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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz, We learned from CCI how to intorduce the dogs when we got Wex. When you get close to home, call Morey and have him take Brenda outside and up the street alittle. Then you walk up the street with Successor and have a meeting, after they sniff for a while and you see they are ok together walk back to the house together and bring him in. Since he is a boy they should be ok. Of course we thought that with our favorite dog "CuJoe" things would be ok but he really wasn't a service dog. :rolleyes: It will be fine!!

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Roz, We learned from CCI how to intorduce the dogs when we got Wex. When you get close to home, call Morey and have him take Brenda outside and up the street alittle. Then you walk up the street with Successor and have a meeting, after they sniff for a while and you see they are ok together walk back to the house together and bring him in. Since he is a boy they should be ok. Of course we thought that with our favorite dog "CuJoe" things would be ok but he really wasn't a service dog. :rolleyes: It will be fine!!


OMG! One of the scariest movies I ever saw was "Cujo", that dog was relentless!!!!! Scared the bejeebers out of me.

What you suggested is exactly what I thought we'd do. Meet somewhere up the street and then walk back together.

Thanks so much. I can't wait for "Successor" to come into the house and start sniffing around Brenda's toy box, the couch and her favorite spot in the front hall......it should be interesting.


Watching Brenda play with "Nate" the Seeing Eye Dog onboard the Sapphire was a real treat for me. I've never seen Brenda actually "play" with another dog. She's usually too busy trying to boss them around. :rolleyes:

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Dear Mrs. Roz,

Like Cindy said, we are here to listen to each other with any and all things that pop out of our typing fingers. We have funny, sad, devastating and wonderful news on this thread and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cindy: OMG, we HAVE to have pictures of the pup. I know he will look just like my Renie did! I bet Wexy will have such a good time with him. They will both be pooped out.

Now, as for John, I can't even imagine sitting around waiting to get to those appointments. I certainly hope the neurologist finds the cause and fixes it. Something is definately causing it. John doesn't sound like the drama queen type so I am sure it isn't just for attention (;)). All fingers, toes, paws and craws crossed.

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Roz: I can just see the look on Ms. Prim and Proper Brenny when succesor starts nosing around "her" space. Especially her Papa and Mama! I bet she will surprise you and be the firm big sister and certainly boss him around. Most men/boys need that guidance anyway.:D (Sorry Jocko).

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Dear Mrs. Roz,

Like Cindy said, we are here to listen to each other with any and all things that pop out of our typing fingers. We have funny, sad, devastating and wonderful news on this thread and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Cindy: OMG, we HAVE to have pictures of the pup. I know he will look just like my Renie did! I bet Wexy will have such a good time with him. They will both be pooped out.


Now, as for John, I can't even imagine sitting around waiting to get to those appointments. I certainly hope the neurologist finds the cause and fixes it. Something is definately causing it. John doesn't sound like the drama queen type so I am sure it isn't just for attention (;)). All fingers, toes, paws and craws crossed.


And, that's why we love you!!!!!! Thanks, Nancy.......A "pep talk" is exactly what this girl needed!!!!!

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Roz: I can just see the look on Ms. Prim and Proper Brenny when succesor starts nosing around "her" space. Especially her Papa and Mama! I bet she will surprise you and be the firm big sister and certainly boss him around. Most men/boys need that guidance anyway.:D (Sorry Jocko).


You know I'll be on this thread shouting for "help" anyway!!!!!

I can't wait to take him on his first cruise. It'll be fun!!!!! ;)

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Had a not so fun thing happen on Saturday, I go outside and play catch with Blitz and he has a blast, until Saturday. I don't know how he did it and its not terribly bad but Blitz cut one of his pads on his right leg. I did not notice it until we came inside and everywhere he walked was a spot of blood. Got it cleaned and its not a bad cut. It finally stopped bleeding about a hour later and until Sunday it would have some spotty bleeding since he is super active. I finally laid on the ground and he laid next to me for about a hour and it finally stopped for good. Now the poor little pup has a little limp on the right front leg although the vet says its nothing serious and he is not worried. I think Blitz is milking it, shhhh don't tell him I said so. lol


Today I went in the back yard and Blitz came up to me and dropped a ball wanting to play catch so I tossed the ball to him directly so no running was involved. I changed my plans today so I would not have to leave the house so that his paw would heal more. Tomorrow I have to get food for me and Blitz so he really loves tractor supply but I am thinking that he will stay home this time. Its going to upset him and cause a few issues with me although I believe this to be the best solution in this situation. Will wait till tomorrow see how it goes with him.

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Had a not so fun thing happen on Saturday, I go outside and play catch with Blitz and he has a blast, until Saturday. I don't know how he did it and its not terribly bad but Blitz cut one of his pads on his right leg. I did not notice it until we came inside and everywhere he walked was a spot of blood. Got it cleaned and its not a bad cut. It finally stopped bleeding about a hour later and until Sunday it would have some spotty bleeding since he is super active. I finally laid on the ground and he laid next to me for about a hour and it finally stopped for good. Now the poor little pup has a little limp on the right front leg although the vet says its nothing serious and he is not worried. I think Blitz is milking it, shhhh don't tell him I said so. lol


Today I went in the back yard and Blitz came up to me and dropped a ball wanting to play catch so I tossed the ball to him directly so no running was involved. I changed my plans today so I would not have to leave the house so that his paw would heal more. Tomorrow I have to get food for me and Blitz so he really loves tractor supply but I am thinking that he will stay home this time. Its going to upset him and cause a few issues with me although I believe this to be the best solution in this situation. Will wait till tomorrow see how it goes with him.




Awwwww poor Blitz. I'm glad he is ok, but that paw must be sore. I'm sure he's gonna milk it as long as he can.

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Dear Mrs. Roz,

Like Cindy said, we are here to listen to each other with any and all things that pop out of our typing fingers. We have funny, sad, devastating and wonderful news on this thread and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Cindy: OMG, we HAVE to have pictures of the pup. I know he will look just like my Renie did! I bet Wexy will have such a good time with him. They will both be pooped out.


Now, as for John, I can't even imagine sitting around waiting to get to those appointments. I certainly hope the neurologist finds the cause and fixes it. Something is definately causing it. John doesn't sound like the drama queen type so I am sure it isn't just for attention (;)). All fingers, toes, paws and craws crossed.



Nanc, I will make sure I get some pics of the pup to post on here.


Again thanks for your concern for John. Wex is staying with me today while Jiohn goes for his test and tomorrow we will all go to the the neurologist together.

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Today our final payment is due!! WooooHooooo!!! Well not happy we have to pay it but it means things are getting closer. I have been going to check the price every hour or so, just incase it goes down. Some people were saying their price went down right before the final payment. Fat chance that will happen, but you never know.

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Mornin' all:

I just have to come on here and boast. Travis is in the newspaper, he made the honor roll! I am beside myself. After having the year from he!! last year, he is doing so much better, here. His whole demeanor has changed. Can't wait for him to get out of school. I don't think he knows his name is in the paper. Just to be a "B" girl that I am, I want to send a copy to his other grandparents, but they probably wouldn't know who he was! Jerks...........

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Had a not so fun thing happen on Saturday, I go outside and play catch with Blitz and he has a blast, until Saturday. I don't know how he did it and its not terribly bad but Blitz cut one of his pads on his right leg. I did not notice it until we came inside and everywhere he walked was a spot of blood. Got it cleaned and its not a bad cut. It finally stopped bleeding about a hour later and until Sunday it would have some spotty bleeding since he is super active. I finally laid on the ground and he laid next to me for about a hour and it finally stopped for good. Now the poor little pup has a little limp on the right front leg although the vet says its nothing serious and he is not worried. I think Blitz is milking it, shhhh don't tell him I said so. lol


Today I went in the back yard and Blitz came up to me and dropped a ball wanting to play catch so I tossed the ball to him directly so no running was involved. I changed my plans today so I would not have to leave the house so that his paw would heal more. Tomorrow I have to get food for me and Blitz so he really loves tractor supply but I am thinking that he will stay home this time. Its going to upset him and cause a few issues with me although I believe this to be the best solution in this situation. Will wait till tomorrow see how it goes with him.


[i'm home today cause I felt sick-our weather changes are so weird, it's enough to make anyone sick. We were in the 90's on the weekend and today were rainy & cold].....Sorry to hear about Blitz's accident, I hope he's up and about real soon. What caused the boo-boo?

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Today our final payment is due!! WooooHooooo!!! Well not happy we have to pay it but it means things are getting closer. I have been going to check the price every hour or so, just incase it goes down. Some people were saying their price went down right before the final payment. Fat chance that will happen, but you never know.


Congratulations! Although I hate putting out the money, I love what it's for!!!!!

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Mornin' all:

I just have to come on here and boast. Travis is in the newspaper, he made the honor roll! I am beside myself. After having the year from he!! last year, he is doing so much better, here. His whole demeanor has changed. Can't wait for him to get out of school. I don't think he knows his name is in the paper. Just to be a "B" girl that I am, I want to send a copy to his other grandparents, but they probably wouldn't know who he was! Jerks...........


Big Kudo's to Travis on getting on the honor roll! That's a huge acheivement......please give him a big hug and licks from Roz & Brenny.


Sorry about the "absentee" Grandparents.....I will never understand folks who refuse to acknowledge their children. Travis deserves better. He's got you and all your love and pride for him. ;)

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[i'm home today cause I felt sick-our weather changes are so weird, it's enough to make anyone sick. We were in the 90's on the weekend and today were rainy & cold].....Sorry to hear about Blitz's accident, I hope he's up and about real soon. What caused the boo-boo?


Allot of what Blitz does is by my training to him or assistance with his breeder who is plainly just amazing. I am just so thankful that I have a dog who is so damn smart and so willing to please me. With that said one thing I know is all work and no play makes for a not so happy puppy (even though he is not). We go outside daily unless I am in so much pain it makes walking a huge issue. we were outside playing catch and either he landed incorrectly or stepped on something. I didn't notice it when it happened, although we did go shopping today and I paid close attention to his walking and all appears OK except for a slight limp still. One really cool thing about Blitz that many of you might take for granted is the difference in character that Blitz displays when he is working and when he is not. When he is not working he is a clumsy 86lb pain in the rear with loads of spirit. When he is working he holds his head up high and acts like he has been doing this for years and not the months that he really has working assisting me. The main reason I say this is because so many of you have such highly trained service animals and while Blitz is not a guide dog or have years of experience like many of the highly professionally trained pups here.


I feel ya about the weather for sure. All last week it was in the 40's at night and the 70's in the day. Well today the heat came back and even with the windows open I am considering turning on the AC again.


Thank you for your concern.

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Mornin' all:

I just have to come on here and boast. Travis is in the newspaper, he made the honor roll! I am beside myself. After having the year from he!! last year, he is doing so much better, here. His whole demeanor has changed. Can't wait for him to get out of school. I don't think he knows his name is in the paper. Just to be a "B" girl that I am, I want to send a copy to his other grandparents, but they probably wouldn't know who he was! Jerks...........



How awesome Nancy!!! He's going to be so excited to see his name in the paper. You must be very proud.

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Mornin' all:

I just have to come on here and boast. Travis is in the newspaper, he made the honor roll! I am beside myself. After having the year from he!! last year, he is doing so much better, here. His whole demeanor has changed. Can't wait for him to get out of school. I don't think he knows his name is in the paper. Just to be a "B" girl that I am, I want to send a copy to his other grandparents, but they probably wouldn't know who he was! Jerks...........


Its always a sweet thing for a parent to have a child on the honor roll. Julie (my daughter) was always there, got several scholarships for college and is a senior at USM with a over all 3.8 GPA. My son just did graduate from HS, loads of issues and most were bad problems yet after 4 years in the USMC I could not be any prouder. Congratulations again, although I would not tell the other Grand Parents if the relationship is as bad as the post suggests. Have the hubby do it it might help that relationship.

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Big Kudo's to Travis on getting on the honor roll! That's a huge acheivement......please give him a big hug and licks from Roz & Brenny.


Sorry about the "absentee" Grandparents.....I will never understand folks who refuse to acknowledge their children. Travis deserves better. He's got you and all your love and pride for him. ;)


I agree and thats exactly how it is still in my family. I have great children but because the folks never liked my EX they refuse to accept my children just because of their mother and I being married. The first time they met my children was before my son went to Faluga Iraq in his first tour with the Marines. They havent seen or expressed any wanting to see them again. Bunch of jerks if you ask me, geeez I hate drama. I'll be 50 soon and I still have issues with mommy and daddy....... lol

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I got all the paperwork today for Team Training and the information on staying in the dorm, plus a phone call from one of the CCI Trainers.


I will be going up to Santa Rosa on December 4th - Class will start on December 5th and will end on December 10th. I'm so grateful that it's only 5 days but am afraid that it's going to be the most intense 5 days I'll ever know. When I questioned the trainer about the dog, she said there were actually two dogs.....the one that works the best with me will be "my dog!" That's all she would say.


I know I don't have to tell you how excited I am, I was going to wait until tomorrow to write from Brenda's Avatar but I can't settle down, my mind is going a mile a minute and I had to share the news with you. I'm so excited.


I had all of Brenda's bandana's that could be easily worn by a boy or a girl cleaned and pressed. I had a long talk with my girl about how much I love and adore her and how nothing or no one could ever change that, and my colleagues at work are planning a retirement party for her.


It's all so real now. I have tons of reading to do from CCI. They sent a notebook of reading material. Here come's the homework. :o

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Roz--YIPPEE!! :D And perfect timing... You'll be done with training in Santa Rosa the day I come home from my cruise so I won't miss the homecoming with Successor! ;) How exciting, two dogs gives you a better chance of a perfect fit. I'm SO happy for you! :D

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Cindy hows the family and health?


We went to the doctors yesterday. Johns doctor was the head of the neurology/stroke dept, so we were in good hands. Good/bad news is that we still don't know why this happened. He said John had more tests than some people have in a lifetime. And although we really want a reason why this happened, we are not getting one. Every test was good. We just have to get used to the idea that it was some fluke thing. He did say that it could have been brought on by STRESS!! John is constantly thinking and worrying about stupid stuff. So now we are "chillaxing" as they say. We did find out that he has a hole in his heart and 25% of the population has one and it's nothing to worry about. Of course I had some smarta$$ comments about that! ;)

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