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NCL Service Charge - Can this be changed? waved?


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Does anyone (presumably an insider) know whether or not NCL will take the position that any recent change to the contract of carriage applies to passengers who booked and paid before the change?


According to NCL's UK website ...




On all NCL ships, payment of a pre-paid service charge is required. A fixed Service Charge of $10 per person, per day will be added to your on-board account. For children ages 3-12, a $5 per person per day charge will be added to your on-board account; there is no charge for children under the age of three.

Our crew is encouraged to work together as a service team and compensated by a combination of salary and incentive programme that the Service Charge supports. It is our earnest wish that you enjoy your NCL cruise experience and that our entire crew in all areas of the ship will provide you with the standard of service for which NCL is known. Therefore, if you have any concerns about the service you receive during your cruise, please bring them to the immediate attention of our Reception Desk staff on board so that we can address any issues in a timely manner before the cruise is over.

Both NCL and NCL America have a structured guest satisfaction programme on board designed to handle any concerns raised by our guests relating to the service or on-board product quickly and efficiently. In almost all cases we are able to come up with a satisfactory solution to any issues which are raised and make sure our guests can focus on enjoying their cruise holiday. In the unlikely event we cannot satisfactorily resolve the issues through our guest satisfaction programme, guests will be able to adjust the Service Charge according to the level of inconvenience they feel they have experienced. Our clear priority is to have the opportunity of resolving the issue, when it happens, to everyone’s complete satisfaction.

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Its my understanding that the number of people asking to adjust is very low. When an NCL cruise gets a few people asking they just as soon allow them to "adjust" without much hassle but if many people go to the pursers desk and adjust this is going to be reported to the home office and when its more than a few you might be given a hard time. The reality is there are just some hard corp cheapos(IMO) that insist on doing their way- which in many but not all cases means less than the suggested amount for reasons having nothing to do with the service. I would hate to be on the other cruise lines which have added the fuel surcharge even for those who have paid in full because many of the cruisers will take it out on the service staff.


Its somewhat rare that a see a good reason to adjust the tips that has anything to do with service most of the time its some petty complaint about the room(and not its cleanliness).


This doesn't mean you shouldn't complain and adjust when its appropriate. I have left nothing at a restaurant on a rare occasion(only once)... and I did complain to the manager paid for what I had eaten and left.

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Its somewhat rare that a see a good reason to adjust the tips that has anything to do with service most of the time its some petty complaint about the room(and not its cleanliness).

This doesn't mean you shouldn't complain and adjust when its appropriate. I have left nothing at a restaurant on a rare occasion(only once)... and I did complain to the manager paid for what I had eaten and left.


Or the "tip" stiffers;)

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Or the "tip" stiffers;)


Now it's well and good having an opinion, but let's remember. How, where and when people choose to spend THEIR own money is THEIR prerogative, not ours. It's easy to be judgmental when they don't conform to our percieved notion of acceptability or normality.


If people choose to pay low tips, that's their choice, whether you agree.

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Can you tell me where, please?


This is so bizarre. I went to check what it said after reading rybreadsmom's posts. The last time I looked, a couple of months ago, that portion of the FAQ said something like "our team understands how important it is to serve you blah blah blah and we have instituted a service charge to use as an incentive for the people you see and those you don't blah blah blah and while 'tipping' is not necessary, it would be nice blah blah blah."


The part that mentions the service charge is completely gone from the FAQ now and I couldn't find it anywhere, let alone on the site map that requires a 42" monitor to find the link in the first place. They talk about the tips (still not necessary but nice) but I couldn't find a mention of the service charge.


So I looked at the part that's "about e-docs" to see what it says in the contract of carriage, and what they have is a jpeg that is not legible. And then, under what the cruise fare includes, is this: What does my cruise fare include?


Your cruise fare entitles you to accommodations, meals and entertainment aboard ship. Certain specialty restaurants are available with either nominal cover charges or fixed price menus and à la carte pricing in addition to the standard dining program. Items of a personal nature are not included, such as alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, spa treatments, indoor pool relaxation areas, certain specialty exercise classes, laundry, photographs, casino, ship-to-shore phone, email, Internet, fax and Shore Excursions (including all Dive In" programs). Government taxes and fees are also not included. All these things that aren't included, and no mention of a service charge? Strange!










Yes . ( NcL web page , sign in, go to "what you need to know before you go" section , Read the ticket contract information . Its about the third paragraph. ) Im only make note of the change in the verbage .

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This is the only service charge reference in the edocs for my 1/27/08 cruise:


3. Terms of Fare:

The fare paid by the Guest for this ticket includes transportation on the vessel named herein, full board, and ordinary ship's food, but does not include beer, wine, spirits, sodas or mineral waters, nor service charges or expenses incurred for other incidental or personal services/purchases. The fare does not include taxes and fees imposed by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities. If governmental or quasi-governmental action results in any element of such taxes and fees exceeding the estimates used by Carrier for purposes of computing the quoted amount, Carrier reserves the right to pass through the extra amount. The Guest agrees that the Carrier shall not be liable to make any refund to the Guest for tickets that are wholly or partially unused by the Guest except as otherwise expressly stated in this Contract, any law or government regulation to the contrary notwithstanding. Refunds shall be made as specified herein and in the cancellation policy section of the Terms and Conditions of the cruise brochure, which policy is incorporated herein by reference. Carrier's crew is compensated by a combination of salary and incentive programs that are funded in part by the service charge paid by each Guest. The charge is intended to reward service provided in all departments and job categories and is distributed to employees according to Carrier's evaluation of job performance. A portion of the service charge collected by Carrier is also used for fleet-wide crew welfare programs. For these purposes a fixed service charge of $10 per person per day will be added to your onboard account. For children ages 3-12, a $5 per person per day charge will be added to your onboard account; there is no charge for children under the age of three.

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Here is my personal issue with the current system:

We are tippers. We are BIG tippers when we get good service. Our older children have all worked customer service at some point and they are also GOOD tippers.


When we have a meal in the dining room it doesn't feel natural to leave without a nice tip. When we have a meal with all the children we typically tip around $100 or more. We also tip all the drink waiters, the bar tenders, the room steward, etc.


If we leave the auto tip in place then it is an additional $70 a day we are paying for tips while we are also tipping over $200 a day (between all of us) for the people who are providing our service personally. $270 per day times 7....yikes.


Our struggle each and every cruise is this: Do we limit our personal tips since we have the auto tip in place? Do we remove the autotip and tip above what is required anyway?


For some people it's not about being "cheap"....it isn't for us.

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Here is my personal issue with the current system:

We are tippers. We are BIG tippers when we get good service. Our older children have all worked customer service at some point and they are also GOOD tippers.


When we have a meal in the dining room it doesn't feel natural to leave without a nice tip. When we have a meal with all the children we typically tip around $100 or more. We also tip all the drink waiters, the bar tenders, the room steward, etc.


If we leave the auto tip in place then it is an additional $70 a day we are paying for tips while we are also tipping over $200 a day (between all of us) for the people who are providing our service personally. $270 per day times 7....yikes.


Our struggle each and every cruise is this: Do we limit our personal tips since we have the auto tip in place? Do we remove the autotip and tip above what is required anyway?


For some people it's not about being "cheap"....it isn't for us.


If you're paying $270 per day as a family, how difficult will it be to reduce that amount $10 per day per person?


Assuming there's 10 in your family group, that leaves $170 you tip extra per day as a group.


What I'm suggesting, just add additional tips in smaller amounts than what you're used to, accounting for the $10 auto service charge per day per person.

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If you're paying $270 per day as a family, how difficult will it be to reduce that amount $10 per day per person?


Assuming there's 10 in your family group, that leaves $170 you tip extra per day as a group.


What I'm suggesting, just add additional tips in smaller amounts than what you're used to, accounting for the $10 auto service charge per day per person.


As posed in my original question:

Our struggle each and every cruise is this: Do we limit our personal tips since we have the auto tip in place?


We personally have a hard time with this. That is why I posted our personal point of view. Some people are cheap, no doubt. We are not those people. However, there has to be a limit somewhere.

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Our struggle each and every cruise is this: Do we limit our personal tips since we have the auto tip in place?


We personally have a hard time with this.

Why should you "have a hard time with this?" You may be very "generous" with your "personal tips," but there are dozens of crew members with whom you will not come in direct contact yet who serve you on your cruise but would get nothing whatsoever from your "generous" personal tips. Some part of your service charge is going to those who take care of you directly anyway, so what is the big problem with reducing your "personal tips" by a corresponding amount? Seems like a simple and equitable solution to me, not a "struggle."

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What about Tipping?



Guests should not feel obliged to offer a gratuity for good service. However, all of our staff are encouraged to go the extra mile, and so they are permitted to accept cash gratuities entirely at the discretion of our guests who wish to acknowledge particular staff members for exceptional or outstanding service. In other words, there is genuinely no need to tip but you should feel free to do so if you have a desire to acknowledge particular individuals.




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Why should you "have a hard time with this?" You may be very "generous" with your "personal tips," but there are dozens of crew members with whom you will not come in direct contact yet who serve you on your cruise but would get nothing whatsoever from your "generous" personal tips. Some part of your service charge is going to those who take care of you directly anyway, so what is the big problem with reducing your "personal tips" by a corresponding amount? Seems like a simple and equitable solution to me, not a "struggle."



Not to open a can of worms here but tipping is generally for the people who personally provide service to customers. Since when do kitchen staff, laundry staff, etc enjoy tips? In land based businesses the service people might recieve a lower hourly wage with the expectations that their tips will more than make up the difference. The other staff are paid in line with industry standards. People work to get promoted to the service areas so that they might make more money. THAT is incentive enough for them to do their jobs well.


I work in a job where I can get bonuses. At times I am pulled into an area that will not allow me to work toward a bonus. OH WELL. My daughter works in a job where her commission checks are often higher than her regular salary. At times she has to step off the service area and her commission check will reflect it. That's real life. If the cruiseline is not paying their staff properly then they ought to fix that.


And yes, I am ok with paying a slightly higher cruise fare to cover it. If they want to gouge me then that is a different story.

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there should be no reason to remove or reduce the normal gratuitie s..the

crew does it s best under sometime s difficult circumstance s to provide the best sevice they can..


however, there are individual s who are high maitenance who don t realize it..and after receiving what would be consider d good service view it as

sub par..


during dinner..if i receive what i percieve as the min. but not bad service

then the onboard gratuity i feel is adequate..however, if the service is

beyond my expectation s for that evening..then ill give an additional gratuity after time of service..


there was an instance where my son and his gf had a cabin next to us..what he expect d from the steward, who was also our s.. i felt was

unresonable..because of the attitude of my son thru out the cruise and how well the steward respond d..i made a point to thank the steward with a few kind word s and an extra gratuity for putting up with my son in such a civil manner..*here was a good example of how different 2 people can perceive the service rendered..


i would like to think that my experience in travel and dealing with the

travel industry gave me a better perspective of the service s..and a

better appreciation of them..


in my past..i ve seen just too many arrogant passenger s who have treated cruise personel as servant s..and sometime s i would feel they

really need a punch in the face..:(

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there should be no reason to remove or reduce the normal gratuitie s..the

crew does it s best under sometime s difficult circumstance s to provide the best sevice they can..


however, there are individual s who are high maitenance who don t realize it..and after receiving what would be consider d good service view it as

sub par..


in my past..i ve seen just too many arrogant passenger s who have treated cruise personel as servant s..and sometime s i would feel they

really need a punch in the face..:(


I completely AGREE. We don't remove the auto tip (for the record) but I also think that people who provide good service should be rewarded.

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but there are dozens of crew members with whom you will not come in direct contact yet who serve you on your cruise but would get nothing whatsoever from your "generous" personal tips. Some part of your service charge is going to those who take care of you directly anyway


Sorry - I agree with Jen on the response.


So, the "service charge" goes to tipping not only the room steward, wait staff, and those I do come in contact with, but all of the behind the scenes folks who don't generally get tips...on other cruiselines? Well then WOW! we are getting one heck of a deal for only $10 per person per day as that is about the industry average (possibly a little below) recommended tip for those you have direct/daily contact with on any other cruiseline.


Call it a "service charge" or whatever else you like - it is a mandatory tip. I even posted what NCL has on their website - no tips are required...and why is that? Because you are already paying the mandatory tip via the "service charge".



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Call it a "service charge" or whatever else you like - it is a mandatory tip. I even posted what NCL has on their website - no tips are required...and why is that? Because you are already paying the mandatory tip via the "service charge".


That's right. I'll trade the "service charge" for tips any day!

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  • 1 year later...

this is my first post here and I will soon be traveling on only my second cruise... but do they give you a break down of the auto tipping?


They did on the carnival cruise I took and that break down is the only thing I changed, I let them do the $12 per day that it was for my cruise but I had them redistribute the $4 per day that was going to the Maitre'd I thought that was extreem and since I only ate in the dining room one night I didn't see why he/she should get my money for every day that I was on the ship.


does anyone know what the auto tipping breakdown is?


I don't know how many people have the title of maitre'd but on a cruise with 2000 passengers at $4.00 of the daily tips for the maitre'd adds up to $8000 a day in tips, keep in mind that wait staff was a seperate item in the break down.


oops guess I should have looked at when this thread was started...

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this is my first post here and I will soon be traveling on only my second cruise... but do they give you a break down of the auto tipping?


They did on the carnival cruise I took and that break down is the only thing I changed, I let them do the $12 per day that it was for my cruise but I had them redistribute the $4 per day that was going to the Maitre'd I thought that was extreem and since I only ate in the dining room one night I didn't see why he/she should get my money for every day that I was on the ship.


does anyone know what the auto tipping breakdown is?


I don't know how many people have the title of maitre'd but on a cruise with 2000 passengers at $4.00 of the daily tips for the maitre'd adds up to $8000 a day in tips, keep in mind that wait staff was a seperate item in the break down.


oops guess I should have looked at when this thread was started...


Last I heard, Carnival was still at $10 per day and the maitre'd does not get $4 per day. The break down for Carnival is:


$3.50 / day for the room steward

$3.50 / day for the waiter

$2.00 / day for the asst. waiter

$0.75 / for the other staff

$0.25 / day for maitre'd

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this is my first post here and I will soon be traveling on only my second cruise... but do they give you a break down of the auto tipping?


They did on the carnival cruise I took and that break down is the only thing I changed, I let them do the $12 per day that it was for my cruise but I had them redistribute the $4 per day that was going to the Maitre'd I thought that was extreem and since I only ate in the dining room one night I didn't see why he/she should get my money for every day that I was on the ship.


does anyone know what the auto tipping breakdown is?


I don't know how many people have the title of maitre'd but on a cruise with 2000 passengers at $4.00 of the daily tips for the maitre'd adds up to $8000 a day in tips, keep in mind that wait staff was a seperate item in the break down.


oops guess I should have looked at when this thread was started...


As far as I know and have read, NCL provides no such "breakdown" such as the more traditional lines offer. With freestyle cruising and the MANY offered dining venues, the Service Charge concept is really the only equitable solution to the tipping dilemma where so many different servers are involved. If you have a specific praise or complaint about specific crew members, then please make your observations known to the management staff. STYLE cards can be obtained from the front desk for commending those who have provided ourstanding service to you during your cruise (these can help employees rise in the ranks and get promotions/raises), and of course you can always give extra gratuities if you wish. I hate the thought that if I were to complain and lower my DSC then my room stewards, for instance, will have to forfeit any extra tip I might choose to give them and either put it into the crew pot, or risk getting fired if they do not.

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Last I heard, Carnival was still at $10 per day and the maitre'd does not get $4 per day. The break down for Carnival is:


$3.50 / day for the room steward

$3.50 / day for the waiter

$2.00 / day for the asst. waiter

$0.75 / for the other staff

$0.25 / day for maitre'd


It is possible that the break down we were given on the ship by carnival was wrong. typo? but but the breakdown still added up to the daily amount.


It could have been $10 per day don't really recall for sure


I do recall for sure that there was a whole discussion at my table about why the Maidre'd would get so much, if we should expect some special entertainment from him, and that is when we started adding up the number of passengers and doing the math.

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Greetings everyone,

We've sailed on Princess and Carnival.

Can someone tell me if the Service Charge is mandatory? Meaning - I realize that tipping is optional in addition to the service charge.... but I prefer doing all this sort of thing on my own and in person.


Do I have the right on NCL to ask to have the service charges removed from my account?


I'd like to hear of the experience of others. Princess and Carnival allow me to have the entire amount removed.


I can't imagine why anyone would remove the autotip. But, many do....it's some sort of power trip, I think.


Leave the tip in place.....if you want to tip extra in cash, have at it.


There is no reason to remove the tips......

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A good example of why auto tips is a good thing happened last night. I was working in the buffet and we had more people come in then normal, plus down two crew. What they had me do was go in back by the dishwasher and when waiters came in with their dirty trays i would sort them "muck" instead of them doing it so they could get back out faster and clear more tables faster..get drinks faster etc but with the auto tipping i still was able to get some tips even though I was taken off the floor. James

Dear James


We all have appreciated all your inside information on these boards. I will not get involved in this very upsetting discussion, as I am still reeling from the recent post from the occupant of the Garden Villa who removed the autotip because she thought the 30000. she spent on the cruise was enough. I just wanted to tell you that I remember the post from you when you were talking about working in the cafeteria and found that someone had left a 1.00 tip--and that it made your day. We had never thought of tipping in the cafeteria, but always do so now and think of you--hoping we are making someone's day !! It is terrible to think that any of the wonderful, smiling, friendly and always accommodating crew we have encountered would see some of these posts. I am sorry that you saw them. I hope you are encouraged that the majority is with all of you. And we take satisfaction in the thought that the crew knows who has removed the autotip--and we know they do !!

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