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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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I couldn't face that much exercise. 30 minutes of Curves 3 times a week is my current plan. Have only been doing that for 3 weeks so far. Also did a t least 90 minutes of hard housework today, so feel very virtuous. LOL

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This one is for Beth and for everyone else interested in plateaus -


This is a link to the Weight Watchers Board - specifically, to an AMAZING post by a woman named Denise that discussed the reasons why folks weight loss efforts frequently get stalled. It also contains links to at least a dozen other sites with good information.


This is a long one - she continues well into the second page w/ about 25 posts in all. But I can promise you that if you take the time to read it, you will learn quite a bit and probably identify some things that you can do better to stay on track. Most of the content is applicable to any weight loss program, not just WW. I have this bookmarked.


Onward and downward!

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This one is for Beth and for everyone else interested in plateaus -


This is a link to the Weight Watchers Board - specifically, to an AMAZING post by a woman named Denise that discussed the reasons why folks weight loss efforts frequently get stalled. It also contains links to at least a dozen other sites with good information.


This is a long one - she continues well into the second page w/ about 25 posts in all. But I can promise you that if you take the time to read it, you will learn quite a bit and probably identify some things that you can do better to stay on track. Most of the content is applicable to any weight loss program, not just WW. I have this bookmarked.


Onward and downward!


Great info thanks for posting the link except that now I am going to be sitting on my well rounded butt reading all those links:D :D :D

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WOW, RB, that was some read!

I think that point number 16 was very interesting. It is about losing for 8-12 weeks until you get fed up, then maintaining for 4 weeks before starting again. As I have been a yo-yo dieter for a long time, I think that this might just be the key for me. If I could manage to STS while away on holiday, then for a bit afterwards, I could then try again after a few weeks. My 10% aim beofre the cruise in November, followed by a 'fallow' period and then try losing again in December. The key is in the maintenance. An interesting plan for the future.



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WOW, RB, that was some read!

I think that point number 16 was very interesting. It is about losing for 8-12 weeks until you get fed up, then maintaining for 4 weeks before starting again. As I have been a yo-yo dieter for a long time, I think that this might just be the key for me. If I could manage to STS while away on holiday, then for a bit afterwards, I could then try again after a few weeks. My 10% aim beofre the cruise in November, followed by a 'fallow' period and then try losing again in December. The key is in the maintenance. An interesting plan for the future.




My problem is getting motivated to get back after the 4 weeks of maintaining so I would rather just journal and stick to it once I have my motivation.

I started reading another long thread of hers about emotional eating binging - guess I was not in work mode today!!!!:eek:

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In response to the blueberry topic, I try and eat 1 cup of blueberries

every day that I can for 1pt. I love them. For anyone interested in

freezing them, if you lay them on a cookie sheet to freeze, and after

frozen put in a zip-loc bag, they will not stick together. Learned that

at the local orchard.

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In response to the blueberry topic, I try and eat 1 cup of blueberries

every day that I can for 1pt. I love them. For anyone interested in

freezing them, if you lay them on a cookie sheet to freeze, and after

frozen put in a zip-loc bag, they will not stick together. Learned that

at the local orchard.


That works like a charm. You can do that with other berries too! It makes using frozen berries by the handful so easy!



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This article may surprise you about how many points (or calories) may lurk in restaurant food and why it is always a good idea to significantly overestimate the points when eating out unless you have the nutrition information.


Also, check out the "weight clock" in the upper right hand corner of the page - it shows how fast the cumulative weight of all Americans is increasing.


What do you think? Onward and downward!

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Thanks for that article RB. Mercifully we seldom eat out except when on holiday. It is, of course, quite expensive over here, so we save our pounds for cruises!

However, we are going out for a meal with friends this Thursday after my WW weigh-in. Reading this will certainly makde me more cautious when ordering. I do hope, though, that we can trust the cruiselines menus when they say they offer lower fat/calorie options. If you need a low fat diet for medical reasons it is vital for them to be accurate.



What do you with blueberries, other than just eating them raw and whole? I have some in the freezer but am not keen on the sharpness of them raw.

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This article may surprise you about how many points (or calories) may lurk in restaurant food and why it is always a good idea to significantly overestimate the points when eating out unless you have the nutrition information.


Also, check out the "weight clock" in the upper right hand corner of the page - it shows how fast the cumulative weight of all Americans is increasing.


What do you think? Onward and downward!


Great article and eye opening.

Guess we need to start eating at home more and save our $$ for more cruises too:D Plus we will be healthier to enjoy them:D

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Many restaurants have nutritional information on their website. I try to look up this information before going, so I have a plan of what to order and how many points it will be. A good site with a lot of restaurant information in one place is www.dwlz.com . Click on Restaurants and scroll down to find the alphabetical listing.

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Many restaurants have nutritional information on their website. I try to look up this information before going, so I have a plan of what to order and how many points it will be. A good site with a lot of restaurant information in one place is www.dwlz.com . Click on Restaurants and scroll down to find the alphabetical listing.


I used to HATE chain restaurants - but I have started favoring them for precisely this reason.

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At my meeting today, we talked about the importance of Persistence in weight loss. I copied the following from the ML's flip-chart:


Patience is key


Realistic expectations

Set small goals

Inspiration from others

Satisfaction in meals and snacks

Tools for living

Examine your nutritional choices

Nix the negative thinking

Celebrating small steps

Enjoy the journey


There's a lot of really good material there, so I thought that rather than racking my brain to come up w/ a new topic every day, we can work our way through these, one at a time. So,today's topic: Patience

I started on my weight loss journey not quite 4 months ago, and I've lost about 40 lbs. Sure, I'd like it to all be gone right away, but that isn't going to happen. I started gaining weight 21 years ago, so I can't expect it to come off all at once, right? When I first started, I was losing 2 lbs/week for 2 months. Then, for about a month, I started losing at the rate of about 1 lb/wk. Now, I'm doing about a half pound a week. I figure that is probably the pace that I'll be at for a while, which means that it might take me close to a year before I reach my goal. If I lose patience with that, though, I know that the weight is going to creep right up. So, there's no hurry - just keep moving . ..


Onward and downward!


What do you think?

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I think part of patience is acceptance. To be successful keeping the weight off, you have to accept that you need to change your eating habits and lifestyle forever. Last year at this time I was still in diet-mode where I wanted the diet to be over. Now that I'm close to goal (just over one pound left), it doesn't matter as much if I make goal at this week's WI or next month's because my habits aren't going to change. The weight will come off when it comes off.

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really good point, Cathy -


I can almost pinpoint the moment that I realized that this weight loss effort was really different from the others. We had a major family event with lots of folks coming to my City from out of town - including people I hadn't seen in 10 years or more. This happened about 8 weeks after I started WW. About a month in advance, it occurred to me that I really didn't care how much weight I would lose before that event - I was not concerned about the short term as much as I was concerned about where I was going to be a year later. That was something new, and it was the first time that I approached weight loss with patience rather than with urgency.

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I think part of patience is acceptance. To be successful keeping the weight off, you have to accept that you need to change your eating habits and lifestyle forever. Last year at this time I was still in diet-mode where I wanted the diet to be over. Now that I'm close to goal (just over one pound left), it doesn't matter as much if I make goal at this week's WI or next month's because my habits aren't going to change. The weight will come off when it comes off.


Wow, Cathy, I do hope I can be as patient as you. The idea of being only a pound away from goal is such a distant dream. As RB says about feeling that this time is different from previous attempts at losing, I really hope it is the same for me. I know I have told myself that before and still put it back on, but I am trying different strategies now. As it shows on another stream, I am working on 10% first then I can take stock. I do still feel that it is a 'Life Sentence' rather than Lifestyle, so I need to get shot of that negativity somehow.


On a postive note, I lost 2.5lbs this week!


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Don't remember what I quite wrote earlier but I have been on WW since March 12th this year and down 28lbs, I have seen losses of 2-3lbs in the beginning then down to 1lb and now also about 1/2lb a week which as long as I have the PATIENCE to stick with the program will be fine, I have another 20 I would like to loose so onward and downward;)

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Patience is something I struggle with. I want the weight off and I want it off now. I think I have reached some sort of epiphany lately. For the first time, I have actually thought about going beyond my first 10% goal. I set my weight loss goal at the upper limit of what ww reccommends for me, but now I am actually considering getting back down to something smaller than that. I think I am realizing that I'm not getting any younger, and that if I want to lose weight, I need to do it now, and then keep it off. I've gone up and down over the last 20 years with 7 pregnancies, and other things. My baby was born 2 1/2 years ago, and strangely, I weighed less after I had her than before. I think that was a turning point for me, but I'm not sure why. I've stuck with ww off and on over that time period and have lost another 20 lbs. I got off track last fall, holidays, my mom was in icu for about 6 weeks and then died, and it's taken me until the last month or so to get serious again. I think part of my problem with patience is that if I eat badly, I see an immediate gain on the scale, but if I eat well, I don't see an immediate loss. Anyway, enough rambling, I think it is what was said earlier, accepting the lifestyle change. That's hard, but I think I'm getting there. Even when I reach my goal, I can never go back to my old ways of eating.

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At my meeting today, we talked about the importance of Persistence in weight loss. I copied the following from the ML's flip-chart:


Patience is key


Realistic expectations

Set small goals

Inspiration from others

Satisfaction in meals and snacks

Tools for living

Examine your nutritional choices

Nix the negative thinking

Celebrating small steps

Enjoy the journey


There's a lot of really good material there, so I thought that rather than racking my brain to come up w/ a new topic every day, we can work our way through these, one at a time. So,today's topic




We've covered this one nearly to death in the past, but it is SO important. The National Weight Control Registry reports that substantially all of the registrants who have succeeded in losing and maintaining significant weight exercise regularly - on average over an hour a day.


My take on this is that, while it is possible to enjoy long term weight loss success without significant exercise, it is extremely unlikely. Once I realized this, I embraced exercise wholeheartedly - I typically earn over 30 AP's/week.


Here is the good news - you don't need to become a triathlete. Most of the NWCR participants listed walking as their exercise of choice. Making a conscious effort to add steps to the regular routine by doing things like parking further away from the store, making a few extra trips up the stairs, combined w/ an hour daily walk, will usually be enough to get you to 10,000 steps a day. A pedometer is a good investment in order to help you keep track.


I also think that weight training is important - by building up lean muscle mass, you not only improve your appearance and strength, but you also increase your base metabolism, which can help in reducing fat in the long run. Twice a week is sufficient to realize gains - three times a week is better.


IMHO, if you are going to get serious about weight loss, you need to get serious about exercise as well.


What do you think?


Onward & downward!

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My husband has lost 31 pounds in 2 1/2 months without exercise(that jerk:mad:) Now the weight loss is slowing down. I keep telling him he needs to start exercising,but he does not listen. I can not lose weight with out exercise. I beleive diet and exercise go hand in hand. I truly beleive weight training boosts the metabloism. I lift 5 days a week. It has changed my body. I do about 1.5 hours of cardio a day, which is too much, but my body has gotten use to this and i am afraid to pull back. Comparing cardio to weight training, a trainer once told me cardio is like lighting a match you are burning as you are going, when you are done you may burn calories for another hour then it is done, weight training builds muscle, the more muscle your body has the more fat you will burn throughout the day. Does that make sense:)

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My husband has lost 31 pounds in 2 1/2 months without exercise(that jerk:mad:) Now the weight loss is slowing down. I keep telling him he needs to start exercising,but he does not listen. I can not lose weight with out exercise. I beleive diet and exercise go hand in hand. I truly beleive weight training boosts the metabloism. I lift 5 days a week. It has changed my body. I do about 1.5 hours of cardio a day, which is too much, but my body has gotten use to this and i am afraid to pull back. Comparing cardio to weight training, a trainer once told me cardio is like lighting a match you are burning as you are going, when you are done you may burn calories for another hour then it is done, weight training builds muscle, the more muscle your body has the more fat you will burn throughout the day. Does that make sense:)


My DH has lost 40lbs in about the same time which makes me mad so the one day he decided to put my pedometer on and see how much walking he is doing during work and when he got home it was 17000 steps - :eek: :eek:

It has also slowed down for him, he is not being as good as before but is making a lot more healthy choices and only has about another 15-20lbs to go.

I need to change jobs and do something more active!!!:D

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