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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi DKD - glad to know all is well with you and yours! But I have missed the one liners, usually (well always) because they were aimed at Her Majesty! LOL!!!


I know exactly how you will feel come 10th Feb - it's never a good day.


Roz, I don't know if the dogs are trained to alert their owner if someone gets too close or needs to get by - I will ask the question next week. I think probably not as it would be too confusing/disorienting for a blind person to know where the person was and where they were expected to move to. The other thing which I did not expect was when I've done blind fold walks was the swaying of the dog when it walks in the harness. Future guide dog owners are taken for walks with their trainer before they get their dog. The trainer takes hold of the harness and physically sways it to emulate the motion the dog makes naturally. You also have to walk with your left arm (holding the harness handle) straight down by your side. That's very different too as I had been used to walking our dogs with an outstretched arm. It's all this sort of thing that when you take your pet out for a walk on a standard leash that you do not notice. It's important I think for puppy walkers to do blind fold walks as it helps us understand the challenges blind or partially sighted folk have. And that, in turn, helps us understand why we do things in a certain way for training the pups. I was so disoriented the first time I honestly thought I was walking bearing off to the right i.e. Diagonally, and as I had seen the room, I thought I was going to walk straight into the wall! I wasn't of course, but it was such a strange feeling.


"We" went to the hairdresser today and after an initial checking everything out, Ms B settled down and enjoyed a lovely nap while I had my hair done. She adores my hairdresser which helps! So as far as going into places like this, she's very good. I'm taking her to the dentist next week - she's been before but someone has always come with me to keep an eye on her while I'm having my treatment - but this will be the first time I'm taking her on my own, so I have to trust her to lie down and stay while I have my hygiene visit as I clearly won't be able to watch her. So a big test for her - and me!


Glad your ok DKD.


I love his "one-liners" too, even though they're directed in my direction!!!


Walking with a Service Dog can be very daunting until the two of you get each other's rhythm's. It does take time....sometimes years before you're actually in sync with one another. There's a lot of tripping over each other and a lot of stepping on each other's toes and leash dropping and tugging.


Once you've become a true partnership the walk becomes a dance! It's true music and when your dog finally understands your routine, your gait, your habits and your frailties.....you are finally ONE!!!!! It's magic!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Things have been crazy busy at home and at work. Orson is doing fine. The lump on his face is a little bigger but he was just at the vet and he actually gained a pound. He still wants to work. We are getting close to turning in Sutter. (February 10) It's not gonna be a good day. Because my daughter is near the top of the list for a successor dog, CCI will not let us puppy raise until she has bonded with her new dog, whenever that is. We are hoping for the April/May class.


It's so good to hear from you and hear the news of Orson. I hope that he continues to do well.


I had to wait a year in between Brenda and Horton. It wasn't easy and I couldn't wait until they finally made a "side-placement" for me. I wasn't in a class. I stayed at CCI for one week; [they fit two weeks of class into one week, focusing on just me and the two dogs I was working with, it was grueling and exhausting!] I had no graduation and went home with Horton. I was invited to come back and graduate with the next class.


I hope you make the April class so you're not waiting too long!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Only got a minute but FYI to Caribbean cruisers. We've just been informed 3 days before our cruise that Nassau now requires a permit for the dog whether you get off the ship or not. Totally ridiculous!! John is in a frenzy trying to fax stuff down there. We were told by access that we would not even be allowed on the ship in Miami without the permit. Way to go access!!!


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Only got a minute but FYI to Caribbean cruisers. We've just been informed 3 days before our cruise that Nassau now requires a permit for the dog whether you get off the ship or not. Totally ridiculous!! John is in a frenzy trying to fax stuff down there. We were told by access that we would not even be allowed on the ship in Miami without the permit. Way to go access!!!


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Yikes Cindy - good luck!



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Only got a minute but FYI to Caribbean cruisers. We've just been informed 3 days before our cruise that Nassau now requires a permit for the dog whether you get off the ship or not. Totally ridiculous!! John is in a frenzy trying to fax stuff down there. We were told by access that we would not even be allowed on the ship in Miami without the permit. Way to go access!!!


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That's terrible - so sorry you all must deal with this last minute chaos. I'd hate to think the precedent might encourage other countries to try and pull that. You're so right, it's totally ridiculous. Gotta wonder what brought this on.

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Only got a minute but FYI to Caribbean cruisers. We've just been informed 3 days before our cruise that Nassau now requires a permit for the dog whether you get off the ship or not. Totally ridiculous!! John is in a frenzy trying to fax stuff down there. We were told by access that we would not even be allowed on the ship in Miami without the permit. Way to go access!!!


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Cindy, I'd be on the phone with "Access" and let them know that what they're asking is impossible to get on such short notice. They need to inform the Nassau authorities that they may inspect Wex when you arrive at their port, along with all the paperwork that you will have for them.


I'm so sorry that they're putting you through all these hoops and whistles at this time!


I hope, in the end, that your cruise turns out to be a relaxing and fun one for all of you.

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John has spent 2 days on the phone and we got the permit faxed back to us today. It's a miracle!! The woman in the Bahamas was very nice and really helped us out. I'm not sure if this is a new rule that started January 1st. But to tell us 3 days before the cruise is insane. The guy from access is an idiot and very rude. I see a letter in his future. 😀


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John has spent 2 days on the phone and we got the permit faxed back to us today. It's a miracle!! The woman in the Bahamas was very nice and really helped us out. I'm not sure if this is a new rule that started January 1st. But to tell us 3 days before the cruise is insane. The guy from access is an idiot and very rude. I see a letter in his future.


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Cindy, after you've come back from your cruise, will you please send us the information on what it was that Nassau wanted on this form that is NOT on the Aphis 7001?


Have a wonderful cruise ♥

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We have been to Nassau before, Roz. I've gotten the permit. Holland America's private island is in the Bahamas, and I always got the permit. I never knew if I even needed it for there but got it anyway. Last year we decided we weren't going to get off in Nassau so I didn't get it. This must be something new. They don't require any extra medical shots etc.


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Edited by rangeley
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We have been to Nassau before, Roz. I've gotten the permit. Holland America's private island is in the Bahamas, and I always got the permit. I never knew if I even needed it for there but got it anyway. Last year we decided we weren't going to get off in Nassau so I didn't get it. This must be something new. They don't require any extra medical shots etc.


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I am so glad that you were able to get the permit in time. You really need that cocktail now!



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John has spent 2 days on the phone and we got the permit faxed back to us today. It's a miracle!! The woman in the Bahamas was very nice and really helped us out. I'm not sure if this is a new rule that started January 1st. But to tell us 3 days before the cruise is insane. The guy from access is an idiot and very rude. I see a letter in his future. 😀


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Very glad you were able to get the permit. The best thing to do is get every permit there is just in case. This way there are hopefully no surprises. Have a great cruise!!

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I would agree dkd if they didn't require unnecessary tests and shots.


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You did a great job, I love having you on MY side!


I'm going to start now, checking in with Carnival and see what Hawaii is going to want from me and Horton before my December cruise [do you think I'm giving it enough time?] I'm not going to be happy if they require a blood titer! I know they want that within a few days of bringing in a dog via airplane. I certainly can't meet their time criteria via cruise ship. I'll let you all know, as soon as I hear anything!


You know I'm NOT going to do any more immunizations than is required by his Vet. He had more shots on our last visit, prior to our Panama Canal cruise, than I was happy about. I followed his Vets instructions. We'll see what Hawaii asks for.

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Happy, cold snappy weekend everyone ♥


For all of you who are lucky enough to be on or getting ready to be on a cruise......Happy Sailing!


Happy weekend to you and Horton!


Here in Kansas City we are bracing for an ice storm; with an NFL playoff game on Sunday at Arrowhead stadium. Some tickets are being offered at $30 each! The Missouri governor issued a state of emergency warning, asking folks to stay off the highways this weekend; and has activated the National Guard as a precaution. St. Louis is already getting hit, because of the way the system is moving across the state. Going to be a fun time. NOT!


We are hunkered down for the duration, so we won't need to go out for anything. Hopefully our electricity will not go out; a half inch or so of ice on power lines can be really messy.


Will try to be watching the Fort Lauderdale port camera to see Wexler and company sail away tomorrow. (Hope I have the right day, don't want to have missed them.)


Be safe everybody!



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Happy weekend too from a brrrrrr cold Scotland - mind you it's not as bad here as it is further south in the country. We have had a lucky escape so far! But we're used to it and the dogs are having a great time running around and playing in the snow.


Stay warm everyone who's having this cold snap.


Cindy, hubby John and Wexler have a fabulous cruise! We will think of you sipping (or maybe it'll be a "down in one" after the week you've had!!;)) your Mango Meltdown sitting in the sunshine onboard your ship. :)

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You did a great job, I love having you on MY side!


I'm going to start now, checking in with Carnival and see what Hawaii is going to want from me and Horton before my December cruise [do you think I'm giving it enough time?] I'm not going to be happy if they require a blood titer! I know they want that within a few days of bringing in a dog via airplane. I certainly can't meet their time criteria via cruise ship. I'll let you all know, as soon as I hear anything!


You know I'm NOT going to do any more immunizations than is required by his Vet. He had more shots on our last visit, prior to our Panama Canal cruise, than I was happy about. I followed his Vets instructions. We'll see what Hawaii asks for.

Isn't Hawaii the worst place to bring a dog? I think they are really strict. You better start now.


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Well hi there Miss Nancy Fancy Pants


Caturday - ha ha! We have a caturday every day in our house! LOL!


Well today I dropped Miss Bonnie off to our puppy walker supervisor and she headed off to training school to be assessed. So fingers crossed that the trainer she is going to spend the next few days with will see her potential ..... If not she will come home to us and there will be no more puppy walking for me. So my heart wants her to come home and have cuddles and just have a lovely easy life with us, but my head is trying to stand firm with the hope that she will be going on to formal training and be a great life changer for someone who will love her just as much as we do!


Before we met with David, we went to the dentist and much as I tried there was no escape for me as the hygienist did not want to do the dog's teeth instead of mine! Bonnie was very well behaved, just lay down and watched what was going on and then had a nap while the hygienist did her worst! I was quite anxious as I couldn't see her but of course this is what blind people live with all the time - so I just placed my trust in her and she did very well. I did bring a new toy for her stuffed with her favourite doggy sweets but she looked at it and honest to goodness gave me a look "you must be joking Mum, you want me to do what, for so little reward!" She's a funny little toot, she's not very motivated by food.


Then we walked down a couple of very busy streets back to where I had parked the car and the only time she was a bit distracted was by a big bus pulling in right beside us on the street. And of course, there's always one person who thinks it is funny/or what I don't really know to distract the dog. This time it was a woman while we were waiting to cross the road. Honestly, some folk! And Bonnie did well as we still have some cobbled streets and old paved sidewalks which are not level at all, and all up and down, so a bit of a challenge if you can't see, so we train the dogs to stop and then the guide dog user knows there is an obstacle and to take care. In saying all this, we do have the dipped cut outs in the pavements for wheelchair users so we always cross the road using these - those old cobbles look lovely but are a real nuisance, even for the sure footed!


So will keep you posted on how our Bonnie gets on. The house is quiet(er) but the other three couldn't care less ....... Looked past me to see where she was, ah no Bonnie so where's our biscuits? :rolleyes:

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Well hi there Miss Nancy Fancy Pants


Caturday - ha ha! We have a caturday every day in our house! LOL!


Well today I dropped Miss Bonnie off to our puppy walker supervisor and she headed off to training school to be assessed. So fingers crossed that the trainer she is going to spend the next few days with will see her potential ..... If not she will come home to us and there will be no more puppy walking for me. So my heart wants her to come home and have cuddles and just have a lovely easy life with us, but my head is trying to stand firm with the hope that she will be going on to formal training and be a great life changer for someone who will love her just as much as we do!


Before we met with David, we went to the dentist and much as I tried there was no escape for me as the hygienist did not want to do the dog's teeth instead of mine! Bonnie was very well behaved, just lay down and watched what was going on and then had a nap while the hygienist did her worst! I was quite anxious as I couldn't see her but of course this is what blind people live with all the time - so I just placed my trust in her and she did very well. I did bring a new toy for her stuffed with her favourite doggy sweets but she looked at it and honest to goodness gave me a look "you must be joking Mum, you want me to do what, for so little reward!" She's a funny little toot, she's not very motivated by food.


Then we walked down a couple of very busy streets back to where I had parked the car and the only time she was a bit distracted was by a big bus pulling in right beside us on the street. And of course, there's always one person who thinks it is funny/or what I don't really know to distract the dog. This time it was a woman while we were waiting to cross the road. Honestly, some folk! And Bonnie did well as we still have some cobbled streets and old paved sidewalks which are not level at all, and all up and down, so a bit of a challenge if you can't see, so we train the dogs to stop and then the guide dog user knows there is an obstacle and to take care. In saying all this, we do have the dipped cut outs in the pavements for wheelchair users so we always cross the road using these - those old cobbles look lovely but are a real nuisance, even for the sure footed!


So will keep you posted on how our Bonnie gets on. The house is quiet(er) but the other three couldn't care less ....... Looked past me to see where she was, ah no Bonnie so where's our biscuits? :rolleyes:


I'm writing from my phone, please forgive any un-caught mistakes.


I'm saying a little extra prayer for our Bonnie. Its really a catch 22. I hope she gets to be someone's hero. Please keep us in the loop.

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Happy weekend to you and Horton!


Here in Kansas City we are bracing for an ice storm; with an NFL playoff game on Sunday at Arrowhead stadium. Some tickets are being offered at $30 each! The Missouri governor issued a state of emergency warning, asking folks to stay off the highways this weekend; and has activated the National Guard as a precaution. St. Louis is already getting hit, because of the way the system is moving across the state. Going to be a fun time. NOT!


We are hunkered down for the duration, so we won't need to go out for anything. Hopefully our electricity will not go out; a half inch or so of ice on power lines can be really messy.


Will try to be watching the Fort Lauderdale port camera to see Wexler and company sail away tomorrow. (Hope I have the right day, don't want to have missed them.)


Be safe everybody!




You be safe! I think L.A. is finally out of its drought stage!

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Hi all! We are on the cruise and trying to have a good time. We requested sod in our potty box as its Wexlers favorite and requested it on our huge balcony. When we got on we asked about the box. She said they were waiting for the sod from their warehouse, she said give us 3 hours. Sounded fishy but we waited. We kept asking and asking and 5 hours later we were told the box was ready. Not only was it on our balcony but it was a large aplastic tupperware with fake grass!! We were livid. They told us that they could give us a bigger box but not on the balcony because it was against the USDA law. Ugh Of course we told them it was crap and finally got it on the balcony and it was a big box. Wex refused to go in it for a day but finally peed in it. No poop for 2 days. They promised in St thomas we would have sod. Nope! The access lady here is the rudest woman I have ever meant. She has argued with us and called us liars. She tracked us down at dinner and got John so upset that I told her to leave. We are now dealing with another access person who is trying but just as useless. She was trying to get us off ship in Tortola so Wex could poop but now she tells us we can't. I took the fake grass out and we have pine shavings in the box. Wex has used it a few times now. So things are better. The access guy in Miami has lied and is useless too. I don't know what is going to happen when we get home but it's not going to be pleasant. The **** is going to hit the fan. We really are having a good time and the kids are loving it, but it's been very stressful.


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Hi all! We are on the cruise and trying to have a good time. We requested sod in our potty box as its Wexlers favorite and requested it on our huge balcony. When we got on we asked about the box. She said they were waiting for the sod from their warehouse, she said give us 3 hours. Sounded fishy but we waited. We kept asking and asking and 5 hours later we were told the box was ready. Not only was it on our balcony but it was a large aplastic tupperware with fake grass!! We were livid. They told us that they could give us a bigger box but not on the balcony because it was against the USDA law. Ugh Of course we told them it was crap and finally got it on the balcony and it was a big box. Wex refused to go in it for a day but finally peed in it. No poop for 2 days. They promised in St thomas we would have sod. Nope! The access lady here is the rudest woman I have ever meant. She has argued with us and called us liars. She tracked us down at dinner and got John so upset that I told her to leave. We are now dealing with another access person who is trying but just as useless. She was trying to get us off ship in Tortola so Wex could poop but now she tells us we can't. I took the fake grass out and we have pine shavings in the box. Wex has used it a few times now. So things are better. The access guy in Miami has lied and is useless too. I don't know what is going to happen when we get home but it's not going to be pleasant. The **** is going to hit the fan. We really are having a good time and the kids are loving it, but it's been very stressful.


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Cindy, sounds awful!!! And so unnecessary, I'm so sorry you're having such a difficult time. Poor Wexy. The Hotel Manager should be ashamed of herself!!!


They could make it so much easier on themselves and us if they would just supply the cedar mulch [those pine shavings are okay but the dogs tend to track them all over.] And, it's so easy to have a 5x5 box ready for us. There's absolutely no reason, if you have a veranda for the box not to be placed on it!!! USDA Law.....my foot, I've had more cruise lines who have broken the law, if there is one!!!!


I hope the rest of your cruise is a good one. You deserve more than just a dinner out of this nightmare!!!

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Well hi there Miss Nancy Fancy Pants


Caturday - ha ha! We have a caturday every day in our house! LOL!


Well today I dropped Miss Bonnie off to our puppy walker supervisor and she headed off to training school to be assessed. So fingers crossed that the trainer she is going to spend the next few days with will see her potential ..... If not she will come home to us and there will be no more puppy walking for me. So my heart wants her to come home and have cuddles and just have a lovely easy life with us, but my head is trying to stand firm with the hope that she will be going on to formal training and be a great life changer for someone who will love her just as much as we do!


I am sure that you are missing dear Bonnie! The family that raised my dog Henri said the same thing, they were secretly hoping that she wouldn't graduate (she was puppy #5 for them), but on the other hand they were so happy that she did get placed as a service dog. I can tell you from my own experience that if Miss Bonnie does make it through training she will be the best gift in the world to someone who needs her.



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