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New Cruise Ship Nurse - Zuiderdam 9/1 - 15


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Thank you for the posts.


With the attitude you bring to the work place you will never have a problem fitting in anywhere.


There are some beautifull Husky Slippers available in the ports up there. Last time we were there purchased 20 pair and had them shipped home. Still have 3 pait left.


Keep up the good posts....


Ruth & Jim (RN's)

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Day 4 – Skagway

It is a rainy day in Skagway. I was up bright and early for my first time on 1st call. I had to open the clinic right at 8:00am…I had patients waiting for me right at 8:00. It still seems very odd to be in my suit as a nurse, but it is uniform of the day.

The day so far has been very sedate and calm, one thing one must never do is use the quiet in an ER (I wrote the word “quiet” in an edit back in my cabin)…I guess everyone is off in the shops of Skagway, although I did hear that there was a bit of a power outage in town and some of the shops were out of power and closed…I, however, have been starved for some human contact…I guess that is good when you are the medical center. So far it has been a very healthy cruise. It has been a lot of fun caring for the crew as well.

One of my duties as first shift in Skagway is to do the interviews of passengers embarking on the ship…I was not looking forward to this job. It is my responsibility to ensure the safety and health of the ship from possible bad things coming on. Well I am pleased to report that everyone came off the train trip in good health. Only one migraine induced vomiting episode which was totally resolved. It was funny, she was an emergency nurse and was able to give me the quick details to help me with my differential diagnosis. Sometimes I love taking care of medical people…most times they are the WORST patients….”oh, I thought it was only a Minor case of appendicitis and it would get better on its own...” I have heard that before, taking care of a rupture appendix on a nurse at the hospital where I work. Silly nurse. All and all, we are a self reliant, indestructible, self healing group until we are on our death bed and then …can you say, needy, difficult and demanding! Hehehe.

I have had the privilege to care for several of the passengers today but nothing exciting enough to write home about. Lunch was fun though. I went to lunch with Doctor Jeff and the Lead Medical Officer, Caroline. I have gotten to be quite fond of Caroline. The stories that she shares of nursing in South Africa and in the UK are really quite a stark contrast to the nursing that I am used to. She was telling me this one story today about being an ICU nurse (the only one) in this hospital and taking care of this patient who had just going through a major abdominal surgery….he was in such dire straights that he needed to be on a ventilator and the equipment was so out dated that this vent was about three and one half feet long with big knobs and dials that looked like something from Young Frankenstein, there were big billows inside and really loud mechanical noises…the telling of the story by Caroline was much better than my narrative but you can only imagine what she was faced with…don’t worry the equipment on board is not quite that outdated…the knobs and dials are a bit smaller, <wink> Caroline did bring me a copy of “Happy Feet” to watch tonight and a copy of Cruise Industry News Quarterly…for SERIOUS cruisers…I bought a subscription to this quarterly for Bill for Christmas last year…he cherishes every copy…there are really cool articles and pictures…like one with Carnival Splendor getting a new bow…the things that they can do to ships these days…Ficantieri shipyards must be an amazing place to visit and check out what is going on there. Anyway, back to talking about Caroline…I am surprised she is not out here reading over my shoulder as I write this…she has an uncanny sense of things, we seem to read each other’s mind…very scary!…she has a poignant, sardonic wit…something that I have previously identified as an admirable quality. Not to mention she has a FANTASTIC accent! I am going to put in a request for next year to be on ship with Caroline…think that it would be fun…however, I believe that the cruise (Prinsendam to Africa) will be very difficult one to get for a Newbie…

Speaking of next year, the big buzz in the medical department is that the “Wish List” for next year just came out and everyone is planning what they are doing next year…I have a limited time frame for next year between the time I graduate March 21st and taking my boards in the beginning of June…I plan to do some of my studying during an at sea contract…so I am looking into ships that I would like to be on…they are all open for bid…and there are no bad ships so I will take what they give me. But it would be cool to be with Caroline again or with Nurse Bud, who is the reason why I am doing this at all. Bud O’Connell on the Volendam was the nurse on the Zaandam last cruise and was gracious to give me a tour and tons of information about cruise ship nursing…he would be great to work with…actually, so far I have not met a medical professional that works for HAL that would not be a pleasure to work with. It is great to have choices.

Got to go in to Skagway for my two hours off, I lasted one…Skagway is not a very exciting town unless you like trinkets and cheap jewelry…I would have loved to go up to the top of White Pass but I did not have the time. I did have someone take my picture out in front of the Zu-Dam, that is me – Nurse George. Still trying to get the uniform picture. It seems that I have created quite a stir with my uniform request. The details are unimportant…I just want to be in official uniform and it does not seem to be happening…even though I have found a jacket and shirt at the tailor that fits??? I guess it is bureaucracy that I don’t understand or want to…I just want to do my job and look great doing it.

Back to the ship and I offered to buy dinner for the medical staff up on the Lido. They were very impressed with my generosity and we went up and I bought them salad, appetizers, pasta courses, and steak…yeah I am a big spender…<wink>. We had a great time at dinner sharing stories…tonight it was Dr. Jeff’s and Nurse George’s turn to carry on the conversation…actually we spent a good portion of the time talking about Dr. Michael Copass, the founder of Medic One at Harborview Hospital in Seattle, Wa. He is quite a figure in the medical field…the details can be googled…it was nevertheless a great time of camaraderie, yet again (except Caroline was absent and sleeping.)

After dinner, it was time to workout, 3/3 (I am not counting embarkation). Dr. Fred and I went up to the gym. Dr. Fredrick Tan is the Crew’s doctor and a full time employee of HAL. He has a great rapport with the crew and was born, raised and educated in the Philippines. The crew adores Dr. Fred. He is also the lead of the DamQuit program that is sponsored by Pfizer for smoking cessation. HAL is continually committed to its employees and makes a ongoing effort to maintain and improve health and wellbeing of it’s employees. Dr. Fred got on the treadmill and started running…I went to the weights for “shoulder day”, I have to admit I was not thrilled about working out…but the passengers were looking out for my well being and I got called after two sets of shoulder weights…”Dr. George (that is what they call me sometimes) there is a passenger waiting for you outside the clinic who is not feeling well”…score.! Time to go, can’t work out now…I went down to the clinic and was able to assist this passenger quickly with their symptoms and then I felt guilty for thinking about a return to my cabin…I went back to the gym and finished my work out (this last phrase is spoken in monotone in a low voice). Actually, now after working out complete with 20 (actually 10 minutes) of cardio and a shower, I am feeling much better.

I am all set for the evening with my Harry Potter, Happy Feet, Cruise Critic and maybe a trip to the Officer’s Bar OB or Petty Officers Bar…I talked the beverage manager into putting out non-alcoholic beers for those of us who prefer not to drink alcohol. One night up in the OB I asked for a NA beer and the bartender looked at me like I was crazy…he wrinkled his eyebrows and curled his nose and said aaaah…No! I talked with Murat the Beverage Manager who replied “done” to my request. Murat is a very funny Turkish gentleman who bears a striking resemblance to Borat, a similarity he plays up very well.

I believe my post for today is complete, but if there is anything that I have forgotten I will add it in later. I am also open to questions from you about what things are like on board. Tomorrow is a day in Glacier Bay and I have not seen that glacier yet, on my last trip to Alaska the ship went to Hubbard…it will be interesting to compare…I will give you my review of how nature stacks up against itself in my next post tomorrow night. Good night for now.




Couple of answers to questions: Susie, I am not sure if you are talking about working in Club HAL or what, but one of the places I would love to work if I weren't a Nurse would be Club HAL.


About the Crew area email....I am using a "Crew Internet Card" from my room, but it is 20 dollars for 3 hours and I am spending a bit of time on the internet with school and all. just bought card number 2...the two together is one day's pay.


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George, I am loving your review it is great. Hey remember I have a little video of you performing in the Super Stars on the Zaandam and singing New York New York:D I might have to upload into YouTube and post here;)


If I am not mistaken...you will be in Seattle on the 16th of Sept. Me too! Let's go to get a bite or at least a hug at the port...let me know!!!

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If I am not mistaken...you will be in Seattle on the 16th of Sept. Me too! Let's go to get a bite or at least a hug at the port...let me know!!!



George, Tom and I would love to meet with you but I am afraid we would not have enough time.:( We have a 12:15 flight out of SeaTac the morning we disembark (16th). But we would love for you and Bill to join us on the Yum Yum Man Cruise, or better yet you should see if you could get assigned to the Oosterdam for a couple week during the first part of February;)

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We prefer the R & S class ships. Smaller and have fewer passangers. Infermary is well stocked as yours is. We have toured them on most of the ships as both of us are RN's


Ship preference would be Veendam which sails out of Tampa except during Alaska season. We probably have 20 cruises on that ship. Ships crew has best personality in the fleet as far as we are concerned....


Enjoy your posts


Ruth & Jim

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Yes, she would like to work full time as a staff member in Club Hal. When she was 8 on her first cruise, she was in the kids room every time they were opened. She loved the staff especially Mike. Since then, she has planned to work in the children's program on a cruise ship.


Do you know any of the Club Hall staff members? Which staff member to you recommend for us to meet in Nov.? She has started the application process.


Thanks for your posts.

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Hey, you guys are the experts! I am picking my ship/Itinerary for next year...I am planning on a longer term like 1-2 months...April and May...I can pick ANY ship....


Tell me which one to pick and why....


Thanks for your help!



Wow! I don't see how you could really go wrong with any of the ships. How about the Zaandam, though? You would spend your time going to and from Hawaii. That wouldn't be too bad, now would it??? Lush forests, volcanos, flowers, pineapple, spectacular waterfalls, all of the macadamia nuts you can eat, etc. I could handle that!:p

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Day 5 – Glacier Bay

Today I feel as lazy as a seal in Johns Hopkins Strait. I didn’t sleep well last night, on edge because I was on call…I never got called. This has been a VERY healthy cruise…with the exception of the sniffles that several people have come on with.

Got up this morning and turned over the medical center to Evelyn and went to take a Security test…As crew we have to have specific “certificates” demonstrating at least a working knowledge of many of the functions of the ship…Security, environment, safety…etc.

After my security test I went out on the bow and drank coffee and looked at the scenery up in Glacier Bay…here is my review in comparison to Hubbard Glacier. Glacier Bay is expansive and there are many glaciers that can be seen coming down to the bright green water…it is a very eerie sight in the fog. The glaciers are impressive as glaciers can be and I saw some “calving” but not too much. We were able to get quite close to two glaciers and were in a field of ice flows…Hubbard Glacier by itself is vastly more impressive, white, expansive and majestic. The two are very different and both are unique. The final synopsis is that I don’t prefer one over the other, yet I am very glad I have seen both. I spent a fair amount of time out on deck talking with the passengers. Then we started seeing these logs on all of the berglets and I realized when one of them rolled over that they were seals taking a nap after breakfast. Having just watched Happy Feet last night, I decided they were not the Leopard seals that were in the movie and these were more of the cute type that don’t eat penguins…mostly because pengies don’t live in Alaska…or so I have been told by a Naturalist on my last cruise to Alaska.

Someone is under the weather in the medical department today so I am staying close to be of help if I am needed, even though technically I have the day on third call. “Day Off” does not exist in the life of a Cruise Ship Nurse.

Tonight is another formal night so I hope to have some more to report later…this was an earlier post than usual because I am getting ready to take my seal nap after lunch and I wanted to take a peek on the board. I will post more later.

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George, Tom and I would love to meet with you but I am afraid we would not have enough time.:( We have a 12:15 flight out of SeaTac the morning we disembark (16th). But we would love for you and Bill to join us on the Yum Yum Man Cruise, or better yet you should see if you could get assigned to the Oosterdam for a couple week during the first part of February;)


Lisa...I live by the Airport...I will give you a ride from the ship to SeaTac. email me at nursegeorge@earthlink.net and I will give you my cell phone number so we can arrange that...I would love to be your ride from the port!

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Lisa...I live by the Airport...I will give you a ride from the ship to SeaTac. email me at nursegeorge@earthlink.net and I will give you my cell phone number so we can arrange that...I would love to be your ride from the port!



George, that would be wonderful as long as it is not too much trouble for you:) I will email you.

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We have been friends a long time, and I try not to feel envy for my friends, but your description of having coffee while watching the glaciers stirred a little good natured jealousy in me (yes, I wish I were there!), and lots of joy for you.


You have had a remarkable life and this is just the latest chapter. Get that dress uniform soon---you deserve it, and with all the working out you are doing, you'll look great in it.




P.S. I second Penny Agains book suggestion.

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Day 5 – Continues

Happy as a seal after steak and lobster…I love formal night in the Vista Dining Room. Evelyn and I hosted another table tonight in the dining room. Tonight we sat with a couple from California and a distinguished woman and her 50ish year old son from Calgary. Both couples were delightful to talk with and the dinner conversation was lively. We got into a very funny conversation about silverware on the table. The son was asking (mostly to mother) about all of the silverware and what to use with what…the other couple joined into the conversation and then Evelyn and I were there too. It always is a bubbly conversation when there are 26 different pieces of silverware to figure out (that number is the Miss Manners Full Set). There is a school of thought that you start from the outside left and right and move in with the courses. Then the son commented that there were so many pieces leftover after dinner was done, then what. I said that it all depends on what is for dessert. Ice cream and coffee will leave you with 2 different sized spoons and so on. The son said that he didn’t think he could ever figure it out…and the mother replied…”I guess I just didn’t raise you right” I burst out with a laugh because she said it just like my mother would (sorry mom, I know you are reading this). The whole dinner was a hoot!

As we were finishing the main course the waves started to get bigger and bigger…(right now we are in a full-on ship-rock” I love it…until I realized that it will make the ship nurse’s job more difficult. We really have been fortunate this cruise.

We finished up dinner and I stopped by the Yum Yum man and got some mints and then went up to the VIP party in the Crow’s Nest. Don’t have to wait for an invite anymore…it is expected of me to be there. Cool!!! AND I did not have my crew badge or my name tag on, a detail that I was sure to point out to the Hotel Manager who earlier in the week was having a good laugh at the Newbie. Both Mark, Hotel Manager and Captain Timmers have a great sense of humor…although I am sure that I have already written that.

I spent the next 1 ½ hours talking with groups of passengers and finding out about their stories…I also took the opportunity to let people know that the front desk has “Sea Calm” (actually it is Meclizine) and they don’t have to come to the infirmary if that is the only problem…I figured it is better to be proactive with the information and try to cut down on the work that the nurses will be doing tonight as people get more and more sloshed around (in more ways then one).

Finished up in the Crow’s nest talking with some of the cast members of the show staff. I let them each know how much I appreciated their show and their talent. They are very happy with the cast as well and it shows. Yet one more area of the Zuiderdam crew that is happy with each other. This has such an impact on passenger satisfaction. When employees are happy customers are happy…it is a sound business adage.

I have been invited to a private party in the Northern Lights night club tonight (the disco). I did get a nap in today (remember) so I am wide awake and need to dance off some of this energy. It is so funny how many of the crew are amazed by seeing medical staff in the Officer’s Bar or in the Karaoke or walking around the deck. I had one officer tell me that I was the first medical officer he has ever seen in the OB…huh? I am just trying to take in the full experience of being onboard. Probably by my 3rd or 4th contract I will just stay in my cabin and knit (yeah right) but right now I am enjoying the romance of the sea and feeling of excitement from the passengers. Ever see “Out to Sea” with Jack Lemmon and Walter Mathau…that movie came up at dinner tonight…Saw it a while ago with Bill and laughed till my belly hurt.

Tomorrow we go to Ketchikan and I am on Second Shift. Don’t know if I will be getting off the ship or not but I hope so… I really love Ketchikan…I am a Totem nut…I almost forgot…I am getting measured and fitted for my uniforms tomorrow…and I will be getting my winter “blues” uniform by next week…Lisa you will get your picture yet.

Thank you for being on this voyage with me…I will keep my posts going…remember chapter two starts on Saturday.

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We have been friends a long time, and I try not to feel envy for my friends, but your description of having coffee while watching the glaciers stirred a little good natured jealousy in me (yes, I wish I were there!), and lots of joy for you.


You have had a remarkable life and this is just the latest chapter. Get that dress uniform soon---you deserve it, and with all the working out you are doing, you'll look great in it.




P.S. I second Penny Agains book suggestion.


Speaking of GREAT cruising books...everyone should get and read Jack Hovenier's book Cruising with Mom and Dad about his Oceania cruise to Hong Kon and Athens with his parents...it is a sweet cruise chronicle. ...hmmm maybe I will think about a book...I love reading them.


Thanks for posting Jack...see you soon

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Nurse George, I do hope you write a book. When I was in grade school, I read the Nurse Cherry Ames series of books. One of them was Cherry Ames

Cruise Nurse by Helen Wells published by Gosset & Dunlap, 1948. Sorry, I can't find the underline key. This is my only personal copy. There others I checked out of the school library.


I hope you do right some books.

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Day Six – Ketchikan

Stayed up late last night and I felt it this morning. Once I got my shower, shave and COFFEE I was much better. I got my cabin ready for inspection by the Captain this morning. The Captain runs a very tight ship which is much appreciated by this crew member. I don’t mind if he wants to inspect my cabin because he is looking for safety violations that affect all on board. I am glad that safety and security are so important on HAL ships (not that they are not on others). I stopped by the Clinic to check with Dr. Fred who is on 1st call today. This makes for a busy day when the crew doctor is also the triage nurse, intuitively I knew that I might have a busy day as well as 2nd call. However, I have errands to run today. I went to the Tailor’s Shop today and was fitted for my uniforms, Hurrah!!!!! I also have my “blues” being striped with my rank and it will be ready tomorrow. I will have someone take a picture of me in uniform and I will post it for all to see. Evelyn says “you got it bad.” She’s right, you know. I love the sea, and this experience has really been everything that I wanted it to be.

This morning after the tailor and some clinic time I went up for a light breakfast and some more coffee. This morning was the Walk for the Cure. I think that HAL gets a gold star for its work with health related issues and donations to various causes. Breast Cancer Awareness and Research is greatly benefited by the walkers on board. Did you know that it is only 9 times around a Vista Ship…I think that it is 13 times around a Rotterdam Class. Anyway, I was up in the lido and this gentleman came up to me wearing a shirt. He looked very familiar and I just thought it was from this cruise…I have been talking with many of the passengers throughout the cruise. I told him that I had done the walk on the Zaandam last November and he said “Yes, I know, I was doing the walk with you…we spoke during the walk and you were in the Zaandam Superstar competition” How cool is that….we were passengers together!!!! Holland America is a small, wonderful and warm hearted world. Sometimes it is too small…but more on that later.

I went back down to the clinic to ready myself in case there was a fire drill <wink>. There was. The fire drill is run very smoothly and there is a brilliant chain of command. Many of the various bugs are worked out by frequently doing drills. This is the secret to smooth operations in the face of a disaster. There should be much more money spent on land in places like hospitals and other 1st responders for training and drills. HAL could teach people a thing or too about disaster response. So, I am getting some preliminary information from Caroline…she says only use the radio if you have to, otherwise call on the sat phone to the bridge and let them know that medical and stretcher teams are ready and on stand by. I checked the cabin attendants in who were on my stretcher teams, they made ready with all of the equipment and once they were all there, I picked up the radio and proudly announced that “Medical and Stretcher teams ready and standing by” <click>, Caroline just smiled at me and said, with her fabulous South African accent, “George, we use the phone for that”…ooops, <blush>, first the name badge thing and now this. EARL-If you are still reading these pay attention to my mistakes!!!!! I called up to the bridge and said, (a bit less pridefully) “Medical and Stretcher teams on stand-by”…then we waited…and waited…they ended the drill and never used us…we just figured that either there were no injuries or they were terminal…the two situations where nurses would not be utilized. I went to the debrief with Evelyn and we got to just sit and listen…Again, a very well orchestrated drill and debrief…I was impressed.

A bit about the small, possibly too small, world of HAL. This is some inside scoop stuff so I will not name names, ranks or other info but…last night I was able to use my therapeutic listening skills for one of the crew who was upset because a relationship broke up with another crew member. The were still friends but the one had to watch while the other one was on to the next “phase one” Apparently, there are 4 phases of dating on a cruise ship…I haven’t really flushed out what this all means but when I do, I will let you know. I felt bad for this person but I was able to offer an ear to listen and some encouragement about some possible ways to handle the whole situation. Getting tipsy next to the ship’s nurse and pouring your heart out is one way to deal with the situation. There are several little affairettes on board, as you can imagine. This is a little town and there are no neighboring villages (except for other ships) those are funny relationships to hear about. I am entertained by the stories from the various crew members. The stories that break my heart though, and I am sure you will all agree, are the stories of the cabin attendant who has not seen his baby daughter yet who was born just after he left for his 1 year contract…these men and women work so hard to give their families a better life. I HOPE THAT EVERYONE WHO READS THIS DOUBLES YOUR TIPS AT THE END OF A WEEK. Yes, that was yelling. Bill and I always double our tips at the end of the week, not just because we are fantastic people, but because of how well cared for we are on a cruise. This is no different for the Crew. My cabin steward David, is fantastic and takes care of me like I was a passenger.

Today we are pulling into Ketchikan and it seems to be a bit rainy outside. There really is not very much that I have to do off the ship. I have done the sightseeing that I want to do on previous voyages and actually, I think just a bit of a rest and relaxation today. I need to staff the clinic from 4-6 to give Fred some time off and I should also go to the gym today. I did not go (on purpose) yesterday. My trainer says that I should only go 6 out of 7 days max…so that was my day off. I am winding down after a very nice lunch. The medical staff went to the Lido for lunch and ended up sitting outside by the aft pool bar for lunch talking about various things. The most interesting of which is all of the places that furriers will line pieces of underclothing with different kinds of animal fur, for warmth of course. I digress….therefore it must be time to nap like a seal.

More later


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Decided that I would venture out into the cold and rain...(actually, it stopped raining) I went into Ketchikan. Actually, it seems to be my favorite port city on this particular run...but there still is not much to see and do in 1 1/2 hours...I walked down and looked at the Saphire Princess...That is a beautiful ship. (although there is not too much on the water that is prettier than a Vista Class Holland Ship.) Saphire is HUGE! I never realized until you are standing right next to it. There was also a stern wheel paddle boat in that looks like it got lost in some river and ended up in the Pacific Ocean. Have not inquired about that cruise but after the bouncy bouncy that we had last night, I hope they were not in that!!!


Went to the bank, Wells Fargo, don't think there is a Washington Mutual in town and didn't want to search for one. $2 ATM fee is just easy come easy go money....although I am a WF customer, I don't have an ATM card for that account. Good thing too, it is my mortgage payment account...money goes in and <blip> it disappears into my house!


Went to the Crew Services Office and bought some calling cards for David and for other crew that I have started to "notice" providing outstanding service. The look of appreciation is soooo worth the cost of those calling cards!!!!! OMG


Then I went to the store to get some items for my room fridge...currently there are just two bottles of water in there...Found some of my workout vitamins too. good thing too because I was almost out and could see using that as a reasonabale excuse for not working out for the rest of the two weeks...really it doesn't take much to talk me away from working out...that is why I am so excited when I do work out.


Anyway I am back aboard and getting ready for my 2 hours in the clinic. My biggest decision today so far has been Blue jacket or White lab coat...I decided on White lab coat...mostly because it is far more "medical" looking.


I will write about the evening before I go to bed...

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George, I do envy you! Would love to cruise the world after I retire from the hospital. Nursing and cruising combined; my too favorite things. Although I'm sure the need for an OB nurse is not very common on a cruise ship. Thanks for the view from the other side. (I always double tip, What is a few hours pay for me can mean alot to them.)

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