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Now I want to scream


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As many of you know (Sue D. Miller) my husband and I have gone to great lengths to plan a cruise that leaves a week from tomorrow. He is a Marine and after serving for 18.5 years is heading back to Iraq in January. He just called me here in SC where I am helping my parents out since my dad is in the hospital after having prostate cancer removed this week and he can not go now.............they are having some type of drill and he can not go :( I want to scream. I am already losing him for 8 plus months to a war and now this was this last hope of time alone together for another 2 years..............I have already called my TA and they are contacting Princess to see if they will waive penalties but I also have trip insurance..............I am so upset.

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Oh No, I'm so sorry:( .

I also had to cancel a cruise, maybe we need to start our own thread:(



As many of you know (Sue D. Miller) my husband and I have gone to great lengths to plan a cruise that leaves a week from tomorrow. He is a Marine and after serving for 18.5 years is heading back to Iraq in January. He just called me here in SC where I am helping my parents out since my dad is in the hospital after having prostate cancer removed this week and he can not go now.............they are having some type of drill and he can not go :( I want to scream. I am already losing him for 8 plus months to a war and now this was this last hope of time alone together for another 2 years..............I have already called my TA and they are contacting Princess to see if they will waive penalties but I also have trip insurance..............I am so upset.
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I am sooo sorry. I do know how much this time together means to you and your husband.

My husband retired from the Navy with 26 yrs. I say no matter What they pay the military it will never be enough.

Is there anyway you can squeeze something in before he leaves ? No one knows what sacrifices Military famlies make.


There should not be any penalities for this kind of thing. I can't Imagine Princess would want that kind of Negative publicity .


I saw your post and just teared up while reading it and felt compelled to write.


Good Luck My thoughts and Prayers are with you both



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Disneycruiser-Please let us know how this works out for you. I can totally understand your desire to get away before your husband leaves for Iraq. Also, part of my reason for knowing is entirely selfish...I think I responded to you before that my husband is also activated. We have our final payment on a 30 night cruise due Tuesday, August 24th, and his leave has still not been signed. Even if his leave does get signed, I am worried that it will be revoked before November 22. I have already done some research...Access America will cover our losses if his leave gets signed and then revoked, but that is the only insurance I 've found that will do so.


I would also be interested in hearing if anyone else out there is facing similar issues. I'm with Disneycruiser...my husband is in his 50s, has 25 years in the military reserves and has been gone for over 18 months, working without a reserves contract for over 6 months now (meaning he should have been done 6 months ago). Surely they can spare these guys for the leaves that are due to them!

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The drill is a mass casualty drill slated for August 31st and September 2nd and they just can do it without my husband. I am all for Homeland Security but for God sakes they are taking him to Iraq from me now in January instead of February and he will be gone 8 plus months. I am just venting but if I added up how much time he has been gone it would be more than half of my 6 years olds life. He is at almost 19 years so he could retire but he won't. He says he has the experience and knowledge to bring his 150 Marines home. I respect but right now I am just so sick over this.......................

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Mass casualty drills happen a LOT. That's what my husband does in the reserves. Maybe he can check into going to a later one. AND BTW...don't count on the kindness of Princess in this one...we cancelled a cruise 3 days after final payment almost two years ago when my husband first got an inkling he might be activated and not able to cruise. I called Princess and their response was that I had to cancel right then and there, and they would refund our money, but that if we waited until he finally got orders and we knew for sure he wouldn't be able to go, they would refund NOTHING. And most insurances specifically exclude military service except for natural disasters.

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He says he has the experience and knowledge to bring his 150 Marines home. I respect but right now I am just so sick over this.......................
I can completely understand your frustration. However, from this statement it sounds like he doesn't want to pursue going for a different drill later. Am I misreading?
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I gotta believe that you'd get a full refund under the circumstances, insurance or not.


Can you reschedule this to a later date between now and when he goes back to Iraq in January?


This has got "Call Princess Guest Services" written all over it, they live for stuff like this.


Vent away but then lets see what we can do to make that cruise happen for you

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I am not at home where my documentation is. I am still in SC taking care of my Mom and my Dad is still in the hospital after his prostate cancer surgery so I do not know the insurance company.


My husband is a Active Duty Marine Corp Crash Crew Officer. This is not a training drill in the sense he shows up to make sure he is keeping his training up to date.


He is in charge of running this operation/drills the only catch is someone else gets to say when it is and it is set in concrete.


There is no rescheduling around the new FAA rules and he just can not take leave. They just made this announcement this week and he did not tell me he had been trying all week to get the dates moved or someone to cover but there is no one else that runs the show and since he is the "boss" of this area he must be there.


I am still crying but now I am getting mad. Warning I am going to vent: The last 6 years have sucked. Yes, I know others have it much worse but right now I am venting.....6.5 year ago when my 6 year old was 5 weeks old I was diagnosed with melanoma, I have been married to a Marine and he is in and out, then when I was 4 months pregnant with our 3 year old my husband has to leave for 7 months, I get a phone call and my Mom has had a stoke at the young age of 53 and has been left paralyzed on her right side and severly disabled, then when I was 36 weeks pregnant I had a ruptured splenic aneurysm the OB's did not "catch", I coded, had no pulse died, had my chest opened, got me going again, lost my spleen, half my pancreas and had liver damage not to mention the ER thoracotomy was by a 3rd year Resident who had never done one...........my baby and I beat the odds and are the 14th woman and baby to have lived but we spent a long, long time in the ICU and NICU and missed a lot. I get the news 2 months ago my husband is going back to Iraq, I do what every good military wife does and say ok, I support you and plan this get away, we could not go after Labor Day as my husband is changing Units and will be doing a lot of field training so this was the only week for almost the next 2 years we could go. I planned everything and was very excited and then a few weeks ago I get a call that my Dad had prostate cancer and he is my Mom's main caregiver so here I am at their house with my 3 year old, helping my Mom facing down my own fears of the ICU and Labor and Delivery and hospitals in general but being there for my Dad who is still in the hospital but wanted my husband and I to still go. My sister is set to come next week and help out and so forth...........now this. I did I mention I have strep (I get sick a lot since losing my spleen).................


My TA is gone so I had to call their main office which is the Owner. He said he would call Princess and just ask what they would do and he would call me back. He said after 9/11 some have been helpful.


He never called back but maybe they were closed as this was after 6:00 pm. I have emailed him so I do not know what if anything is going on.


We have trip insurance that covers pre-existing conditions but he told me Doctor's get funny when asked to sign because it is a legally binding document etc. But then again I have strep now, and have a whole laundry list of medical problems from the aneurysm which is why we always buy insurance.


The air tickets on US Air are through Travelocity which is the first time I have ever used them and I emailed them and they said we could apply for credit less a change fee.


This just sucks. This was the only time I had to get away and I feel as if the world finally just came crashing down on me. I have been balancing it all for so long and now I am mad. I did not complain when the Marine Corp wanted to send my husband back to Iraq, I did what a good military wife does.......let him decide.


Now if we do not get any money back what do I do........go on my own, I can not think of anyone who can go last minute and the whole point was to be alone with my husband before he leaves.


Thanks for letting me vent :(

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jhannah- I forgot to add the statement about bringing the 150 guys home is when he goes to Iraq January 2005......this drill is something he is in charge of now but he does not get to say when it will be and such he just runs it.


Thanks everyone. I am just so upset and I hate to admit upset at my husband which may sound childish but I am....................I know it is not like working at a Bank where he can say I quit or I demand but this is the first time I have lost it like this, I just usually roll with it but now I am defeated.

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Bless your heart! You've had more than your share. The military is a force unto itself and there is no arguing with them. I'm so sorry this has happened to you and your husband and the trip you were looking foward to so eagerly. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know the details as you find them out.



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It is perfectly normal and acceptable to be upset with your husband, and the same time you are so proud of him and what he is doing. At least I hope so, because I feel the same exact way about mine.


People like to say that we aren't given any more than we can handle. I think that's BS. Sometimes life just stinks. And this is one of those times. If it turns out you will lose money if you don't go, you need to go, even if it is alone. I got stuck doing this on a cruise (due to military too). I had a great time after a day or so, and met some new wonderful friends that I continue to travel with. Cruising is not a lonely sport (as you know)...there is always someone to talk with and do things with. Plus, if you have nothing to lose, I'm sure you can find someone to go with you, even if they can't pay their whole way.


BTW...this is a PERFECT example of why you might find some of us talking on our cell phones on ships. Things like this happen, and we cope, but what we don't need is everyone passing judgement on what we do to cope.

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I'm pretty sure that you won't even have to use your trip insurance. I think that the cruise lines have waived any cancellation fees for military personnel who have been called back into active duty. Call US Air directly (1-800-428-4322), about getting the money back for your tickets...same thing. Your trip insurance MAY kick in to allow you to cruise by yourself. This is something you'll need to decide for yourself. I'm sorry this has happened to you. I'm an Army brat, and well remember the days when Dad announced that we would be moving...again. Another new school in a different part of the country. I remember when he was recalled into active duty in Korea. It's all about our Military, and how it operates. (It's also about politics, but I won't go there). I sincerely hope you find a comfortable solution, Disneycruiser!!

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I am so sorry. I have been following your planning and anticipation. I was so excited for you. I know this is a major disappointment . You will be in my prayers tonight. :(


God Bless you and your family

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Thanks for your support. Just to clarify my husband is active duty and has been for 18.5 years. We knew he was going to Iraq in February 2005, last week it changed and he is going with the advance unit January 2005.


What happened was he was told he could take this week off. He runs the show in his unit but of course he answers to "higher ups" as we all do.


They decided without his input to have 2 drills on 8/31/04 and 9/2/04 and he can not have them changed and since this is "his job" to run it that is just the way it is........he has to do it.


If they give us credit I would have to take my boys by myself say next summer..........I don't know. I am mad at the Marine Corp, mad at my TA for letting me worry all weekend, mad at my husband bc I supported him on the Iraq decision in the way I never said don't go, I said I will support whatever decision you make and then they can not give us a week.


We can not go another time, first problem is no one to watch our boys, second problem with in 4 weeks he will be training his new Unit for deployment, then the holidays and he leaves and we do not want to be away from the boys so close to his deployment.............I really wanted us to go, I really needed us to go, I really needed a break :(

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Your TA should have advised you of the information I posted above. Don't give up now, Disneycruiser. You can still make it work out for you, DH, and your boys. The cruise lines have been very good about refunding or putting your credit towards another cruise in situations like this. How old are your boys?

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Well - here's a "boost" from an Army brat who has been there! I was mad at the Army for a lot for years, for dragging us all over the US and Europe at a whim. But - they were great experiences, and I really think that it all added to my love of travel. I live in Alabama now (still wondering why!) , and know many people who have never even been out of the state! It's just very hard for me to fathom this, but that's what some of America is all about. Be thankful that you have the ability and the desire to travel. Have you thought about taking this cruise with a close friend or family member?? Might do you a "world" of good!!

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I feel for you. I can only imagine your disappointment. But that's the way the military works. That's part of the deal. We have folks at Nellis AFB here in Las Vegas who just got home a few months ago and are now turning around to go back. Yes, you have to put up with lots of stuff ... but the retirement benefits offer some consolation. And just think how close he is to being able to retire! It will all work out in the end. Hang in there.

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Hi DC!! Sorry for not posting back, but I lost power again. Thunderstorm!! I am glad you are venting. Just get it all all out and cry if you can. We have big shoulders here!! :) I think it might be a good idea to see what your options are with the cruiseline. I also think that you are stressed to the max, and this cruise was your out. Do you have a close friend or family member that could go with you on the cruise?? No, it isn't your husband, but he isn't leaving until Jan., and I really think this one week would be very good for you, to chill and prepare yourself for the challanges ahead. I do understand your anger, but that is military life. And sometimes it does suck!! But lets take care of you. You have been the caregiver for everyone for a very long time. Just give it some thought. Try to find the silver lining to all the black clouds that come along. Tough times are always being thrown at us, but the end result is how you react to them. It is a good thing to stare them down and you come out the winner. Let us know what happens, and think about your options, and you!!! :)

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jhannah, yes you are right that is the way the military works but the bigger picture is he could drop his retirement papers now and get out without going back to Iraq. He still could not cruise but at least he would get out at 20 years. But he has agreed to go to Iraq in January 2005 and extend past his 20 required years. I hate to mislead others but our insurance, dental and pensions are not that great. Most men and women make a career out of the military out of a much deeper desire other than the benefits of the Exchange. We have moved so many times my oldest son recalls the houses by the colors.


It will work out but yes I am very, very, very disappointed. Things that this happen to us military folks all of the time but usually it is having a baby on our own, raising children on our own, making the best our of holidays and such.


With this cancelled cruise it is a shock and a last straw. We are used to be moved around and separated, poorly paid and until 9/11 not very respected but this was a selfish cruise we needed as the other poster stated I needed a break to make it through the next hard year.


Thanks, for everyone's support. Maybe someday I can rejoin a count down. You all are the best on these boards. Keep it up.

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