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Friday Morning Rant


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Experience as a director of a condominium association and as a business senior manager compels me to think that:


approximately 25% of the membership will be thrilled with the "product" and willl become "cheerleaders" (no offense meant by the term). These people most often respond when the subject of their "affection" is maligned.


approximately 50% will be satisfied with the "product" but will remain silent


approximately 25% will never be satisfied and will be vocal about their feelings (whether or not their compalints are justifiable), such is thier personality.


Readers need to understand this and adjust their response accordingly.


Just my 2 cents (and I dont often join controversial topics simply because it too personal and emotional)

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:rolleyes: Upon reviewing my Princess "memories" video (the one they take of your actual cruise & then sell it) there was a demonstration of GUESS WHAT!? towel animal making! This was CB spring '07 Eastern Caribbean cruise. So...were they just taunting us ?? They know how to make the animals but are holding out. Of course ,they say no bridge tours , too , but I've seen pics of folks on one linked to this board(they were in the Grand Suite-lucky dogs-probably got towel animals too! ) By the way, I think I saw a towel monkey wearing jeans in the dining room,smoking a cig & he was with a towel elephant wearing hair curlers & I'm almost sure it was wearing one of MY high-priced hoochie wear halter tops!:D :confused:

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Can you imagine getting on a ship - any ship - with its beautiful interior, a large theater to entertain us, a beautiful dining room to feed us till we can't walk, someone to clean our rooms the moment we leave them, deck chairs to lay on all day if we want to do absolutely nothing, and different places to see when we do hit land - can you imagine complaining about anything? I know we appreciate all the services we receive onboard. Sometimes it is great, sometimes not as great, but it is still "a day on the ocean being catered to" and we love it.



I saw your countdown for you cruise...You must be going on the Diamond....if you are, I will be getting on the ship after you get off of it. I love Princess. Wish it was time now! Hope you have a fantastic time!

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Unfortunately many people don't like to post to the boards unless they have something bad to say. I'd say most of the people that use Cruise Critic have had great experiences on Princess - I know we have enjoyed every cruise we've sailed with them. We enjoy them so much we keep looking to lengthen our trip - we're doing a transAtlantic on the Emerald in April and can't wait to get on board!


By the way - I love your responses to the common complaint threads! Just remember to come back to the boards and post your wonderful experiences after you get off of your upcoming cruises!

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Dear BMWeezer - Great comments. Very well written.


We just returned from the Mediterranean on the Emerald Princess. What a gorgeous ship! EVERYTHING was perfect and wonderful: itinerary, amenities, food, service, entertainment. I believe the cruise director made a huge difference. The one on the Emerald was FUNNY, worked really hard to make sure we were busy and having fun.


I'm hooked on Princess. Already put a deposit on our next cruise.

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I check these boards nearly every day thanks to having 2 Princess cruises scheduled in the next nine months. As someone who has never cruised with Princess before (but have with RCCL), coming here often and reading about everything gets my wife and I excited about our next trip. However, I got to tell you: from what I read, Princess is either the worse cruise line in the world, or many people are simply #1 complainers. I truly believe it is PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINERS. :)


As the saying goes, a 'bad' day on vacation is always better than a good day at work. A lot of these posters need to get a grip and just weigh and pros and cons associated with MOST cruise lines and continue with their day.


Comments from me about many comments on these boards:

1. Food: If you order something that isn't to your liking, it doesn't make Princess food terrible, rather it makes the choice you've made the wrong one. Order something else.

2. Cost of ice cream, the Sanctuary, specialty restaurants, etc. If you don't like what the company has chosen to charge you on something, don't buy it. Same goes with alcohol purchases. If a 15 percent tip is unacceptable to you, drink water.

3. Embarkation. It sucks, on each cruise line. It has been my experience (again, talking about RCCL here), that from about 3 p.m. on on the day before you leave the ship, the feelings onboard changes and it does look like the crew is 'moving on' to the next group of people coming. Expect it and relax.

4. Animal towels. Princess doesn't do it. They don't. Grow up.


Just a few rants. I'm looking forward to our upcoming trips on the Crown and the Caribbean, and the good and the bad that will surely come with it.



Thanks for your post. I have been reading these boards for years, recently they have gotten more negative, don't know for sure why. I am booked for two future Princess cruises -- next one in October to the Holy Land, my 16th Princess Cruise, then again in October 2008 to Mexico.


My first cruise was on RCCC line, the Song of America in l983. Since then I have cruised on 7-8 different lines. They are all about the same. EAch has its pluses and minuses. After 30+ cruises, I have found some cruises were outstanding, a few had some draw backs but non have made me stop going.


Interestingly, one thing that has not changed must is the price. I remember paying $3500 for a limited view cabin to Europe in the late l980s, paid about the same for a balcony cabin for my Holy Land cruise this coming October. So seems we are getting a good deal. We always buy our own air. With low value of the US dollar, compared to the Euro, cruising is a good deal this days when going to Europe or Middle East. :)

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Your post was right on the money! We leave in 6 weeks for B2B on CB. This will be our 11th & 12th with Princess. We have also done Celebrity and decided early on we are "Princess People." Any cruise is as good as you make it. We love cruising and love Princess. Is everything perfect each day of every cruise? NO, but I can tell you that everything in my day to day life does not go perfectly either, and being on a ship sure makes everything seem better.

Life is short, I know that because I have had cancer and faced that fact. I won and that makes each day all the sweeter. Just enjoy all your experiences, savor the good and let go of the bad. And remember any meal you have not prepared and don't have to clean up after is a good meal!!

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People, people, people--You can get towel animals on Princess!


We were on SB Island last month--I wrote a polite little note to our room steward asking if he might create a towel animal for our kids, and he readily obliged!


Ask and (you might just!) receive!

Happy cruising! :)


(And realestatecruisers--I share your sentiments 100%. Maybe 'cause I'm also a cancer survivor?! Good for you!)

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Some people, you just can't help... :rolleyes:


If something pisses me off, like for instance an inconsiderate airport patron, I don't let it ruin my entire trip. Oh, little water on the bathroom floor, WELL, you DID just take a shower, no?


Seems to me, it's all about the persecution complex (i.e. the world is out to get ME). In the grand plan of life, letting the little details get to you, can and will become your DEVIL!

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There's an Italian expression, "You're crying with two loaves of bread in your arms," or something to that effect, and that's what we get too much of. I read the other cruise line boards. It's the same complaints, over and over. We're lucky enough to be able to cruise at all, let's be thankful for that.

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We have been on 5 cruises, starting with Costa Riviera in 1986. We've been to Alaska on HAL, and into the Panama Canal on the Coral Princess. Each cruise has been wonderful, and a terrific experience I could not even dream of while growing up. Going through the Panama Canal, which I studied in the 6th grade, was a life-affirming joy!! We've worked hard, saved our money, educated ourselves, try to give back and pay it forward, and LOVE cruising. I truly feel sorry for people who can afford to sail upon the ocean and NOT enjoy it. Yes, things can go wrong. But when I go back to my volunteering, it would be crass to complain about such niggling problems, compared to the problems people I am trying to help have had in my absence. We'll be doing the Mexican Riviera next, and are investigating Europe. Princess is now our choice, and I tend to disregard the "terrible threads". Some people can never be satisfied! We are just grateful to be alive, well, and able to enjoy life! Silver:cool:

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BMWEEZERS, thank you for your post, an open mind and most of all reality.


Everytime I am on a cruise I end up talking to folks about their attitudes. I am sure that it doesn't just happen while on a cruise. These folks are either bitter, angry, ignorant, selfish, foolish, arrogant, disrespectful or alien to human societies other than their own.

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Thanks for your comments bmweezer.:) Sometimes it's hard to read a slew of negative posts or from those who over-react. Positive criticism and differing opinions are valid and to be expected. However, some just seem to like to argue among themselves and get so uptight:rolleyes:


Have a great time on the Crown and Caribbean Princess. :D

Over-react goes both ways...If an OP expects towel animals and didn't get 1, thats a disappointment to the OP. If others on this board don't care about towel animals why jump all over someone who does?

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Over-react goes both ways...If an OP expects towel animals and didn't get 1, thats a disappointment to the OP. If others on this board don't care about towel animals why jump all over someone who does?


It's probably because if something that insignificant is a cruise "ruiner" for someone, then how would they deal with a real problem? I also don't think that anyone really "over-reacted", but most do think it's kind of funny that that would be an issue. I think that when someone posts how horrible a cruise was or why they'll never cruise again, most on these boards want to read about something that would be an issue for the majority of people. We can't help someone who gets wrapped around the axle about minor issues, because they really dont' want help. They just want to complain. I guess my standards, while fairly high, do not include perfection.


BTW, the OP wasn't complaining about anything except people who complain about the most insignificant things. Re read the original post. He never once said these were his complaints.

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I have been on several lines (in my signature). We are definitley "Princess People".


Now, my 2 cents on these topics:


Towel animals...no biggie. If they do it, great. If they don't great. I find it amusing that people get so worked up either way on something so silly.


Ice Cream...This is just me, but if I am going to eat all those calories, I want the GOOD stuff (meaning I am willing to buy it). How many times could you possibly want ice cream on a cruise? Once or even twice per day x 7 days = around $35-40. Why do people let stupid stuff ruin a great experience? in fact the free stuff on Celebrity was disgusting (in my opinion). No thanks!


Food - If we could see the people compaining, something tells me that they are not hurting from a lack of food. In fact, things taste better when you do not gorge yourself like there is no tomorrow. Food may not taste good because you are not hungry. Think about it.


Embarkation/Debarkation - Are you kidding me? If you don't like to wait in line, get to the port after 2:00 as the ship recommends.


Rude/Complaining People on the cruise itself - I know they are out there, but I have never heard it on any of my cruises. How do so many people hear or know that other people are complaining? I guess my wife and I are just in our own world because we don't remember ever hearing negative people on a cruise. If I am living in a bubble, so be it. I like it like that! If you do see or hear it...tune it out! I will not allow someone else the power to ruin my trip!

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Sure there are some things that bother me about Princess but others for other ships and some things I really like.

Imagine if you pick up the phone in your cabin and all requests for room service, dinner reservations and anything from the front desk or purser had to be routed to a customer service person in India? Outsourcing is our friend even if it is absolutely usless in talking to Nancy whose real name is Sarisuba.

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Honestly I am happy I discovered CC after we had done two cruises. We were nervous enough going on our first. So many of the complaints might have turned us off cruising.

Honestly the hot topics tend to be none issues on the ship. Standing in line to get on or off the ship, well I grew up near Disneyland, I was raised standing in line to do something fun. We went once a year.

The dress code is way over blown on the boards. It is not that big of deal. Have not really met anyone on a ship that complained. If they did I would probably just nod as manners dictate and move on.

We have had problems on cruises, they make more lasting memories and funny stories. Never ruined the vacation.

This is get away time, you do not have to go to work and you can vary your routine. Don't need free ice cream, and do not need a towel animal. But I do need a week or two a year where I do not need a schedule or have to worry about things. A cruise fills that niche.

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I feel sorry for those who let the little things bother them, but many of them are habitual complainers who look for something to complain about.

The quality of cruise line food and service has declined from the days of smaller ships, but that is a result of making cruising available to more people. If you are willing to pay the extra for higher quality service it is still available. But Princess still has great service on the ships, friendly hardworking staff, good food. It is just that you have to share with more people and lose the "I'm the only passenger who counts" attitude. I have met some of these people but try not to let them ruin my day. I am just happy that I can afford to be on a cruise and not home cooking and cleaning.

There are legitimate complaints out there, and it can be hard not to let one bad thing ruin the whole experience. But the same happens with every cruise line, that is why every person has their own favourites based on their own experience.

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I realize that I am a newbie to both cruising and CC, but I thought the food was excellent as was the service. We dined all but one evening in the Sante Fe Dining Room on the Diamond. By the last evening, we were all friends.


I found the food on Princess to be far superior to that of the Norwegian Star. On our first night on the Star, we left before dessert because we were so exasperated with the service and the food. My traveling buddy could not even get the salad dressing she requested because "the chef suggested" another kind.


I am a Princess Cheerleader All the Way! rah rah!

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Experience as a director of a condominium association and as a business senior manager compels me to think that:


approximately 25% of the membership will be thrilled with the "product" and willl become "cheerleaders" (no offense meant by the term). These people most often respond when the subject of their "affection" is maligned.


approximately 50% will be satisfied with the "product" but will remain silent


approximately 25% will never be satisfied and will be vocal about their feelings (whether or not their compalints are justifiable), such is thier personality.


Readers need to understand this and adjust their response accordingly.


Can't comment on the percentages but agree with your comments.

When I did my restaurant management training we were told to take comments/complaints very seriously. We were told that for every complaint you get thyere are 10 people that won't bother complaining. That they will just go somewhere else.

I think this was true at the time (25 years ago). But now there are forums like this.

I often read complaints on here and wonder- did they warrant a letter to the company itself. Probably not. People just like to vent. As you said- you need to take this into account.

I have limited cruise experience but travel a lot and some people will whinge about anything. Most people, I have found, are prety tolerant though.

Things do go wrong. Sometimes something small may be "the straw that broke the camels back". We don't know all th e circumstances.


After my 2 5 star ships I stated on the P&O page that I thought I would be disapointed with the cruise (3 star ship). Someone posted "prepare to be disapointed". I adgusted my expectations and had a great time. Going back in 6 weeks. For the price it's a great ship.

Cruises (as with any holiday) are what you make them. I have stayed in $10 a night accom (including breakfast) and had the best time (except for the roosters):D.

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What do I have to complain about? I don't have to cook, clean, make my bed, drive (unless I want to), wash dishes, buy groceries, or even do laundry for whatever time I'm on the ship. Thanks, Princess!


Exactly the reasons why I will pick a cruise over a cottage any day! If I still have to do all the things I do at home, how is it a vacation?

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Stuff happens. I b*tch about people who behave rudely or about companies that take advantage of its customers. But not about the Princess Cruise experience. We had some snafus re: our cruisetour accommodations, but I was on vacation and not about to let it ruin my precious time in Alaska.


Comments from me about many comments on these boards:

1. Food: If you order something that isn't to your liking, it doesn't make Princess food terrible, rather it makes the choice you've made the wrong one. Order something else. Unless you're traveling on Cunard ( or a private yacht with a Cordon Bleu Chef), don't expect five star dining when the chefs are cooking for 2500+ people. There is always something good to be had.:)


3. Embarkation. It sucks, on each cruise line. It has been my experience (again, talking about RCCL here), that from about 3 p.m. on on the day before you leave the ship, the feelings onboard changes and it does look like the crew is 'moving on' to the next group of people coming. Expect it and relax. I was so relaxed and happy at the end of my cruise I didnt mind the line at all. Just chatted away with the other passengers comparing flght plans and highlights of our journey.


4. Animal towels. Princess doesn't do it. They don't. Grow up. My steward made a nice "bow" with our bedspread. Does that count? As long as there's chocolate on my pillow I'm a happy camper!

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