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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Karen, you did such a great job with Crackers and now he's ready for exactly what you and the trainers were preparing him for; life as a Service Dog. He'll be loved and appreciated and although you won't be with him the best part of you will! That's the part that gave him such love/affection and good lessons to take on the world.

Please let us know how graduation goes. I really want to know. Take care of you.

Cindy, you are ready for a cruise. You've certainly earned it. Please let us know where and when.

Barbara, I am so glad that Allison Muff [Princess Cruises Access Dept.] was of help to you. She has been very helpful to us as well. Have a wonderful cruise and please come back and tell us how Valentine did. Give her a kiss from her PenPal Brenda.

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Hi Roz, I've been real busy (went on an Alaska cruise in June and then changed jobs 1 1/2 weeks later) so I just got back on CC this week.


It looks like the Sapphire Princess will be in Cabo San Lucas the same day as the Oosterdam. Are you doing any shore excursions? I’d like to see Brenda (and you and Morey of course!) even if we just meet on the dock. Does Brenda tender well?

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Hi Roz, I've been real busy (went on an Alaska cruise in June and then changed jobs 1 1/2 weeks later) so I just got back on CC this week.


It looks like the Sapphire Princess will be in Cabo San Lucas the same day as the Oosterdam. Are you doing any shore excursions? I’d like to see Brenda (and you and Morey of course!) even if we just meet on the dock. Does Brenda tender well?


Hi Marcia,

It's good to hear from you. Good luck on your new job. I hope your Alaska cruise was wonderful. How could it not be. You're becoming a real cruise "junkie!"

Now that Brenda is 10 years old there are definitely some [not so important] "stuff" that I won't ask her to do [unless, a God-forbid happens.] I wouldn't ask her to jump into and out of a tender boat. For that matter, Morey can't do it either. Maybe I'll do it alone......I wouldn't want to go without my "team" but, as we get closer I may want to.

I will be looking for the Oosterdam [one of my favorite cruise ships] and, if I decide not to do the tender I'll be the one with the big flag waving at you and I'll be looking at the shoreline......I expect you to be waving a flag or maybe you'll be one of those folks parasailing. ;)

We're doing the Pacific Northwest in September of 2011, jump onboard.

Take care, I hope we'll see you soon.

Love and Licks,


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Suddenly today I became very sad, I am missing Crackers. I went up to CA to play with Cooler for a bit, then I took one of Cracker's siblings out to play. Looking into the golden that looks so much like my big boy was sweet, but not the same. I miss, how when I would walk into the kennels he would be right up at the door of his run and just watch me every step of the way down to his room. Whenever we would play on agility he still watched me. We had been playing hide and seek lately, and he would find me so quickly, no matter where I hid. I think if I see him looking at his little girl that way,my heart will heal. It really isn't hurt, just a bit tender right now.

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Suddenly today I became very sad, I am missing Crackers. I went up to CA to play with Cooler for a bit, then I took one of Cracker's siblings out to play. Looking into the golden that looks so much like my big boy was sweet, but not the same. I miss, how when I would walk into the kennels he would be right up at the door of his run and just watch me every step of the way down to his room. Whenever we would play on agility he still watched me. We had been playing hide and seek lately, and he would find me so quickly, no matter where I hid. I think if I see him looking at his little girl that way,my heart will heal. It really isn't hurt, just a bit tender right now.



There's nothing any of us can say. You deserve to have every one of these feelings.....they're not "right" or "wrong", they just "are!"

We're here for you and all those wonderful memories are for you. They're inside you and will keep you either smiling or tearing-up every time Crackers comes into your head.

We all love your stories of either Crackers or soon Cooler so please don't stop sharing them.

Let us know if he does look into his little girls face, like he looked into yours.

Many Licks and Love,

Roz & Brenny

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Thank you for your kind words. They helped a lot. I was feeling guilty for the sadness.


Karen, Hang in there, once you see him with that little girl everything will be ok. Please don't feel guilty. You have every right to be sad. You did alot with him and it's really hard not to get attached.




PS when is the grad?

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I think I'll consume a dog-tini if it is all the same to you:D


Sunshine please try not to feel sad. I feel that it's just like teaching kindergarden for children. We train them with everything that they could possablely need to be able to learn the hard stuff.


To mean it's all the same. No dogs abd Children but the work that goes into teaching them to learn properly.


I also feel that good treachers, the ones that really care reallly miss their students an alful lot too. Then the next group need all that specual attention and the circle is able to continue. We are so proud of you and the job that you do. Quite extraordinary!!!:eek:

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Y'all are the best. I'm already bonding with Cooler. She'll help a lot. Her picture is up at work and I'm not taking Cracker's down yet. My friends at work, who have met Cracker's several times are all sad. Happy for him, just missing him already.

Edited by sunshine426
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Sunshine please try not to feel sad. I feel that it's just like teaching kindergarden for children. We train them with everything that they could possablely need to be able to learn the hard stuff.


To mean it's all the same. No dogs abd Children but the work that goes into teaching them to learn properly.


I also feel that good treachers' date=' the ones that really care reallly miss their students an alful lot too. Then the next group need all that specual attention and the circle is able to continue. We are so proud of you and the job that you do. Quite extraordinary!!!:eek:[/quote']


Wonderful analogy. My children always tell me that I talk to and treat Brenda just like I did them......and, then they tell her how sorry they feel for her. My son calls me and always asks, "how's my little four-footed sister?"

When I told him that she's older than I am, that really upset him! Because, of course, he thinks I'm ancient! :(

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Graduation was fabulous and no tears for me. Cracker's just loves his little girl, you can just see it. He did have his special look for me, spotted me as soon as I walked in a very crowded room. I was trying not to make eye contact, but somehow I did. His recepients Mom called me over, said he seemed to know me. So we talked a little before graduation. After we took some pictures, they loved Cracker's stuffed animal and gave it to him right away. Loved the photo album. I had even managed to get pictures of most of his siblings. They live in California, so Cracker's will get his first long plane ride tomorow.

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Graduation was fabulous and no tears for me. Cracker's just loves his little girl, you can just see it. He did have his special look for me, spotted me as soon as I walked in a very crowded room. I was trying not to make eye contact, but somehow I did. His recepients Mom called me over, said he seemed to know me. So we talked a little before graduation. After we took some pictures, they loved Cracker's stuffed animal and gave it to him right away. Loved the photo album. I had even managed to get pictures of most of his siblings. They live in California, so Cracker's will get his first long plane ride tomorow.


Congradulations on a job well done. I'm very proud of the way that you handled yourself. You're a real pro.

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So of course I am still wondering how Cracker's did on his first long plane ride and how he is adjusting to his new home. I really don't have any big concerns. I think he is going to be a well loved and happy dog. Plus, he get's to grow up with this little girl since he is still so young as well.


Last week when I had Cooler home I met some neighbors that I did not know. Did you know that puppies are just a child magnet:D. Today the little girl brought her Daddy, her brother and her yellow lab to meet Cooler. She had even made a coller for her stuffed lab(which she also had with her) that said "Cooler". She is 8 years old and so cute. Cooler wasn't on a home visit, but I better go get her soon. My husband and the dad just stood and talked dog for about 30 minutes, while Macey asked me a million questions about "baby" Cooler. Too cute.

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Puppy Update: Having too much fun. Took one puppy up to the high school where the cheerleaders were running a mini camp. 200 little girls between 5 - 12 cheering running around the gym, rain on the roof! What a commotion. Of course my little goldy girl lit up and ran with the kids and watched some of their cheers.


My little fella only got to go to the bank, grocery store and home depot. I told the girls I would bring him tomorow. I can only do short outings and one at a time.


My dog and both pups went on a nice car ride. Practicing getting in and out of the car and riding nicely in the back seat.... Need some work on that. j


I'm going to look closer at the graduating dogs now. Let you know my pick soon.


I took a stroll down memory lane and found this post. The "little fella" I was talking about was none other than the famous Crackers! What a difference one year makes.


Also, a year ago we were all so excited about Wexie and John!

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I took a stroll down memory lane and found this post. The "little fella" I was talking about was none other than the famous Crackers! What a difference one year makes.


Also, a year ago we were all so excited about Wexie and John!


And, we all got to share in these wonderful memories. I remember when you wrote about Cracker's and, when Cindy was so worried that the time for John's new dog would never come and, now look, Cracker's is off into the world and, because of YOU, he'll make a huge difference in another person's life. And, Cindy and John have Wexie to fulfill them both.

It must be so, so rewarding to do what you do. Along with the sadness of the dog leaving you goes the gladness of a job well done [by both of you.]

When you talk about the dogs being magnets......When I'm cruising and it's time to take Brenda out for her "potty-break", I'd better not go in rollers or a nightgown....and, if you'd see the look people give me when I don't have my makeup on! :eek: Certainly a different Roz than they saw last night!

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Well, Cooler is in the house, and has had a very productive day of helping me go up and down the stairs a million times while I organize a room, helped me tug wet clothes out of the washing machine. On to Target and a good girl their as well. As young as she is I am just happy not to have any potty incidents in the store. I'm feeling brave and will take her to the hospital for a mini visit tomorow. Crackers started visiting about this age, and he did well.

By the way, I hear Cracker's did well on the flight to the west coast and is really bonding well to his new person. Turns out he will assist with balance, but be the incredibly important seizure response dog. I think he will be fabulous at this.

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Well, Cooler is in the house, and has had a very productive day of helping me go up and down the stairs a million times while I organize a room, helped me tug wet clothes out of the washing machine. On to Target and a good girl their as well. As young as she is I am just happy not to have any potty incidents in the store. I'm feeling brave and will take her to the hospital for a mini visit tomorow. Crackers started visiting about this age, and he did well.


By the way, I hear Cracker's did well on the flight to the west coast and is really bonding well to his new person. Turns out he will assist with balance, but be the incredibly important seizure response dog. I think he will be fabulous at this.


So, does he live near L.A.? If so, I'll have to be on the look-out. Yeh! Right! He could live a few miles away and here, in L.A. it's amazing how you can NEVER run into each other, ever! But, I can go to Switzerland and run into a neighbor......What's up with that?

Have fun with Cooler, she's going to keep you on your toes!

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So you walk through Disney World with a service dog and you get a reaction from people. So you walk through Disney World with TWO service dogs and you get an even bigger reaction. So you walk through Disney World with two service dogs wearing yellow Muttluks and you are a bigger attraction than Space Mountain!! That's what we did last week. Friends of ours that are CCI volunteer puppy raisers spent last week with us in Disney World. I can't even begin to guess how many pictures and videos we are in. But we had a blast and alot more people now know what a service dog is.

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So you walk through Disney World with a service dog and you get a reaction from people. So you walk through Disney World with TWO service dogs and you get an even bigger reaction. So you walk through Disney World with two service dogs wearing yellow Muttluks and you are a bigger attraction than Space Mountain!! That's what we did last week. Friends of ours that are CCI volunteer puppy raisers spent last week with us in Disney World. I can't even begin to guess how many pictures and videos we are in. But we had a blast and alot more people now know what a service dog is.


That is such a funny visual, in my head. You are a great "rep" for us!!!!

Every time we go on a cruise people ask to take pictures of Brenda.....I, too, would love to be a fly on the wall of all the homes across the world that have pictures of Brenda in their albums. I know she's in a video from a family who live in Japan.....their small, adorable child had to hug Brenda every time she saw her. And, on a 10 day cruise that's a lot!

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That is such a funny visual, in my head. You are a great "rep" for us!!!!


Every time we go on a cruise people ask to take pictures of Brenda.....I, too, would love to be a fly on the wall of all the homes across the world that have pictures of Brenda in their albums. I know she's in a video from a family who live in Japan.....their small, adorable child had to hug Brenda every time she saw her. And, on a 10 day cruise that's a lot!






I had Valentine in to see her doctor tonight. It's the skin again YUK!!!!!:mad:There was a black Lab in the office that looked just like our little Brennie. Except he was a he 18 months onld lots of eneregy and the cutest little doggie this side of Valentine of course.;) He was making himself write at home and laying on the cool tyle floor(all except his butt) it was so cute he would lay everything down except his tail and underlings. He was cole black and his name was Carbon. I thought that name was appropriate.:)

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Roz' date='


I had Valentine in to see her doctor tonight. It's the skin again YUK!!!!!:mad:There was a black Lab in the office that looked just like our little Brennie. Except he was a he 18 months onld lots of eneregy and the cutest little doggie this side of Valentine of course.;) He was making himself write at home and laying on the cool tyle floor(all except his butt) it was so cute he would lay everything down except his tail and underlings. He was cole black and his name was Carbon. I thought that name was appropriate.:)[/quote']


Great name! CCI had suggested to us that when people ask what Brenda's name was when we're out and about, I should make up a name because it can be very confusing and even dangerous in a public place for someone to call her name, she might just bolt [i doubt it but who knows?]

So, I think I'm going to use the name Carbon, very cute. Thank you.

The worst part about getting a Service Dog [if there is one], is that you never had the opportunity to know the dog when he/she was a pup. And, if you get unlucky, as I did, to have Puppyraisers who did not take many pictures during the growing process, a lot of Brenda's growing up was lost. I got some pictures and I treasure those........little, black Labs, are so, so cute. I think they look like little monkeys.

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