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Does EVERYONE Smoke??? (don't flame me, please)


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That's manpris'ish.




LMAO Repete...I would think having to smell that would be far more offensive than the occasional smoke smell. Cripes...sometimes when that happens i want to suggest to the offender that he/she should go "check themselves"....:cool:


I'd better not LOL....:cool:


mmmmk.. yeah, whatever. Next time if you're going to be rude or whatever you think you're doing, think before you type.

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While I appreciate your rights as a smoker, it seems the same is not returned. I can get lung cancer from second hand smoke, you get nothing from me as a non smoker except the "complaints" you speak of. Does anyone remember that recently Christopher Reeves wife Dana died of lung cancer - never smoked a day in her life. No, she sang in bars full of smoke. I am not insenstive, I lived 18 years with two smokers - my parents. They smoked inside around me all the time and in cars, I don't hold it against them because that was a different time (I am 35) but now that we know what happens with smoke it is irresponsible to do so. I honestly don't know what long term effect it will have on my health. Thankfully growing up that way made me NEVER want to smoke.


It is not just the breathing, it is the BURNING in my eyes. I agree there should be certain limited places available for people to go smoke, and balconies should be included in that - but possibly on one side of the ship. This unfortunately is not a debate that is ever going to be nice, no matter what happens.


Every non-smoker out there can somehow come up with the coment that smoke just hit them in the face and ruined everything. I sit here wondering why they don't see the airborne allergins that are attacting their bodies in every day life. I don't hear near as much from the people that where unlucky enough to contract Norvo on a cruise ship. People just feel the need to complain about something...anything that makes them feel better for the moment.


A person that is on a cruise ship on a balcony that Claims they can smell smoke when the ship is doing 22 knots is just full of it. Go ahead try it...take your favorite Yankie Candle light it and then put a fan on high....smells good right? Wrong! Get a life be happy and stop trying to pass your phobia onto every other American that has the same rights as you.

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I will probably be slammed for this post, but honestly, your vacation is what you make of it. Maybe being from the south has me blind to some of the worldly ways, but I have found a polite request is seldom met with a gruff response. :)


This is EXACTLY what I have been saying and has been my experience as well. A polite explanation and request goes a LONG way. If a person isn't willing to "blow it another way" then my choice is to move. NO ONE can smoke 100% of the time on their balcony. There WILL be times I can enjoy my balcony even IF someone smokes.


On my cruise in September, the person next to us smoked. I was sitting on the balcony, and my neighbor came out and started smoking. He peered over the partition and said "I usually smoke between 9-10 am with breakfast" and I told him "Thanks for letting me know!". I can avoid my balcony for an hour and everyone is happy!


Politeness people. Respect for other human beings.

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We are cruising in less than a month now, and this will be my first cruise as a non smoker, I quit 8 months ago. It by far is the hardest thing I have ever done. I smoked for over 30 years, I know that I can always find a place on the ship where there is no smoking allowed and those areas I never spent much time in so I'm looking forward to it this time.



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While I appreciate your rights as a smoker, it seems the same is not returned. I can get lung cancer from second hand smoke, you get nothing from me as a non smoker except the "complaints" you speak of. Does anyone remember that recently Christopher Reeves wife Dana died of lung cancer - never smoked a day in her life. No, she sang in bars full of smoke.


Yes, she died of lung cancer, but sadly there are many ways you can get lung cancer these days. The latest is that various Laser printers cause lung cancer and are just as harmful if not more harmful than cigarettes... yet we have very few customers that are protecting their employees from laser printers. More than 15% of lung cancers are caused by something other than smoking... including pollution from cars/trucks and factories, asbestos, other chemicals, other diseases, etc.


I know exactly what you are saying, and I support it... i just wanted to clear up that the cause of Dana Reeves lung cancer remains unknown... Not trying to stir up a hornets nest... :o

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We are cruising in less than a month now, and this will be my first cruise as a non smoker, I quit 8 months ago. It by far is the hardest thing I have ever done. I smoked for over 30 years, I know that I can always find a place on the ship where there is no smoking allowed and those areas I never spent much time in so I'm looking forward to it this time.







That's huge!!! Take some gum. I found when I first quit that I had to have something to do with my hands. I took up playing with my watch...it's quiet, I don't look like a freak, and it's free!!!


Good luck!!!! And again....congrats!

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mmmmk.. yeah, whatever. Next time if you're going to be rude or whatever you think you're doing, think before you type.


You obviously missed the first ever manpris comment in a thread.:rolleyes: Remove foot from mouth...

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I know and it is certainly fair to point that out....and believe me I get this from both sides as my parents do still smoke. I handle most of our travel arrangements and for their sake always have to make sure that smoking is allowed. I am not trying to be insensitive to smokers at all, but on the other hand it would be appreciated if they realized that the smoke can be harmful to others.



Yes, she died of lung cancer, but sadly there are many ways you can get lung cancer these days. The latest is that various Laser printers cause lung cancer and are just as harmful if not more harmful than cigarettes... yet we have very few customers that are protecting their employees from laser printers. More than 15% of lung cancers are caused by something other than smoking... including pollution from cars/trucks and factories, asbestos, other chemicals, other diseases, etc.


I know exactly what you are saying, and I support it... i just wanted to clear up that the cause of Dana Reeves lung cancer remains unknown... Not trying to stir up a hornets nest... :o

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A post (rather longish) was made regarding laser printers and copiers as a potential cause of lung cancer. The study which came to this possible conclusion was very preliminary and very limited, indeed. It actually looked at fewer than two dozen printers of one model in one environment. That is not good research. Naturally, sensationalists grabbed this and ran with speculation as fact.


I have spent over 35 years in the office machine business. I can state as a certainty that the vast majority of copiers and printers do not spew toner dust into the if they are properly maintained. That means changing supplies and consumables in a timely manner, vacuuming out the spillage and changing filters as recommended. Most dealers are cutting corners in this regard. Billable customers balk at spending the money. Need I say more.:rolleyes:


Fact is, we have mighty strong evidence that second hand smoke is a carcinogen. We have very little to implicate copier toners.





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I am so sick of people whining about cigarette smoke. If you are 'afraid' of smelling smoke.

If you are that paranoid that you will come in contact with smoke, then stay home !

It is a legal substance, so deal with it.

Yes, we know it's legal,

but that's exactly what we're lookin to change!


Want to join my newly formed N.O.R.T.L. ?


Nation Organisation for the Reform of Tobacco Laws.

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Congrats on your accomplishment!!


We are cruising in less than a month now, and this will be my first cruise as a non smoker, I quit 8 months ago. It by far is the hardest thing I have ever done. I smoked for over 30 years, I know that I can always find a place on the ship where there is no smoking allowed and those areas I never spent much time in so I'm looking forward to it this time.



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Yes, we know it's legal,

but that's exactly what we're lookin to change!


Want to join my newly formed N.O.R.T.L. ?


Nation Organisation for the Reform of Tobacco Laws.



Careful now, what's next? No more fast food because it contains fat, and being fat causes death?...etc....etc....:eek:

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A post (rather longish) was made regarding laser printers and copiers as a potential cause of lung cancer. The study which came to this possible conclusion was very preliminary and very limited, indeed. It actually looked at fewer than two dozen printers of one model in one environment. That is not good research. Naturally, sensationalists grabbed this and ran with speculation as fact.


I have spent over 35 years in the office machine business. I can state as a certainty that the vast majority of copiers and printers do not spew toner dust into the if they are properly maintained. That means changing supplies and consumables in a timely manner, vacuuming out the spillage and changing filters as recommended. Most dealers are cutting corners in this regard. Billable customers balk at spending the money. Need I say more.:rolleyes:


Fact is, we have mighty strong evidence that second hand smoke is a carcinogen. We have very little to implicate copier toners.






I am also "in the business" (not copiers and toners, but networks) and we paid close attention to the study, in order to give the best advice to the hundreds of calls we were getting from customers. It was actually 62 printers that were tested (45 different models)... 37 didn't emit anything, 6 were low, 2 were medium and 17 were high. People can dismiss it all they want, but who is to say there is nothing to it? They didn't say the laser printers spewed anything, the concern was with the ultra fine particles that are emitted (and nobody is arguing that particles actually have to go onto the paper :p). Of course new cartridges emit more particles than old, graphics more than text, etc. I'm also quite sure that many moons ago, when someone suggested that smoking caused lung cancer, people laughed that off too... we aren't running around like chicken little, but we have made our customers aware of the study, and they can do with it what they like. We have had one customer place their printers in closet offices... I think that you will soon see emissions regulations on printers in the near future.

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Yes, we know it's legal,

but that's exactly what we're lookin to change!


Want to join my newly formed N.O.R.T.L. ?


Nation Organisation for the Reform of Tobacco Laws.




Is that something you are just forming in Barbados, or are you going to rename it the INTERNATIONAL organization?? :p

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I am not trying to be insensitive to smokers at all,

but on the other hand it would be appreciated

if they realized that the smoke can be harmful to others.


What behaviour can you expect from addicts?


Any rancour you encounter is due to a classical,medical known drug addiction problem.

This is standard bahaviour of those who don't want to give up the addiction.

They will fight you tooth and nail.

Even in Rehab!


It may interest you to know that, many years ago,

all the Drug Rehabs were asked to assemble a list of problem drugs

in order of difficulty, given their experience of curing rehab patients.


Something like sixteen Drug Rehab places submitted lists

and at the very top of all 16 lists was..................

Our Good friend from Virginia, Kentucky, N.and S.Carolina.


marijuana was 5th.

Alcohol was about 3rd. as I recall.

I think heroin was second, but I could be wrong.



NOW you know what you're dealing with,

the world's most addictive drug,

more so than alcohol and heroin,even!

Why do you think it's still legal?

Half of America is utterly hooked - on the American Drug!



I dare you!

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I dont care about if the windows are up or down but I HATE it when the used up Cig comes sailing towards my car when it has been flicked out a window. WHY do SOMe people do that ? Littering and trying to catch me on fire ? :)



The reason people do this is because they don't want the cigarette butts in their ashtrays. Not only do they stink, but they have to be cleaned out eventually. Ever seen a pile of cigarette butts in a parking lot where someone cleaned out their ashtray?


This is a bit off the subject of cigarette smoke but still is somewhat relevant.:) When we were on the Destiny in January we had a balcony on the Upper Deck. We'd be out there at night just relaxing to the waves crashing against the ship when we'd see lit cigarette butts come flying from above and landing right next to us on our floor. :mad: Thankfully we never got hit, but I was getting mighty mad. My DH and I do smoke, but we NEVER threw our butts off the ship. How much does it take for people to put it in the ash tray or at least a partially empty pop can?:confused:


This is the reason they stress "don't throw anything over the side of the ship... particularly cigarette butts. This is a serious fire hazard, I, for one, don't care to be out sailing on the ocean on a burning cruise ship.


Speaking of fire hazard, when we were on the Mariner of the Seas, we witnessed a woman put a burning cigarette butt in a trash can. I couldn't believe anyone could be so dumb. An officer of the ship came along a minute later and we told him. Again, I don't care to be sailing on the ocean on a burning cruise ship.


As for the endless debate of smokers vs. non-smokers... I am a non-smoker and am seriously bothered by cigarette smoke. However, it seems reasonable to me that smoking be allowed in some areas of the ship. It is easy enough to avoid the smoking areas if you don't want to be around smoke. As for the balcony issue, this does seem like a problem for many people, though it seems that at least some have found it managable by courtesy.:)

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I firmly believe that our environment has plenty of 'stuff' floating around in it, not to mention the poisonous crap we sometimes call food that we injest every day and there are are a million reasons we could get cancer....copiers or not. This fact doesn't make cigarettes any better.

The bottom line with cruising is that I don't think smokers (some anyway) understand how bad the odor is to a non smoker. It's not just the smoke. If you've got a couple smokers standing in a room together with not one of them having a cigarette lit, you can still smell them from quite a distance...sorry guys but you all reek.


If you take this as a personal attack, so be it...doesn't matter 'cause it's a fact. You may not smell it...just as the person who eats the Caesar salad doesn't smell the garlic on another person...that's just how it works. But to those who don't smoke, whether you have one lit in your hand makes no difference, that smell lingers in your hair, on your clothes and everywhere. You're walking around with a cloud around you like the Peanuts chararcter.


It's ok...I'll be eating the Caesar salad. If you don't like garlic, just stay away :p


The only really bad cigarette experience I had on a ship was in an obstructed view balcony. The people in the cabin next to our DD's, tossed their butts onto the top of the life boat below...real class :rolleyes: It piled up pretty high by the end of the week.

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This is the reason they stress "don't throw anything over the side of the ship...

particularly cigarette butts.

This is a serious fire hazard, and I for one,

don't care to be out sailing on the ocean on a burning cruise ship.


Speaking of fire hazard, when we were on the Mariner of the Seas,

we witnessed a woman put a burning cigarette butt in a trash can.

I couldn't believe anyone could be so dumb. ===> little oxygen to the brain!

An officer of the ship came along a minute later and we told him.

Again, I don't care to be sailing on the ocean on a burning cruise ship.


eliminating.. Fire hazard is one of the big plusses to be gained by making Tobacco illegal.


Think how many apartment, house and forest fires would NOT happen,

if there were no cigarettes around to start them!


Quite apart from the health and sheer-aggravation aspect of it,

Fire hazard should be recognized and added to the MAKE TOBACCO ILLEGAL drive,

but I don't see that happening anytime soon, if it hasn't already.


Modern Medicine has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Tobacco sucks.

The Surgeon General of the United States of America fer God's sake,

-places his personal warnings on every package of the stuff

and yet it's still there.

Like Chuckie, from Friday The Thirteenth!..like something possessed




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Think how many apartment, house and forest fires would NOT happen,

if there were no cigarettes around to start them!




Think about it, then we can also help the obesity problem, because we would need to make cooking illegal too, since it is the number one cause of house fires :p Then we can do away with portable heaters, holiday decorations, fireplaces, gas grills, clothes dryers, candles, etc. It's going to be like living in the old west, I LOVE IT :D:D

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