - that one stuck out (I should hope so! :p) and ppl loved it. I also sprayed that doggy sparkle spray that PetEdge sells, but even I couldn't tell she had it on and I knew it was there! So much for that stuff.

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(So ya know, other requirements are the usual core vaccines plus the Leptospirosis vaccine [which is also needed for the Bahamas], treatment for external and internal buggies within fourteen days of your trip [flea-only meds as well as flea/tick collars and such do not count], negative heartworm test, dog must appear healthy, etc.)


I forgot to mention the dog must have a microchip or tattoo and the dog must be spayed/neutered. Plus, the health certificate has to be a certified USDA one. And the rabies titer thing - there's no six-month wait, but the dog is only eligible the twelve months after the latest rabies vaccine (of which there must have been at least two in the dog's history).


They like to make you jump through hoops. :( I am guessing we will be on the ship at Grand Turk *sigh*. At least I have a nice balcony to use, but I'd rather feel sand under my toes.

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Quam, Now my head is spinning! But I'm not going to worry about it. We only plan on hanging out at the margaritaville pool there. We will just stay on the ship if it's too much of a hassle. The ship has been no problem at all. We just filled out their form and that was it. Finding out what we need to get him on the islands have been the trouble. There really is not much info out there. As far as the collar goes, I'm not crafty at all!!! I could never make something up myself.


Nancy, Wexy will sit and let you do anything to him. Yesterday we went out and tried to take a Christmas picture. We wanted a pic of them together. Wex had a santa beard and hat on. Bailee had the reindeen antlers on. She does not like to pose for a pic. She is terrified of the camera. After getting totally frustrated and John and I yelling at her and eachother, we decided to take seperate pics. We ordered our cards and heres the pics we picked. We were happy to get anything.





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Nancy, Wexy will sit and let you do anything to him. Yesterday we went out and tried to take a Christmas picture. We wanted a pic of them together. Wex had a santa beard and hat on. Bailee had the reindeen antlers on. She does not like to pose for a pic. She is terrified of the camera. After getting totally frustrated and John and I yelling at her and eachother, we decided to take seperate pics. We ordered our cards and heres the pics we picked. We were happy to get anything.




Great pics. Wex looks fantastic. Bailee looks a little annoyed :cool: I am sure they will make great cards.

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I still think I like the potty stories best and the ideas you guys all have are great. If I lived in a high rise apt I would think of trying some of them out.


I've had a very good friend visiting me this week, and aside from talking, talking, talking....we've been seeing some of the sites in my little town. Last night we did a "ghost tour" which involved a lot of walking around, some rougher terrain and by flashlight. One of the participants was a young man(maybe 30's?) in a wheelchair. He rolled that chair up and down and only needed some help on the steep inclines. I commented to him towards the end of the tour how impressed I was with his wheelchair finesse! He just said thanks, and his friend said most people don't talk to him much. That is so sad. I wanted to tell him to go get a SD, then people woud never stop talking to him.


Took my friend up to see the training facility and gave some attention to some of my pups. Next week, I'll have one of the golden doodle's home for a few days and I am going out on an outing with my foster pup and his trainer to see what the challenges are and what I can do to improve my handeling with the little guy.


It never ceases to amaze me how the public can look at people in wheelchairs [or, do anything they can to avoid looking at them], and in their avoidance be hurtful. People in wheelchairs are "people", nothing more and nothing less!

Actually, I have seen them do things in those chairs that are so thrilling.....it should be an Olympic sport.

And, we do live in a "high rise"! The potty box is a "huge" thing for us, our friends and family. Our patio [which is very big] has Brenda's potty box as the "main attraction." Friends and family just can't believe that this huge dog is willing to climb up on her 4x5 artificial turf [lawn] and do small circles, and, go potty.

She has never missed or ever had an accident.....I better start knocking on wood!

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As a nurse and a pediatric one at that, I am used to working with people of all ages and disabilites of all natures. Yet, until I started working with service dogs, I didn't comprehend some of the challenges, both physical and emotional. I do think working with these fabulous four legged friends has made me a better nurse and a better person. Plus, I have fun and get warm puppy snuggles. (OK and sometimes crate barking, poopy clean up, stubborn dogs....)


Speaking of stubborn dogs, I worked with my pup and his trainer today. Talk abt interesting. I am going on an outing with two trainers, two dogs and myself. Yikes, a year ago, I think I would have been stressing out. Now I have gotten to know these two wonderful young people and so I was more interested in what I needed to do to correct my behaviour. So with a few guidelines our outing went well, and I think I will have my little boy home for a few more days next week. We really need to work on the crate barking.


I have a beautiful golden doodle at my feet. OMG he is so handsome, and so well behaved in public. And he is not even a year yet, I can only imagine where he will go someday.

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As a nurse and a pediatric one at that, I am used to working with people of all ages and disabilites of all natures. Yet, until I started working with service dogs, I didn't comprehend some of the challenges, both physical and emotional. I do think working with these fabulous four legged friends has made me a better nurse and a better person. Plus, I have fun and get warm puppy snuggles. (OK and sometimes crate barking, poopy clean up, stubborn dogs....)


Speaking of stubborn dogs, I worked with my pup and his trainer today. Talk abt interesting. I am going on an outing with two trainers, two dogs and myself. Yikes, a year ago, I think I would have been stressing out. Now I have gotten to know these two wonderful young people and so I was more interested in what I needed to do to correct my behaviour. So with a few guidelines our outing went well, and I think I will have my little boy home for a few more days next week. We really need to work on the crate barking.


I have a beautiful golden doodle at my feet. OMG he is so handsome, and so well behaved in public. And he is not even a year yet, I can only imagine where he will go someday.


Oh! Great! I thought I just admired you because of the work you do for potential Service Dogs......How do you find the time? You are a "Super Hero!" Again, thank you so much! Your saving people and dogs.....what more can you do?

I hope that your "crate barker" stops......it can turn into a "marked" behavior and I've seen so many great dogs that don't graduate because of it! Isn't that weird. They're so good in every other aspect of their training but they can't do the "alone" thing or the "crate" thing. I, personally, think it's one-in-the-same......if you're in the room is he better at crating or is it only when he's left alone?

Good luck with him.

And, that Golden Doodle makes me nuts. I love them. Does he have the Poodle hair? What an ideal Service Dog. A great worker with a Golden brain and Poddle hair.....my ideal dog!

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Cindy: What cute pictures. Bailee does have that "air" about her! I saw a license plate bracket the other day (That I might have to get myself) but it said "Move over Princess, the Queen is here"! I got a chuckle out of it.

Sunshine: Your Golden Doodle sounds adorable. Pictures if possible. I just love the Standard Poodles. That hair is just too much!

Quam: Your girl sounds like she has the fashions under control! I hadn't even thought of clips. Reno would not have been pleased, nor would Papa if I put clips in his hair, but now Jezzy Lou, that's another story.

Everyone have a great evening.


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