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Carnival Sensation: Review of a first cruise


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Please bear in mind also that the OP's native language is probably not English, although her English is excellent and although she is being honest and telling it exactly how she saw it maybe if she was telling it in her own language the edges would be softened!

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Of course, the average American person is at least twice as large as the average European person, so that could make that relatively the shower is small for Americans.
OUCH -- twice as large? Yes, I have read all the other comments, and I'm not being overly sensitive, but I see quite an exaggeration here. I live in Orlando and see PLENTY of European people.


Now, on with the review??

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[quote name=sandravb79


I had also read that the showers are so small. Euhm.. that shower is bigger than the one we have at home (we have a regular European shower in the bathroom). Of course, the average American person is at least twice as large as the average European person, so that could make that relatively the shower is small for Americans.[/quote]



I have only read this far, but I can only imagine the responses on this !


Bye the way, I am enjoying your review.

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Ok I just read all the posts and I think some of you people are waaay overly sensitive. What the op posted regarding Americans I think she was pretty much right on. I have witnessed the same thing at the buffet on all my cruises. The average American is overweight and possibly that could be the reason some complain about the showers. And we loved Freeport. Just happens it was one of the best beaches we ever visited. But then again it gets the worse rap on here.

She did not call Americans fat or stupid:rolleyes: She is posting her experience as she saw it.

And yes I am American;)


I'd have to also agree with Kurbanfan. I didn't see this review as a bashing Americans until it was pointed out. And btw I'm about as American as you can get. Some are just being way too sensative. Then again in today's world one could just breath and someone else would get offended. I was actually more impressed with their ability to clearly write in english since their from Belgium. Oh well, so much for this review.

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LOL! I don't know which "side" is more xenophobic. Sandra, I enjoyed your review - you write excellent colloquial American/English.


You did mention "...I am about 6 feet tall, and not the skinniest person in the world." That doesn't jibe with your description of Americans being twice the size of Europeans.


Regardless, I liked your honesty and a bit of self-denigration (which some posters seem to have missed).

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She mentions how Americans ate...........did she check passports? And boy she takes pictures of her food and has appetizers, salads, entree's and sometimes two desserts...........And why the need to say Americans ate like that just say the people who ate like they hadn't seen food.

She mentions how Americans are twice as big for the shower.........yet she is 6 ft tall and not skinny..........mmmmmm

She mentions how everyone on this board calls Freeport a dump..........and compares it to towns in the USA.


Maybe she isn't bashing America but it sounds like under handed slams to me...although she writes nicely..........

This is just MHO......................

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Please! The lady was writing a review. We don't need to do a review of her writing. I think it's in very poor taste to start critiquing her style and opinions. Before you know it, nobody will want to write a review at all, for fear of picking it apart and bashing the writers. If you don't want to read it, stop reading.

I was enjoying the review and laughing that she thought we all ate like we were starved. You have to admit, that's part of the fun on a cruise. The food is fun! We've cruised only once, and it was on this same ship last Spring Break. I really was enjoying hearing her review the trip. It was like being there again, which brought back all the fun for me.

When I visit a foreign country, I might see things that I think are peculiar too, and hope people will enjoy how I look at things and not pick me apart and make me feel bad.

Not everyone thinks the way we Americans do. It's refreshing to hear and laugh at what other Nationalities think. So what if she exaggerated a bit. That's part of writing a good tale. She has a flair for writing. I was loving it.

To the writer: I hope you'll finish the story. I'm sorry for the critical comments.

God Bless America and bring on the turkey for Thanksgiving!

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Please! The lady was writing a review. We don't need to do a review of her writing. I think it's in very poor taste to start critiquing her style and opinions. !



I agree with this statement....100%


Adding my two cents: I sailed on the Sensation last May, and I have to say that it was not one of the best cruises I've taken. Sadly, our discontent was not because of the ship, the ports, or Carnival, but because of our fellow passengers. Several things that this lady mentioned in her review about her fellow passengers are things that I observed as well, but truthfully preferred to keep to myself. (partly for fear of being "bashed" for my observations). Like she also pointed out about the port of Freeport, it might not be the prettiest port in the Bahamas, but its beaches and sights are way nicer than many sights that I see on a daily basis around my town in the U.S.


As a normal sized American, I thank this lady for her review, and I don't take offense to anything she wrote. Her review is merely that: HER review and her opinion. I might have written it somewhat differently to get my point across, but like someone mentioned before, I'm not here to "review" her writing, just to read and learn from what she had to say...

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I was enjoying the review myself, it was a different perspective. Sometimes people are offended when the truth hurts.;)

Americans, this is how many people from other countries view us, including the people who live on the islands we love to visit.:o

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"A BMI of between 18.5 and 25 is considered healthy, between 25 and 30 overweight and above 30 obese. The latest figures show that the average citizen in 20 EU countries, including the UK - where the average BMI is 25.4 - is overweight."

Credit the BBC with the above stats. See stats can be twisted to your liking to prove a point.


I agree lets keep the posts to reviews of the ships.





An American who is not OBESE or OVERWEIGHT


Ok I just read all the posts and I think some of you people are waaay overly sensitive. What the op posted regarding Americans I think she was pretty much right on. I have witnessed the same thing at the buffet on all my cruises. The average American is overweight and possibly that could be the reason some complain about the showers. And we loved Freeport. Just happens it was one of the best beaches we ever visited. But then again it gets the worse rap on here.

She did not call Americans fat or stupid:rolleyes: She is posting her experience as she saw it.

And yes I am American;)

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I was enjoying the review myself, it was a different perspective. Sometimes people are offended when the truth hurts.;)

Americans, this is how many people from other countries view us, including the people who live on the islands we love to visit.:o



I totally agree. ;)

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I don't know if it is just me but I am getting the feeling you don't like Americans, first you talk about how they eat and you mention this several times, then how they are too fat for the showers, then about the dumpy towns in Texas and so forth................ I think I am done hearing about your cruise!!!!


I must admit that I find this review a bit offensive, but it does keep me interested and i would enjoy reading more. I guess it's just a different perpective?!

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Please! The lady was writing a review. We don't need to do a review of her writing. I think it's in very poor taste to start critiquing her style and opinions. Before you know it, nobody will want to write a review at all, for fear of picking it apart and bashing the writers. If you don't want to read it, stop reading.

Actually, this is a message board and we are ALL entitled to contribute as long as we follow the rules here. No one has attacked her, just stated their opinions. If she didn't want feedback, she could have posted her review in the reviews section of this website. I would also like to hear the rest of her review, but people need to realize that they are open to comments from others when they post here -- whether they agree with them or not.

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Please! The lady was writing a review. We don't need to do a review of her writing. I think it's in very poor taste to start critiquing her style and opinions. Before you know it, nobody will want to write a review at all, for fear of picking it apart and bashing the writers. If you don't want to read it, stop reading.

I was enjoying the review and laughing that she thought we all ate like we were starved. You have to admit, that's part of the fun on a cruise. The food is fun! We've cruised only once, and it was on this same ship last Spring Break. I really was enjoying hearing her review the trip. It was like being there again, which brought back all the fun for me.

When I visit a foreign country, I might see things that I think are peculiar too, and hope people will enjoy how I look at things and not pick me apart and make me feel bad.

Not everyone thinks the way we Americans do. It's refreshing to hear and laugh at what other Nationalities think. So what if she exaggerated a bit. That's part of writing a good tale. She has a flair for writing. I was loving it.

To the writer: I hope you'll finish the story. I'm sorry for the critical comments.

God Bless America and bring on the turkey for Thanksgiving!



I agree !!!!! Let the lady finish her review! I also was enjoying it.

I love being a member of CC and love reading reviews. Even if I don't share the same opinions sometimes.

I don't understand why the bashers always come out. If you don't like the post, it is o.k. to give your opinion , but we don't have to bash people for theirs. Let's keep these boards a fun place to visit... for everyone ...


I hope she comes back and finishes her review.

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In general, I do like Americans. I have spent many many summers in the US while staying in host families.

However, this was teh first time I was confronted with Americans while they are on vacation (except at Disney, but that is a whole different experience). Things I have never noticed before were very obvious this trip, like how they always run for the buffet as if it's the first food they have ever seen. Btw, the cruise director mentioned this every time he did a speech.

Next to that, I had read many many complaints about the showers and Freeport/ the Bahamas.


I have been to many neighbourhoods in the US, nice ones, very rich ones, not so nice ones. It is not fair from Americans to call Freeport a dump, it is not as if it is so much worse than in their own country.


Is every twon in Texas a dump? No. But Freeport isn't either, so people shouldn't write that either in their reviews, it gives a way too negative image of a nice destination.

Is every American fat? No. But it isn't fair either to say that those showers are way too small.


I am sorry this hurts your feelings. But this is my trip report, it says how we felt during our trip. What we noticed, how things were way different from what you can read in so many reviews and how we were sometimes shocked by certain behaviour. I am sure that there is a big possibility that I can read in another trip report about things that we did and that other people found weird or were shocked by.


If you don't like to continue reading, fine, I am sure there are many other threads to be read :)


Ok I just read all the posts and I think some of you people are waaay overly sensitive. What the op posted regarding Americans I think she was pretty much right on. I have witnessed the same thing at the buffet on all my cruises. The average American is overweight and possibly that could be the reason some complain about the showers. And we loved Freeport. Just happens it was one of the best beaches we ever visited. But then again it gets the worse rap on here.

She did not call Americans fat or stupid:rolleyes: She is posting her experience as she saw it.

And yes I am American;)


I agree...it's nice to see things through other peoples eyes..I am American and it is just a fact that food portions in our country are outrageous. I'll have to admit that I eat a little more than normal on vacation..but I am generally a healthy (as in nutrition) eater. But to each his own! Having said that, as the op also seems to also say , people shouldn't stereotype people or places. Every country has it's "dumps" , every country has its overeaters, every country has its rude people. I think what bothers me most is wasted food. Food should never be wasted!

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I was enjoying the review myself, it was a different perspective. Sometimes people are offended when the truth hurts.;)

Americans, this is how many people from other countries view us, including the people who live on the islands we love to visit.:o


You know what I can go between 118 to 123 depending on the time of year,(we all need to put our winter coats on :p ), but when I started reading this woman's review she made it seem like she was a little itsy bitsy thing, I was thinking about 4'10 and maybe 105 lbs soaking wet. Yes many Europeans are smaller than us, but alot seem to have smaller bone structures. At first when she mentioned the shower that's what I thought she meant but as I kept reading I felt otherwise.


The reason many people in other countries are thinner is because they have their big meal at noon. They also are able to eat more fruits and vegatables espically on the islands because they grow them there.In our country many low income americans can't afford the price of fresh veggies and fruit at the supermarkets ! Unfortunatly in our country it is cheaper for our less fortunate to get fast food :rolleyes: !

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But to each his own! Having said that, as the op also seems to also say , people shouldn't stereotype people or places. Every country has it's "dumps" , every country has its overeaters, every country has its rude people. I think what bothers me most is wasted food. Food should never be wasted!



Your right, because of the OP's own description of herself she is not the "sterotype" of her country !

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OP I sure hope you come back and finish your review. Sure would love to hear the rest:)


Of course that I am going to finish my review! After a long period on the Disboards, I have a permanent flame suit on :)

I just have to go to quite some doctor appointments and fysiotherapy to get my ankle fixed + need to do some work for my job from home too + have the patisserie course I follow, so many things to do.

Btw, of course I eat two desserts, I have to do "research" for the chef classes I take!


Your right, because of the OP's own description of herself she is not the "sterotype" of her country !


I am not at all a stereotype person in my country. In Belgium, I am considered one of the more overweighted persons. It's basically impossible for me to find clothes here, as well because I am tal as because I am large.

Example: In Belgium, if I don't breathe in, I can squish myself in an extra-large Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt. It's hard to play 18 holes of golf while not breathing, so that's why I shop in the US, where I can easily fit in a medium.

That's the reason I go twice a year on vacation to the US and during each vacation have at least one or two full days for shopping, so that I can buy many many clothes there.




I am sorry for those that are hurt by my review.

I read constantly how bad Freeport is, and I felt it was necessary to defend it, because it isn't that bad. We liked it.

I read constanly how small the showers were; I had expected showers about 1/4 of the size they actually are!

And if the CD Matt wouldn't have mentioned it over and over again how people ran to the buffets, I wouldn't have mentioned it either.


Btw, I have a pretty good view on who was international (= non-US) on the ship. We had a very early meeting on disembarkation-day. 6 am in the kaleidoscope bar, to get through immigration.

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I loaded my pictures into my pc!


First highlight of the cruise: we have a view on the Mickey boat!




The beautiful beach in Freeport (Our Lucaya resort)




The special Halloween pumpkin cheesecake. And the warm chocolate cake! :D




The formal dress that fit the decor (purple flowers on the skirt). And of course, the Crocs... oh well... better outfit next cruise!




Conch chowder in Nassau. It was rather expensive (7.95 for a small one), but it was very good!




Horse carriage ride in Nassau




Not very clear on this picture, but there are 4 cruise ships in Nassau: Sensation, a RCL, a HAL and another Carnival




Last highlight of the cruise: breakfast with a view, a view of Mickey's cruise ship.




This is all the luggage we easily fit in the room. Suitcases is what we arrived with, bags is all the stuff we bought in Orlando. Oops...



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