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Please dont blast me and I REALLY am not trying to be silly here, BUT, we have a Christmas Cruise booked this year on the Mariner :) Going to CocoCays, St Thomas and St Marteen and here is my question...I am TERRIFIED, not just frightened, but TERRIFIED of Iguanas and anything that resembles a reptile. I can not even walk past them comfortably. Can anyone tell me the places and activities I should avoid so not to make a fool of myself? And thank you for not laughing.......:confused:

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I say lots of iguanas in CocoCay. I don't know if you can avoid them there, but heres a thought. Follow the main path where there are lots of people travelling. They shouldn't be that close.


Also, I saw some when I went to Sapphire beach in St. Thomas. I even have a few pictures of them, not on my computer, in my closet.


I don't remember if I saw any in St. Maarten or not. I did see a few does in St. Maarten on the Mariner last year. I have pics of those too.

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My first thought was not to go to Texas:D ….and second thought was not to take excursions on land. Stay by the water and you should be fine. I’ve never seen any reptiles on the beaches on St. Thomas or St. Marteen.

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but my DH and DS spent the day on Coco Cay two weeks ago and they saw several Iguanas. They said there was one hanging out so that you had to walk past it when getting off the ship. It sounds like you have a true phobia and as much as I hate to, I would suggest that you may want to stay onboard for this port.

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Please dont blast me and I REALLY am not trying to be silly here, BUT, we have a Christmas Cruise booked this year on the Mariner :) Going to CocoCays, St Thomas and St Marteen and here is my question...I am TERRIFIED, not just frightened, but TERRIFIED of Iguanas and anything that resembles a reptile. I can not even walk past them comfortably. Can anyone tell me the places and activities I should avoid so not to make a fool of myself? And thank you for not laughing.......:confused:

It's okay. I live an hour from the shore in NJ and can hardly go in the water in Aug/Sept (when it is most comfortable) because I am eerily and wimp-ly afraid of jellyfish.


There are most definitely iguanas on the beaches in St Thomas. Here I am, posing with one.


PS: That's day two of my cruise in 05 on Adventure. Obviously, I hadn't tanned yet.


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When we were in CocoCay we saw about 10 of them (up to about 2 feet long). They were all hanging out near the hammocks by the nature trail. I think the only reason that they were all clustered there, though, was because people were feeding them hamburgers and hot dogs. What was really funny was watching one of them fight with a chicken over a hot dog bun!


I've never seen them in St. Thomas or St. Martin

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but my DH and DS spent the day on Coco Cay two weeks ago and they saw several Iguanas. They said there was one hanging out so that you had to walk past it when getting off the ship. It sounds like you have a true phobia and as much as I hate to, I would suggest that you may want to stay onboard for this port.


Ha!!! Stay onboard and miss Coco Cay!!!! :eek: What blasphemy!!! Coco Cay is an awesome port and if you stay onboard because of an iguana that you may not even see, would be a travesty! :eek: :mad: (While you're there...try the Coco Loco. It's to die for!)

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belder - I am coming forward to calm your nerves! I, also, am terrified of any reptilian:eek: creatures! I stayed in Puerto Vallarta for 16 nights last year and I am still alive to tell the tale! We had a small gecko on our balcony every night and I made my DH chase it away before we could go sit on the balcony for our nightcap. (I should have really videotaped him trying to get the thing to leave - as it was completely hysterical!) Walking to our condo - we had to walk the "gauntlet" so to speak as there were tiny lizards crawling all over the ceiling on the walkway - I shudder remembering it! So, I feel your pain. But, I must tell you that THEY are more afraid of you than you are of them (I know - hard to believe, but it is true!). We didn't go in the hot tub on the balcony the whole time we were there as Mr. Gecko liked to hang out there & I refused to soak in terror:D


So, now you know that I am exactly like you - I will tell you my experience in the Caribbean. I have not been to CocoCay, but have been to places like CocoCay and yes, there can be iguanas. These are usually of the larger variety and can be avoided very easily! I have been to St. Thomas at least 8 times and have only seen ONE gecko - & actually I missed it - it was on our wedding day at Bluebeard's Castle, 2 years ago, & apparently it darted in front of me as we were having our wedding pictures taken - my DH told me about it after the fact as I would have freaked out! I have been to a couple of beaches there & have never seen any. I have also been to St. Maarten at least 6 times - have been to both sides (the French & Dutch) and never saw anything. So, I guess I was lucky! Now, Belize is another story - we went on a ship's tour there that actually took you to an area that was basically "Giant Iguana Country" - as we got off the bus - these things were everywhere & they were the size of small crocodiles - I nearly needed to be tranquilized!!:eek: The tour guide told us NOT to pet them as they bite! We thought this was hilarious as we couldn't even imagine trying to pet them! I took the path that almost avoided all of them completely and RAN straight onto the ferry which was the next part of our tour. Even DH didn't like it & he normally doesn't mind. So, as long as you are not going to Belize - you should be fine.


Now, if you are lying on a beach near big rocks, bush, or big shades trees - you might want to watch your back!:) Just make sure you are closer to the water & you should be fine.


Anyways - just wanted to try & ease your mind - you will be okay! That being said, we are stopping at Labadee on our upcoming FOS cruise & if you hear screaming - it will be me!!:eek: All kidding aside - do not miss any port in the Caribbean over the possibility of seeing a reptile - the chances of them getting near you are extremely slim!!!


Take care & good luck!



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Ha!!! Stay onboard and miss Coco Cay!!!! :eek: What blasphemy!!! Coco Cay is an awesome port and if you stay onboard because of an iguana that you may not even see' date=' would be a travesty! [/size']:eek: :mad: (While you're there...try the Coco Loco. It's to die for!)


LOL I know, I know, don't make me walk the plank, BUT as lovely as it is, in my opinion, no port is worth a cruise-ruining panic attack. One of my family members has a phobia, I have seen how encountering his phobia can leave him upset for days.


OP only you know how badly coming face to face with these guys will upset you... Emi's Mom is right, you don't want to miss Coco Cay if you think you can handle a possible encounter. I made my statement going by the reactions I have witnessed when someone was face to face with their phobia.

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If you alter your vacation plans because you are afraid of iguanas, well then, the iguanas have won...... :o


Seriously, when we were in St. Thomas last year they were plentiful but in all honesty, we likened them to squirrels. They'd scurry here and there looking for little table scraps and went on their merry way. I was able to take a macro photo of one where, I swear my lens was just 12 inches from him (her?.) I didn't bother it, and it didn't bother me.


Try not to think about it and focus on all the other beauty around you!


- Ken

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LOL I know, I know, don't make me walk the plank, BUT as lovely as it is, in my opinion, no port is worth a cruise-ruining panic attack. One of my family members has a phobia, I have seen how encountering his phobia can leave him upset for days.


OP only you know how badly coming face to face with these guys will upset you... Emi's Mom is right, you don't want to miss Coco Cay if you think you can handle a possible encounter. I made my statement going by the reactions I have witnessed when someone was face to face with their phobia.


Anybody got a few extra Zoloft to give this guy for the duration of his cruise.

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We were on the Carnival Destiny in June and stopped at St Thomas. We went to Sapphire Beach. After my lunch, I hadn't eaten all the bread on my sandwich and was feeding some birds. A pretty large iguana came to try to get some of the bread. From what I was told, they are all around the beaches in STT.


However, when I wanted him to leave, I just picked up a handful of sand and threw it at him and that chased him away. Even if you are terrified of them, you can kick or toss a small handful of sand (**LIGHTLY** so you don't hurt it) and it will turn and go away. Or you can get someone else to do that for you.

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We will be going to St. Thomas for the 2nd time in December. The 1st time we did see iguanas at the beach. They were big, but take a great picture...This time we are taking a catamaran to St. John, and from the way the excursion is explained (through RCCL) you don't have to go in the water or go the beach, you can just stay on board. If you look into something like this you can still experience the port without the stress.

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hmn, I've seen them everywhere but st. Martin. I WOULD do CoCo CAY, but stay away from the hammocks and shade and get a chair by the water. I think this stop has the most from my experience.


If you're ok enough to see one at a beach, get up and take a walk on the beach away from it, the iguanna should be long gone by then. If it is such a scare for you that it renders you in a panic and semi-traumatized.... at least consider (don't light the torches people)..... a few visits in therapy to use guided imagery ... (go to your happy place) or hypnosis.


NOW, I know very few people believe in this. BUT with phobias it can work, especially since we're talking a week, not long term.


I wish you well and give you a lot of credit for going anyway despite your fears.... those little buggers usually don't come with in touching space, unless someone tries to domesticate them with food... and those goofy tourists make such a deal about the lizzard.... that you'll know it's near with plenty of warning;)

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Please dont blast me and I REALLY am not trying to be silly here, BUT, we have a Christmas Cruise booked this year on the Mariner :) Going to CocoCays, St Thomas and St Marteen and here is my question...I am TERRIFIED, not just frightened, but TERRIFIED of Iguanas and anything that resembles a reptile. I can not even walk past them comfortably. Can anyone tell me the places and activities I should avoid so not to make a fool of myself? And thank you for not laughing.......:confused:

I can understand your feeling. I am the same way w/snakes..........


My kids have an iguanna and let me assure you, however, that they are gentle reptiles. I know that is hard to believe, but they are. I know a lot of parents who let their children have them as pets.


Although, since I am deathly afraid of snakes, I know that this can not be of much re-assurance to you. But remember, you are on vacation.


Those are not "Real Reptiles", they are Disney reptiles......hahaha. A lot of it, really, is a state of mind. When you get back home, reality can set in.........



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Belder - Don't be too hard on yourself. I won't go to Australia because I'm afraid I will see a spider. How sad is that.:(




Come stay with me for a week in NW Florida! I've killed(bad of me) 3 spiders half the size of saucers in the house this week.:rolleyes:

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and I hate lizards.


There - I said it.


The problem? I love the Caribbean and diving and beaches, so something's gotta give.


Don't get me wrong - I don't hate them in the way that I want them all to die. I just don't want to be around them, and I really don't want them to be around while I am eating (a popular pasttime in the Caribbean).



1) Get yourself an official Deputy of the Lizard Patrol. Someone who sympathizes and goes with you everywhere, keeping an eye open and quietly shooing things away that might try to sneak up on you.


2) Keep reminding yourself that they are vegetarians.


3) Don't go to Bonaire. It's lizard paradise there. You will need to work oup to this. You literally have to drove slowly all around the island so as to not run over them whenver you round a curve.


My DH loves to tell the story of how I opened the door to our 2nd story condo in Bonaire one day. There, about 20 ft in front of my face is a 6ft SOB who turns his head, looks right at me and goes 'HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!' The door goes 'WHAM!!!!' and I say, 'you can bring me my breakfast.' This is apparently one of the funniest things he has ever seen.


I don't think you will have too much difficulty in St. Maarten. Remember, the more developed the island, the fewer critters. St. Maarten is relatively developed compared to many other islands.


I think you will probably see very few. If they do show up, just move somewhere else. As another poster pointed out - you can send a cupful of sand in their direction. Or a cup of cold water. Generally, this duty should fall to the Deputy of Lizard Patrol, so that you do not need to worry about reptilian backlash.


You will do just fine - relax and enjoy!

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An important point for the OP to consider is that the iguanas on Cococay (we saw only 2) are very static creatures - they tend to just sit on a branch unless they are coaxed or fed. I would think that they are easy to avoid if you go straight to the first beach by walking near to the ocean and if you also eat at the oceanside part of the buffet. I honestly think that you need not encounter them.

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WOW.. Thanks EVERYONE for all the heartfelt advice. I do feel somewhat better knowing that I MAY not see them if I avoid certain areas and activities. I think I will just stick to the shopping areas and water activities very near (or on) the water. My husband assures me he will scare off anything in my path! I do have some left over valium (very mild only 5 MG) left over from my dental work, I think I just may take that along just in case. Thanks again and I WILL go into the ports! Wish me luck!

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