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Interning on the Explorer

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I hate to be another adult chiming in to dash your dreams but I just don't see this happening for you. Sooooo many factors to consider...


1. You are too young and therefore, too much of a liability.

2. Staying in crew quarters... Your parents must be crazy to think this would be a good idea. There are space considerations and adult activities that occur in crew quarters that I sincerely doubt any parent would want their child exposed to.

3. Your "shadowing" a Cruise Director would be quite an interference in his day to day job duties. There are public areas of the ship that a CD enters where you wouldn't be allowed (bars, nightclubs, casino) - where would you be while he is working those areas??


Asking them to make a special consideration for you is quite a risk for them. One that far outweighs your desires. By making an accommodation for you, it then sets a precedent that I am sure they would not want to be set. It may work out for you, but down the road some other kid wants to do the same thing and something happens and then boom... lawsuits, insurance claims, policies... the red tape involved in your venture is far too costly, and I for one, would hate to see that cost ultimately passed down to the passenger.


I know that you are probably too young to understand the business aspect of your venture or why it would be cost-prohibitive to a business to consider your request... While you may be a responsible young lady, you need to consider how your request will affect others (the cruiseline-as a business). As a minor, someone onboard would have to take legal responsibility for you... I just don't see them be willing to take that on.

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All my ideas are being crushed :(

So I guess my last resort is to go on the Explorer and just spend as much time possible with Dave Chapman and/or Phil Munro and ask questions...that is, if they have time. I've had very nice conversations with Dave in the past and I think I've made myself noticable to him enough that he would remember me this winter. Plus, the photographer I have connections with is helping me communicate with Dave by being my messenger. I should have gotten Dave or Phil's contact info to begin with though...silly me.




Oh well...I'm still writing my letter to RCCL.



We are not trying to crush your ideas, we are just realistic! Something might be able to be done when you are in college. They are many internships out there when you hit the summer of junior or senior year in college. Not only will you have had a solid beginning in the education you need for it but you will also be around 21 years of age which will make all the difference in the world.

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I hate to be another adult chiming in to dash your dreams but I just don't see this happening for you. Sooooo many factors to consider...


1. You are too young and therefore, too much of a liability.

2. Staying in crew quarters... Your parents must be crazy to think this would be a good idea. There are space considerations and adult activities that occur in crew quarters that I sincerely doubt any parent would want their child exposed to.

3. Your "shadowing" a Cruise Director would be quite an interference in his day to day job duties. There are public areas of the ship that a CD enters where you wouldn't be allowed (bars, nightclubs, casino) - where would you be while he is working those areas??


Asking them to make a special consideration for you is quite a risk for them. One that far outweighs your desires. By making an accommodation for you, it then sets a precedent that I am sure they would not want to be set. It may work out for you, but down the road some other kid wants to do the same thing and something happens and then boom... lawsuits, insurance claims, policies... the red tape involved in your venture is far too costly, and I for one, would hate to see that cost ultimately passed down to the passenger.


I know that you are probably too young to understand the business aspect of your venture or why it would be cost-prohibitive to a business to consider your request... While you may be a responsible young lady, you need to consider how your request will affect others (the cruiseline-as a business). As a minor, someone onboard would have to take legal responsibility for you... I just don't see them be willing to take that on.




How about this...I purchase a cruise, my family takes all responsibility for me, I shadow the cruise director as much as possible and back off if he’s going into any night clubs or bars. Even though I don’t know Dave very well...from the 9 days I spent with him, he wouldn’t mind me following him around and in fact, he enjoyed all the company he could get, but if he tells me to stop following him for a bit, then I’ll stop. I think that's the closest I'll ever get...IF I can do all that.


Sure, I’d be a “guest” but I won’t be doing anything typical of guests. Yeah, I would be missing “the dining experience”... but I’ve experienced it sooooo many times already. I’ve seen the shows [Hah, I even know that “On our voyage to adventure” song], I’ve memorized the CD’s jokes, I know all the line-dances, and I’ve probably eaten my weight in pizza and cookies from the cafe promenade.


Someone please tell me that would work...:confused:

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We are not trying to crush your ideas, we are just realistic! Something might be able to be done when you are in college. They are many internships out there when you hit the summer of junior or senior year in college. Not only will you have had a solid beginning in the education you need for it but you will also be around 21 years of age which will make all the difference in the world.


I know, I know...I and really do appreciate all the input people are putting into this. :o


The reason why I want to do this so badly for my project is because this is basically the only chance I'll get. My family would never let me go into cruise directing or anything of the sort. They're pushing Harvard and Yale in my face...and they've placed me in a hard and expensive private school associated with the University of Chicago to help me get there.

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How about this...I purchase a cruise, my family takes all responsibility for me, I shadow the cruise director as much as possible and back off if he’s going into any night clubs or bars. Even though I don’t know Dave very well...from the 9 days I spent with him, he wouldn’t mind me following him around and in fact, he enjoyed all the company he could get, but if he tells me to stop following him for a bit, then I’ll stop. I think that's the closest I'll ever get...IF I can do all that.


Sure, I’d be a “guest” but I won’t be doing anything typical of guests. Yeah, I would be missing “the dining experience”... but I’ve experienced it sooooo many times already. I’ve seen the shows [Hah, I even know that “On our voyage to adventure” song], I’ve memorized the CD’s jokes, I know all the line-dances, and I’ve probably eaten my weight in pizza and cookies from the cafe promenade.


Someone please tell me that would work...:confused:



There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff where I doubt you would be allowed regardless if the CD says doesn't mind or not. They are not going to let you into meetings where they would be discussing ships business. They are not going to allow you into the crew areas, etc. If you don't eat in the dining room, where are you going to eat, since they will not let you into the crew area to go to the crew mess?Your enthusiasm is wonderful and maybe the CD wouldn't mind for a couple of hours or a day to have you shadowing him but he has a job to do and can't have someone trailing along when he has duties.


Even if you pay for the cruise, I don't think your plan is feasible. I know when my daughter used to come to "take your daughter to work day" It was fun for that day but I wouldn't have wanted her following me around for more than that.

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I know, I know...I and really do appreciate all the input people are putting into this. :o


The reason why I want to do this so badly for my project is because this is basically the only chance I'll get. My family would never let me go into cruise directing or anything of the sort. They're pushing Harvard and Yale in my face...and they've placed me in a hard and expensive private school associated with the University of Chicago to help me get there.



Just because they want you to go to a good school doesn't mean you can't incorporate HM into your program. Cornell has a wonderful program. My daughter is at UPENN (Ivy also) and she loves it. She is majoring in computer science and business. She interned last year at Microsoft in Seattle for the summer and this year she interned at Google in San Francisco. You could major in business, just because they want you to go to a Ivy school doesn't mean you have no choices.

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Just because they want you to go to a good school doesn't mean you can't incorporate HM into your program. Cornell has a wonderful program. My daughter is at UPENN (Ivy also) and she loves it. She is majoring in computer science and business. She interned last year at Microsoft in Seattle for the summer and this year she interned at Google in San Francisco. You could major in business, just because they want you to go to a Ivy school doesn't mean you have no choices.


Okay. New plan: Do what I did a few weeks ago all over again. Except make more of an attempt to mingle with Dave. I was sort of shy around him last time [i.e. he said “hello Marissa” in the promenade once and I was like “Hi...” and walked away because I had to do something stupid like get the last coconut ranger cookie or something] but now that we’re already aquainted with each other, I think I can dish out more questions this time. Dave actually asked more questions about me than I did about him. That won’t exactly be suiting my project, but maybe I can just vacation and have a good time. I have 3 years to complete my project.


Hahah...speaking of those private meetings, I heard that they’re nothing special. Actually, the photographer I know came out of one meeting where they had to present some plaque to the governer of whatever port we were at and he was just like “Pshh...that was soooo boring” :p I don’t know, I just kind of found it amusing. He always told me little tidbits about what happens in the ship.


And as for schooling...my family wants me to be a doctor. But yeah, I do have choices, but I guess I’ll have to cross that bridge when I get there.

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Ummm... you're young. :) Even some of your comments in this thread prove how young you are (no offense), and therefore, your ideas (although exciting) will not work for many reasons. We, as adults, have given you advice and counsel. Please understand that no one is trying to crush your dreams - it's just that what you are suggesting would not work for all of the reasons mentioned, and probably more.


Remember, it's the CD's job to make you feel comfortable and welcome aboard the ship; s/he will make the effort to be nice to you and your family. Shadowing him as he does his job is something completely different.


Honestly, I think if they did allow this for you, there would certainly be an increase of other young people wanting to do the same thing; it would turn into something much bigger, and I can't see it being anything but awkward for all involved. Sorry - don't mean to hurt your feelings or appear mean about it; you did ask and we are answering.

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Ummm... you're young. :) Even some of your comments in this thread prove how young you are (no offense), and therefore, your ideas (although exciting) will not work for many reasons. We, as adults, have given you advice and counsel. Please understand that no one is trying to crush your dreams - it's just that what you are suggesting would not work for all of the reasons mentioned, and probably more.


Remember, it's the CD's job to make you feel comfortable and welcome aboard the ship; s/he will make the effort to be nice to you and your family. Shadowing him as he does his job is something completely different.


Honestly, I think if they did allow this for you, there would certainly be an increase of other young people wanting to do the same thing; it would turn into something much bigger, and I can't see it being anything but awkward for all involved. Sorry - don't mean to hurt your feelings or appear mean about it; you did ask and we are answering.


I know, and it’s just a downer realizing all the flaws in my idea. I’ve run this with my family and we’ve come to a conclusion. Stright As in all my classes this quarter and they’ll take me back to the Explorer, just to enjoy. What I do on the ship, having to do with Dave Chapman or not, is mine to decide, abiding by guest rules of course. So it looks like more casual chats with Dave and going to all the events he hosts...again. Maybe I can talk to him more during the evening shows, because I know where he hangs out during them...plus, I’ve seen the shows already and don’t really care to see them again. So maybe this time around at my age...I’ll be “mingling” instead of interning. But is actually sounds very stalker-ish...


But sound fair?


And I do appreciate everyone’s outlook on this :)

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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while...I've been too busy trying to contact Royal Caribbean...


But after some hard work...THINGS HAVE WORKED OUT SO FAR!


This is so excellent, I called customer service sooo many times, and then after the 16th time or so...I got someone to help me with shadowing Dave Chapman [and possibly Phil Munro]. She said that if I would like a confirmation letter to give to my school, she would have to contact Dave to help out. She also was asking things like "Would Dave remember you if I told him your name?" and I said yes...because I'm almost positive he would. Plus, I was the only person on my cruise who was like "Dave...I want to be you...and Phil...and the rest of your staff..." So now, all I have to do is wait for her to call me back, which should be soon :D


EEEE!!! I'm very excited.

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I've run this idea with a photographer who works on the Explorer. He's become friends with my family and he's helping me out as best as he can. He's actually going to ask Dave Chapman about my internship the next time he sees him on the ship. I honestly wish I had thought of this when I actually cruised on the Explorer a few weeks ago, because I talked to the cruise director quite a bit, and I could have asked. Dave Chapman was a very nice person and even came up to me several times to talk to me, after the day I introduced myself [and was his salsa dancing partner...hahah] He was very easy-going and I honestly think he wouldn't mind me shadowing him, as long as I didn't pester him or get in his way. All I would be doing is helping out when possible and taking notes on what he does daily.


Thanks you for your help :)


Hi Marissa,

I think its great that you are interested in the job of the CD:) You are too young for these opportunities now but if you are serious about a future career in the cruise industry working for RCCL, I think you'll find all the info found on these links interesting as you will find information on various careers with RCCL. You can also find what the job of the CD actually involves and what the requirements are for the position. Best of luck in reaching your goals:)






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just my 2 cents....


Everyone has been very negative about this idea. It sounds like RC might have a way for it to work for her.


OP, Good Luck! I admire you for going for what you want. Even if you fail you will be that much closer. So many people never try because they fear they won't make it. My husband is pretty negative but he always calls himself "realistic".


My father-in-law once told me that is there is not such thing as a realist. Since the future hasn't happend yet those who say the outcome of something will be negative, are pessimists and those who say positive are optimist.


Be an optomist. The worst that can happen is that you go on the cruise as you ask to shadow and you get told no. You wouldn't be any worse off than you are now therefore you haven't lost anything. In fact the chances are that even if he said no he might do something else like grant you an interview or get you a bridge tour. Who knows. And you never get anything in life if you don't ask.


Did you know that most successful people failed lots of times first. That is part of the process.


I say, ignore the naysayers, in the end the only ones that matter are those who work for RCCL and whether yes or no you have only gained in the asking.

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Oh, thank you!

But from reading the site, I believe that program isn't what I had in mind [and yeah, plus I'm only in high school]. All I really was planning to do is just follow the cruise director around, be on his staff, help out [whether it be teaching people how to line dance or selling bingo cards or even keeping track of points during the Love and Marriage gameshow!] and be able to write about my experience :]


I commend you for your drive on this. But don't be disappointed if you don't get a positive response from Dave on this. CD's have huge responsibiltites and I can't see mentoring an underage student being a top priority with all that they have to do on a ship.


What may work is taking another cruise with your family on the ship and seeing if you can shadow him that way. Then your family would be responsible for you on the ship while you were shadowing the CD. I think that sounds like an alternative that ca work.


Stay positive - your family cruise idea may be the one that works for you. I commend you for your positive attitude and for looking at other solutions to meet your dream.

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Hi Marissa,

You are too young for these opportunities now

Not to sound snotty or bratty etc., but I already got permission to shadow during my cruise just a few days ago :) They didn't really care about my age as long as I bought the cruise. All I need now is my confirmation letter from Dave Chapman that apparently he’ll be faxing to Royal Caribbean in Miami.


And thank you for the links! They really helped!

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I am beginning to believe that this post is a hoax. As a cash paying customer I would be concerned to see a grown man being shadowed by a teenager. It would be a step up for trouble, and you adults know what I am taking about. I can't believe that RCCL would grant one passenger special privilendges. I could see a short interview for a paper but other than that it would not only be a horrible situation to put a male employee but opens the door for all the "want to bees". Next it would be a skater who wants to skate professionally get wants to shadow the skaters, the kid who wants to be a dancerfollows the dancers, the good singer who wants to sing professionallly gets follow the singers, another person who wants to be a cook gets to follow the chef, and let us not forget all the want to be Captains. I am paying for my cruise and don't want the cruise director to be concerned with a shadow, it seems for my observations their time is stretched thin as is.

I also hate to break the news to Marissa, many kids with honors, 4.0, and high sats are not getting into IV league schools, and don't even get me started on own hard it is to get into medical school. She should go on vacation and enjoy her family.
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[quote name='Sue L']I think you would have to contact RCCL corporate in Miami to find out if they have anything like what you are looking for. I suspect you might be too young for some of the programs they might have, most internships involve college students rather than hs. Good luck with finding something as it sounds really fun.[/QUOTE]

I agree my college aged kids when they were over 18 but under 21 were not allowed to touch a Bingo card unless we were present ( this was on a Princess Cruise). The Love and Marriage Show is for mature audiences.
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[quote name='alexkrn46']I am beginning to believe that this post is a hoax. As a cash paying customer I would be concerned to see a grown man being shadowed by a teenager. It would be a step up for trouble, and you adults know what I am taking about. I can't believe that RCCL would grant one passenger special privilendges. I could see a short interview for a paper but other than that it would not only be a horrible situation to put a male employee but opens the door for all the "want to bees". Next it would be a skater who wants to skate professionally get wants to shadow the skaters, the kid who wants to be a dancerfollows the dancers, the good singer who wants to sing professionallly gets follow the singers, another person who wants to be a cook gets to follow the chef, and let us not forget all the want to be Captains. I am paying for my cruise and don't want the cruise director to be concerned with a shadow, it seems for my observations their time is stretched thin as is.

I also hate to break the news to Marissa, many kids with honors, 4.0, and high sats are not getting into IV league schools, and don't even get me started on own hard it is to get into medical school. She should go on vacation and enjoy her family.[/QUOTE]

Fine. Take it as a hoax. If all works out well...I’ll post my pictures from December. I'll also scan my confirmation letter when it comes.

Also, [B]I am a paying cruise customer as well[/B]. I’m so dedicated to this project, that I’m paying for this cruise to complete it. Plus, all those wanting to be singers, dancers, and chefs wouldn’t pick to intern on a cruise ship...there are dancers, singers, and chefs on land. But where would I find a cruise director on land?

As for “the horrible situation to put a male employee in” thing, do you expect me to lie about him raping me? We’re probably not even going to be in any area alone together!

All I want to do is follow Dave. I mean hey, he doesn’t even need to utter a word to me if he doesn’t want to. And may I add, Dave will be activities manager when I shadow. Sure, he won’t be the cruise director anymore, but not only am I shadowing him to find out more about his job, but to observe a truly dedicated, talented, kind and hard-working human being. I know what hard work is, thank you very much. I go to one of the top schools in the nation that also happens to be associated with one of the top Universities.

Which leads me to this quote of yours:
“I also hate to break the news to Marissa, many kids with honors, 4.0, and high sats are not getting into IV league schools, and don't even get me started on own hard it is to get into medical school.”

Who in the world ever said that I get high sats?!?! I’m a straight A student with many extra activities including Student Council, Debate Team, Science Team, Volleyball Team, Theater, and Asian Students Association. In addition, I play piano, violin, guitar, sing, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and so far, I've been able to handle things perfectly. So you think I don’t have what it takes to get into a good college or medical school? Maybe I'll make it, maybe I won't, but I'm trying my hardest right now. Who are you to judge me?
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[quote name='alexkrn46']I agree my college aged kids when they were over 18 but under 21 were not allowed to touch a Bingo card unless we were present ( this was on a Princess Cruise). The Love and Marriage Show is for mature audiences.[/QUOTE]

What she meant was [B] the programs they have for internships[/B]
I went to every Bingo game just to sit around and watch [and tried to gather free stuff...hahah] and I also happened to play one game of Bingo, but my aunt was there right next to me playing too, because if I won, obviously she would have to claim my winnings.

I went to the Love And Marriage Gameshow, loved it, found it hilarious and to be a highlight of my cruise...and had a wonderful conversation with Dave Chapman after the show for a while. He actually got to know a bit about myself and my family, which was very nice.

And I even went to the Quest...and was picked by the cruise director’s staff as a team captain!

But no one had a problem with any of the above happening, and I don’t see what’s wrong with it either.
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[quote name='megr1125']hey if RC has a way to work it out then good for you......whatever happens have fun![/QUOTE]

Thanks :)

Royal Caribbean is trying to work things out as best as they can. It’s just this confirmation letter of mine that seems to be giving them a bit of trouble, because apparently Dave Chapman needs to be a big part of writing it somehow. I’ve come upon some really helpful people at customer service, which certainly delights me more than anything!
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[quote name='HurricaneSally']The more the OP writes, the more I think she's just a spoiled brat. How is she going to pay for her own cruise? With gift money?[/QUOTE]

Ouch. I didn’t mean to come off as one. Sorry :(
I know I blew up at alexkrn46, but their comment just triggered something in me. I don't know.

As for paying for my cruise, I’m sacrificing any christmas and birthday presents for the next two years, according to my mom. And I don't really get gift money. Yeah, I'm an only child but there are both ups and downs to that. And I know me going to a good private school sort of gives me that air of being spoiled, but the school pays for some of my tuition because my mom is a single mom earning lower than whatever the average is. But my grandma chips in sometimes, which is nice.

Really, I'm very thankful for everything I have. I was brought up Catholic and I pray every night being thankful that I'm not in a worse position.

Blahh...I feel bad now. I honestly never meant to come off as a spoiled brat.
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[quote name='WowItsMarissa']Ouch. I didn’t mean to come off as one. Sorry :(
I know I blew up at alexkrn46, but their comment just triggered something in me. I don't know.

As for paying for my cruise, I’m sacrificing any christmas and birthday presents for the next two years, according to my mom. And I don't really get gift money. Yeah, I'm an only child but there are both ups and downs to that. And I know me going to a good private school sort of gives me that air of being spoiled, but the school pays for some of my tuition because my mom is a single mom earning lower than whatever the average is. But my grandma chips in sometimes, which is nice.

Really, I'm very thankful for everything I have. I was brought up Catholic and I pray every night being thankful that I'm not in a worse position.

Blahh...I feel bad now. I honestly never meant to come off as a spoiled brat.[/quote]

What I meant was, you are beginning to whine about this and it's starting to sound trivial. If the answer is "no", then it's "no". I'm sure your mom doesn't think its possible or she would be protesting more than she is.
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