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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I just wanted to pop in and let you know that my girl had her last chemo treatment! I'm so thankful she is in remission and doing well!! Give your service dogs and pets a treat in celebration! :)


Quam, this is fabulous news and a wonderful way to start our weekend on good news! :D. Please give your darling girl a big hug from me! :D.

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That was fun.......Now, that we've bored the entire thread.....Hey, where is everyone? What do you guys think? This isn't the Roz & DKD Show, you know! :o We do need some feedback and input, occasionally! ;)


I was too busy laughing at the pair of you and enjoyed watching the "silliness" unfold! :p :D


I do sometimes wonder how many "lurkers" we have, those that follow along and read all our silliness, but never post .... Come on show yourselves ....;):D anyone over here on my side of "the pond"???

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Aruba and I have been busy this week, out and about doing walks in different parts of town and nearest city. She's walking quite well now, most of the sitting down on bottom and refusing to move has disappeared. I think that's down to varying our routes and so there are more things to look at .... But she is still quite wary of heavy traffic when we are walking along our town's high street and gives me the soul-full retriever look (as opposed to the lab "where we going next, I'm up for it" eagerness). The most annoying thing is people! They will suddenly spot this cute pup and literally dive on her! The only thing I have to indicate that she's a guide dog puppy is a day-glo flash on her lead which I do try and wave to catch people's attention. Old ladies are the worst!!! She does get a "leave me alone coat" (actually I think it says Guide Dog Puppy in training, please don't distract) when she's a bit older, but I could do with it now! But most people are really nice and enquire about her and what I'm doing, so I'm speaking to lots of strangers! :eek: We also went into a supermarket and even when I was naughty and stopped right in front of the sausages chilled counter, she just sat down and wasn't bothered at all. So well done Aruba!


That's the good bits, now here's the not so good ..... ;)



We've had a few broken nights sleep this week ..... Madame has decided I think that she's bored, so starts whimpering about 3am to get our attention. Of course the first couple of nights, quick dig in ribs to the DH and he was dispatched to see what was wrong (well what are DHs for if not to do things like this LOL!) Anyway, out they all went (DH, Madame, Max and Poppy), stood around while madame did what she had to, but there was no hurry on her part! DH gave her fuss, a couple of treats to go back to bed with. So it was hardly an emergency! :rolleyes: Trying it on big time. Same thing happened the next night!


I remembered Colleen telling us about when Misty first arrived and Misty did the same thing. So last night we ignored and ignored, but finally I got up, released Madame from "jail", did not acknowledge her attempts for any fuss, took her outside without the other dogs, did not make eye contact with her, she did a wee pee, and then straight back inside into "jail", no fuss, no treat, no nothing! Silence reigned thereafter! So we will see if this has broken this nonsense before it gets a grip! Enough is enough, broken sleep is awful!


So today, it's a lovely sunny day and we are going to go back to the railway station and practise the stairs - there's a nice coffee shop there with tables outside, so we will practise "mum" having a coffee too and watch the world and the trains go by. Then we have to go into the garden centre to buy Dad a new watering can as we managed to chew the spout on the last one! Metal one this time!


Have a great weekend everyone! :D


Edited by fairbourne
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So I looked it up on google and the last one is what I think you are referring to as a pox. At least that's how I would think of it. Like a Pox on you and your family. Susan





a disease characterized by multiple skin pustules, as smallpox.




Plant Pathology a disease of sweet potatoes, characterized by numerous pitlike lesions on the roots, caused by a fungus, Streptomyces ipomoea.


(used interjectionally to express distaste, rejection, aversion, etc.): A pox on you and your bright ideas!




Yikes!! I didn't know trip insurance kept that away!! :eek:

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I just wanted to pop in and let you know that my girl had her last chemo treatment! I'm so thankful she is in remission and doing well!! Give your service dogs and pets a treat in celebration! :)


Awesome Quam!!!!!!!!! :D

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That was fun.......Now, that we've bored the entire thread.....Hey, where is everyone? What do you guys think? This isn't the Roz & DKD Show, you know! :o We do need some feedback and input, occasionally! ;)


Roz & DKD, Not bored at all out here in Lurkerville. All of us lurkers are rolling on the floor holding our sides from laughing so hard, also faces wet with tears from all the laughter! So to add our two cents worth would have taken way too much effort. :) It was much easier to just enjoy the entertainment. (When I log on and read this thread from my work computer all co-workers wonder what is soooo funny...)


Have to say I really do enjoy the photos all of you folks are posting. So keep the good stories and photos coming.


Thanks! Beckie

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Quam: That is PAWSOME news! Give her some huggles and kisses.

Fairbourne: OMD, it looks like Madame Aruba has grown a foot! Cindy is right, such long legs!

Everyone have a great weekend. We will probably spend it trying to stay outta the heat. Weather page says 111+ and who knows what the humidity index will be :eek:

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My travel agent uses Allianz, which recently received top ratings in a study, and I normally use Travelinsured through USAA. I haven't had a claim, though.


If you look on the travel insurance board, someone posted the link to the comparison.


I purchased Travelex. I hope I never get to KNOW how good they are!

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Roz Hey I replied to your pox question. What am I just an ignored lurker poster? Just kidding. I like reading all the replies and questions. Susan


Susan, sorry, didn't mean to ignore you.......I hate when people do that to me, so I know how you're feeling! Now, GET OVER IT! Thank you so much for your input.......it was hysterically wonderful!!!!!!

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Actually frecgenswl82, you answered the question most completely! We could decided which description we liked! Now, that it took me about 4 look-sees on how to spell your screen name is another reason we may not have responded to your original post! :D It was all waaaaay above my head! Especially since I don't have "big" hair like my big sis, Roz!


Enough, with the hair gags! You're pushing it missy!!!!! I think "frecgenswl82", better known as "Ms. Susan", is our scientific genius type. Just her screen name tells us that in Susan's world every vowel & syllable must be used to identify yourself! :rolleyes: Just saying!

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I just wanted to pop in and let you know that my girl had her last chemo treatment! I'm so thankful she is in remission and doing well!! Give your service dogs and pets a treat in celebration! :)


Quam, CONGRATULATIONS! I know how relieved you must be. Your a great Mom and you've given your girl a better life. I hope that she's with you for many more healthy years!

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I was too busy laughing at the pair of you and enjoyed watching the "silliness" unfold! :p :D


I do sometimes wonder how many "lurkers" we have, those that follow along and read all our silliness, but never post .... Come on show yourselves ....;):D anyone over here on my side of "the pond"???


We've had folks post once or twice from all parts of the world.......It would be nice to hear from more people who are near you and have them share their "triumphs" with cruising and or their dogs!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Fairbourne, I know what you mean about the disruptive public. I love when other folks "love" on my Service Dog, I truly appreciate the people who have great respect and admiration for our hard working beings. That said, sometimes getting through the super market or going to the doctor can take twice as long as it should. You should see what it takes to walk down the Promenade of a Cruise ship. Almost impossible!


Fairbourne, you know your little tink is just testing both of you when she's whining in the middle of the night. You've done everything she needs, she wakes up and says to herself, "what if I make a noise, will they respond to me?" I don't blame you for checking on her but a few more nights of "no response" and she'll get the idea. I NEVER did well with interrupted sleep!


You're little girl is getting so big........she's all legs just like Aunty Roz!!!! Hair and legs that's me!!!!!


You have a wonderful weekend with your brood and give Mr. Fairbourne an extra big kiss from me.......for being such a great guy to help Aruba be someone's hero, one day!

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Roz & DKD, Not bored at all out here in Lurkerville. All of us lurkers are rolling on the floor holding our sides from laughing so hard, also faces wet with tears from all the laughter! So to add our two cents worth would have taken way too much effort. :) It was much easier to just enjoy the entertainment. (When I log on and read this thread from my work computer all co-workers wonder what is soooo funny...)


Have to say I really do enjoy the photos all of you folks are posting. So keep the good stories and photos coming.


Thanks! Beckie


Hey Beckie, glad we can keep that frown up-side-down! Thanks for your input and for being the Mayor of Lurkerville!

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Lurker off topic warning! Has anyone seen this Google Street View of the Allure of the Seas? It is totally mesmerizing! Will try to put in the link to it.

Thanks! Beckie






Do you believe what they can put on a cruise ship? I tend to stick to Princess; very low key, subdued and basically lovely. I could care less about all the gadgets and gismo's that are being put onboard some of the ships. Give me good food, good service, good shows and the ocean.......I'm good to go!

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Darling Oz is having a grand retirement....but, he is having some mental confusion re potty.......the vet has him on ****** to hopefully clear the mental confusion.


So sorry to know Oz having a problem and I hope the meds do the job.


The photo of curly girl Misty was wonderful!

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Fairbourne, you must be feeding Madame Aruba some high-test doggie chow and vitamins! She has grown so leggy. I suspect that all of us with black Lab assistance dogs are cheering on "not-so-little-anymore" Aruba and her progress. She looks so much like Hearing Dog Raylene's photos from puppy days.


Roz is so right about excursions taking twice as long some days, with all the admirers stepping up to say hello. We are visiting the Williamsburg, VA area and were at the National Park Service Visitor Center in Yorktown this morning, when a very nice woman approached to say hi. She said she had been a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind in California -a nice coincidence, since that's where Raylene came from before her career change last year to Dogs for the Deaf. You do indeed meet some lovely people when you go places with a service dog.

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Fairbourne, you must be feeding Madame Aruba some high-test doggie chow and vitamins! She has grown so leggy. I suspect that all of us with black Lab assistance dogs are cheering on "not-so-little-anymore" Aruba and her progress. She looks so much like Hearing Dog Raylene's photos from puppy days.


Roz is so right about excursions taking twice as long some days, with all the admirers stepping up to say hello. We are visiting the Williamsburg, VA area and were at the National Park Service Visitor Center in Yorktown this morning, when a very nice woman approached to say hi. She said she had been a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind in California -a nice coincidence, since that's where Raylene came from before her career change last year to Dogs for the Deaf. You do indeed meet some lovely people when you go places with a service dog.


I so agree!

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Fairbourne, I know what you mean about the disruptive public. I love when other folks "love" on my Service Dog, I truly appreciate the people who have great respect and admiration for our hard working beings. That said, sometimes getting through the super market or going to the doctor can take twice as long as it should. You should see what it takes to walk down the Promenade of a Cruise ship. Almost impossible!


Fairbourne, you know your little tink is just testing both of you when she's whining in the middle of the night. You've done everything she needs, she wakes up and says to herself, "what if I make a noise, will they respond to me?" I don't blame you for checking on her but a few more nights of "no response" and she'll get the idea. I NEVER did well with interrupted sleep!


You're little girl is getting so big........she's all legs just like Aunty Roz!!!! Hair and legs that's me!!!!!


You have a wonderful weekend with your brood and give Mr. Fairbourne an extra big kiss from me.......for being such a great guy to help Aruba be someone's hero, one day!



Hi Aunty Roz - mum thought you would like to see this photo - I'm a good girl really and I'm trying very hard to learn all the new things every day. Do you like my new red collar? I've had a chew on that red thing I love to sit by (in the photo) and Mum tells me off, so now we have to buy Dad a new one. But shhh don't tell Mum I'd been chewing it for a few days before she noticed! :D:D It wasn't a big chew, not really, only a few teeth marks, but I've not to do it again! Well, I will try! :p


I went to the railway station again and did my stair work, I have to work on it Mum said! Mum and me met Dad and we had some "lunch" - well they did, all I got was a bowl of water from the very nice lady at the coffee shop there. We sat outside and I truly was a good girl and lay under the table like I'm supposed to, but it was nice and it was out of the sun, so I managed a little snooze.


I watched all the people come and go and then a train came. I heard Mum ask the train driver if next time we come, we could just get on and walk through the carriages and get off. He was really nice and came and said hello to me and said it would not be a problem and they would be happy for us to go anytime. Oh Aunty Roz, it's big and noisy, but Mum always talks to me and tells me it's alright and she's right there with me, so I've not to worry. Everyone was so nice, we even met a politician, whatever that is. We have this big vote coming up in Scotland in September to decide whether we want to leave the United Kingdom or not, so this lady was out speaking to people about it. It's a big hoo haa at the moment.


The lady who runs the coffee shop told Mum that it was a favourite place for other guide dog puppies to come. We didn't meet any other guide dog puppies but Mum says we will be back. I liked that lady, she was kind and didn't mind when I had an excited wee just as we were leaving! Thank puppyness we were sitting outside!


Thank you everyone for reading about my adventures, Mum says you are all a great support. :)


Puppy love and kisses to everyone.


Love Aruba xxx


PS - I didn't get THEM up last night - so I was a good girl.:D


Dobiemom - could you sort my photo for me, Mum is clueless and this one is posting sideways!


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I just had to share this with you.


The Guide Dogs for the Blind are currently raising a petition to ask David Cameron, our Prime Minister, to do a blindfold walk along Downing Street (number 10 Downing Street is his office and home) to see for himself how dangerous it is for not only blind or partially sighted people to have to walk around cars parked on the pavement (sidewalk), but also for wheelchair users, prams etc. if they then have to walk out into a busy road. The aim is to make it a bigger offence under road traffic legislation - bigger fines etc. to try and stop this selfish act.


When I got home yesterday I could have kicked myself as I should have mentioned this to the politician we met, but would you believe it, we were heading out of our village last night, and here she was with her team canvassing the area! Talk about "meant to be"! What are the odds of that happening?


Anyway, I then told her all of the above and asked if she would support this petition and if she would be agreeable to do a blindfold walk locally to raise awareness - she said YES! She said send her the details of the national petition and they would all sign it and raise awareness. We swapped phone numbers, so I will definitely be doing some work on this issue but I will have to speak to the Guide Dog PR people first. When I googled her I discovered she has worked at Downing Street as a Special Adviser to the current government, so maybe she might be able to have a word in a certain Prime Minister's ear as well! I'm so excited - hopefully we can make a small difference.


So you just never know who you may meet. I firmly believe things happen for a reason as NancyFancyPants always says too! :D

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