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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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First off, this thread is HUGE! I have been googling, and researching, and have even found some of the I need to know about traveling with my husbands SD.


We are in the liberty on Dec 6th:


St Thomas

St Kitts

St Lucia

St Maarten


Can anyone help me out with requirements to these ports?


I am pretty sure we are too late in the game, but all the info I have found is so mind bogling.




Bannerboxer welcome! St Thomas and St Martin are just the international health certificate. St Lucia wants titer test. St Kitts I'm not sure.

I just read an article about how bad crime against tourists in the Caribbean is. St Lucia and Kitts were mentioned as bad, also Nassau is horrible. We will end up staying on the ship most of our cruise. I'm not even doing paperwork for the islands we are going.



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Raylene sounds amazing, they got it right when they figured out that she should be a hearing dog. My heart goes out to all of those affected by the floods in South Carolina.


Here is a picture of Henri at CCI's Dog Fest Walk N' Roll this weekend.






How cute is Henri!! Best of luck with her.

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I've enjoyed catching up with everyone's news and love the photos! Well done those girl dogs, what stars you are Raylene and Henri.


Welcome to the new folk too. :)



Bonnie has been with us for one whole week now .... there's not much to tell you yet as it has been a continuous round of, eh well, DKD will know exactly what I'm going to say! The four essentials in a puppy's life! LOL!


The first night we had a Gustav Holst symphony going on downstairs and we are told to ignore, ignore, ignore, so as not to create a response to cries which would certainly not stand us in good stead for future nights' sleep!

We were taking it in turn to have sneaky peeks to see everything was in order, and it was, apart from the yelling. I finally gave up at 4am, having had little or no sleep with Teeny Madame's operatic range putting Maria Callas's to shame! I had quite forgotten this part! Aruba arrived at 12 weeks old and slept through the night from day one, and it's a long time since Poppy was teeny!


So I hauled myself out of my lovely warm bed leaving the DH to catch up on some snoring and "we" did the first wee run of the day (excuse the pun!) Then we both cuddled down into a favourite armchair of mine with Bonnie snuggled into my cosy dressing gown. I tried to put her back into her crate, but the yelling started instantly and I did want the DH to get some sleep before he had to get up and go to work. Bonnie and I fell instantly asleep which is exactly how the DH found us a couple of hours later!


Since then Bonnie has slept for about 5 hours each night, going to bed at 1030 and waking up around 3.30-4, so not too bad, she says writing this fast so I don't realise how much sleep deprivation we are having right now! It's so important to get some sort of routine established and we are getting there - slowly. I think the second day Bonnie was here, I was still in my dressing gown when the DH came home from work! Shocking I know :rolleyes:, but there just was not time between the four essentials and the cuddling of course!


The other dogs have been very good, with Aruba taking charge and playing with Bonnie and taking all the heat off Max with much chewing of legs, ears and tail with sharp little puppy teeth and occasional Aruba cries of "Ow" are heard! Poppy just made it very clear to Bonnie that she would not be entertaining any of this puppy nonsense whatsoever! She was the same with Aruba, becoming great pals with her once she was past the annoying puppy stage.


Bonnie is a little smartie pants - she knows exactly where to go for the four essentials and "asks" to go out the back door to her potty spot, so we haven't had many accidents at all. I'm not sure if it was by default, or by copying the big dogs, but she does a lovely "sit" for her afternoon teeny treat! We tried her collar on and it was scratchy, scratchy, scratchy, so this will take a few days of gentle practise to get her used to it, but when I put it on her when she was about to have her meal, funnily enough she didn't notice it!


She is a "Named sponsored puppy" - lots of the puppies are and this is when people raise enough money so they can actually choose the name for a puppy, as this local company have done with her - I will take her in for a special visit to meet them and they will receive regular updates from Guide Dogs with her progress. I'm excited for them and hope we can visit while she is still the cutest little pup. image.jpg1_zps5czr0k23.jpg


Here is a collection of photos from the last few days. Enjoy!


Oh my!! That pup is gorgeous!!! So excited Aruba has come home. ❤

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Well we finally got our new van. I should say bought it. We will not have it for another 2-3 months. Drove it down to the place where it will be handicapped equipped. First it has to go out to Arizona to do the floor and ramp, then back to MA for the rest of the equipment. It has been a year since we started this process. John hasn't driven it yet but he's going to love it.


Edited by rangeley
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Good thing that little Bonnie is so darn cute! Looking forward to hearing about her adventures.


Henri had to go back to the vet today - she has an ear infection in her right ear. She had an ear infection in her left ear when we brought her home. I hope that it is not a recurring thing.


The vet recommended a tablespoon or two of pumpkin with her meals - I think I remember others on this board giving pumpkin to their dogs?



Our dogs are so prone to these darn ear infections. I hope she's better soon.


I have to keep Horton's ears clean every day or he will develop an infection.

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Yes, Dianne, I have had success giving Raylene plain pumpkin for digestive woes, and keep it on hand - carry a couple of cans with me on trips. In fact this morning, I found some throw-up by the bedroom door containing three large, hard palm tree seeds from the back yard, so I gave her pumpkin with her meals today - so far, so good - no repeat of the barf. I think the pumpkin is soothing and bland. She loves it.


Fingers crossed that Henri's ear troubles clear up!


My new vet said ear infections are common in Florida, so she prescribed stuff to squirt in Ray's ears twice a week, then clean out with cotton balls. (I distract her from such procedures with a Kong stuffed with a big dab of peanut butter.) I found the ear medicine online for about a third of the price the vet charges.


There's going to be a shortage of canned pumpkin this year because of the flooding. I haven't used it a lot with Horton. He'd probably love the stuff.

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Well we finally got our new van. I should say bought it. We will not have it for another 2-3 months. Drove it down to the place where it will be handicapped equipped. First it has to go out to Arizona to do the floor and ramp, then back to MA for the rest of the equipment. It has been a year since we started this process. John hasn't driven it yet but he's going to love it.


Congratulations!!!!! It looks really nice!!!! I'm so glad to see you back!

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Well we finally got our new van. I should say bought it. We will not have it for another 2-3 months. Drove it down to the place where it will be handicapped equipped. First it has to go out to Arizona to do the floor and ramp, then back to MA for the rest of the equipment. It has been a year since we started this process. John hasn't driven it yet but he's going to love it.


Congratulations on the new van.



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Yes, Dianne, I have had success giving Raylene plain pumpkin for digestive woes, and keep it on hand - carry a couple of cans with me on trips. In fact this morning, I found some throw-up by the bedroom door containing three large, hard palm tree seeds from the back yard, so I gave her pumpkin with her meals today - so far, so good - no repeat of the barf. I think the pumpkin is soothing and bland. She loves it.


Fingers crossed that Henri's ear troubles clear up!


My new vet said ear infections are common in Florida, so she prescribed stuff to squirt in Ray's ears twice a week, then clean out with cotton balls. (I distract her from such procedures with a Kong stuffed with a big dab of peanut butter.) I found the ear medicine online for about a third of the price the vet charges.


We clean Henri's ears out everyday. I also have the ear cleaner to squirt in her ears twice a week - I was only using it in the ear that had previously had the infection. Now I will use it in both ears. After she finishes the current bottle, I will look to find it on-line - thanks for the tip.


Roz - I have also heard about the pumpkin shortage. We will have to start hoarding cans of pumpkin!



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Hello everyone!


I just love the photos of Henri and Bonnie. Adorable. I need to make an appointment with the dogtor!


I have been quiet lately. There has been so much going on and to deal with. As you know I was recovering from a six day hospital stay from food poisoning. Then last weekend I had a bad fall and got rib contusions and a sprained back. They say the contusions are more painful than a break, and I believe them. :eek:


On top of that, we tried to introduce my brother's dog to Jagger. The CEO of the organization came out to work with them. All went fine until I took Jagger outside. When I came back in, my brother's dog would not let Jagger back into the house. He charged him.


So, it's not going to work out between the two of them. But I need a service dog. So I am making arrangements to find housing. In a way that will be a good thing as I can move nearer the organization as that is where all my friends are.


Definitely will put a crimp in my future cruising, but I knew that would happen someday. I changed my Panama Canal cruise to a 4 day out of Port Canaveral in January. With what I had down for the PC cruise it is paid in full. (hence why my question about the Bahamas)


Probably better to expose Jagger to a short cruise than immediately take him on a 14 day cruise anyway. :D

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Oh dear, Holly, you do have your share of concerns right now, not to mention a big ouch from that fall. So sorry for these stresses. You definitely need a dogtor and a cruise.


The short one sounds like a great idea. Good intro to cruising for Jagger. Fewer clothes and less dog food to pack, so you'll travel lighter.

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Well we finally got our new van. I should say bought it. We will not have it for another 2-3 months. Drove it down to the place where it will be handicapped equipped. First it has to go out to Arizona to do the floor and ramp, then back to MA for the rest of the equipment. It has been a year since we started this process. John hasn't driven it yet but he's going to love it.


Yay, great Van! Sounds like you'll have it before Christmas. I remember that getting my adult nephew's newest van ordered and equipped was a long process with delays ...but it turned out beautiful. I just heard that one of his caregivers gouged the side going through the MacDonald's drive-thru the other day. (Must--not--scream.) She may have been the same one who introduced bedbugs to his house. I think she got fired.

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Holly, I'm so sorry to hear about all your difficulties. Sounds like you are going to make some lemonade with the lemons that are being tossed your way. Jagger and you are going to have some wonderful adventures! There will always be bumps along the way, but your positive attitude will send you soaring right over them.

Sending great big cyber hugs your way from the Honorary Mayor of Lurkerville! (Roz appointed, you know.) 😁


Fairborne, My family is already in love with Bonnie. We're so happy to be taking this journey with you and your canine gang. Also glad Aruba is back on her home turf, since she decided college wasn't her thing.


Cindy, your new van looks super cool! Can't wait to hear how John enjoys driving it, when it gets finished.


To everyone else out there: keep on keepin' on!



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Hi Holly - I'm sorry to read your news, but you are so positive, or should that be pawsitive as you sound like a glass half full kinda gal! :). Those sore ribs are a real pain - you have no idea just how sore it can be until something like this happens. Been there Holly, it's no joke.


All I can do is send you cyber hugs - that's all you'd want right now! And cyber puppy kisses from a certain Bonnie puppy!

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Holly, what the heck! I know what sore ribs and muscles feel like, I'm still recuperating from my fall [or, should I say push] almost 2 years ago! I have learned how to get up and down [very, very slowly] without killing my back and hip. It hasn't stopped me and I know it won't stop you. Gotta keep going!!!! :D


How did Jagger handle the assault from your brothers dog? Not cool at all! We know he was protecting his territory but NO DOG should be allowed to lunge at other dogs or people in their home. The people are the pack leaders, NOT the dog!!!!! His dog has way too much control!!!! JMHO!


Beckie, YOU are one of our official "lurkers", highly thought of and dutifully appointed! ;)


Cindy, by the time John gets his Van he'll never want to get out of it!

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Hey everyone - we had an awful experience this weekend. Our best friends were flying to Phoenix and had just left the ground when their son called us in tears. He was at the vet with their boxer Chloe when she went into cardiac arrest in the waiting room and passed away despite the best efforts of her vet. We rushed over to the vet office and found him huddled over her sobbing his eyes out. I sent my friend a text to call me when he landed and then we waited with Logan until his Dad called. They were terribly upset as you can imagine.


Then I went home and hugged Lucy. Pretty messed up day for sure.

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...Then I went home and hugged Lucy...

We just hugged our two pooches too. Every day with them is a gift we are grateful for, especially because they both are older; one is 12 and the other is 14.


The good thing is that your friends' dog Chloe passed while a loved one was there to provide comfort and care. That's worth a lot.

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Hey everyone - we had an awful experience this weekend. Our best friends were flying to Phoenix and had just left the ground when their son called us in tears. He was at the vet with their boxer Chloe when she went into cardiac arrest in the waiting room and passed away despite the best efforts of her vet. We rushed over to the vet office and found him huddled over her sobbing his eyes out. I sent my friend a text to call me when he landed and then we waited with Logan until his Dad called. They were terribly upset as you can imagine.


Then I went home and hugged Lucy. Pretty messed up day for sure.


Oh! No! So, so sad-! I'm so sorry. Sudden death is such a heart breaker.


I'm so grateful that my wonderful Brenda gave Horton and I a chance to say goodbye to her at home before she passed. I can't believe that I handled that all alone with just Horty, me and the Hospice Doctor.


It's amazing what we can do if we really have to. I'm so sorry about your friends experience. Our dogs are so important in our lives. We never want them to suffer. Please let your friends know that your friends on Cruise Critic wish them peaceful days ahead!

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We just hugged our two pooches too. Every day with them is a gift we are grateful for, especially because they both are older; one is 12 and the other is 14.


The good thing is that your friends' dog Chloe passed while a loved one was there to provide comfort and care. That's worth a lot.


Yeah that is what I told Logan...he was only home from school because of the flooding in Columbia otherwise she would have been alone (they use a pet sitter when traveling).

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