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Discussion: CC Amenities vs. Suite Amenities


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My DW has just updated me on the contents of the DVD/VCR thread. Since discussion of CC amenities in suites is off topic in that thread, I thought I'd vent in a new thread.


As my DW has mentioned, we're booked in a RS for an April cruise on the Millie. My father and sister have CC cabins at less than 1/3rd the price of the RS. X's policy of offering the extra amenities that come with CC cabins to ONLY CC cabins totally eludes me. I was very much looking forward to enjoying the yogurt parfait breakfast from the CC breakfast menu, and also to watching some DVD's in the evening from the ship's library. I've learned the DVD is a lost cause in our cabin (6140), and the yogurt parfait will depend upon the butler. Not to mention the pillow menu, fresh flowers, etc.


If we didn't think we really needed the extra room to entertain my family, I'd cancel the RS and book a CC right now. As it is, I'm highly perturbed with X and, if this policy continues, will never book a suite again (on X). When you pay the extra money for a suite, you don't expect to have to give up amenities - you expect extras, not a trade-off!


Am I overreacting? I'm interested in everyone else's opinion on this subject.


Randy (not Denise - she thinks I'm a little hot under the collar)

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I haven't been on X yet (just booked Nov 9th to Hawaii) and I've never booked a suite so I can't help you out with your question and I know this isn't the point BUT just a thought- why don't you book the room at a !/3 of the price like your father and sister did and spend the difference enjoying some of the beautiful lounges and ambiance on board? Then at the end of the day you could still enjoy the same CC amenities.

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As I said on the other thread, we were lucky enough to be invited to the Hotel Managers (Captain's) Table for dinner one evening. I put this exact question to Simon, the hotel manager. I asked why the CC amenities were not extended to the suite customer, as you would think they would be. His answer was that X veiwed it as a matter of "real estate vs amenities". He reported that X thought that the suite residents were in the suites for the extra sq footage. He did agree that he felt that the suite residents SHOULD be extended at least the same courtasies as the CC cabins but....


The subject was dropped rather quickly as he turned to another guest and began a new conversation.


Personally, I feel that the room was beautiful. It was perfect for our Alaskan cruise since the weather was misty, rainy any cool. We absolutely loved the balcony on the M class ship.


As for the CC breakfast menu, although our butler was unwilling to get the actual door hangers for us he did say that we could "write in" any items that we wanted but made no suggestions as to what those items might be. Each evening we chicken scratched in our extras (french toast one day, a strawberry/banana smoothie another day and fresh berries each day) and they were delivered however, it left us feeling like we were being a nusance.


Boarding day when our Butler came to introduce himself to us, he spoke to us and expained his position to us but certainly did throw and extra's in. He led us around the cabin and pointed out the amenities such as the free champagne and flowers with the compliments of the captain. When I pointed out that I had purchased all of the flowers in the suite (I ordered 2 large mixed bouquets and two small...I like flowers) he just said "Oh", but didn't make any effort to bring another bouquet that would have been complimentary from X.


We did have guests to the suite, on the last day,that we had met on board. The butler (his name escapes me), on our request brought and set up some h'ors douerves, cheese and fruit and champagne, then he left.


I guess after all of the above, we loved the suite space. We could have certainly done without the use of the butler as I feel that any good room attendant would have done just as much for us as the butler did. I could have written in what I wanted on the room service breakfast menu, but quite frankly I think that is tacky. We have booked the Mediteranean for next July on Summit and chose to try one of the aft CC cabins that everyone raves about. After staying in the RS, I personally think that for a port intensive cruise it would be a waste of money.


Is the lovely space of a RS worth missing out on a few breakfast items and a pillow menu? I think it was. Should the suite guests be given the same if not higher amenities than the CC cabins due to the price? ABSOLUTELY!



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Texed - It's great that you got the CC breakfast items (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my parfait!), but it shouldn't depend on the quality of the butler.


Enchanted - Our family age ranges from 80's to 11. We're looking forward to being able to spend some private time in our suite with them; watching the ocean slide by with our feet up, discussing politics and religion ;), sipping wine/soda (for the 11-year old), and whatever else families do which they would never do in a public lounge (although we intend to invade the public areas as well!). If it was just my DW and me, we'd be in a CC.... Note: DW is still saying she would want a Sky Suite. :(


Peter - I agree with your sentiments whole-heartedly! You should get the cards for the expanded CC breakfast menu (and the fresh flowers), without having to ask your butler. And, if this cruise was going to be port-intensive for us, a CC would make more sense. But, as I said to Enchanted above, this is less about ports and more about "quality time". We've already been to the Carib several times, as have my family. Since we're on opposite sides of the country, we don't get to spend much time with each other (~1 week/year), and the cruise is that week for '08. I can only hope that we have a butler who is more understanding than yours.




P.S. - Peter, my wife now plans to order flowers for our cabin..... Thanks! :cool:

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If we didn't think we really needed the extra room to entertain my family, I'd cancel the RS and book a CC right now. As it is, I'm highly perturbed with X and, if this policy continues, will never book a suite again (on X). When you pay the extra money for a suite, you don't expect to have to give up amenities - you expect extras, not a trade-off!


Am I overreacting? I'm interested in everyone else's opinion on this subject.


Randy (not Denise - she thinks I'm a little hot under the collar)


I'm not sure exactly what it is that you are looking for.............and since you have not yet cruised in a Royal Suite..........and have some anticipations about it.......let me tell you of my experiences in Royal Suites, of which we have enjoyed for seven cruises.......and have an 8th coming up in April of next year.


We enjoy just being able to listen to our own music while we read and watch the sea go by...............that you cannot do in a CC. We enjoy bringing a couple in for a cocktail..........and our butler makes sure that we have enough appetizers. We will put on several dinners in our cabin......the dining table is built for 4...........and we can order right off of the dinner menu. It's served in courses.........just as in the dining room.


We have put on cocktail parties for up to 40 guests.......but that's another story.........and I won't go there.


I have no idea of what it is that you want or expect..........but I can tell you that dollar for dollar............try paying the same money for a cabin with Crystal.........and that's what you will get.........a cabin. Oh, they do call it a suite........but then again Crystal calls everything a suite.


I'll take Celebrity.......thank you!

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Enchanted - Our family age ranges from 80's to 11. We're looking forward to being able to spend some private time in our suite with them; watching the ocean slide by with our feet up, discussing politics and religion ;), sipping wine/soda (for the 11-year old), and whatever else families do which they would never do in a public lounge (although we intend to invade the public areas as well!).


And, if this cruise was going to be port-intensive for us, a CC would make more sense. But, as I said to Enchanted above, this is less about ports and more about "quality time". :



Awwww, okay I take back what I said... that sounds wonderful! I'm sure they will bend over backwards to make sure you have a great vacation but if you don't end up getting those extra perks just remember why you're there and try not to sweat it!


We recently moved from inside cabin to a basic verandah on our TA in april and i think we're hooked now. We (and my parents) just booked a verandah for the Summit in November and we can't wait- may be quite a few years yet before we book the RS tho!



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Thanks, everyone! Randy's away this morning helping run a triathlon so I thought I would express my appreciation to all of you for the "salve".:o


Randy and I have already been in a CS (with a wonderful butler!) so we have a pretty good idea what to expect - and I expect the cruise/RS to be wonderful. After all, the WORST cruise (short of The Poseidon Adventure) would still be GREAT!!! Add time spent with family, and, well,...I don't think we would even mind Pod problems (but don't tell X, we'll still want the free future cruise if there are pod boo boos!:p)!


Randy is very much looking forward to our cruise with the family but I think Peter and Dan's story concerned Randy (I suspect the problem there was actually the butler), along with the comment by the Hotel Manager (real estate vs. amenities). It's an unusual attitude for a cruise company to have, but it must work for X. I have no doubt Randy's face will hurt every night from all the smiling and our bank acct. will hurt from all the excessive tipping:D; but...if not...there's always the next cruise on X, or even Silversea, Regent (I would LOVE to try them), etc.


I was wondering, have any of you ever used the "opportunity" for a "Private Portrait Sitting" or an "In Room Message" offered as Suite amenities? Aren't these "opportunities" offered to everyone? How about the butler packing and unpacking (not for me thanks!!!)? And can someone explain the famous CC shower head? Is it really that wonderful, and in what way is it different from a "Suite Life" shower head? Comparison/discussion = info!:D





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Eeeks....I didn't want to put anyone off, and we certainly LOVED our cruise and the RS.


Our butler probably wasn't the best. As for unpacking and packing, for us that's a personal thing and we enjoy setting up home in our cabin ourselves. Our butlers eyes did pop when I handed him 17 dress shirts to have pressed along with dress pants etc all for the next day, but he delivered our order back to us the next day all neatly pressed and hung in the walkin.


I think that X's view (at least the impression I got from the Hotel Manager) is that the suites usually book anyway so there is no need to entice passengers to book those. They created CC to get folks into the smaller cabins and to do so they offer a few extra ameneties (better breakfast selection, pillow menu).


Our RS was lovely. The extra room was fabulous. The bathroom with the massive jacuzzi tub and seperate glassed in shower was a dream (I still hate cruise ship potties...think I'm going to get sucked in one day!). This was our first time having a butler and our first time with Celebrity. Celebrity is now our only choice for cruiselines. The service was fantastic. Our room stewards were out of this world. The entire ambiance of the ship was perfect and the ship was always clean as a wistle. The buffet food was passable, the dining room good and the specialty restaurant was superb!


Did we enjoy X. ABSOLUTLY!


I definately think it's what you make of it. You are going into this with your eys open, you know what the amenities are that come with your suite as listed on the website. Anything that you receive above that is the cherry on the icing of the cake. I'm sure if you ask for a pillow menu, you will probably recieve one or at least recieve the pillows you request. As for the breakfast menu, I have seen it advised on here to print off a copy from this site to take with you, this way you know what you have available to you to write in on your door card. It's a pain, but you will probably always recieve what you request.


Did our less than accomodating butler ruin our cruise? Not at all!


And please let Randy know that after the Captain's Table dinner, the Hotel Manager invited us all back to the Martini Bar for nightcaps. We finally sent him on his way to his cabin around 2 AM after he had removed his eppilettes and had tossed them to each of us to try on ;) . He was snockered by the end of the evening.

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$ and ports entensity are big factors.


We have done both and enjoyed each.


In the Rs Suite the butler will provide great service as expected and you tip at end of cruise. CC room the attendant will provide almost all of of those same services but you may have to ask. Tip your CC attendant up front and during cruise and you will receive. Do not be afraid to ask several times for what you want and Tip Tip Tip.


CC rooms are 20 sq/ft bigger on Millie class vs Century.


RS much bigger room and balcony, no comparison to CC


However,We are doing 2, 14 B2b in Nov on Milli. A CC aft cabin on 1st 14 days( only 3 sea days) and the 2nd 14 days in a RS. 3 times as many sea days. Lot's of time in room we want the space.

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We upgraded from CC class to a suite on the Infinity this past March sailing South America. The increase in fare was quite substantial vs the CC Cabin (almost double for the SS). When we entered the cabin, we found it unacceptable to find plastic flowers, old bedding, and bath amenities in dispensers on the wall. Overall the whole experience felt cheap. Yes, the cabin (with a needed renovation) could be lovely and we loved having the larger bathroom with tub (eventually we did receive some Celebrity branded shampoo in bottles), but felt that compared to our prior suites on Holland America (cate S), Celebrity was seriously lacking in amenities and found it laughable that these days they only rested on the size of the suite as a justification that you required no other amenities (and less than the CC cabin). Our Butler, though a nice guy, was no more service oriented than what we would have had with a fine cabin steward. Celebrity, needs to provide Suite with upgraded bath amenities, fresh flowers, a welcome champaign, something...For a few dollars, Celebrity could enhance this product greatly.


Next we sail the Mercury and Summit in Concierge Class.

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Having read this thread and feeling rather cross about having paid so much extra for RS when we would not receive same service as CC I checked up our latest celebrity brochure.


The brochure states (when describing the room amenities) that Suites receive ALL amenities offered to CC class rooms PLUS..... and it then goes on to list all of the extras offered to suite residents.


I will photocopy this page and take it with my documents on the cruise just in case anyone tries to 'short-change' us.


I'm sure that we will have a wonderful cruise but I do like to make sure that we get what we pay for!

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We were in a RS on Galaxy in January 2005, we bought a very inexpensive DVD player at home and took it with us for our cabin, we had very young children with us.


There was some drama about getting a long enough extension cord in, but a trip to guest services remedied that. We also brought our own movies, mostly preschool focused.

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Having read this thread and feeling rather cross about having paid so much extra for RS when we would not receive same service as CC I checked up our latest celebrity brochure.


The brochure states (when describing the room amenities) that Suites receive ALL amenities offered to CC class rooms PLUS..... and it then goes on to list all of the extras offered to suite residents.


I will photocopy this page and take it with my documents on the cruise just in case anyone tries to 'short-change' us.


I'm sure that we will have a wonderful cruise but I do like to make sure that we get what we pay for!



Can you point me in the direction of this verbiage (re: getting CC amenities PLUS....)? We leave on Sept 1 on Connie in a CS and would sure like to have that in hand if it's applicable for ours.





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We are in UK but the brochure may be the same (apart from different pricing currencies).


The wording was in the Celebrity brochure dated 2007-2008 and was on the page where it describes the amenities available for each room classification. I am not at home at the moment so cannot describe it exactly but could get more details later if needed.


I couldn't find exactly the same descriptions on the website although it may be there somewhere.

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I couldn't find exactly the same descriptions on the website although it may be there somewhere.


That's what I was wondering (if you had found the same wording on the web site) - I have not.


Thanks again,



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And please let Randy know that after the Captain's Table dinner, the Hotel Manager invited us all back to the Martini Bar for nightcaps. We finally sent him on his way to his cabin around 2 AM after he had removed his eppilettes and had tossed them to each of us to try on ;) . He was snockered by the end of the evening.


Now THAT sounds like the Simon we know!! My partner and I are looking forward to seeing him again on our South America cruise on Infinity this November. He used to be Cruise Director and is now Hotel Manager. He also has a great singing voice and plans a mean piano.

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We've been in a CS on the Constellation and a RS on the Summit. We will be in the RS on the Summit again in October. The RS butler was the "head" butler and my mom, sister and I were impressed. However, he said that he couldn't get us waffles as he would have to stand in line and he didn't have time to do that. Other than that, we enjoyed him and he helped us out many times.

When my husband and I were in the CS on the Constellation, our butler was also wonderful to us and even brought us waffles which we really appreciated. When we were in the CC, we would add things to the menu and the we always received it - except for waffles, of course.

I think a lot depends on your butler and how demanding all of his suite paxs are on his time. I really think that my husband and I are low maintenance other than breakfast.

In any case, enjoy your cruise with your family. After all, you'll have all of that room, in doors and out doors and you'll have plenty of space to enjoy each other.

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I too have been reviewing this over the last couple of days as both CC and SS prices are within budget. I'd also be grateful to see written evidence that SS guests will get CC amenities as well as their own added extras.


At the moment, I'd personally stick with CC and not bother with SS :eek:

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Now THAT sounds like the Simon we know!! My partner and I are looking forward to seeing him again on our South America cruise on Infinity this November. He used to be Cruise Director and is now Hotel Manager. He also has a great singing voice and plans a mean piano.


We thoroughly enjoyed Simon's company. He was charming, warm and funny and seemed truely interested in his guests thoughts.


I certainly don't blame him for his answer to my question in regards to the CC perks vs the suite perks. He was being honest and diplomatic.


Even flinging his epilettes around, he was never obnoxious...just a giddy, happy man.:p


The evening with him at the Captain's Table was one evening we will never forget.



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Peter/Dan-funny about the toilets, you mean I won't have to cover my ears in a cs? Speaking of cs, did you like it? I'm toying with the idea of upgrading to rs, but debating whether the extra 1800 bucks is worth it for just me. I think the floor to ceiling windows in cs will come in handy more in Alaska in September since I'm not one to sit out on a verandah in 50 degree weather. Although that private hot tub sure sounds nice!!


How many staterooms are the butlers assigned to? There are 6 suites on the Panorama Deck and 2 on the Vista; seems to me that is more than enough to keep a butler busy.


Since this will be my first time in a suite on Celebrity I'm not sure if not having waffles on the menu or plastic flowers in my room is going to upset me all that much. I'm enthralled with just being able to get on the ship first and the in-cabin tea service and choosing where I can sit in the dining room. Overall, I will feel special that I have something that about 1900 of the other pax don't; a stateroom that isn't the size of a broom closet.


One last thing, I have to disagree with that other poster; after several cruises on HAL, the suite pax don't really get all that many extras unless you count the suite lounge which doesn't even have a window to look out of. The Celebrity amenities when compared to other lines are numerous. The overall look of Celebrity suites are opulent and very pleasing to the eye. The suites on HAL are nothing more than glorified ocean-views with a bit of extra space; the bedroom wasn't even in a separate room which technically doesn't qualify it to be a suite. And I'm not knocking HAL; I enjoyed all my cruises, I just don't think their suite prices are worth the money.


Stick with Celebrity folks!!

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Sheesh...those toilets scare me!


We had originally booked a CS but a RS came available and we grabbed it. It was an amazing room and I wouldn't have traded it for waffles, plastic flowers et all....


As for the plastic flowers, the vases that weren't glued down to a surface got tucked away, until our last night on one of the storage closets. The "hot tub" on the balcony is actually a jaccuzi tub, but it was wonderful having a jaccuzi the morning we sailed up to Hubbard Glaicer. One word of advice....don't use bubble bath in a jaccuzi :eek: ...and that's all I'm going to say on that matter! (You should see the pictures....bubbles everywhere. So much so, that they went into the SS balcony next to ours. Thank God they were organic phosphorous free bubbles)


The RS was wonderful, especially having a living area that would allow for two sofas, not one sofa and a love seat, but two full sofas, a dining room with table and 6 chairs, seperate bedroom and a glorious bathroom with a large, deep soaker jaccuzi and seperate glass door walk in shower.


Ok...now I've talked myself back into a RS for our next cruise. Actually there are none available but we are on the waiting list...


Well...that's that...if I can provide any more info, just let me know. I really do need to get our pix published to the net one of these days...



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ROFLMAO at the bubble scene, very comic as it sounds like something from a movie. I would love to see the picture. My cruise is not until September of next year on the Infinity. This years cruise was in January to Mexico on HAL-it was a fiasco of a cruise and I hated every minute of it, but that's a story for another time.



When is your next cruise?

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We did a 7 night out of LA last New Year's Eve down the pacific coast of Mexico. Hated it......


The weather was lousey...sooo many people scrounging for money...we decided that was our first/last trip to Mexico. Just not our cup of tea...


You will love Alaska and the weather will probably still be with you in September. Alaska was our trip to just veg. The RS balcony was sooo nice. They have wool blankets available at pool side or your room attendant will bring you extra blankies. It was nice just to sit in the lounders covered by a blanket with a hot chocolate and bailey's watching the mountains and greenery and wildlife go by....AAAaaaahhhh....



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