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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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Here's a question for everyone - and a chance to brag a bit. How have others noticed your weight loss?



I got called out twice this week. The first time was on Monday, when I met with a client who I had not seen since before I started and when I was near my heaviest. He was very vocal and said that he didn't recognize me, thought I was my younger brother, etc.


Second time was just yesterday, while walking through the neighborhood w/ my wife. A neighbor who lives 4 doors down from us slowed down and rolled her window down as she approached and yelled "Looking good, Dan!"




(that's right; RB isn't my REAL name!!)

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I want the medal AND the chest!! LOL - do you remember that expression??? Well with the half marathon less than two weeks away I guess I would like the medal!! As for people noticing, very few people have mentioned to me that they have noticed my weight loss. I have had a few close friends say "your looking good" but I would think more people that don't see me often would make comments. 35 lbs should be VERY noticable. I certainly know that there is a huge difference in how I feel and in my fitness level. Perhaps when I wear my HM medal for a month more people will notice?? LOL

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A few friends who know that I have been a yo-yoer for years tell me that I am doing well. They are too kind to have said anything in the past if they noticed me putting on weight. That, however, is in the past. I AM NOT DOING THAT AGAIN!

Only problem is my wardrobe is now very restricted. Many of my clothes, especially trousers, are too large but I am very reluctant to buy much as I want to drop at least one size more. Could be difficult on our upcoming 13 night cruise without a self service laundry.

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What do you do with clothes that are too loose to wear?



I used to hang on to them, but not this time! I'm getting rid of them. Some of it to goodwill, other things to family members. But, I want it out of the house!


I figure that if I don't have a safety net, I'm going to be a little more careful up on that tightrope! Not gonna fall! And, if the clothes start to get a little tight, then I want to FEEL IT! Make it as hard as possible for the weight to come back.

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I second RB's approach (or should I say Dan's - LOL), I have given away all my clothes that I will NEVER want to wear again!! I know how you feel Cinna as far as not wanting to buy an entire wardrobe in a size you don't want to stay in. I tried to buy a few different tops that would go with a certain color pant. As long as you have no accidents at dinner the top really changes the whole outfit. I bought three different color dress slacks and alternate the tops which for me I will probably remain in this size top no matter how much more I loose. It was a great feeling giving away clothes that I don't want to wear again and my sister and girlfriend were grateful for the additions to their wardrobe! Right now I need to shop for the next size down but I think I am still in between sizes so I have been holding off. I hate wearing overly restrictive clothes but what I have now is looking silly and adding pounds to me (perhaps this is why noone is noticing the weight loss - LOL).

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Do you think that it doesn't matter when you eat? Think again! This article suggests that it makes a huge difference. Generally go with a larger number of smaller meals, and eat more in the morning and less in the evening. And NEVER exercise on an empty stomach.


What do you think?


Onward and downward!

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Thanks Dan for that article. Unfortunately on the WW Core plan, we are restricted to 3 meals a day with just fruit in between, so the small frequent meals won't fit that pattern. Also cruising is a problem. Being European,we prefer the late sitting for dinner and sometimes have only an hour or 2 at the most between finishing dinner and going to bed.


On the clothes front, I had a good session this morning sorting out my wardrobes. Threw out (for the charity shop) a whole black sack full of clothes that are too big and/or past it. I did find 3 blouses I had forgotten about that I had put away because they were too tight but now fit me which is great. Shame there were no trousers. I suppose I will just have to shop at Sawgrass next month while we are in Lauderdale.

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I made a lovely soup from the WW new Autumn cookbook over here. It is similar to one posted here not long ago. The recipe is supposed to be for 4 but makes a large enough quantity for 6.




Low fat cooking spray or oil from Core allowance

2 Onions peeled and chopped

2 Garlic cloves, crushed

1lb 5oz Sweet potaoes, peeled and roughly chopped

1 Butternut Squash or 1 small pumpkin, peeled, deseeded and chopped

3.5ozs Red lentils

Pinch of dried Chilli flakes

40ozs Vegetable stock

Salt and pepper

Chopped chilli to serve, if liked


Gently stir fry onion and garlic in oil until softened.

Add sweet potaoes and squash or pumpkin, lentils, chilli flakes and stock. Bring to boil, cover and simmer 20-30 minutes until veg is tender.

Liquidise or blitz with a blender until smooth.

Season to taste and serve with chopped chilli sprinkled on top if liked.


I have converted the amounts to Imperial measures but don't know how cup measures work.



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I made some choices yesterday that weren't so smart. I still did much better than a bad day before WW, but I will not lose weight if I eat like that.


Today, I will eat enough during the day so that I am not as tempted to eat improperly tonight. After dinner, I will go out to exercise to get me out of the house.


I will eat mindfully.


I will not eat more than necessary to be satisfied


I will eat no more than 5 pts of non-core foods, and I will earn those 5 pts by exercising.


I will get back on course.

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I pulled out my WW excercise DVD today and started with the low intensity workout. I had no idea I was so out of shape! I think it felt more like moderate intensity!! My DH just laughed at me. Oh well! I guess the scale will tell the tale in the end won't it?:D Does anyone have a problem with losing their appetite while on WW? For the last few days I have been not hungry at lunch time, then by evening I'm scrounging to find things to eat to make up for the remaining points. :eek:

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NEW ORLEANS — The next diet craze may be the apple diet.

A new study shows an apple a day keeps the calories at bay. People who ate an apple about 15 minutes before lunch consumed almost 190 fewer calories than when they didn't have the apple.


The research was presented Tuesday at a meeting of the Obesity Society, an organization of weight-control scientists and professionals.


Researchers at Pennsylvania State University tested how the consumption of apples in different forms affects calorie intake.


Before lunch, the participants were given either nothing, 1½ medium peeled, cut-up apples (about 125 calories), or a similar caloric amount of applesauce, apple juice with added fiber or apple juice without fiber. About 15 minutes later, participants were served an entree of cheese tortellini and tomato sauce.


Participants who had the raw apple consumed 187 fewer calories than at the meals when they had applesauce, juice or nothing.


"This suggests that eating something like a piece of fruit that's low in calories before your meal might be a great strategy for reducing calorie intake," says Julie Flood, a researcher at Penn State. "It looks like solid fruit is more filling than fruit juice, and people perceive them differently. They look at an apple and think it's going to fill them up."


Barbara Rolls, a professor of nutritional sciences at Penn State, says the findings add to the knowledge that foods low in calories, such as soup, salad or fruit, at the beginning of a meal gives you an extra course, and you end up eating less.


"We expect the effect might have been bigger if we left the peeling on the apples," she says.


Brian Wansink, director of Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab in Ithaca, N.Y., says, "This is great evidence that it's not the calories, but it's the effort of eating that tricks us into thinking we're full."

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Oh Minty, do not despair. I am sure yourefforts will show reward next week. It is so hard when we plateau. Are you on Points or Core? Switching a few weeks a go cetainly helped to kick start my loss.


I lost one pund this week, which considering the weekend away (Pizza, birthday cake, glass of wine etc) was great. I got my 3rd Silver 7 (a British thing for each half stone or 7 pounds) my 10% award and am down into the 13 stone something zone.


RB, I swiched to Decaff some years ago as I have acid reflux. I have never missed caffeine at all.

Funnily enough, I eat an apple before I go to Curves after work as I tend to think it helps my blood sugar at the end of the day. I then have dinner later at home.



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I subscribe to the Consumer Reports Health Newsletter, and it frequently has some useful info. In November's issue, there is piece by Brian Wansink, a researcher at Cornell University. He wrote a book entitled "Mindless Eating"


The basic concept is that external cues influence how much we eat. For example:

* Subjects pour more liquid into a short, wide glass than a tall skinny glass, even though they think they are pouring the same amount.

* People tend to eat 92% of the food that they serve themselves,

* People eat 20% more if food is served "family style."

* Eating with another person will increase the amount of food by 30-35%.

* Having a snack within arm's reach doubles the amount you eat.


He gives a real interesting example of how this was tested in a lab. They made a soup bowl that continuously refilled through a hole in the bottom attached to a 6-gallon vat. People with refillable bowls ate 73% more than people who ate from a regular bowl, but they didn't think they had eaten more.


He says that the margin of extra calories that many people get through this mindless eating makes the difference between gaining and losing weight. He says that if you cut 1,000 calories a day, you'll get hungry, but if you cut 200 to 400, most people won't notice the difference. But, over a year, that can be 35 lbs.


His recommendations:


move the candy or snack dishes away

get rid of short, wide glasses

use smaller dishes

don't allow yourself a donut unless you've first had a piece of fruit -

serve vegetables family style but carefully portion other foods

At a restaurant, use the "Pick 2" strategy -order a main course and only 2 of the following: bread, appetizer, dessert, and alcoholic drink.

At a buffet, use the same strategy, and take what you want, but you have to use the smallest plate.

At parties, always have something to drink in your hand because that's one less hand to eat with.

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Hello everyone - sorry I have been MIA. I have had such a busy week with a ten chapter Psych II test on Thursday and getting in my runs for the upcoming half marathon. Tomorrow I will run a 10 mile run and then taper next week until the race on Sunday. I have been eating well but yet to actually count points since my return from the cruise. I have not gained any weight but have not lost either. I think I will probably get back counting in full force after my race next weekend. I actually lost the majority of my weight through exercise and mindfull eating so I am not worried that I will trend up.


I went out last night and made some very good choices and used some strategy (brought shrimp cocktail as an app to the function before we went out to dinner) and ordered wisely (with questions - is that breaded and fried?and no thank you to the bread basket) and ultimately got lobster stuffed haddock that had a light butter and crumb sauce but worth every point it was! I ran 5 miles yesterday so I had AP points to use as well.


Cinna - that sounds like a good recipe - I will copy it and make it sometime this week. Thanks for posting it.


Here's one I made and it passed the hubby test with flying colors:


Turkey breast or chicken breasts (deskinned)

one bag of fresh cranberries

1 cup fat free catolina french dressing

1 large orange

20 splenda packets (I know it sounds like a lot but you need it)


Cover cranberries with water in a med. pan. Bring to a boil until they "pop". Lower heat to a nice simmer and add the dressing, squeeze the orange and any pulp you like into it and add the splenda. Cook for 20-30 minutes. Pour the hot sauce over the turkey or chicken and cook at 375 in an open pan for 40 minutes or until the meat is cooked. YUMMY - enjoy!

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Hi cinna....I'm on points but thinking of switching to Core. I'm a little hungry all the time on points and find I can't get satisfied unless I get extra activity points. But I'm terrified to switch to Core - mainly because I eat out for work a lot. Every week there seems to be something holding me back...last week was a birthday party I had to attend (can't really eat cake on core!) and this week is a business meeting with catered lunch (likely sandwiches and wraps, and bread is not core) and next week is another business lunch so I stick to points because it's familiar. I do really want to take the leap though.


which plan do you think is easier to stick with when cruising?

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Hi, folks -


Sorry for not posting anything for so long. It has been a busy, hectic few days. The good news is that I now appear to be dealing much better w/ those stressful times when time and access to healthy food is limited than I used to. I'm eating less and making the best choices of those alternatives available to me. That's a major change. I also hopped on the scale today for the first time in 4 days (VERY unusual for me to go that long w/out weighing myself). Definitely inching south. Yippee!


Anyway, Happy Halloween! :eek:


Lots of temptations around today and for the next few days w/ leftover candy and the kids' bounty sitting around. What's your strategy for dealing with it?


Onward and downward!

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Happy Halloween! :eek:


Lots of temptations around today and for the next few days w/ leftover candy and the kids' bounty sitting around. What's your strategy for dealing with it?


Onward and downward!


I can resist having the first piece of candy. After that, I will have a lot of trouble resisting Number 2, 3, 4, etc. and onward to a number too horrible to contemplate. So, my pledge:


I am not going to eat one stinking piece! I've come too far and have too far to go to let cheap, mediocre candy slow me down!

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Hi RB - been missing everyone lately - very slow board the past week.


Well, my strategy was/is:


#1 I purchased candy that I do not like to pass out to the trick or treaters. I let my son pick out items he thought were "awesome" like bottle caps and candy necklaces/bracelets and one other thing I can't remember.


#2 I plan on eating only a few "fun size" bars I will count them as the 2 points they are! I get to have the almond joys and mounds that my son gets because he hates coconut (my fav) and I will probably eat one a day and count the points. Usually there are only a few of those kinds so I'm not worried I'll have 10 sitting on the table later tonight.


Doable?? I hope so. Colleen

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Lots of temptations around today and for the next few days w/ leftover candy and the kids' bounty sitting around. What's your strategy for dealing with it?


I'm going to get by the temptation today by having a nice healthy snack before shelling out starts and DH has offered to do the handing out while I make dinner. As for what's left over he will be taking it in to work tomorrow morning. That's the plan.

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