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What would you do if your hairdresser...


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I am SOOOOOO annoyed with my hairdresser of 10 years.

I've been seeing the same gal for that long... have followed her to many different salons, and now she has her own salon (for about 2 yrs I'd say).


Her prices are not cheap ($250 for highlights / haircut)


So here is what happened...

I go about 3 weeks ago for my 8 week appointment; I have long hair, so only need a trim every other appointment, and this was that appointment – I was there for ‘the works’ so to speak.


I usually do highlites and low lites depending on time of year; it’s summer so I usually stay lighter. I’ve been wanting to add a little reddish / strawberry blond into the mix for a while, but wasn’t sure how to describe what I wanted.


Well, low and behold, one of the other stylists was doing highlites on someone else who had the color I wanted. So I tell my hairdresser, this is what I want. So she looks at it and says, ok we’ll do this, this and this… I trusted her to do it.


Well, what I wanted and what I got were 2 different things. You know how when you first get a change that it takes usually until you get home to realize how messed up it really is? Well that was me. The color was dark, I didn’t look like a blond anymore, I looked brunette… haven’t been this dark in at least 8 years! :eek:


So, that’s not the worst… I mentioned I was getting a haircut too, remember? Well, I’ve had the same ‘do’ for like 10 years, long straight hair w/ face long framing layers (the Jennifer Aniston cut)…


When she goes to cut my hair, she whips out this razor cutter and started to cut like really fast… I said ‘whoa’ … You used that on me last year and I didn’t like the cut (she butchered me, and I had told her last year and made her fix it one it grew back…)


She says ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be fine…’ famous last words…

So, just like last year she butchered me. Layers cut way back, where I never had them… and too short. Can’t even get my hair into a pony tail which she KNOWS is my haircut requirement. (Did I tell you I’ve been going to her for 10 YEARS???)


She was in a hurry to get out, I think that’s why she did it… not an excuse in my book.


So, when I get to the car, and see and feel it, I just started crying. I was so upset, I felt like I had a mullet sort of. My hair is my nicest feature right now, and to have it so messed up when your self esteem is already low is just such horrible blow. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the last 2 years from a pituitary tumor, so it’s been rough. But, I’ve always had beautiful hair that makes me feel somewhat attractive…


My husband felt bad, he told me to call her… I didn’t want to, but I did, it’s just awkward to complain about someone’s work…

So, I call her and tell her that the hair is to dark… and this is what she tells me, :mad:

“Oh well, we tried something new, it didn’t work out… just buy a bottle of prell and wash the color out, your lighter color should still be underneath…”

I didn’t even get to tell her about the sh*tty haircut… she was so curt.


So, at this point, $281 later, my hair looks like I didn’t have anything done to it. And, the ‘wash the color out’ didn’t work… it’s just as dark.


So, my fellow CC ladies, what would you do? I really don’t want to go back to her, I’m that mad. I have an appt scheduled for Oct 4th, and I just may cancel.


I saw a girl in the local grocery store with really nice highlites and asked where she goes and she goes to one of the local ‘Holiday Hair’ shops…


My dilemma… I’ve got 2 cruises in November… do I want to chance bad hair for the cruises and try the local cheapie salon? Or do I suck it up, and go back to my snot of a hairdresser?

(Plus, I’ve got to get my Driver’s license renewed… do I want a crappy picture for 4 years???)



Would love to hear your horror stories too!

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Oh absolutely do not go back? Are you kidding? She is certainly not listening to you!


Firstly call the salon and speak w/manager/owner and explain the situation - tell him you want your COLOR FIXED asap - by them - not by you with a bottle of prell - having spent almost $300 it's the least they can do! Is their another stylist there that you might want to try?


Maybe try the 'cheaper place' - or get some other recommendations before you decide - but I do think a switch is in orrder.


So sorry about the bad haircut - not much to do unless you can get someone to 'fix it' for you - or be patient and wait for it to grow out!



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First, do NOT feel like you have to go back!


Second, you PAID her a zillion dollars, you are entitled to have your hair the way you want it. Any reputable stylist wants their customers happy-you even said you asked someone else about HER hair...salon people get a large percentage of business from word-of-mouth.


There are other steps you could take (think 'Judge Judy') but you have to give her a chance to fix it. If you don't feel comfortable, find out when she is NOT there and get someone else to fix it for you.


A few years ago, I was working in a department store with a salon. They needed models for a color class so I signed up. I have dark brown hair. The rep from the color company told the stylist what to do. I said I DO NOT WANT TO BE BLOND OR LOOK LIKE A SKUNK!) I mean NO OFFENSE to blondes OR skunks-I just don't have the coloring to carry it off!


I wound up BOTH. Long story short, my hair ws color corrected three times. My cousin who is a stylist, and some of her coworkers, al said my hair was ruined. I couldn't get color to take properly for over 18 months! She finally had to cut out the still-blond part.


Now, I got that bad color for FREE! But, I probably should have gone after the color manufacturer for ruining my hair. And it's funny-everyone at work said it was beautiful, except one-a young guy who worked for me...he said, YUCK! I hated it too-and my mom burst into tears! She was really mad and I am NOT a kid!


So.......go back and get it fixed. If you don't want to go there, maybe you have a friend who can refer you someplace, and maybe they will take some pity on you. But first, you have to give the original salon a chance to fix it.


As for the cut, can't help you. Again, for almost $300 bucks they owe it to yuo to fix it but you may not want it cut any more than it is.


And, once it is colored, repeated washing isn't going to help! Believe me, I tried.


good luck!

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You definitely have my sympathies. When I was a young child a family member decided that I needed a perm so she took me to her favorite hairdresser. The perm didn't take so the idiot immediately redid it. My hair was chemically burned off my head and it was years before it recovered.


I would be calling the manager as well and at the very least getting your money back. I would also be calling around to various salons to explain your problem and see what other salons recommend on how to fix the color at least.

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Her prices are not cheap ($250 for highlights / haircut)


What? $250.00. My sister came to my salon this past weekend, her color, highlights, cut and style (she went from past shoulder length hair to very short hair) plus my cut and style only cost me $90.00 for the both of us and we are both very satisfied.


If that is the price of a haircut on the Eastern Seaboard I am glad I left Connecticut years ago.


I use to go to a salon where it would cost $50.00 just to walk through the door only because this place had a "name". I finally wised up and found that I got get better service and styles at a place down the street that wasn't noted for the name of the salon but for the satisfaction of their clients.


Call the Better Business Bureau and sign a complaint. If you do her to stop cutting with the razor and she didn't you have a case here.

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OMG, what your hairdresser did and her attitude really sucks! I would write her a letter, explain how you feel, and fire her a**!:eek: I had an unpleasant situation with my long-time hairdresser. After the incident, I called her to tell her of my displeasure. She apologized and said it would not happen again, so I returned. Months later, it happened again. This time I wrote her a letter, thanking her for years of service, and informing her that I was cancelling all future appointments (I book a year in advance). She called me almost in tears, promised me she had rectified the situation, and offered me 6 free cuts and color. I did return (accepted one free cut/color). True to her word, the situation has been fixed, and all is well. But with your hairdresser who showed absolutely no remorse, I would not give her another chance. Do some homework, ask around for referrals, and take your business elsewhere. And try to do it before your upcoming cruises.


Sorry to be so long-winded, but like you, hair is a huge deal for me. Good luck!


Aloha, Logan

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I am SOOOOOO annoyed with my hairdresser of 10 years.

I've been seeing the same gal for that long... have followed her to many different salons, and now she has her own salon (for about 2 yrs I'd say).


Her prices are not cheap ($250 for highlights / haircut)


So here is what happened...

I go about 3 weeks ago for my 8 week appointment; I have long hair, so only need a trim every other appointment, and this was that appointment – I was there for ‘the works’ so to speak.


I usually do highlites and low lites depending on time of year; it’s summer so I usually stay lighter. I’ve been wanting to add a little reddish / strawberry blond into the mix for a while, but wasn’t sure how to describe what I wanted.


Well, low and behold, one of the other stylists was doing highlites on someone else who had the color I wanted. So I tell my hairdresser, this is what I want. So she looks at it and says, ok we’ll do this, this and this… I trusted her to do it.


Well, what I wanted and what I got were 2 different things. You know how when you first get a change that it takes usually until you get home to realize how messed up it really is? Well that was me. The color was dark, I didn’t look like a blond anymore, I looked brunette… haven’t been this dark in at least 8 years! :eek:


So, that’s not the worst… I mentioned I was getting a haircut too, remember? Well, I’ve had the same ‘do’ for like 10 years, long straight hair w/ face long framing layers (the Jennifer Aniston cut)…


When she goes to cut my hair, she whips out this razor cutter and started to cut like really fast… I said ‘whoa’ … You used that on me last year and I didn’t like the cut (she butchered me, and I had told her last year and made her fix it one it grew back…)


She says ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be fine…’ famous last words…

So, just like last year she butchered me. Layers cut way back, where I never had them… and too short. Can’t even get my hair into a pony tail which she KNOWS is my haircut requirement. (Did I tell you I’ve been going to her for 10 YEARS???)


She was in a hurry to get out, I think that’s why she did it… not an excuse in my book.


So, when I get to the car, and see and feel it, I just started crying. I was so upset, I felt like I had a mullet sort of. My hair is my nicest feature right now, and to have it so messed up when your self esteem is already low is just such horrible blow. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the last 2 years from a pituitary tumor, so it’s been rough. But, I’ve always had beautiful hair that makes me feel somewhat attractive…


My husband felt bad, he told me to call her… I didn’t want to, but I did, it’s just awkward to complain about someone’s work…

So, I call her and tell her that the hair is to dark… and this is what she tells me, :mad:

“Oh well, we tried something new, it didn’t work out… just buy a bottle of prell and wash the color out, your lighter color should still be underneath…”

I didn’t even get to tell her about the sh*tty haircut… she was so curt.


So, at this point, $281 later, my hair looks like I didn’t have anything done to it. And, the ‘wash the color out’ didn’t work… it’s just as dark.


So, my fellow CC ladies, what would you do? I really don’t want to go back to her, I’m that mad. I have an appt scheduled for Oct 4th, and I just may cancel.


I saw a girl in the local grocery store with really nice highlites and asked where she goes and she goes to one of the local ‘Holiday Hair’ shops…


My dilemma… I’ve got 2 cruises in November… do I want to chance bad hair for the cruises and try the local cheapie salon? Or do I suck it up, and go back to my snot of a hairdresser?

(Plus, I’ve got to get my Driver’s license renewed… do I want a crappy picture for 4 years???)



Would love to hear your horror stories too!


If you were my wife - I would be down there in person demanding compensation or else. Have your hubby do it.

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Wow! First of all, I feel bad for you and I've been there. I have had years of horrible, horrible luck with my hair. I used to think, "It's just hair..it will grow back..but that's not true." First of all, it's not "just hair." Its a huge part of your appearance and image. True, there are some people that can walk around with those cute little pixie hair cuts and look super, duper cute, but I'm not one of them. But that's what I ended up with a few years ago and it's taken me FOREVER to grow it out. I hate, hate, hate short layers. In your shoes, I would not go back to that hair dresser. The cut your describing doesn't sound like it should be that difficult, nor does your request for the color change. Especially since you didn't go to someone that just got out of beauty school. I would find someone else to fix my hair. If you see a cut/style you like on someone, ask them where they get their hair done. When you do find someone you think will work out, you have to be very clear, very specific with that hair dresser about what you want. I hate to say this, but that's what finally worked with me...after years of walking out of salons unhappy I realized that I have to be alert, clear and drink a couple of espressos before I go. :) I too have left a hair salon with the infamous mullet cut and had to have all my hair cut off to "fix" the business in the front, party in the back look. So, again...explain very specifically what you want. For example if you see your stylist break out in a razer, don't be shy! Tell her/him..uhh no. Don't use that on my hair. Some will try to talk you into it and they can be very convincing. I listen to what they say...and tell them.."no." It would be nice to go in to a hair salon and just relax and trust that you'll get exactly what you want, but you can't take that chance. You have to sometimes "micromanage" the hair cut. Hair dressers have bad days and good days - but your hair dresser's attitude was ridiculous, what she did was totally unacceptable. And for the kind of money your paying, she shouldn't be having a bad day while cutting your hair...EVER.

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I am SOOOOOO annoyed with my hairdresser of 10 years.

I've been seeing the same gal for that long... have followed her to many different salons, and now she has her own salon (for about 2 yrs I'd say).


Her prices are not cheap ($250 for highlights / haircut)


So here is what happened...

I go about 3 weeks ago for my 8 week appointment; I have long hair, so only need a trim every other appointment, and this was that appointment – I was there for ‘the works’ so to speak.


I usually do highlites and low lites depending on time of year; it’s summer so I usually stay lighter. I’ve been wanting to add a little reddish / strawberry blond into the mix for a while, but wasn’t sure how to describe what I wanted.


Well, low and behold, one of the other stylists was doing highlites on someone else who had the color I wanted. So I tell my hairdresser, this is what I want. So she looks at it and says, ok we’ll do this, this and this… I trusted her to do it.


Well, what I wanted and what I got were 2 different things. You know how when you first get a change that it takes usually until you get home to realize how messed up it really is? Well that was me. The color was dark, I didn’t look like a blond anymore, I looked brunette… haven’t been this dark in at least 8 years! :eek:


So, that’s not the worst… I mentioned I was getting a haircut too, remember? Well, I’ve had the same ‘do’ for like 10 years, long straight hair w/ face long framing layers (the Jennifer Aniston cut)…


When she goes to cut my hair, she whips out this razor cutter and started to cut like really fast… I said ‘whoa’ … You used that on me last year and I didn’t like the cut (she butchered me, and I had told her last year and made her fix it one it grew back…)


She says ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be fine…’ famous last words…

So, just like last year she butchered me. Layers cut way back, where I never had them… and too short. Can’t even get my hair into a pony tail which she KNOWS is my haircut requirement. (Did I tell you I’ve been going to her for 10 YEARS???)


She was in a hurry to get out, I think that’s why she did it… not an excuse in my book.


So, when I get to the car, and see and feel it, I just started crying. I was so upset, I felt like I had a mullet sort of. My hair is my nicest feature right now, and to have it so messed up when your self esteem is already low is just such horrible blow. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the last 2 years from a pituitary tumor, so it’s been rough. But, I’ve always had beautiful hair that makes me feel somewhat attractive…


My husband felt bad, he told me to call her… I didn’t want to, but I did, it’s just awkward to complain about someone’s work…

So, I call her and tell her that the hair is to dark… and this is what she tells me, :mad:

“Oh well, we tried something new, it didn’t work out… just buy a bottle of prell and wash the color out, your lighter color should still be underneath…”

I didn’t even get to tell her about the sh*tty haircut… she was so curt.


So, at this point, $281 later, my hair looks like I didn’t have anything done to it. And, the ‘wash the color out’ didn’t work… it’s just as dark.


So, my fellow CC ladies, what would you do? I really don’t want to go back to her, I’m that mad. I have an appt scheduled for Oct 4th, and I just may cancel.


I saw a girl in the local grocery store with really nice highlites and asked where she goes and she goes to one of the local ‘Holiday Hair’ shops…


My dilemma… I’ve got 2 cruises in November… do I want to chance bad hair for the cruises and try the local cheapie salon? Or do I suck it up, and go back to my snot of a hairdresser?

(Plus, I’ve got to get my Driver’s license renewed… do I want a crappy picture for 4 years???)



Would love to hear your horror stories too!


just come to me.. ill do your hair for you =)... im in sayreville hehe =)

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i think the problem is that the owner/manager is the nut who screwed it up in the first place!


and that's the hardest part...


She's a few years younger than me (30), hip, tattooed, footloose and fancy free. Salon is open only 4 days a week cause she does so well (with those HIGH prices, who wouldn't??!!)


Lately she's been up and down - told me last spring that she had stopped taking her antidepressants (which she started a few years back when her younger sister had cancer...)


So, I think that might be part of the attitude change... but what can you do?

10 years and alot of money... I have really hated paying those prices, but it's so hard to change hairdressers... and she's done ok. Haircut is usually good (i mean it's a no brainer - same for 10 years!)


Lately I even think she doesn't go close enough to the root just so I have to come back sooner (I'm every 8 weeks now, and have roots after 2 weeks...) She's getting greedy :(


So, I thank you all for your advice and sharing your stories. I think I'll try someone new and send her a card letting her know why i cancel my next appt.

Have a great week!

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I go to the "cheapie salon", as you dismissively refer to it, and spend $100 every twelve weeks for the kind of cut and highlighting you describe. I've been doing it for at least ten years with the same woman, and never had a complaint, let alone burst into tears, like you did for $250.


She's messed it up more than once, and you keep going back to her? Why?

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I go to the "cheapie salon", as you dismissively refer to it, and spend $100 every twelve weeks for the kind of cut and highlighting you describe. I've been doing it for at least ten years with the same woman, and never had a complaint, let alone burst into tears, like you did for $250.


She's messed it up more than once, and you keep going back to her? Why?




Didn't mean to offend w/ cheapie salon reference. My gal started at a mall salon, where I first started going to her, and she's been to a few different ones and now finally her own salon... I started out paying $95 for my hair and it creeped up to $250 over the last few years. She's gotten too big for her britches!


It's a lesson learned for sure.

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and that's the hardest part...


She's a few years younger than me (30), hip, tattooed, footloose and fancy free. Salon is open only 4 days a week cause she does so well (with those HIGH prices, who wouldn't??!!)


Lately she's been up and down - told me last spring that she had stopped taking her antidepressants (which she started a few years back when her younger sister had cancer...)


So, I think that might be part of the attitude change... but what can you do?

10 years and alot of money... I have really hated paying those prices, but it's so hard to change hairdressers... and she's done ok. Haircut is usually good (i mean it's a no brainer - same for 10 years!)


Lately I even think she doesn't go close enough to the root just so I have to come back sooner (I'm every 8 weeks now, and have roots after 2 weeks...) She's getting greedy :(


So, I thank you all for your advice and sharing your stories. I think I'll try someone new and send her a card letting her know why i cancel my next appt.

Have a great week!


gracious! if that is the woman's problem she should wise up before she drives all her clients away. Good customer service keeps the repeats, bad service doesn't.

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OMG, what your hairdresser did and her attitude really sucks! I would write her a letter, explain how you feel, and fire her a**!:eek: I had an unpleasant situation with my long-time hairdresser. After the incident, I called her to tell her of my displeasure. She apologized and said it would not happen again, so I returned. Months later, it happened again. This time I wrote her a letter, thanking her for years of service, and informing her that I was cancelling all future appointments (I book a year in advance). She called me almost in tears, promised me she had rectified the situation, and offered me 6 free cuts and color. I did return (accepted one free cut/color). True to her word, the situation has been fixed, and all is well. But with your hairdresser who showed absolutely no remorse, I would not give her another chance. Do some homework, ask around for referrals, and take your business elsewhere. And try to do it before your upcoming cruises.


Sorry to be so long-winded, but like you, hair is a huge deal for me. Good luck!


Aloha, Logan


I've only read until here and I have to say, as a former hairstylist you were very kind and generous to her. You are truly a gem. This is what the majority of hairstylists would like their clients to do.


To others who recommend legal action....good luck. It has been tried and the method failed. Although it does cause emotional distress, it is not permanent unless there is bodily harm done. Usually by the time the case comes to court, the hair has grown back and/or the person has gotten a new haircut, color etc... I had a friend who was sued because of a stage demo, it cost her a lot of money before the case was dismissed. No one but the lawyers got any satisfaction. The judge just told the plaintiff that everyone gets a bad haircut from time to time.


Now for the bad news. Every hairstylist has their bad days and unfortunately it comes out on the side of inferior work performed by the stylist. The least she could do is to redo your color, offer a refund, take you out to dinner and grovel at your feet.


It can be an important message to a stylist who has gotten a little too cocky with their attitude and a little too assuming of their loyal clientele. In other words, just like others who screw up in their job, sometimes a kick in the butt can do them some good. I'd not go back, but I would sure let her know why.

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After spending 15 years in the industry and owning a salon for 16 years (the last 8 or so I was retired but still managed it) I know what goes on.


Number one thing to remember is that price charged does not always equal quality of work. There are many salons out there that charge the high price because they provide ongoing education and that is expensive. They only use quality products, they have high standards in every conceivable way. Then there are places that charge high prices just because they can get away with it.


Number two is the fact that there are many hair stylists out there who are self motivated, talented and conscientious that don't charge an arm and a leg for services. Those are the wonderful gems that some people find.


Number three is that, in most cases, chain salons are going to be typically filled with just-out-of-school stylists who really don't know what they are doing yet.


I am so sorry the OP is going through this predicament and I do not agree that it is small stuff. While a bad haircut is temporary (thank goodness) while a person is dealing with it, it can be heartbreaking. I can't tell you how many times I got bad haircuts, several times from friends. :o I now go to a salon where I didn't know the person while I was in the industry, because I want to be treated like a client and not a co-worker. Stylists love to "experiment" on each other.

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Wow ... I guess I must be pretty low maintenance ... $250 would keep my hair cut for like a year and a half. Been going for several years to the same stylist at one of the gigantic chains in our area. A couple of cuts ago, seemed like she'd lost her touch and the cut wasn't as precise as before, not ghastly, just not quite right. Had one of the other gals there cut it next time, and it was better. Next time, a different gal tackled my hair and butchered it. Yes, ladies, that was 6 months ago and I went today to a different salon and stylist for a fresh new cut. It took that long for the butcher job to reach a point that anything would be possible to fix it.


The lesson I learned: to stay away from the stylists whose hair is so over-colored and chemically-altered that surely some of those solutions have gone to their brains and impacted their abilities to do their job. Visible tatooes also now give me cause to pause and reconsider whether that person should even come near my head.


To the OP: never ever ever go back to that unprofessional wench and, depending on the method of payment, I'd stop payment of my check or deny the credit card charges. If that stylist has "off" days when she's on or off her meds, she either needs to get re-diagnosed or get into another line of work.

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You certainly have a right to at the least a 'fix' on the color job, and I would politely but firmly let her know that you will be changing stylists and why. I think almost everyone has had that 'bad' cut at one time or another, and fixing a cut isn't always easy, especially when you had a cut and look that worked for you and made you feel good.


When I've had less-than-optimal cuts from my stylist, who is a local gal I have used for years, it's often because I was lax in communicating to her just what I wanted. Unlike you, I'm always changing my style, trying to find one that really works. In your situation, you had been getting the cut you wanted for years and she really has no excuse for messing it up--and you pointed out to her the exact color you wanted!


Wow, $250! I just got my hair cut, colored, styled and eyebrows waxed & colored for $45. Of course, I do live in the sticks.

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