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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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My little Angel. Valentine was the best traveler.we would lea e early in the am and not get to the Rome port until e enigma g. She. Could hold e erytbing till we put her spotty pan Dow. I. Our room for the.night. No straw ge spotty s for her..n.


Sorry I ha.ge 't been on..mu h. After she left my heart. Broke and I still. Cry for her. I m. Not getting another serviice dog. I do have Bella and I love her. But she is my pet and therefore does. Not travel with. Me.




I. Can never let that happen. Again. I still. CRy for her daily


I am a lurker and e joy your. Omraxiery. N not spell. All the. Es people and dogsthiz is a gteat group with all the a seers. Quake I'm sorry your dog ks sI ck. Ut doing. Better.


Love to all





Lovely to hear from you Barbara - we all understand how you feel, I could cry now thinking about the dear joyhearts we have loved and lost, and I cherish each and every moment with the ones we have now (well nearly, every moment apart from when I'm down on my achy old knees cleaning up a busy!!!)


Here are some puppy kisses and snuggles just for you from Aruba xxxxx


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Barbara, we all know how you feel. As I sit here with tears running down my face. I miss my big ole lug, Reno every day, also and he wasn't a service dog. I can magnify what you and Roz feel. Know that you can come on here anytime and say anything. We are a resilient group and understand. Take care of yourself, Bella and Papa.

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My little Angel. Valentine was the best traveler.we would lea e early in the am and not get to the Rome port until e enigma g. She. Could hold e erytbing till we put her spotty pan Dow. I. Our room for the.night. No straw ge spotty s for her..n.


Sorry I ha.ge 't been on..mu h. After she left my heart. Broke and I still. Cry for her. I m. Not getting another serviice dog. I do have Bella and I love her. But she is my pet and therefore does. Not travel with. Me.




I. Can never let that happen. Again. I still. CRy for her daily


I am a lurker and e joy your. Omraxiery. N not spell. All the. Es people and dogsthiz is a gteat group with all the a seers. Quake I'm sorry your dog ks sI ck. Ut doing. Better.


Love to all





Our deepest sympathies, Barbara, and give Bella an extra hug for all of us. It's really tough losing our best friends. They are never forgotten.

Edited by Host Walt
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Thank You to someone, maybe the moderator for removing a very insulting post. I was just going to try and report to someone to have it removed. By the time I got back within a minute it was taken care of. I don't know if this post will stay. But THANK You to whoever removed the post. Susan

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Remember I told you that my cabin steward turned down my bed at night and "readied" Misty's blanket and toys at the bottom of the bed. Here is a picture. He did this every single night. Loved him!


As you know I am doing another TA in October 2014. But, just booked another for the spring 2015....starting in San Diego and ending in Fort Lauderdale. I am a happy girl........

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Hi All, I will never catch up so I will just say that I hope everyone is doing well and no one is getting into trouble...Roz. :D


We are all doing fine. John will be out of school in a few weeks. I have mixed emotions about that! LOL


The boys decided (against my wishes) not to do a cruise this coming winter. I'm not happy about it but I will do whatever they want. We wanted to go to the Florida Keys, but we cannot find a handicapped accessible place. Then we decided to try east coast of Florida since Johns mom will be there, his best friend lives there, Trudy is there and another couple we cruised with lives there also. I have spent hours and hours on the computer trying to find somewhere that will work for us. I'm not having alot of luck. You would think with all the elderly in Fla that there would be tons of houses that are hp accessible to rent. NOT!!! I don't want to do a hotel so I'm going to try condos now and see if I can find one.


Saturday we went on a whale watch out of Boston. It was awesome!!!!! I'm a freak when it comes to whales and turtles so it was right up my alley. I couldn't believe how many whales were there, it was incredible.


I'm going back to my search for a condo. I will be back soon.



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Remember I told you that my cabin steward turned down my bed at night and "readied" Misty's blanket and toys at the bottom of the bed. Here is a picture. He did this every single night. Loved him!


As you know I am doing another TA in October 2014. But, just booked another for the spring 2015....starting in San Diego and ending in Fort Lauderdale. I am a happy girl........


We have been very lucky to have some of the nicest Stewards also. This took him time to do.......how lovely!


Isn't it so much easier when the crew and passengers are so welcoming!


Your upcoming cruises sound wonderful!

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Hi All, I will never catch up so I will just say that I hope everyone is doing well and no one is getting into trouble...Roz. :D


We are all doing fine. John will be out of school in a few weeks. I have mixed emotions about that! LOL


The boys decided (against my wishes) not to do a cruise this coming winter. I'm not happy about it but I will do whatever they want. We wanted to go to the Florida Keys, but we cannot find a handicapped accessible place. Then we decided to try east coast of Florida since Johns mom will be there, his best friend lives there, Trudy is there and another couple we cruised with lives there also. I have spent hours and hours on the computer trying to find somewhere that will work for us. I'm not having alot of luck. You would think with all the elderly in Fla that there would be tons of houses that are hp accessible to rent. NOT!!! I don't want to do a hotel so I'm going to try condos now and see if I can find one.


Saturday we went on a whale watch out of Boston. It was awesome!!!!! I'm a freak when it comes to whales and turtles so it was right up my alley. I couldn't believe how many whales were there, it was incredible.


I'm going back to my search for a condo. I will be back soon.




Holy Cow Missy, where have you been.......worried the bejeebers out of me! You can ignore my worried email to you......don't do this again.....at least come on and say I'm okay, just busy!


You see how DKD came on to tell us he was home but really busy and would get back to us later.......GOOD BOY!!!!


We've had a few weirdo's on our thread [maybe just one] who either doesn't like us or doesn't like our dogs......I really don't care to try and figure him/her out!


Are you following some of the great stuff that's going on with Colleen, Fairbourne and darling Barbara wrote in, she's having a difficult time, right now.


I'm so glad you're okay and are busy looking for a vacation spot.


Now, where's Trudy?

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Nancy, that card is so cute and sweet........Thank you!


I'm getting stronger everyday.....I don't cry as much and pictures of my Brenny don't send me spinning off into a crying jag. Although, it's easy to miss our dogs so much because their lives are way too short and they love us so unconditionally. I question myself all the time if I had only done something different, or I didn't do enough....over and over again in my mind. It's so easy to get angry at myself and just want her to be with me forever.


Barbara, you are not alone in your feelings and your sadness, we're all in this thing called "life" together.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Holy Cow Missy, where have you been.......worried the bejeebers out of me! You can ignore my worried email to you......don't do this again.....at least come on and say I'm okay, just busy!


You see how DKD came on to tell us he was home but really busy and would get back to us later.......GOOD BOY!!!!


We've had a few weirdo's on our thread [maybe just one] who either doesn't like us or doesn't like our dogs......I really don't care to try and figure him/her out!


Are you following some of the great stuff that's going on with Colleen, Fairbourne and darling Barbara wrote in, she's having a difficult time, right now.


I'm so glad you're okay and are busy looking for a vacation spot.


Now, where's Trudy?


Yes Mommy, I will make sure I check in. :D


Trudy is somewhere, I forgot where it was. She is doing good.


I quickly went through and saw all the pictures. lol


DKD, Great pic!! Congrats!!


The black puppy is adorable, sorry is that fairbournes guide dog for walking???


I did read about Barb, some things are so hard to get over. I feel sad. :(

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Yes Mommy, I will make sure I check in. :D


Trudy is somewhere, I forgot where it was. She is doing good.


I quickly went through and saw all the pictures. lol


DKD, Great pic!! Congrats!!


The black puppy is adorable, sorry is that fairbournes guide dog for walking???


I did read about Barb, some things are so hard to get over. I feel sad. :(


Isn't Fairbourne's little girl absolutely adorable! Barbara is really having a difficult time.....I totally get it! I just wish we were closer so that we cry together.

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Roz – I can’t remember the name of my interviewer, but it wasn’t Ken or Lauren. I am lucky to not have to travel very far to the campus. I am a bit apprehensive about having to stay there by myself for two weeks for training, but I am sure that it will be more than worth it in the end.


Fairbourne – Aruba is so cute. Thanks to you and all the puppy raisers!


Love all of the pictures; the dogs are all so cute.

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Roz – I can’t remember the name of my interviewer, but it wasn’t Ken or Lauren. I am lucky to not have to travel very far to the campus. I am a bit apprehensive about having to stay there by myself for two weeks for training, but I am sure that it will be more than worth it in the end.


Fairbourne – Aruba is so cute. Thanks to you and all the puppy raisers!


Love all of the pictures; the dogs are all so cute.


I know exactly how you feel. Bring your own pillow and blanket [the one that makes you feel cozy and comfy!] You can even bring your own sheets if you prefer. Bring snacks and food that you like the most and bring some pictures of your favorite people or pets. Bring your own alarm clock and books or cell phone or games. Bring a stuffed animal to sleep with but be careful your new partner might think it's for him/her!


When your not studying you can play games and socialize with your fellow classmates and stay in the game room or go back to your dorm and be by yourself and watch TV, if you prefer. You'll have the opportunity to have your dog in your room, sleeping with you [isn't that exciting], I promise you'll be so busy learning and doing you won't have time to get bored or scared or lonely. And, besides, you have all of us to go with you. We'll be waiting right here for you, when your done and when you have a forever partner of your very own.

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I've never heard of a plotthound - were they originally bred for hunting?


They were named after Johannes Plott, who brought the breed to the U.S. in the mid-1700s. I think they were originally bred to hunt boar. Elmer definitely has the prey drive but he is really good with my cats.


He's quite bright and he LOVES to lure-course (I tried it with Oscar the mini-wienie, and he just looked at me as if to say, "You want me to do WHAT?"), but he's a big goofball. Elmer's also quite good at agility...at least, he's good with the individual obstacles, not so much with listening to me and doing the course in the order it's supposed to be done! But I'm working on training him, so by the time he dies of old age he should be pretty well-trained!

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They were named after Johannes Plott, who brought the breed to the U.S. in the mid-1700s. I think they were originally bred to hunt boar. Elmer definitely has the prey drive but he is really good with my cats.


He's quite bright and he LOVES to lure-course (I tried it with Oscar the mini-wienie, and he just looked at me as if to say, "You want me to do WHAT?"), but he's a big goofball. Elmer's also quite good at agility...at least, he's good with the individual obstacles, not so much with listening to me and doing the course in the order it's supposed to be done! But I'm working on training him, so by the time he dies of old age he should be pretty well-trained!


That is so cute......Can you imagine all the training that has to be done for our dogs who are natural hunters. Horton sees a squirrel/duck or a pigeon and he just "La-De-Dah's" them......pretty amazing!

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Ok, I better drop in and say Hi before I get hit with a wet noodle. :eek: I have lurked a little but I have been so busy.


I like Cindy, don't think I can get all the post read. Hope all is well and so sorry to hear of your loss Barbara. My dog is gone two years now and a day doesn't go bye that I don't think of her. She wasn't a service dog but I understand how you feel. Hope the passing days get easier for you. Now, I am not so sad and try to think of the fun and crazy things that Rhonda did.


I had a GREAT, GREAT Cruise with the cousins. We laughed so much and it was so nice to visit. I was so lucky my God Mother was there, 92 yrs old and my God Father, 88----they didn't go on the cruise but they were at the hotel for the two days we spent there. What a wonderful visit we all had.


We have been in Homosassa for the last few months---this is north of Tampa. We are at the properity that my friend left to me. I have been having great fun doing yard work here( we have a ride around mower) and watching all the birds and wild animals. i look out my kitchen window at my Humming birds. Now we are wondering what to do, stay in Homosassa or Barefoot Bay. It is driving us crazy.


I hope all of you had a great Mothers Day. I did----my daughter and her husband and my Grandson surprised me here in Homosassa. We had a great BBQ over that weekend and Mothers Day was also my birthday----so it was great. This was all planned without me knowing anything about it. Ed knew and he did say a word. Even My ex was there. How is that for a family get together.:p


Happy Puppy walking---she is a beautiful little girl.


I will have to go back and try to read some of the posts. Wishing all of you many doggie kisses.


I promise, I will at least say Hi. Thanks for thinking of me. Happy weekend all of you. We are getting company tomorrow, Ed's daughter and her 2 yr. old and we are so excited. They will be here for three days.

Bye for now.

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Ok, I better drop in and say Hi before I get hit with a wet noodle. :eek: I have lurked a little but I have been so busy.


I like Cindy, don't think I can get all the post read. Hope all is well and so sorry to hear of your loss Barbara. My dog is gone two years now and a day doesn't go bye that I don't think of her. She wasn't a service dog but I understand how you feel. Hope the passing days get easier for you. Now, I am not so sad and try to think of the fun and crazy things that Rhonda did.


I had a GREAT, GREAT Cruise with the cousins. We laughed so much and it was so nice to visit. I was so lucky my God Mother was there, 92 yrs old and my God Father, 88----they didn't go on the cruise but they were at the hotel for the two days we spent there. What a wonderful visit we all had.


We have been in Homosassa for the last few months---this is north of Tampa. We are at the properity that my friend left to me. I have been having great fun doing yard work here( we have a ride around mower) and watching all the birds and wild animals. i look out my kitchen window at my Humming birds. Now we are wondering what to do, stay in Homosassa or Barefoot Bay. It is driving us crazy.


I hope all of you had a great Mothers Day. I did----my daughter and her husband and my Grandson surprised me here in Homosassa. We had a great BBQ over that weekend and Mothers Day was also my birthday----so it was great. This was all planned without me knowing anything about it. Ed knew and he did say a word. Even My ex was there. How is that for a family get together.:p


Happy Puppy walking---she is a beautiful little girl.


I will have to go back and try to read some of the posts. Wishing all of you many doggie kisses.


I promise, I will at least say Hi. Thanks for thinking of me. Happy weekend all of you. We are getting company tomorrow, Ed's daughter and her 2 yr. old and we are so excited. They will be here for three days.

Bye for now.


I was fine until I got to the end of your words and there "she" was, my beautiful girl. Please keep it up as long as you can....I absolutely love seeing it and I can't thank you enough for it.......


Now, to you,; you've been so busy....Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Ed's a wonderful partner to surprise you like that and your family sounds like great people.


I'm so glad that you've been busy doing "busy", fun, good things.

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Roz - Thanks for the suggestion of things to take with me to team training. You all have been so helpful already.


Absolutely, and, don't forget your camera......You will want to take lots and lots of pictures of your new "buddy!" You'll want to remember him/her when he was young and full of "youth!" I have the most adorable picture, hanging in my bedroom, of Brenda with a ball in her mouth laying on one of the beds in my dorm room........I love this picture. I look at it everyday and remember that exact moment that I took it!!!! She was 2 years old and so adorable.


Start your own album, right now while you're on the waiting list. Of what your house looks like without him/her in it and another when he comes homes. You won't believe the difference that one dog can make in your life and in your home.


Don't forget to bring a new "squeaky toy and a ball" as a welcoming present that you can give him when he sleeps and plays in your room with you, during Team Training. He'll be thinking......"Oh! Boy! My Mom's really neat!!!!!

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OK...let me see if I can get this started. We flew into Puerto Rico on May 22nd. When we got to the airport, we could not get a van with a wheelchair lift for my daughter. We ended up getting a cargo van taxi and put my daughter on a seat and lifted the chair into the back of the van. Trip to the Sheraton Old San Juan was $30 for six people and seven pieces of luggage. The hotel was in a great location to see Old San Juan. The hotel itself, not the best. When we got into our room we found that the safe did not work. They made two attempts at fixing it but no luck. We had a roll-in shower but the hand held shower head would not adjust correctly. But for only two days we survived. There was also an issue with the final bill. I was quoted $239 per night. The final bill came out to around $300 per night with a bunch of extra taxes and fees. It wasn't worth fighting over. Old San Juan was very clean with mostly wide sidewalks. Curb cuts and steep cobblestone streets were somewhat of an issue. We were about four blocks from the main shopping street. They have a free trolly that runs around Old San Juan. It has a wheelchair lift on it but no tie-downs. This seems to be common in the Caribbean. Between the bumpy streets and the hills, it was an adventure holding on to the chair. We were able to see both forts while we were there. The food was amazing!

We also met a local "celebrity". We were walking along the water one night and a guy stopped us and asked if we spoke English. He then started to tell us how him and his father got mugged the night before and his father was in the hospital and could we spare some money. I had read many trip reports about this guy and told him just that. He quickly walked away. On Saturday we boarded The Jewel of The Seas. More on that later. Work is calling my name. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

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Cindy - thank goodness you showed up! Glad everything is ok :)


Trudy - nice to hear from you and you enjoyed your cruise - sounds like you've had some wonderful family times too! :D


Welcome back DKD - looking forward to hearing about the cruise, sorry the start was not so good. I hate when hotels do that with "hidden" charges! So called resort fees drive me nuts!


How's Davis doing these days? Aruba is doing well and is growing so fast I can hardly keep up! :eek:

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Embarkation onto the Jewel could not have been easier. We were on in under 30 minutes. It was just about noon so we headed to the Windjammer for lunch. It was still early so the place was almost empty. They had a very good selection as we noticed as the week went on, we thought Disney had a better lunch buffet selection. But my family and I agreed that RCCL's MDR menu was better than Disney's. After lunch we walked around the ship until our cabin was ready. We had a Junior Suite on deck 10 (1028). It was huge!! It was a cabin on what they call "the hump", so the balcony was about twice the normal size. We even had a "walk-in" closet. We rested for a while and by the time our luggage arrived, it was time for our 6:00 PM dinner. After dinner was the life boat drill at 8:00 PM. After that we explored the ship a little more then hit the sack. Tomorrow was our first of five ports, St. Martin.

Sorry...work is calling again.

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Cindy - thank goodness you showed up! Glad everything is ok :)


Trudy - nice to hear from you and you enjoyed your cruise - sounds like you've had some wonderful family times too! :D


Welcome back DKD - looking forward to hearing about the cruise, sorry the start was not so good. I hate when hotels do that with "hidden" charges! So called resort fees drive me nuts!


How's Davis doing these days? Aruba is doing well and is growing so fast I can hardly keep up! :eek:


Davis is doing great fairbourne. He is just 7 months old and 55.5 pounds.

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